FORTUNE is a God­dess so Capricious, that Love with all his charms, could never yet gain her entirely to his party, or [...]nder constantly favourable Her, [...]t takes pleasure only in change. [Page] [...] [Page 1] [...] [Page] [...] [Page 1] [...] [Page 2]Inconstancy is so much her Char [...] ­cter, that if to day she seconds tho [...] favours, wherewith that God gratifi [...] his Devotes, to morrow she will ca [...] them into a thousand Misfortune and often makes no difficulty, [...] destroy those by a mischance, who [...] she hath preserved in a thousand da [...] ­gers. The following Novel w [...] let you see the whole truth [...] this, and I flatter my self, that y [...] will receive no small satisfactio [...] when, having deplored the fate [...] two Lovers, you shall have an o [...] ­portunity to rejoice at their pr [...] ­sperity, and to share the happy su [...] ­cess of their loves.

Oronces was a Gentleman, of o [...] of the best Families in France, a [...] of a Province, that acknowledg [...] his Father for its Governour: [...] was endowed with all qualiti [...] that render Nobility recommen [...] ­ble, and it had been hard to dr [...] a true resemblance of beaut [...] without having recourse to his fa [...] ­e [Page 3]had more Courage, Wit, and a [...]etter Meen, than any in his Coun­ [...]y, and love could not make a fairer Conquest, then to be assured of the Heart of this Adonis.

He was but sixteen years old, when he received the first touches, [...]nd when his Soul first resented [...]he tender Motions, and sweet sal­ [...]es of that Passion, in its beginning; [...]nd since it was Impossible for him [...]ong to resist Charmes, so powerful, [...]s those were, which attracted him, [...]e gave himself up to them without [...]esistance, and became desperately [...]morous of a young Beauty, of the [...]me age, who was a most accom­ [...]lish't creature.

Eugenia, so was the Young Lady [...]amed, was obliged to Nature, for [...]ll advantages desirable by her Sex, [...]nd endebted to Fortune, who to [...]obility of Blood, had joined a [...]ast Estate.

Love, fearing, that the long Court­ [...]ip, which Oronces was to make, [Page 4]to convince Eugenia of his Flames might give him some distast, and make him quit his Party; with the same hand, and with the same ar­row, that he struck his heart, h [...] wounded the Fair ones; and ren­dered them so Amorous one of th [...] other, that the very Moment o [...] their first Enterview, was that o [...] their Engagement.

It was at a Ball, wherein these two Lovers met, that they were mutually smitten by looks, and that one half hours Conversation made them sensible of inclination to love each other Eternally.

Oronces, who had a most agreeabl [...] Voice, was desired by the Company to Sing, but he handsomly excuse [...] himself, because he knew one Pre­sent, who was more capable of sa­tisfying it, than he. Eugenia, [...] whom it was he spake, after som [...] small resistance, ravished all thei [...] Hearts with her Musick; her Lo­ver followed her, and sung with [...] [Page 5]much Grace, that he equally char­ [...]ed all those, that composed the Assembly: It was hard to judge where to bestow the Prize: Ma­ [...]y were for the Spark, and thought [...]hat the sweetness of his Voice, even excelled the Fair ones; but Our Lover, to benefit himself of [...]he opportunity, loudly gave her his applause; and so obliged the rest to confess, that she had the advantage over him.

The divertisement being over, Oronces desired of his Mistress, that she would permit him the Honour, of waiting upon her home: This he did, with a design of delaring himself more openly, than he could hitherto have done, and of drawing from that Fair one, some words, that might prove advantageous to him. Ah Madam, said he, unto her, as they went, how ashamed am I of my Age, since, I am as yet, me­thinks, too young to be believed in Love: Nevertheless, continued [Page 6]he, I am, and that with the mos [...] fair and amiable Person, that Hea­ven even created. Alas, if you hav [...] the curiosity of knowing, who sh [...] is, I will immediately tell you. Is i [...] some Beauty unknown to me [...] Said Eugenia. Ah, Madam, replied our young Cavalier, you know he [...] well, and you alone have the abso­lute power of making her favou­rable to me. But I dare not discover her. Very well, said she smilingly, inform me within three days, who she is, or you shall not be assured of my service with her.

This Order, so gallantly given, caused no little joy in our Lover; he parted from his Mistress, after having shewn her a thousand Civi­lities, and having conjured her, to mind the Promise, which she made him, of doing good Offices, in order to procure for him, her favour, who created all his Passion.

Love causes more disorder in hearts, newly wounded, then in those, [Page 7] [...]ho for some time have experien­ [...]ed his smart. Oronces, and Euge­ [...]ia did nothing else, but think of [...]ch oth [...], and he cursed his bash­ [...]lness, which had hindred him [...]rom speaking to her, whom he [...]oved, after a manner, that might [...]iscover, what he truly self for her. The term of three days appeared [...]o him an Age, and what embar­ [...]assed him yet more, was how to [...]cquit himself of his promise, with­out displeasing the Fair one, and to do things with that aire, as should not be disagreeable unto her. In fine, the Excess of his passion trans­ported him above all those mea­sures, which ordinary Prudence would have dictated unto; he belie­ved that he could not speak too plainly to one, in whom, he had observed some dispositions to re­ceive his Love, and that the fire of Youth would be an excuse for his rashness. Therefore he writ un­to her the following Letter, and [Page 8]sent it by one of his servants.

I Must confess, Madam, that my wi [...] is very shallow, and capable [...] little: It is said, that there is nothing sweeter, easier, or more agreeable the [...] to declare ones Love: But for m [...] part, I have not found any thing tha [...] causeth more pain, trouble, and confu­sion. Three days are past, since th [...] Order, which I received, of telling you her name, whom I adore, make [...] me sweat Blood and Water, and give [...] me a thousand inquietudes, I do not even yet know, how to acquit my se [...] of it. Ah [...], how vexatious is i [...] to be without Experience: But [...] will tell you, that she is the mos [...] charming that can be seen, that sh [...] hath all qualities necessary to render her most accomplish't. In sine, that she resembles you so much, that without being deceived, I could take you for her. This is enough, assist the Letter, and divine the rest. I am ready t [...] expound it in case of necessity.


Eugenia was full of Impatience, to [...]ee after what manner, her lover would declare himself, when she [...]eceived that Billet; and as in [...]ove, the most negligent Style is al­ways the most perswasive; so she could not take ill that way of wri­ting, but she was overjoyed, that that she had an occasion of answe­ring him upon that Subject, and of letting him know, that if he lo­ved her, she had no Indifference for him. But alas, this was to prescribe to themselves bounds too close; an Enterview transported them much farther, and three hours of enter­tainment put them in such disor­der, that they no longer kept any measures in their declarations, but discovered to one another, what they really resented in their hearts. As soon as Oronces was arrived, he, with a Gallant aire, told Eugenia, alas Madam, I am come to know, whether I have sufficiently perfor­med my Commission, and whe­ther [Page 10]my expressions be not so ob­scure, as to need an interpretation? You have done well, answered the Lady, in coming to explain your self a little more clearly, for in truth I knew not, whom you meant, nor has your Letter made me any wiser, than I was before. Oh Heaven! Replied Oronces, how full of dissimulation are you, and what pleasure do you take, to see a Young Lover before you, whom bashfulness restrains from telling you, how much he loves you? At these words he cast his Eyes to the ground, and then lift them up to Eugenia, with an aire, that might let her understand, what he felt in his Soule. She appeared a little ama­zed, and in a serious Tone said to him, that she was much obliged to him, but that she plainly saw, that he intended to divert himself with her, and that she had reason to take, what he had said, rather for a Complement, then for a con­vincing [Page 11]Truth; as to the rest, that [...]e went a little too fast. Ah Ma­ [...]am, continued he, great Passions [...]ever goe slowly; they immediately p [...]oduce great Effects; and you [...]ught not to be surprized, that even [...]n the first minute, in which I saw [...]ou, I became so Amorous of you, [...]at it is now to no purpose to en­ [...]eavour to dissemble it, my Eyes [...]nd all my Actions would discover, [...]hat my Heart would fain conceal; [...]nd this dumb Language would [...]ew it, as much as if I declared it [...]ut aloud. You must then (persu­ [...]d he, with a sigh, see the bottom [...]f my heart, and I must tell you, [...]hat there is not any thing in you, which charmes me not; that I have [...]o other Ambition, then That of en­ [...]ying you, and that your Will a­ [...]one shall hereafter Govern all my [...]ctions.

Eugenia, during this discourse, af­ [...]ected a great deal of Modesty, and [...]eemed much astonished. As her [Page 12]soul was agitated by the most vio­lent passion, that a fair object could inspire, so her answer made appea [...] the confusion of her Spirit, and le [...] Oronces know, that her heart wa [...] no less wounded, than his. Then he used all the Arts, which a passio­nate young Spark is capable of, to assure his Conquest, and to benefi [...] himself of the disorder, which he had caused in his Mistresses soul, he expressed his regards with so much languishing, he pressed his sighs to so much purpose, that he reduced that innocent thing, to be no longer able to defend her self from a thousand Complaisances, which enflamed them yet more, and obliged these two hearts, who never had loved any thing before, to confess to one another, that they were taken.

Ah Oronces, said Eugenia, after having received a kiss from her Lover; do you believe, that we can be so happy as to love successfully? The fear that I am in, that it can­not [Page 13]be, makes me already repre­sent to my self a thousand Obsta­cles, which may oppose our Love, and fancy a number of Mischances, which ill Fortune may expose us to.

We must not be so fearful, re­plied our Cavalier, we have cause rather to hope, than fear; for I dare tell you, that I am resolv'd, to to neglect all Considerations what­ever, but those of pleasing you; and there is no difficulty, which I will not overcome, to attain and preserve a Good, that I prefer before all the Treasures in the World. These words were followed by a thousand kisses, and other favours, which altho' they were not incom­patible with virtue, yet were rather stollen, then freely granted. One embrace followed the other so close­ly, that it seemed as if they desig­ned to render them Eternal, and as if, finding nothing else grateful to their Hearts, they intended to live [Page 14]only upon tenderness, sighs, and af­fections.

In Effect, this life was very plea­sant, its being was only in the most tender Amity, that ever had united two hearts, and its nourishment was seasoned with the most inno­cent delights, that could charm an excellent Soul.

Our Lovers past some time, by favour of their great Youth, in this amiable tranquillity, for as much as that their Parents did believe, that an age, more advanced, would make them change their Sentiments; but they were deceived in that; for time, far from diminishing that Love, which they had entertain'd in their tender years, made it the stronger for their weakness, and rendered it incapable of receiving any alterati­on by inconstancy.

Our Lovers, to make good use of this interval of Liberty, neg­lected nothing that could contri­bute to their Common satisfaction; [Page 15] [...]heir visits were no longer formal; [...]r they hardly ever quitted each [...]ther; and they past whole days in [...]alking of the Excess of their passion; [...]ut in termes so tender, with re­ [...]ards so languishing, and sighs so [...]morous, that their behaviour had [...]een enough to raise Love, even [...]n the most unsensible Heart.

