The English Part of the LIBRARY Of the Late DUKE of LAUDERDALE, BEING A CATALOGUE Of Choice English Books in DIVINITY, HI­STORY, GEOGRAPHY, LAW, POETRY and MISCELLANY. All Curiously Bound and Gilt on the Back, many in Turkey Leather, and of the Large Papers.

Which will be Sold by AUCTION at Sams Coffee-House in Ave-Mary Lane near Ludgate-Street, on Tuesday, May 27. 1690. at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon, and so to continue daily till all be Sold.

Catalogues are Distributed gratis at Mr. Patridges near Charing-Cross, Mr. Hensman's in Westminster-Hall, Mr. Wilkinson's in Fleetstreet, Mr. Bateman's in Holbourn, Mr. Swalle's in St. Paul's Church-yard, Mr. Eddowes under the Royal Exchange, Booksellers; as also at Mr. Hall's Printer at the Theatre in Oxford; and at Mr. Dawson's Bookseller in Cambridge.

Conditions of SALE.

I. He who bids most is the Buyer, and if any Difference arise, the said Book or Books shall be forthwith exposed to Sale again.

II. That all the Books in this Catalogue are perfect, for ought we know; but if any of them appear to be otherwise before they be taken away, the Buyer shall have his Choice of taking or lea­ving them.

II. That the Mony for the Book or Books bought is to be paid by the Buyer within Fourteen Days after the Auction is ended at the Place of Sale.

This Auction will be held at Sam 's Coffee-House in Ave-Mary-Lane on Tuesday the 27th Day of this Instant May, at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon precisely, and so continue dayly till all are Sold; where the Books will be expos'd to View Three Days before the Sale begins.

English Divinity, History and Miscellany, Folio.
  • 1 ISaacson (Hen.) his Chronology London 1663
  • 2 Ogilby (Joh.) his Description of Africa (being the first Tome of his Atlas) 1670
  • 3 — His Description of America, Gilt 1671
  • 4 — Another of the same Gilt Ibid.
  • 5 — His Description of Asia, Gilt 1673
  • 6 — His China in two Vol. Gilt 1669
  • 7 — Description of Japan, Gilt 1670
  • 8 — Entertainments of K. Char. II. at his Coronation, (with the Sculptures) 1662
  • 9 — His Translation of Virgil, (with Sculptures) Gilt 1654
  • 10 — Homer Iliads and Odysses in 2 Vol. Gilt 1660
  • 11 — Aesop. Fables, 1 Part 1665
  • 12 Ross (Tho.) his Translation of Silius Italicus (with Sculptures) 1661
  • 13 Stapylton (Sir Rob.) Translation of Juvenal (with Sculptures) 1660
  • 14 Saxton (Christoph.) his Maps of England (Coloured)
  • 15 Sellers (John) English Pilot, describing the Sea-Coasts, &c. Lond. 1671
  • 16 — Coasting Pilot Ibid.
  • 17 Will. Johnsons Blaeu Sea-Beacon, Englished by R. Hynmers Amst. 1643
  • 18 Ashmole (Elias) Institution of the Order of the Garter (Large Paper) Lond. 1679
  • 19 Guillims display of Heraldry, with the Sculptures in Colours, by R. Bloome 1679
  • 20 Cressys (F. S.) Church History of Brittany 1668
  • 21 Howells (Will.) History of the World in two Vol. Lond. 1680
  • 22 Dugdales (Will.) Historical Account of the Barony of England, in two Vol. 1675
  • 23 — Antiquities of Warwick-shire, with Maps, &c. Lond. 16 [...]6
  • 24 King James his Works, publish'd by James Bp. of Winton 1616
  • 25 King Charles the I. his Works, with his Life in two Vol. Lond. 1662
  • 26 Book of Martyrs in 3 Vol. (the first Larg Paper 1610. The other two 1631
  • 27 Hollingsheds Chronicle, or History of England in two Vol. Lond. 1587
  • 28 Sammes (Aylet) Britannia, or Antiquities of Ancient Britain Lond. 1676
  • 29 Fullers (Th.) Church-History of Britain, from the Birth of Christ, until the year 1648
  • 30 — History of the Worthies of England Lond. 1672
  • 31 — History of the Holy War, and Holy State in 2 Vol. 1640
  • 32 Ambassadors Travels into Muscovy, Tartary, Persia, &c Lond. 1669
  • 33 Hammonds (H.) Paraph. and Annotations upon the New Testament 1659
  • 34 — Paraph. and Annotations upon the Psalms 1659
  • 35 Littletons (Adam) Sermons, preached mostly upon Publick Occasions Lond. 1680
  • 36 Mede (Jos.) his Works in 2 Vol. Lond. 1664
  • 37 Stillingfleets (Edw.) Rational Account of the Grounds of the Protestant Religion, in Vindication of Bp. Laud, (Large Paper, in Turky and Gilt) 1665
  • 38 Taylors (Jer.) History of the Life of the Holy Jesus, with D. Caves Lives of the Ap.
  • 39 Baxters (R.) Christian Directory, or Body of Divinity Lond. 1673
  • 40 Broughton (Hugh) his Works Lond. 1662
  • 41 Digby (Sir Ken.) of the Nature of Bodies, and Immortality of Souls At Paris 1644
  • 42 Fulke (Will.) upon the Remish Translation of New Test. Lond. 1617
  • 43 History of the Councel of Trent, Englished by N. Brent 1640
  • 44 Annals of K. James, and K. Charles the I. Lond. 1681
  • 45 Laws and Acts of the third Parliament of K. Charles the II. holden at Edinbugh [Page 2] the 28th of July 1681.— (in Turky and Guilt) Edinb. 168 [...]
  • 46 State of his Majesties yearly Revene, and Charge in Ireland (in Turky & Guilt.
  • 47 Parkinsons (John) Theatrum Botannicum, or Theater of Plants 1640
  • 48 Wheelers (Geo.) Travels, or Journey into Greece, with Sculptures Lond. 1682
  • 49 Sanfords (Fran.) Genealogical History of the Kings of England 1677
  • 50 Plots (Rob.) Natural History of Oxford-shire (Large Paper) Oxford Theater 1677
  • 51 Index Villaris, of all the Market-Towns, Parishes, &c. in England and Wales, &c.
  • 52 Newcastle (Duke of) his New Method of Dressing Horses, &c. 1667
  • 53 Wiseman (Rich.) his Chirurgical Treatises (Large Paper) in Turky and Guilt 1676
  • 54 Dee (Dr. John) his Conversation and Action with Spirits, &c. Lond. 1659
  • 55 Bp. Andr [...]s (Lan.) his XCVI Sermons Lond. 1629
  • 56 Bp. Sanderson (Rob.) his XXXIV Sermons, sixth Edition Lond. 1674
  • 57 Reynolds D. D. (Edw.) his Works Lond. 1658
  • 58 Newmans Large Concordance of the Holy Bible
  • 59 Ainsworth (Hen.) Annotations upon the Pentateuch Psalms and Cant. 1639
  • 60 Bp. Babington (Gervas) his Works Lond. 1622
  • 61 Bp. Jewel (John) his Works in 2 Vol. Lond. 1609
  • 62 Burnets (Gilb.) History of the Reformation of the Church of England, in 2 Vol.
