Reading and Spelling ENGLISH MADE EASIE.
WHEREIN All the Words of our English BIBLE are set down in an Alphabetical order and divided into their distinct Syllabls.
Together with The Grounds of the English Tongue laid in Verse, wherein are couch't many Moral Precepts.
By the Help whereof, with Gods blessing, Little Children, and others of ordinary Capacities, nay in few Months be enabled exactly to Read and Spell the whole Bible.
By THO. LYE, Philanglus.
LONDON, Printed by A. Maxwell for Tho. Parkhurst, and are to be sold at his Shops at the Bible and three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers-Chappel, and [...]
THAT Parents generally throughout this whole' Kingdom, are at constant, vast expences, for the ingenious education of their dear Children, is a Truth written with a Sun-beam.
That, to this day, our Crop answers not our Seed; That our Childrens Attainments come not up to our just, and Rational Expectations, is so stabbing an Experience, that it ought not to be mentioned without a Flood of Tears. What Omers of Seed, both as to Cost, and Time, and Pains, are daily sown, and yet what poor Ephahs of Real Advantage reaped? Of those many Thousands in our English Israel (a fourth part of whose age is commonly given up to the Fescue, and Ferula.) how few, how very few are there in comparison, that, after all, can exactly Read, Spell, and Write True English, or indeed (infandum dolorem) but distinctly Read a Chapter?
For such an Epidemical Disease as this, Is there no Balm in our English Gilead? No Physician there? Yes, without doubt, there have been [Page]and are, more than many; and those as eminent for the cure of a weak Ʋnderstanding, and stammering Tongue, as ever those great Secretaries of Nature, Galen, Hippocrates, Paracelsus, were for the curing of any the Diseases of the Body. What should hinder then, but that the health of the Sons and Daughters of our People should be obtained? I know nothing that can, except it be our wretched neglect, or careless use of Those many excellent Means already prescribed.
However, because Variety is pleasing, and New Dishes are taking, at least with squeamish stomacks, I have here presented thee with something that thou thy self wilt say is New. Probably thou hast heard of an Iliad in a Nutshell, or seen the Ten Commandments cut on a small Penny. But didst ever yet behold the whole Bible, every word therein, distinctly set before thine eye in a few pages? If thou doubt the truth of this intimation, be pleased but to give thy self the trouble of taking any Verse whatsoever in the whole Bible, and see whether every particular word in that Verse be not readily found in the Alphabetical Table. My judgment much fails me, if upon such an Experiment, thou wilt not incline to be very much of my Opinion.
But who should make use of this Book? and how? I answer,
First, Persons of riper Age; and those
Such, as, from the very breast, have been [Page] ever learning, and never yet come to the knowledg of the true spelling of one Syllabl. Read, they hope, they can; but spell they cannot; and therefore to write either to Child, Friend, or Servant, they are ashamed.
To these I give this advice.
- 1. Let them read over the whole Alphabetical Table once a month. By this means, the whole Bible will soon become, as to the word-part, more familiar to them, and they more ready to find any word they search for.
- 2. When any word occurrs, that gravels them so, that they cannot spell it; Let them observe carefully, with what Letter, or with what two Letters it begins, and then look for those two Letters in the head of the page, and under those two Letters they will speedily find the word, they desire, if it be in the Bible.
- 2. Younger Ones; and that, as soon as they have learnt distinctly to know, and read their Letters.
Let no man object the Difficulty of this Book, and that it is so massy a weight, as will not only press, but crush such tender shoulders. For do but consider, that every word in this Table is drawn out into little easy syllabls (which is not done in any Primers, Psalters, or other Books used by Children) and then judg which are most easy to be learned, This, or Those.
But in what order and method should Littl ones be taught this Book? Courteous Reader (specially if thou art an Instructor of Children) [Page]be pleased to lend me thine ear, and patience.
1. As soon as your Children can truly read their Letters, cast them all into distinct Formsar Companies: The grand reason, why you hear Children so much, and yet teach them so little, is because you hear them so confusedly. Put therefore as many of them into one form, as you judg to be of an equal capacity, or at least no great difference between them.
2. Let all of one Form have but one and the same Lesson; and let the ablest among them be exercised, and employed in teaching, and preparing the weakest, before they come to say their Lesson.
3. When the whole Form comes to read their Lesson, Let it be your chief Care to make them all Attentive. To that end, charge them All to look intently on their Books; To hearken diligently to Him, that reads. To quicken their Attention, ask those, whom you observe most heedless, What is the last word?
4. Let every word in every Lesson be first distinctly spell'd, and then, and not till then, read; yea, let it be both spell'd, and read, again and again, and no new Lesson given, till they are very perfect in that.
5. When the Child reads false, let not the Master correct his error, but bid one of his felliws correct him; which he, that can, and doth, three or four times, let him be rewarded with the Plaee of the Offendor.
6. Let an hour every day be solemnly spent, in sounding, and spelling those words, which you find in the Two last Chapters, which (if I am not greatly mistaken) contain most, if not all the difficulties are usually met with in the whole English Tongue.
For Exampl.
1. To the lowest, and weakest, that are only to tell you, what those words sound, which you are to spell before them: thus;
- Qu. What sounds a╌n?
- Ans. —an.
- Qu. What sounds g╌e╌l?
- Ans. —gel.
- Qu. Put it together.
- Ans. — angel.
2. To the Ablest, and uppermost, that are to tell you, how those very words are speld, which have been before sounded: Thus.
- Qu. How do you spell Angel?
- Ans. — a╌n an.
- —g╌e╌l gel
- —angel.
And so through, both the 17, and 18 Chapters.
Reader, I have no more, but to commend Thee, our little ones, and this Book, to the blessing of the Most High, and to avow my self
THere is lately published two other Books of this Author's, viz. The Childs Delight: Together with an English Gramar.
A Plain and familiar Method of Instructing the younger sort according to the Lesser Catechism of the Assembly of Divines. Especially intended for Governours of Families.
Both sold by Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns at the lower end of Cheapside: As also these Books following.
A Little Book for Little Children; wherein is set down several Directions for Little Children, and several, remarkable Stories both Ancient and Modern, of Little Children. By Tho. White.
The Young mans Remembrancer, and Old mans Monitor: From Eccles. 12.1. By Mr. John Magnard.
Christian Monitor to the Performance of Personal and Relative Duties. Published for the benefit of the younger sort. By Joseph Church Minister of the Gospel.
- AA╌ron╌ s
- Aa╌ron╌ ites
- A╌bad╌don
- A╌bag╌tha
- A╌ba╌na
- A╌bar╌ im
- a╌base╌ ment
- a╌ba╌ sed
- a╌ba╌ sing
- a╌ba╌ ted.
- AB-Ba.
- Ab╌da
- Ab╌di╌el
- Ab╌don.
- A╌bed╌ne╌go
- A╌bel-Beth-Ma╌a╌chah.
- A╌bel-Ma╌ im
- A╌bel-Me╌ho╌lath
- A╌bel╌miz╌ra╌ im
- A╌bel-Shit╌ tim
- A╌bez.
- ab╌horr╌ ed
- ab╌horr╌ est
- ab╌horr╌ eth
- ab╌horr╌ ing
- A╌bi╌a
- [...]╌bi╌ah
- A╌bi-Al╌bon
- A╌bi-A╌saph
- A╌bi╌a╌thar
- A╌bib
- A╌bi╌da
- A╌bi╌dan
- a╌bide
- a╌bi╌ deth
- a╌bi╌ ding
- ab╌ject╌ s
- A╌bi╌el
- A╌bi╌e╌zer
- A╌bi╌ez╌rite╌ s
- A╌bi╌ gail
- A╌bi╌gal
- A╌bi╌ hail
- A╌bi╌hu
- Abi—hud
- A╌bi╌jah
- A╌bi╌jam
- A╌bi-Le╌ne
- a╌bi╌li╌ty
- A╌bi╌ma╌el
- A╌bi╌me╌lech
- A╌bi╌na╌dab
- A╌bi╌no╌am
- A╌bi╌ram
- A╌bi╌shag
- A╌bi╌sha╌har
- A╌bi╌ shai
- A╌bi╌sha╌lom
- A╌bi╌shu╌a
- A╌bi╌shui
- A╌bi╌sal
- A╌bi╌ud.
- a╌ble.
- Ab╌ner.
- a╌board
- a╌bode
- a╌bo╌ dest
- ab╌o╌lish╌ ed
- ab╌o╌min╌ able
- ab╌o╌min╌ a╌bly
- ab╌o╌min╌ a╌ti╌on.s
- a╌bove
- ab╌ ound╌ed
- ab╌ ound╌eh
- ab╌ ound╌ing
- Ab╌ram
- Ab╌ra╌ham╌ s
- a╌broad.
- Ab╌sa╌lom
- ab╌ esnce
- ab╌ sent
- abs╌tain.
- abs╌tin╌ ence.
- Ab╌und╌ ance
- ab╌und╌ ant╌ly
- ab╌use
- ab╌u╌ sers
- ab╌u╌ sin [...]
- ac╌çept╌ able
- ac╌çept╌ a╌bly
- ac╌çept╌ ance
- ac╌çept╌ a╌ti╌on
- ac╌çept╌ ed
- ac╌çept╌ est
- ac╌çept╌ eth
- ac╌çept╌ ing
- ac╌çess
- Ac╌cho
- ac╌com╌pa╌ni╌ ed
- ac╌com╌pa╌ny╌ ing
- ac╌com╌plish╌ ed
- ac╌com╌plish╌ ing
- ac╌com╌plish╌ ment
- ac╌cord╌ ing╌ly
- ac╌count╌ ed
- ac╌count╌ ing
- ac╌curs╌ ed
- ac╌cu╌sa╌ti╌on
- ac╌cuse
- ac╌cu╌ sed
- ac╌cu╌ ser╌s
- ac╌cu╌ seth
- ac╌cu╌ sing.
- ac╌cus╌tom╌ ed
- ACEl╌da╌ma
- A╌ chai╌a
- A╌cha╌i╌cus
- A╌chan
- A╌char
- A╌chas
- A╌chaz
- Ach╌b
- Ach╌me- [...]
- A╌chor
- Ach╌sah
- Ach╌shaph
- Ach╌zib
- ac╌knôw╌ledg╌ ed
- ac╌knôw╌ledg╌ eth
- ac╌knôw╌ledg╌ ing
- ac╌knôw╌ledg╌ ment.
- ac╌quaint╌ ance
- ac╌quaint╌ ed
- ac╌quaint╌ ing
- ac╌quit.
- acres.
- acts
- ac╌ti╌ons
- ac╌ti╌vi╌ty.
- A╌da╌dah
- A╌dah
- A╌da╌jah
- A╌da╌li╌a
- A╌dam
- A╌da╌mah
- a╌da╌mant
- A╌da╌mi
- A╌dar.
- Ad╌be╌el
- Ad╌dan
- add╌ ed
- add╌ eth
- ad╌der
- Ad╌di
- ad╌dict╌ed
- ad╌di╌ti╌ on╌s
- Ad╌don
- A╌der
- A╌di╌el
- A╌din
- A╌di╌na
- A╌di╌no
- A╌di╌tha╌im
- ad╌jure
- ad╌ju╌ red
- Ad╌ lai
- Ad╌mah
- Ad╌ma╌tha
- ad╌mi╌ni╌stra╌ti╌ on
- ad╌mi╌ni╌stred
- ad╌mi╌ra╌ti╌ on
- ad╌mi╌ red
- ad╌mo╌nish╌ ed
- ad╌mo╌nish╌ ing
- ad╌mo╌ni╌ti╌on
- Ad╌na
- Ad╌nah.
- a╌doe
- A╌do╌ni╌be╌zek
- A╌do╌ni╌jah
- A╌do╌ni╌kam
- A╌do╌ni╌ram
- A╌do╌ni╌ze╌dek
- ad╌op╌ti╌ on
- A╌do╌ra╌im
- A╌do╌ram
- ad╌orn╌ ed
- ad╌orn╌ eth
- ad╌orn╌ ing
- A╌dra╌me╌lech
- [Page]A╌dra╌mit╌ti╌um
- A╌dri╌a
- A╌dri╌el
- ad╌van╌ çed
- ad╌van╌tage
- ad╌ven╌ture
- ad╌ven╌tu╌ red
- ad╌ver╌sa╌ries
- ad╌ver╌sa╌ry
- ad╌ver╌si╌ty
- ad╌ver╌si╌ties.
- ad╌ver╌tise
- ad╌viçe
- ad╌vise╌ ment
- ad╌vi╌ sed
- ad╌vo╌cate.
- A╌dul╌lam╌ ite
- ad╌ul╌ter╌ er╌s
- ad╌ul╌ter╌ ess╌es
- ad╌ul╌ter╌ y
- ad╌ul╌ter╌ ies
- ad╌ul╌ter╌ ous
- A╌dum╌mim.
- Ae╌ne╌as
- Ae╌non
- a╌far
- af╌fairs
- af╌fect╌ ed
- af╌fect╌ eth
- af╌fec╌ti╌ on╌s
- af╌fec╌ti╌on╌ ated
- af╌fec╌ti╌on╌ ate╌ly
- af╌fi╌ni╌ ty
- af╌firm╌ ed
- af╌flict╌ ed
- af╌flict╌ est
- af╌flic╌ti╌on╌s
- af╌ford╌ ing
- af╌fright╌ ed
- af╌fright╌ eth
- a╌ foot
- a╌fore╌hand
- a╌fore╌time
- a╌fraid
- a╌fresh.
- AF╌Ter╌ward╌s
- af╌ter╌ noon.
- A╌ga╌bus
- A╌gag╌ite
- a╌gain
- a╌gainst
- A╌gar
- a╌gate╌ s.
- Age╌e
- age
- a╌ged
- a╌ges
- a╌goe
- a╌gone
- a╌go╌ny
- a╌gree╌d
- a╌gree╌ ment
- a╌gree╌ th
- A╌grip╌pa
- a╌ground
- a╌gue
- A╌gur
- A╌ha
- A╌hab
- A╌ha╌rah
- A╌har╌hel
- A╌ha╌ sai
- A╌has╌ bai
- A╌hash╌ba╌ri
- A╌ha╌su╌e╌rus
- A╌ha╌va
- A╌haz╌jah, or A╌ha╌zi╌ah
- Ah╌ban
- A╌her
- A╌hi╌ah
- A╌hi╌am
- A╌hi╌an
- A╌hi╌e╌zer
- A╌hi╌am
- A╌hi╌hud
- A╌hi╌jah
- A╌hi╌kam
- Ai╌je╌leth
- A╌hi╌lud
- A╌hi╌ma╌az
- A╌hi╌nan
- A╌hi╌me╌lech
- A╌hi╌moth
- A╌hi╌na╌dab
- A╌hi╌no╌am
- A╌hi╌o
- [Page]A╌hi╌ra
- A╌hi╌ram╌ ites
- A╌hi╌sa╌mach
- A╌hi╌sha╌har
- A╌hi╌shar
- A╌hi╌to╌phel
- A╌hi╌tub
- AH-Lab
- Ah╌ lai.
- A╌ho╌ah
- A╌ho╌hite
- A╌ho╌lah
- A╌ho╌li╌bah
- A╌ho╌li╌ab
- A╌ho╌li╌ba╌mah
- A╌hu╌ mai
- A╌hu╌sam
- A╌huz╌zah
- Ai╌ath
- aid╌ed
- Ai╌ja
- Ai╌ja╌lon
- ail╌ed
- ail╌eth
- Ain
- aire
- A╌kan
- Ak╌kub
- Ak╌rab╌bim
- A╌la╌bas╌ter
- A╌la╌me╌lech
- A╌la╌meth
- A╌la╌moth
- al╌arm
- a╌las
- al╌be╌it
- A╌le╌meth
- A╌lex╌an╌der
- A╌lex╌an╌dri╌a
- A╌lex╌an╌dri╌ans
- Al╌gume╌trees.
- A╌li╌ah
- A╌li╌an
- a╌li╌ant╌ s
- a╌li╌en╌s
- a╌li╌en╌ate
- a╌li╌en╌a╌ted
- a╌like
- a╌live
- all
- al╌ledg╌ ing
- al╌le╌go╌ry
- Al╌le╌lu╌jah
- al╌li╌ ed
- Al╌lon-Ba╌chuth
- al╌ low╌ance
- al╌ low╌ed
- al╌ low╌eth
- al╌lure.
- alms╌deeds
- al╌might╌y
- Al╌mo╌dad
- Al╌mon-Dib╌la╌tha╌im
- al╌mond╌ s
- al╌most
- Al╌mug╌trees
- A╌loes
- a╌lone
- a╌long
- a╌loof
- A╌loth
- a╌loud.
- Al╌pha
- Al╌phe╌us
- al╌rea╌dy
- al╌so.
- Al╌tas╌chith
- âl╌tar╌s
- âl╌ter╌ed
- âl╌ter╌eth
- âl╌though
- âl╌to╌ge╌ther.
- A╌lu╌ah
- A╌lu╌an
- A╌lush
- âl╌waies
- âl╌way.
- A╌mad
- A╌mal
- A╌ma╌lek╌ ite
- A╌ma╌lek╌ ites
- A╌mam
- A╌ma╌na
- A╌ma╌ri╌ah
- A╌ma╌sa
- A╌ma╌ sai
- [Page]A╌ma╌ shai
- A╌ma╌shi╌ah
- A╌ma╌si╌ah
- a╌ma╌zed
- a╌maze╌ment
- A╌ma╌zi╌ah
- am╌bas╌sa╌dour╌ s
- am╌bas╌sage
- am╌ber
- am╌bush╌ es
- am╌bush╌ ment.
- a╌men
- a╌mend╌s
- a╌merce
- a╌me╌thyst.
- a╌mi╌ able
- A╌mi╌hud
- A╌mi╌na╌dab
- A╌mi╌shad╌ dai
- a╌miss
- A╌mit╌ tai
- A╌mi╌za╌bad.
- Am╌mah
- Am╌me╌da╌tha
- Am╌mi╌el
- Am╌mi╌hud
- Am╌mi╌na╌dab
- Am╌mon╌ite╌ s
- Am╌mon╌i╌ tess
- Am╌non
- A╌mok
- A╌mon
- [...]╌mong╌ st
- [...]╌mor╌ ite╌s
- [...]╌mos.
- [...]m╌phi╌po╌lis
- Am╌pli╌as
- Am╌ram╌ ites
- Am╌ra╌phel
- Am╌zi.
- A╌nab
- A╌nah
- A╌na╌ha╌rath
- A╌na╌jah
- A╌nak╌ims
- A╌na╌me╌lech
- A╌na╌mim
- A╌nan
- A╌na╌ni╌ah
- A╌na╌ni╌as
- A╌nath
- A╌na╌the╌ma
- A╌na╌thoth
- An╌çes╌tors
- An╌çi╌ent╌s
- Ancls or Ankls
- Ancl╌bone╌ s
- ancre╌ s
- and
- An╌drew
- An╌dro╌ni╌cus
- A╌nem
- A╌ner
- A╌ne╌thoth╌ ite
- an╌gel╌s
- an╌ger
- an╌gl
- an╌gred
- an╌gry
- an╌guish
- A╌ni╌am
- A╌nim
- ankre╌ s
- An╌na
- An╌nas
- an╌nis
- an╌oint╌ ed
- an╌oint╌ edst
- an╌oint╌ est
- an╌oint╌ ing
- a╌none
- an╌o╌ther
- an╌swer╌ able
- an╌swer╌ ed
- an╌swer╌ edst
- an╌swer╌ est
- an╌swer╌ eth
- an╌swer╌ ing
- an╌swers.
- ant╌s
- an╌ti╌christ╌ s
- An╌ti╌och
- An╌ti╌pas
- An╌ti╌pa╌tris
- an╌ti╌qui╌ty
- An╌to╌thi╌jah
- An╌to╌thite
- A╌nub
- an╌vil
- a╌ny╌while.
- a╌pace
- a╌part
- [Page]apes
- A╌pel╌les
- A╌phar╌sath╌kites
- A╌phar╌sites
- A╌phek╌ah
- A╌phi╌ah
- A╌phick
- A╌phrath
- Aph╌ses
- a╌piece
- A╌pol╌los
- A╌pol╌lo╌ni╌a
- Ap╌ol╌ly╌on
- a╌postl╌ s
- a╌postl╌ship
- a╌po╌the╌ca╌ry
- a╌po╌the╌ca╌ries
- Ap╌pa╌im
- ap╌pa╌rant╌ly
- ap╌pa╌rell╌ed
- ap╌peal╌ ed
- ap╌pear╌ ance╌s
- ap╌pear╌ ed
- ap╌pear╌ eth
- ap╌pear╌ ing
- ap╌peas╌ ed
- ap╌peas╌ eth
- ap╌per╌ tain╌ed
- ap╌per╌ tain╌eth
- ap╌per╌ tain╌ing
- ap╌pe╌tite
- Ap╌phi╌a
- Ap╌pi╌i╌so╌rum
- ap╌pl╌ s
- ap╌ply
- ap╌pli╌ ed
- ap╌point╌ ed
- ap╌point╌ eth
- ap╌point╌ ment
- ap╌pre╌hend╌ ed
- ap╌proach╌ ed
- ap╌proach╌ eth
- ap╌prov╌ ed
- ap╌prov╌ est
- ap╌prov╌ eth
- ap╌prov╌ ing
- a╌pron╌ s
- apt.
- A-QUi╌la
- A╌rab╌ah
- A╌ra╌bi╌a
- A╌ra╌bi╌an╌ s
- A╌rad
- A╌rah
- A╌ram╌ ite
- A╌ram╌i╌ tess
- A╌ran
- A╌ra╌rat
- A╌rau╌nah
- a╌ray╌ed
- Ar╌ba╌thite
- Ar╌bah
- Ar╌bite
- arch╌an╌gel
- Ar╌che╌la╌us
- ar╌cher╌ s
- arch╌es
- Ar╌che╌vites
- Ar╌chi
- Ar╌chite
- Arch╌ip╌pus
- Arct╌u╌rus
- Ard╌ites
- Ar╌don
- are
- A╌re╌li
- A╌re╌lites
- A╌re╌o╌pa╌gite
- A╌re╌o╌pa╌gus
- A╌re╌tas
- Ar╌gob
- ar╌gu╌ ing
- ar╌gu╌ ments.
- A╌ri╌ dai
- A╌ri╌da╌tha
- A╌ri╌eh
- A╌ri╌el
- a╌right
- A╌ri╌ma╌the╌a
- A╌ri╌och
- A╌ri╌ sai
- a╌rise
- a╌ri╌ seth
- a╌ri╌ sing
- A╌rist╌ar╌chus
- A╌ris╌to╌bu╌lus
- ark
- Ark╌ite
- arm
- Ar╌ma╌ged╌doN
- arm╌holes
- arm╌ed
- Ar╌me╌ni╌a
- ar╌my
- [Page]ar╌mies
- Ar╌mo╌ni
- ar╌mour╌bear╌er
- ar╌mour╌y
- Ar╌na
- Ar╌non
- A╌rod╌ites
- A╌ro╌di
- A╌ro╌er╌ite
- a╌rose
- Ar╌pad
- Ar╌phad
- Ar╌phax╌ad
- ar╌ri╌ved
- ar╌ro╌gan╌cy
- ar╌row╌s
- art
- arts
- Ar╌ta╌xerx╌es
- Ar╌te╌mas
- ar╌ti╌fi╌cer╌ s
- ar╌til╌le╌ry
- Ar╌vad╌ite
- A╌ru╌both
- Aru╌mah
- AR-Zah
- A╌sa╌hel
- A╌sa╌jah
- A╌saph
- A╌sa╌ie╌el
- A╌sa╌re╌lah
- a╌scend╌ ed
- a╌scend╌ eth
- a╌scend╌ ing
- a╌scent
- a╌scribe
- a╌scri╌ bed
- A╌se╌nath
- ash
- a╌sha╌med
- A╌shan
- Ash╌be╌a
- Ash╌bel╌ ites
- Ash╌che╌naz
- Ash╌dod╌ ites
- Ash╌doth-Pis╌gath
- Ash╌doth╌ ites
- A╌sher╌ ites
- ash╌es
- A╌shi╌ma
- Ash╌ke╌lon
- Ash╌nah
- Ash╌pe╌naz
- Ash╌ri╌el
- Ash╌ta╌roth
- Ash╌te╌moth
- Ash╌te╌rath╌ ite
- Ash╌te╌roth
- Ash╌to╌reth
- A╌shu╌ath
- A╌shur╌im
- A╌shur╌ ites
- A╌si╌a
- a╌side
- A╌si╌el
- ask╌ ed
- ask╌ est
- ask╌ eth
- ask╌ ing
- As╌ke╌lon
- a╌sleep
- As╌nah
- As╌nap╌per
- As╌pa╌tha
- Asp╌ s
- As╌ri╌el╌ ites
- ass╌es
- as╌sault╌ ed
- as╌say╌ ing
- as╌sai╌ ed
- as╌sembl╌ ed
- as╌sembl╌ ing
- as╌sem╌ blies
- as╌sem╌bly
- as╌sent╌ ed
- as╌sign╌ ed
- As╌sir
- as╌sist
- as╌so╌ci╌ate
- as╌soon
- As╌sos
- As╌sur
- as╌sure
- as╌su╌ rance
- as╌su╌red╌ ly
- as╌swage
- as╌swa╌ ged
- As╌sy╌ri╌a
- As╌sy╌ri╌an╌ s
- a╌ston╌i╌ ed
- a╌ston╌ ish╌ed
- a╌ston╌ ish╌ment
- a╌stray
- as╌tro╌lo╌ger╌s
- as╌tro╌lo╌gi╌ ans
- [Page]a╌sun╌der
- A╌sup╌pim
- as╌well
- A-SYn╌cri╌tus
- at
- A╌tad
- A╌ta╌rah
- A╌ta╌roth╌ad╌der
- ate
- A╌ter
- A╌thach
- A╌tha╌jah
- A╌tha╌li╌ah
- A╌thens
- Ath╌ lai
- a╌theist.
