A Serious Remembrancer To Live Well. Written Primarily to CHILDREN, And Young PEOPLE.

Secondarily, to PARENTS. Useful (I hope) for All.

Lastly, Compendious Remarks of the Death of Jonah Lawson, who finished his Course upon Earth, the 23d Day of the Month called February, 1683. in the 14th Year of his Age.

Non misere quisquam, qui bene vixit, obit. ‘O be wise-hearted, knowing that beneath We always sail towards the Port of Death.’


London, Printed in the Year, 1684.

A Serious Remembrancer To Live well, &c.

CHildren, and Young People, pro­mise not to your selves many days; you know not how near your Glass is run out, when you shall be commended to Earthen Sheets, to your long home.

Let not the Indulgence of Teachers, nor the Example of the Multitude, sunk in the Mire of Folly, Vanity, Youthful Lusts, Intemperancy, Unru­liness of Mind, Unstayedness, Wan­tonness, and of Unsavouriness, be pre­valent with you, or give you encou­ragement to forget the Lord in your tender Years; who made you to bear his Image, to submit to his Scepter, to live under his Holy and Righteous [Page 4]Government and Regiment; in a word, to serve him all the days of your ap­pointed time, in Newness of Life, and not your selves; who Crowns his Fol­lowers with Endless Peace, and Spi­ritual Consolation, and Enriches them with Durable, Lasting, yea, Ever­lasting Treasures and Substance, Su­perlatively Surmounting all Worldly Tempting Offers of Fading Wealth, Pleasures or Honours.

'Tis a precious thing, when Chil­dren and Young People, like Gideon's Fleece, drink up betime the Pearly Dew of Divine Grace, and Heavenly Vertue, so that their Spiritual Growth in the Faith tends Heaven-wards, up­right and tall of Stature, Fruitful, al­ways Green and Flourishing, as the Palm-Tree, not bowed down with the weight of the Worldly Spirit, or Earthly-mindedness.

Children, and Young People, promise not to your selves length of Days, he that gives Life and Breath, can take it when and how he pleases: Read your Mortality in the Creation; the fair [Page 5]Damask Rose soon withers, the fairest Blossom is soon blasted, the most fra­grant Aromatical Flower quickly fades, the Dewy Morning hastes away, the Sun (the glorious Lamp of the Firma­ment) soon sets, the Shadow is gone in a Moment; Jonah's Gourd presently withered; the Meadows, graced with Smaragdine Greenness, are quickly naked; the melodious Bird, now here, is presently gone, the Pearled Dew of the Spring soon ascends, an Hour is but a short time, or continuance, the bubble of a Brook is soon dispersed, the Course of a Shuttle is swift, a Writing on the Sand is soon obliterated, a Thought soon passeth away, a Dream is soon gone, the glyding of a Chrystal Stream soon passeth by, an Arrow from the Bow of the Mighty is quickly gone, the time betwixt Flood and Ebb is as no time, the Spiders Web is soon rent, Lightning from the Sky is soon vanished, a Post is quick in his Course, the Snow quickly dissolves whem Sum­mer comes: Such is the Life of Man, of short continuance here upon Earth, [Page 6]soon gone hence, and seen no more: Our Life (saith Petrarch) is a Race unto Death.

What then ought to be the Living Concern of every one? Even to mind the One thing necessary; To do that which is right in the sight of the Lord, to give all diligence to make our Call­ing and Election sure, faithfully to im­prove God's Gift, to walk with him as Enoch did, to grow in Acquaintance and in Favour with him, to finish the short course of Life in the Holy Faith, Reverence and Fear, in the end to re­ceive the Reward of the Righteous, Everlasting Blessedness in the Fruition of God.

Children, and Young People, and whosoever reads this, that you may be honoured with the Blessedness and Happy End of the Righteous, take Counsel, and comply with God's way and means that leads to this Blessedness.

