Judgment Brought forth unto VICTORY, AND Mercy kissing Judgment; BEING THE VVORK and MERCY of God, (upon my Soul) which conduceth to his Praise.

Also a Tender Invitation of Love unto the Pro­fessors, and to the Prophane; to come unto Christ, that they may have Life.

Written in the Fear of the Lord, and as moved by his holy Spirit through his Servant, Francis Lea.

For we have not followed cunning devised Fables, when we made known unto you the Power and Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; but were Eye-witnesses of his Ma­jesty— That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have Fellowship with us; and truly our Fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Christ Jesus.

Printed in the year, 1671.

To the Reader.

HEre all Priests, Pro­fessors and Prophane may see (as in a Glass) their own Spirit, which he lived in, while he remain'd amongst them; whom now the Lord hath of his free Love pluckt out of the Fire as a Brand. And so read this Book over, with a seri­ous [Page]mind, in the Fear of the Lord; and with the same seriousness, Consider your conditions, wherein he hath left you, (for you are in the self-same condition and state as he sometime was in) that so you may Repent, & come out of it, least you sin out your time, and there be no more Space for Repen­tance, when time shall be no more.

J. H.

JUDGMENT Brought forth unto VICTORY, &c.

I Could willingly have forborn wri­ting, did not the Love of God con­strain me thereunto; and because I have formerly walked as one of the Vilest among the Sons of men; therefore is it laid upon me to declare something con­cerning the same: as also to demonstrate, and declare unto others, the Work and Mercy of the Lord towards me; by visit­ing me with his Everlasting Lovingkind­ness, and the Tender drawings of his un­speakable Love.

In dayes by past when I knew not the Lord, but walked in disobedience unto him, who in my Infancy, many times caused Tenderness to arise in me; inso­much that I often with teares besought the [Page 6]Lord, to Lead, and Guide me in his Way; and if at any time he did see me erring therefrom; that he would send his affictions to be as a wall, to stop me in my evil walk­ing: Yet notwithstanding such desires did often arise in me, I lived and walked in disobedience, and Rebellion against the Lord; who sent his Afflictions gradually upon me; sometimes stripping me of one thing, and sometimes of another; which makes me to say as David once did; be­fore I was afflicted I went astray, but now (Lord) have I kept thy word.

As words are to short to set forth, and declare the Lovingkindnes of the Lord to­wards me; so must I with shame and confusion of face say, that they are also to short to demonstra [...]e unto others, the hor­rid Transgressions and great Iniquities, which I have committed against the Lord, whose Patience and Long suffering, hath been great towards me; even in that day and time, when I was walking about the Brinks of Hell: Yea, when my feet took hold [Page 7]on Hell, and my foot-steps on the Chambers of Death: so that there was but a small moment, between me and Eternal Flames: and had not the Lord (who is rich in Mercy) spared me at that time, but cut me off, as justly he might have done — Eternal Flames would have been my Lot, and End­less Torments my Portion; and my habi­tation must have been with the Damned, and Tormented for ever.

But I cannot Omit, but must particu­larly mention, this one evil, and ever to be abhorr'd passage of mine. When I had long lived after the Lust of the Flesh, the Lust of the Eye, & the Pride of Life: and had been wallowing in the Pleasures and Vani­ties of this evil World; and the Lord therefore having strip [...] me of my out­ward estate, which I knew not then how to use; but was spending it in Riotous Living: Now after this evil manner and course of Life I continued, until I had nor where-withall to live as I had for­merly done; and not being willing to [Page 8]Condescend to live after a mean and low condition; and having heard, that some by Contracting with, and Selling their Souls to the Devil; was supplied from him, with such things as they desired: then I often pondered these things in my mind; and the Enemy taking all advantages as possibly he could; I oftentimes was in much solitariness, and sadness, to think how I had formerly lived, and now to be stript of all: — whereupon I made a Re­solution in my heart, to Contract with, and Sell my Immortal Soul unto the Devil: upon this Condition; that I should be fur­nished with what things soever I desired, whilst I lived: and oftentimes, when I was alone by my self; did I call unto, and upon the Devil, for the very end, and pur­pose aforesaid; and did use all wayes and Meanes that I could think on, to obtain my wicked desire; but the Lord was pleas'd to prevent this evil design of mine; though I must say to my own shame, (but to the Honour and Glory of God who pre­vented [Page 9]me therein) that none evermore Desired and Endeavoured to Sell their Im­mortal Souls for the Transitory and Fading Pleasures, and Vanitie's of this evil World then I once did; not Considering that saying: What would it profit a man to gain the whole World, and to lose his own (Pretious and immortal) Soul.