- at╌one╌ ment╌s
- A╌troth.
- At╌ tai
- at╌tain╌ ed
- At╌ta╌li╌a
- at╌tend╌ ance
- at╌tend╌ ed
- at╌tend╌ ing
- at╌tent╌ ive╌ly
- At╌thai
- at╌tire
- at╌ti╌ red.
- a╌vail╌eth
- A╌ven
- a╌venge
- a╌ven╌ ged
- a╌ven╌ ger
- a╌ven╌ geth
- a╌ven╌ ging
- a╌verse
- A╌vim╌s
- A╌vites
- A╌vith
- a╌vouch╌ ed
- a╌ voyd╌ed
- a╌ voyd╌ing
- au╌di╌ence
- aug╌ment
- Au╌gust╌uS
- aunt
- au╌stere
- au╌thor╌i╌ty
- a╌wake
- a╌wa╌ ked
- a╌wa╌ kest
- a╌wa╌ keth
- a╌wa╌ king
- a╌ware
- a╌way
- awe
- awl
- awoke
- ax╌es
- axl╌trees
- A╌zah
- A╌zal╌jah
- A╌zan╌jah
- A╌za╌ra╌el
- A╌za╌re╌el
- A╌zar╌jah╌or
- A╌za╌ri╌ah
- A╌za╌ri╌el
- A╌zaz╌jah
- A╌zaz╌zi╌ah
- Az╌buk
- A╌ze╌kah
- A╌zel
- A╌zem
- A╌zer
- Az╌gad
- A╌zi╌el
- A╌zi╌za
- Az╌ma╌veth
- Az╌me╌veth
- Az╌mon
- Az╌noth-Ta╌bor
- A╌zor
- A╌zo╌tus
- Az╌ri╌el
- Az╌ri╌kam
- A╌zu╌bah
- Azur
- Az╌zah
- Az╌zan
- Az╌zur
- BA╌al╌be╌rith
- Ba╌a╌lah
- Ba╌a╌lath╌be╌er
- Ba╌a╌le
- Ba╌al╌gad
- Ba╌al╌ha╌mon
- Ba╌al╌ha╌nam
- Ba╌al╌ha╌zor
- Ba╌al╌her╌mon
- Ba╌a╌li
- Ba╌a╌lim
- Ba╌a╌lis
- Ba╌al╌me╌on
- Ba╌al╌pe╌or
- Ba╌al╌pe╌ra╌zim
- Ba╌al╌sha╌li╌sha
- Ba╌al-Ta╌mar
- Ba╌al╌ze╌bub
- Ba╌al╌ze╌phon
- Ba╌a╌na
- Ba╌a╌nah
- Ba╌a╌ra
- Ba╌a╌sha
- Ba╌a╌si╌ah
- babe╌ s
- Ba╌bel
- babl╌ er
- babl╌ ing
- Ba╌by╌lon
- Ba╌by╌lo╌ ni╌an╌s
- Ba╌by╌lo╌ nish
- Ba╌ca
- Back╌rites
- back╌bone
- back╌parts
- backs
- back╌bi╌ ters
- back╌bi╌ teth
- back╌bi╌ ting╌s
- back╌side
- back╌sli╌ der
- back╌sli╌ ding╌s
- back╌ward
- Ba╌chuth
- bad╌ ness
- bade
- badest
- bad╌ger╌s
- bagg╌s
- Ba- [...]a╌rum╌ite
- Ba╌hu╌rim
- Bai╌ith
- Bak╌bak╌kar
- Bak╌buk╌sah
- bake╌meats
- ba╌ ked
- ba╌ ken
- ba╌ ker╌s
- ba╌ keth
- Ba╌la╌am
- Ba╌la╌dan
- Ba╌lah
- Ba╌lak
- bâld╌ ness
- bal╌lançe╌s
- bal╌lan╌ çing╌s
- bâll
- balm
- Ba╌mah
- Ba╌moth-Ba╌al
- band╌ ed
- bands
- Ba╌ni
- bank╌ s
- ban╌ner╌ s
- ba╌nish╌ ed
- ba╌nish╌ ment
- ban╌quet╌ ing
- ban╌quet╌house
- bap╌tism╌s
- bap╌tist
- bap╌tize
- bap╌ti╌ zest
- bap╌ti╌ zeth
- bap╌ti╌ zing
- Ba╌ra╌chel
- Ba╌ra╌chi╌ah
- Ba╌rak
- bar╌ba╌ri╌an╌ s
- bar╌ba╌rous
- barb╌ed
- barb╌er
- bare╌foot
- ba╌ rest
- Bar╌hu╌ mite
- Bar╌jah
- Bar-Je╌sus
- Bar-Jo╌na
- bark╌ ed
- Bar╌kos
- bar╌ley
- Bar╌na╌bas
- barn╌s
- Bar╌ab╌bas
- bar╌rel╌s
- bar╌ren╌ness
- [Page]Bar╌sa╌bas
- Bar╌tho╌lo╌mew
- Bar-Ti╌me╌us
- Ba╌ruch
- Bar╌zil╌ lai
- base
- ba╌ ser
- ba╌ses
- ba╌ sest
- Ba╌shan
- Ba╌she╌math
- ba╌sin
- bas╌ket╌ s
- Bas╌lith
- Bas╌math
- ba╌son╌ s
- bas╌tard╌ s
- bath╌ s
- bathe
- ba╌ thed
- Bar╌rab╌bim
- Bath╌she╌ba
- Bath╌shu╌a
- bat╌ s
- bat╌tel╌axe
- bat╌tel╌bow
- bat╌tel╌ s
- bat╌ter╌ ed
- bat╌ter╌ ing
- bat╌tl╌ment╌ s
- Ba╌vai
- Bay╌tree
- Baz╌luth
- Bde╌li╌um
- bea╌con
- Be╌a╌li╌ath
- Be╌a╌loth
- beam╌s
- bean╌s
- beard╌s
- bear╌s
- bear╌ ers
- bear╌ est
- bear╌ eth
- bear╌ ing
- beast╌ s
- beat╌ en
- beat╌ est
- beat╌ eth
- beat╌ ing
- beau╌ty
- beau╌tie╌ s
- beau╌ti╌fy
- beau╌ti╌ful
- Be╌bai
- be╌came
- be╌ca╌ mest
- be╌cause
- Be╌cher
- Be╌cho╌rath
- beck╌ned
- beck╌ ning
- be╌come
- be╌com╌ eth
- bed╌ s
- bed╌stead
- Be╌dad
- Be╌da╌jah
- Be╌dan
- Bee╌ s
- been
- Be╌e╌li╌a╌da
- Be╌el╌ze╌bub
- Be╌er╌e╌lim
- Be╌e╌ra
- Be╌e╌rah
- Be╌e╌ri
- Be╌er╌la╌hai╌roi
- Be╌e╌roth╌ ite╌s
- Be╌er╌she╌ba
- Be╌esh╌te╌rah
- beetl
- beers
- be╌fall╌ en
- be╌fall╌ eth
- be╌fell
- be╌fore╌hand
- be╌fore╌time
- be╌gan
- be╌gate
- be╌get╌ est
- be╌get╌ eth
- begg╌ ed
- begg╌ar╌ ly
- begg╌ ing
- be╌gin╌ ing╌s
- be╌gin╌ est
- be╌gott╌ en
- be╌guile╌ ing
- be╌guiled
- be╌gun
- be╌half
- be╌have
- be╌ha╌ ved
- be╌ha╌ veth
- be╌ha╌vi╌our
- be╌head╌ ed
- [Page]be╌held
- Be╌he╌moth
- be╌hinde
- be╌hold╌ est
- be╌hold╌ eth
- be╌hold╌ ing
- be╌hoov╌ ed
- be╌ing
- Be╌kah
- Bel
- Be╌la
- Be╌lah
- belch
- be╌leev╌ ed
- be╌leev╌ ers
- be╌leev╌ est
- be╌leev╌ eth
- be╌leev╌ ing
- Be╌li╌al
- be╌lief
- be╌liev
- bell╌ s
- bel╌lôw╌ s
- bel╌ly
- bel╌lie╌ s
- be╌long╌ ed
- be╌long╌ est
- be╌long╌ eth
- be╌long╌ ing
- be╌lov╌ ed╌s
- Bel╌shaz╌zar
- Bel╌te╌shaz╌zar
- be╌ly╌ed
- be╌moan╌ ed
- be╌moan╌ ing
- Ben
- Be╌na╌jah
- Ben╌am╌mi
- bench╌ es
- bend╌ eth
- bend╌ ing
- be╌neath
- Be╌ne╌be╌rak
- be╌ne╌fac╌tors
- be╌ne╌fit╌ s
- Be╌ne╌sa╌a╌kam
- be╌ne╌vo╌lençe
- Ben╌ha╌dad
- Ben╌ha╌il
- Ben╌ha╌nan
- Ben╌ja╌min
- Ben╌ja╌mite╌ s
- Be╌ni╌nu
- Ben╌nu╌i
- Be╌no
- Ben╌o╌ni
- Ben╌zo╌heth
- bent
- Be╌on
- Be╌or
- Be╌ra╌jah
- Be╌ra╌cah
- Be╌ra╌chi╌ah
- Be╌re╌a
- be╌reav╌ ed
- be╌reav╌ eth
- Be╌re╌chi╌ah
- Be╌red
- Be╌ri
- Be╌ri╌ah
- Be╌ri╌ ite╌s
- Beril
- Be╌rites
- Be╌rith
- Ber╌ni╌ce
- Be╌ro╌dach-Ba╌la╌dan
- Be╌ro╌thah
- Be╌ro╌ thai
- Be╌ro╌thite
- ber╌ries
- Be╌sai
- be╌seech╌ ing
- be╌set
- be╌side╌ s
- be╌siege
- be╌sie╌ ged
- Be╌so╌da╌jah
- be╌som
- Be╌sor
- be╌sought
- best
- be╌stead
- be╌stirr
- be╌stôw╌ ed
- Be╌ta
- Be╌ten
- Beth╌a╌ba╌ra
- Beth╌a╌nah
- Beth╌a╌noth
- Beth╌a╌ny
- Beth╌a╌ra╌bah
- Beth╌ar╌bel
- Beth╌a╌ram
- Beth╌a╌ven
- Beth╌az╌ma╌veth
- Beth╌ba╌al╌me╌on
- Beth╌ba╌rah
- [Page]Beth╌bi╌re╌i
- Beth╌car
- Beth╌dib╌la╌tha╌im
- Beth╌el╌ite
- Beth╌e╌mek
- Beth╌er
- Beth╌es╌da
- Beth╌e╌zel
- Beth╌gad╌der
- Beth╌ga╌mul
- Beth╌hac╌ce╌rem
- Beth╌ha╌ran
- Beth╌hog╌lah
- Beth-Je╌si╌moth
- be╌think
- Beth╌le╌ba╌oth
- Beth╌le╌hem-E╌phra╌tah
- Beth╌le╌hem-Ju╌dah
- Beth╌le╌he╌mite
- Beth╌ma╌a╌cah
- Beth╌mar╌ca╌both
- Beth╌me╌on
- Beth╌nim╌rah
- Beth╌o╌ron
- Beth-Pa╌let
- Beth╌paz╌zez
- Beth╌pe╌or
- Beth╌phage
- Beth╌phe╌let
- Beth╌ra╌pha
- Beth╌re╌hob
- Beth╌ sai╌da
- Beth╌shan
- Beth╌she╌an
- Beth╌she╌mesh
- Beth╌she╌mite
- Beth╌shit╌tah
- Beth-Tap╌pu╌ah
- Be╌thu╌el
- Be╌thul
- Beth╌zur
- be╌times
- Be╌to╌nim
- be╌tray╌ ed
- be╌tray╌ ers
- be╌trai╌ est
- be╌trai╌ eth
- be╌troth╌ ed
- bet╌ter╌ ed
- be╌tween
- be╌twixt
- Beu╌lah
- be╌ wail╌ed
- be╌ wail╌eth
- be╌ware
- be╌witch╌ ed
- be╌wray╌ eth
- be╌yond
- Be╌za╌le╌el
- Be╌ zai
- Be╌zek
- Be╌zer
- bib╌ber╌ s
- bible
- Bi╌chri
- bid╌ den
- bidd╌ eth
- bid╌ ding
- bide
- Bid╌kar
- bier
- Big╌tha
- Big╌than
- Bi╌gu╌ai
- Bil╌dad
- bile╌ s
- Bi╌l [...]╌am
- Bil╌gah
- Bil╌ gai
- Bil╌ha
- Bil╌hah
- Bil╌ham
- Bil╌han
- Bill
- bil╌lôws
- Bil╌shan
- Bim╌hal
- bind╌ eth
- bind╌ ing
- Bi╌ne╌a
- Bin╌nu╌i
- bird╌ s
- Bir╌sha
- birth╌day
- birth╌right
- Bir╌za╌vith
- Bish╌lam
- bi╌shop╌rick
- bi╌shop╌ s
- bit╌ s
- bite
- bi╌ teth
- Bith╌jah
- [Page]Bith╌ron
- Bi╌thy╌ni╌a
- bitt╌ en
- bit╌ter╌ly
- bit╌ter╌ ness
- bit╌tern
- Bi╌zi╌oth╌jah
- Biz╌tha
- black╌ er
- black╌ ish
- black╌ ness
- blade shoulder╌blade
- blain╌ s
- blame╌ less
- bla╌ med
- blase
- blas╌pheme
- blas╌phe╌ med
- blas╌phe╌ mest
- blas╌phe╌ mer╌s
- blas╌phe╌ meth
- blas╌phe╌ mie╌s
- blas╌phe╌ ming
- blas╌phe╌ mous╌ly
- blast╌ ed
- blast╌ ing
- Blas╌tus
- blaze
- bleat╌ ing╌s
- ble╌mish╌es
- bless╌ed╌ ness
- bless╌ est
- bless╌ eth
- bless╌ ing╌s
- blew, to blôw
- blue╌co╌lour
- blew╌ ness
- blind╌ ed
- blind╌ eth
- blind╌fold╌ ed
- blind╌ ness
- block
- blood╌y
- blood╌guilt╌ i╌ness
- blood╌thirst╌ y
- bloom╌ ed
- blos╌som╌ ed
- blos╌soms
- blott╌ ed
- blott╌ eth
- blott╌ ing
- blôw╌ eth
- blôw╌ ing
- blôwn
- blue
- blunt
- blush
- Bo╌an╌er╌ges
- board╌ s
- boar╌ ed
- boast╌ ed
- boast╌ ers
- boast╌ est
- boast╌ eth
- boast╌ ing╌s
- boat╌ s
- Bo╌az
- Bo╌che╌ru
- Bo╌chim
- bo╌dy
- bo╌die╌ s
- bo╌di╌ly
- Bo╌han
- boil╌ ed
- boil╌ ing
- bôld╌ ly
- bôld╌ ness
- bôll╌ ed
- bôl╌ster
- bôlt╌ed
- bond╌s
- bond╌age
- bond╌man
- bond╌men
- bond╌maid╌ s
- bond╌servant
- bond╌serv╌ice
- bond╌wo╌man
- bond╌wo╌men
- bone╌ s
- bon╌nets
- book╌s
- booth╌ s
- booty
- boo╌tie╌ s
- bor╌der╌ s
- bore
- bo╌red
- born
- bor╌rôw╌ ed
- bor╌rôw╌ er
- [Page]bor╌rôweth
- Bos╌cath
- bo╌som
- Bo╌sor
- Bos╌rah
- boss╌ es
- botch
- bôth
- bot╌tl╌s
- bot╌tom╌ s
- bot╌tom╌ less
- bough╌ s
- bought
- bound╌s
- boun╌ty
- boun╌ti╌ful╌ ness
- boun╌ti╌full╌ y
- bôw╌ s
- bow╌ed
- bow╌eth
- bow╌ing
- bôw╌men
- bow╌els
- bôw [...]
- box╌tree
- boy
- boies
- boy╌ster╌ ous
- Bozez
- Boz╌kath
- Boz╌rah
- braçe╌let╌ s
- brake
- bra╌ kest
- bram╌bl╌ s
- branch╌ es
- brand╌ s
- brand╌ ish
- brass
- bra╌ sen
- bra╌ve╌ ry
- brawl╌ er
- brawl╌ ing
- bray╌ed
- brēach╌ es
- breadth
- brēak
- brēak╌ er╌s
- brēak╌ est
- brēak╌ eth
- brēak╌ ing╌s
- breast╌s
- breast╌plate
- breath
- brēathe
- brēath╌ ed
- brēath╌ eth
- brēath╌ ing
- bred
- breech╌ es
- breed╌ ing
- bre╌thren
- bri╌ar╌s
- bribe╌s
- bri╌be╌ ry
- brick╌s
- brick╌kiln
- bride╌cham╌ber
- bride╌groom
- bridle╌s
- bridl╌ eth
- brief╌ ly
- bri╌gand╌ ine
- bright╌ ness
- brim╌stone
- bring╌ ers
- bring╌ est
- bring╌ eth
- bring╌ ing
- brink
- broad╌er
- broi╌der╌ed
- broil╌ed
- broken╌heart╌ed
- brood
- brook╌s
- broth
- bro╌ther╌ s
- bro╌ther╌ hood
- bro╌ther╌ ly
- brought╌ est
- brow
- brown
- broyl╌ ed
- bruise
- brui╌ sed
- brui╌ ses
- brui╌ sing
- bruit
- brute
- bru╌tish
- buck╌et╌ s
- buck╌ler╌ s
- [Page]bud╌ s
- budd╌ ed
- buf╌fet╌ ed
- build╌ ed
- build╌ est
- build╌ eth
- build╌ edst
- build╌ er╌s
- build╌ ing╌s
- built
- Buk╌ki╌ah
- Bul
- bull╌ s
- bull╌ock╌ s
- bul╌rush╌ es
- bul╌warks
- Bu╌nah
- bunch╌ es
- bun╌dl╌ s
- Bun╌ni
- bur╌den╌ s
- bur╌den╌ ed
- bur╌den╌ som
- bu╌ri╌ al
- bu╌ry
- bu╌ri╌ ed
- bu╌ri╌ ers
- bu╌ry╌ ing
- burn╌ ed
- burn╌ eth
- burn╌ ing╌s
- burn╌ ish╌ed
- burnt
- burst╌ ing
- bush╌ es
- bush╌el
- bush╌ie
- bu╌sie╌bo╌dy
- bu╌sie╌bo╌dies
- bu╌si╌ ed
- bu╌ si╌ness
- but╌ter
- but╌ler╌ s
- but╌ler╌ ship
- butt╌ocks
- buy╌ er
- buy╌ est
- buy╌ eth
- Buz
- Bu╌zi
- Buz╌ite
- by
- by╌waies
- by╌word
- Cab╌bon
- cab╌bins
- Ca╌bul
- cage
- Ca╌i╌a╌phas
- Cain
- Cai╌nan
- cakes
- Ca╌lah
- ca╌la╌mi╌ty
- ca╌la╌mi╌ties
- Ca╌la╌mus
- Cal╌col
- Cal╌de╌a
- Cal╌de╌an╌ s
- Cal╌dees
- cal╌dron╌ s
- Ca╌l [...] s
- Ca╌l [...]-Eph╌ra╌tah
- calf
- câlk╌ ers
- câll╌ ed
- câll╌ edst
- câll╌ est
- câll╌ eth
- câll╌ ing
- calm
- Cal╌neh
- Cal╌no
- Cal╌va╌rie
- calv╌ ed
- calv╌ eth
- calvs
- came
- ca╌mell╌s
- Ca╌me╌li╌on
- cam╌ est
- Ca╌mon
- camp╌s
- camp╌ ed
- Cam╌phir
- can╌not
- canst
- Ca╌na╌an╌ ite╌s
- Ca╌na╌an╌ i╌tess
- Ca╌na╌an╌ i╌tish
- Can╌da╌ce
- candl╌s
- candl╌stick╌s
- cane
- [Page]can╌ker╌ ed
- can╌ker╌worm
- Ca╌nu╌eh
- Ca╌per╌na- [...]
- Caph╌tor╌ im╌s
- Cap╌pa╌do╌ci╌a
- cap╌ tain╌s
- cap╌tive╌s
- cap╌ti╌vi╌ ty
- Car╌buncl╌ s
- Car╌che╌mish
- care╌ s
- ca╌ red
- care╌ ful╌ly
- care╌ ful╌ness
- care╌ les╌ly
- ca╌ rest
- ca╌ reth
- ca╌ ring
- Car╌kas
- car╌kass╌ er
- Car╌mel╌ ite╌ess
- Car- [...]
- [...]