Consider John's Record of the Eternal Word, who said, In him was Life, and the Life was the Light of Men: Mark this, His Life is the Light of Men: Of [Page 7]what Men? Of every Man that comes into the World; yea, Light, which is of the Life, shines in Darkness, in Hearts darkened by Satan, the Captain and Ring-leader of his wretched Captives and Slaves, but Darkness, Satan's Cap­tives, comprehends not the Light, nor such as walk in it, John 1.4, 5, 9. This Record of John evidently holds out the Quality of the Light, to be of the Life, a Pure, Divine, Heavenly and Essential Principle, and the Universality of it, in every Man. And Paul was sent, To turn People from Darkness, which comprehends not the Light, nor the Leadings and Operations thereof, nor the Children of Light, to the Light, which comprehends Darkness, and the Children of Darkness, Acts 26.16, 17, 18.

So Children, and Young People, come out of Darkness, out of defiling Self, to the pure, divine essential Principle in you; be ye separate from Darkness, to the Light of Life, then are you Sepa­ratists indeed, and shall grow up in the Saving Knowledge of the Lord, [Page 8]of the Mysteries of his Kingdom, and of the things that concern your Peace and Everlasting Well-being.

And as you keep to, and continue in, the pure Principle of God in you, it will shew you Sin and Evil, every vain Thought, Desire, Imagination, and Un­righteous Inclinations, and secretly check and reprove you, when you en­ter into the same (for the Reproofs of Instruction are the way of Life) it will kindle you into desires after Innocency: and beget in you a hunger after Righ­teousness, and you will come to be weaned from the vain Ways, Customs, Fashions, Sports and Pastimes of the World, and being established in Grace, you come to know what the true Wor­ship is, even in Spirit and in Truth; that Repentance which is never to be repented of; the pure and undefiled Religion, which keeps out of the Spots of the World; the Fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of Wisdom, even that Fear which tendeth to Life, where strong Confidence is; here the Fountain of Life is known; here every [Page 9]Evil Way is hated, and the Snares of Death are escaped.

John bare Record, that Christ light­eth every Man; and Christ informs us, who are Lovers thereof, and who are not, Every one that doth Evil (saith he) hateth the Light, and will not come to it, lest his Deeds should be reproved; but he that doth Truth, cometh to the Light, that his Deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God, John 3.20, 21. Evil cannot be wrought in the Light, nor Good without it.

Children, and Young People, who are inwardly touched, to make a Good Confession of the Pure Divine Principle in you; not by Verbal Demonstration only, but by willing and ready Obedi­ence, and Subjection to its Commands, in faithful Wrestling against the Evil it manifests, whether Thought, Word or Deed, and pressing after the Good, Vertuous and Sober Life it calls for; persevere in this Grace, so shall you be living Witnesses of precious things, yea, that ye are God's Workmanship.

The Shunamite's Child being dead, Elisha stretched himself upon it, and the Flesh of the Child waxed warm, and neesed seven times, an evident sign of Life and Strength; Nature arising to expel Flatulent and Peccant Vapours; he opened his Eyes, and was embraced by his Mother, 2 Kings 4.

This you shall read, continuing in the Grace of God, living in that which crucifies the Flesh, tho' dead in Sins and Trespasses, you shall receive the Quickening Power; your Hearts shall grow warm, as I may say, a Spiritual Warmness issues from the Quickening Power: Said not the Disciples, after Christ was risen, Did not our Hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the Scriptures? Luke 24. Here was a Spi­ritual Warming.

This you shall read, as you live in the Grace of God, and become inward Jews, Worshippers of God in Spirit and in Truth; tho' you were once Dark, yea, Darkness it self, yet re­ceiving the Pure Divine Principle in [Page 11]you, you become enlightned by it, and living in it, and obeying it in all things, a Heavenly Increase is known; here is a changing from Glory to Glory; once Darkness, now Light in the Lord, a walking as Children of the Light; and walking here, the whole course of your Life is a Feast, kindly receive what comes from the Hand of the Lord, be true to that which secretly Reproves and Judges, remembering that Zion is redeemed with Judgment, and her Con­verts with Righteousness; keep out of the Snares of the Earth, knowing the way of God, walk in it; remember she was cloathed with the Sun, that had the Moon under her feet, Rev. 12. So in the Faith put on the Lord Jesus.