Now when I had thus wickedly spent my time; and lived as the Prodigal who spent his portion with riotous living; then I sought to joyn my self, sometimes to this Profession, and sometimes to that; and would fain have sate down under this Form, and the other Profession; thinking thereby, to have Obtained Sa­tisfaction unto my Hungry Soul; but, a­las, I found that their Husky Doctrines could not satisfie; nor their Sin-Soothing Prin­ciples give Rest to the Weary Soul: For oftentimes this cry unto the Lord, rise in me: O give me Christ, or else I dye; and with tears did I often seek the Lord; and besought him to manifest the Way of [Page 10] Truth unto me: and the Lord who is rich in Mercy, and full of goodness and Truth; heard the Cry of his own, and reached forth his Arm of Power; which he made bare for my Salvation, in a needful day and acceptable time.

The manner of my Convincement.

AS I was reading an Answer, which was written (by that faithful Servant of the Lord, George Whitehead) unto a perverse, False and Scandalous Pamphlet, written by one William Burnet against the Principles of Truth, held by the People of the Lord, reproachfully called Quakers; as I was reading the said Answer I heard the Voice of the Eternal Son of God, to speak on this wise — This is the Truth con­fer not with Flesh and Blood, but when he uttered his Voice the Earth trembled, and the Foundations thereof were so terribly shaken; that (Praised be the Name of the [Page 11]Lord) they never came together any more and Gods Pretious and Everlasting Truth, which was after this manner made known unto me, I immediately received in the love of it: without Conferring, or Consulting with Flesh and Blood.

Now no sooner had the Lord opened my dark understanding; and in some mea­sure revealed his Righteous Judgments against the Man of Sin: and poured forth his fierce Wrath and Indignation upon the Worker of Iniquity: But this old Ene­my of Mankind, sought by all Wayes and Means Imaginable, to draw me from that pure manifestation of truth, which the Lord in measure, had made known unto me: and so many and great were his Snares and and Wiles; that I often Cryed unto the Lord, that he would Preserve me Faith-full, and give me Strength to withstand the Adversary of my Soul: And ear­nestly did I beseech the Lord, to pour forth his Righteous Judgments▪ upon all that which was contrary to his Holy Mind [Page 12] and Will: and the Lord who had Regard unto the Cry of the Just in me, which had Long been oppressed as a Cart with sheaves; and even Groaned, and Travelled to be delivered, from under the Cruel Yoaks of Bondage, poured forth his Fury upon the Oppressor; which Burned as fire against him; at the appearance whereof, the Just rejoyced, and the Righteous was exceeding glad.

And no sooner was the Innocent and Just in me deliver'd from under the hands of Pharaoh; but he persued vehemently after him; then I Cryed unto the Lord, and said — O Lord, how shall I be able to stand! How shall I be able to escape! O! Better had it been for me, O Lord, never to have known thy Truth, and thy Way, then after the knowledge thereof, to fall from them, and sin against thee; O Lord, I beseech thee; let not the Enemy Prevail against me; O! let me not fall: Thus was I pouring forth my Supplications to the Lord; and spreading my Sorrowful Complaints, be­fore [Page 13]the Most High; not knowing, how I should be able to withstand, and escape the fierce Persuit of Pharaoh, and his Strong Host: For I saw no Way of Deli­verance; But as it were Mountaines of each side, and the red Sea before; and the Enemy even at my heels, as if he were ready to overtake me. Yet the Lord in that day of never to be forgotten Calamity and time of sore Distress, wonderfully wrought Deliverance, by his Mighty hand and Out-stretched Arm of Power: So that I can indeed say, the Right hand of the Lord hath Done Valiantly; Pharaoh and all his Host, hath he Overthrown in the red Sea of his fierce Wrath — Glory and Ever­lasting Praises be given unto the Lord for Ever.