There appeared fire, as well as [...]anguishments, in these amorous Entertainments; they resented no­thing but tenderness, and trans­ports, and their Caresses were like those of innocent Doves, who never are tired with their Courtship, and always find new Charmes in the tender Object of their Pleasures.

The good Intelligence, which had always accompanied the agree­able moments of those lovely young ones, was disturbed to the quick by extraordinary Prohibitions, which they on either side received, to see one another any more. Oronces his Parents, perceiving that his assidui­ties [Page 16]to Eugenia, might draw afte [...] them such Consequences, as would oblige him to consent to his mar­rying a Person, very rich indeed but whose Nobility was much in­feriour to his, pushed on with Am­bition desired to break the Course of these Amours, and, in order to it, at the same time, resolved to send him out of the Province. On the other side, Eugenia's Mo­ther, being informed of what had past, and having learnt from her Daughters confession, that without raillery she loved the Governour 's Son, and was also beloved by him, she reprehended her very severely, for having so long suffered his vi­sits; and told her, that she had higher designes, than to engage her to a younger Brother, who never should have any other Estate, but what Fortune, or the chance of War, could procure him; that she ought to consider; that she was the only Child in the Family, and [Page 17] [...]hat she esteemed her Nobility as good as Oronces his Fathers, w [...] was only considerable for Gover [...] ­ment.

One must have loved, equally with our Lovers, to conceive their Affliction; Oronces abandoned him­self entirely to Sorrow; Murmurs and complaints came only from him, and he even called his Father in­humane, and assured him, that he took away his life, if he did not moderate those rigorous Orders, which he had given him.

Eugenia, for her part, was incon­solable, and being of a softer Sex past whole Nights in weeping, and breathing forth sighs, able to soften Rocks, and change the Sentiments of any, transported with Motions more reasonable, then those of In­terest.

There wanted little of our Ca­valiers disobeying his Father's com­mands, but having reflected on his severe humour, that never com­manded [Page 18]the same thing twice, h [...] with impatience expected the fol­lowing Sunday, which only could give him an opportunity of seeing her at Church, whom he cherished more than his own Eyes.

Although this was not directly against the Orders, which had been given him, yet it was not perfect­ly to obey them: And any other▪ less passionate, would have feare [...] a Father, who with difficulty ad­mitted of Excuses; but his Spirit being quite filled with Love, there was no place left for Reflections of that nature, and he would have esteemed himself over Scrupu­lous, had he demurred upon such thoughts.

In the Morning he was happy enough, to find, as he proposed, Eugenia at Church, busy at her de­votions; he placed himself near her, and after a few words, he gave her a Letter sealed, and told her, that it would instruct her farther: He [Page 19] [...]as even rash enough to make use [...]f that place, to authorize his passi­ [...]n, and made no difficulty to con­ [...]rme by Oath, and before the Altars, [...]is perseverance in his Love to [...]er. He also received all Protesta­ [...]ions of an Amity, answerable to [...]is, and after a thousand amorous Glances, which they gave one ano­ [...]hor, they parted the most conten­ [...]ed in the World.

Our Cavaliers Father, who knew [...]y experience, what Love is, and [...]ow hard it is, to destroy the first [...]entiments, which that passion en­graves in a heart, resolved to send his Son to the War, to the end that the employment of Armes, which requires a young man's whole [...]pplication, might give him no lei­sure to think of other things.

To dispose him to receive these News, as he would have him, he [...]mplified it's advantages, he repre­sented to him, that, Nobility, with­ [...]ut that experience, was base, and [Page 20]without Virtue, and nothing bein [...] more charming than Glory, tho [...] exercises were not to be neglecte [...] wherein it was to be found i [...] all its Splendor, and by which [...] might be easily acquired.

Oronces understood well enoug [...] his Fathers designe: He had cou­rage, but he did not believe, tha [...] Honour could give him pleasure [...] as solid as those were, which Lov [...] had made him taste: Therefore h [...] did his utmost indeavour, to turn [...] aside that blow, which he look't up­on as the most Fatal, that he could ever receive. But alas it was to n [...] purpose, he must resolve to part, and he received, as a favour, per­mission to bid his Mistress adieu, whom apparently he was to quit for ever.

Eugenia's Parents, who never had any designe to give their Daughter to Oronces were overjoy'd to hear, that he was sent away to the War, to the end that he might be other­wise [Page 21]employed, then in making [...]ove: But the News created in Eugenia an inconceivable Melancho­ [...]y. The reading of the Letter, which [...]e had put into her hand, afflicted [...]er yet more, and but for the [...]trength of Youth, she had without doubt fallen sick with sorrow conceived at her Lovers depar­ture.

During these restless Moments, she was advertised, that Oronces was come to take his leave of Her, and as he had received permission from His, so her Parents likewise made no difficulty of granting, for her consolation, this last enter­view.

It would be difficult to describe here with what Meen, our new Warriour was received by his Dear Eugenia. Looks, Sighs, and Tears had as great a share in their enter­tainment, as Words, and the sweet overture of Hearts, made in that moment, gave them a sense of plea­sures, not to be expressed.

Ah my Dear Oronces, said ou [...] poor afflicted Lady, how happy should we be, if we were not op­posed in our innocent Divertise­ments? But alass we must part and it may be never to see each other more. Ah, what will that ab­sence make me suffer? What pains do I foresee, I must endure? And what do I apprehend for your Per­son? Fear not, my Dearest, re­plied Oronces, I am too much con­cerned to preserve my self, not to do it. And the thought only that I cannot destroy my self, without losing you at the same time, will restrain me in my most furious transports. As for the rest, either of us are to our Comfort so much Masters of our own wills, that in spight of all the World, we can love on, and, by our Constancy, weary out those, who would pre­vent the success of our Designes. As for me, continued he, in kissing her, I dare swear, that I will love [Page 23] [...]ou Eternally, that there is nothing, [...]hat I will not surmount, to bring [...]bout our pretensions, and that my [...]deli [...]y shall be proof against the [...]oughest and most pressing attaques.

These words were followed by a [...]housand Protestations; on Eugenia's part, her Eyes and Sighs confirmed [...]ll that was said: she was besides [...]er self, and thought of no other [...]hing, than the object of her Love, which she saw before her; She sunk [...]morously between his armes, and conjured him with languishing re­gards, to pity her weakness, and par­don the excess of her Passion, which transported her after that manner.

While our Lovers resented these pleasant Motions, and employed these [...]ast Minutes, in tenderly expressing [...]ure Evidences of their Love, one advertised our Cavalier, that his people, were a horse-back, and that his Equipage expected him at the Gate.

Ah now, he cried out, it is, that [Page 24]we must part. He was not able to speak one word more; but tender­ly embracing his Dear Eugenia, he mingled his tears with hers, and made appear, that his Love was ve­ry violent, since it made him guil­ty of so great a Weakness.

This departure put the Lady in the greatest perplexity in the World, she told her parents, that they would be the cause of her death; that she could not live without him, whom they tore from her; and that one day, they would re­pent being averse to an alliance, which could not be otherwise than advantageous, if they thoroughly considered it, that for the future they should have little satisfaction from her person, and excepting the respect due to them, from which she could not rationally dispens [...] with her self, she would have bu [...] little complaisance, to answer thei [...] wishes and desires.

All these complaints were recei­ved [Page 25]as they ought to be; that is [...]o say, there was more regard had to Eugenia's weakness, than to termes, which she made use of in her ex­ [...]ressions: Her Parents did believe, [...]hat something was to be allowed [...]o her resentment, and that absen [...] would make her lose the Idea of [...]im, that caused all this disorder. They put every thing in practice to [...]raw her out of the Melancholy, [...]he was in; they made her take all [...]anner of divertisements, and by [...]ew acquaintances, with whom they would engage her, they unprofi­ [...]ably endeavoured to restore her to [...]er former Humour.

They then perceived, that all [...]hings were to be referred to time, [...]nd that a Passion, so violent, could [...]ot be cooled by Ordinary meanes. [...]n Effect, she by little and little [...]eemed to have lost the Memory [...]f her Lover; she talked not of [...]im, so frequently as before, and in [...]e, it was believed, that she had re­covered [Page 26]her former liberty. But the [...] appearances were deceitful, an [...] though she thought fit to compo [...] her outward behaviour after tha [...] manner, yet her heart was still [...] ­qually wounded, and was not sen­sible to any Love, contrary to th [...] faith, which she had sworne to h [...] Dear Oronces.

There is usually no better rem [...] ­dy for Love, than Love it sel [...] Therefore Eugenia's Mother, name Laurentia, proposed to her the d [...] ­signe, which she had, of makin [...] by her means, an alliance with t [...] Family of Dorimont, who was a han [...] ­some and well behaved Gentlema [...] and whose Nobility was support [...] by a considerable Fortune, whi [...] rendered him one of the Princi [...] men in the Province. Therefo [...] she was not to be surprized, t [...] she had, in prospect of her advanta [...] been crost in her first inclinatio [...] which could not be reasonable; si [...] they proceeded from a blind Pass [...] without reason.

Although those Propositions in­finitely displeased Eugenia, and that she had no designe to obey them, yet, she did not let that appear presently; but contented her self with answering, that she no longer had any sensibility for Love, and that she did believe, no Lover could sigh for her with success; however to sa­tisfie Her, she would receive his Visits, whom she spake of, and if she fore­saw, she could live happily with him, she would not oppose his good fortune.

Though that answer was suffici­ent to let them know, what the Faire one's Sentiments were: Yet they perswaded themselves, that so witty a Lover, as Dorimont, could manage her spirit, and by his Dili­gence and Assiduities, blot out the first impressions, which love had engraved in her heart. But alas, how difficult is it to deface stroaks, so deeply cut, and extinguish fires, [...]hat draw their nourishment from [...]ur Inclination? This new Cavalier [Page 28]had much merit; but he succeeded another, which had yet more.

He then began to shew his love for her, by all the complaisances ima­ginable; he desired nothing, but what pleased her, and did nothing but what he believed agreeable to her Humour. She on the contrary answered all this, with civilities which denoted only her indifference and were enough to let this poo [...] Lover understand, that he laboure [...] in vain, and that all his presents his Promenades, and this Regale would be more successful, bestowe [...] on some other Mistress. He sighe [...] but his sighs touched not Her, h [...] languishing seemed to Her, affected and all his Gallantries loathsome [...] and improper; in a word, even t [...] best thing, he did, offended Her, a [...] she wished for nothing more, th [...] to be freed from these Visits, whi [...] were already become insupporta [...] torments to her.

This unhappy Lover made [Page 29]Courting in vain. He could obtain no love, and his perseverance was fol­lowed only by a stubbornness, which he found invincible in Eugenia, ne­ver to love any thing, but her Dear Oronces.

When he knew perfectly, that there was nothing to be done, and that the Fair one could never be reduced to favour him, he thought of a retreat, and acquainted Euge­nia's Parents, with the little success of his enterprise, and his designe of leaving her.