- [...]╌nal╌ ly
- car╌pen╌ter╌ s
- Car╌pus
- car╌i╌age╌ s
- car╌ry╌ ing
- car╌ri╌ ed
- car╌ri╌ est
- car╌ri╌ eth
- Car╌she╌ma
- cart╌rope
- cart╌wheel
- carv╌ ed
- carv╌ ing╌s
- case╌ s
- case╌ ment
- Ca╌si╌phi╌a
- Cas╌lu╌him
- Cas╌si╌a
- cast
- cast╌ edst
- cast╌ est
- cast╌ eth
- cast╌ ing
- castl╌ s
- Cas╌tor
- catch╌ eth
- ca╌ter╌pil╌lar╌ s
- cat╌tel
- cave╌ s
- caught
- caul╌s
- caus╌es
- caus╌ed
- caus╌est
- caus╌eth
- caus╌ing
- caus╌less
- cau╌sey
- çease
- çeas╌ ed
- çeas╌ eth
- çeas╌ ing
- çe╌dar╌ s
- Ce╌dron
- çe╌le╌brate
- çe╌les╌ti╌ al
- çel╌lar╌ s
- Cen╌chre╌a
- çen╌ser╌ s
- çen╌tu╌ri╌on╌ s
- Ce╌phas
- çe╌re╌mo╌uie╌ s
- çer╌ tain╌ly
- çer╌ti╌fy╌ ing
- çer╌ti╌fi╌ ed
- Ce╌sar
- Ce╌sa╌re╌a
- cha╌ fed
- chaff
- chain╌ s
- Chal╌çe╌do╌ny
- châlk╌stones
- chal╌leng╌ eth
- cham╌ber╌ s
- cham╌ber╌ ing
- cham╌ber╌ lain╌s
- Cha╌mo╌is
- cham╌pi╌on
- chance
- chan╌ ceth
- chan╌cel╌lour
- change╌ able
- chang╌ ed
- chang╌ ers
- chang╌ es
- chang╌ est
- chang╌ ing
- chan╌nel╌ s
- cha╌pi╌ter╌ s
- chap╌men
- chap╌pel
- [Page]chapt
- Cha╌ra╌sim
- cha╌ret╌ s
- charge╌ able
- char╌ ged
- char╌ gedst
- char╌ gest
- char╌ ger╌s
- char╌ ges
- char╌ ging
- cha╌ri╌ot╌ s
- cha╌ri╌ta╌bly
- cha╌ri╌ty
- charm╌ ed
- charm╌ er╌s
- charm╌ ing
- Char╌ran
- chase
- cha╌ sed
- cha╌ seth
- cha╌ sing
- chaste
- chas╌ten╌ ed
- chas╌ten╌ est
- chas╌ten╌ eth
- cha╌sten╌ ing
- chas╌tise╌ ment
- chas╌ti╌ sed
- chas╌ti╌ seth
- chat╌ter
- chaunt
- chaws
- Che╌bar
- check╌er╌work
- Che╌dor╌la╌o╌mer
- cheek╌ s
- cheek╌bone
- cheek╌teeth
- cheer╌eth
- cheer╌full╌ y
- cheer╌ful╌ ness
- cheese╌ es
- Che╌lal
- Chel╌lub
- Che╌lub
- Che╌lu╌ bai
- Che╌ma╌rims
- Che╌mosh
- Che╌na╌a╌nah
- Che╌na╌ni
- Che╌na╌ni╌ah
- Che╌phar-Ha╌am╌mo╌ nai
- Che╌phi╌rah
- Che╌ran
- Che╌reth╌ ims
- Che╌reth╌ ites
- che╌rish╌ eth
- Che╌rith
- Che╌rub╌ims
- Che╌sa╌lon
- Che╌sed
- Che╌sil
- ches╌nut
- chest╌ s
- Che╌sul╌loth
- chew╌ed
- chew╌eth
- Che╌zib
- chick╌en╌ s
- chide
- chi╌ ding
- Chi╌don
- chief╌ est
- chief╌ ly
- child
- child╌bear╌ ing
- child╌ hood
- child╌ ish
- child╌ less
- chil╌dren
- Chi╌li╌ab
- Chi╌li╌on
- Chil╌mad
- Chim╌ham
- chim╌ney
- Chi╌os
- Chis╌leu
- Chis╌lon
- Chis╌loth-Ta╌bor
- Chit╌tim
- Chi╌un
- choak
- choak╌ ed
- chode
- choice
- choi╌ cest
- cho╌ler
- Cho╌os
- choose
- chop
- Cho╌ra╌zin
- chose
- cho╌sen
- Cho╌ze╌ba
- christ╌ i╌an╌s
- Christ╌ s
- chro╌nicl╌ s
- Chry╌so╌lite
- [Page]Chry╌so╌pra╌sus
- Chry╌stal
- Chub
- Chun
- Church╌ es
- churl╌ ish
- churn╌ ing
- chuse
- chu╌ sest
- chu╌ seth
- chu╌ sing
- Chu╌za
- Ci╌li╌ci╌a
- Cin╌ne╌reth
- Cin╌ne╌roth
- çir╌cl
- çir╌cuit╌ s
- çir╌cum╌çise
- çir╌cum╌çi╌ sed
- çir╌cum╌çi╌ sing
- çir╌cum╌çi╌si╌ on
- çir╌cum╌spect╌ ly
- Cis
- çise
- çis╌tern╌ s
- çi╌tie╌ s
- çi╌ty
- çi╌ti╌zen╌ s
- clad
- cla╌mor╌ôus
- cla╌mour
- clap
- clapp╌ ed
- clapp╌ eth
- clapt
- clark
- Clau╌da
- Clau╌di╌a
- Clau╌di╌us-Ce╌sar
- Clau╌di╌us-Ly╌si╌as
- clave
- claws
- clay╌ground
- clean╌ ness
- cleanse
- cleans╌ ed
- cleans╌ eth
- cleans╌ ing
- clear╌ er
- clear╌ ing
- clear╌ ly
- clear╌ ness
- clear╌ ed
- clear╌ eth
- cleft
- cle╌men╌çy
- Cle╌ment
- Cle╌o╌phas
- clift╌ s
- climbe
- clim╌ bed
- clim╌ beth
- clipt
- cloak
- cloath╌ s
- cloathe
- cloath╌ ed
- cloath╌ est
- cloath╌ ing
- clod╌ s
- Clo╌ë
- close
- clo╌ sed
- clo╌ ser
- clo╌ sest
- clo╌ sets
- cloth
- cloud╌ s
- cloud╌ y
- clo╌ven
- clout╌ ed
- clout╌ s
- clus╌ter╌ s
- coal╌ s
- coard╌ s
- coast╌ s
- coat╌ s
- cockl
- cock╌a╌trice
- cof╌fer
- cof╌fin
- co╌gi╌ta╌ti╌ on╌s
- côld
- Col-Ho╌zeh
- col╌lar╌ s
- col╌lec╌ti╌ on
- col╌lege
- col╌lops
- co╌lo╌nie
- Co╌loss
- co╌lour
- colt╌ s
- [Page]come╌ ly
- come╌li╌ ness
- com╌ ers
- com╌ est
- com╌ eth
- com╌fort╌ able
- com╌fort╌ a╌bly
- com╌fort╌ ed
- com╌fort╌ edst
- com╌fort╌ er╌s
- com╌fort╌ eth
- com╌fort╌ less
- com╌fort╌ s
- com╌ing╌ s
- com╌mand╌ ed
- com╌mand╌ edst
- com╌mand╌ ment╌s
- com╌mand╌ er╌s
- com╌mand╌ est
- com╌mand╌ eth
- com╌mand╌ ing
- com╌mend
- com╌mend╌ a╌ti╌on
- com╌mend╌ ed
- com╌mend╌ eth
- com╌mend╌ ing
- com╌mis╌ si╌on╌s
- com╌mitt╌ ed
- com╌mitt╌ est
- com╌mitt╌ eth
- com╌mitt╌ ing
- com╌mô╌di╌ ous
- com╌mon╌people
- com╌mon╌wealth
- com╌mon╌ ly
- com╌mo╌ti╌ on╌s
- com╌mune
- com╌mu╌ ned
- com╌mu╌ni╌ cate
- com╌mu╌ni╌ ca╌ted
- com╌mu╌ni╌ ca╌ti╌on╌s
- com╌mu╌ ning
- com╌mu╌ni╌ on
- com╌pact╌ ed
- com╌pa╌ny
- com╌pa╌ni╌ ed
- com╌pa╌nie╌ s
- com╌pa╌ni╌ on╌s
- com╌par╌ able
- com╌pare
- com╌pa╌ red
- com╌pa╌ ring
- com╌pa╌ri╌ son
- com╌pass╌ ed
- com╌pass╌ est
- com╌pass╌ eth
- com╌pass╌ ing
- com╌pass╌ i╌ons
- com╌pell╌ ed
- com╌pell╌ est
- com╌plain╌ ed
- com╌plain╌ er╌s
- com╌plain╌ ing
- com╌plaint╌ s
- com╌pleat
- com╌po╌si╌ti╌ on
- com╌pound╌ eth
- com╌pre╌hend╌ ed
- Co╌na╌ni╌ah
- con╌çeal╌ ed
- con╌çeal╌ eth
- cou╌çeit╌ s
- con╌çeiv╌ ed
- con╌çeiv╌ ing
- con╌çep╌ti╌ on
- con╌çern╌ eth
- con╌çern╌ ing
- con╌çi╌si╌ on
- con╌clude
- con╌clu╌ ded
- con╌clu╌si╌ on
- con╌cord
- con╌course
- con╌cu╌bine╌ s
- con╌cu╌pis╌ cence
- con╌demn╌ a╌ti╌on
- con╌demn╌ ed
- con╌demn╌ est
- con╌demn╌ eth
- con╌demn╌ ing
- con╌de╌scend
- con╌di╌ti╌ on╌s
- con╌duct╌ ed
- con╌duit
- con╌fec╌ ti╌o╌na╌ries
- con╌fe╌de╌ra╌cy
- con╌fe╌de╌ rate
- con╌fer╌ ence
- con╌ferr╌ ed
- con╌fess╌ ed
- con╌fess╌ eth
- con╌fess╌ ing
- con╌fess╌ i╌on
- con╌fi╌ dence
- con╌fi╌dent╌ ly
- con╌firm╌ a╌ti╌on
- con╌firm╌ ed
- con╌firm╌ eth
- [Page]con╌firm╌ ing
- con╌fisc╌ a╌ti╌on
- con╌flict
- con╌form╌ able
- con╌form╌ ed
- con╌found╌ ed
- con╌fu╌ sed
- con╌fu╌si╌ on
- con╌geal╌ ed
- con╌gra╌tu╌ late
- con╌gre╌ga╌ti╌on╌ s
- Co╌ni╌ah
- co╌nie╌ s
- Co╌no╌ni╌ah
- con╌quer╌ ing
- con╌quer╌ ers
- con╌sci╌ence╌ s
- con╌se╌crate
- con╌se╌cra╌ ted
- con╌se╌cra╌ ti╌on╌s
- con╌sent╌ ed
- con╌sent╌ edst
- con╌sent╌ ing
- con╌si╌der╌ ed
- con╌si╌der╌ est
- con╌si╌der╌ eth
- con╌si╌der╌ ing
- con╌sist╌ eth
- con╌so╌la╌ ti╌on╌s
- con╌sort╌ ed
- con╌spi╌ra╌cy
- con╌spi╌ra╌tor╌ s
- con╌spi╌red
- con╌stant╌ ly
- con╌stel╌la╌ti╌ on╌s
- con╌strain╌ ed
- con╌strain╌ eth
- con╌straint
- con╌sult╌ a╌ti╌on
- con╌sult╌ ed
- con╌sult╌ er
- con╌sult╌ eth
- con╌sume
- con╌su╌ med
- con╌su╌ meth
- con╌su╌ ming
- con╌sump╌ ti╌on
- con╌sum╌ma╌ ti╌on
- con╌tein╌ ed
- con╌tein╌ eth
- con╌tein╌ ing
- con╌temn╌ ed
- con╌temn╌ eth
- con╌tempt╌ ible
- con╌temp╌tu╌ ous╌ly
- con╌tend
- con╌tend╌ ed
- con╌tend╌ est
- con╌tend╌ eth
- con╌tend╌ ing
- con╌tent╌ ment
- con╌ten╌ti╌on╌ s
- con╌ten╌ti╌ôus
- con╌ti╌nu╌al╌ ly
- con╌ti╌nu╌ ance
- con╌ti╌nue
- con╌ti╌nu╌ ed
- con╌ti╌nu╌ eth
- con╌ti╌nu╌ ing
- con╌tra╌dict╌ ing
- con╌tra╌dic╌ti╌on
- con╌tra╌ry
- con╌tri╌bu╌ti╌on
- con╌trite
- con╌tro╌ver╌sie╌ s
- con╌ve╌ni╌ent╌ ly
- con╌vers╌ant
- con╌vers╌ a╌ti╌on
- con╌vers╌i╌on
- con╌vert╌ ed
- con╌vert╌ eth
- con╌vert╌ ing
- con╌vert╌ s
- con╌vey╌ ed
- con╌vict╌ ed
- con╌vinçe
- con╌vin╌ çed
- con╌vin╌ çeth
- con╌vo╌ca╌ ti╌on╌s
- cook╌s
- cool
- co╌pie
- co╌pi╌ ed
- co╌ ping
- cop╌per╌ smith
- co╌pu╌la╌ ti╌on
- Cor
- co╌rall
- Co╌ra╌shan
- Cor╌ban
- cord╌ s
- core
- Co╌re
- Co╌ri╌an╌der
- Co╌rinth╌ i╌an╌s
- cor╌mo╌rant
- corn╌ fields
- Cor╌ne╌li╌us
- [Page]cor╌ner╌ s
- cor╌ner╌stone
- cor╌net╌ s
- corps╌ es
- cor╌rect╌ ed
- cor╌rect╌ eth
- cor╌rec╌ ti╌on
- cor╌rupt╌ ed
- cor╌rupt╌ er╌s
- cor╌rupt╌ eth
- cor╌rupt╌ ibl
- cor╌rupt╌ ing
- cor╌rupt╌ ti╌on
- cor╌rupt╌ ly
- Co╌sam
- cost╌ ly
- cost╌li╌ ness
- cott╌age╌ s
- couch╌ ed
- couch╌ es
- couch╌ eth
- couch╌ ing
- cō╌ve╌nant╌ s
- cō╌ve╌nant╌ ed
- cō╌ver╌ ed
- cō╌ver╌ edst
- cō╌ver╌ est
- cō╌ver╌ eth
- cō╌ver╌ ing╌s
- cōver╌ s
- cō╌vert
- cō╌vet╌ ed
- cō╌vet╌ eth
- cō╌vet╌ ous╌ness
- could╌ est
- coul╌ter╌ s
- coun╌çell╌ s
- coun╌sell╌ ed
- coun╌sell╌ er╌s
- coun╌sell╌ s
- count╌ ed
- count╌ eth
- count╌ ing
- coun╌te╌nance╌ s
- coun╌ter╌vail
- coun╌try╌ men
- coun╌tries
- coupl╌ ed
- coupl╌ eth
- coupl╌ ing╌s
- cour╌age
- cour╌a╌gi╌ôus╌ly
- cours╌ es
- court╌ s
- court╌e╌ôus╌ly
- cou╌sin╌ s
- cow Kine
- Coz╌bi
- crackl╌ ing
- crack╌ncl╌ s
- craft╌ y
- craft╌ i╌ness
- crafts╌man
- crafts╌men
- cragg
- crane
- crash╌ ing
- crave
- cra╌ ved
- cra╌ veth
- cre╌ate
- cre╌a╌ ted
- cre╌a╌ teth
- cre╌a╌ ti╌on
- crea╌tor
- crea╌ture╌ s
- cre╌di╌tour╌ s
- creek
- creep╌ eth
- creep╌ ing
- creepl
- crept
- Creet
- Cres╌çen╌ s
- Crete╌ s
- Cre╌ti╌ an╌s
- crew
- crib
- crie
- cri╌ ed
- crie╌ s
- cri╌ est
- cri╌ eth
- cry╌ ing
- crime╌ s
- crim╌son
- crisp╌ ing╌pins
- Cris╌pus
- crook╌backt
- crook╌ ed
- crop╌ t
- cross╌ way
- crouch╌ eth
- crôw╌ ing
- crown╌ ed
- crown╌ edst
- crown╌ est
- crown╌ eth
- crown╌ ing
- [Page]crown╌ s
- cru╌çi╌fy
- cru╌çi╌fi╌ ed
- crudl╌ ed
- cru╌el╌ ly
- cru╌el╌ ty
- crums
- cruse
- crush╌ ed
- crush╌t
- crys╌tal
- cu╌bit╌ s
- cuc╌kôw
- cu╌cum╌ber╌ s
- cud
- cum╌ber╌ançe
- cum╌ bred
- cum╌ breth
- cum╌min
- cun╌ning╌ ly
- cup╌ s
- cup╌bear╌ er╌s
- cure╌ s
- cu╌ red
- cu╌ri╌ôus╌ ly
- cur╌rant
- curse
- curs╌ ed
- curs╌ edst
- curs╌ es
- curs╌ est
- curs╌ eth
- curs╌ ing╌s
- cur╌tain╌ s
- Cush
- Cu╌shan-Ri╌sha╌tha╌im
- Cu╌shi
- cus╌to╌dy
- cus╌tom╌ s
- cut
- cutt╌ est
- cutt╌ eth
- cutt╌ ing╌s
- Cuth
- Cu╌thah
- çym╌bal
- çym╌bals
- çy╌na╌mon
- çy╌press
- Cy╌prus
- Cy╌re╌ne
- Cy╌re╌ni╌ an╌s
- Cy╌re╌ni╌us
- Cyrus
- DA╌ba╌reh
- Da╌ba╌sheth
- Da╌be╌rath
- dag╌ger╌ s
- Da╌gon
- dain╌tie╌ s
- Da╌la╌jah
- dale
- Dal╌ma╌nu╌tha
- Dal╌ma╌ti╌a
- Dal╌phon
- dam╌age
- Da╌ma╌ris
- Da╌mas╌cus
- damm
- damn╌ able
- damn╌ a╌ti╌on
- damn╌ ed
- dam╌o╌sel╌ s
- Dan-Ja╌an
- dandl╌ ed
- dan╌ger╌ous╌ly
- Da╌ni╌el
- Dan╌ ites
- Dan╌nah
- Da╌ra
- Dar╌da
- dare
- Da╌ri╌us
- dark╌ en╌ed
- dark╌ en╌eth
- dark╌ ish
- dark╌ ly
- dark╌ ness
- Dar╌kon
- dar╌ling
- dart╌ s
- dash╌ ed
- dash╌ eth
- Da╌than
- daub
- daugh╌ter╌ s
- daunçe╌ s
- daun╌ çed
- daun╌ çing
- Da╌vid╌ s
- dawb╌ ing
- dawn╌ ing
- day╌es
- day╌long
- [Page] day╌ly
- dayes╌man
- day╌spring
- day╌starr
- dea╌con╌ s
- dead╌ ly
- dead╌ ness
- deaf
- deal╌ s
- deal╌ er╌s
- deal╌ est
- deal╌ eth
- deal╌ ing╌s
- dealt
- dear╌ ly
- dearth
- deaths
- de╌base
- de╌bate╌ s
- De╌bir
- De╌bo╌rah
- debt╌ or╌s
- debt╌ s
- de╌cay╌ ed
- de╌cay╌ eth
- De╌ca╌po╌lis
- de╌çease
- de╌çeas╌ ed
- de╌çeit╌ ful╌ly
- de╌çeit╌ ful╌ness
- de╌çeit╌ s
- de╌çeiv╌ ed
- de╌çeiv╌ able╌ness
- de╌çeiv╌ er╌s
- de╌çeiv╌ eth
- de╌çeiv╌ ing╌s
- de╌çent╌ ly
- de╌çi╌ ded
- de╌ci╌fi╌on
- deck╌ ed
- deck╌ edst
- deck╌ est
- deck╌ eth
- de╌clare
- de╌cla╌ ra╌ti╌on
- de╌cla╌ red
- de╌cla╌ reth
- de╌cla╌ ring
- de╌cline
- de╌clin╌ ned
- de╌cli╌ neth
- de╌crease
- de╌creas╌ ed
- de╌cree╌ d
- de╌cree╌ s
- De╌dan╌ im
- de╌di╌cate
- de╌di╌ca╌ ted
- de╌di╌ca╌ ting
- de╌di╌ca╌ ti╌on
- deed╌ s
- deem╌ ed
- deep╌ er
- deep╌ ly
- deep╌ ness
- deer
- de╌fa╌ med
- de╌fa╌ ming
- de╌feat
- de╌fençe
- de╌fen╌ çed
- de╌fend╌ ed
- de╌fend╌ est
- de╌fend╌ ing
- de╌ferr╌ ed
- de╌ferr╌ eth
- de╌fie
- de╌fi╌ ed
- de╌file
- de╌fi╌ led
- de╌fi╌ ledst
- de╌fi╌ leth
- de╌fraud╌ ed
- de╌ge╌ne╌rate
- de╌gree╌ s
- De╌ha╌vites
- De╌kar
- De╌la╌jah
- de╌lay
- de╌lai╌ ed
- de╌lai╌ eth
- de╌lect╌ able
- de╌li╌ca╌çie╌ s
- de╌li╌cate╌ s
- de╌li╌cate╌ ly
- de╌li╌cate╌ nes
- de╌li╌ci╌ous╌ly
- de╌light╌ s
- de╌light╌ ed
- de╌light╌ est
- de╌light╌ eth
- de╌light╌ some
- De╌li╌lah
- de╌li╌ver╌ ance╌s
- de╌li╌ver╌ ed
- de╌li╌ver╌ edst
- de╌li╌ver╌ er
- [Page]de╌li╌ver╌ est
- de╌li╌ver╌ eth
- de╌li╌ver╌ y
- de╌li╌ver╌ ing
- de╌lu╌si╌on╌ s
- de╌mand╌ ed
- De╌mas
- De╌me╌tri╌us
- de╌mon╌stra╌ti╌on
- den╌ s
- de╌nie
- de╌ni╌ ed
- de╌ni╌ eth
- de╌ny╌ ing
- de╌nounce
- de╌part╌ ed
- de╌part╌ eth
- de╌part╌ ing
- de╌part╌ure
- de╌po╌ sed
- de╌pri╌ ved
- depth╌ s
- de╌pu╌ ted
- de╌pu╌ty
- de╌pu╌tie╌ s
- Der╌be
- de╌ride
- de╌ri╌si╌on
- de╌sart╌ s
- de╌scend╌ ed
- de╌scend╌ eth
- de╌scend╌ ing
- de╌scend
- de╌scribe
- de╌scri╌ bed
- de╌scri╌ beth
- de╌scrip╌ti╌on
- de╌scry
- de╌sert╌ s
- de╌serv╌ eth
- de╌serv╌ ing
- de╌sire╌ s
- de╌sire╌ able
- de╌si╌ red
- de╌si╌ redst
- de╌si╌ reth
- de╌si╌ ring
- de╌si╌rous
- de╌so╌late
- de╌so╌la╌ ti╌on╌s
- de╌spair╌ ed
- de╌spe╌rate╌ ly
- de╌spise
- de╌spi╌ sed
- de╌spi╌ sers
- de╌spi╌ sest
- de╌spi╌ seth
- de╌spi╌ sing
- de╌spite╌ full╌y
- de╌sti╌tute
- de╌stroy╌ ed
- de╌stroy╌ er╌s
- de╌stroy╌ est
- de╌stroy╌ eth
- de╌stroy╌ ing
- de╌struc╌ti╌on╌ s
- de╌tain╌ ed
- de╌ter╌mi╌nate
- de╌ter╌mi╌ na╌ti╌on
- de╌ter╌mine
- de╌ter╌min╌ ed
- de╌test╌ able
- De╌vel
- de╌vice╌ s
- de╌vil╌s
- de╌vil╌ ish
- de╌vise
- de╌vi╌ sed
- de╌vi╌ seth
- de╌vote
- de╌vo╌ ted
- de╌vo╌ti╌ on╌s
- de╌vour╌ ed
- de╌vour╌ er
- de╌vour╌ est
- de╌vour╌ eth
- de╌vour╌ ing
- de╌vout
- dew
- di╌a╌dem
- di╌al
- di╌a╌mond
- Di╌a╌na
- Dib╌la╌im
- Dib╌lath
- Di╌bon-Gad
- Di╌bri
- Dib╌za╌hab
- did
- did╌ st
- die
- di╌ ed
- di╌ est
- di╌et
- di╌ eth
- dy╌ ing
- dif╌fer╌ ence╌s
- [Page]dif╌fer╌ eth
- dif╌fer╌ ing
- digg╌ ed
- digg╌ edst
- digg╌ eth
- dig╌ni╌ty
- dig╌ni╌tie╌ s
- Dik╌lah
- Di╌le╌am
- di╌li╌gence
- di╌li╌gent╌ ly
- di╌mi╌nish╌ ed
- di╌mi╌nish╌ ing
- dim
- Dim╌nah
- dim╌ ness
- Di╌mon╌ah
- Di╌nah
- Di╌na╌ ites
- dine
- di╌ ned
- Din╌ha╌bah
- din╌ner
- Di╌o╌tre╌phes
- dipp╌ ed
- dipp╌ eth
- dipt
- di╌rect╌ ed
- di╌rect╌ eth
- di╌rec╌ ti╌on
- di╌rect╌ ly
- dirt
- dis╌al╌lôw╌ ed
- dis╌a╌nul╌ led