Children, and Young People, and who-ever read this, Remember that under the First Covenant, the Law was written in Tables of Stone; but in the New Covenant, the Law is written in the Heart, in the inward parts; and that the Lord will be the Teacher of his People, and that he will blot out their Sins, and remember their Iniqui­ties [Page 12]no more; this Law is Pure, Di­vine, Essential, and to be owned and received where it is; and they who do not, are deniers of the New Covenant, their Names are written in the Earth; 'tis Satan's sleight to bring Men to neglect Divine Grace, the Royal Law, where it is, and to seek it where it is not to be found.

That's it which, in the Closet of your Hearts, shews you Sin and Evil, checks, and reproves, and disquiets you, when Evil is committed: And moves to Righteousness; in the Obedience, a daily Mortification is known, a daily blotting out of Iniquity is witnessed; your Name comes to be written in the Book of Life; Fellowship with the Father, in the Son, is known.

The Renovation of Man is a gradual Work, the outward Jews divided the Night into several Watches: They had their beginning of the Watches, Lam, 12.19. Their middle Watch, Judg. 7. The Morning Watch, Exod. 14. In this, The Egyptians were drowned: In this, Jesus walked on the Sea, Mat. 14. In [Page 13]these Watches, the outward Jew saw the Curtain of the Night wear out, pass away, one succeeded another.

By disobedience a Night of Blindness, Darkness, Ignorance and Infidelity, came upon Man; herein he was over­whelmed, the Sun of Righteousness being manifest, he Preached us a Watch of a Spiritual Nature and Tendency, saying, What I say to one, I say to all, Watch, Mark 13.37.

You owning the Light of Life in you, the pure Principle of God, which shews you Sin and Evil; if you obey it, you are come to the beginning, the day dawning, and the Day-Star ari­sing in your Hearts, in this Morning-Watch; you see the Egyptian's Flesh Crucified, with the Affections and Lusts thereof; Christ walking on the Sea, Waves of Iniquity brought under his Power, he ruling in your Hearts by Faith: The Apostle read this, who said, The Night is far spent, the Day is at hand, let us cast off the works of Darkness, and let us put on the Armour of Light, Rom. 13.12. Now Kin­dreds, [Page 14]Tongues, People and Nations, Professors or Profane, who deny the Light, and Subjection thereunto, they are not come to the beginning of Watches, so are far from the Morn­ing.

But you that own the Light of Life in you, and are livingly concerned, that your Light may shine forth before Men; you that in Faith and Patience, bear about in your Bodies the Dying of the Lord Jesus, that his Life may be manifest in your Mortal Bodies: You that labour and wrestle for a part in the first Resurrection, you have your Senses exercised to the discerning of Good and Evil, you have the Senses of the New Man, created in Christ Je­sus; you have an Eye to see your Cre­ator, and his name is in your Fore­heads; you hear his Voice, and deny the Voice of the Stranger; the sweet Savour of Christ, as precious Spikenard, refreshes you; you daily taste that the Lord is Gracious, your hands handle the Word of Life.

Children, young People and others, who feel a pure divine Principle in you, moving Heaven-wards, be obedient to it in all things, so you grow from Grace to Grace in the invisible Life; as you put off what it manifests to be evil, watch in it, wait in it, to grow up in the living Truth, therein gird up the loyns of your Minds, 1 Pet. 1.13. Let not any inward impediments stop you in your Heavenly Journey.

In Eastern Countries, they wear long and loose Garments, which-several tucked and girded up, lest they should hinder them; as, Souldiers, Jewish Priests, Travellers, Runners, Wrestlers, Table-Servers, to serve more readily.