Then it was that the Combat grew rough, and that Laurentia, to little purpose making use of a Mo­thers Authority, would force her Daughter, to doe that, thorough O­bedience, which she would not do by Inclination; and knowing, that she had a great aversion for a Cloy­ster, she threatned to shut her up in one, if she persisted in her stubborn­ness. But all these frights were un­useful, and Eugenia protested, that [Page 30]though she had a great Antipathy for a Monastick life, yet she would embrace it, rather than do any thing contrary to the Faith given her Lover, that all these false Alarms should work no effect upon her, and that the only way to retain her in the world, was not to per­plex her in an Honourable Love, which might prove Glorious to her Family: That in all other things, she would have for her Mother all the respect possible; but in an af­faire, that concerned the Liberty of her Person, she desired, that she might not be made unhappy, by any evil engagement.

Laurentia said to her, all that an­ger could inspire a provoked Mo­ther: She threatned her with the loss of her Favour, and gave her only one whole Week to resolve upon the choice, either of a Cloyster, or of Him, whom she had proposed to her for an Husband. That afflicted Mother had no real designe of for­cing [Page 31]her to quit the World, she was [...]ather entirely averse to it; but she [...]lattered her self, that the only means to be obeyed, was to act after that manner, and that she would sooner make choice of a Marriage with Dorimont, than of a Voluntary con­finement in a place, which she could never approve of.

While these affairs past thus, O­ronces had an Employment in Flan­ders, conformable to his Age and Birth, he acquitted himself of it, with the approbation of all those who knew him, and they admired that courage, which he made appear in the most dangerous assaults, and which accomplisht the most difficult Enterprises. Whatever diversions these Exercises might give his spi­rit, yet he could not lose the me­mory of his Dear Mistress. He thought of her night and day, and the excess of his Passion made him long for a Peace, so that there might be a possibility of his enjoying her, [Page 32]whom he loved, more then his life.

As soon as the time, given Euge­nia to determine her choice, was ex­pired. Laurentia would have he [...] openly declare, which of the Two proposed to her, was the least dis­agreeable. She, having had leisure to think thereon, told her Mother that she had not changed her Opi­nion, that the Affection, which she had for Oronces, was not at all di­minished; and, that she might no [...] fail in the fidelity due to him, she had rather enter into a Cloyster, i [...] it must be absolutely so, than give her Heart to another, in prejudice of her true Lover.

Laurentia, who was enraged a [...] these words, told her, that she might then prepare her self, for that she her self would conduct her to the place, where perhaps she should, a [...] her own expences, learne, how mischievous are the consequences o [...] such a Disobedience. Eugenia mad [...] no other answer, but that she be­lieved, [Page 33]they could not in Consci­ence engage a Free person, to a Course of life, for which she had a Repugnance; but that she hoped, she might one day take advantage from the Constraint, which she re­ceived.

All this was alledged in vain, she must enter into Religion, and hide from the Eyes of men a Beauty, which seemed not to be created with so much perfection, to be En­closed. Laurentia and Eugenia dis­sembled the true cause of this Re­treat, and gave out, that it was only for a Tryal, whether her Voca­tion was not there, or if Heaven would call her otherwise.

All the Religious admired with astonishment so sudden a change, and were yet much more surprized, when they saw that it was real, and that Eugenia did earnestly demand the favour, of being received into the number of Novices, and that they would grant her the habit of the Religion.

She had not any real designe to engage her self; but did this, only to make her Mother believe, that no other return was to be expect­ted from her, nor any thing else to be hoped for; for, unless she should be replaced in her former liberty, she would perhaps lose it forever, by Professing in that house.

Her Solicitations were so earnest, and her fervour so surprizing, that the Superiour invested her in the habit of the Religion, and believed that she could not, without oppo­sing the will of Heaven, refuse it to the extraordinary Zeal of the Demandant. This young Novice made a Friend-ship with the whole Convent: She was Fair, like an An­gel, and her voice, which, as I have already told you, was charming, ravished the hearts of her Compani­ons, when her Office obliged her to sing.

Laurentia, who knew well e­nough, what aversion she had for a [Page 35]Monastery, did believe all these [...]utward appearances of Devotion [...]ere false, and counterfeit, in which [...]ertainly she was not mistaken; [...]or Eugenia thought of nothing less, [...]hen of engaging her self by any [...]ow, but she was perswaded, that what she did, would convince her Mother, that she was not at all dis­ [...]osed to follow her will, and that [...]he would sooner make choice of [...] Monastick life, then suffer con­ [...]traint in an affaire, which, as she [...]udged, ought to be entirely free.

There was nothing more agree­ [...]ble, then to consider Eugenia in [...]his new habit; her Eyes, half hid under the obscurity of her veile, [...]ast Flames, which penetrated the hearts of those, that beheld her. She performed all her Exercises with so much Grace, and with such Ease, that she seemed never to have lived out of a Cloyster, and all her beha­viour was so winning, that, were the things she said never so indiffe­rent, [Page 36]she gained the Affections of those, that conversed with her.

In the mean time, her Mother, who saw no change in her Daugh­ter, informed the Superiour of all that past, and knowing that the Religious have a wonderful address in the managing our Spirits, she intreated her assistance, to reduce Eugenia to the Obedience, due un­to Her; and also, that she would not be ungrateful for her cares there­in, especially if they produced some happy success.

But the Nun was too much in­teressed, to declare this to her No­vice. She therefore concealed from her, all that Laurentia had informed her of, and applied her self only, to encline her to make Profession, when time should come.

She had already borne the ha­bit of Novice ten Months, when her Lover, who knew nothing of all this, writ to her from Flanders, where having found no particular [Page 37]opportunity to send his Letter, he committed it to the Hazard of the Post, not mentioning any thing in it, which was unknown to her Pa­rents, or that might be prejudicial to Her. It was in these terms.

MEthinks, my Dear Eugenia, that it is an Age, since I par­ted from you, nevertheless I faile not to possess you; for Night and Day you are present in my mind. Those, who did believe absence would be a remedy for my Love, are much mista­ken; for since I parted from you, I fancy, that I love you as much more, and that my Ardour gathers force from my Exile. I am every day ex­posed here to a thousand Perils; but that God, that made us love, takes care of my Person, and preserves it in the midst of dangers. All my Friends here are surprized at my way of living: they call me Solitary, and Hermit, and say, that I do not know what Gal­lantry meanes, since that no Mistress [Page 38]could as yet make me put it in pra­ctise; but I excuse them, because they know not, that those, who are banisht from what they love, take little care to gain Hearts, and that I have need of all mine, to support the assaults of our ill Fortune. Adieu Dear Heart, Comfort your self, and believe that we shall one day be happy.


This Letter was directed upon the cover to a Chamber-maid, now gone away, and by that accident fell into Laurentia's hand, who having, out of Curiosity, read it, conceived a thousand Malicious designs of using it for her advantage.

When she had for some time me­ditated, wherein it might be useful unto her; the News of the Battel of Seneff, gave her an opportunity, of executing an Artifice, which might in probability have drawne after it an effect, conformable to what she could desire, from her Daughter.

To bring her enterprize more successfully about, she endeavoured [...]o counterfeit the writing of the surprized Billet, and, in few days, became so skilful in that deceit, that the one could hardly be dis­cerned from the other.

To the end, that nothing might be wanting to her Stratagem, she caused a Seale to be cut, like Oron­ces's, and counterfeited the follow­ing Letter, to be sent to our fair Recluse.

I Can no more, my dear Eugenia, I am wounded even to death in the Battel of Seneff. The Surgeon, who hath care of me, is Ordered by me, to write unto you more at large. A­dieu, my heart fails me: I can say no more, unless it be, that I should have died contented, if it had been in her service, whom I will love even to the last Minute. Have compassion upon the unfortunate


This was accompanied by a suppo­sed Letter from a Chirurgeon, which was filled with all the Circumstan­ces of the Fight, and the nature of his wounds; it shew'd, how he had expired three Hours, after he had writ the Billet, and how he had re­ceived Commission to send it to Her, to whom it was directed.

Laurentia doubted not, but that this Artifice would succeed to her advantage, and that her Daughter, seeing her self disengaged by her Lovers death, from all Protestations made to him, would make no diffi­culty of accepting, whom she de­sired and giving her heart to se­cond Affections; but alass, that poor Mother had the displeasure of seeing all her Projects without success, and this innocent deceit had no other consequence, than her loss by the very meanes, that were intended for her preservation.

The time of Eugenia's Profession approacht, when she received the [Page 41]Letter and Billet spoken of. She had no sooner read them, but she fell into a Swoone, and made those, who were present, take notice, that she had not intirely quit all world­ly Inclinations, by entring into a Cloyster. She was so readily relie­ved, that she soon came to her­self again, but it was only to aban­don her self to tears and sadness, and to deplore his death, who was still alive.

In this deplorable Estate, she raised the compassion of all her Com­panions, they heard, with a great deal of feeling, all the complaints, that proceeded from the heart, but they were not able to comfort her in that extream sorrow. This News made such a disorder in her minde, that she remained for some time as it were sensless, and then it was, that she resolved not to part from the place, where she was, but to bid Adieu to the World, since it had now nothing in it, that [Page 42]she ought to Love; and to carry all her life, under the habit of a Cloyster, the Mourning, which she owed her Lovers Memory.

The Superiour of the Monastery made use of that vexatious minute, to speak to her Novice of her Vows. She told her with a mild and en­gaging Aire, that she shared very much in her Affliction, and that she did not blame the Tears, given to the remembrance of an Honourable amity, which she had had for the Person whom she lamented; but that she ought, after having con­sidered that accident with the Eyes of the Body, regard it also with the Eyes of the Spirit, and think, that it was only a blow from God, who intended, by that means to withdraw her from the World, and make her one of his Chast Espou­ses.

Our Eugenia, having already ta­ken that resolution in her self, an­swered the Venerable Dame, that [Page 43]she had no other thoughts, that she [...]ished with all her heart, that the [...]me were already expired; and [...]hat she could do nothing with grea­ [...]er joy, then augment the number [...]f so holy a Company. Moreover, [...]he desired her, not to acquaint her Parents, with the weakness, which [...]ad appeared in her, and altogether, [...]o conceal from them the Excess of her grief, because then they could have no pretence to oppose her good fortune; but would be obli­ged to give their consent to her en­gagement, which otherwise they would have right to deny, if they might have place to believe, that [...]t was more through a Humane, than Supernatural motive.

In the mean time, Laurentia, being impatient to know the suc­cess of her Stratagem, went to the Superiour to be informed of it, and to bring Eugenia back along with her, not thinking to find any more resistance; but all that she learned [Page 44]from her, was, that her daughte [...] had been received by the whol [...] Convent, that she had had all thei [...] Voices, and that she seriously prepa [...] ­red her self by a holy Retreat, t [...] make her Vows. the week following Moreover, that she had, with admi­ration, seen the indifferency, which appeared at her reading the News which, according to the world, should most sensibly have touched her that she was a Girle of Prayer and of great Virtue, and that he [...] Spirit had no other Conductor, than God.

This discourse surprized the poo [...] Mother the more, in that she ex­pected nothing less from a Person whom she had made a Confident of her Designes; and whom, she did believe, she had engaged to her side. She expressed her asto­nishment, and declared to her, that she would be Mistress of her own Daughter, that she should not make any Profession without her consent, [Page 45]and that she would disinherit her, [...]f she would any way oppose her will.