- dis╌a╌nul╌ leth
- dis╌a╌nul╌ ling
- dis╌ap╌point╌ ed
- dis╌ap╌point╌ eth
- dis╌cern╌ ed
- dis╌cern╌ er
- dis╌cern╌ eth
- dis╌cern╌ ing
- dis╌charge
- dis╌char╌ ged
- dis╌çiple╌ s
- dis╌çi╌pline
- dis╌close
- dis╌com╌fit╌ ed
- dis╌com╌fit╌ ure
- dis╌con╌tent╌ ed
- dis╌con╌ti╌nue
- dis╌cord
- dis╌co╌ver╌ ed
- dis╌co╌ver╌ eth
- dis╌co╌ver╌ ing
- dis╌cour╌age
- dis╌cour╌a╌ ged
- dis╌creet╌ ly
- dis╌cre╌ ti╌on
- dis╌dain╌ ed
- dis╌ease
- dis╌ea╌ sed
- dis╌ea╌ ses
- dis╌fi╌gure
- dis╌graçe
- dis╌guise
- dis╌gui╌ sed
- dis╌gui╌ seth
- dish╌ es
- Di╌shan
- Di╌shon
- dis╌ho╌nest╌ y
- dis╌ho╌nour╌ est
- dis╌ho╌nour╌ eth
- dis╌in╌he╌rit
- dis╌mai╌ ed
- dis╌may╌ ing
- dis╌mis╌ sed
- dis╌o╌be╌di╌ençe
- dis╌o╌be╌di╌ent
- dis╌o╌bey╌ ed
- dis╌or╌der╌ ly
- dis╌patch
- dis╌pen╌sa╌ti╌on
- dis╌perse
- dis╌pers╌ ed
- di╌sper╌ si╌on╌s
- dis╌plai╌ ed
- dis╌please
- dis╌plea╌ sed
- dis╌plea╌sure
- dis╌po╌ sed
- dis╌po╌ sing
- dis╌po╌si╌ti╌on
- dis╌pos╌sess╌ ed
- dis╌pu╌ta╌ti╌on╌ s
- dis╌pute
- dis╌pu╌ ted
- dis╌pu╌ ter
- dis╌pu╌ ting╌s
- dis╌qui╌et╌ ed
- dis╌qui╌et╌ ness
- dis╌sembl╌ ed
- dis╌sembl╌ er╌s
- dis╌sembl╌ eth
- dis╌sen╌ti╌on
- dis╌si╌mu╌la╌ti╌on
- dis╌solv╌ ed
- [Page]dis╌solv╌ est
- dis╌solv╌ ing
- di╌staff
- di╌stant
- di╌still
- dis╌tinc╌ ti╌on
- dis╌tinct╌ ly
- dis╌tract╌ ed
- dis╌trac╌ ti╌on
- dis╌tress╌ ed
- dis╌tress╌ es
- dis╌tri╌bute
- dis╌tri╌bu╌ ted
- dis╌tri╌bu╌ teth
- dis╌tri╌bu╌ ting
- dis╌tri╌bu╌ ti╌on
- ditch╌ es
- di╌verse
- di╌ver╌si╌ty
- di╌ver╌si╌tie╌ s
- di╌vide
- di╌vi╌ ded
- di╌vi╌ der
- di╌vi╌ ding
- di╌vi╌na╌ti╌on╌ s
- di╌vine
- di╌vi╌ ner╌s
- di╌vi╌ neth
- di╌vi╌ ning
- di╌vi╌si╌on╌ s
- di╌vorçe╌ ment
- di╌vor╌ çed
- Diz╌ha╌bah
- doc╌tor╌ s
- doc╌trine╌ s
- Dō╌dai
- Dō╌da╌nah
- Dō╌da╌nim
- Dō╌dō
- doe
- Dō╌eg
- do╌ er╌s
- do╌ est
- do╌ eth
- doth
- dog╌ s
- dō╌ ing╌s
- dōle╌ full
- dō╌mi╌ni╌on╌ s
- done
- door╌ s
- door╌keep╌ er╌s
- door╌post╌ s
- Doph╌kah
- Dor╌cas
- dost
- dote
- dō╌ ted
- doth
- Dō╌than
- dō╌ ting
- doubl╌mind╌ ed
- doubl╌ ed
- doubt╌ ed
- doubt╌ eth
- doubt╌ full
- doubt╌ ing
- doubt╌ less
- doubt╌ s
- dōve╌ s
- dough
- doung╌gate
- doung╌hill╌ s
- doung╌port
- down╌sit╌ ing
- down╌ward
- dow╌rie
- drag╌ s
- dragg╌ ing
- dra╌gon╌ s
- dra╌gon╌well
- dram╌ s
- drank
- drave
- draught╌house
- draw╌ er╌s
- drawn
- draw╌ eth
- draw╌ ing
- dread╌ full
- dream╌ ed
- dream╌ er╌s
- dream╌ s
- dream╌ eth
- dreg╌ s
- dress╌ ed
- dress╌ er
- dress╌ eth
- drew╌ est
- drie
- dri╌ ed
- dri╌ edst
- dri╌ eth
- dry╌shod
- drink╌offer╌ing
- drink╌ ers
- [Page]drink╌ eth
- drink╌ ing
- drink╌ s
- drive
- driv╌ en
- dri╌ ver╌s
- dri╌ veth
- dri╌ ving
- dro╌me╌da╌rie╌ s
- drop╌ s
- drop╌ ped
- drop╌ peth
- drop╌ ping
- drop╌sie
- dross
- drove╌ s
- drought
- drown╌ ed
- drow╌si╌ ness
- drunk╌ ard╌s
- drunk╌ en╌ness
- Dru╌sil╌la
- due╌ s
- duke╌ s
- dul╌ci╌mer
- dull
- Du╌mah
- dumb
- dung
- dun╌ge╌on
- Du╌ra
- du╌rable
- du╌ reth
- durst
- dust
- du╌tie╌ s
- dwarf╌ s
- dwell╌ ed
- dwell╌ er╌s
- dwell╌ est
- dwell╌ eth
- dwell╌ ing╌s
- dwelt
- Dy╌di╌mus
- Dy╌o╌ny╌si╌us
- EAch
- eagl╌ s
- ears╌ s
- ear╌ ed
- ear╌ ing
- ear╌ly
- ear╌ring╌ s
- ear╌nest╌ ly
- earth╌ y
- earth╌quake╌ s
- ease
- ea╌ sed
- ea╌sie
- ea╌si╌ er
- ea╌si╌ ly
- east╌er
- east╌ward
- east╌wind
- eat╌ en
- eat╌ er╌s
- eat╌ est
- eat╌ eth
- eat╌ ing
- E╌bal
- E╌bed╌me╌lech
- E╌ben╌e╌zer
- E╌ber
- E╌bi╌a╌saph
- E╌bo╌ny
- E╌bro╌nah
- Ed
- E╌dar
- E╌den
- E╌der
- edge╌ s
- edg╌ ed
- e╌di╌fi╌ca╌ti╌on
- e╌di╌fy
- e╌di╌fi╌ ed
- e╌di╌fi╌ eth
- e╌di╌fy╌ ing
- E╌dom╌ ite
- E╌dre╌i
- E╌duth
- ef╌fect╌ ed
- ef╌fec╌tu╌ al╌ly
- ef╌fe╌mi╌nate
- egg╌s
- Eg╌lah
- Eg╌la╌im
- Eg╌lon
- E╌gypt
- E╌gyp╌ti╌an╌ s
- [Page]E╌hi
- E╌hud
- eight╌ een
- eighth
- eigh╌ teenth
- eight╌ y
- ei╌ther
- E╌kar
- Ek╌ron╌ ite╌s
- E╌la╌dah
- E╌lah
- E╌lam╌ ites
- E╌lath
- E╌la╌sah
- El╌beth╌el
- El╌da╌ah
- El╌dad
- el╌der╌ s
- el╌ dest
- E╌le╌ad
- E╌le╌a╌lah
- E╌le╌a╌sah
- E╌le╌a╌zar
- El-E╌lo╌he-Is╌ra╌el
- e╌lect╌ ed
- e╌lec╌ ti╌on
- e╌le╌ments
- E╌leph
- e╌le╌ven
- e╌le╌venth
- E╌leu╌zai
- El╌ha╌nan
- E╌li╌ab
- E╌li╌la╌ma╌sa╌back╌tha╌ni
- E╌li╌a╌da
- E╌li╌ah
- E╌li╌a╌kim
- E╌li╌am
- E╌li╌as
- E╌li╌a╌saph
- E╌li╌a╌shib
- E╌li╌a╌tha
- E╌li╌a╌zar
- E╌li╌dad
- E╌li╌el
- E╌li╌e╌nai
- E╌li╌e╌zer
- E╌li╌ha╌ba
- E╌li╌ho╌e╌nai
- E╌li╌ho╌reh
- E╌li╌hu
- E╌li╌jah
- E╌li╌ka
- E╌lim
- E╌li╌me╌lech
- E╌li╌ō╌e╌nai
- E╌li╌pha╌leh
- E╌li╌phe╌let
- E╌li╌phaz
- E╌li╌sha
- E╌li╌shal╌ma
- E╌li╌sha╌phat
- E╌li╌she╌ba
- E╌li╌shu╌a
- E╌li╌ud
- E╌li╌za╌beth
- E╌li╌za╌phan
- E╌li╌ze╌us
- E╌li╌zur
- El╌ka╌nah
- El╌ko╌shite
- El╌la╌sar
- elms
- El╌mō╌dam
- El╌na╌an
- El╌na╌than
- E╌lon╌ ite╌s
- E╌lon-Beth╌a╌nan
- e╌lo╌quent
- E╌loth
- El╌pa╌al
- El╌pa╌let
- El╌pa╌ran
- else
- El╌te╌keth
- El╌te╌kon
- El╌to╌lad
- E╌lul
- E╌ly╌mas
- El╌za╌bab
- El╌za╌phan
- em╌bas╌sa╌dors
- em╌bold╌en╌ eth
- em╌bold╌en╌ ed
- em╌braçe
- e╌me╌rauld
- e╌me╌rods
- E╌mims
- e╌mi╌nent
- Em╌ma╌nu╌el
- Em╌ma╌us
- E╌mor╌ ite
- em╌pire
- [Page]em╌ploy╌ ed
- em╌ploy╌ ment
- emp╌ty
- emp╌ti╌ ed
- emp╌ti╌ er╌s
- emp╌ti╌ ness
- e╌mu╌la╌ti╌ on╌s
- en╌a╌bled
- E╌nam
- E╌nan
- en╌camp╌ ed
- en╌camp╌ eth
- en╌camp╌ ing
- en╌cline
- en╌cli╌ ned
- en╌cli╌ neth
- en╌close
- en╌clo╌ sed
- en╌clo╌ sing╌s
- en╌coun╌ter╌ ed
- en╌cour╌age
- en╌cour╌a╌ ged
- end╌ ed
- en╌da╌mage
- en╌dan╌ger╌ ed
- end╌ eth
- end╌ ing
- end╌ less
- en╌dea╌vour╌ ed
- en╌dea╌vour╌ ing
- en╌dea╌vours
- En╌dor
- en╌dow
- end╌ s
- en╌du╌ ed
- en╌dure
- en╌du╌ red
- en╌du╌ reth
- en╌du╌ ring
- En╌eg╌la╌im
- e╌ne╌mie╌ s
- en╌flame
- en╌fold╌ ing
- en╌form╌ ed
- en╌ga╌ ged
- En╌gan╌nim
- En╌ge╌di
- en╌gine╌ s
- en╌graf╌ fed
- en╌grave
- en╌gra╌ ven
- en╌gra╌ ver
- en╌gra╌ ving╌s
- En╌hak╌ko╌re
- En╌had╌dah
- En╌ha╌zoy
- en╌joy╌ ed
- en╌join╌ ed
- en╌large╌ ment
- en╌lar╌ ged
- en╌lar╌ geth
- en╌lar╌ ging
- en╌light╌ en╌ing
- en╌light╌ en╌ed
- En╌mish╌pat
- en╌mi╌ty
- E╌noch
- e╌nough
- en╌quire
- en╌qui╌ red
- en╌qui╌ rest
- en╌qui╌ry
- en╌rich╌ ed
- en╌rich╌ est
- En-Rim╌mon
- En-Ro╌gel
- en╌sampl
- En╌she╌mesh
- en╌signe╌ s
- en╌sna╌ red
- en╌sue
- en╌tangl╌ ed
- En╌tap╌pu╌ah
- en╌ter╌prise
- en╌ter╌tain╌ ed
- en╌tiçe
- en╌ti╌ çed
- en╌ti╌ çeth
- en╌ti╌ çing
- en╌tire
- en╌trançe
- en╌tran╌ çes
- en╌treat╌ y
- en╌tred
- en╌ treth
- en╌ tring
- en╌ trie╌s
- en╌vie╌ s
- en╌vi╌ ed
- en╌vi╌ est
- en╌vi╌ eth
- en╌vy╌ ing╌s
- en╌vi╌ ous
- en╌vi╌ron
- Ep╌a╌phras
- Ep╌a╌phro╌di╌tus
- [Page]Ep╌e╌ne╌tus
- E╌phah
- E╌phai
- E╌pher
- E╌phes-Dam╌mim
- E╌phe╌si╌ an╌s
- E╌phe╌sus
- Eph╌lal
- E╌phod
- Eph╌pha╌tha
- Eph╌ra╌im╌ ite╌s
- E╌phra╌tah
- E╌phrath╌ ite╌s
- E╌phron
- E╌pi╌cu╌re╌ an╌s
- E╌pistl╌ s
- e╌quall╌ y
- e╌qua╌ li╌ty
- e╌qual╌ s
- e╌qui╌ty
- Er
- E╌ran
- E╌ras╌tus
- ere
- e╌rect
- e╌rect╌ ed
- E╌ri
- E╌rite╌ s
- er╌rand
- err╌ ed
- err╌ eth
- er╌rour╌ s
- E╌sai╌as
- E╌sar╌had╌don
- E╌sau
- e╌scape
- e╌sca╌ ped
- e╌sca╌ peth
- e╌sca╌ ping
- es╌chew╌ ed
- es╌chew╌ eth
- E╌sek
- Esh-Ba╌al
- Esh╌ban
- Esh╌col
- E╌she╌an
- E╌shek
- Esh╌ka╌lon╌ ite╌s
- Esh╌ta╌ol
- Esh╌tau╌ lite╌s
- Esh╌te╌mo╌a
- Esh╌ton
- Es╌li
- e╌spe╌ci╌al╌ly
- e╌spie
- e╌spi╌ ed
- e╌spou╌ sal╌s
- e╌spou╌ sed
- Es╌rom
- e╌sta╌blish╌ ed
- e╌sta╌blish╌ eth
- e╌sta╌blish╌ ment
- e╌state╌ s
- e╌steem╌ ed
- e╌steem╌ eth
- e╌steem╌ ing
- Es╌tha╌ol
- Est╌her
- e╌sti╌mate
- e╌sti╌ma╌ti╌on╌ s
- e╌stran╌ ged
- E╌tam
- e╌ter╌nal
- e╌ter╌ni╌ty
- E╌tham
- E╌than╌im
- Eth-Du╌al
- E╌ther
- E╌thi╌ō╌pi╌a
- E╌thi╌ō╌pi╌ an╌s
- Eth╌nan
- Eth╌ni
- ev╌an╌ge╌list╌ s
- Eu╌bu╌lus
- Eve
- e╌ven╌ ing╌s
- e╌vent
- e╌ven╌tide
- e╌ven╌ing╌tide
- e╌ver╌last╌ing
- e╌ver╌more
- e╌ve╌ry
- e╌vi╌dence╌ s
- e╌vi╌dent╌ ly
- e╌vil╌ s
- E╌vil-Me╌ro╌dach
- Eu╌ni╌ce
- Eu╌nuche╌ s
- Eu╌o╌di╌as
- Eu╌phra╌tes
- Eu╌ro╌cly╌don
- ewe╌ s
- ex╌act╌ ed
- ex╌act╌ eth
- ex╌ac╌ ti╌on╌s
- ex╌act╌ ors
- ex╌alt╌ ed
- ex╌alt╌ est
- ex╌alt╌ eth
- ex╌a╌min╌ a╌ti╌on
- ex╌a╌min╌ ed
- ex╌a╌min╌ ing
- ex╌ampl╌ s
- ex╌çeed╌ ed
- ex╌çeed╌ est
- ex╌çeed╌ eth
- ex╌çeed╌ ing╌ly
- ex╌çell╌ ed
- ex╌çell╌ est
- ex╌çell╌ eth
- ex╌çell╌en╌çy
- ex╌çell╌ent
- ex╌çept╌ ed
- ex╌çess
- ex╌change
- ex╌chan╌ ger╌s
- ex╌clude
- ex╌cuse
- ex╌cu╌ sed
- ex╌cu╌ sing
- ex╌e╌cra╌ti╌on
- ex╌e╌cute
- ex╌e╌cu╌ ted
- ex╌e╌cu╌ tedst
- ex╌e╌cu╌ test
- ex╌e╌cu╌ teth
- ex╌e╌cu╌ ting
- ex╌e╌cu╌ti╌on╌ er
- ex╌empt╌ ed
- ex╌er╌çise
- ex╌er╌çi╌ sed
- ex╌er╌çi╌ seth
- ex╌hort╌ a╌ti╌on
- ex╌hort╌ ed
- ex╌hort╌ eth
- ex╌hort╌ ing
- ex╌ile
- ex╌or╌çist╌ s
- ex╌pect╌ a╌ti╌on
- ex╌pect╌ ed
- ex╌pect╌ ing
- ex╌pe╌di╌ent
- ex╌pell╌ ed
- ex╌pen╌ çes
- ex╌pe╌ri╌ençe
- ex╌pe╌ri╌ment
- ex╌pert
- ex╌pi╌ red
- ex╌ploit╌ s
- ex╌pound╌ ed
- ex╌press╌ ed
- ex╌pres╌ ly
- ex╌tend╌ eth
- ex╌tend╌ ed
- ex╌tinct
- ex╌toll╌ ed
- ex╌tor╌ti╌on
- ex╌tor╌ti╌on╌ er╌s
- ex╌tream
- ex╌tre╌mi╌ty
- ey╌ ed
- eye╌ s
- eye╌brow╌ s
- eye╌lid╌ s
- eye╌salv
- eye╌ser╌vice
- eye╌sight
- eye╌wit╌nes╌ ses
- Ez╌bai
- Ez╌bon
- E╌ze╌ki╌el
- E╌zel
- E╌zem
- E╌zer
- E╌zi╌on-Ga╌ber
- E╌zi╌on-Ge╌ber
- Ez╌nite
- Ez╌ra╌hite
- Ez╌ri
- Ez╌ron
- FA╌ble╌ s
- face╌ s
- fade
- fa╌ deth
- fa╌ ding
- fail╌ ed
- fail╌ eth
- fail╌ ing
- fain╌ ed╌ly
- fain╌ est
- faint╌ ed
- faint╌ est
- faint╌ eth
- faint╌heart╌ed
- faint╌ ness
- [Page]fair╌ha╌ven╌ s
- fair╌ er╌est
- faires
- faith╌ full╌y
- faith╌ ful╌ness
- faith╌ less
- fall╌ en
- fall╌ est
- fall╌ eth
- fall╌ ing
- fal╌low╌deer
- false╌ ly
- fals╌hood
- fal╌si╌fy╌ ing
- false╌wit╌nes╌ ses
- fame
- fa╌mi╌li╌ar╌ s
- fa╌mi╌ly
- fa╌mi╌lie╌ s
- fa╌mine╌ s
- fa╌mish╌ ed
- fa╌mous
- fan╌ner╌ s
- fare╌well
- fa╌ red
- farm
- farr╌countries
- farr╌off
- far╌ther
- far╌thing╌ s
- fa╌shi╌on╌ ed
- fa╌shi╌on╌ eth
- fa╌shi╌on╌ s
- fa╌shi╌on╌ ing
- fast╌ ed
- fast╌ en╌ed
- fast╌ en╌ing
- fast╌ est
- fast╌ ing╌s
- fat
- fa╌ther╌ s
- fa╌ther╌ less
- fa╌thom╌ s
- fat╌ ling╌s
- fat╌ ness
- fatt╌ ed
- fatt╌ er
- fatt╌ est
- fault╌ s
- fault╌ less
- fault╌ y
- fa╌vour╌ able
- fa╌vour╌ ed╌ness
- fa╌vour╌ est
- fa╌vour╌ eth
- fear╌ ed
- fear╌ full
- fear╌ ful╌ness
- fear╌ ful╌ly
- fear╌ s
- fear╌ est
- fear╌ eth
- fear╌ ing
- feast╌ ed
- feast╌ ing
- feast╌ s
- fea╌ther╌ ed
- fea╌ther╌ s
- fed
- feebl╌ er
- feebl╌ ness
- feed╌ est
- feed╌ eth
- feed╌ ing
- feel╌ ing
- feet
- Fe╌lix
- fell╌ ed
- fell╌ er
- fell╌ est
- fell╌ ing
- fe╌loe╌ s
- fel╌low╌ci╌ti╌zen╌ s
- fel╌low╌heir╌ s
- fel╌low╌help╌er╌ s
- fel╌low╌la╌bour╌er
- fel╌low╌pri╌son╌er
- fel╌low╌ser╌vant
- fel╌low╌soul╌di╌er
- fel╌low╌work╌er
- fel╌low╌ s
- fel╌low╌ ship
- felt
- fe╌male
- fençe
- fen╌ çed
- fenn╌ s
- fer╌ret
- fer╌ry╌boat
- fer╌vent╌ ly
- Fes╌tus
- fet
- fetch╌ ed
- fetch╌ eth
- fetcht
- fet╌ter╌ s
- [Page]fe╌ver
- few╌ er
- few╌ est
- few╌ ness
- few╌el
- fi╌de╌li╌ty
- field╌ s
- fierçe╌ ness
- fier╌ çer
- fi╌er╌y
- fift
- fifth
- fif╌ teen
- fif╌ teenth
- fift╌ y
- fift╌ ies
- fift╌ i╌eth
- fig╌ s
- fig╌tree╌s
- fight╌ eth
- fight╌ ing╌s
- fi╌gure╌s
- file
- fill╌ ed edst
- fill╌ est eth
- fil╌let╌ s
- fil╌let╌ ed
- fill╌ ing
- filth╌ y
- filth╌ i╌ness
- fi╌nal╌ly
- find╌ est eth
- find╌ ing
- fine╌meal
- fi╌ner╌ nest
- fin╌ger╌ s
- fi╌ning
- fi╌nish╌ ed
- fin╌ish╌ er
- fin╌ s
- fire╌brand╌ s
- fire╌pan╌ s
- fire╌ s
- fir╌kin╌ s
- firm╌a╌ment
- firr╌tree╌ s
- firr╌wood
- first╌born
- first╌fruit╌ s
- first╌ling╌ s
- fish╌gate
- fish╌hook╌ s
- fish╌pool╌ s
- fish╌spear╌s
- fish╌er╌men
- fish╌er╌ s
- fish╌ es
- fish╌ ing
- fist╌ s
- fit
- fitch╌ es
- fitt╌ ed est
- fitt╌ eth
- fit╌ ly
- fire
- fir╌ ed
- flag╌ s
- flag╌gon╌ s
- flake╌ s
- flame╌ s
- fla╌ ming
- flank╌ s
- flash
- flat╌ter╌ eth
- flat╌ter╌ y
- flat╌ter╌ ies
- flat╌ter╌ ing
- flax
- flay╌ ed
- flea
- fled
- fled╌ st
- fleeçe
- flee fleeth
- flee╌ ing
- flesh╌ ed
- flesh╌hook╌ s
- flesh╌ ie
- flesh╌ ly
- flesh╌pot╌ s
- flew
- flie╌ s
- fli╌ eth
- flight
- fly╌ ing
- flint╌ y
- flix
- flock╌ s
- flood╌ s
- floor╌ s
- flote╌ s
- flour╌ish╌ ed
- flour╌ish╌ eth
- flour╌ish╌ ing
- flow╌ ed eth
- flow╌ ing
- [Page]flow╌er╌ s
- flowr
- flute
- flut╌ter╌ eth
- foal╌ s
- fod╌der
- foe╌ s
- fold╌ s
- fold╌ en
- fold╌ eth
- fold╌ ing
- folk
- fol╌low╌ ed edst
- fol╌low╌ ers eth
- fol╌low╌ ing
- fol╌ly
- fome
- fo╌ meth
- fo╌ ming
- food
- fool╌ s
- fool╌ ish╌ness
- foord
- foorth
- foot╌breadth
- foot╌ ed
- foot╌men
- foot╌step╌ s
- foot╌stool
- for╌as╌much
- for╌bad
- for╌bear╌ançe
- for╌bear╌ eth
- for╌bear╌ ing
- for╌bid╌ den
- for╌bid╌ deth
- for╌bid╌ ding
- for╌born
- forçe╌ s
- for╌ çibl
- for╌ çing
- fore╌cast
- fore╌fa╌ther╌ s
- fore╌front
- fore╌head╌ s
- fore╌know╌ledg
- fore╌most
- fore╌ordain╌ ed
- fore╌part
- fore╌run╌ner
- fore╌saw
- fore╌see╌ ing
- fore╌ship
- fore╌skin╌ s
- fore╌tell
- fore╌told
- fore╌warn
- for╌feit
- for╌gate
- for╌gave
- for╌ga╌ vest
- for╌ ged
- for╌ ger╌s
- for╌get╌ ful
- for╌get╌ ful╌ness
- for╌get╌ test
- for╌get╌ teth
- for╌get╌ ting
- for╌give
- for╌giv╌ en
- for╌giv╌ eth
- for╌giv╌ ness╌es
- for╌giv╌ ing
- for╌got╌ten
- forks
- form╌ s
- form╌ ed
- form╌ er
- form╌ eth
- for╌ni╌ca╌ti╌on╌ s
- for╌ni╌ca╌tor╌ s
- fot╌rei╌ner╌ s
- for╌rest╌ s
- for╌sake
- for╌sa╌ ken
- for╌sa╌ keth
- for╌sa╌ king
- for╌sook╌ est
- for╌swear
- fort
- forth╌with
- fort╌ s
- for╌ty╌ eth
- for╌ti╌fy╌ ed
- for╌tress
- For╌tu╌na╌tus