  • 63 — His Memories of James and William Dukes of Hamilton, &c. Lond. 1677
  • 64 Grimestons (Edw.) General History of the Netherlands, 2 Edition, by Will. Cross
  • 65 Raleighs (Sir Walter) History of the World Lond. 1634
  • 66 General History of Spain, Englished from French, by Edw. Grimestone 1612
  • 67 Foulis (Hen.) his History of Romish Treasons and Usurpations 1671
  • 68 Nalsons (John) Impartial Collection of Great Affairs of State, &c. Lond. 1682
  • 69 Chaucers (Jeffery) Works in Ancient Poetry Lond. 1561
  • 70 St. Augustine of the City of God, with the Comments of Jo. Lud. Vives 1620
  • 71 Cave D. D. (Will.) his History of the Lives, &c. of the Primitive Fathers 1677
  • 72 Seneca's Works, Translated by Tho. Lodge Lond. 1614
  • 73 Grews (Neh.) Catalogue of the Rarities in Gresham Colledge, with Figures 1681
  • 74 Prynns (Will.) Animadversions on the fourth Part of Cooks Institutes 1669
  • 75 History of the Evangelical Churches of Piemont, and of the Massacre, &c. 1655
  • 76 — Of the Parliament of Engl. which began 3 Nov. 1640. by Tho. May 1647
  • 77 — Of Lapland, of the Original, Manners, &c. of that People Oxford 1674
  • 78 — Of Edward the fourth King of England, by Will. Habington 1640
  • 79 Daniels (S.) History of England, with J. Trussels Continuation, in 2 Vol. 1626
  • 80 Moore (Sir Fr.) his Reports, &c. in Common Law French Lond. 1663
  • 81 Daltons County Justice 1662
  • 82 Coke (Sir Edw.) his Institutes of the Laws of England, Compleat, in 3 Vol. 1664
  • 83 — His Rep. 11 Parts, with his Declarations, Pleadings, &c. all in Engl. in 2 Vol.
  • 84 Malynes (Ger.) Lex Mercatoria, or the Ancient Law Merchant Lond. 1622
  • 85 Sterline (Will. Earl of) his Poems, or Recreations, with the Muses Lond. 1637
  • 86 Tho. Killigrew his Commedies and Tragedies Lond. 1664
  • 87 Sir Fr. Bacons Natural History, 5 Edition Lond. 1639
  • 88 — Resuscitatio, or several Pieces of his Works, Civil, Histor. Philos. &c. 1661
  • 89 Burtons Annatomy of Melancholy, 7th Edition 1660
  • 90 Dr. Hen. Mores Philosophical Collections 2d Edition 1662
  • 91 — His Modest inquiry into the Mistery of Iniquity 1664
  • 92 John Reynolds Triumphs of Gods Revenge against Murther, 2d Edition 1640
  • 93 Will. Morrice upon the Sacrament of the Lords Supper 1660
  • 94 John Smiths Christian Religions Appeal, &c. 1675
  • [Page] [Page 3]95 Dr. Alestree (Rich.) his 18 Sermons Lond. 1669
  • 96 Dr. White (John) his Works in Divinity Lond. 1624
  • 97 White's (John) Commentary upon the 3 first Chapters of Genesis ibid. 1656
  • 98 Behmen's (Jacob) Mysterium Magnum, or Exposition upon Genesis 1654
  • 99 Dr. Field (Rich.) of the Church, 2d Edition Oxford. 1628
  • 100 Sympson's (Patrick) History of the Church since the days of Christ Lond. 1634
  • 101 Hist. of the Wars of England between the Houses of Lancast. and York, 2 Vol.
  • 102 Purchas his Pilgrimes and Pilgrimage, in 5 Vol. 1625
  • 103 Speed's (John) Chronicle, or History of Great Britain, 3d Edit. 1632
  • 104 Stow's (John) Chronicle of England continued to the year 1631. by Ed. Howes
  • 105 Tit. Livius his Roman History, Englished by Ph. Holland 1600
  • 106 Cambden's (W.) Britannia, or a Chorographical Description of Brittain; with Maps of the several Shires of England. Lond. 1610
  • 107 Milles (Tho.) Catalogue of Honour, &c. ibid. 1610
  • 108 Plutarch's Morals and Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, in 2 Vol. 1603
  • 109 Stow's (John) Survey of London Lond. 1633
  • 110 Knolles (Rich.) General History of the Turks, 3d Edition 1621
  • 111 Rycant's (Paul) present State of the Ottoman Empire 1668
  • 112 —History of the Turkish Empire from 1623. to 1677. 1680
  • 113 Knox (John) his Hist. of the Reformat. of the Church of Scotl. Large Paper
  • 114 Spotswood's (John) History of the Church of Scotland, 3d Edit. Lond. 1668
  • 115 Calderwood's (Dav.) History of the Church of Scotland 1680
  • 116 Petrie's Hist. of the Cath. Church, from the year 600. until 1600. Hague 1662
  • 117 Beaumont and Fletchers Comedies and Tragedies Lond. 1647
  • 118 Wilkins (John) Essay towards a real Character & Philosoph. Language 1668
  • 119 Collection of Statutes in the 7 years Reign of King Edward the 6th. 1553. Item, the first of Q. Mary, 1554. Item, All the time of Philip and Mary, 1555. Item, Anno primo of Q. Eliz. to Anno 23. ejusd.
  • 120 Collection of Statutes from King Henry 3. unto the 37th of K. Henry 8. 2 Vol.
  • 121 Pulton's (Ford.) Collection of Statutes, 1640. with a Continuation to the 19th of King Charles II. 2 Vol. Lond. 1667
  • 122 Manby's (Tho.) Collection of Statutes in the Reign of K. Charles I. & K. Charles II.
  • 123 Rastal's (Wil) Collection of Statutes Lond. 1611
  • 124 Cotton's (Sir Rob.) Abridgment of the Records in the Tower, by W. Pryn 1657
  • 125 Schobel's (Hen.) Collection of the Ordinances, &c. 1658
  • 126 Rushworth's (John) Historical Collections, in 3 Vol. 1680
  • 127 —Tryal of Thomas Earl of Strafford, &c. 1680
  • 128 Morysoon (Fynes) his Ten years Travel, &c. 1617
  • 129 Exton (John) Maritime Decalogy, or Sea-Jurisdiction of England 1664
  • 130 Gabala, sive Scrinia Sacra, Mysteries of State and Government 1663
  • 131 Dugdale's (Sir Wil.) short View of the late Troubles in England Oxford 1681
  • 132 Roger Earl of Orrery his Treatise of the Art of War 1677
  • 133 Bentivolio & Urania, in 4 Books, by N. Ingelo D. D. 1610
  • 134 Crackanthorp's (R.) Vigilius Dormitans, Rome's Seer overseen 1631
  • 135 Hooke's (R.) Micrographia, or Descriptions of Minute Bodies; with Cuts 1665
  • 136 Mackenzies (Sir Geo.) Observations upon the Laws and Customs of Nations, as to Precedency Edinburgh. 1680
  • 137 Webbs (John) Vindication of Stone-Henge Restored 1665
  • 138 Whitlock's Memorials of the English Affairs 1682
  • 139 Knox (Rob.) Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon in the East Indies 1651
  • [Page 4]140 J. Bapt. Taverneir's Collection of several Relations and Treatises 1680
  • 141 History of the Life, Reign and Death of King Edward II. by E. F. 1680
  • 142 Seige of Breda, with Maps Lond. 1627
  • 143 George Duke of Albermarle his Observat. upon Military and Political Affairs.
  • 144 Lady Newcastle her Poems and Fancies Lond. 1653
  • 145 —Her Philosophical and Physical Opinions 1663
  • 146 —Poems and Fancies, 2d Edition, much altered, &c. 1664
  • 147 —Philosophical Letters; or Reflect. upon Opinions in Natural Philosophy
  • 148 —Observations upon Experimental Philosophy. To which is added, The Description of a new Blazing World 1666
  • 149 —New Blazing World (apart)
  • 150 —Life of her Lord and Husband, William Duke of Newcastle 1667
  • 151 Hist. of the Wars of the Emp. Justinian, by Procopius, English'd by Sir H. Holcroft
  • 152 Compleat Ambassador, containing Letters of Negotiation, &c. 1655
  • 153 History of the late Wars in Denmark, with Maps, by R. M. 1670
  • 154 John Selden of the Right and Dominion of the Seas, Englished by J. H. 1663
  • 155 Joseph Hall his Works, (the first Volume only) 1625
  • 156 Form and Manner of Making and Consecrating Bishops, Priests and Deacons
  • 157 Hugh Davis of the Rights belonging to an Uniformity in Churches 1671
  • 158 Book of Homilies appointed to be read in Churches in the time of Qu. Eliz.