The Superiour made answer, that she had seen in Eugenia so great a disposition to the life, she would em­brace, that she thought it impossible to disswade her from it, without opposing the Ordinance of Heaven; that she had no other Prospect, and that Human Interest had the least share in it. This said, she took leave of Laurentia, and called her Daugh­ter to her, whom she left alone in her Company.

The Afflicted Mother was quite transported at the sight of Eugenia, and with tears asked her, if it was true, that she would continue in that Monastery? If she did, that it was the way to kill her with displea­sure, and that she ought to consi­der the great obligation, which she owed her. She used the strongest Arguments, that tenderness could in­spire her with, to move the heart [Page 46]of that Rebel (it was so▪ that she called her) but it was without effect and all that she could get from her was, that it was by her Order only, that she entered that place. That she was resolved never to quit it, and that she desired to make her Vows only, that she might not be far from her Vocation. These words so contrary to her Mothers wishes were followed by a thousand Me­naces, and made Laurentia under­stand, that we often hazard the loss of all, when we would gain too much.

Then she retired very much dis­contented, and went to take coun­sel of the Learned, how she might bring about her enterprise. They represented to her, that she had no great cause to be troubled; for the Religious never do any thing for nothing, and that she need only give her Daughter no Portion, in­fallibly to prevent her Professing.

This Proceeding was indeed the [Page 47]best, according to the Ordinary Rules; but she good qualities of the Novice, together with a considerable sum of Money, which her kin­dred, who, by her engagement, would become Heirs to her Estate, underhand gave, did break all these just measures: They prevailed a­bove all other considerations, and Eugenia Profest after the accustomed manner.

While these things past, Our Ca­valier began to be tired with the War: He an hundred times a day called to his mind the amiable qua­lities of his Mistress: He remembe­red all the Amorous favours, which he had received, and in that agree­able contemplation, he almost died with a desire, of seeing her again. Whilst he thus sighed, they brought him a Letter which, after reading, almost drove him to despair. One of his Friends acquainted him, that the report of his Death was every where spread abroad, that Eugenia, [Page 48]to avoid constraint from her Relati­ons, who would force her to mar­ry Dorimont, had embraced Re­ligion, and had made her Vows, and that it were proper, he should write himself, to let her understand of his being in health, least they might pre­vail by the falseness of the first News, which they had Published of him.

I leave you to Judge the excess of grief, which touched the heart of our Lover, when he understood, that he had lost his Mistress. He could not imagine, that she ought to fly to that Extremity, for any reason what­soever. Nevertheless he could not be perswaded, that she wanted fide­lity to him. In this perplexity he thought it necessary to have some clearing of the Matter, before he declared her Guilty: Wherefore he writ to her the following Letter which he gave a Gentleman, one o [...] his Friends, who was to be the Bea­rer.

IS it possible, fair Eugenia, that the news which I hear, of your entring a Cloyster, and Professing, should be true: I am told, that it was to avoid Dorimont; but then, you should have preserved your self for Oronces. I can­not dissemble with you, I know not what Opinion, I ought to have of all this, and whether, I should regard you, as a Person insensible, who please your self at the misfortunes of others, or as a weak inconstant creature, passi­onated for some trifles of Devotion, who love every thing, that you see, who forget that which is no longer in sight, and give up your Heart, to eve­ry one, that demands it. I know very well, that absence is a dangerous thing, but alas! if I were absent, it was for loving you, you know that my passion was Innocent, and Pure, you should not then have rendered it Criminal, by infidelity, while on my side, I render it Illustrious by an inviolable constan­cy; acquaint me, as soon as possible, if [Page 50]my complaints are unjust, and deliver from his Pain, the unfortunate


This Letter, was put into her own hand, by the Gentleman, we mentioned; it produced, in the Soul of our young Profest, very very different Motions, for she was equally toucht with Grief, and Joy, and in that moment, perceived the Reliques of the Fire, to rekindle in Her, which were almost extinguish't.

If her Joy was great, to under­stand, that He, whom she loved, was living, she conceived no less displea­sure, to see her self tied, and bound, and, according to all appearance, a Captive for the rest of her days; that Reflection caused in her, an extream Melancholly, and raised troubles in her Spirit, which tormented her to the Quick.

She endeavoured to get out of that confusion, and to enjoy her former tranquillity, by overcoming [Page 51]her Nature, and mastring her Incli­nation for her Lover; She believed, that Meditation, and the Devout Con­templation of several Pious Myste­ries, and the exercise of a severe Virtue, might take her off from these Sentiments of the World, and Ter­restial thoughts, by approaching Hea­ven. She therefore made a Tryal of this for some days, but it was with­out any profit. Devotion was to her, an Insipid Dainty, which she could not at all Relish. She in vain forbid Love an entrance into her heart, [...]e so constantly crept in, and made [...] greater ravage then before. He cau­ [...]ed a thousand distractions in her [...]ost fervent prayers: He malici­ [...]usly led her into all Places, where [...]er Lover had been. He obliged her [...]o stop in the place, where he had [...]iven her a thousand Kisses, and [...]here she had received a thousand Caresses, and where he had assured [...]er of his Constancy. In fine, he o­ [...]ercame, and constrained her to yield [Page 52]and still to nourish in her Soul, the same Passion, which had made her sigh so often heretofore.

Eugenia, then finding her self too weak to resist this little God, that attacked her, abandoned her self en­tirely to his conduct, and writ to Oronces the most passionate Letter, that her Genius could dictate; she informed him of her Mothers de­ceit, and conjured him to seek some remedy, for an evil, that in its self seemed irrecoverable, that she was altogether His; and that Love of him only had obliged her to embrace the Condition, wherein she saw her self unhappily engaged.

I leave you to judge, how this Letter was received by our young Lover; without reflecting upon his Mistresses condition, he was excessiv [...] glad to hear, that she had been faith­ful to him, and that He only wa [...] beloved; and tho' there was n [...] cause for it, yet he flattered himse [...] with the hope of some good fortun [...] [Page 53]whereof the thought only transpor­ted him wih Pleasure: Nevertheless, this Extasie, being ill grounded, continued not long: it gave place to more serious considerations, and was followed by an extraordinary Melancholly, which represented to him, that the loss of Eugenia was without recovery, and that it was impossible to repair it.

While this inquietude afflicted his mind, he wholy applied himself to find out means of getting Eugenia into his possession; He presently thought of stealing her away, which would have been without doubt ea­sy, since she, without any great dif­ficulty, would have consented to it; but many considerations disswaded him from it; and made him reject that Expedient, for fear of not being able to make use of it, but with prejudice to his Mistress.

At length after much considera­tion, Love inspired him with an Arti­fice, which at the same time, was the [Page 54]most pleasant, and most rash in the World.

He understood, that a young Gentleman, one of his intimate Friends, called Camillus, had made a close Familiarity with a young Nun of that Country, who had con­ceived for him so great an affection, that she would have followed him all the World over: her name was Aurelia.

Oronces made a confidence to this Cavalier of his ancient Passion for a Mistress, who by a Mothers Stra­tagem was blindly shut up in a Cloy­ster for the rest of her days; he in­treated him to serve him, in that affaire, from which he himself could draw nothing, but advantage.

Then he proposed to him his de­signe, and told him, that to bring it succesfully about, he must obtain leave, for sister Aurelia to change her Convent, so that she might go and remain in that, where Eugenia was, and that if this could be done, as it [Page 55]was apparently possible, they Two should be the most happy Lovers, that ever were in the World.

Camillus became of his Friends o­pinion, and told him, that he would speak of it to his Mistress, without whom nothing could be performed. But alas! how weak is a young heart, when it suffers it self to be conducted by Love.

Aurelia, far from examining, with the Scruple, which she ought, the Proposition made to her, immedi­ately consented unto it, and appro­ved of the project; admiring, that Oronces, in so tender an age, should be capable of imagining so witty a contrivance.

Then our two Lovers met again, and Camillus gave an account of his visit to our Cavalier. Both obtai­ned from their General upon a de­cent pretence, leave to withdraw, and they seriously applied themselves to succeed in their designe. It being unfit, that they should appear to [Page 56]have any interest in the retreat of Sister Aurelia, they left her to act all alone, and supplied her with the sure means of obtaining her request, feeing underhand the persons, em­ployed to sollicite the fair Nun's Pe­tition.

The Town, wherein she was, had been conquered from the King o [...] Spaine, and thereupon it was, that she grounded her request. She re­presented with a great deal of Spi­rit, and Ingenuity, that she had ever born an inclination to the French interest, and more particularly since His Majesty became Master of the Town, wherein the Monastery stood; but that, sarr from gaining the love of her Superiours, by th [...] Obedience which she paid her Prince she was become the hate of th [...] whole Convent, that they respect­ed her as a stranger, and that those that Govern'd, being still Spaniard in their hearts and affections, mad [...] her suffer a thousand torments, from [Page 57]which she could not be delivered, but by quitting the place, from whence she humbly prayed to retire.

This pretence, being specious e­nough, and these reasons having some appearance, she easily obtained her wish, but not without special regard being had, that Eugenia's Convent, to which she was to go, was go­verned by the same Rule, as That, which she was to quit; and there was no other difference, but that in This, wherein Aurelia was, they wore a little white scarfe upon their Habit, which the others observed not. But this distinction, not being essential, they without difficulty, gave her all the necessary Orders for her departure.

In the mean time, these two Lo­vers consulted together, of what they had to do Oronces, following the Genius that pusht him on, resol­ved to take Aurelia's Habit, and to go in that manner, to shut himself up in a Cloyster, with his Mistress; [Page 58]and Camillus, making use of the op­portunity, and good will of his Mist­ress, designed to conduct her into a Castle of his own, and to live there, as Lovers, as long as Destiny would be favourable to them.

This so bold a Metamorphosis was performed, as it had been projected. Aurelis, having departed by the way of the Coach, and knowing the place where the two Cavaliers waited for her, did on the second day pre­tend to be distempered with that way of travelling, and seemed not able to continue without danger her journey, without some other conve­niency. She plaid her part so well, that nothing was suspected, and the Coach arrived at the place, where Oronces and Camillus had already taken up their Lodging, There our Nun, having agreed for a Litter, did on the morrow dismiss the Coach, after she had satisfied the Coachman.

It was here, that both parties made a Voluntary change of Habits, O­ronces [Page 59]was but eighteen years old, he was fair like Aurelia, and almost of the same Stature, so that there was such a resemblance between them, that the disguise was never known to any, but those who were privy to it, who could not suffici­ently admire at their behaviour, which appeared not more unnatural, then if both the one and the other had been born in the Estate, in which they were at that time.

Oronces, thus travestied into a Nun, and furnished with all the dispatch­es necessary to his new condition, prepared himself to depart in the Lit­ter, accompanied only by a Girle, whom he took in the Town, to render his conduct irreproachable; he was instructed in every thing, necessary for his knowledge, to ap­pear before the Superiour, and ha­ving a Voice very sweet, and very pleasant, he perswaded himself, that he could easily live in that House, and perform all the Exercises, con­formable [Page 60]to the Habit, which he wore.