- for╌ward╌ ness
- fought
- foule╌ s
- foul╌ ed edst
- foul╌ er╌s
- found╌a╌ti╌on╌ s
- found╌ ed er est
- fount╌ain╌ s
- four╌bish╌ ed
- four╌score
- four╌teen
- [Page]four╌teenth
- fourth
- fox╌ es
- frag╌ment╌ s
- frail
- frame
- fra╌ med
- fra╌ meth
- frank╌in╌cense
- frank╌ ly
- fraud
- fray
- freckl╌ ed
- free╌dom
- freed
- free╌ ly
- free╌man
- fre╌quent╌ ly
- free╌will╌of╌fer╌ing
- free╌wo╌man
- fresh╌er
- fret╌ ted
- fret╌ teth
- fret╌ ting
- friend╌ s
- friend╌ ly
- friend╌ship
- fringe╌ s
- frog╌ s
- fro
- from
- front╌let╌ s
- fron╌tier╌ s
- frost
- frow╌ard╌ ly
- frow╌ard╌ ness
- fro╌zen
- fruit╌ful
- fruit╌ s
- frus╌trate
- frus╌tra╌ teth
- fry╌ ed
- fry╌ing╌pan
- fu╌ell
- fu╌gi╌tive╌ s
- full
- ful╌fill╌ ed
- ful╌fill╌ ing
- ful╌ler
- ful╌ ness
- ful╌ ly
- fu╌ry
- fu╌ri╌ous╌ ly
- fur╌long╌ s
- fur╌naçe╌ s
- fur╌nish╌ ed
- fur╌ni╌ture
- fur╌row╌ s
- fur╌ther╌ançe
- fur╌ther╌ ed
- fur╌ther╌more
- GA╌al
- Ga╌ash
- Ga╌ba
- Ga╌bai
- Gab╌ba╌tha
- Ga╌bri╌el
- Gad
- Ga╌da╌ren╌ s
- gad╌dest
- Gad╌di╌el
- Gad╌ ite╌s
- Ga╌ham
- Ga╌har
- gain╌ s
- gain╌say╌ er╌s
- gain╌say╌ ing
- Gai╌us
- Ga╌lal
- Ga╌la╌ti╌a
- Ga╌la╌ti╌an╌ s
- Gal╌ba╌num
- Ga╌le╌ed
- Ga╌li╌lee
- Ga╌li╌le╌ an╌s
- gall
- gal╌lant
- gal╌le╌ry
- gal╌le╌rie╌ s
- gal╌ley
- Gal╌lim
- Gal╌li╌ō
- gal╌low╌ s
- Ga╌ma╌li╌el
- Ga╌mul
- Gam╌ma╌dim╌ s
- gap╌ s
- ga╌ ped
- gar╌den╌ s
- gar╌din╌ er
- Ga╌reb
- gar╌land╌ s
- gar╌like
- [Page]gar╌ment╌ s
- Gar╌mite
- gar╌ner╌ s
- gar╌nish╌ ed
- gar╌ri╌son╌ s
- Gash╌mu
- Ga╌tam
- gate╌ s
- gate╌hold
- Gath╌he╌pher
- Gath-Rim╌mon
- ga╌ther╌ ed
- ga╌ther╌ er
- ga╌ther╌ est
- ga╌ther╌ eth
- ga╌ther╌ ing╌s
- gave
- ga╌ vest
- gay
- Ga╌za╌thites
- gaze
- Ga╌zer
- Ga╌zez
- ga╌ zing
- Ga╌zite╌ s
- Gaz╌zam
- Ge╌ba
- Ge╌bal
- Ge╌bar
- Ge╌ber
- Ge╌bim
- Ge╌da╌li╌ah
- Ge╌der╌ah
- Ge╌der╌ath╌ ite
- Ge╌der╌oth
- Ge╌der╌o╌tha╌im
- Ge╌dor
- Ge╌ha╌zi
- Ge╌li╌loth
- Ge╌mal╌ti
- Ge╌mar╌jah
- gen╌der╌ ed
- gen╌der╌ eth
- ge╌ne╌a╌lo╌gie╌ s
- ge╌ne╌ral╌ ly
- ge╌ne╌ra╌ti╌on╌ s
- Ge╌ne╌sa╌ret
- gen╌tile╌ s
- gentl╌ ness
- gentl╌ y
- Ge╌nu╌bath
- Ge╌ra
- Ge╌rah╌ s
- Ge╌rar
- Ger╌ga╌ shite╌s
- Ger╌ge╌sen╌ s
- Ge╌riz╌im
- Ger╌shom
- Ger╌shon╌ ite╌s
- Ge╌shan
- Ge╌shem
- Ge╌shur╌ ite╌s
- Ge╌shur╌ i
- get
- Ge╌ther
- Geth╌se╌ma╌ne
- gett╌ eth
- gett╌ ing
- Ge╌vel
- Ge╌zer
- Gez╌rite╌ s
- ghest╌ s
- ghost
- Gi╌ah
- gi╌ant╌ s
- Gib╌bar
- Gib╌be╌thon
- Gib╌be╌ah
- Gi╌be╌a
- Gi╌be╌ah
- Gi╌be╌ath╌ ite
- Gi╌be╌on╌ ite╌s
- Gib╌lite╌ s
- Gid╌dal╌ti
- Gid╌del
- Gi╌de╌on╌ i
- Gi╌dom
- Gi╌dor
- gier╌eagl
- gift╌ s
- Gi╌hon
- Gi╌la╌lai
- Gil╌bo╌a
- Gi╌le╌ad╌ ite╌s
- Gil╌gal
- Gi╌loh
- Gi╌lo╌nite
- Gim╌zo
- Gin
- Gi╌nath
- Gin╌ne╌tho╌n
- gird╌ ed est╌eth
- gird╌ ing
- girdl╌ s
- Gir╌ga╌shite
- girl╌ s
- [Page]girt
- Gis╌pa
- Git╌tah-He╌pher
- Git╌ta╌im
- Git╌tite╌ s
- Git╌tith
- give
- giv╌ en er╌est╌eth
- giv╌ ing
- Gi╌zon╌ ite
- glad╌ ly
- glad╌ ness
- glass╌ es
- glean╌ ed
- glean╌ ing╌s
- glede
- glis╌ter╌ ing
- glit╌ter╌ ing
- gloo╌mi╌ ness
- glo╌ry╌ ing
- glo╌ri╌ est╌eth
- glo╌ri╌fie
- glo╌ri╌fi╌ ed eth
- glo╌ri╌fy╌ ing
- glo╌ri╌ous╌ ly
- glut╌ton╌ous
- gnash╌ ed eth
- gnash╌ ing
- gnat
- gnaw╌ ed
- Gni╌dus
- goad╌ s
- goat╌ s╌hair
- goat╌skin╌ s
- Go╌ath
- Gob╌let
- god╌s
- goe
- gō╌ est╌eth
- gō╌ ing╌s
- Gog
- Go╌lan
- gold╌ en
- gold╌smith╌ s
- Gol╌go╌tha
- Go╌li╌ah
- Go╌mer
- Gō╌mor╌rah
- gone
- good╌ ly
- good╌ li╌ness
- good╌ ness
- good╌ s
- Gō╌pher╌wood
- gore
- gō╌red
- gor╌ge╌ous╌ ly
- Gō╌shen
- Go╌spel
- gott╌ en
- go╌vern╌ment
- go╌vern╌our╌ s
- gourd╌ s
- Go╌zan
- graçe
- gra╌çi╌ous╌ ly
- graff╌ ed
- grain
- grand╌mo╌ther
- grant╌ ed
- grape╌ga╌ther╌er
- grape╌ s
- grass╌hop╌per╌ s
- grate
- grave╌clothe╌ s
- grave╌ s
- gra╌ ved
- gra╌vell
- gra╌ven╌i╌mage
- gra╌ veth
- gra╌ ving╌s
- gra╌vi╌ty
- gray╌head╌ ed
- grey╌hound
- grease
- great╌ er╌est
- great╌ ly
- great╌ ness
- greav╌ s
- Gre╌çi╌a
- Gre╌çi╌an╌ s
- Greeçe
- gree╌dy
- gree╌di╌ ly
- gree╌di╌ ness
- Greek╌ s
- green╌ ish
- green╌ ness
- greet╌ eth
- greet╌ ing╌s
- grew
- grief╌ s
- griev╌ançe
- griev╌ ed╌eth
- [Page]griev╌ ing
- griev╌ous╌ ly
- griev╌ous╌ ness
- grind╌ er╌s
- grind╌ ing
- grin╌ s
- grizl╌ ed
- groan╌ ed
- groan╌ eth
- groan╌ ing╌s
- grope
- gro╌ peth
- gross
- grove╌ s
- ground╌ ed
- grow╌ eth
- grown
- growth
- grudg╌ ing╌ly
- guard╌cham╌ber
- Gud╌gō╌dah
- guest╌ s
- guide╌ s
- gui╌ ded
- gui╌ ding
- guile
- guilt╌ y
- guilt╌ i╌ness
- guilt╌ less
- gulf
- Gu╌ni
- Gu╌nite╌ s
- Gur-Ba╌al
- gush╌ ed
- gut╌ter╌ s
- HA╌ba╌jah
- Ha╌bak╌kuk
- Ha╌ba╌zin╌jah
- ha╌ber╌gi╌on╌ s
- ha╌bit╌abl
- ha╌bi╌ta╌ti╌on╌ s
- Ha╌bor
- Ha╌chal╌jah
- Ha╌chi╌lah
- Hach╌mo╌ni
- Hach╌mo╌nite
- had
- had╌ st
- Ha╌dad╌e╌zer
- Ha╌dad╌rim╌mon
- Ha╌dar╌e╌zer
- Ha╌da╌shah
- Ha╌das╌sa
- Ha╌dat╌tah
- Had╌did
- Ha╌did
- Had╌lai
- Ha╌do╌ram
- Ha╌drach
- haft
- Ha╌gab╌ah
- Ha╌gar╌ en╌s
- Ha╌gar╌ ite╌s
- Hag╌gai
- Hag╌ge╌ri
- Hag╌gi
- Hag╌gite╌ s
- Hag╌gi╌ah
- Hag╌gith
- Ha╌ï
- hail╌stone╌ s
- hair╌ s
- hair╌ie╌head
- Hak╌ka╌tan
- Hak╌koz
- Ha╌ku╌pha
- Ha╌lah
- Ha╌lak
- hale
- ha╌ling
- half
- Hal╌hul
- Ha╌li
- hall
- Hal╌lo╌esh
- hal╌low╌ ed
- halt╌ ed╌eth
- halt╌ ing
- Ham
- Ha╌man
- Ha╌math╌zo╌bah
- Ha╌math╌ ite
- Ha╌mi╌tal
- Ham╌math
- Ham╌me╌da╌tha
- Ham╌me╌lech
- ham╌mer╌ s
- Ham╌mo╌le╌keth
- Ham╌mon╌ah
- Ha╌mon-Gog
- Ha╌mor
- Ha╌moth-Dor
- Ha╌mu╌el
- Ha╌mul╌ ite╌s
- [Page]Ha╌na╌me╌el
- Ha╌nan╌e╌el
- Ha╌na╌ni
- Ha╌nan╌jah
- hand╌ s
- hand╌breadth
- hand╌ ed
- hand╌full╌ s
- hand╌ y
- hand╌ker╌chief╌ s
- handl╌ ed eth
- handl╌ ing
- hand╌maid╌en
- hand╌maid╌ s
- hand╌staves
- hand╌wea╌pon
- hand╌wri╌ting
- Ha╌nes
- hang╌ ed eth
- hang╌ing╌ s
- Ha╌ni╌el
- Han╌nah
- Han╌na╌thon
- Han╌ni╌el
- Ha╌noch╌ ite╌s
- Ha╌nun
- hap╌ly
- Ha╌pha╌ra╌im
- hap╌pen╌ ed eth
- hap╌pie
- hap╌pi╌ er
- Ha╌ra╌dah
- Ha╌ran
- Ha╌rar╌ ite
- Har╌bo╌nah
- hard╌ en╌ed eth
- hard╌ er
- hard╌heart╌ ed
- hard╌ ly
- hard╌ ness
- hare
- Ha╌reph
- Ha╌reth
- Har╌ha╌jah
- Har╌has
- Har╌hur
- Ha╌rim
- Ha╌riph
- Har╌ ite
- har╌lot╌ s
- harm╌ less
- Har╌ne╌pher
- har╌ness╌ ed
- Ha╌rod╌ ite
- Ha╌ro╌e
- Ha╌ro╌rite
- Ha╌ro╌sheth
- harp╌ ed╌er╌s
- harp╌ ing
- harp╌ s
- har╌row╌ s
- Har╌sha
- hart╌ s
- har╌vest╌time
- Ha╌rum
- Ha╌ru╌maph
- Ha╌ru╌phite
- Ha╌ruz
- Ha╌sa╌di╌ah
- Ha╌sel
- Ha╌sen╌nah
- Has╌se╌na╌ah
- Ha╌shab╌jah
- Ha╌shab╌nah
- Ha╌shab╌ni╌ah
- Hash╌ba╌da╌na
- Ha╌shem
- Hash╌mo╌nah
- Ha╌shub
- Ha╌shum
- Ha╌shu╌pha
- Has╌rah
- hast
- haste
- hast╌ ed en
- hast╌ en╌ed
- hast╌ en╌eth
- hast╌ eth
- hast╌ y
- hast╌ i╌ly
- hast╌ ing
- Ha╌su╌pha
- Ha╌tach
- hatch╌ eth
- hate╌ full╌y
- ha╌ ted
- ha╌ ter╌s
- ha╌ test teth
- ha╌ ting
- hath
- Ha╌thath
- Ha╌ti╌ta
- ha╌tred
- hat╌ s
- Hat╌til
- Hat╌ti╌pha
- Hat╌tush
- have
- [Page]ha╌ ving
- ha╌ven╌ s
- haugh╌ti╌ ly
- haugh╌ti╌ ness
- haugh╌ty
- Ha╌vi╌lah
- haunt
- ha╌vock
- Ha╌voth-Ja╌ir
- Hau╌ran
- hawk
- hay
- Ha╌za╌el
- Ha╌za╌jah
- Ha╌zar╌ad╌dar
- Ha╌zar-Enan
- Ha╌zar-Gad╌dah
- Ha╌zar-Hat╌ti╌con
- Ha╌zar╌oth
- Ha╌zar╌shu╌al
- Ha╌zar╌su╌sah
- Ha╌zel-El╌po╌ni
- Ha╌zer-Ma╌veth
- Ha╌zer╌im
- Ha╌zer╌oth
- Ha╌zer╌shu╌sim
- Ha╌ze╌non-Ta╌mar
- Ha╌zi╌el
- Ha╌zo
- Ha╌zor
- Ha╌zu╌bah
- haz╌zard╌ ed
- he
- head╌ s
- head╌band╌ s
- head╌ie
- head╌long
- heal╌ ed er╌eth
- heal╌ ing
- health
- heap╌ ed eth
- heap╌ s
- heard╌ est
- hear╌ er╌s
- hear╌ est eth
- hear╌ ing
- heark╌ en ed
- heark╌ en╌edst eth
- heark╌ en╌ing
- heart╌ s
- heart╌ ed
- hearth
- heart╌ y
- heart╌ i╌ly
- heat╌ ed
- heath
- hea╌then
- heave╌of╌fer╌ing
- heave╌shoul╌der
- heav╌ ed
- heav╌en╌ s
- heav╌ie
- heav╌i╌ er
- heav╌i╌ ly
- heav╌i╌ ness
- He╌ber╌ ite╌s
- He╌brew╌ s
- He╌brew╌ ess
- He╌bron╌ ite╌s
- hedg╌ ed
- hedg╌ es
- hee
- heed
- heel╌ s
- He╌gai
- He╌ge
- hei╌fer╌ s
- height╌ s
- hein╌ous
- heir╌ s
- He╌lah
- He╌lam
- Hel╌bath
- Hel╌bon
- held
- Hel╌dai
- He╌leb
- He╌led
- He╌lek╌ ite╌s
- He╌lem
- He╌leph
- He╌lez
- He╌li
- Hel╌kah
- Hel╌kai
- Hel╌kath-Haz╌zu╌rim
- hell
- helm
- helm╌et╌ s
- He╌lon
- help╌ ed er╌s
- help╌ eth ing
- help╌ s
- helv
- He╌mam
- He╌man
- He╌math
- [Page]Hem╌dan
- Hem╌lock
- hemm╌ s
- hen
- He╌na
- He╌na╌dad
- hençe╌forth
- hençe╌for╌ward
- He╌noch
- He╌pher╌ ite╌s
- Heph╌zi╌bah
- he╌rauld
- herb╌ s
- herd╌ s
- herd╌man
- herd╌men
- here╌af╌ter
- here╌by
- here╌in
- He╌res
- He╌reth
- here╌to╌fore
- he╌re╌sie╌ s
- he╌re╌tick
- here╌un╌to
- here╌with
- he╌rit╌age╌ s
- Her╌mas
- Her╌mes
- Her╌mo╌ge╌nes
- Her╌mon╌ ite╌s
- He╌rod
- He╌rō╌di╌ an╌s
- He╌rō╌di╌as
- He╌rō╌di╌on
- He╌ron
- her╌ s
- He╌seb
- Hesh╌bon
- Hesh╌mon
- Hesh╌lon
- hew╌ ed╌en╌er╌s
- hew╌ eth
- He╌ze╌ki╌ah
- He╌zer
- He╌zi╌on
- He╌zir
- Hez╌rai
- Hez╌ro
- Hez╌ron╌ ite╌s
- hidd╌ en
- Hid╌dai
- Hid╌de╌kel
- hide
- hi╌ dest╌deth
- hi╌ ding
- Hi╌el
- Hi╌e╌ra╌po╌lis
- Hig╌gai╌on
- high╌ er╌est
- high╌ ly
- high╌mind╌ ed
- high╌ ness
- Hi╌len
- Hilk╌jah
- hill╌ s
- Hil╌lel
- him╌self
- hin
- hinde╌ s
- hin╌der╌ ed eth
- hin╌der╌end
- hin╌der╌most
- hin╌der╌part
- hin╌der╌sea
- hin╌ge╌s
- Hin╌nom
- hip
- Hi╌rah
- Hi╌ram
- hire╌ling
- hi╌ red╌rest
- hire╌ s
- his
- hiss╌ ing
- hit
- hi╌ther╌to
- Hit╌tite╌ s
- Hi╌vite╌ s
- Hiz╌ki╌jah
- Ho
- hoar╌y╌head
- Ho╌bo
- Hō╌bab
- Hod
- Hō╌da╌jah
- Ho╌dan╌jah
- Ho╌desh
- Hō╌de╌vah
- Hō╌di╌ah
- Ho╌di╌jah
- Hog╌lah
- Hō╌ham
- hois╌ ed
- hold╌fast
- hold╌ en╌est╌eth
- [Page]hold╌ ing
- hold╌ s
- hole╌ s
- hō╌li╌ er est
- hō╌li╌ly
- hō╌li╌ ness
- hol╌low╌ ness
- Hō╌lon
- holp╌en
- hot╌ly
- home╌born
- home╌ ly
- Hō╌mer╌ s
- ho╌nest╌ ly
- ho╌nest╌ y
- ho╌nour╌ able
- ho╌nour╌ ed╌est╌eth
- ho╌nour╌ s
- ho╌ny╌comb
- hood╌ s
- hoof╌ s
- hook╌ s
- hope╌ ful
- ho╌ peth ping
- Hoph╌ni
- Hor
- Ho╌ram
- Ho╌reb
- Ho╌rem
- Hor╌ha╌gid╌gad
- Ho╌ri
- Hō╌rim╌ s
- Hō╌rite╌ s
- Hor╌mah
- horn╌ s
- horn╌et╌ s
- Ho╌ro╌na╌im
- Ho╌ro╌nite
- hor╌ribl╌ y
- hor╌rour
- horse╌back
- hors╌ es
- horse╌gate
- horse╌leech
- horse╌man
- horse╌men
- Hō╌sah
- Hō╌sa╌ma
- Hō╌san╌na
- Hō╌se╌a
- hō╌sen
- Hō╌sha╌jah
- Hō╌she╌a
- hos╌pi╌ta╌li╌ty
- host╌a╌ges
- hostes
- hot╌ly
- Hō╌tham
- Hō╌than
- Hō╌thir
- hott╌ est
- hough╌ ed
- hour╌ s
- house╌ s
- house╌hold╌ er
- house╌hold╌stuff
- how╌be╌it
- how╌long
- how╌so╌e╌ver
- howl╌ ed
- howl╌ ing╌s
- huge
- Hul╌dah
- Huk╌kok
- Hu╌kok
- humbl╌ ed edst
- humbl╌ eth
- humbl╌ ness
- humbl╌ y
- hu╌mi╌li╌a╌ti╌on
- hu╌mi╌li╌ty
- Hum╌tah
- hun╌dred╌ s
- hun╌ger╌bit╌ten
- hun╌gred
- hun╌gry
- hunt╌ ed er╌s
- hunt╌ est eth
- hunt╌ ing
- Hu╌pham╌ ite╌s
- Hup╌pah
- Hu╌pim
- Hur
- Hu╌rai
- Hu╌ram
- Hu╌ri
- hurl╌ eth
- hurl╌ ing
- hurt╌ full
- hurt╌ ing
- hus╌band╌man
- hus╌band╌men
- hus╌band╌ ry
- hus╌band╌ s
- Hu╌shah
- Hu╌shai
- Hu╌sham
- [Page]Hu╌sha╌thite
- Hu╌shim
- husk╌ s
- Huz╌zab
- Hy╌me╌ne╌us
- hymn╌ s
- hy╌po╌cri╌sie╌ s
- hy╌po╌crite╌ s
- hy╌po╌cri╌ti╌cal
- hy╌sope
- JA╌a╌kan
- Ja╌a╌ko╌bak
- Ja╌a╌la
- Ja╌a╌lah
- Ja╌a╌lam
- Ja╌a╌nai
- Ja╌re╌o╌re╌gim
- Ja╌a╌san
- Ja╌a╌si╌el
- Ja╌a╌zah
- Ja╌a╌zan╌jah
- Ja╌a╌zer
- Ja╌az╌jah
- Ja╌bal
- Jab╌bok
- Ja╌besh-Gi╌le╌ad
- Ja╌bez
- Ja╌bin
- Jab╌ne╌el
- Jab╌neh
- Ja╌chan
- Ja╌chin╌ ite╌s
- Ja╌cob
- Ja╌da
- Ja╌dan
- Jad╌du╌a
- Ja╌don
- Ja╌el
- Ja╌gur
- Jah
- Ja╌ha╌la╌le╌el
- Ja╌ha╌le╌lel
- Ja╌hath
- Ja╌haz╌ah
- Ja╌haz╌jah
- Ja╌ha╌zi╌el
- Jah╌dai
- Jah╌di╌el
- Jah╌do
- Jah╌le╌el╌ ite╌s
- Jah╌mai
- Jah╌zah
- Jah╌ze╌el╌ ite╌s
- Jah╌ze╌rah
- Jah╌zi╌el
- Ja╌ir╌ ite
- Jai╌rus
- Ja╌kan
- Ja╌keh
- Ja╌kim
- Ja╌lon
- Jam╌bres
- James
- Ja╌min╌ ite╌s
- Jam╌lech
- Jangl╌ ing
- Jan╌na
- Jan╌nes
- Ja╌no╌ah
- Ja╌no╌hah
- Ja╌num
- Ja╌pheth
- Ja╌phi╌a
- Japh╌let╌i
- Ja╌pho
- Ja╌rah
- Ja╌reb
- Ja╌red
- Ja╌re╌si╌ah
- Jar╌ha
- Ja╌rib
- Jar╌muth
- Ja╌ro╌ah
- Ja╌shem
- Ja╌sher
- Ja╌sho╌be╌am
- Ja╌shub╌ ite╌s
- Ja╌shu╌bi╌le╌hetu
- Ja╌si╌el
- Ja╌son
- jas╌per
- Jath╌ni╌el
- Jat╌tir
- Ja╌van
- ja╌ve╌lin
- jaw╌bone
- jaw╌ s
- jaw╌teeth
- jay╌lour
- Ja╌zar
- Ja╌zer
- Ja╌zi╌el
- Ja╌ziz
- jea╌lous
- Je╌a╌rim
- Je╌a╌ti╌rai
- Je╌be╌rech╌jah
- Je╌bus
- Je╌bu╌si
- Je╌bu╌site╌ s
- Je╌cam╌jah
- Je╌col╌jah
- Je╌con╌i╌ah
- Je╌da╌jah
- Je╌de╌jah
- Je╌di╌a╌el
- Je╌did╌jah
- Je╌di╌dah
- Je╌di╌el
- Je╌du╌thun
- Je╌e╌zer╌ ite╌s
- Je╌gar-Sa╌ha╌du╌tha
- Je╌ha╌zi╌el
- Jeh╌de╌jah
- Je╌he╌ze╌kel
- Jeh╌jah
- Je╌hi╌el╌i
- Je╌hisk╌jah
- Je╌hō╌ha╌dah
- Je╌hō╌ad╌dan
- Je╌hō╌a╌haz
- Je╌hō╌ash
- Je╌hō╌ha╌nan
- Je╌hō╌ja╌dah
- Je╌hō╌ja╌kim
- Je╌hō╌ja╌chin
- Je╌hō╌ja╌rib
- Je╌hō╌na╌dab
- Je╌hō╌na╌than
- Je╌hō╌ram
- Je╌hō╌sha╌bad
- Je╌hō╌sha╌be╌ath
- Je╌ho╌she╌ba
- Je╌ho╌sha╌phat
- Je╌ho╌shu╌ah
- Je╌hō╌vah
- Je╌ho╌vah╌ji╌reh
- Je╌ho╌vah╌nis╌si
- Je╌ho╌vah╌shal╌lum
- Je╌hō╌za╌bad
- Je╌hō╌za╌dak
- Je╌hu
- Je╌hub╌bah
- Je╌hu╌cal
- Je╌hud╌i╌jah
- Je╌hush
- Je╌i╌el
- Je╌kab╌ze╌el
- Je╌kam╌jah
- Je╌ka╌mi╌am
- Je╌ku╌thi╌el
- je╌lous╌ ie╌s
- Je╌mi╌ma
- Je╌mu╌el
- jeo╌pard╌ ed
- jeo╌par╌dy
- Jeph╌thah
- Je╌phun╌neh
- Je╌rah╌me╌el
- Je╌rah╌me╌el╌ ite╌s
- Je╌red
- Je╌re╌mai
- Je╌re╌mi╌ah
- Je╌re╌moth
- Je╌ri╌ah
- Je╌ri╌bai
- Je╌ri╌cho
- Je╌ri╌el
- Je╌ri╌jah
- Je╌ri╌moth
- Je╌ri╌oth
- Je╌rom
- Je╌ro╌bo╌am
- Je╌ro╌ham
- Je╌ru╌el
- Je╌ru╌sa╌lem
- Je╌ru╌sha
- Je╌sa╌jah
- Je╌sha╌jah
- Je╌sha╌nah
- Je╌sha╌re╌lah
- Je╌she╌be╌ab
- Je╌sher
- Je╌shi╌mon
- Je╌shi╌shai
- Je╌shu╌a
- Je╌si╌ah
- Je╌si╌mi╌el
- Je╌so╌ha╌jah
- Jes╌se
- jest╌ ing
- Je╌su╌i
- Je╌su╌ ite╌s
- Je╌su╌run