  • 159 Dr. J. Pearson his Exposition of the Creed, 2d Edition 1662
  • 160 Rich. Hooker Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity Lond. 1662
  • 161 Pet. Heylins History of the Reformation of the Church of England 1674
  • 162 Dr. Tho. Jackson his Works upon the Creed, 2 Vol. Fol. 1653. & 1654
  • 163 Geo. Hakewil's Apology, of the Power and Providence of God 1635
  • 164 Anth. Burgess his Practical Commentary upon 1 Cor. 3 d Chapter 1659
  • 165 —Doctrine of Original Sin, Asserted and Vindicated, &c. 1659
  • 166 Ham. L'Estrange Alliance of Divine Offices, &c. 1659
  • 167 Sim. Birckbek's Protestants Evidence, taken out of good Records 1657
  • 168 Ja. Durham's Comment upon the Revelation, (Turkey and Gilt) Edinb. 1658
  • 169 Henry Lord Howards Defensative against the Poyson of supposed Prophecies 1620
  • 170 Pet. Heylins History of the Life and Death of Archbishop Laud 1668
  • 171 Archbishop Cranmers Answer to Steph. Gardner touching the Eucharist 1580
  • 172 J. Whitgifts Defence of the Answers to the Admonition against the Reply of T. C.
  • 173 Tyndal, Fryth, and Dr. Barnes 3 Worthy Martyrs, their Works Lond. 1573
  • 174 Golden Legend, or Lives of Saints (wants Beginning and End)
  • 175 W. Chillingworth's Religion of Protestants a safe way to Salvation 1638
  • 176 Archbishop Laud his Conference with Jesuit Fisher 1639
  • 177 Tho. Morten's Catholick Appeal for Protestants 1610
  • 178 W. Pemble his Works in Divinity Oxford. 1659
  • 179 J. Smith's General History of Virginia, New England, &c. 1627
  • 180 James Howels History of the Life of Lewis XIII. of France 1646
  • 181 Annales and History of Corn. Tacitus, by Rich. Grenewey 1604
  • 182 Vir. Malvezzi's Discourses upon Taci [...]us, Englished by Sir R. Baker 1642
  • 183 J. Guillims Display of Heraldry, 3d Edition 1638
  • 184 Aug. Vincent's Discovery of Errors in Brooks Catalogue of Nobility, &c. 1622
  • 185 History of the Great and Renowned Monarchy of China 1655
  • 186 Paulo Paruta his History of Venice, Englished by Monmouth 1658
  • 187 History of Philip de Comines 1614
  • [Page] [Page 5]188 Tho. Gages New Survey of the West Indies, 2d Edition 1655
  • 189 Will. Burtons Commentary on Antoninus his Itinerary 1658
  • 190 John Seldens Titles of Honor, 2d Edition Lond. 1631
  • 191 Mich. Draytons Poly-Olbion first Part, with Maps Lond. 1612
  • 192 Mrs. Kath. Philips her Poems Lond. 1667
  • 193 Geo. Sandys Ovid Metamorphosis Lond. 1626
  • 194 Orlando Furioso in Heroical Verse, by Sir J. Harington, with Cuts Lond. 1634
  • 195 Statutes of Ireland, beginning the 3 year of K. Ed. 2. & ended in the 13 year K. James
  • 196 Laws and Acts of the 2 Parliam. of K. Char. 2. begun at Edinb. the 19 Oct. 1669. &c.
  • 197 K. Charles the 1 his large Declaration concerning the Tumults in Scotland 1639
  • 198 K. James his Proclamations since the beginning of his Reign, to Feb. 1609.
  • 199 Will. Shakspears Commedies, Histories and Tragedies Lond. 1623
  • 200 Benj. Johnson his Plays, &c. in 3 Vol. Lond. 1640
  • 201 Sir Fr. Vere his Commentaries, published by Will. Dillingham 1657
  • 202 Rob. Nortons Gunnery, shewing the whole Practise of Artillery Lond. 1628
  • 203 Inigo Jones Antiquity of Stone-Henge on Salisbury Plain 1655
  • 204 Tho. Browns Enquiries into Vulgar and Common Errors 1646
  • 205 W. Segar of Honor, Military and Civil, with Cuts Lond. 1602
  • 206 History of England, of so much of Britain, as was subjected by the Romans 1668
  • 207 Godfrey of Bulloigne, wants the Title 1624
  • 208 Sir J. Pettus Foedinae Regales, or the Hist. &c. of the Mines & Mineral W. in E. &c.
  • 209 History of Guicciardin, Englished by Geffray Fenton 1579
  • 210 Countess of Mountgomeries Urania, by the Lady Mary Wroath
  • 211 Geo. Sandys Travels, 4th Edition 1637
  • 212 Will. Caxtons Chronicle of England, &c 1500
  • 213 Halls Chronicle of England, &c. Wants the Title, Lond. by R. Grafton 1500
  • 214 Will. Martyns Chronicle, or History and Lives of the Kings of England 1615
  • 215 Polichronicon, by Ranulph Monk of Chester, Lond. by Wynkin de Word 1459
  • 216 Will. Drummonds History of Scotland, from 1423 until 1542.
  • 217 History of the Life and Death of Mary Q. of Scotland, by Will. Stranguage 1624
  • 218 — Of the Life and Reign of Rich. 3d. by Geo. Buck 1646
  • 219 Morg. Godwins Annals of Eng in the Reigns of Hen. 8. Ed. 6. & Q. Mary 1630
  • 220 Life of Don John de Castro, 4th Vice-Roy of India, Englished by Sir Pet. Wiche
  • 221 Will. Camdens Annals, or History of Q. Elizabeth 1630
  • 222 Michel Lord of Montaigne his Essays, Englished by J. Florio 1613
  • 223 Gab. Richardsons State of Europe Oxford 1627
  • 224 Tho. Hobbes Leviathan, or the Matter, Form &c. of a Common Wealth, 1651
  • 225 Tho Herberts Travels, or Description of the Persian Monarchy, &c. 1634
  • 226 Sig. Pietro Della Villes Travels into East-India & Arabia Deserta, with Sir Tho. Roes Voyage into the East-Indies 1665
  • 227 Annals and History of Cornelius Tacitus 1612
  • 228 Tho. Morleys plain and easie Introduction to practical Musick 1597
  • 229 Mr. Abraham Cowleys Works of Poetry, &c. 1668
  • 230 Sir Henry Wottons State of Christendom 1657
  • 231 Lord Fulk Brooks Works in Poetry, written in his Youth 1633
  • 232 Votes, Articles, &c. of the House of Commons in Parliament, beginning the 21 Oct. 1680. & ending the 10 Jan. 1680. & Printed by the Order of W. Williams Sp. Tryal of William Viscount Stafford for Treason 1680
  • 233 Volume of London Gazettes beginning Numb. 1235. Sept. 17. 1677. and ending Numb. 1352. Octob. 31. to Nov. 1678.
  • [Page 6]234 Acts & Constitutions of Scotl. made in Parliam. in the Reigns of K. J. 1, 2, 3, 4. & Q. M.
  • 235 Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland in the Reigns of K. Jamos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
  • 235 Q. Mary, K. James 6. with Acts in the first Parliament of King Charles 1. holden at Edinburgh, (himself being there in Person). Edinb. 1633
  • 235 J. Skenes Exposition of the hard Terms & W. in the 4 Books of Regiani Majest.
  • 236 Acts of Parliament of the first of K. Charles holden at Edinburgh, himself being present in Person, Anno Dom. 1633. Edinb. 1633
  • 236 Acts in the 2 Parliament of K. Char. holden at Edinb. in the several Sessi. 1640 &c.
  • 236 Acts in 5 Sessions of the 3d Parliament of K. Char. 1. holden at Edinb. 1644, &c.
English in Quarto.
  • 1 WAtsons Decacordon of X Quodlibetical Questions concerning Relig. & State
  • 2 Assembly of Divines Confes. of Faith, together with the Larger & Lesser C.
  • 3 J. Cosins Scholastical History of the Canon of the H. Scripture 1657
  • 4 John Weemse's Works in 3 Vol. Lond. 1636
  • 5 Ephr. Pagits Christianography, or Descript. of sundry sorts of Christ. not subj. to the P.