Camillus, for his part, conducted the fair Aurelia into a very pleasant Castle, where he proposed to himself to enjoy with her solid Pleasures; and, wishing to his friend all content, never to be disturbed by any unfore­seen misfortunes; they parted, after having exchanged a thousand Marks of Affection, and setling a sure means of holding a correspondence with one another. Our Fair Nun, impatient to see her, whom she loved, so hastned her departure, and continued her journey with so great diligence, that within three days she arrived at the Town, where she was to remain.

She went immediately to make a visit to the Bishop of the place, who was the Chief Superiour of Eugenia's Monastery; she shew'd him her Obedience, and her other Pa­tents, wherewith she was furnisht; She did him reverence with so much Grace, she spoke to him with so much Modesty, and always enter­tain'd [Page 61]him so wittily, that the Pre­late was charmed with her, and was overjoyed with himself, that so Fair a Person rendered her self subject to his obedience, and came to place her self under his direction.

He was too much taken with the fair qualities of our Metamorphosed Cavalier, (whom for the future we shall call Aurelia) to permit her so suddainly to shut up her self in the Cloyster, he would for three or four days have her walk in his Coach about the Town, and make her ac­quainted with other Monasteries, with whom she might, for the future, have some Communication. Aurelia, who had reason to fear every thing in a place, where she was so well known, did for a while refuse those marks of goodness, which she recei­ved from her Prelate, telling him, that she desired nothing, but a re­treat, and that, being entered into Religion very young, she had no manner of Relish for affairs of the [Page 62]World, whose fashions she was even ignorant of. Therefore she intrea­ted him to excuse her, and to grant her Leave to retire to her Cloyster, that she might there be at leisure for exercises, more conformable to her Profession.

This young Prelate had no regard to the entreaties of our Religious. He did not believe, that her heart had any share, in what she seemed to desire, and he could not perswade himself, that a Lady, so fair, so wit­ty, and whose Eyes were so filled with fire, did despise that which o­thers, with such earnestness, seek af­ter. He therefore shew'd her all the fine things, and curiosities of the Town. In all her visits she gained a general applause; her behaviour in them appeared so free, and disaffected; her words so noble, and elevated; and her judgment so solid, that she gained the hearts of all the compa­nies, she came into.

The time of his absence from the [Page 63]Province, having a little changed his Meen, and the disguising of his Sex under a Petti-coat and Vail, be­ing not imagined by any, he pre­served himself from being known, even by those, who had been his in­timate acquaintance, and ended all his visits, without being discovered, or in the least suspected by those, who were his nearest relations.

This will not seem incredible to those, who shall reflect on the many adventures, happening every day, by which we are so easily surprized; and if, in a Comedy, a Player, whom we have already seen, becomes afterwards unknown, by the change of his Part and Garments, why should it be difficult, to believe the success of a Stratagem, perfectly con­trived, and executed with a mar­vellous audacity?

The Bishop, having spent three days in walking up and down, as well for his own particular content, as for the satisfaction of Aurelia, [Page 64]he himself conducted her into the Monastery, and did himself the Ho­nour, to represent unto the Convent a person so amiable and accomplish't.

The Abbess, who had heard the News of her departure, and arrival, received her with incredible trans­ports of Joy; and the other Nuns, at the sight of so much Beauty, con­ceived, for her presented to them, an interiour Friendship not to be expressed. She thanked the Prelate, with much respect, for those testi­monies of his goodness towards her, and he, for his part, giving her a Pastoral Kiss, and taking her into his protection, recommended her, as his own Daughter, to the Superiour, and left her with her Companions.

It was then, that Embraces were redoubled, and Kisses given without Number; never was Reception ac­companied with so many Caresses.

Aurelia was all on Fire, and the colour, which enlivened her Coun­tenance, added an agreeableness, [Page 65]which render'd her so amiable, as that she ravished their hearts. In the mean time, Eugenia appeared not in the Troop; she was become so solitary and melancholly, after the News, which she had received about Oronces, that she was indif­ferent for all things, and employed her thoughts only in Vexation and Displeasure, for having unhappily engaged her self by a solemn Pro­fession, and publick declaration of her Vows.

Her Lover was no less unquiet, not to see Her, whom he loved so tenderly. She had no manner of notice of his designes, and there­fore, when some of her Companions advertised her of the arrival of Sister Aurelia, she made no other answer, but that she should have time e­nough to see and salute her, since she was to remain in the House.

In the mean time, the Superiour, according to custom, caused all the Sisters to be called together, to the [Page 66]publick reading of Aurelia's Patents, and to receive her, according to Form, into the number of the Reli­gious. Eugenia was then present with the others, and while one of the Ancients red the dispatches, and that the other Formalities were ob­served, she had her eye continually upon this new Commer, but she little thought, that she beheld her Lover.

After the Ceremony was over, Oronces received fresh kisses from the Company, but he found none so sweet, as that which his Mistress gave him. He could not refrain from clasping her more amorously, than he did the others, and al­though he did not design to disco­ver himself so soon to her, he could not forbear a certain whisper, fol­lowed by some glances, which pe­netrated the heart of that lovely Creature.

The poor Lady, agitated with a thousand thoughts, retired immedi­ately into her Chamber, to medi­tate [Page 67]of what she had seen, and to reflect upon the resemblance of Au­relia's face to her Dear Oronces. Ne­vertheless, she durst not be con­vinced of what, her heart declared to her, and though she had been moved with an infinite tenderness, at the time she was embraced, yet a designe, so hardy and surprizing, could not enter her thought. In this embarras, and confusion of Spirit, she slumbered, and her mind, being filled only with the resem­blance, that was between Aurelia and Oronces, she continually drea­med of that Subject. Let us leave her in this moment of repose and tranquillity, to see what her Lover does.

Aurelia was all his time enter­tained by a Nun, who finding in her self a great inclination to love her, resolved with the first to gain her Heart, and Friendship. She was young and fair, and Oronces was not insensible, but, his Affections [Page 68]being already placed, he made no return of real Love or Tenderness, but only of a little outward Com­plaisance.

This Nun, who was called Pam­philia, never found in her self so ar­dent a desire to love one, of her own Sex, as she did in respect of this new Commer; and this Love, appearing to her innocent, and impossible to have in it any thing impure, she pusht it on, as far as she could, and, knowing by experience, that the Night was more proper than the Day for a thousand amorous decla­rations and an infinity of engaging wantonnesses, she proffered Aurelia to pass it with her, in one of the Com­mon Chambers, because as yet there was no particular one, provided for her.

All these Caresses, enough to have transported with joy, any o­ther, that had sence, gave Aurelia but a slender satisfaction. She did indeed find her self a little warmed [Page 69]but she needed only think upon Eugenia, to quench immediately those Flames, which begun to blaze. Nevertheless, she could not forbear telling Pamphilia, that her compa­ny would be very agreeable unto her, and that she received extraor­dinary pleasure in her conversation: But that which gave her no small content, was, to hear from this Re­ligious, a recital of every thing that had past, concerning her Mistress, who being one of Pamphilia's intimate Friends, had made her a Confident of it all, and had pray­ed her to keep it secret, and im­part it to none.

Oronces, who almost died with a desire of speaking to Eugenia, took thence an occasion of asking Pam­philia, where was her Chamber? and told her, that she would be glad to go along with her, and vi­sit that amiable Nun. Then Pam­philia conducted him thither, and immediately left them together, to [Page 70]the end, that they might be the more easily engaged in a Common amity, wherein she might have a part.

Our Metamorphosed Cavalier, for all his Mistresses Melancholly, found her fairer, then ever, he had seen her, even in her richest Gar­ments. Her youth inspired him with Joy, her Beauty with new de­sires, and what she had done for him with admiration. He at first dissembled, who he was, and under­stood from her, that she was newly risen from sleep, and that she had had a Dream, which, while it con­tinued, gave her a great deal of plea­sure, but, after awakening, created nothing in her, but disquiet. He prest her to declare it, and told her, that he would shew the true mea­ning of it, if it had the least con­formity with reason. She immedi­ately gave him a look, and their Eyes meeting together, said in their Language, that Love was very in­genious, and that they could not [Page 71] [...]ong be unknown to one another. Nevertheless Eugenia, being the more fearful, did not dare to declare her thought first, and Oronces, who took pleasure in seeing her in that con­fusion, made no great hast to draw her out of it.

In fine, Love overcame Affection; Aurelia, or rather our Cavalier, could no longer resist those tender motions, which the presence of his dear Mistress made him resent. He [...]ast himself about her neck, and embracing her with transports of extraordinary joy, he cried out, yes, [...]tis I, Eugenia; and Love has given me the Habit, which you see. That word, chasing all doubt from Euge­nia's mind, replenished her with an [...]nconceivable satisfaction, and for [...]ome moments deprived her of the [...]se of her senses, that she might [...]he more peaceably enjoy within her [...]elf, that excess of pleasure, which [...]he felt.

As soon as they had recovered [Page 72]their surprize, they began again their Caresses; and Oronces, to take Euge­nia out of pain, related to her, how every thing past, and that they had no cause to apprehend any thing, as long as his youth would leave his chin unfurnished, and as the sweet­ness of his voice would continue. She for her part, acquainted him, with the Artifice, which her Mother made use of, to abuse her, and con­jured him to behave himself discreet­ly in regard of the Convent, least that, by some wrong step, he might spoil an enterprize, that required all the good conduct imaginable, to make it succeed.

She instructed him moreover i [...] all the ways of living in a Cloyster and she fashioned him so well, tha [...] he was in a little time, as skilful, [...] the ancientest Dame in the house and he performed his Duty so well as shall be seen hereafter, that h [...] merited to have the direction of th [...] Novices, when their ordinary Mi [...] ­tress, [Page 73]who was very Aged, could not attend that exercise, by reason of indisposition.

In the mean time, the promise, which he had made Pamphilia to pass the night with her, troubled him not a little. He told in Eugenia, who could find no surer means to prevent it, then by offering the same thing in the others presence; an opportunity so to do presented it self immediately, for Pamphilia, im­patient to see Aurelia again, went and rejoyned them in a Friends Chamber, who told her, as soon as she entered, that she would not quit Aurelia before the morning, and that, being for that day exemp­ted from assisting in the Quire, she would keep her company.

Pamphilia for her part alledged, that she had made the first proffer; that the Bed, wherein they were to ly, was too little for three, and that she must yield to her, as to one who was her elder. But Eugenia [Page 74]was too much interessed, to let her gain that point, Therefore the con­clusion was, that they should accom­modate themselves as well as they could, and that both should take care to divert the new Comer.

In the mean time, nothing was more embarrassed than our Cavalier he was so fearful, of giving his Mistress some apparent cause of Jea­lousy, that he thought himself obli­ged to prevent her, and to intrea [...] her, not to make any ill constructi­on of the Amity, which she should outwardly shew, in return to th [...] Caresses of the other Nuns-: tha [...] he would abstain altogether from so doing, if she absolutely desire [...] it; but that he believed, that th [...] best way to conceal their Game was to live outwardly alike with al [...] the world.

Eugenia, who had a good wit [...] and was perfectly convinced of th [...] great Love, which Oronces had fo [...] her, told him, that he might a [...] [Page 75]in all things without Constraint, that, although she loved him much more then he could imagin, yet she did believe, that no jealousy could ever trouble her: That he might really upon these words and hereafter use all the liberty, he would do, were he that in Effect, which he was only in Appearance.