- Je╌sus
- Je╌ther
- Je╌theth
- [Page]Jeth╌lah
- Je╌thro
- Je╌tur
- Je╌vel
- Je╌ush
- Je╌uz
- jew╌ell╌ s
- Jew╌ s
- Jew╌ ess
- Jew╌ ish
- Jew╌rie
- Je╌zan╌jah
- Je╌ze╌bel
- Je╌zer╌ ite╌s
- Je╌zi╌el
- Jez╌li╌ah
- Jez╌rah╌jah
- Jez╌re╌el╌ ite
- Jez╌re╌el╌ i╌tess
- Jib╌sam
- Jid╌laph
- Ji╌e-A╌ba╌rim
- Jim╌la
- Jim╌na
- Jim╌ nite╌s
- Ji╌on
- Jiph╌ta
- Jiph╌tha╌hel
- Jō╌ab
- Jō╌ah
- Jō╌a╌haz
- Jō╌a╌kim
- Jo╌an╌na
- Jō╌ash
- Jō╌a╌tham
- Job
- Jō╌bab
- Jō╌che╌bed
- Jō╌ed
- Jo╌el╌ah
- Jō╌e╌zer
- Jog╌be╌hah
- Jog╌li
- Jō╌ha╌nan
- John
- Jō╌ja╌da
- Jō╌ja╌kim
- Jō╌ja╌rib
- Jok╌de╌am
- Jō╌kim
- Jok╌me╌am
- Jok╌ne╌am
- Jok╌shan
- Jok╌tan
- Jok╌the╌el
- Jō╌na╌dab
- Jō╌nah
- Jō╌nas
- Jō╌nan
- Jō╌na╌than
- Jō╌nath-E╌lem-Re╌cho╌kim
- Jop╌pa
- Jō╌ra
- Jō╌rai
- Jō╌ram
- Jor╌dan
- Jō╌rim
- Jor╌kō╌am
- Jō╌sa╌bad
- Jō╌sa╌phat
- Jō╌se╌dech
- Jō╌seph
- Jō╌ses
- Jō╌sha╌bad
- Jō╌shah
- Jō╌sha╌phat
- Jō╌shan╌jah
- Jō╌shu╌a
- Josh╌be╌ka╌shah
- Jō╌si╌ah
- Jō╌si╌as
- Jō╌si╌bi╌a
- Jō╌siph╌jah
- Jō╌su╌ah
- jot
- Jot╌bah
- Jot╌bath
- Jot╌ba╌thah
- Jō╌tham
- jour╌ney╌ ed
- jour╌ney╌ ing╌s
- jour╌nei╌ s
- joy╌ ed
- joy╌ full╌y
- joy╌ ful╌ness
- joy╌ ing
- join╌ ed
- join╌ ing╌s
- joynt╌heir╌ s
- joynt╌ s
- joy╌ous
- Jō╌za╌bad
- Jo╌za╌char
- Jo╌za╌dath
- Ju╌bal
- [Page]Ju╌bi╌le
- Ju╌cal
- Ju╌da
- Ju╌dah
- Ju╌das
- Jude
- Ju╌de╌a
- judg╌ ed es
- judg╌ est eth
- judg╌ ing
- judg╌ ment╌s
- Ju╌dith
- juiçe
- Ju╌li╌a
- Ju╌li╌us
- jump╌ ing
- Ju╌ni╌a
- ju╌ni╌per
- Ju╌pi╌ter
- ju╌ris╌dic╌ti╌on
- Ju╌ry
- Ju╌shab╌he╌sed
- just╌içe
- jus╌ti╌fi╌ca╌ti╌on
- jus╌ti╌fie
- jus╌ti╌fi╌ ed
- jus╌ti╌fi╌ er eth
- jus╌ti╌fy╌ ing
- justl
- just╌ ly
- Jus╌tus
- Jut╌tah
- Ib╌bar
- Ib╌le╌am
- Ib╌ne╌jah
- Ib╌ny╌ah
- I╌bri
- Ib╌zan
- I╌cha╌bod
- I╌cō╌ni╌um
- I╌da╌lah
- Id╌bash
- Id╌do
- idle╌ ness
- i╌do╌la╌ter╌ s
- i╌do╌la╌try
- i╌do╌la╌trous
- i╌dol╌ s
- I╌du╌me╌a
- if
- I╌gal
- Ig╌dal╌jah
- I╌ge╌al
- ig╌nō╌mi╌nie
- ig╌nō╌rançe
- ig╌nō╌rant╌ ly
- Ik╌kesh
- I╌lai
- i╌land
- ile╌ s
- ill╌fa╌vour╌ ed╌ness
- il╌lu╌mi╌na╌ ted
- Il╌ly╌ri╌cum
- i╌mage
- i╌ma╌ge╌rie
- i╌ma╌gine
- i╌ma╌gin╌ a╌ti╌on╌s
- i╌ma╌gin╌ ed eth
- im╌balm╌ ed
- im╌braçe
- im╌bra╌ çed
- im╌bra╌ çing
- im╌broi╌der╌ er
- Im╌lah
- Im╌mah
- Im╌na
- Im╌nah
- Im╌ma╌nu╌el
- im╌me╌di╌ate╌ ly
- Im╌mer
- im╌mor╌tal
- im╌mor╌ta╌li╌ ty
- im╌mu╌table
- im╌mu╌ta╌bi╌li╌ty
- im╌part╌ ed
- im╌pe╌di╌ment
- im╌pe╌nit╌ent
- im╌pe╌ri╌ous
- im╌plac╌able
- im╌plead
- im╌ploy
- im╌por╌tu╌ni╌ty
- im╌pose
- im╌pō╌ sed
- im╌pos╌sible
- im╌pot╌ent
- im╌po╌ver╌ish
- im╌po╌ver╌ish╌ ed
- im╌pri╌son╌ ed
- im╌pri╌son╌ ment
- im╌pud╌ent
- [Page]im╌pute
- im╌pu╌ ted
- im╌pu╌ teth
- im╌pu╌ ting
- Im╌rah
- Im╌ri
- in
- in╌a╌bled
- in╌as╌much
- in╌çense
- in╌çense╌ ed
- in╌chant╌ er╌s
- in╌chant╌ ments
- in╌cli╌ ned
- in╌close
- in╌con╌tin╌en╌çy
- in╌con╌tin╌ent
- in╌cor╌rupt╌ ibl
- in╌cor╌rup╌ ti╌on
- in╌cour╌age
- in╌crease
- in╌creas╌ ed est╌eth
- in╌creas╌ing
- in╌cred╌ibl
- in╌cu╌rable
- in╌dan╌ger
- in╌debt╌ ed
- in╌deed
- in╌de╌vour
- In╌di╌a
- in╌dig╌na╌ ti╌on
- in╌di╌ ting
- in╌di╌ ted
- in╌dure
- in╌dus╌tri╌ous
- in╌ex╌cu╌sable
- in╌fal╌libl
- in╌fa╌mie
- in╌fa╌mous
- in╌fant╌ s
- in╌fe╌ri╌our
- in╌fi╌del
- in╌fi╌nite
- in╌firm╌ i╌ty
- in╌firm╌ i╌tie╌s
- in╌flam╌ma╌ti╌on
- in╌fla╌ ming
- in╌flict╌ ed
- in╌flu╌en╌ çe╌s
- in╌form╌ ed
- in╌fold╌ ing
- in╌ga╌ther╌ ing
- in╌graf╌ fed
- in╌gra╌ver
- in╌ha╌bit╌ ant╌s
- in╌ha╌bit╌ ed
- in╌ha╌bit╌ er╌s
- in╌ha╌bit╌ est
- in╌ha╌bit╌ eth
- in╌ha╌bit╌ ing
- in╌ha╌bit╌ançe╌ s
- in╌he╌rit╌ ed╌eth
- in╌he╌rit╌our
- in╌joy
- in╌join
- in╌i╌qui╌ty
- in╌i╌qui╌ tie╌s
- in╌ju╌ red
- in╌ju╌ri╌ ous
- in╌just╌içe
- ink
- in╌large
- in╌light╌ en
- inn
- in╌ner╌most
- in╌no╌çen╌çy
- in╌no╌çent╌ s
- in╌nu╌mer╌able
- in╌or╌din╌ate
- in╌quire
- in╌qui╌si╌ti╌on
- in╌scrip╌ti╌on
- in╌side
- in╌so╌much
- in╌spī╌ra╌ti╌on
- in╌stant╌ ly
- in╌struct╌ ed er
- in╌struct╌ ing
- in╌struc╌ ti╌on
- in╌stru╌ment╌ s
- in╌sur╌rec╌ti╌on
- in╌tangl╌ ed eth
- in╌te╌gri╌ty
- in╌tel╌li╌gençe
- in╌tend╌ ed est
- in╌tend╌ ing
- in╌tent╌ s
- in╌ter╌ces╌si╌on╌ s
- in╌ter╌ces╌sour
- in╌ter╌meddl╌ eth
- in╌ter╌mis╌si╌on
- in╌ter╌pret╌ a╌ti╌on
- in╌ter╌pret╌ ed
- in╌ter╌pret╌ er
- in╌ter╌pret╌ ing
- in╌treat╌ ed╌eth
- [Page]in╌treat╌ ie╌s
- in╌tru╌ ding
- in╌vade
- in╌va╌ ded
- in╌va╌ si╌on
- in╌vent╌ ed er╌s
- in╌ven╌ ti╌on╌s
- in╌vi╌ron
- in╌vi╌sibl
- in╌vi╌ ted
- in╌ward╌ ly
- in╌ward╌ s
- I╌phe╌de╌jah
- Ir
- I╌ra
- I╌rad
- I╌ram
- I╌ri╌jah
- i╌ron╌ s
- Ir╌pe╌el
- Ir╌she╌mesh
- I╌ru╌a╌hash
- is
- I╌saac
- I╌saiah
- Is╌cah
- Is╌ca╌ri╌ot
- I╌shad
- Ish╌bah
- Ish╌bak
- Ish╌bi╌be╌nob
- Ish╌bo╌sheth
- Ish╌i╌jah
- Ish╌jah
- Ish╌ma╌el╌ ite╌s
- Ish╌ma╌jah
- Ish╌me╌rai
- Ish╌pan
- Ish╌tob
- Ish╌u╌ah
- Ish╌u╌ai
- Is╌ma╌ki╌ah
- isle
- Is╌ma╌jah
- Is╌pah
- Is╌ra╌el╌ ite╌s
- Is╌ra╌el╌ i╌tish
- Is╌sa╌char
- Ish╌jah
- is╌sue╌ s
- is╌su╌ ed
- I╌su╌i
- it
- I╌ta╌lie
- I╌ta╌li╌an
- itch╌ ing
- I╌thai
- I╌tha╌mar
- I╌thi╌el
- Ith╌mah
- Ith╌nan
- I╌thra
- I╌thran
- I╌thre╌am
- I╌thrite
- It╌tak╌ka╌zin
- It╌tai
- I╌tu╌re╌a
- I╌vah
- i╌vory
- I╌ze╌har
- Iz╌har╌ ite╌s
- Iz╌rah╌jah
- Iz╌ra╌hite
- Iz╌re╌el
- Iz╌ri
- KAb╌ze╌el
- Ka╌desh╌bar╌ne╌a
- Kad╌mi╌el
- Kad╌mon╌ ite╌s
- Kain
- Kal╌lai
- Ka╌nah
- Ka╌re╌ah
- Kar╌ka╌a
- Kar╌kor
- Kar╌na╌im
- Kar╌tah
- Kar╌tan
- Kat╌tah
- Ke╌dar
- Ke╌de╌mah
- Ke╌de╌moth
- Ke╌desh-Naph╌ta╌li
- keep╌ er╌s
- keep╌ est eth
- keep╌ ing
- Ke╌he╌la╌thah
- Kei╌lah
- Ke╌la╌jah
- Ke╌li╌ta
- Ke╌li╌tah
- [Page]Ke╌mu╌el
- Ke╌nah
- Ke╌nan
- Ke╌nath
- Ke╌naz
- Ke╌ner╌ ite
- Ke╌nite╌ s
- Ke╌niz╌ ite╌s
- kept
- ker╌chief╌ s
- Ke╌ren╌hap╌puch
- Ke╌ri╌joth
- ker╌nel╌ s
- Ke╌ros
- Ke╌tu╌rah
- key╌ s
- Ke╌zi╌a
- Ke╌ziz
- Ki╌broth-Hat╌ta╌a╌vah
- Kib╌za╌im
- kick╌ ed
- kid╌ s
- kid╌ney╌ s
- Ki╌dron
- kill╌ ed
- kill╌ edst
- kill╌ est
- kill╌ eth
- kill╌ ing
- Ki╌nah
- kind╌ es
- kindl╌ ed
- kindl╌ eth
- kind╌ ly
- kind╌ ness╌es
- kind╌red╌ s
- kine
- king╌ s
- king╌dom╌ s
- kinn
- kins╌folk╌ s
- kins╌man
- kins╌men
- kins╌wo╌man
- kins╌wo╌men
- Kir╌ha╌ra╌seth
- Kir╌he╌resh
- Kir╌jath-Ar╌ba
- Kir╌jath-A╌rim
- Kir╌jath-Ba╌al
- Kir╌jath-Ha╌zoth
- Kir╌jath╌je╌a╌rim
- Kir╌jath-San╌nah
- Kir╌jath-Se╌pher
- Kir╌jath╌a╌im
- Kir╌joth
- Kish╌i╌on
- Ki╌shon
- Ki╌son
- kiss╌ es
- kite
- Kith╌lish-Ki╌tron
- Kit╌tim
- knead╌ ed
- knead╌ ing
- knee╌ s
- kneel╌ ed
- kneel╌ ing
- knew╌ est
- knife
- knit
- knives
- knock╌ ed
- knock╌ eth
- knock╌ ing
- knop╌ s
- know╌ est
- know╌ eth
- know╌ ing
- know╌ ledg
- known
- Ko╌a
- Ko╌hath╌ ite╌s
- Ko╌la╌jah
- Ko╌rah╌ ite╌s
- Ko╌rath╌ ite╌s
- Ko╌re
- Kor╌ hite╌s
- Koz
- Ku╌sha╌jah
- LA╌a╌dah
- La╌a╌dan
- La╌ban
- la╌bour╌ ed
- la╌bour╌ er╌s
- la╌bour╌ eth
- la╌bour╌ ing
- la╌bour╌ s
- laçe
- La╌chish
- [Page]lack╌ ed
- lack╌ est
- lack╌ eth
- lack╌ ing
- lad╌ s
- lad╌der
- lade
- la╌ ded
- la╌ den
- la╌ deth
- la╌ ding
- la╌dy
- la╌die╌ s
- La╌had
- La╌hai╌roi
- La╌hel
- Lah╌man
- Lah╌mi
- La╌ish
- lake
- La╌kum
- lamb╌ s
- lame
- La╌mech
- la╌ment╌ able
- la╌ment╌ a╌ti╌on╌s
- la╌ment╌ ed
- lamp╌ s
- lançe
- lan╌çer╌ s
- lanch╌ ed
- land╌ s
- land╌mark╌ s
- land╌ ed
- land╌ ing
- lane╌ s
- lan╌guage╌ s
- lan╌guish╌ ed
- lan╌guish╌ eth
- lan╌guish╌ ing
- lant╌horn╌ s
- La╌o╌di╌çe╌a
- La╌o╌di╌çe╌ an╌s
- lap╌ ped
- lap╌ peth
- La╌pi╌doth
- lap╌wing
- large╌ ness
- las╌ci╌vi╌ous╌ ness
- La╌se╌a
- La╌sha╌ron
- last╌ ed
- last╌ ing
- latch╌et
- late╌ ly
- La╌tin
- lat╌ter
- lat╌tess
- laud
- la╌ver╌ s
- laugh╌ ed
- laugh╌ eth
- laugh╌ ing
- laugh╌ ter
- la╌vish
- law╌ s
- law╌ full╌y
- law╌giv╌ er
- law╌ less
- law╌ yer╌s
- lay╌ ed
- laid
- lay╌ edst
- lay╌ en
- lay╌ est
- lay╌ eth
- lay╌ ing
- La╌za╌rus
- lead
- leade
- lead╌ er╌s
- lead╌ est
- lead╌ eth
- leaf
- leave╌ s
- league
- Le╌ah
- Le╌an╌noth
- lean╌ ed
- lean╌ eth
- lean╌ ing
- lean╌ ness
- leap╌ ed
- leap╌ ing
- leapt
- learn╌ ed
- learn╌ ing
- leas╌ ing
- least
- lea╌ther╌n
- leav╌ ed
- leav╌ eth
- leav╌en╌ ed
- leav╌en╌ eth
- leav╌ s
- leav╌ ing
- Le╌ba╌na
- [Page]Le╌ba╌nah
- Le╌ba╌non
- Le╌ba╌oth
- Leb╌be╌us
- Leb╌nah
- Le╌chah
- led╌ dest
- ledg╌ es
- leek╌ s
- lees
- leese
- left╌ est
- left╌hand╌ ed
- leg╌ s
- le╌gi╌on╌ s
- Le╌ha╌bim
- Le╌hem
- Le╌hi
- lei╌sure
- Le╌mu╌el
- lend╌ er
- lend╌ eth
- length╌ en
- length╌ en╌ed
- length╌ en╌ing
- lent
- len╌tile╌s
- le╌o╌pard╌ s
- le╌per╌ s
- le╌pro╌sie
- le╌prous
- Le╌shem
- less╌ er
- lest
- let╌ter╌ s
- lett╌ est
- lett╌ eth
- lett╌ ing
- Le╌tu╌shim
- Le╌vi
- le╌vie
- Le╌vite╌ s
- Le╌vi╌ti╌cal
- Le╌um╌mim
- lewd╌ ly
- lewd╌ ness
- li╌be╌ra╌li╌ty
- li╌be╌rall╌ y
- li╌ber╌ty
- li╌ber╌tine╌ s
- Lib╌na
- Lib╌nah
- Lib╌ni
- Lib╌nite╌ s
- Li╌bi╌a
- Li╌bi╌ an╌s
- liçe
- li╌çençe
- lick╌ ed
- lick╌ eth
- lid
- lie╌ s
- li╌ en
- li╌ er╌s
- li╌ est
- li╌ eth
- lieu╌ten╌ant╌ s
- life
- live╌ s
- lift╌ ed
- lift╌ er
- lift╌ est
- lift╌ eth
- lift╌ ing
- light╌ ed
- light╌ en
- light╌ en╌eth
- light╌ er
- light╌ est
- light╌ ing
- light╌ ly
- light╌ ned
- light╌ ness
- light╌ ning╌s
- light╌ s
- lign╌a╌lo╌ es
- like╌ ness
- li╌ ked
- li╌ken╌ ed
- li╌ keth
- li╌ king
- like╌wise
- Lik╌hi
- lil╌ly╌work
- lil╌lie╌ s
- lime
- li╌mit╌ ed
- li╌mit╌ eth
- lin╌age
- line╌ s
- lin╌ gred
- lin╌ greth
- lin╌nen
- lin╌tell╌ s
- Li╌nus
- li╌on╌ s
- [Page]li╌on╌ ess
- lip╌ s
- li╌quor╌ s
- list╌ ed
- lis╌ ten
- list╌ eth
- lit╌ter╌ s
- littl╌while
- live
- live╌ ly
- liv╌ er
- live╌ s
- liv╌ est
- liv╌ eth
- liv╌ ing
- load╌ en
- load╌ eth
- loaf
- loave╌ s
- Lo╌am╌mi
- loan
- loath╌ ed
- loath╌ eth
- loath╌ ing
- loath╌some
- lock╌ s
- lock╌ ed
- lo╌cust╌ s
- Lod
- Lo╌de╌bar
- lodg╌ ed
- lodg╌ est
- lodg╌ eth
- lodg╌ ing╌s
- loe
- loft╌ y
- loft╌ i╌ly
- loft╌ i╌ness
- log
- Lo╌is
- long╌while
- long╌ ed
- long╌ edst
- long╌ er
- long╌ eth
- long╌ ing
- long╌suf╌fer╌ ing
- look╌ ed
- look╌ est
- look╌ eth
- look╌ing╌glass╌ es
- look╌ s
- loop╌ s
- loose
- loo╌ sed
- loo╌ seth
- loo╌ sing
- lop
- lord╌ s
- lord╌ship
- Lo-Ru╌ha╌mah
- lose
- lo╌ seth
- loss
- lost
- Lot╌ s
- Lo╌tan
- loud╌ er
- love╌ s
- lov╌ ed
- lov╌ edst
- love╌ ly
- lov╌ er╌s
- lov╌ est
- lov╌ eth
- lov╌ing╌kind╌ness╌ es
- low╌ er
- low╌ est
- low╌ eth
- low╌ ing
- low╌ ly
- low╌li╌ ness
- lowr╌ ing
- loyn╌ s
- Lu╌bim╌ s
- Lu╌cas
- Lu╌ci╌fer
- Lu╌ci╌us
- lucre
- Lud╌im
- Lu╌hith
- Luke
- luke╌warm
- lump
- lu╌na╌tique
- lurk╌ ing
- lust╌ ed
- lust╌ eth
- lust╌ ing
- lust╌ s
- lust╌ y
- Luz
- ly╌ar╌ s
- Ly╌bi╌a
- Ly╌bi╌ an╌s
- [Page]Ly╌ca╌o╌ni╌a
- Ly╌di╌a
- Ly╌di╌ an╌s
- lye╌ s
- ly╌ eth
- ly╌ ing
- Ly╌gure
- Ly╌sa╌ni╌as
- Ly╌si╌a
- Ly╌si╌as
- Lys╌tra
- lyz╌zard
- MA╌a╌ca╌thi
- Ma╌a╌chah
- Ma╌a╌cha╌thite╌ s
- Ma╌a╌dai
- Ma╌ai
- Ma╌al╌cha-Crab╌bin
- Ma╌a╌rath
- Ma╌a╌se╌jah
- Ma╌as╌jah
- Ma╌ath
- Ma╌az
- Ma╌ce╌do╌ni╌a
- Mach╌ba╌nai
- Mach╌be╌nah
- Ma╌chi
- Ma╌chir╌ ite╌s
- Mach╌na╌de╌bai
- Mach╌pe╌lah
- Ma╌dai
- mad╌man
- mad╌men
- made
- ma╌ dest
- Mad╌jah
- Ma╌di╌an
- Mad╌man╌nah
- mad╌ ness
- Ma╌don
- Mag╌bish
- Mag╌da╌la
- Mag╌da╌len
- Mag╌di╌el
- ma╌gi╌ci╌an╌ s
- ma╌gis╌trate╌ s
- mag╌ni╌fi╌cal
- mag╌ni╌fi╌çençe
- mag╌ni╌fie
- mag╌ni╌fi╌ ed
- Ma╌gog
- Ma╌gor╌mis╌sa╌bib
- Mag╌pi╌ash
- Ma╌ha╌lah
- Ma╌ha╌la╌le╌el
- Ma╌ha╌lath╌le╌an╌noth
- Ma╌ha╌na╌im
- Ma╌ha╌neh-Dan
- Ma╌ha╌rai
- Ma╌hath
- Ma╌ha╌vite
- Ma╌ha╌zi╌oth
- Ma╌her╌sha╌lal╌hash╌baz
- Mah╌lah
- Mah╌li
- Mah╌ lite╌s
- Mah╌lon
- Ma╌hol
- maid╌child
- maid╌ en╌s
- maid╌ser╌vant╌ s
- ma╌jes╌ty
- maim╌ ed
- main╌tain╌ ed
- main╌tain╌ est
- main╌ten╌ançe
- Ma╌kaz
- make╌ r╌s
- ma╌ kest
- ma╌ keth
- ma╌ king
- Mak╌he╌loth
- Mak╌ke╌dah
- Mak╌tesh
- Ma╌la╌chi
- Mal╌cham
- Mal╌chi╌ah
- Mal╌chi╌el╌ ite╌s
- Mal╌chi╌jah
- Mal╌chi╌ram
- Mal╌chi╌shu╌ah
- Mal╌chus
- male╌chil╌dren
- ma╌le╌fac╌tor╌ s
- male╌ s
- ma╌liçe
- ma╌li╌çi╌ous╌ ness
- ma╌lig╌ni╌ty
- Mal╌lo╌thi
- mal╌low╌ s
- Mal╌luch
- Mam╌mon
- [Page]Mam╌re
- man men
- Ma╌na╌en
- Ma╌na╌hath
- Ma╌na╌heth╌ ite╌s
- Ma╌nas╌seh
- Ma╌nas╌site╌ s
- man╌child
- man╌drake╌ s
- Ma╌neh
- man╌ger
- ma╌ni╌fest╌ a╌ti╌on
- ma╌ni╌fest╌ ed
- ma╌ni╌fest╌ ly
- ma╌ni╌fold
- man╌kind
- man╌na
- man╌ner╌ s
- Ma╌no╌ah
- man╌serv╌ant
- man╌si╌on╌ s
- man╌slay╌ er╌s
- mantl╌ s
- ma╌ny
- Ma╌oh
- Ma╌on╌ ite╌s
- Ma╌ra
- Ma╌rah
- Ma╌ra╌lah
- Ma╌ran╌a╌tha
- marbl
- march╌ ed
- march╌ edst
- Mar╌cas
- Ma╌re╌shah
- mark╌ s
- mark╌ ed
- mark╌ est
- mark╌ eth
- mark╌et╌ s
- Ma╌roth
- marr╌ ed
- mar╌ri╌age╌ s
- mar╌rie
- mar╌ri╌ ed
- mar╌ri╌ eth
- mar╌ry╌ ing
- ma╌ri╌ner╌ s
- ma╌rish╌ es
- mar╌row
- Mars╌hill
- Mar╌se╌na
- mart
- Mar╌tha
- mar╌tyr╌ s
- mar╌veil╌ ed
- mar╌veil╌ous╌ ly
- mar╌vel╌ s
- Ma╌ry-Mag╌da╌len
- Mas╌chil
- Mash╌man╌na
- Ma╌shal
- Ma╌fon╌ s
- Mas╌re╌kah
- Mas╌sa
- Mas╌sah
- mast╌ s
- mas╌ter╌ s
- mas╌ter╌build╌ er
- mas╌ter╌ ie╌s
- mate
- Ma╌thu╌sa╌la
- Ma╌tred
- Ma╌tri
- ma╌trix
- Mat╌tan╌ah
- Mat╌tan╌jah
- Mat╌ta╌tha
- Mat╌tath╌jah
- Mat╌te╌nai
- mat╌ter╌ s
- Mat╌than
- Mat╌that
- Mat╌ta╌thi╌as
- Mat╌thew
- Mat╌thi╌as
- Mat╌tith╌jah
- mat╌tock╌ s
- maw
- mawl
- may╌ est
- Maz╌za╌roth
- me
- mea╌dow╌ s
- Me╌ah
- meal
- mean╌while
- mean╌time
- mean╌ s
- mean╌ est
- mean╌ eth
- mean╌ ing
- meant
- Me╌a╌rah
- mea╌sure╌ s
- mea╌su╌ red
- mea╌su╌ ring
- [Page]meat╌ s
- meat╌of╌fer╌ing╌ s
- Me╌bun╌nai
- Me╌che╌rath╌ ite
- Me╌dad
- Me╌dan