  • 6 Rich. Rogers his seven Treatises 1630
  • 7 Tho. Cartwrights 2d Reply to Dr. Whitgifts 2d Answer touching Ch. Discipline
  • 8 Morning Exercise against Popery, Preached in Southwark 1675
  • 9 Tho. Pierce D.D. his Sermons upon several Occasions Oxford 1671
  • 10 — Christians Rescue from the Grand Error of the Heathen, with the rest of his Controversial Pieces, in 2 Vol. 1658
  • 11 Roger Twisdens Historic. Vindicat. of the Church of Engl. in point of Schism 1657
  • 12 Will. Bates Harmony of the Divine Attributes 1674
  • 13 Jesuits Loyalty manifested in 3 several Treatises, &c. With a Collection of seve­ral Treatises concerning the Reasons and Occasions of the Penal Laws, &c. 1677
  • 14 Will. Gurnals Christian in Compleat Armour, in 2 Vol. 2 Edition 1656
  • 15 — Both Parts in 1 Vol. 3 Edition 1658
  • 16 Bp. Godwins Catalogue of the Bishops of England 1615
  • 17 Anth. Sparrows Collection of Articles, Injunctions, Conans, &c. of the Ch. of Engl.
  • 18 Will. Sherwins Works in Dlvinity 1676
  • 19 Tho. Mantons Exposition, with Notes upon the Epistle of James, 3 Edition 1657
  • 20 — Upon the Epistle of Jude 1658
  • 21 Nath. Culverwels Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature 1652
  • 22 Ed. Stillingfleets Irenicum, a Weapon-Salve for the Church Wounds, 2d Edition
  • 23 — Origines Sacrae, or a Rational Account of the Grounds of Christian Faith, &c.
  • 24 M. Aur. Antoninus Meditations of himself, Englished, with Notes, by Meri [...] Casaubon, 2d Edition 1635
  • 25 Jer. Taylor's Discourse of the Liberty of Prophesying 1647. with his Disc. of Bapt.
  • 26 Archbishop Usher's Discourse of the Religion of the Ancient Irish, with his Speech in the Castle-Chamber 1631
  • 26 —His Answer to Matone the Jesuits Challenge 1631
  • 28 Rich. Vines Sermons upon several Publick and Eminent Occasions 1656
  • 29 S. Clark against Immoderate Mourning; in a Serm. at the Funeral of Mr. T. Bewley
  • 30 Tho. Jacksons Treatise of the Holy Catholick Faith and Church 1627
  • 31 —4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9th Books of Commments on the Creed, in 3 Vol.
  • 32 Survey of the insolent and infamous Libel, Entituled, Naphtali, &c. 1668
  • 33 W. Ames his Fresh Suit against Humane Ceremonies in God's Worship 1633
  • [Page] [Page 7]34 W. Perkins his Exposition of the Creed wants Title
  • 35 Tho. Brightman's Exposition of the Apocalyps, 4th Edit. 1644
  • 36 Assembly of Divines Grand Debate concerning Presbytery & Independency 1652
  • 37 Sir Th. Ridley's View of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Law, 2d Edit. 1634
  • 38 J. Donne's ΒΙΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ, a Declaration of that Paradox, That Self-homicide is not so naturally sin, &c. 1648
  • 39 K. Henry VIII. his Primer in English and Latin, with his Epistles and Gospels 1545
  • 40 Tho. Case his 3 Sermons of the Quarrel of the Covenant, with the Pacification of the Quarrel Lond. 1644
  • 41 Bishop Bramhall against Th. Hobbes concerning Liberty, Necessity and Chance 1656
  • 42 St. Ambrose Christian Offices Chrystal Glass, Englished by R. Humfrey 1637
  • 43 Geo. Gillespie Aaron's Rod blossoming, &c. 1646
  • 44 R. Vines his Treatise on the Sacrament, in 20 Sermons 1657
  • 45 T. Allen's Chain of Scripture Chronology from the Creation to the Death of Christ
  • 46 J. Bastwick's Routing of the whole Army of Independents and Sectaries 1646
  • 47 History of Independency, Part 1st and 2d, in one Volume 1650
  • 48 Tho. Rogers on the 39 Articles of the Church of England 1625
  • 49 Hen. Burton's Apology of an Appeal 1636
  • 50 Steph. Denison's Exposition of the first Chap. of the 2d Epist. of St. Peter 1622
  • 51 W. Huntley's Breviate of the Prelate's intolerable Usurpations 1637
  • 52 Layton's Plea to the Parliament, or Sion's Plea against the Prelacy
  • 53 Gillespie's Dispute against the English Popish Ceremonies obtruded upon the Church of Scotland 1637
  • 54 Rob Baily Minister of Glasgow, his Works or Treatises, in 2 Vol. 1655
  • 55 H. Robrough Doctrin of Justification cleared, against J. Goodwyn and G. Walker 1643
  • 56 Reply to a Relation of the Conference between Bishop Laud and Fisher 1640
  • 57 T. Edwards Gangraena, or Discovery of the Errors, Heresies, &c. 2 Parts 1646
  • 58 — Answer to the Apologetical Narration of Mr. Goodwin, Nye, &c. 1644
  • 59 J. Leys Doubts and Reasons, touching the late Oath of the 6th Canon 1641
  • 60 — Discourse for Discussion of Sabbatary Doubts 1641
  • 61 J. Cotton pouring out of the 7 Vials, or Exposit. of the 16th Chapt. of the Revelat.
  • 62 Lord Falklands Discourse of the Infallibility of the Church of Rome, with an Answer to it. And his Lordships Reply 1651
  • 63 J. Ball's Friendly Trial of the grounds to Separation Cambr. 1640
  • 64 S. Hudsons Vindication of the Essence and Unity of the Church Catholick 1658
  • 65 Discovery of the Dalmatian Bishop M. Ant. de Dominis, and his Books, by C.A. to his Friend P R. 1617
  • 66 John Napier's Plain Discovery of the whole Revelation of St. John 1611
  • 67 Dan. Dyke's Discourse of the Deceitfulness of Man's Heart 1642
  • 68 Dr. Geo Hicks Spirit [...] Enthusiasm Exercised, in a Sermon Preach'd before the University of Oxford, July [...] 1680. (Large Paper, in Turkey Leather, &c.
  • 69 K. Charles II. his Concealmen [...] at Treat, publisht by A. Windham. large Paper, Turkey
  • 70 Hen. Stubbe's Plus Ultra reduced to a Nonplus: Against Glanvils Plus Ultra. (Large Paper, in Turkey, &c.) 1670
  • 71 —Against Lord Bacon of the Sweatin [...] [...]ckness and G. Thompson 1671
  • 72 Ballickfergus, or Account of the Foundation, Founders, and Affairs of Balliol Colledge, by Hen. Savage. Oxford 1668
  • 73 Sir M. Cogn [...]'s Politique Discourses upon Truth & Lying, English'd by Sir E. Hoby
  • 74 W. Drummond's Flowers of Sion, or Spiritual Poems 1623
  • 75 Philosophical Transactions from March. 6. 1664. to 11 Feb. 1666. (in one Vol.)
  • [Page 8]76 Hist. of the Church of Great Brittain, from the Birth of Christ to the year 1667
  • 77 Sir R. Twisden's Historical Vindication of the Church of England from Schism
  • 78 Bp. Douglas his Translaiion of Virgil into Scottish Metre 1553
  • 79 Parthenissa, A Romance, the 6th Tome, or last Part 1669
  • 80 Th. Sprats History of the Royal Society of London 1667
  • 81 Ja. Howel's Familiar Letters Domestick and Foreign 1645
  • 82 Jos. Moxon's Tutor to Astronomy and Geography: Of the use of the Globes, &c.
  • 83 Bushel's Extract of his Abridgment of the Lord Bacon's Philosophical Theory in Mineral Prosecutions 1660
  • 84 Capt. Tho. Binning's Light to the Art of Gunnery, (in Turkey, &c.) 1676
  • 85 J. Milton's History of Brittain, that part especially now called England 1671
  • 86 Speeches and Passages of Parliament from the 3d Nov. 1640. to June 1641.