There is nothing that agrees with Beauty better, or gives it more lustre then joy; Eugenia, being rid of her vexation, and a gay humour succeeding her Melancholly, reco­vered in a little time, together with a good plight, those charms, which formerly rendered her so lovely, and were now sullied with the trouble and disquiet of mind, to which her retreat had reduced her. She supt with her Lover, and Pam­philia, who was become jealous of the Caresses, that all the young Nuns made to sister Aurelia, flat­tered her self, with the sensible plea­sure of lying, and passing the night [Page 76]with a Person, whom she loved with an Extraordinary tenderness, and affection.

Eugenia, that she might have an opportunity of being somtime alone with Oronces, undertook her self to go, and make the Bed, and put in a readiness the Chamber, wherein he was to remain, untill another were provided in the Common Dor­mitory of the Convent. The dis­guised Lover followed her, and was sufficiently perplexed, to satisfy all the questions, which were asked him in a quarter of an hours con­versation. She immediately asked him, what were his sentiments, when he received so many kisses from the youngest, and fairest in the house. Alas! my dear Eugenia, he answered, I will dissemble nothing from you. 'Tis true, that two or three, who acquitted themselves with a great deal of heat, caused in me some slight emotions; some Sparkles of the Fire, wherewith [Page 77]they seemed to burn, did warm my heart, and touched it with some sence of sweetness, which did a little tickle me.

How, said she to him, did you not resist that springing Affection, and condemn in your self a Love, which could not be lawful, since you con­ceived it to my prejudice? Ah, he replied, you ought to excuse me for several reasons, faults, that we com­mitted in spight of our selves, should easily be pardoned. Besides I can assure you, that if these Embraces have raised in me any passions, they were but wandring ones, which only disturbed the soul, but possest it not for any long time. My reason is not become irregular upon their account, and the extream love that I have for you, hath suffered no alteration, for your presence only hath driven out of my mind, all the Idea's, formed therein by these strange Beauties. I must believe you, interrupted Eugenia, and I [Page 78]foresee well enough, that I must prepare my self to pardon you ma­ny of the like faults, while you remain here; but for the rest, con­tinued she, have a care of favouring the weakness of any in this Con­vent, or of making your self known, and no less of requiring from me, what I will never grant, but accor­ding to Form. All other favours for your comfort, shall not be denied you, and we will live together, as a Brother would with a Sister, whom he cherishes, and by whom he is equally beloved. Especially, since that we shall be obliged to ly toge­ther this night, to avoid the wan­tonness of Sister Pamphilia, who o­therwise will without doubt disco­ver you; behave your self discreet­ly, and consider, that your fortune and my Life and Honour, ly upon your following these measures, which I give you. Your Father, who is the Principal obstacle to our liberty, is very old, and the man­ner, [Page 79]that I enter'd this House, is known to many, who can upon occasion bear witness of it, and I hope, that by the assistance of some powerful friends, we may at length bring about our first pretensions, and then pass the rest of our days in pleasures, by so much the more pure, as that they will be lawful, and shall never more be disturbed by any Accident, from the long en­joyment of them in perfection.

They were in this Discourse, when Pamphilia entered, who fin­ding them all on fire, demanded how they had over-heated them­selves? Eugenia replied, that they were forced to righten the Chamber, for it was quite ought of Order. Truly, said Pamphilia, you are not very conscientious, to cause sister Aurelia, to work thus, could you not stay for company, but must tire a poor girl, just arrived from a long journey, and in saying that, she cast her arms about Oronces [Page 80]his neck, and gave him a kiss. Eu­genia, who in spight of all her pre­cautions, did believe, that her Lo­ver robbed her of every thing, that he granted another, could not re­strain her self, but would be a sha­rer, so that our new Nun, was the most embarrassed in the world, to satisfy these passionated Creatures.

But this was but a Prelude, or slight Attack, if compared with what was apparently to follow. As soon as the retreat was rung, and that all the Nuns were retired each one into her Cell, the two Sisters, together with the young Nun, began the evening with a thousand little divertising Sports. Oronces, who had no experience in the greater part of these Cloyste­rial Games, was almost continually out, and was condemned to an hun­dred wanton trifles, which would infinitely have pleased him, had he been at liberty.

These pastimes were followed [Page 81]by a Collation, where Marchpanes, and other delicacies grateful to the tast, appeared with profusion: The most tender Airs, out of Operaes, were also sung, and Sister Aurelia, who had a great deal of skill, performed her part to perfection.

After having spent much time in these divertisements, they began to talk of going to bed. Eugenia had before hand acquainted her Lover, with all the fooleries he was to en­dure, if he lay near Pamphilia, besides, that it would be impossible to do so without discovering his Sex. Therefore he was to place him­self by his Mistress's side; do not imagin, that this was any pleasure to him, but quite contrary; for she had imposed upon him such rigo­rous Laws, that he never past a night with less repose, or more disquiet than that.

Pamphilia, who was almost ready to ly down, told Eugenia, that al­though she only had right to ly [Page 82]with Sister Aurelia, having made the first proffer; yet she was wil­ling to admit her to a share in the bed, so Aurelia lay in the middle.

Though, according to Rules, a Proposition, so reasonable as this, ought to be received without dis­pute; yet Eugenia would not agree unto it, foreseeing as a thing infal­lible, the discovery of her Lover, if it should happen so. Pamphilia also for her part, being unwillng to yield, had however Complaisance enough, to offer to decide the Que­stion by some kind of game, which was done, but to the disadvantage of Eugenia, who lost and no lon­ger knew, what Saint to invoke, that she might escape the danger, wherein she was.

In the mean time, her naked Companion, after kissing Aurelia, went first to bed, and left the two Lovers busy, at Prayers in appea­rance, but indeed in contriving some Artifice to deliver themselves from [Page 83]the Winners persuites. At length af­ter having meditated some time, Eugenia resolved to put out the Candle, before she lay down, and to creep readily into the place, ap­pointed for Oronces, and then to suffer him by her side. She adver­tised him of it, and seeming to search for something with the light, she let it fall designedly, and ex­tinguish't the Flame, so as Pamphi­lia could observe nothing, to make her suspect, that it was done pur­posely to deceive her.

Oronces, who was neer the Bed, and undressing, was called upon by her, who was impatient of being alone, I will come unto you pre­sently, said he, but I desire you would not trouble my repose, it will be in vain to talk to me; I shall not answer one word, for I am already half asleep.

He had hardly ended these words, when Eugenia threw her self into Bed, and placed her self in the middle, and [Page 84] Oronces soon after lay down by her.

Pamphilia no sooner felt Eugenia by her side, but mistaking her for Aurelia, did most straitly embrace her, and demanded of her, if she would not be her Friend? Eugenia answered not, but with a kiss, which she could not soon get rid off, and which was followed with all the Caresses, and wantonness, which the poor Recluse are wont to put in practise, to asswage the heat of their fire. 'Tis very true, that Eugenia did expose her self to her Companions fury, only to deliver her Lover from it, and that she rather sought his safety, then any satis­faction, which she took therein.

While the two Sisters were exer­cising these wantonnesses, the Poor Oronces suffered more pain, then they could tast pleasure; he was like Tantalus, condemned to die with hunger, in the sight of several dainties, he was Poor in the midst of Wealth, and what seemed suffi­cient [Page 85]to compleat his joys, was now become the cause of his pain and sorrow.

He could not reflect upon the condition wherein he was, without becomming sensible of a thou­sand importunate thoughts, which tired his Imagination, and burnt him with a Fire, that he was not permitted to quench, even upon the brink of a Fountain. He was so filled with the Idea of his Mist­resses attractions, that all his desires were fix't upon that amiable Crea­ture; all his sighs half stifled, were for her; and all the motions of his heart had no other cause then her Charms.

He perceived sometimes his Rea­son growing weak, and without Heroical endeavours, he would ne­ver have been able to resist such forcible temptations: Alas! what did he not think? What did he not say to himself? what torment said he, is this I feel? and whence [Page 86]proceeds the unquietude and dis­order, wherein I am? What? must I be the most unhappy man in the world, for lying by the fairest Crea­ture in it? Can so fine an object, accustomed to inspire me with no­thing but joy, put me now to so much pain? Ah! how dangerous a passion is Love, and to what rough Tryals do's it expose us, before it imparts unto us, even the least of its pleasures.

While he thus thought, Eugenia, defending her self from her Com­panions embraces, did without con­sidering it, approach him with a great deal of precipitation, it was then, that he being ignorant, whe­ther Chance or Love threw her so into his Arms, did almost forget all the Laws, prescribed him, and there wanted little of his committing a fact, contrary to his duty. This approach did sensibly augment his Fires, and the Heat, received from it, consumed him even to the very [Page 87]heart, insomuch, that though she was retired, yet the remembrance of that surprize did continually re­double his Affliction; that is, if it were possible to imagine any ad­dition to a Grief, which, from the first moment, that he conceived it, had been extream and insupportable.

At length, Pamphilia cloyed with kisses, and wearied with the vio­lence of her exercise, found her self overcome with sleep. She bid her Neighbour Good night, by the name of Aurelia, who also coun­terfeited sleep, though it was im­possible for her to rest one moment. She had much ado to constrain her­self, and on what diversions soever she employed her mind, she could never take it of from her Lover, her imagination represented Him so forcibly, that all the various reflections, to which she applied her self, proved too weak to pre­vail over the violence of her Passion; and loving Oronces no less then she [Page 88]was beloved by him, she was sen­sible of all the motions, concernes, and transports, which Love made him resent.

In the mean time, Oronces, seeing these two Companions quiet, belie­ved, that they were really asleep. So that to ease a little of the ex­tream heat, which consumed him, he laid his hand upon Eugenia's Bo­dy, and for some time ran over it with extraordinary transports, which made him forget himself, and gave him a taste of pleasures not to be equalled, to his wonder­ful Satisfaction: His Mistresse's fear of his being discovered by some unhappy word, was the Cause, that at first she durst not say any thing to him, to rebuke him; but at length, he became so importunate, and his toying provoked her in such a man­ner, that she could no longer en­dure it, but seizing his hand, she put it off from her, and whispered him, as softly as she could, that [Page 89]he should consider the danger where­to they were exposed; He took that warning, and giving Eugenia a kiss, he let her understand, that he would no more.

There is nothing more vexatious to Lovers, than to spend the nights after that manner: Eugenia would not have Oronces to ly there, until the appearance of day, but, least the light should discover him, she made him rise, and dress himself, and gave him the key of a neighbou­ring Chamber, where he threw himself upon a Bed, to take a little repose. After which, she lay in his place, and left the middle empty, to the end to make her Compa­nion believe, that it was Sister Au­relia who had filled it up.

In effect, Pamphilia was convin­ced of it, as soon as she awaked, and Eugenia acquainted her, that she had so tired and overheated that poor Girle, with her embraces, that she was obliged to withdraw into [Page 90]another Chamber, for a little rest, it being impossible for her to sleep with so great heat, and importu­nity.