And though the Lord had wrought so Great Deliverance for me, by his Mighty Hand, and Out-stretched Arm; Yet the Evil One strove to raise, and beget mur­murings in me against the Lord; tempt­ing me to Look back again unto Egypt; [Page 14]and many a time was I ready to Look back, and thinking to Return again: And had not the Dealings of the Lord been towards me; even as a Tender Father towards his Child▪ I had not Remained in Truth unto this Day: For many times was it with me like Jonas, who said, I do well to be angry unto death; and the Enemy taking all advantages, who was many times stirring me up to write against the Truth; so that I have sometimes thought in my heart to for­sake it; and my Hand hath been neer setting pen to paper; to write against the Truth; Yea the Enemy had once so far Drawn out my Eye, to look at the actions and behaviour of some, that were in Truth before me, that it had like to have been my Fall and utter Ruin: For such struglings were within me concerning the same, as if Life and Death had been striving for the mastery. Yet the Lord was pleased to let me see the Enemy who had thus strove to Work in me, an Enmity against the Truth, and in some measure brought [Page 15]him under, and gave me Victory over him: and then I desired of the Lord, that he would judge out the Evil one in all his appearances, and Preserve and establish me in his blessed Truth: though afterwards, by reason of Many and great Exercises; I have often said in my heart, surely I shall one day fall by the hand of the Enemy: O Whose Tryals! Whose Exercises! Whose Sorrows! and whose Afflictions are like unto mine! Was ever any ones Condition like unto my Condition! Surely nay. And when the Lord hath at any time withdrawn his Refreshing Presence from me; then have I sate Mourning as one Desolate and Forsaken; often wishing that I were in some Solitary Place, where no Eye might behold me, & there to mourn continually be­fore the Lord, & to pour out my complaints before the Most High: So that I have often said in my heart: Hath the Lord forgotten to be Gratious? Will he be favour­able no more? Hath he in Anger shut up his Tender Mercies? Thus was it with me [Page 16]many a time; for many were the Inward and also the Outward Exercises and Tryals, which did attend me: But through the Tender Mercies of the Lord, ( whose tender Care towards me, words cannot express). have I been hitherto Preserved, and the more I consider the Tender Dealings of his unspeakable love towards me, the greater Admiration arises in me, Concerning the same; insomuch that I have often said, O Lord, what manner of love is this! where­with thou hast Visited me! For truely, O Lord, among all the sinful sons of Men, I have the most deserved to be made a Monument of thy fierce Wrath, and sore Displeasure; but thy Mercy hath been such towards me; that thou hast Spared me to become a living Monument of thy Tender Mercies, and to Publish and Declare the same unto the Sons, and Daughters of men.

And though I have been oftentimes like a ship Tossed to and fro, and many times ready to make shipwrack of Faith, and a good Conscience, and the Blessed and Ever­lasting [Page 17]Truth of God: Yet the Lord hath been pleased, to speak Comfortable things unto my Soul— O thou tossed with tem­pests! Afflicted, and not Comforted; be­hold! I will lay thy stones with Pretious Colours; and thou shalt no more be called Desolate and Forsaken; for thy Maker is thy Husband; and though for a Moment I have hid my face from thee, yet with ever­lasting loving kindness, have I Visited thee, which shall never Depart from thee: And though in days by-past, thou hast walk­ed in Rebellion against me; yet now shalt thou walk before me; and I will Take Delight in thee, to Do thee Good; for I have Removed thine Iniquities from thee, as far as the East is from the West: And thou shalt be an instrument in my hand, to turn Transgressours from their Evil Wayes; for my power will I manifest in thy weaknes; that no Flesh should Glory in my Presence. Then said I, O Lord, if thou wilt Destroy, and sub­due the Enemy of my Soul, and bring me into Everlasting Peace with thee; Then [Page 18]will I teach Trangressours thy Way, and sin­ners shall be Converted unto thee.

Now many times when I have been deeply Exercised and besought the Lord concerning the same, saying, O Lord, Wherefore am I thus Exercised? And wherefore am I thus Tryed? the An­swer hath been; How canst thou speak unto others Conditions, except thou pass through the same thy self? then said I, O Lord, Exercise me, and Try me how thou wilt; so that I may but in Faith­fulness walk before thee, for my Life is gi­ven up to sorve thee, and it is my Whole de­light to do thy Will; for, O Lord, thou know­est, that it is neither Honour, nor Riches, nor Length of Dayes, nor any External thing which my Soul desireth of thee, but that to Faithfulness, and with joy, I may finish my Testimony, for thy Holy Name, and Truth, which thou hast been pleased to make me a Partaker of. Now unto the Onely Wise, Eternal, Infinite, and Omnipotem, Lord God; be living Praises, Honour, Glo­ry [Page 19]and Thanksgiving; for unto him a­lone are they due, who is God over all, Blessed, and Renowned, for ever and ever Amen.