  • 87 Jacob Behmen's Aurora, that is the Day-Spring, &c. 1656
  • 88 W. London's Catalogue of most vendible Books in England 1658
  • 89 Sir Geo. Mackenzie Of the Laws and Customs of Scotland in matters Criminal (in Turkey Leather Extraordinary) Edinburg. 1678
  • 90 —Pleadings in some remarkable Cases, before the Supreme Courts of Scotland, since the year 1661. Edinburg. 1678
  • 91 —Another of the same
  • 92 Jrhn Manwood's Treatise of the Forest Laws, 2d Edition 1665
  • 93 Sir Edw. Coke's compleat Copy-holder 1650
  • 94 Life and Acts of Sir W. Wallace (in Scottish Metre) Edinb. 1594
  • 95 Sir Dav. Lyndesay his Works (in Scottish Metre) 1572
  • 96 J. Selden's History of Tythes 1618
  • 97 Nath. Carpenters Geography Delineated, in 2 Books Oxon. 1625
  • 98 Tryal of the 29 Regicides, the Murtherers of King Charles I. 1660
  • 99 Tho. Godwyn's Roman and Jewish Antiquities 1634
  • 100 Rich. Baxters Treatise of Episcopacy Lond. 1681
  • 101 — Church History of the Government of Bishops and their Councils 1680
  • 102 — Reasons of the Christian Religion 1667
  • 103 — Naked Popery, or the Naked Falsh. of a B. called the Cath. Naked Truth
  • 104 — Non-conformists Plea for Peace, 2d Part 1680
  • 105 — Life of Faith in three Parts 1670
  • 106 — Life of Faith, in a Sermon preached before the King, July 22. 1660
  • 107 — Saints Everlasting Rest, 5th Edition 1654
  • 108 — Divine Life in three Treatises 1664
  • 109 — Treatise of Conversion 1657
  • 110 — Apology against T. Blake, G. Kendal, L. Colvin, &c. 1654
  • 111. — Christian Concord, or the Agreem of the Pastors & Churches of Worcester-sh.
  • 112 —Key for Catholicks 1659
  • 113 —Five Disputations of Church Government and Worship 1659
  • 114 —Four Disputations of Justification 1658
  • 114 —Crucifying the World by the Cross of Christ 1658
  • 115 —Certain Disputations of Right to Sacraments, &c. 1657
  • 116 —Plain Scripture-proof of Infants Church-membership and Baptism, 4th Edit.
  • 117 — Treatise of Self-denyal 1660
  • 118 —Confession of his Faith, &c. 1655
  • 118 —Account of his Thoughts concerning the Perseverance of the Saints 1657
  • 119 —Which is the True Church 1679
  • 120 —Christian Concord, or Agreement of the Pastors and Churches of Wor­cestershire▪ 1656. with six Treatises by others
  • [Page] [Page 9]120 W. Camden's Remains concerning Brittain, 5th Edition 1636
  • 121 Edm. Gunter's Description and Use of the Sector, Cross staff, &c. 1636
  • 122 W. Prynn's Histrio-Mastrix. The Players Scourge, or Actors Tragedy 1633
  • 123 —Antipathy of the English Lordly Prelacy, both to Regal Monarchy, and Civil Unity. Both Parts in one Vol. 1641
  • 124 Sam. Rutherford's Due Right of Presbytery, or a peaceable Plea for the Govern­ment of the Church of Scotland. 1644
  • 125 —Divine Right of Church-Government and Excommunication 1646
  • 126 —Trial and Triumph of Faith 1645
  • 127 — Lex Rex, Law and the Prince disp. for the just Prerog. of K. and People.
  • 128 Pet. Heylin's Microcosmus, or little description of the great World Oxford 1629
  • 129 Reg. Scots Discovery of Witchcraft 1584
  • 130 Histories of Visions, Apparitions, Prophesies, and other Illusions of the Devil wrought by Magick or otherwise: Also of Astrological Predictions, out of Approved Authors. 1657
  • 131 K. James his Daemonology, 1603. H. Holland's Treatise against Witches 1590. Geo. Giffard's Dialogue of Witches and Witchcraft. 1603
  • 132 Sam. Colvil's Grand Impostor discovered: Or, an Historical Dispute of the Pa­pacy and Popish Religion, (in Turkey, &c.) Edinb. 1673
  • 133 Ed. Symmon's Vindication of King Caarles I. 1641
  • 134 John Wenlock's Declaration to his Majesty of the great Oppressions of himself and Family, and the true occasion thereof, &c. 1662
  • 135 Pet. Heylin's History of St. George of Cappadocia 1648
  • 136 Dudly Diggs Unlawfulness of Sujects taking up Arms against their Sovereign
  • 137 John Harding's Chronicle of England—wants Title and latter End
  • 138 John Vicors England's Parliamentary Chronicle, both Parts in one Vol. 1646
  • 139 History of King James for the first 14 Years. 1661
  • 140 M. Blundevile his Exercises, containing 8 Treatises 1613
  • 141 —Another of the same
  • 142 Sir Fr. Bacon's Essays, or Counsels Civil and Moral 1625
  • 143 M. Pridehux's Introduction for Reading all sorts of Histories Oxford 1648
  • 144 Proceedings against the Traitors, Garnet the Jesuit, and his Chnfederates, &c.
  • 145 Leycester's Commonwealth, with Leycester's Ghost, by Mr. Parsons 1641
  • 146 Coryat's Crudities, Travels in France, Italy, Rhetia, &c. 1611
  • 147 Volume of 9 Modern Plays, viz. 1. Love in a Wood. 2. Gentleman Dancing-master. 3. The Morning Ramble. 4. The Fatal Jealousie. 5. Monsieur Raggou. 6. The Dumb Lady 7. Horace. 8. The Woman's Conquest. 9. The Cheats.
  • 148 Volume of 9 Modern Plays, viz. 1. The Royal Shepperdess. 2. Marcetia. 3. Tarugo's Wiles. 4. The Island Princess. 5. The Duke of Lerma. 6. The Man's the Master. 7. Love in a Tub. 8. Pompey the Great. 9. The Usurper.
  • 149 Volume of 8 old Plays, viz. 1. The Faithful Shepherdess. 2. Maids Tragedy. 3. Cupid's Revenge. 4. The Bloody Brother. 5. The Tragedy of Thierrie. 6. The Woman Hater. 7. The Elder Brother. 8. The Knight of the Burn­ing Pestle. (All by Beaumont and Fletcher.)
  • 150 Volume of eight old Playes, viz. 1. Monsieur Thomas. 2. The Coronation. 3. Phildster, or Love lies a Bleeding. 4. A King and no King. 5. The Scorn­ful Lady. 6. Rule a Wife and have a Wife. 7. The Night Walker, or the Little Thief. 8. Wit without Mony. (All written by Beaumont and Fletcher.)
  • [Page 10]151 Volume of 14 old Plays, viz. 1: Sir Gyles Goose-cap. 2. The Bird in a 3. The Witty Fair one. 4. The Phoenix. 5. The Fair Maid of the West. 6. Green's Tu Quo (que) 7. Loves Load-stone. 8. A Woman will have her Will. 9. Adrasta, or the Womans Spleen. 10. The Elder Brother. 11. Hyde Park. 12. The Costly Whore. 13. The Great Duke of Florence. 14. Albumazar. By several Hands.
  • 152 John Boy's Aeneas his descent into Hell; Annotations upon the 6th Book of Virgil's Aeneis (in Turkey, &c.) 1661
  • 153 Elias Ashmole's Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum 1653
  • 154 —Way to Bliss, in 3 Books 1658
  • 155 Proceedings in the Assembly of the Church of Scotland at Perth, Aug. 25. 1618.
  • 156 Diurnal Occurrences, or daily Proceedings of both Houses of Parliament from the 3d of Novemb. 1640. to the 3d of Novemb. 1641.