As soon as our two Lovers saw each other, Eugenia smilingly asked Oronces, how he had past the night? Ah! malicious Creature, he replied, have you the heart, so to insult o­ver an unfortunate man? Know, that I never gave you greater proofs of my Love than last night, and without extream Affection, my Obedience could never have been so perfect. You made me dye a thousand times by your continual motions, and I still admire, how I have been able to observe with so great submission, those rigorous Laws, which you had given me.

By this, the time was come, wherein they were to attend all the usual exercises of a Monastick life. Oronces was instructed in them by his Mistress, and performed them with so great success, especially [Page 91]those that regarded the business of the Quire, that in some time after, she who had the care of forming the Voices of the Novices, being fallen sick, that charge was given to sister Aurelia, who took plea­sure in the Employment, and did execute it to the satisfaction of all those, put under him.

The truth is, that he so behaved himself, as that under the Counte­nance of a Venus, he made Virtue it self, and Modesty shine out. He see­med unmoved with any ambition. His Beauty gave him not the least pride or affectation. He was simple or witty according to occasion, and so plain a sincerity appeared in him, that even the most penetrating were deceived.

Under the Veil of an easy and attracting Devotion, he gained the hearts of all the World; and his Mistress, and himself following the same Rules in their Conduct, and being endowed almost with the [Page 92]same qualities, they were estee­med, as Persons, that one day would fill up the Chief Places of the Convent.

Eugenia was of a tall and slen­der stature, her face round, and of a wonderful complexion; her black Eyes were filled with Fire, which she tempered with a great deal of sweetness, and modesty, her teeth were white, even, and well ranked. In fine to give a perfect Idea of Her, it may be said, that her Veil hid more beauty then outwardly appeared, and that it was reserved for him only, who one day was to enjoy her, to admire at its Per­fection.

Oronces had already remained al­most a year in the Monastery, and lived there, with the Approbation of the whole Convent, when an unlucky Accident made him a thou­sand times repent of his rash entring into that place, and of trusting him­self so long to the inconstancy of Fortune.

A Nun of the house, called, Lu­cia, having been a little too famili­ar in private with at Directour, who would conduct her into Heaven, by ways very different from the Gospel, so resented his devout In­structions, that she could not hide the fruits of it; but appeared big with Child in the sight of all her Companions.

There is nothing that destroys the esteem, which the world hath conceived for these kind of People, more then the knowledge of their Crimes, and Offences. They there­fore kept the business as secret as they could, and the Superiour forbad them, under great penalties, to say any thing of that disorder. In the mean time, the poor Lucia was ex­amined, and because, she had read in a Book, containing several Fabu­lous Stories, that a Vestall had con­ceived by a Spirit, She thought, that she also might deny her having any communication with a man. [Page 94]In effect, she so stubbornly persisted in the denyal, that the Superiour, fearing that there might be some Hermaphrodite among her maids, ordered ten of the most Ancient, to search all the Nuns of the Con­vent without exception, and then to make a true Report to her, of what they had seen.

I leave you to judge, what ex­tremity, this Order reduced our two Lovers to: Eugenia, who fea­red all things for Oronces, councel­led him to withdraw, and depart that night, through a place in the Garden, where the passage was not difficult. There was so little proba­bility of saving himself otherwise from the danger, whereto he was exposed, that he resolved to follow the Countel of his dear Mistress, whom he bid adiew to in the eve­ning, and took leave of her, with­out having time to reflect upon the means of recovering her, thus abandoned by his departure.

He was not yet arrived at the place, by which he was to make his escape, when he met a Nun, whom chance, or the desire of taking a little fresh air had brought thither. She immediately perceived Sister Aurelia, by reason of her Habit, be­ing white mingled with black, which reaches the sight, sooner then any thing else, and joyning with her, retained her in spight of all the Arti­fices, which she used, to get rid of her.

She entertained her with what had past in the House; and with what was to be done, on the mor­row, according to the command of the Superiour. These discourses put Aurelia upon Thornes. Neverthe­less it was impossible for her to get from that Impertinent, and to add to his misfortune, she, who had the charge of locking up all the Gates, came to advise them to retire, that the retreat was rung; and that she came to perform her office.

This unhappy rencounter broke all the Measures of our poor Lover, he was forced to reenter the Cloy­ster, and go to his own bed, think­ing continually how to secure him­self from the storm and tempest, which threatned him. But alas! that Wit, that suggested to him his for­mer Stratagem, failed him upon this occasion.

Eugenia, perceiving him in the morning, in the Quire among the rest, was in the greatest amazement in the world. The search was to be made in the Afternoon, and there was no possibility of escaping by day the sight of so many people. She spoke to him, and understood, what had hindred his departure, she thought, she studied, she meditated, but still in vain, and in that disqui­et, she remitted her cause to the God of love, whom she conjured, not to abandon them in so dangerous an extremity.

In the mean while, the time ap­pointed [Page 97]for the execution of the or­donnance being come, all the Nuns had fresh notice, to go and present themselves, one after another, to the old ones deputed to search, and several had already undergone that mortification, when Eugenia came thither, and retired as soon as she could out of the hands of those old Matrons, whose fashions would have made her laugh, had she not had so much cause of affliction.

Oronces his turn approached, when Eugenia perceiving her self all of a suddain transported, went to find him out and readily changing Habits with him (which differed from the rest) as we have already told you, she bid him not to torment himself; and said, that she hoped, that with this disguise every thing would fall out to their advantage.

In effect she went again, to present herself, with her Veil dow [...]n before these Venerable Dames, who took her, by the White and Black Habit, [Page 98]which she wore, for sister Aurelia. She being esteemed very vertuous, they believed that it was modesty, obliged her to be so Veiled, and there­fore they would not vex her with any demand, but putting their spect­acles upon their noses and taking their candles in hand, they visited that fair place with a great deal of diligence, which they could not know again, though they had ex­actly viewed it just a little before. Being so escaped from the danger, she went immediately to Oronces, and restored to him his Garments, assuring him, that there was nothing more to be feared: then he gave a thousand Kisses to this witty Lover, and at the same time, they both re­solved, to go together to Rome, to the end, to annul the vows by which Eugenia was engaged, and to have her remitted in her former li­berty.

The good Matrons made their re­port to the Superiour, and said, that [Page 99]although they had seen great matters, yet that they had perceived nothing capable of giving Sister Lucia the Tympany, that incommoded her; that the mischief must have come from without, and that by using a little cunning to convict her, they might discover, who had been the Author of so great a scandal. This advice was followed with success, for Lucia fell into the snare laid for her, and became obliged to confess her fault without any disguise.

A little time after his had past, Oronces's Fathers death was published over all the Town, though our Lo­ver saw himself by it, at more liber­ty than before, yet he resented it very much, and his natural tender­ness made him, in secret, shed abun­ [...]ance of tears, to the Memory of him, who had given him life.

In the interim, his elder brother [...] hearing that he was no longer in the Army, caused him to be enquired af­ter on all sides, and the report of it [Page 100]being come to the Monastery, where he was, upon the account of his Mist­ress shut up in it, they thought it time, to contrive their retreat, least some Misfortune should discover them to those, who made such curi­ous enquiries after their Persons.

Nothing is more industrious than Love, Eugenia found a way to have two Gentile suits of man's appa­rel, by the means of a Confident whom she had abroad, telling her, that she had a design to make pre­sents of them to two of her Cozens, who were almost of the same stature, but because she would surprize them with that liberality, she purposed to keep the matter secret. This Friend, not knowing any thing considerable of her Amours, could not imagin the use she would put these Garments to, but did unfeignedly believe what was told her, and within three days she delivered them ready made and finisht, into her hands, who had given her Orders about them.

As soon as these two Lovers had wherewithall to shift their Habits, they thought of nothing more than of their departure. Oronces had brought with him two hundred Pist­olls, which the war had enriched him with. These he had always preser­ved for a time of necessity, and it was wisely done, for they were of great use to him in the journey, which he now undertook. After that both had made themselves ready, and taken with them what was ne­cessary, they departed about nine of the clock in the Evening, through that place, already mentioned, in the Garden, and went immediately by favour of the night to put on their new Equipage.

The fear they were in of being known in the Town, made them walk a quarter of a league a foot, af­ter which they arrived in a Village, where having taken lodging u [...]der borrowed names, they hired two Horses, to depart on the break of [Page 102]day. Though the young Eugenia was not accustomed to this kind of riding, yet her address was mar­vellous, and she would have given those, who did not know her, reason to believe, that she had performed all her exercises in the Academie.

Whil'st our two Fugitives made all the hast they could to Marseilles, the whole Monastery, from which they ran away, was in disorder. It seemed that all the Furies were let loose against them, by reason of the continual misfortunes, that assaulted them, and of the irregularity that became so publick. In this conjun­cture they knew not what to say of the present scandal, nor think what might be the cause of it. They ne­ver dreamt of Oronces, and the man­ner, that he and Eugenia had beha­ved themselves in the House, added to the surprize of all the Religious.

Several People were sent after them, but in vain, for besides that they had taken a way quite contra­ry, [Page 103]to that by which they were pur­sued; they were already emb [...]rq [...]ed at Marseilles, where they arrived, be­fore their departure, which was for some time concealed, had been pub­lish't abroad, and before it came to the knowledge of Secular Persons, who caused the pursuit after them. I cannot express, how great was L [...] ­rentia's sorrow, it was so much the more in that she knew, that she her self had occasioned by her constraint all this irregularity, and had forced her Daughter, to inclose her self in a place, for which she had never had any inclination. Let us leave her to deplore the loss of her dear Euge­nia, and follow the way of our Lovers.

Oronces having been so happy as to find at Marseilles a Vessel ready to saile to Civita Vecchia, he embar­qued therein, together with his Mist­ress, and made provision of all ne­cessaries for their voyage. The wind was so favourable, that in two days they arrived at Gen [...]a, where after [Page 104]taking some refreshment, they de­parted, that they might not lose the opportunity of the fair weather. But alas! the more they advanced, the nearer they approached their ruin. The weather changed in a moment, and a storm succeeded the fair day they had had, and the violent agita­tion of the Waves threatned nothing less, than an assured Shipwrack. It was in vain that in this disaster, the Pilots and Mariners endeavoured to recover the Coast, which was too farr off. They must yield to the Tem­pest, and place all their hopes in him, who alone can command that fierce Element, and be obeyed. In the inte­rim, Eugenia, more dead than alive, lay extended betwen her Loversarms, who, though he himself was no less afflicted, endeavoured to comfort her by all the reasons, which his troubled Spirit could afford him, in this lamentable confusion.

But the night, which the Pilots drea­ded most, proved not so vexatious, as [Page 105]was feared. The wind suddainly aba­ted, and the Sky, disclosing some Stars, gave them a little comfort, promi­sing them according to apparencies, weather proper to persue their voy­age. In effect they weighed anchor in the Dawn, and having fitted the Ship, they sayled away, singing a thousand songs of joy, which made them forget their past dangers.

But alas! how short was their joy, and what hardship did their ill for­tune still provide for them? They scarce began to enjoy that interval of fair Weather, when they saw them­selves exposed to a danger, a thou­sand times more tormenting, than that which they had so luckily es­caped. They perceived from far a Corsaire, who, rightly guessing that the Tempest would scatter some Ves­sels upon their Coasts, lay in wait for them, and already made appear by his motions, that he looked upon this Ship, as an infallible Prey.