Now the Apostle brings them to the Inward, to the Spiritual Girding up, saying, Gird up the loyns of your Minds, 1 Pet. 1.13. And 'tis of as absolute ne­cessity now, as then, to wait in the Light of Life; gird up the loyns of your Mind, set your Affections on Hea­venly things, otherwise you cannot be good Souldiers of Jesus Christ, to fight [Page 16]the Fight of Faith, neither can you be of the Royal Priesthood, nor perform the Heavenly Journey, nor run the Race of the Righteous, nor wrestle so as to obtain the Blessing, nor sit at Christ's Table, partake of his Blessings, manifold Spiritual Graces; so keep out of the Earth, growing up in Heavenly mindedness.

Christ said to the Pharisees, who li­ved in obstinate contradiction to him, and his saving Doctrine, The Kingdom of God is within you, Luke 17.21. They slighted the Kingdom of God where it was, and sought it where it was not to be found, in empty Observations without, as deluded Formalists do now: He also saith, The Kingdom of God is like to a Grain of Mustard-Seed, to Leaven, to a Pearl. Now Children, young People, and who ever reads this, mind the King­dom of God within you, the Light of Life, which shews you Sin and Evil; [...]nd in complying therewith, it leads you out of the Region of Death, and [...]stablishes you in the just Man's Path; [...]o you read these Parables, and come to [...]he end and fulfilling thereof.

A Grain of Mustard-Seed, tho' little, yet becomes a Tree, in the strange preg­nancy of the Hebrew Earth, Matth 13. Such is its quality, as to quicken the Appetire, warm the Stomach, purge the Head, causes Sneezing, cures the Lethargy, a drowsie forgetful Distem­per, &c. So the Kingdom of God with­in you, the Light of Life, the Eye of the inward Man, the Talent commit­ted for improvement; tho little, yet in the improvement becomes great; the Tree of Life is brought forth, the Heal­er of Nations, its Vertue, Quality, Influence and Operation is precious, it begets a hunger and pure desire after heavenly Food, it kindles a Spiritual warmness and fervency, purges out Corruption, the filth of Sin, causes a spiritual struggling against what is Hurtful and Offensive, and cures Man of his spiritual Lethargy, his drowsie forgetful State, wherein he forgets the Lord, even to have the Lord always in his thoughts.

Leaven was in the three Measures of Meal, before they were leavened, [Page 18]yet though little, it gradually diffuses its quality, spreads it self thorough the same, and makes them of its own Na­ture; so Light shines in Darkness, the The Kingdom of God is in Men, though Pharisaical Unregenerate; yet you that receive it, comply with its heavenly Motions, and quench them not, co­operate with its Inspiration, tho' little, as I may say, Yet the three Measures come to be leavened, Body, Soul and Spi­rit, comes to be sanctified, and preserved blameless, 1 Thes. 5.23. thus Compli­ers with divine Operations, become Bearers of the Image of the Heavenly; renewed, transformed, changed, from Glory to Glory: As he is, saith John, so are we in this World, 1 John 4.17.

So you that profess Christ, the Pearl of great price, be the wise Merchant, sell all and buy it, give up your Lusts, Fleshly Desires, Soul-murthering Con­cupiscence, Pomp, Vain-glory, Osten­tation, sinful transitory Pleasures, to the death of the Cross, that you may read this Parable, know this Pearl formed in you.

There is (saith Wolfgangus, Franzius, and other Naturalists) a shell-Fish, which through Natures instinct, de­sires warmness in the Spring, thirsts after the Dew of Heaven, opens and receives it: Hereof is formed the visi­ble Pearl, said to be Alexipharmical, effectual against Poyson, and the Shell which brings forth this, is called The Mother of Pearl.