  • 157 R. Verstegan's Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities concerning the English Nation 1628
  • 158 W. Lilly Martinus Anglicus Junior, The English Merlin reviv'd. 1645. His Pro­phecy of the White King, 1644. England's Prophetical Merlin, 1644. His Starry Messenger, 1645. Anglicus, Peace, or no Peace. 1645
  • 159 J. Bird of the late Calamities of England, with the Authors of them: And of the great Happiness and Happy Government of K. Charles 2. ensuing 1661
  • 160 Hen. Hexam's Copious English and Nether Dutch Dictionary, with a Com­pendious Grammar Rotterdam 1648
  • 161 K Charles I. his Declaration, concerning his Proceedings with his Subj. of Scotland
  • 162 John Norden's Speculum Britanniae, the first part; being an Historical Choro­graphical Description of Middlesex, with Maps 1593
  • 163 Capt. Rich. Whitbourn's Discourse and Discovery of New-found-land 1620
  • 164 Tohn Huarte Examination or Tryal of Mens Wits, Translated out of Spanish by M Camillo Camilli, and Englished out of his Italian by R. C. 1616
  • 165 History of the Waldenses, commonly call'd in English Lollards 1624
  • 166 Sir Tho. Smith Commonwealth of England, and manner of Governm. thereof
  • 167 Ed. Wright's certain Errors in Navigation detected and corrected 1610
  • 168 Tryal of Lieut. Col. Lilburne the 24, 25, 26 Octob. 1649.
  • 169 Don Juan Lamberto, Or a Comical History of the late Times 1661
  • 170 Cawdry and Palmer, Christian Sabbath vindicated 1645
  • 171 Dan. Cawdrey's Threefold Discourse. 1. Against Mr. Cotton. 2. Of Church-Discipline. 3. Of Infants Baptism, &c. 1651
  • 172 Tho. James his Treatise of the Corruption of Scripture, Councels and Fathers, by the Prelates, &c. of the Church of Rome 1612
  • 173 Bishop Hall of Exon Episcopacy by Divine Right Asserted 1640
  • 174 John Lightsoot The Temple and Temple-Service, as it stood in the days of our Saviour (both bound together 1650
  • 175 Assertion of the Government of the Chunch of Scotland Edinburg 1641
  • 176 Alex. Huntar his Treatise of Weights, Mets and Measures of Scotland ibid. 1629
English in Octavo.
  • 1 JEr. Taylor's Doctrine and Practice of Repentance Lond. 1655
  • 2 Bibliotheca Regia, or the Royal Library of such Papers of King Charles I. as escaped the Wrack and Ruine of the Times 1659
  • [Page] [Page 11]3 K. Charles's [...], The portraicture of his Sacred Majesty 1648
  • 4 Sam. Hernes Account of the Foundation of the Charter-House 1677
  • 5 Judge Hales Contemplations, Moral and Divine, in 2 Vol. 1676
  • 6 — Life and Death of Pomponius Atticus 1677
  • 7 — Difficiles Nugae, or Observation touching the Torricellian Experiment 1674
  • 8 — Essay touching the Gravitation of Fluid Bodies 1675
  • 9 Edw. Stiliingfleets Answer to several Treatises Occasioned by his Discourse con­cerning the Idolatry in the Church of Rome, in 2 Vol. 1673
  • 10 — Defence of his Discourse of Idolatry against Godwin, in 2 Vol. 1676
  • 11 — Several Conferences between a Romish Pr. a Fan. Ch. & a Div. of the C. of E.
  • 12 Gentlemans Calling, by the Author of the Duty of Man 1668
  • 13 Art of Contentment, by the same Author Oxford Theater 1675
  • 14 Parker D. D. his Discourse of Ecclesiastical Polity 1670
  • 15 Js. Basires D.D. Sacriledge Arraigned and Condemned, &c. L. Paper in Turky, &c.
  • 16 Dr. Hammonds Discourse of Gods Grace & Decrees, in a Letter to Dr. Rob. Sanders
  • 17 Euseb Nierembergius, of the difference between Temporal and Eternal 1672
  • 18 Impartial Inquisition upon the Dissenters, Melius Inquirendum 1681
  • 19 Mores Vindicat. of the Primit. Ch. and Diocesan Episcopacy in Answer to Baxter
  • 20 Will. Saywells Original of all the Plots in Christendom 1680
  • 21 Jos. Glanvills Saducismus Triumphatus, or the full & plain Evid. of Witches & Ap.
  • 22 — His Consideration about Witchcraft, (apart) 1668
  • 23 Dodwells Considerat. how far Romanists may be trusted by Pr. of anoth. Perswasi.
  • 24 Dr. Caves Primitive Christianity 1673
  • 25 Sym. Patricks D.D. Christian Sacrifice 1671
  • 26 Sam. Parker D.D. Case of the Church of England truly Stated 1681
  • 27 Dr. Goodmans Compassionate Inquiry into the Causes of the Contempt of the P.R.
  • 28 Julian the Apostate, being a short Account of his Life, &c. by Mr. Johnson 1682
  • 29 Paul Rycauts present State of the Greek and Armenian Churches 1679
  • 30 Tho. Beverly, the Great Soul of Man, &c. discoursed Lond. 1677
  • 31 Luzancys Reflections on the Council of Trent Oxford Theater 1677
  • 32 Triumphs of Rome over dispised Protestants 1677
  • 33 Will. Roberts Key to the Hebrew Bible 1656
  • 34 Discourse of the use of Reason in Matters of Religion 1676
  • 35 Bradys full and clear Answer unto W. Petyt Esq his Book 1681
  • 36 Life of God in the Soul of Man, &c. in two Letters to Persons of Honour 1677
  • 37 Rob. Boyls Considerotions touching the Style of the Holy Scriptures 1661.
  • 38 J. Wilkins Discourse concerning the Gift of Prayer and Preaching 1655
  • 39 — Discovery of a New World, or the World in the Moon, 3d Edition 1640
  • 40 — Mathematical Magick 1648
  • 41 — Secret and Swift Messenger 1641
  • 42 Nath. Ingelo's D. D. Perfection, Authority and Credibility of the Scriptures 1659
  • 43 Pet. Heyline Certamen Epistolare, or the Letter-Combate 1659
  • 44 Theoph. Churchmans Review of the Certamen Epistolare 1659
  • 45 Knoxs History of the Church of Scotland
  • 46 Bishop Wards Sermons, 2d Edition 1674
  • 47 J. Spencers Discourse concerning Prodigies, 2d Edition 1665
  • 48 Dan. Whiteby of Faith and Resurrection of Christ Oxford Theatre 1671
  • 49 Learned-Man Defended and Reformed by Bartolus, Englished by Salisbury 1660
  • 50 Rich. Capels Tentations, their Nature, Danger and Cure, with an Appendix 1658
  • 51 Theoph. Polwheiles Treatise of Self-denial 1658
  • [Page 12]52 Sam. Langleys Suspension Revewed, Stated, Cleared and Settled, &c. 1658
  • 53 Arch-Bp. Lauds Summary of Devotions Oxford 1667
  • * 53 Rob. Boyles Motives and Incentives to the Love of God 1659
  • 54 R. Youngs Sovereign Antidote against all Grief, 3d Edition 1647
  • 55 J. Bookers Discourse concerning the Holy Feast of Easter 1664
  • 56 Ch. Potters want of Charity justly Charged 1634
  • 57 Sim. Fords Spirit of Bondage and Adoption 1655
  • 58 Edw. Reyners Precepts for Christian Practice, &c. 10th Edition 1659
  • 58 — Rules for the Government of the Tongue Ibid.
  • 59 Tho. Willes Prophecy of Perillous Times, Opened and Applyed 1656
  • 60 Dr. Hen. Mores Discourse of Enthusiasm 1656
  • 61 Edw. Gees Divine Right, and Original of the Civil Magistrate from God 1658
  • 62 Hobbes Creed Examined, &c. 1670
  • 63 Hen. Stubbes Essay in defence of the Good Old Cause 1659
  • 64 Bp. Bramhalls Castigations of Hobbes, in the Case about Liberty and Necessity
  • 65 — Just Vindication of the Church of England 1654
  • 65 — Replication to the Bishop of Chalcedon his Survey of the Vindication 1656
  • 66 Giles Firmin of Schism, Parochial Congregations in England, &c. 1645
  • 67 Fr. Roberts Believers Evidences for Eternal Life, 2d Edition 1655
  • 67 — Communicat Instructed for Receiving the Sacrament, 3d Edition 1656
  • 68 Mat. Pooles Nullity of the Romish Faith Oxford 1666
  • 69 Fulfilling of the Scripture, first Part 1669
  • 70 S. Cressys Answer to Dr. Pierces Court Sermon 1663
  • 71 Apologetical Relation of the Sufferings of the Ministers, &c. of the Ch. of Scot. &c.