Those, who guided the Vessel, [Page 106]where our Lovers were, gave them notice of the misfortune threatning them, and of the slavery, to which they should be reduced, if they fell into the hands of the Corsair, whom they perceived out at Sea. Captivi­ty is an evil a thousand times more insupportable, to a well born Soul, than death it self. Now crys and lamentations only were to be heard, and this news began to put all things in disorder, but this as yet was no­thing, in comparison of what past, when they saw that the Barbarian bore up with full sail towards them; and that it was impossible to save themselves. Had Oronces not been there, Eugenia would have flung her self into the Waters; the evident loss of her liberty and honour, made her esteem death much more agreeable, than the rude constraints, and infa­mous violences, to which, she appre­hended, she was going to be subjected.

Though in this to be pitied con­dition, her Lover was nearer death [Page 107]than life, yet he comforted her, with giving her hopes, that she might es­cape undiscovered in the Habit, which she wore, since it was not confor­mable to her Sex. That it was not without example, that captives have found clemency from those kind of People, and that Love, who had drawn them out of a infinity of troubles, would not now forsake them in a rencounter, where his suc­cour was absolutely necessary.

In the mean while, the Cor [...]air came up to them, and obliged them to lowre their Sails, and shot of se­veral pieces of Cannon, to fright them, the others, not being in a con­dition to defend themselves against such powerful Enemies, were con­strained to yield to their force, and to receive into their Ship those, who were about to enslave them. As soon as the Barbarian was entered, he was ravished with the beauty of our two young Cavaliers; he enquired of what Nation they were, and whi­ther [Page 108]they designed to go. They an­swered, that they were two Brothers, born in France, and that they had departed thence to travel into Italy. The African, who understood the Language, was charmed with the en­gaging and respectful air, wherewith they had answered him; he prefer­red these fair youths before all the rest of his Prey, and for their sake, all those of their Company were treated with less, in humanity, than is usual in the like accidents. Neverthe­less they were forced to put on Irons in order to prevent all designs, that despair might inspire them with, in so vexatious a conjuncture. Oronces and Eugenia, being more favoured by the Barbarian, and having dissem­bled their affliction, were exempted from the Chains, and took for a good Omen, these first favours, which made them, as it were, still enjoy an entire liberty.

These poor unfortunate creatures, were brought to Tripoly, and were [Page 109]all exposed to sale, except our two French men, and to change their their Master, as soon as they arrived there. The Corsair, knowing by the Carriage, Manners, and Habits of the two Brothers, that they were not of the common sort, would keep them himself, and always treated them, as Persons of the first Quality, and from whom, he expected a con­siderable Ransome. So that it might be said, that they were free in their slavery, and that they might relish the same sweets, as they heretofore found in their entertainments, when they were without imprisonment or constraint.

Nevertheless, all this good usage was capable only of lessning their trouble, but not of freeing them al­together from it. The remembrance of what they were, and their shame and confusion to discover to their Relations what had hapned to them, tormented their mind more than I can express. They even resolved not [Page 110]to send them any account, or news of themselves; but chose rather to resigne themselves to Fortune, that does often please it self in delivering the miserable out of Dungeons, to raise them up to Thrones, than have recourse to persons, who would not relieve them, until they had past se­vere censures upon their conduct.

In the mean while, the Corsair, who expected suddainly to receive money for their deliverance, began to grow impatient at the delay, and he had already entertained them four Months, without obliging them to any employment, disagreeable un­to them. He again demanded, whe­ther there were any thing to be ex­pected from them? Oronces answered him, that they acknowledged him for their Master, that they were at his discretion, and that they did be­lieve, that none were disposed to ran­some-them.

The Barbarian, whom the Hopes of Gain, rather then the Lustre of [Page 111]Beauty had moved to the clemency used towards them, was very much surprized with that answer, and told them coldly, that they might then dispose themselves to change their dwelling, since that, they being un­fit for any labour, he would not a­ny longer maintain unprofitable people in his House. In effect he ex­posed them to sale in the first Markets.

For you must know, that amongst these Infidels, men are not in a much happier condition, than beasts; and that they are there bought and sold, after the same manner, as Animals void of reason are with us.

As soon as our Pirate had exposed the two Young French men to pub­lick sale, they were encompassed by a number of Persons, who, judging by their meen, that they would be sold at a dear rate, approached them more to admire their Beauty, than to make any proffer. Nevertheless, there were some, who endeavoured to become Masters of them, but the [Page 112] Corsaire, who took them, desiring to be reimbursed of the Expences which he had been at in their Entertain­ment, put so high a prize upon them, that they still stuck upon his hands.

Whilst that the African was in paine, to be with advantage rid of his Captives, he received news of the arrival of a Ship from Alexandria, sent by a Beglerbeg or Governour of the Country, to transport Slaves, that were to be bought at Tripoly, but above all he was overjoyed, when he understood from the Captain, that he had order to search for all the Fair Youths, that he could find, to carry to his Master, who had a design to make a Present of them to the Bassa of Egypt.

He imparted these news to our two Lovers, telling them that they were very much favoured by For­tune, in that they had fallen into no other hands than his, from whom they had not received any ill enter­tainment, and that they parted not [Page 113]from him, but to be yet more happy, since they were destined for the plea­sures of a Prince, who acknowledged no man above him, but the Grand Seigniour.

Eugenia, who understood not the Barbarians meaning, received much joy at these news, but when Oronces, who was a little more knowing, had told her what he conceived, she was not to be comforted, and wish't that an excessive Ugliness might succeed her great Beauty, and that by some happy Metamorphosis, the charms of her Youth might be changed in­to the horrid wrinkles of old Age. Her Lover did not differ from her in his wishes, but these were all in vain. Appear they must before him, who was to buy them, if he approved of them.

Though they stood in no need of Ornaments, to please those who loo­ked upon them; yet they were cloa­thed in Vests of Silk, branched all over with Gold, and wore upon their [Page 114]heads a Turbant after the Ottoman Fashion, and in that dress were brought to the Alexandrian Captain. These Garments, which were very splendid, did not a little set of the Beau­ty of our two young Captives; and they received from them so great ad­vantage, that the Captain was char­med, and gave the Tripolin his own price for their Persons.

See here Oronces and Eugenia rea­dy to sail for Egypt, and in all appea­rance, for ever deprived of the hap­piness, vvhich they hoped for, in once more seeing their own Country. Yet they durst not discover their Melancholy, for fear of rendring themseves more miserable. They gave the night only to their tears, and some secret Moments which they as it were stole, to ease their hearts of those Pains and Tortures, which they felt within.

They being destined for the Bas­sas pleasure, you may be sure that they were not ill treated by the Cap­taine, [Page 115]who considered them, as men one day likely to become Favorits to his Prince, rather then as unhappy Slaves: he granted them every thing they desired, and forgot nothing that might contribute to their satisfacti­on. They eat at his Table, which he caused to be served with the most de­licious dainties, and meats most pro­per to preserve them fresh and fair.

But alas! all these favours did not at all touch the hearts of our Lovers, they stifled a thousand sighs within themselves, when they outwardly appeared any thing joyful; and the reflection, which they made upon their Fate, fretted them with hor­rour, and inspired them with no­thing, but sentiments of despair, to which, without particular Grace, they had without doubt abandoned them­selves.

They were fifteen days in the Port of Tripoly, ere the wind stood fair for their departure. This gave them much joy, but it continued not long [Page 116]for on the sixteenth, it changed and became favourable. The Egyptian Captain, who desired nothing more, than to return presently to Alexan­dria, to make his Merchandise be there admired, caused the Anchors forthwith to be weighed, and with ful sails departed, not designing to go far until they had attained the sight of the neighbouring Promontory of the small Isle of Lea.

The beginning of their voyage, was so prosperous, that on the first night they came within sight of Pon­tia, which is more than an hundred and fifty miles distant from the place whence they set out. All who were in the Ship, rejoyced at this good speed. Our Lovers alone con­tinued sad, and regarded themselves as poor Victims, who were to be sa­crificed to the Brutality of a Prince, if God by some extraordinary effect of his power, did not deliver them from the evident danger that came every moment nearer and nearer to them.

In fine their Tears and Prayers scended even to Heaven; the Wind changed in an instant, and became so fierce, that the Pilots were obliged to turne their Course back again, and to seek out some harbour, to shelter from the Storme, wherewith they were menaced. But the danger prest them on all sides, for they could not stay at Pontia, without exposing them­selves to Banks of Sands, that encom­passed them: They could not also go far from thence, without approaching Malta, which belonged to their most untractable enemies. In this confusi­on, they judged it more proper to re­tire from the sands among which it was impossible to avoid Shipwrack, and to advance towards the Isle, where nothing was to be feared, if they could escape unperceived.

But they had hardly shifted Sails that way, when they were discove­red by three Galleys and a man of War, belonging to the Island, which having deceived them with a false [Page 118]Flag, attack't them so unexpectedly that the Egyptian Captain, being un­able to defend himself against so great a Force, was obliged to yield up him­self, his Slaves, Ship and all.

Then our Lovers began to breath again when they saw themselves in the hands of Christians, and at the disposal of a Nobility so generous, as are the Knights of Malta. Oronces, who had a Kinsman in that Order, made himself known immediately, and received from the Great Master, and all the French Knights then pre­sent, all the Honour and fair enter­tainment, which his good Fortune had prepared for him. He told them a part of his adventures, and declared the design the had of going to Rome, along with the Gentleman that bore him Company, yet he could not pre­vent staying some days among those of his own Nation, who had a desire to retain him for a longer time; but the opportunity of departing in a Galley, which had lately transported [Page 119]an Italian Prince, separated them, af­ter returning a thousand thanks to the Great Master, and taking leave of the other Knights, who had so kindly entertained them.

It was in this Voyage, that Love, victorious over Fortune, happily conducted these two delivered Captives. They past the straights of Messina, and after having coasted part of Ca­labria, and past within sight of Nap­les, they arrived at the Port of Ostia, from whence they went to Rome, with Letters of Recommendation to a Cardinal, who was Brother to the Italian Prince, we mentioned.

As soon as they were arrived in Town, they earnestly sollicited their business, and Eugenia having made a declaration of the manner, that she entered into Religion, and of the sur­prize, that had caused her to make her Vows, Oronces presented it to the Cardinal, that he was recommended to; he gained his favour, and related to him every thing that he had done, [Page 120]for that Lady, and the hazards which he had run through. The recital of so many misfortunes so moved the heart of this Lord, that he caused all the proceedings of her Profession to be made null and void, and replaced her in her former liberty.

After this they returned into France, where their Marriage was celebrated, with so much the more joy, as that the Elder brother of Oronces, having been killed in a Duel, left him the only heir to all the Estate of his Family, and so obtained Laurentia's consent, (who was overjoyed to see again her dear Eugenia) yet she never would have given it, but that she could no longer refuse it, without opposing her Daughters advantage. Pomp, sports, and mirth accompanied the Nuptials of our Lovers. The Feast was publick and the Pleasures of successful Love was to both of them the more grate­ful, in that they had strugled with in­finite obstacles, which now they had happily overcome.


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