- meddl
- Mede╌ s
- Me╌de╌ba
- Me╌di╌a
- Me╌di╌an
- me╌di╌a╌tour
- me╌di╌cine╌ s
- me╌di╌tate
- me╌di╌ta╌ti╌on
- medl╌ ed
- medl╌ eth
- medl╌ ing
- meek╌ ness
- meet╌ est
- meet╌ eth
- meet╌ ing
- Me╌gid╌do
- Me╌gid╌don
- Me╌he╌ta╌bel
- Me╌hi╌da
- Me╌hir
- Me╌ho╌lath╌ ite
- Me╌hu╌ja╌el
- Me╌hu╌man
- Me╌hu╌nim╌ s
- Me╌jar╌kon
- Me╌ko╌nah
- Me╌la╌ti╌ah
- Mel╌chi╌ah
- Mel╌chi╌se╌dech
- Mel╌chi╌shu╌ah
- Me╌le╌a
- Me╌lech
- Me╌li╌cu
- Me╌li╌ta
- me╌lo╌dy
- me╌lon╌ s
- melt╌ ed
- melt╌ eth
- melt╌ ing
- Mel╌zar
- mem╌ber╌ s
- me╌mo╌ri╌al
- me╌mo╌ry
- Mem╌phis
- Me╌mu╌can
- men╌pleas╌ er╌s
- Me╌na╌hem
- Me╌nam
- mend╌ ing
- Me╌ne
- men╌steal╌ er╌s
- men╌stru╌ous
- men╌ti╌on╌ ed
- Me╌o╌ne╌nim
- Me╌o╌no╌thai
- Me╌pha╌ath
- Me╌phi╌bo╌sheth
- Me╌rab
- Me╌ra╌jah
- Me╌rai╌oth
- Me╌ra╌ri
- Me╌ra╌ rite╌s
- Me╌ra╌tha╌im
- Mer╌chan╌dize
- mer╌chant╌ s
- mer╌çy╌ s
- mer╌çi╌full
- mer╌çy╌seat
- Mer╌cu╌ri╌us
- Me╌red
- Me╌re╌moth
- Me╌res
- Me╌ri╌bah
- Me╌rib╌ba╌al
- Me╌ri╌moth
- Me╌ro╌dach
- Me╌rom
- Me╌ro╌no╌thite
- Me╌roz
- mer╌ry
- mer╌ri╌ ly
- Me╌sha
- Me╌shach
- Me╌she╌lem╌jah
- Me╌she╌za╌be╌el
- Me╌shil╌le╌mith
- Me╌shil╌le╌moth
- Me╌sho╌bab
- Me╌shul╌lam╌ eth
- Me╌so╌ba╌ite
- Me╌so╌po╌ta╌mi╌a
- mes╌sage
- mes╌sen╌ger╌ s
- mess╌ es
- Mes╌si╌ah
- Mes╌si╌as
- met
- mete╌yard
- me╌ ted
- Me╌theg-Am╌mah
- Me╌thre╌dath
- [Page]Mi╌thre╌dath
- Me╌thu╌sa╌el
- Me╌thu╌se╌lah
- Meu╌nim
- Me╌za╌hab
- Mi╌a╌min
- Mib╌har
- Mib╌sam
- Mib╌zar
- Mi╌cah
- Mi╌ca╌jah
- Mi╌cha╌jah
- Mich╌tam
- mice
- Mi╌cha╌el
- Mi╌chah
- Mi╌chal
- Mich╌mash
- Mich╌me╌thah
- Mich╌ri
- mid╌day
- Mid╌din
- middl╌most
- Mi╌di╌an╌ ite╌s
- Mi╌di╌an╌ i╌tish
- mid╌night
- midst
- mid╌wife
- mid╌wive╌ s
- Mig╌dal╌el
- Mig╌dal╌gad
- Mig╌dol
- might╌ est
- might╌ y
- might╌ i╌er
- might╌ ie╌s
- might╌ i╌ly
- Mi╌gron
- Mi╌ja╌min
- Mik╌loth
- Mik╌ni╌ah
- Mi╌la╌lai
- Mil╌chah
- milch
- Mil╌com
- mil╌dew
- mile
- Mi╌le╌tum
- Mi╌le╌tus
- milk
- mill╌ s
- mil╌let
- mil╌li╌on╌ s
- Mil╌lo
- mil╌stone╌ s
- min╌ çing
- mind╌ ed
- mind╌ ing
- mind╌ full
- mind╌ s
- mine
- Min╌ja╌min
- mingl╌ ed
- mi╌nish╌ ed
- mi╌nis╌ter╌ s
- mi╌nis╌tra╌ti╌on
- mi╌nis╌ tred
- mi╌nis╌ treth
- mi╌nis╌ tring
- mi╌nis╌try
- min╌strel╌ s
- Min╌ni
- Min╌nith
- mint
- Miph╌kad
- mi╌racl╌ s
- mire
- Mi╌ri╌am
- mi╌rie
- Mir╌ma
- mirth
- mis╌car╌ry╌ ing
- mis╌chief╌ s
- mis╌chiev╌ous
- mi╌ser╌ able
- mi╌ser╌ a╌bly
- mi╌se╌rie╌ s
- Mis╌gab
- Mi╌sha╌el
- Mi╌shal
- Mi╌sham
- Mi╌she╌al
- Mish╌ma
- Mish╌ra╌ ite╌s
- Mis╌par
- Mis╌per╌ eth
- Mis╌re╌photh╌ma╌im
- Mis╌sar
- miss╌ ed
- miss╌ ing
- mist
- mis╌tress
- mis╌u╌ sed
- mite╌ s
- mi╌ter mitre
- Mith╌cah
- Mith╌nite
- [Page]Mith╌re╌dah
- mix╌ ed
- mixt╌ ure
- Mïz╌pah
- Miz╌peh
- Miz╌ra╌im
- Miz╌ra
- Mna╌son
- Mo╌ab╌ ite╌s
- Mo╌ab╌ i╌tess
- Mo╌a╌di╌ah
- mock╌ ed
- mock╌ er╌s
- mock╌ est
- mock╌ eth
- mock╌ ing╌s
- mo╌de╌ra╌ti╌on
- mo╌de╌rate╌ ly
- mo╌dest
- moe
- moist╌ en╌ed
- moist╌ ure
- Mo╌la╌dah
- Mo╌lech
- Mo╌loch
- Mo╌lid
- mol╌li╌fi╌ ed
- mole╌ s
- molt╌ en
- mo╌ment
- moneth╌ s
- month╌ ly
- mon╌ster╌ s
- mo╌nu╌ment╌ s
- mo╌ney╌chan╌ ger╌s
- moon╌ s
- Mo╌rash╌ ite
- Mor╌de╌cai
- more╌o╌ver
- Mo╌reh
- Mo╌ro╌sheth
- mor╌ga╌ ged
- Mo╌ri╌ah
- morn╌ing╌cloud
- mor╌row
- mor╌sell╌ s
- mor╌tall╌ y
- mor╌ta╌li╌tie
- mor╌ter
- mor╌ti╌fie
- Mo╌se╌ra
- Mo╌se╌roth
- Mo╌ses
- most
- mote
- moth╌eat╌ en
- mo╌ther╌ s
- mo╌ti╌on╌ s
- move╌ able
- mov╌ ed
- mov╌ edst
- mov╌ er
- mov╌ eth
- mov╌ ing
- mould╌ ie
- mount╌ain╌ s
- mount╌ ed
- mount╌ ing
- mount╌ s
- mourn╌ ed
- mourn╌ er╌s
- mourn╌ eth
- mourn╌ full╌y
- mourn╌ ing
- mouse miçe
- mouth╌ s
- mow╌ er
- mow╌ ing╌s
- mow╌ en
- moyst╌ en╌ed
- moyst╌ ure
- Mo╌za
- Mo╌zah
- much
- muffl╌ er╌s
- mul╌berrie╌trees
- mule╌ s
- mul╌ti╌ply
- mul╌ti╌pii╌ ed
- mul╌ti╌pli╌ edst
- mul╌ti╌pli╌ eth
- mul╌ti╌ply╌ ing
- mul╌ti╌tude╌ s
- mu╌ni╌ti╌on╌ s
- Mup╌pim
- mur╌der╌ er╌s
- mur╌der╌ s
- mur╌mure
- mur╌mu╌ red
- mur╌mu╌ rer╌s
- mur╌mu╌ ring╌s
- mur╌rain
- muse
- mu╌ sed
- mu╌si╌ci╌ an╌s
- [Page]mu╌sing
- Mu╌shi
- Mu╌shite╌ s
- mu╌si╌cal
- mu╌si╌ci╌an╌ s
- mu╌sick
- must
- mus╌tard╌seed
- Muth╌lab╌ben
- mus╌ter╌ ed
- mus╌ter╌ eth
- mut╌ter╌ ed
- mu╌tu╌al
- muzzl
- My╌ra
- myrrh
- myrtl╌trees
- My╌si╌a
- mys╌te╌rie╌ s
- My╌te╌le╌ne
- NA╌am╌ah
- Na╌a╌man
- Na╌a╌mite╌ s
- Na╌a╌math╌ ite
- Na╌a╌rah
- Na╌a╌rai
- Na╌a╌ran
- Na╌a╌rath
- Na╌a╌shon
- Na╌as╌son
- Na╌shon
- Na╌bal
- Na╌both
- Na╌chon
- Na╌chor
- Na╌dab
- Nag╌ge
- Na╌ha╌li╌el
- Na╌ha╌lal
- Na╌hal╌lal
- Na╌ha╌lol
- Na╌ham
- Na╌ha╌ma╌ni
- Na╌ha╌rai
- Na╌ha╌ra╌im
- Na╌hash
- Na╌hath
- Nah╌bi
- Na╌hor
- Nah╌shon
- Na╌hum
- nail╌ s
- Na╌im
- nail╌ ing
- Nai╌oth
- na╌ked╌ ness
- name╌ s
- na╌ med
- name╌ ly
- Na╌o╌mi
- Na╌phish
- Nap╌tha╌li
- Naph╌ta╌li
- Naph╌tu╌him
- nap╌kin
- Nar╌cis╌sus
- nar╌row╌ ed
- nar╌row╌ er
- nar╌row╌ ly
- Na╌than╌e╌el
- Na╌than╌me╌lech
- na╌ti╌on╌ s
- na╌tive
- na╌ti╌vi╌ty
- na╌ture
- na╌tu╌ral╌ly
- na╌vell
- naves
- naught╌ y
- naught╌ i╌ness
- na╌vie
- Na╌um
- nay
- Na╌za╌rene╌ s
- Na╌za╌reth
- Na╌za╌rite╌ s
- Ne╌ah
- Ne╌a╌po╌lis
- Ne╌ar╌jah
- Ne╌bai╌oth
- Ne╌bal╌lat
- Ne╌bat
- Ne╌bo
- Ne╌bu╌chad╌nez╌zar
- Ne╌bu╌chad╌rez╌zar
- Ne╌bu╌shas╌ban
- Ne╌bu╌za╌ra╌dan
- ne╌ces╌sa╌ry
- ne╌ces╌si╌ty
- ne╌ces╌si╌tie╌ s
- Ne╌cho
- [Page]neck╌ s
- ne╌cro╌man╌çer
- Ne╌da╌bi╌ah
- need╌ ed
- need╌ est
- need╌ eth
- need╌ ful
- need╌ s
- needl
- need╌ y
- neer╌ er
- nees╌ ed
- nees╌ ing
- Ne╌gi╌nah. noth
- neg╌lect╌ ed
- neg╌lect╌ ing
- neg╌li╌gent
- Ne╌he╌lam╌ite
- Ne╌he╌mi╌ah
- Ne╌hil╌oth
- Ne╌hush╌ta
- Ne╌hush╌tan
- Ne╌i╌el
- neigh╌bour╌ s
- neigh╌ ed
- neigh╌ ing╌s
- nei╌ther
- Ne╌keb
- Ne╌ko╌dah
- Ne╌mu╌el╌ ite╌s
- Ne╌pheg
- ne╌phew╌ s
- Ne╌phish╌e╌sim
- Nep╌to╌ah
- Nep╌tha╌li
- Ne╌phu╌shim
- Ner╌ret
- Ne╌re╌us
- Ner╌gal╌sha╌re╌zar
- Ne╌ri╌oh
- nest╌ s
- net╌ s
- Ne╌tha╌ne╌el
- Ne╌tha╌ni╌ah
- ne╌thcr╌most
- Ne╌thi╌nim╌ s
- Ne╌to╌phah
- Ne╌to╌pha╌thi
- Ne╌to╌pha╌thite╌ s
- nettl╌ s
- net╌work╌ s
- ne╌ver╌the╌less
- new╌ s
- new╌ ly
- new╌ ness
- next
- Ne╌zi╌ah
- Ne╌zib
- Nib╌haz
- Nib╌shan
- Ni╌ca╌nor
- Ni╌co╌de╌mus
- Ni╌co╌la╌i╌tan╌s
- Ni╌co╌las
- Ni╌co╌po╌lis
- Ni╌ger
- nigh
- night╌ s
- night╌hawk
- night╌watch╌ es
- Nim╌rala
- Nim╌rim
- Nim╌rod
- Nim╌shi
- nine╌teen╌ th
- nine╌ ty
- Ni╌ne╌veh
- Ni╌ne╌vite╌ s
- ninth
- Ni╌san
- Nis╌roch
- nitre
- no╌where
- no╌wise
- No╌a╌di╌ah
- No╌ah No╌e
- Nob
- No╌bah
- noble╌ s
- Nod
- No╌dab
- No╌ga
- No╌hah
- noise
- noi╌ sed
- noi╌some
- Non Nun
- none
- noon╌day╌ s
- noon╌tide
- Noph╌ah
- north╌bor╌der
- north╌quar╌ter
- north╌side
- north╌ward╌ s
- north╌west
- [Page]north╌wind
- north╌ern
- nose╌ s
- nose╌jew╌ell╌ s
- nos╌tril╌ s
- not╌with╌stand╌ ing
- no╌thing
- nought
- no╌viçe
- nou╌rish╌ eth
- nou╌rish╌ ing
- nou╌rish╌ ment
- nour╌ture
- now
- num╌ber╌ s
- num╌ bred
- num╌ brest
- num╌ bring
- Nun
- nurs╌ ed
- nurs╌ ing
- nut╌ s
- Nym╌phas
- OAk╌ s
- oar╌ s
- oath╌ s
- O╌ba╌di╌ah
- O╌bal
- O╌bed-E╌dom
- o╌be╌di╌ençe
- o╌be╌di╌ent╌ ly
- o╌bey╌ ed
- o╌bey╌ edst
- o╌bey╌ eth
- o╌bey╌ ing
- o╌bei╌sançe
- ob╌ject
- O╌bil
- ob╌la╌ti╌on╌ s
- O╌both
- ob╌scure
- ob╌scu╌ri╌ty
- ob╌serv╌a╌ti╌on
- ob╌serv╌ ed
- ob╌serv╌ est
- ob╌serv╌ eth
- ob╌sti╌nate
- ob╌tain╌ ed
- ob╌tain╌ ing
- oc╌ca╌si╌on╌ s
- oc╌ca╌si╌on╌ ed
- oc╌cu╌pa╌ti╌on
- oc╌cu╌pie
- oc╌cu╌pi╌ ed
- oc╌cu╌pi╌ eth
- oc╌cu╌pi╌ er╌s
- oc╌cur╌rent
- O╌cran
- odd
- O╌ded
- o╌di╌ous
- o╌dour╌ s
- of off
- of╌fen╌çe╌ s
- of╌fend╌ ed
- of╌fend╌ er╌s
- of╌fer╌ ing╌s
- of╌fer╌ ed
- of╌fer╌ eth
- of╌fiçe╌ s
- of╌fi╌çer╌ s
- off╌scour╌ ing
- off╌spring
- oft╌en╌time╌ s
- oft╌ner
- Og
- oh
- O╌had
- O╌hel
- oke╌ s
- old╌age
- old╌man
- old╌men
- old╌time
- old╌ ness
- O╌lym╌pas
- o╌live╌ s
- O╌liv╌et
- o╌live╌tree╌ s
- o╌live╌yard╌ s
- O╌me╌ga
- O╌mar
- O╌mer╌ s
- o╌mitt╌ ed
- om╌ni╌po╌tent
- Om╌ri
- [Page]on
- O╌nam
- O╌nan
- onçe
- one╌an╌o╌ther
- one╌ly
- ones
- on╌ly
- O╌ne╌si╌mus
- O╌ne╌si╌pho╌rus
- O╌ni╌cha
- o╌ni╌on╌ s
- O╌nyx╌stone
- O╌no
- on╌ward
- o╌pen╌ ed
- o╌pen╌ est
- o╌pen╌ eth
- o╌pen╌ ing╌s
- o╌pen╌ ly
- o╌per╌a╌ti╌on╌ s
- O╌phel
- O╌phir
- O╌phim
- Oph╌rah
- o╌pi╌ni╌on╌ s
- op╌por╌tu╌ni╌ty
- op╌pose
- op╌po╌ sed
- op╌po╌ sest
- op╌po╌ seth
- op╌po╌si╌ti╌on╌ s
- op╌press╌ ed
- op╌press╌ eth
- op╌press╌ ing
- op╌press╌ i╌on╌s
- op╌press╌ our╌s
- o╌racl╌ s
- o╌ra╌tour
- o╌ra╌ti╌on
- or╌chard╌ s
- or╌dain╌ ed
- or╌dain╌ eth
- or╌der╌ ed
- or╌der╌ eth
- or╌der╌ ing╌s
- or╌der╌ ly
- or╌din╌ançe╌ s
- or╌di╌na╌ry
- O╌reb
- O╌ren
- or╌gan╌ s
- O╌ri╌on
- or╌na╌ment╌ s
- Or╌nan
- Or╌phah
- or╌phane╌ s
- O╌she╌a
- Os╌pray
- Os╌si╌frage
- Os╌trich╌ es
- o╌ther╌ s
- o╌ther╌side
- o╌ther╌wise
- Oth╌ni╌el
- ouch╌ es
- ought╌ est
- our╌ s
- out╌cast╌ s
- out╌ er
- out╌go╌ ing╌s
- out╌land╌ish
- out╌liv╌ ed
- out╌most
- out╌run
- out╌side
- out╌stretch╌ ed
- out╌ra╌gi╌ous
- out╌wardly
- out╌went
- o╌ven╌ s
- o╌ver╌against
- o╌ver╌came
- o╌ver╌charge
- o╌ver╌char╌ ged
- o╌ver╌come
- o╌ver╌com╌ eth
- o╌ver╌drive
- o╌ver╌flow╌ ed
- o╌ver╌flow╌ eth
- o╌ver╌flow╌ ing
- over╌flown
- o╌ver╌lay╌ ing
- o╌ver╌laid
- o╌ver╌liv╌ ed
- o╌ver╌much
- o╌ver╌pass
- o╌ver╌past
- o╌ver╌plus
- o╌ver╌ran
- o╌ver╌runn╌ ing
- o╌ver╌see
- o╌ver╌se╌er╌ s
- [Page]o╌ver╌sha╌dow╌ ed
- o╌ver╌sight
- o╌ver╌spread╌ ing
- o╌ver╌take
- o╌ver╌ta╌ ken
- o╌ver╌ta╌ keth
- o╌ver╌threw
- o╌ver╌throw╌ eth
- o╌ver╌thrown
- o╌ver╌took
- o╌ver╌turn╌ eth
- o╌ver╌turn╌ ed
- o╌ver╌whelm╌ ed
- o╌ver╌wise
- ow╌ est
- ow╌ eth
- owl╌ s
- ôwn╌ er╌s
- ox╌en
- oyl╌ ed╌tree
- oyl╌o╌live
- oynt╌ment╌ s
- O╌zem
- O╌zen
- Oz╌ni
- PA╌a╌rai
- pa╌çe╌ s
- pa╌çi╌fie
- pa╌çi╌fi╌ ed
- pa╌çi╌fi╌ eth
- Pa╌dan-A╌ram
- paddl
- Pa╌don
- Pa╌gi╌el
- Pa╌hath-Mo╌ab
- Paï Pau
- paid pay╌ ed
- pain╌ s
- pain╌ ed
- pain╌ full╌ness
- paint╌ ed
- paint╌ edst
- paint╌ ing
- pair
- pa╌laçe
- pa╌laçe╌ s
- Pa╌lal
- pale╌ ness
- Pa╌les╌ti╌na
- Pa╌les╌tine
- Pal╌la╌ ite╌s
- palm╌branch╌ es
- pal╌mer╌worm
- palm╌ s
- palm╌tree╌ s
- pal╌sie╌ s
- Pal╌ti╌el
- Pal╌tite
- Pam╌phy╌li╌a
- pang╌ s
- Pan╌nag
- pan╌ s
- pant╌ ed
- pant╌ eth
- pa╌per
- Pa╌phos
- pap╌ s
- pa╌rabl╌ s
- pa╌ra╌dise
- Pa╌rah
- par╌a╌mour╌ s
- Pa╌ran
- Par╌bar
- par╌çell
- parch╌ ed
- parch╌ment╌ s
- par╌don╌ ed
- par╌don╌ eth
- pare
- pa╌rent╌ s
- par╌lour╌ s
- Par╌mash╌ta
- Par╌nach
- Pa╌rosh
- Par╌shan╌da╌tha
- part╌ s
- par╌ta╌ker╌ s
- par╌ta╌kest
- part╌ ed
- part╌ eth
- Par╌thi╌an╌ s
- par╌ti╌a╌li╌ty
- par╌ti╌all
- par╌ti╌cu╌lar╌ly
- par╌tie╌ s
- part╌ ing
- par╌ti╌ti╌on
- part╌ ly
- part╌ner╌ s
- par╌tridg
- Pa╌ru╌ah
- [Page]Par╌va╌im
- Pa╌sach
- Pas-Dam╌mim
- Pa╌se╌ah
- Pa╌shur
- pass╌age╌ s
- pass╌ ed
- pass╌ edst
- pass╌en╌ger╌ s
- pass╌ est
- pass╌ eth
- pass╌o╌ver╌ s
- pass╌ ing
- pas╌si╌on╌ s
- past
- pas╌tour╌ s
- pas╌ture╌ s
- Pa╌ta╌ra
- pate
- pa╌tern╌ s
- path╌ s
- path╌way
- Pa╌thros
- Pa╌thru╌sim
- pa╌ti╌ençe
- pa╌ti╌ent╌ ly
- Pat╌mos
- pa╌tri╌arch╌ s
- pa╌tri╌mo╌ny
- Pa╌tro╌bas
- pat╌tern
- Pau-Pai
- pave╌ment
- pa╌ved
- pa╌vi╌li╌on╌ s
- Paul╌us
- paw╌ s
- paw╌ eth
- pay╌ ed
- pay╌ eth
- pay╌ ment
- peaçe╌ able
- peaçe╌ a╌bly
- peaçe╌ma╌ker╌ s
- peaçe╌of╌fring╌ s
- pea╌cock╌ s
- pearl╌ s
- pe╌cu╌li╌ar
- Pe╌da╌hel
- Pe╌dah╌zur
- Pe╌da╌jah
- pe╌de╌gree╌ s
- peel╌ ed
- peep╌ ed
- Pe╌kah╌jah
- Pe╌kod
- Pe╌la╌jah
- Pe╌lal╌jah
- Pe╌la╌ti╌ah
- Pe╌leg
- Pe╌let
- Pe╌leth╌ ite╌s
- pe╌li╌can
- Pe╌lon╌ ite
- pen╌knife
- pe╌nie pençe
- Pe╌ni╌el
- pe╌nie╌worth
- Pe╌nin╌nah
- Pen╌te╌cost
- Pe╌nu╌el
- pe╌nu╌ry
- peopl╌ s
- Pe╌or
- per╌ad╌ven╌ture
- Pe╌ra╌zim
- per╌çeiv╌ ed
- per╌çeiv╌ est
- per╌çeīv╌ eth
- per╌çeiv╌ ing
- per╌di╌ti╌on
- Pe╌res
- Pe╌resh
- Pe╌rez-Uz╌za
- per╌fect╌ ed
- per╌fect╌ ing
- per╌fect╌ ly
- per╌fec╌ti╌on
- per╌fect╌ ness
- per╌fit
- per╌form╌ançe
- per╌form╌ ed
- per╌form╌ eth
- per╌form╌ ing
- per╌fume╌ s
- per╌fu╌ med
- Per╌ga╌mos
- per╌hap╌ s
- Pe╌ri╌da
- pe╌ril╌ous
- pe╌ril╌ s
- per╌ish╌ ed
- per╌ish╌ eth
- per╌ish╌ ing
- per╌ju╌ red
- Pe╌riz╌zite╌ s
- Per╌me╌nas
- per╌mis╌si╌on
- [Page]per╌mitt╌ ed
- per╌ni╌çi╌ous
- per╌pe╌tu╌all╌ y
- per╌plex╌ ed
- per╌plex╌i╌ty
- per╌se╌cute
- per╌se╌cu╌ ted
- per╌se╌cu╌ test
- per╌se╌cu╌ ting
- per╌se╌cu╌ti╌on╌ s
- per╌se╌cu╌ter╌ s
- per╌se╌ve╌rançe
- Per╌si╌a
- Per╌si╌an
- per╌son╌ s
- per╌swade
- per╌swa╌ ded
- per╌swa╌ dest
- per╌swa╌ deth
- per╌swa╌ ding
- per╌swa╌si╌on
- per╌tain╌ ed
- per╌tain╌ eth
- per╌tain╌ ing
- Pe╌ru╌da
- per╌verse╌ ness
- per╌vers╌ ly
- per╌vert╌ ed
- per╌vert╌ eth
- per╌vert╌ ing
- pes╌tell
- pes╌ti╌lençe╌ s
- pes╌ti╌lent
- Pe╌ter
- Pe╌thah╌jah
- Pe╌thor
- Pe╌thu╌el
- pe╌ti╌ti╌on╌ s
- Pe╌ul╌thai
- Pha╌leg
- Phal╌lu
- Phal╌ti╌el
- Pha╌nu╌el
- Pha╌raoh╌ s
- Pha╌raoh-Ho╌phra
- Pha╌raoh-Ne╌cho
- Pha╌res
- Pha╌rez╌ ite╌s
- pha╌ri╌see╌ s
- Pha╌rosh
- Phar╌par
- Pha╌se╌ah
- Phe╌be
- Phe╌ni╌çe
- Phe╌ni╌ci╌a
- Phi╌be╌seth
- Phi╌col
- Phil╌a╌del╌phi╌a
- Phi╌le╌mon
- Phi╌le╌tus
- Phi╌lip╌pi╌an╌ s
- Phi╌lis╌ti╌a
- Phi╌lis╌ti╌im
- Phi╌lis╌tine
- Phi╌lis╌tine╌ s
- Phi╌lo╌lo╌gus
- phi╌lo╌so╌pher╌ s
- phi╌lo╌so╌phy
- Phi╌ne╌has
- Phle╌gon
- Phry╌gi╌a
- Phu╌rah
- Phut
- Phu╌u╌ah
- Phy╌gel╌lus
- phy╌lac╌te╌rie╌ s
- phy╌si╌ci╌an╌ s
- pick
- pic╌ture╌ s
- pieçe╌ s
- pierçe
- pier╌ çed
- pier╌ çeth
- pier╌ çing╌s
- pi╌e╌ty
- pi╌ge╌on╌ s
- Pi╌ha╌hi╌roth