  • 72 Bp. Sanderson of Episcopacy not Prejudicial to Regal Power 1661
  • 73 — His 7 Lectures about the Obligation of promissory Oathes 1655
  • 74 Friendly Debate between a Conformist, and a Non-conformist, 1 & 2 Part, 3 Ed.
  • 75 Tomkins Modern Pleas for Conprehension 1675
  • 76 Missive of Consolation, sent from Flanders to the Catholicks of Engl. At Lovain
  • 77 Will. Johnson D. D. his Sermon upon the great Deliverance at Sea 1664
  • 78 Andr. Salls Sermon at Christ-Church in Dublin 1674
  • 79 Modest and free Conference betwixt a Conformist, and a Non-conformist of Scotl.
  • 80 D. Cawdreys Church-Reformation promoted, &c. 1657
  • 81 — Independency a Great Schism against Owen 1657
  • 82 — Independency further proved to be a Schism against Owen 1658
  • 83 John. Owen of Schism, the true Nature of it discovered, &c. 1657
  • 84 — His Review of the true Nature of Schism, against Cawdrey 1658
  • 85 — Defence of Mr. John Cotton against Cawdrey 1658
  • 86 Questions and Answers to explain the Creed, Lords Prayers and Sacraments 1643
  • 87 J. Normans Preachers Patent cleared, and the Peoples Plea considered 1658
  • 88 Letters between the Lord Geo. Digby and Sir Kenelm about Religion 1651
  • 89 Will. Guilds Moses Unvailed 1620
  • 90 T. Bellamies Philanax Anglicus, or Caveat for all Kings, Princes, &c. 1663
  • 91 Clem. Ellis Gentile Sinner 1668
  • 92 Sim. Patricks Discourse concerning Baptism 1659
  • 93 Ja. Salgado's Slaughter-House, or Brief Description of the Spanish Inquisition, Lond.
  • 94 Rich. Baxters Unreasonableness of Infidelity 1655
  • 95 — His Cure of Church Divisions 1670
  • 96 — Certainty of Christianity without Popery 1672
  • 97 — Holy Common-Wealth, or Political Aphorisms 1659
  • [Page] [Page 13]98 —Safe Religion, or three Disputes against Popery 1657
  • 99 —Directions for weak distemper'd Christians, &c. 1669
  • 100 — Gildas Salvianns, the Reformed Pastor 1656
  • 101 —Confirmation and Restauration, the necessary means of Reformation and Reconciliation. 1658
  • 102 —Mischiefs of Self-ignorance▪ and the Benefits of Self-acquaintance 1662
  • 103 —More Reasons for the Christian Religion, and no Reasons against it 1672
  • 104 —His Sermon of Judgment, 1656. making Light of Christ and Salvation, &c. 1656. In two Assize Sermons
  • 105 —His Aphorisms of Justification 1649
  • 106 Tryal, &c. of the 29 Regicides, the Murtherers of K. Charles, 2d Edit. 1679
  • 107 Ren. Rapinus of Gardens, in English Verse, by J. Evelyn (in Turkey, &c.) 1673
  • 108 Tho. Guidot's Discourse of Bathe, and the hot Waters there 1676
  • 109 Estate of the Empire: Or, Abridgm. of the Laws, &c. of Germany, by L. Du-May
  • 110 Treatise of Monarchy, containing two Parts 1680
  • 111 Tho. Hunt's Argument for the Bishops Right in Judging in Capital Cases in Parl.
  • 112 Buckler of State and Justice, against the French designs 1667
  • 113 J. Evelyn of Navigation and Commerce, their Original and Progress 1674
  • 114 Geo. Wither Collection of his Poems 1626
  • 115 French Tutor, by way of Grammar for the French Tongue 1625
  • 116 Ed. Borlase Reduction of Ireland to the Crown of England 1675
  • 717 Causes and Remedy of the Distemper of the Times 1675
  • 118 John Price Mystery and Method of his Majesties happy Restauration 1680
  • 119 Catalogue of Nobility, made by his Majesty K. Charles 2. 1662
  • 120 Hudibras, 1st and 2d par, being Poems of the Civil Wars 1663
  • 121 Sir John Denham's Poems and Translations, with the Sophy 1668
  • 122 Sir John Suckling's Fragmenta Aurea, or a Collection of all his Poems, &c. 1658
  • 123 Dr. Donne's Poems, wiith Elegies on the Authors Death 1669
  • 124 Henry More's Philosophical Poems Cambr. 1647
  • 125 Edm. Waller his Poems, &c. upon several occasions, &c. 1664
  • 126 Sir John Denham's Cato Major, or a Poem of Old Age 1669
  • 127 Pandora, a Comedy 1664
  • *127 Abr. Cowley's Verses upon several Occasions 1663
  • 128 Roman History of Lucius Florus made English 1676
  • 129 Galtruchius his Poetical Histories, 3d Edition 1674
  • 130 Antoninus the Roman Emp. his Meditations, with Notes of Mer. [...]asaubon 1663
  • 131 Alex. Ross Mystagogus Poeticus, or the Muses Interpreter 1672
  • 132 Baker's Arithmetick, Enlarged by Hen. Philips 1670
  • 133 Loveday's Letters Domestique and Foreign 1659
  • 134 Conversations of Monsieur Clerombault, Englished by a Person of Honour 1672
  • 135 Boethius his Summum Bonum, or Consolation of Philosophy, in English 1674
  • 136 Portugal History, or a Relation of the Troubles that hapned in the Court of Por­tugal in the years 1667, 1668. 1677
  • 137 Perfect Politician, in the Life and Actions of O. Cromwel 1680
  • 138 State-Worthies, or the Statesmen and Favourites of England since the Reforma­tion, their Prudence and Policies, &c. 1670
  • 139 Life and Death of Cardinal Tho. Woolsey 1667
  • 140 Ja. Heath's Brief Chronicle of the late Intestine War, 2d Edit. 1663
  • 141 W. Lambard's Office of the Justices of Peace 1599
  • 142 Gentleman's Companion, or a Character of true Nobility, &c. 1672
  • [Page 14]143 Tho. Mun England's Treasure by Foreign Trade 1664
  • 144 King of England his Dominion on the Brittish Seas Asserted 1665
  • 145 Monarchy Asserted, in a Conference with O. Cromwel 1660
  • 146 M. Needham's Medela Medicinae, or Plea for the free Profession of Physick 1665
  • 147 Steph. Primatt City and Country Purchaser and Builder 1667
  • 148 Jus Populi Vindicated, or the Peoples Right to defend themselves and their Covenanted Religion Vindicated, &c. being a Reply to the first part of the Survey of Naphtali, &c. 1669
  • 149 Entertainments of the Cours; or Academical Conversations held upon the Cours at Paris. Englished by Th. Saintserf 1658
  • 150 Voiture's Letters of Affairs, Love and Courtship, by J.D. 1657
  • 151 Naudaeus his History of Magick, by way of Apologyy, by J. D. 1657
  • 152 W. Leybourn's Introduction to Astronomy and Geography 1675
  • 153 Tho. Walkley his Catalogue of Nobility 1658
  • 154 Sir John Finett's Observations touching Foreign Ambassadors 1656
  • 155 John Godolphin's View of the Admiral Jurisdiction 1661
  • 156 Ger. Boat Ireland's Natural History, by Sam Hartlib 1652
  • 157 John Dryden's Annus Mirabilis, this Year of Wonders 1666. An Historical Poem of the Naval War and Fire of London 1667
  • 158 Life of Donna Olympia Maldachini, in English 1666
  • 159 Sir Geo. Mackenzie his Discourse of Moral Gallantry Edinburgh 1667
  • 160 J. Evelyn's Publick Employment preferr'd to Solitude 1667
  • 161 Art of Mettals, of their Generation, &c. from Spanish 1670
  • 162 P. D. Lany his Princely way to the French Tongue 1667
  • 163 Nuns Complaint against the Friers 1676
  • 164 G. Fletcher Of the Russe Commonwealth 1591
  • 165 Scarronidees, or Virgil Travestie. A Mock Poem 1667
  • 166 Spanish and English Grammar, by Don Diego Howel 1662
  • 167 Short Relation of the River Nile 1669
  • 168 John Gadde's Excellent Method of Bee-Houses and Colonies 1675
  • 169 Petty's Reflections upon some Persons and Things in Ireland 1660
  • 170 Question of Witchcraft debated, by Wagstaffe 1669
  • 171 John Greaves Description of the Grand Seigniors Seraglio 1653
  • 172 Royal Game of Chess-play 1656
  • 173 Relation of the Siege of Candia 1670
  • 174 Present State of Tangeir, and of Algiers Lond. 1676
  • 175 Edw. Terry's Voyage to East India 1655
  • 176 Journal of the War with Holland Oxford. 1663
  • 177 John Selden's Priviledges of the Baronage of England in Parliament 1642
  • 178 History of King Charles II. by a Person of Quality 1660
  • 179 Hen. Olsinge Ancient Method and Manner of Holding Parliaments in England
  • 180 Rob. Wittie's Pirologia Mimica, in defence of Scarborough Spaw 1669
  • 181 Richard Whitlock's Zootomia, or a Moral Anatomy of the Living by the Dead Lond. 1666
  • 182 Brown's Religio Medici, with Annotations, 4th Edition 1656
  • 183 History of Christina Alessandra Queen of Sweedland 1660
  • 184 Legend of Captain Jones 1656
  • 185 Rob. Wittie Scarbrough Spaw 1667
  • 186 Collection of such of the Orders heretofore used in Chancery 166e
  • [Page] [Page 15]187 Skelton (An Ancient Poet) his Works in Poetry, Printed by R. Lant, &c.