Written in the fear of the Lord; as and moved by his Holy Spirit; through one of the Meanest of the Lords Peo­ple; who was once a Servant of Sa­tan; but through the Tender-Mercies of the Lord, his Servant I am F. L.

A Tender Invitation OF LOVE UNTO PROFESSORS, &c.

My Friends,

I have been one that was diligently seek­ing the Lord, among your dead forms, and empty wayes of worship; which can satisfie an hungry Soul, no more then Chaff and Dust, can satisfie an hungry man; [Page 21]for I must tell you plainly, that Soul sa­tisfaction cannot be had amongst you; for if it could, many Thousands besides my self had not come from amongst you; but would still have remained with you. Wherefore in True and Tender Bowels of unfeigned Love to you all, am I Constrained thus to write unto you; and so much the more, because the Day ha­stens, in which it will be said unto all, who profess Christ in Words, but in Works deny him — Depart from me, I know Ye not, Ye Workers of Iniquity: What then will become of your husky Doctrines, and sin-soothing Principles? who seek to apply, and impu [...]e Christ's Righteous­ness to your selves, though actually sin­ners: For all your empty Notions, Airy Imaginations, and your Crying Lord, Lord, with your self Duties and Performances; and all other your Trash, and Trumpery, will not any ways avail you in that Day, when the Secrets of all hearts shall be Judged by Christ Jesus, according to the [Page 22] Gospel: and then you will find, that God will not be mocked; but such fruits as you have Sown, Brought forth, and Pleaded for, in your life times, shall you have a Recompence of Reward for in that great day; and what Sentence soever is then pas­sed upon you, shall stand; for from this Righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth, shall you have no appeal unto any other. Therefore while your Day and Time lasts Prise it; and Turn unto the Gentle Re­proofs of Christ Jesus, (the Light of the World) in your own Consciences; and then you will not be crying out for want of Power; for unto all that Believe in, and Receive him (the Light) he gives Power to become the Sons and Daughters of God: whose Love is so large; and whose Mer­cy's are so great, towards the sinfull Sons and Daughters of men; that he would have none to Perish, but that all might come unto him, and have Everlasting Life: And for that very end, doth he so often appear against your Evil actions, [Page 23]and gently Reprove you for the same, when no Eye seeth or Ear heareth you.

But perhaps some may say, that this Light, which you called Quakers declare, and write so much of is but, a Natural light, and not sufficient to save— My friends, I am one among the many thousands that witness Salvation by this Pure, Holy, and Divine Light of Christ Jesus, which is able to Save unto the Uttermost, all that come unto God by the same. And there­fore, let me desire you all, who have any True Breathings after God, and the Knowledge of his way's, to come forth out of all Professions, and lay them aside for a time; and do but Give ear unto, Regard, and diligently Obey that, which appears against your Evil Way's; and if that Light of Christ Jesus, which we the People of the Lord called Quakers have proved, and tryed, and which hath so often appeared unto you, to Discover Sin, and Manifest Iniquity, in the very first appearance there­of; doth not do such works that none else [Page 24]can do; and bring Salvation unto all that Believe in, and Obey the same; then Believe it not, but if it doth — O! then Believe in it, for the very works sake; & love Regard, and Obey the very least appear­ance of it; and by so doing, you may come to witness that saying fulfilled in you; He that is faithfull in alittle shall be made Ruler over much.

But if any should say, why are so many gone from, and forsaken those Principles, which you called Quakers are so confident in to be the Truth? Why, my Friends, it is now, as it was in Ages past; for many did then as well as now, turn their backs upon Truth; but their so doing was not then, neither is it now, or will it be for any a plea, and argument sufficient, not to receive the Truth, because others who have known it, have not been faith­full unto, but forsaken it: For if because those in Asia had forsaken the Truth, (as Paul said they had, who said, all they which are in Asia, are turned away from [Page 25]me, 2 Tim. 1.15.) others therefore should have followed their evil steps, than Truth thereby might have come to be buried in Oblivion. Wherefore let not the Evil Walkings of any that have received Truth, and have not walked faithfully in the same, but forsaken it, be as a hinde­rance unto any one of you in receiving of it; but Turn unto it, and Embrace it, while your Day and Time lasts; that so you may lay down your heads in Peace, when you are to go away hence, and be no more; which that you may all do, is the hearty desire of

Your assured Friend. F. L.