Wait in the Light of Life, follow Christ in the Regeneration, to be the wise Merchant, so this you read; here­in you thirst after spiritual Warmness, after the Dew of Divine Grace; here­in your Hearts open, incorruptible dew of Heaven you receive, Christ the Pearl is formed in you, Gal. 4.9. Here you become the Mother of Pearl, Whoso­ever doth the will of my Father, saith Christ, the same is my Brother, and Si­ster, and Mother, Matth, 12.50 this purges out the Poyson of Sin.

Parents, you who have known the healing Vertue of the Almighty, be vi­gilant, circumspect and tender over your Children, by Example and Ad­monition, [Page 20]for their establishment in Grace.

You that have known the healing vertue of Bethesda, in the Mystery, by Interpretation, the House of God, so that of Impotent or Strengthless, you are become Strong in the Lord; of Blind, you are become clear-sighted in the Mysteries of the Kingdom; of Halting, Lame, you are restored to Soundness; so that you can run, and not be weary, in the course of Righte­ousness; of Withered, you are become Lively, Fresh, Tender, full of spiritu­al Moisture: Be circumspect and ten­der over your Children, that they may be living Witnesses of the same healing Vertue.

You that have passed thorough Jor­dan, in the Mystery, the River of Judgment, by Interpretation, thorough Judgments have felt and received the Water of Lise, whereby you are bap­tised into the one Body, cleansed from the Leprosie of Sin, Iniquity and Trans­gression, are come to the good Land, Plenteous in Milk and Hony, Food of [Page 21]Heaven, necessary to the heavenly Life, you that are come to the City of Re­fuge.

You that are come to Christ Jesus, the Ark of Safety, more durable than Gopher-wood; know your Rooms, your heavenly Places there, so that the deluge of Iniquity shall not over whelm you.

You that are Green, Flourishing and Fruitful Branches of the True Vine, Christ Jesus.

You that have known, and know, Christ knocking at the Door of your Hearts, by Favours, Mercies, Judg­ments, Chastisements, Ministers, Mo­tions of his good Spirit, and entertain him, who comes not empty, but with plenty of Grace, Goodness, and hea­venly Treasures, which he communi­cates and diffuses, for the enriching of his Garden, his little Flock.

You that are come to the Lord's Table, and are nourished with his Bread, hidden Manna, Souls Food: O let your Care, and Souls desire be, that your Children, as Olive-Plants, [Page 22]may sit at the same Table, partake of the same Mercies, Blessings, Priviledges, Favours, and Spiritual Advantages with you, and be living Witnesses of those precious Experiences, which the good hand of God hath made you par­takers of.

Through this gracious frame of Spi­rit, Abraham obtained a good Report, Shall I, said the Lord, hide from Abra­ham, that thing which I do? &c. For I know that he will command his Children, and his House-hold after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do Ju­stice and Judgment, Gen. 18. Now they that are of that Faith which gives ac­cess unto God, Victory over the World, they are of Abraham, walk in his Foot­steps, and cannot but desire, that their Children, and all, might grow up in Acquaintance with the living God, so that every Christian Father, being truely so, he is in his Family an Overseer.

'Twas a Noble and Honourable Re­solution in Joshua, who said, I and my Ho [...]se will serve the Lord, Josh. 24.15. [Page 23]As if he had said, O ye Tribes of Is­rael, if poyson'd with Incredulity, and Ingratitude, you Judge the living God (who hath done Wonders for you, hath given you a Land flowing with Milk and Hony, Vineyards, Olive­yards, Springs, hath given you Victo­ry over your Enemies) unworthy of your Service; take your course, yet this is my Resolution, I and my House will serve the Lord.

The Holy Men of God, who in their respective Ages, and Generations, walked with God, felt the sweetness of his comfortable Presence; not as Neutrals and Temporizers, who change their Religion, as Times change; their living concern was, that their Children might walk in the same steps. Yea, all the Scriptures of Truth afford sufficient Testimonies hereof.