  • 188 Earl of Castlemains Account of the late War with Holland 1671
  • 189 R. Wilds Iter Boreale, with several other Poems 1668
  • 190 E. of Castlemains Acc. of the War betw. the Venetians & Turk, with the St. of Candy
  • 191 Firsts Days Entertainment at Rutland-House, by Declamations and Musick, after the manner of the Ancients, by Sir W. D. 1657
  • 192 Prophecies of Ch. Cotterus, Ch. Poniatovia, Nic. Drabicius 1664
  • 193 Volume of Almanacks for the Years 1670. viz. Lilly, Pond, White, Wing, Dove, Woodhouse, Saunders, Tanner, Fly, Poor Robin
  • 194 — For the Year 1671. viz. Gadbury, Lilly, Andrews, Wing, Tanner, Trigg, Sounders, Dove, Booker, Poor-Robin
  • 195 — For the Year 1672. viz. Lilly, Wing, Dove, Ponder, Saunders, Booker, Andrews, Trigge, Tanner, Poor-Robin
  • 196 — For the Year 1675. viz. Lilly, Gadbury, Episcopal, Shepheard. Countrey Seamans, Andrews, Saunders, Tanner, Poor-Robin
  • 197 — For the Year 1676. viz. Lilly, Episcopal, Country, Saunders, Andrews, Coley, Coelson, Trigge, Tanner, Poor-Robin
  • 198 — For the Year 1677. viz. Lilly, Gadbury, Philo-pratests, Episcopal, Sea­mans, Bookeer, Saunders, Coeley, Tanner, Trigge, Poor-Robin
  • 199 — For the Year 1679. viz. Lilly, Gadbury, Saunders, Tanner, Coley, Dove, Trigge, Pond, Booker, Quakers, Poor-Robin
  • 200 — For the Year 1681. viz. Lilly, Gadbury, Protestants, Tanner, Coley, Poor-Robin, Booker, Rose, Perkins, Culpepper, Bond, Dove, Wing, Swan, Saunders, Fowle, White, Dade, Woodhouse, Swallow, Trigge, Fly
  • 201 Sir Will. Temples Miscellanea, Survey of the Empire, Sueden, &c. 1680
  • 202 Sir Rob. Filmers Patriarcha, or the Natural Power of Kings 1680
  • 203 Grand Question concerning the Bishops Right to Vote in Parliament, in Capital Cases, stated and argued 1680
  • 204 Sir Geo. Mackenies Observations upon the 28 Act, 23 Parliament
  • 204 K. James VI. against Dispositions made in defraud of Creditors, &c. Edin. 1675
  • 205 Dr. Hammonds Practical Catechism, 6th Edition 1655
  • 206 — Of Fundamentals in a Notion refering to Practice 1654
  • 207 Mystery of Jesuitism, in 3 Vol. 1658
  • 208 Tho. Hobbes Translation of Homers Iliads and Odysses, 2d Edition 1677
  • 209 Arcana Dogmatum Anti-Remonstrantium, or the the Calvinists Cabinet unlock'd
  • 210 Great Sacrifice of the New Law, Expounded by the Figure of the Old 1676
  • 211 Hermes Theologus, or New Descants upon Old Record, by J. Wodenote 1649
  • 211 J. Duncons Returns of Spiritual Comfort of the Lady Vi-Countess Falkland
  • 212 Psalms of David in Prose and English Meter, Lond. by M. Flesher 1646
  • 213 W. Bartons Poetical Translation of the Psalms 1644
  • 214 J. Whites Poetical Translation of the Psalms 1655
  • 215 Present State of England, by Edw. Chamberlain, in 2 Vol. 1669
  • 216 Ant. Sparrows Rationale upon the Common Prayer 1668
  • 217 Courtiers Calling, shewing the ways of making a Fortune, &c. 1675
  • 218 H. Elsynges Ancient Method and Manner of holding Parliaments in Engl. 3d Ed.
  • 219 J. Allingtons Grand Conspiracy of the Members against the Mind, &c. 1655
  • 220 Jer. Taylors Answer to a Letter touching Original Sin 1656
  • 221 Sam. Wards Wonders of the Load-Stone 1640
  • 222 W. Hakewells Old Manner of holding Parliaments in England 1660
  • 223 Osbornes Political Reflections upon the Government of the Turks 1656
  • [Page 16]224 Sir Hen. Blunts Voyage into the Levant, 8th Edition 1674
  • 224 Th. Hobbes Travels of Ulysses, Translanted out of the Greek, 2d Edition 1479
  • 225 Majestas Intemerata, or the Immortality of the King 1641
  • 226 H. Marshes New Survey of the Turkish Empire and Government 1663
  • 227 Ch. Herles Contemplations and Devotions on Christs Death and Passion 1631
  • 228 Alex. Symsons Destruction of Inbred-Corruption 1644
  • 229 Relation of the Defeating Card. Mazarine, and O. Cromwell designs to have taken Ostend by Treachery 1666
  • 230 Judge Jenkins Wotks of the Laws of England 1648
  • 231 Cosins Collection of Private Devotions, or Honors of Prayer, 5th Edition 1665
  • 232 Bp. Halls Resolutions of divers Practical Cases of Conscience 1649
  • 233 Mancester al Mando, or Lord Manchesters Contemplation of Death 1638
  • 234 T. B. Royal Charter Granted unto Kings by God Himself 1649
  • 235 Comical History of the World in the Moon, by Monsiur Bergerac, and Tran­slated by Tho. St. Serf.
  • 236 Cliffords Tteatise of Human Reason 1674
  • 237 Ja. Salgado's intimate Converse of Pope and Devil, in Engl. and Lat. 1681
  • 238 Character of Low-Countries under the States 1660
  • 239 Modern Policies taken from Machiavel, Borgia, and others, 7th Edition 1657
  • 240 W. Hodsons Tractate on the 11th Article of the Apostles Creed
  • 241 Proposition for the Safety and Happiness of the King and Kingdom 1667
  • 242 Ph. Stampoys Collection of Scotch Proverbs 1663
  • 243 Direction for the English Traveller, by which he shall be inabled to Coast about all England and Wales, &c. 1643
  • 244 Zach. Boyds Translation of the Psalms in English Meeter, 2d Edition 1646
  • 245 Barnabees Journal under the Names of Mirtilus and Faustulus Shadowed
  • 246 J. Sellers Atlas Minimus, or Book of Geography shewing all the Empires, Mo­narchies, Kingdoms, &c. in the Whole World
  • 247 Life and Death of Mr. Ignatius Jurdain 1655

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