A Tender Invitation OF LOVE Unto the PROPHANE, &c.

My Friends,

I Once lived and walked with you also in all Manner of Prophaneness; but the Lord who is rich in Mercy, and full of Goodness and Truth, was pleased to pluck me from amongst you, even as a Brand [Page 27]pluck't out of the Fire; and because he hath been pleased to Spare me; and hath made me to become a living Monument of his Tender Mercy's, therefore am I- constrained thus to Publish the same; and indeed while I have a being in this Earthly Tabernacle, must I Declare of, and Sound forth the large Love of God, which he freely extends unto all the sons, and Daughters of men; and at this time is it laid upon me to visit you also, in True, and tender Bowels of Love unfeigned; and to beseech you all, to put away the Evil of your Wayes, and Doings, which have caused a separation between God and your Immortal SoulsO! That you would a little consider your latter end, and the sad Estate, and Condition which you are now in; for if the Lord should say unto any one of you; this night thy soul shall be required of thee; how sad and misera­ble would the Estate of any such be: Wherefore, to prevent the same, I be­seech you all, to Turn unto that, which [Page 28] maketh manifest your Evil Doings; and you will find by so doing, that you will not only come to see, but also to leave off, and witness Victory over, and Sal­vation from, your Evil Words and Works.

But if any should say, that, that Eight, which the People called Quakers direct all People unto, is a great delusion, and there­fore to be avoided.

I answer, if that Light of Christ Jesus, which shews the Drunkard he should not be Drunk, and the Swearer that he should not Swear, will also, if loved, followed and obeyed by them, Lead them out of, and Save them from their Drunkeness, and Swearing, and all other their Abominati­ons; why then should it not be Regard­ed, and Peoples minds directed unto it? for I hope, none will count that Principle a delusion, by which any one comes to Know, and Witness a Leading out of, and being Saved from Sin. But that Prin­ciple of Truth (which the People called Quakers Direct all People unto, and Ad­monish [Page 29]and Exhort all to follow, doth not only Manifest and Convince of Sin, but also is able to Save unto the Uttermost, all that Belive in, and Obey it; as the Scriptures of Truth do largely Testifie concerning the same; for that which con­vinced the World of Sin, Joh. 16.8. lead the Saints into all Truth verse 13. and all things which are Reproved, are made mani­fest by the Light; for whatsoever doth make Manifest, is Light, Ephe. 5, 13. but God is Light, and in him is no darkness at all; 1 John, 1, 5. who is able to Save unto the Uttermost all that Believe in, and O­bey him; Therefore to Direct all Peoples minds unto that, which Shews, Convin­ces, and Reproves of Sin is no delusion; but that Faith and Doctrine which was once Delivered unto, and Preached by the Saints, which we are earnestly to Contend for.

But Friends, I do believe that none of you will deny, but that when you have Committed any Sin, you do Perceive some [Page 30]thing to Manifest, and Discover the same unto you; which hath made many to say; God forgive me I was drunk such a time; and I Swear very oft, at such a time; though they have afterwards Commited the like Offences again; Now the reason why your Sins are so Prevalent, and you so often Commit them again, is because you have n [...] Tender Regard unto, but Slight that, which sheweth you Sin in its first appearance; which if you did Obey, then you will not Act and Commit Sin; the Wages whereof is Death Eternal. Now if any would a void, and Escape that Death, which is the Wages and Reward of Sin; let them Turn, and joyn unto that Pure Principle of God in themselves, which ne­ver Consents unto the least motion of Sin; but as hath been said before, appears against the First Motion of it; for God hath placed a Witness for himself in every Man, and Woman; which will Teach to do justly, to love Mercy, and to Walk Humbly before God. Wherefore Gease to [Page 31]do Evil, Learn to do Well; amend your Evil Wayes, and put away the Evil of your Doings; and let the Time by-past suffice; and Turn unto the Lord, and he will have Mercy upon you, and to our God, who will abundantly Pardon.

Written by one (that heartily desires that none might sin out their day, but Ob­tain Mercy and Salvation by Christ Jesus) who is your Assured Friend. F. L.

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