Train up a Child (saith Solomon) in the way he should go: And when he is Old, he will not depart from it, Prov. 22.6. In what way should he goe? In the narrow way that leads to Life, in the way of Holiness, in the fear of the Lord, [Page 24]bearing the Cross of Christ, where the Wisdom from above is received, which seasons and sweetens unto God, and Establishes in Righteousness, and puts off the Deeds of Darkness, and honours Man with an Innocent, Blameless and Self-denying Conversation; Come ye Children, saith David, hearken unto me, I will Teach you the Fear of the Lord, Psal. 34.11. Who truly learns this Les­son, 'twill minister Comfort, when other Lessons invented by Man will signifie nothing, but be a Burthen; Ye Fathers, &c. saith Paul, bring up your Children in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord, Ephes. 6.4. Such as are careless upon this account, 'tis an evi­dent token they are not truly season'd unto God; for they that are, they can­not but desire the Spiritual and Eter­nal well-being of their Children.

Now you Parents, truly made alive by the Quickening Word, who Live, Move, and have your Being in God, be concern'd for your Children, that they may witness the same Travel; when the Keepers of the House shall tremble, [Page 25]and the strong Men shall bow them­selves, and the Grinders cease, because they are few, and those that look out of the Windows be darkned; in a word, when Old Age hath seized on you, so as you wait for, and expect the Dis­solution of your Earthly Tabernacles, 'twill minister much Comfort and Con­solation to you, that you feel your Children growing up in Innocency, Branches of the true Vine, Christ Je­sus; and in them, after your Bodies are commended to Earthen Sheets, you, as I may say, Live. Ambrose, in his Funeral Oration upon Theodosius, a Christian Emperor, said, Theodosius, a great Emperor, is gone from us; but he is not wholly gone, for he hath left us his Children, in whom he lives still: Or if, according to the good Pleasure of the Almighty, you Survive your Child, or Children, 'twill be great Comfort and Satisfaction to you, that such a Child, or Children, in that ex­ercise, in the least measure, feels the sustaining and comforting Presence of the Lord; so that you have ground to be­lieve, [Page 26]that Child, or those Children, go hence in the favour of the Lord.

This was my Exercise of late; I had a Son, one only Son, whose name was Jonah, by Interpretation, a Dove; who in Nature, I believe, much answered his Name; who tho' Educated in a mixed School, where his Progress was above what could reasonably be ex­pected from his Years, was so acted and preserved, as that in the days of his short Age, I never knew him at vari­ance or strife with any, or bring any complaint against any Scholar, or Ser­vant I kept; I never, to my know­ledge, found a Lie in his Mouth, or sought to cloke any thing I disliked, but would nakedly and simply declare Truth: I never heard as much as Mass or Mary proceed out of his Mouth, or any Oath, too common in many Schools; having learned his Yea and Nay; in a word, as he was comfortable to us in his Life, so in his Death also.

He was wonderfully afflicted with the Small-Pox; and when we judged he was past the heighth thereof, he [Page 27]came to be sadly troubled with Flegm, with a Scowring, and great Thirst, which in a few days carried him away; the nearer he drew to his end, the more he called for my company, and was not willing to want me.

The Night before he died, I being beside him, John, the Son of Lancelot Fallowfield, came in, and said, Jonah, How dost thou? He answered, I am well Spiritually, but indifferent in Body; presently after he said, Father, talk with me; I said to him, Jonah, What shall we talk on? He said, I know not.

Then being afflicted for him, and silled with Love to him, I said, Jonah, thou knowest I was never harsh, but always tender to thee; he said, It is so.

Then I said, Jonah, we will talk of another Kingdom: Our continuance here is very little; think of that City, whose Builder and Maker is God. This World is but at the best a Bitter-Sweet, but Heaven is nothing but Joy: Have God in thy Thoughts.

Then he answered, Ay Father, and I hope I have little to answer for; and [Page 28]that I have a good Conscience; I have abhorred Lying and Swearing, and what I saw to be Evil; and I am willing to die if it be his pleasure; or to live, to praise him.

His Sister Ruth weeping beside him, he said to her, Weep not, I hope we shall meet in a better place.

Soon after, he uttered these words to the Lord, The time thou hast appoint­ed for me on the Earth, give me Grace to praise thy Name. Presently after, as answered from above, he said, O sweet God.

A little after, I coming to him, he said to me, Father, Pray for me.

His last words, a very little before his departure, were to me, and to his Sister Ruth, So, so, I am coming, I am coming, I must yield, I must yield.

Tho' his Affliction was exceeding great, yet he never utter'd one word savouring of Impatiency and Vanity; but such was his Patience, and such things so tenderly and savourily drop­ped from him, as wrought me into that Frame of Spirit, as freely, though [Page 29]dearer to me than all visible and tran­sitory things, to commend him to the Lord; touched with much Confidence of his future Happiness: And I wish I may never forget his finishing of his Course; neither do I remember it, but I am bettered by the remembrance thereof.

I remember what David said to So­lomon, in order to the Building the Material Temple, Ʋp, and be doing, and the Lord will be with thee, 1 Chron. 22.16. So you that read this, Ʋp, arise from Death to Life, be doing, work in the Life, so the Lord will be with you, to the Building a Temple without Hands, knowing your Bodies the Tem­ple of the Holy Ghost, you feeding on Heavenly Food, cannot but desire that others may partake with you. Abra­ham's Sons and Daughters in the Faith, are not Nabal's Fools and Churles, but desire that others may feed of their Morsels, partake of Spiritual Blessings with them; so I conclude with Joa­chim Camerarius: [Page 30]

Vos virtutis iter gnatis monstrate Parentes
Ipsa Aquila ut pullos fida volare docet,
Ut canere alma ocept pullos Philomela tenellos,
Sic gegitor gnatos format & ipse pius.

Which thus I English:

You Parents teach your Children Vertue's way,
As Eagles teach their Young to fly, not stray;
As Nightingales do teach their Young to sing,
So Parents Just wash theirs in Vertue's Spring.

After this I had written, looking among his Papers, I found several Affectionate Epistles written in Verse to one John Hall, School-Master in Cleeve-Land, his Quondam School-fel­low; a thing I never put him on, nor encouraged him to; and Verses upon several Subjects, most of which his Sisters knew the time and occasion of writing them; he wrote this follow­ing upon Man's Mortality:

Death puts an end to all that do remain,
Or which this mortal wretched World contain.
Croesus his Riches nothing can prevail
Against the Darts of Death, when they assail;
[Page 31]
'Tis to be moved by no means at all,
Nor any spares, but brings to all a fall;
The lofty Monarch it nothing doth regard,
Nor from poor Irus poverty's debard;
It can be shunned by no Man's intreaty,
Of high and low, at length it makes a booty.
The strength of Milo nothing doth prevail,
The Streams of Eloquence at length must fail.
What if a Prince heap Silver up and Gold?
Yet he must be interr'd within its Fold.
What if a Mortal very learned be?
Yet he of Death gets not the Victory.
What if a Poor Man with Intreaty strive?
Those his Intreaties keep not him alive.
He that of Death, to get the Victory,
Contends, he weaves th' Web of Penelope;
Seeing 'tis so, be mindful of thy end,
Thy few Days here in Vertuous Living spend.

Upon another Subject, he wrote thus:

Humility the Spring of Vertue is,
Humbling thy self, Vertue thou canst not miss;
Delight in Vertue, Vice be sure to shun:
He's happy that a Vertuous Course doth run.

One Night this Winter, some Scho­lars, in my absence, propounded Que­stions one to another; upon which he [Page 32]went to the Table, and wrote these following:

A Virgin rare, that's past compare,
Doth in few places dwell;
But always she, a Friend will be
To those that love her well.

After a little season, he said, This Virgin is Wisdom, which comes from above, which indeed too few entertain; but such as do, she is their Guide and Leader to Life Eternal.


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