- Pi╌late
- Pil╌dash
- pile
- Pi╌le╌ha
- pil╌grim╌age
- pil╌grim╌ s
- pil╌lar╌ s
- pill╌ ed
- pil╌low╌ s
- pi╌lot╌ s
- Pil╌tai
- pi╌nacl
- pine╌tree
- pi╌ neth
- pi╌ning
- Pin
- Pi╌non
- pin╌ s
- [Page]pipe╌ s
- pi╌ ped
- pi╌ per╌s
- Pi╌ram
- Pi╌ra╌thon╌ ite
- Pis╌gah
- Pi╌si╌di╌a
- Pi╌son
- Pis╌pah
- piss╌ eth
- pit╌ s
- pitch╌ ed
- pitch╌ er╌s
- Pi╌thom
- Pi╌thon
- pi╌ty
- pi╌ti╌ ed
- pi╌ti╌ eth
- pi╌ti full
- plaçe╌ s
- plague╌ s
- pla╌gued
- plain╌ s
- plain╌ ness
- plais╌ter╌ ed
- plait╌ ing
- plane╌ s
- pla╌net╌ s
- plank╌ s
- plant╌ s
- plant╌ a╌ti╌on
- plant╌ ed
- plant╌ edst
- plant╌ er╌s
- plant╌ eth
- plant╌ ing╌s
- plat
- plate╌ s
- platt╌ ed
- plat╌ter
- play╌ ed
- piay╌ edst
- play╌ er╌s
- play╌ eth
- play╌ ing
- plea
- plead╌ ed
- plead╌ eth
- plead╌ ing
- pleas╌ant╌ ness
- please
- pleas╌ ed
- pleas╌ er╌s
- pleas╌ eth
- pleas╌ ing
- pleas╌ure╌ s
- pledg╌ es
- Plei╌a╌des
- plen╌te╌ous
- plen╌te╌ous╌ ness
- plen╌tie
- plen╌ti╌full╌ y
- plott╌ eth
- plough
- plow╌ ed
- plow╌ eth
- plow╌ er╌s
- plow╌ ing
- plow╌ man
- plow╌ men
- plow╌share╌ s
- pluck╌ ed
- pluck╌ eth
- pluckt
- plumb╌line
- plum╌met
- plunge
- Po╌che╌reth
- po╌et╌ s
- point╌ s
- point╌ ed
- poi╌son
- pole
- po╌li╌cie
- po╌lish╌ ed
- po╌lish╌ ing
- poll╌ ed
- pol╌ s
- pol╌lute
- pol╌lu╌ ted
- pol╌lu╌ ting
- pol╌lu╌ti╌on╌ s
- Pol╌lux
- pome╌gra╌nate╌ s
- po╌mel╌ s
- pomp
- pon╌der╌ ed
- pon╌der╌ eth
- pond╌ s
- Pon╌ti╌us
- pool╌ s
- poor╌ er
- poor╌ est
- pop╌lar╌ s
- po╌pu╌lous
- Po╌ra╌tha
- [Page]porch╌ es
- porct╌ er╌s
- por╌ti╌on╌ s
- Por╌ti╌us
- pos╌sess╌ ed
- pos╌sess╌ est
- pos╌sess╌ eth
- pos╌sess╌ ing
- pos╌sess╌ i╌on╌s
- pos╌sess╌ our╌s
- poss╌ ibl
- post╌ s
- pos╌te╌ri╌ty
- pot╌ s
- po╌ten╌tate
- Po╌ti╌phar
- Po╌ti╌phe╌rah
- pot╌sheard
- pott╌age
- pott╌ er╌s
- po╌ver╌tie
- pound╌ s
- pour╌tray╌ ed
- pow╌der╌ s
- pow╌er╌ s
- pow╌er╌ full
- powr╌ ed
- powr╌ edst
- powr╌ eth
- powr╌ ing
- prac╌tise╌ s
- prac╌ti╌ sed
- praise
- prais╌ ed es eth ing
- prans╌ ing╌s
- pra╌ ting
- pray╌ ed
- pray╌ er╌s
- pray╌ est
- pray╌ eth
- pray╌ ing
- preach╌ ed
- preach╌ er
- preach╌ est
- preach╌ eth
- preach╌ ing
- pre╌çept╌ s
- pre╌çi╌ous
- pre╌des╌tin╌ate
- pre╌des╌tin╌a╌ ted
- pre╌ferr╌ ed
- pre╌ferr╌ ing
- pre╌he╌min╌ençe
- pre╌me╌di╌tate
- pre╌pa╌ra╌ti╌on╌ s
- pre╌pare
- pre╌pa╌ red
- pre╌pa╌ redst
- pre╌pa╌ rest
- pre╌pa╌ reth
- pre╌pa╌ ring
- pres╌by╌te╌rie
- pre╌scri╌ bed
- pre╌scri╌ bing
- pre╌sençe
- pre╌sent╌ ed
- pre╌sent╌ ing
- pre╌sent╌ ly
- pre╌sents
- pre╌serv╌ ed
- pre╌serv╌ er
- pre╌serv╌ est
- pre╌serv╌ eth
- pre╌si╌dent╌ s
- press╌fat
- press╌ ed
- press╌ es
- press╌ eth
- pre╌sume
- pre╌su╌ med
- pre╌sump╌tu╌ous╌ ly
- pre╌tençe
- Pre╌to╌ri╌um
- pre╌vail╌ ed
- pre╌vail╌ est
- pre╌vail╌ eth
- pre╌vent╌ ed
- pre╌vent╌ est
- prey
- priçe╌ s
- prick╌ ed
- prick╌ ing
- prick╌ s
- pride
- priest╌ s
- priest╌hood
- prinçe╌ s
- prin╌çess╌ es
- prin╌çi╌pal
- prin╌çi╌pa╌li╌tie╌ s
- prin╌çipl╌ s
- print╌ ed
- Pris╌ca
- Pris╌çil╌la
- pri╌son╌ s
- pri╌son╌ er╌s
- pri╌vate╌ ly
- [Page]pri╌vie
- pri╌vi╌ly
- pri╌zed
- pro╌çeed╌ ed
- pro╌çeed╌ eth
- pro╌çeed╌ ing
- pro╌çess
- Pro╌cho╌rus
- pro╌cla╌ma╌ti╌on
- pro╌claim╌ ed
- pro╌claim╌ eth
- pro╌claim╌ ing
- prō╌cure
- prō╌cu╌ red
- prō╌cu╌ reth
- prō╌duçe
- prō╌fane
- pro╌fess╌ ed
- prō╌fess╌ ing
- pro╌fess╌ i╌on
- pro╌fit╌ able
- pro╌fit╌ ed
- pro╌fit╌ eth
- pro╌fit╌ ing
- prō╌found
- prō╌ge╌ni╌tor╌ s
- pro╌gnos╌ti╌ca╌tor╌ s
- prō╌long╌ ed
- prō╌long╌ eth
- pro╌mise╌ s
- pro╌mi╌ sed
- pro╌mi╌ sedst
- pro╌mi╌ sing
- pro╌mote
- pro╌mō╌ ted
- pro╌mō╌ti╌on
- pro╌nounçe
- pro╌noun╌ çed
- pro╌noun╌ çing
- proof╌ s
- pro╌fane╌ ness
- pro╌fa╌ ned
- pro╌fa╌ neth
- pro╌fa╌ ning
- pro╌per
- pro╌phe╌sie
- pro╌phe╌çie╌ s
- pro╌phe╌si╌ eth
- pro╌phe╌sy╌ ing╌s
- pro╌phet╌ s
- pro╌phet╌ ess
- pro╌pi╌ti╌a╌ti╌on
- pro╌por╌ti╌on
- pros╌e╌lyte╌ s
- pro╌spect
- pro╌sper╌ous╌ ly
- pro╌sti╌tute
- pro╌tec╌ti╌on
- pro╌test╌ ed
- pro╌test╌ ing
- proud╌ ly
- prov╌ ed
- prov╌ eth
- prov╌ ing
- pro╌ven╌der
- pro╌verb╌ s
- pro╌vide
- pro╌vi╌ ded
- pro╌vi╌dençe
- pro╌vi╌ deth
- pro╌vi╌ ding
- pro╌vinçe╌ s
- pro╌vi╌si╌on
- pro╌vo╌ca╌ti╌on
- pro╌voke
- pro╌vo╌ ked
- pro╌vo╌ kedst
- pro╌vo╌ keth
- pro╌vo╌ kiag
- pru╌dençe
- pru╌dent╌ ly
- prune
- pru╌ ned
- pru╌ ning
- psalm╌ s
- psalm╌ ist
- psal╌te╌rie╌ s
- Pto╌lo╌mā╌is
- Pu╌ah
- Pu╌nite╌ s
- pub╌li╌can╌ s
- pub╌lick╌ ly
- pub╌lish╌ ed
- pub╌lish╌ eth
- Pub╌li╌us
- Pu╌dens
- puff╌ ed╌up
- puff╌ eth
- Pu╌hite╌ s
- Pul
- pull╌ ed
- pull╌ ing
- pul╌pit
- pulse
- [Page]pun╌ish╌ ed
- pu╌nish╌ ment╌s
- Pu╌non
- Pur╌im
- pur╌chase
- pur╌cha╌ sed
- pure╌ ly
- pure╌ ness
- pu╌ rer
- purge
- pur╌ ged
- pur╌ geth
- pur╌ ging
- pu╌ri╌fi╌ca╌ti╌on
- pu╌ri╌fie
- pu╌ri╌fi╌ ed
- pu╌ri╌fi╌ er
- pu╌ri╌fi╌ eth
- pu╌ri╌fy╌ ing
- pu╌ri╌ty
- pur╌loin╌ ing
- purpl
- pur╌pose╌ s
- pur╌po╌ sed
- pur╌po╌ seth
- pur╌po╌ sing
- purs╌ es
- pur╌sue
- pur╌su╌ ed
- pur╌su╌ er╌s
- pur╌su╌ eth
- pur╌su╌ ing
- pur╌ten╌ançe
- push╌ ing
- pusht
- put
- put
- putt╌ est
- putt╌ eth
- putt╌ ing
- Pu╌te╌ō╌li
- Pu╌ti╌el
- pu╌tre╌fy╌ ing
- Py╌gard
- Quail╌ s
- quake
- qua╌ ked
- qua╌ king
- quan╌ti╌ty
- quar╌rell
- quar╌rie╌ s
- quart╌ er╌s
- Quar╌tus
- qua╌ter╌ni╌on╌ s
- queen╌ s
- quench╌ ed
- ques╌ti╌on╌ s
- ques╌ti╌on╌ ed
- ques╌ti╌on╌ ing
- quick╌ en╌ed
- quick╌ en╌eth
- quick╌ en╌ing
- quick╌ ly
- quick╌sand╌ s
- qui╌et╌ ed
- qui╌et╌ eth
- qui╌et╌ ly
- qui╌et╌ ness
- quit
- quite
- qui╌ver╌ ed
- RA╌a╌mah
- Ra╌am╌jah
- Ra╌a╌me╌ses
- Ra╌me╌ses
- Rab╌bah
- Rab╌bi
- Rab╌bith
- Rab╌bo╌ni
- Rab╌mag
- Rab╌sa╌ris
- Rab╌sha╌keh
- raçe
- Ra╌cha╌b
- Ra╌chal
- Ra╌chel
- Ra╌hel
- Rad╌dai
- raft╌ er╌s
- Ra╌gan
- raye
- ra╌ ged
- ra╌ geth
- ra╌ ging
- rag╌ ged
- ray╌ s
- Ra╌gu╌el
- Ra╌bab
- Ra╌chab
- Ra╌ham
- rail╌ ed
- [Page]rail╌ er
- rail╌ ing
- rai╌ment
- rain╌bow
- rain╌ ed
- rain╌ ie
- raise
- rais╌ ed
- rais╌ er
- rais╌ eth
- rais╌ ing
- rai╌sin╌s
- Ra╌kem
- Rak╌kath
- Rak╌kon
- ram╌s╌skins
- Ra╌ma
- Ra╌mah
- Ra╌math╌a╌im
- Ra╌math╌ ite
- Ra╌math-Le╌hi
- Ra╌math-Miz╌peh
- Ra╌me╌ses
- Ram╌jah
- Ra╌moth-Gi╌le╌ad
- ram╌part
- ran
- rang
- range
- ran╌ ges
- ran╌ ging
- rank╌ s
- ran╌som╌ ed
- Ra╌pha╌phah
- Ra╌phu
- rare
- rase
- rash╌ ly
- ra╌sor
- rate
- ra╌ther
- ratl╌ eth
- ratl╌ ing
- ra╌ven╌ ing
- ra╌ven╌ous
- ra╌ven╌ s
- Ra╌vin
- ra╌vish╌ ed
- ra╌visht
- raw
- reach╌ ed
- reach╌ eth
- reach╌ ing
- read╌ est
- read╌ eth
- read╌ ing
- rea╌di╌ ness
- rea╌dy
- Re╌a╌jah
- realm
- reap╌ ed
- reap╌ er╌s
- reap╌ est
- reap╌ eth
- reap╌ ing
- rear╌ ed
- rea╌son╌ able
- rea╌son╌ ed
- rea╌son╌ ing
- rea╌son╌ s
- Re╌ba
- Re╌be╌kah
- re╌bell╌ ed
- re╌bell╌ est
- re╌bell╌ i╌on
- re╌bell╌ i╌ous
- re╌bel╌ s
- re╌buke╌ s
- re╌bu╌ ked
- re╌bu╌ keth
- re╌bu╌ ker
- re╌bu╌ king
- re╌call
- re╌çeit
- re╌çeiv╌ ed
- re╌çeiv╌ edst
- re╌çeiv╌ er
- re╌çeiv╌ eth
- re╌çeiv╌ ing
- Re╌chab╌ ite╌s
- Re╌chah
- rec╌kon╌ ed
- rec╌kon╌ eth
- rec╌kon╌ ing
- re╌com╌mend╌ ed
- re╌com╌pençe╌ s
- re╌com╌pense
- re╌com╌pens╌ ed
- re╌com╌pens╌ est
- re╌com╌pens╌ ing
- re╌con╌çile
- re╌con╌çi╌li╌ a╌ti╌on
- re╌con╌çi╌ led
- re╌con╌çi╌ ling
- re╌cord╌ ed
- re╌cord╌ er
- re╌cord╌ s
- [Page] [...]e╌co╌ver╌ ed
- [...]e╌co╌ver╌ ing
- [...]e╌count
- [...]ed╌sea
- [...]ed╌dish
- [...]e╌deem╌ ed
- [...]e╌deem╌ edst
- [...]e╌deem╌ er
- [...]e╌deem╌ eth
- [...]e╌deem╌ ing
- re╌demp╌ti╌on
- red╌ ness
- re╌dound
- reed╌ s
- Re╌e╌la╌jah
- Re╌el
- re╌fine
- re╌fi╌ ned
- re╌fi╌ ner
- re╌form╌ a╌ti╌on
- re╌form╌ ed
- re╌frain╌ ed
- re╌frain╌ eth
- re╌fresh╌ ed
- re╌fresh╌ eth
- re╌fresh╌ ing
- re╌fuge
- re╌fuse
- re╌fu╌ sed
- re╌fu╌ sedst
- re╌fu╌ seth
- re╌gard╌ ed
- re╌gard╌ est
- re╌gard╌ eth
- re╌gard╌ ing
- [...]
- re╌ge╌ne╌ra╌ti╌on
- re╌gi╌on╌ s
- re╌gis╌ter
- Re╌hab╌jah
- re╌hears╌ ed
- Re╌hob╌oth
- Re╌ho╌bo╌am
- Re╌hum
- Re╌i
- re╌ject╌ ed
- re╌ject╌ eth
- reign╌ ed
- reign╌ est
- reign╌ eth
- reign╌ ing
- rein╌ s
- re╌joyçe
- re╌joy╌ ç [...]th
- re╌joy╌ çest
- re╌joy╌çing
- Re╌kem
- re╌leas╌ ed
- re╌lease
- re╌lie
- re╌li╌ ed
- re╌lief
- re╌liev╌ ed eth
- re╌li╌gi╌on
- re╌li╌gi╌ous
- re╌main╌der
- re╌main╌ ed
- re╌main╌ est
- re╌main╌ eth
- re╌main╌ ing
- Re╌ma╌li╌ah
- re╌me╌dy
- re╌mem╌ber
- re╌mem╌brançe╌ s
- re╌mem╌bred
- re╌mem╌ brest
- re╌mem╌ breth
- re╌mem╌ bring
- Re╌meth
- re╌mis╌si╌on
- re╌mitt╌ ed
- Rem╌mon╌me╌tho ar
- rem╌nant
- re╌move
- re╌mov╌ ed
- re╌mov╌ eth
- re╌mov╌ ing
- Rem╌phan
- rend
- ren╌ der
- ren╌ dred
- ren╌ drest
- ren╌ dring
- re╌new╌ ed
- re╌new╌ est
- re╌new╌ ing
- re╌noun╌ çed
- re╌nown╌ ed
- rent╌ est
- rent╌ ing
- re╌pair╌ ed
- re╌pair╌ er╌s
- re╌paīr╌ ing
- re╌pay
- re╌pay╌ ed
- re╌pay╌ eth
- re╌peat╌ eth
- re╌peat╌ançe
- [Page]re╌pent╌ ed
- re╌pent╌ est
- re╌pent╌ eth
- re╌pent╌ ing╌s
- re╌pe╌tī╌ti╌on╌ s
- Re╌phah
- Re╌pha╌el
- Re╌pha╌jah
- Re╌pha╌im╌ s
- Re╌phi╌dim
- re╌plen╌ish╌ ed
- re╌ply╌ est
- re╌port╌ ed
- re╌proach╌ ed
- re╌proach╌ es
- re╌proach╌ est
- re╌proach╌ eth
- re╌proach╌ full╌y
- re╌pro╌bate╌ s
- re╌proof╌ s
- re╌prov
- re╌prov╌ ed
- re╌prov╌ eth
- re╌prov╌ er
- re╌pu╌ta╌ti╌on
- re╌pu╌ ted
- re╌quest╌ ed
- re╌quire
- re╌qui╌ red
- re╌qui╌ rest
- re╌qui╌ reth
- re╌qui╌ ring
- re╌quite
- re╌qui╌ ted
- re╌qui╌ ting
- rere╌ward
- res╌cue
- res╌cu╌ ed
- res╌cu╌ eth
- re╌sembl╌ançe
- re╌sembl╌ ed
- Re╌sen
- re╌serv╌ ed
- re╌serv╌ eth
- re╌si╌due
- re╌sist╌ ed
- re╌sist╌ eth
- re╌solv╌ ed
- re╌sort╌ ed
- re╌spect╌ ed
- re╌spect╌ er
- re╌spect╌ eth
- res╌pit
- rest╌ ed
- rest╌ est
- rest╌ eth
- rest╌ ing
- re╌sti╌tu╌ti╌on
- re╌store
- re╌sto╌ red
- re╌sto╌ rer
- re╌sto╌ reth
- re╌strain╌ ed
- re╌strain╌ est
- re╌straint
- rest╌ s
- re╌sur╌rec╌ti╌on
- re╌tain╌ ed
- re╌tain╌ eth
- re╌tire
- re╌ti╌ red
- re╌turn╌ ed
- re╌turn╌ eth
- re╌turn╌ ing
- Re╌u-Re╌hu
- Reu╌ben╌ ite╌s
- re╌veal╌ ed
- re╌veal╌ er
- re╌veal╌ eth
- Re╌vel
- re╌ve╌la╌ti╌on╌ s
- re╌vell╌ ing╌s
- re╌venge
- re╌ven╌ ged
- re╌ven╌ ger╌s
- re╌ven╌ ges
- re╌ven╌ geth
- re╌ven╌ ging
- re╌ve╌nue╌ s
- re╌ver╌ençe
- re╌ver╌en╌çed
- re╌ver╌end
- re╌verse
- re╌vile
- re╌vile
- re╌vi╌ led
- re╌vi╌ ler╌s
- re╌vi╌ lest
- re╌vi╌ ling╌s
- re╌vive
- re╌vi╌ ved
- re╌vi╌ ving
- Reu╌mah
- re╌volt╌ ed
- re╌volt╌ er╌s
- re╌volt╌ ing
- re╌ward╌ ed
- re╌ward╌ er
- [Page]reward╌ eth
- re╌ward╌ s
- Re╌zeph
- Re╌zi╌a
- Re╌zin
- Re╌zon
- Rhe╌gi╌um
- Rhe╌sa
- Rho╌da
- Rhode╌ s
- rib╌ s
- Ri╌bai
- rib╌band
- Rib╌lah
- rich╌ er
- rich╌ es
- rich╌ ly
- rid╌dançe
- rid╌ den
- riddl
- ride
- ri╌ der╌s
- ri╌ deth
- ri╌ ding
- ridg╌ es
- rie
- ri╌ fled
- right╌e╌ous╌ ly
- right╌e╌ous╌ness╌ es
- right╌ ly
- ri╌gour
- Rim╌mon-Pa╌rez
- ring╌lead╌ er
- ring╌ s
- ring╌stra╌ ked
- Rin╌nah
- rins╌ ed
- ri╌ot╌ ing
- ri╌ot╌ous
- rip
- ripe
- ri╌pen╌ ing
- Ri╌phath
- ript
- rise
- ris╌ en
- ri╌ sest
- ri╌ seth
- ri╌ sing
- Ris╌jah
- rite╌ s
- Rith╌mah
- ri╌ver╌ s
- Riz╌pah
- roar╌ ed
- roar╌ eth
- roar╌ ing╌s
- rob╌ bed
- rob╌ ber╌s
- rob╌ber╌ïe
- rob╌ beth
- robe╌ s
- Ro╌bo╌am
- rock╌ s
- rod╌ s
- rode
- roe╌buck╌ s
- roe╌ s
- Ro╌ge╌lim
- Roh╌gah
- roll╌ ed
- roll╌ er
- roll╌ eth
- roll╌ ing
- Ro╌mam╌ti-E╌zer
- Ro╌mane╌ s
- Rome
- roof╌ s
- room╌ s
- root╌ s
- root╌ ed
- rope╌ s
- rose
- Rosh
- rost╌ ed
- rost╌ eth
- rott╌en╌ ness
- rov╌ er╌s
- rough╌ ly
- roule╌ s
- round╌a╌bout
- rouse
- rôw╌ ed
- rôw╌ er╌s
- rôw╌ ing
- rowe╌ s
- roy╌el
- rubb╌ ing
- rubb╌ ish
- ru╌bie╌ s
- rud╌der╌band╌ s
- rud╌dy
- rude
- ru╌di╌ment╌ s
- [Page]rue
- Ru╌fus
- Ru╌ha╌mah
- ru╌ine╌ s
- ru╌in╌ ed
- ru╌in╌ ous
- rule
- ru╌ led
- ru╌ ler╌s
- ru╌ lest
- ru╌ leth
- ru╌ ling
- Ru╌mah
- rumbl╌ ing
- ru╌mour╌ s
- rump
- runn╌ er
- runn╌ est
- runn╌ eth
- runn╌ ing
- rush╌ ed
- rush╌ es
- rush╌ eth
- rush╌ ing
- rust
- Ruth
- rye
- SA╌ba╌oth
- sab╌bath╌ s
- Sab╌di
- Sa╌be╌an╌ s
- Sab╌tah
- Sab╌te╌cah
- Sa╌car
- sack╌ s
- sack╌but
- sack╌cloth
- sack╌clothe╌ s
- sa╌cri╌fiçe
- sa╌eri╌fi╌ çed
- sa╌cri╌fi╌ çedst
- sa╌cri╌fi╌ çes
- sa╌cri╌fi╌ çeth
- sa╌cri╌fi╌ çing
- sa╌cri╌ledg
- sad╌ ly
- Sad╌du╌çes
- saddl╌ ed
- sad╌ ness
- Sa╌doc
- safe╌guard
- safe╌ ly
- safe╌ ty
- saf╌fron
- Sa╌ha╌du╌the╌a
- said╌ est
- sail╌ ed
- sail╌ er╌s
- sail╌ ing
- saint╌ s
- saith
- sake╌ s
- Sa╌la╌mis
- Sa╌lah She╌lah
- Sa╌la╌thi╌el
- Sal╌cah
- sale
- Sa╌lem
- Sa╌lim
- Sal╌lai
- Sal╌lu
- Sal╌lum
- Sal╌ma
- Sal╌mah
- Sal╌mon
- Sal╌mo╌ne
- Sa╌lo╌me
- salt╌ ed
- salt╌ ness
- Sa╌lu
- sal╌va╌ti╌on
- sa╌lu╌ta╌ti╌on╌ s
- sa╌lute
- sa╌lu╌ ted
- sa╌lu╌ teth
- Sa╌ma╌ri╌a
- Sa╌ma╌ri╌tan╌ s
- same
- Sam╌gar-Ne╌bo
- Sam╌lah
- Sa╌mos
- Sa╌mo-Thra╌ci╌a
- Sam╌son╌ s
- Sa╌mu╌el She╌mu╌el
- San╌bal╌lat
- sanc╌ti╌fi╌ca╌ti╌on
- sanc╌ti╌fie
- sanc╌ti╌fi╌ ed
- sanc╌ti╌fi╌ eth
- sanc╌tu╌a╌rie╌ s
- sand╌ales
- sang
- sank
- San╌san╌nah
- [Page]sap
- Saph
- Sa╌phir
- Sa╌phire╌ s
- Sap╌phi╌ra
- Sa╌rah╌ s
- Sa╌ra╌i
- Sa╌ra╌jah
- Sa╌raph
- Sar╌se╌chim
- Sar╌dine
- Sar╌dis
- Sar╌dite╌ s
- Sar╌di╌us
- Sard╌o╌nix
- Sa╌rep╌ta
- Sar╌gon
- Sa╌rid
- Sa╌ron
- Sa╌ruch
- Sa╌tan
- sate
- sa╌test
- sa╌ti╌ate
- sa╌ti╌a╌ ted
- sa╌tis╌fac╌ti╌on
- sa╌tis╌fie
- sa╌tis╌fi╌ ed
- sa╌tis╌fi╌ est
- sa╌tis╌fi╌ eth
- sa╌tis╌fy╌ ing
- sa╌tyre╌ s
- save
- sa╌ ved
- sa╌ vest
- sa╌ veth
- sa╌ ving
- sa╌vi╌our╌ s
- Sa╌veh
- Saul Shaul
- sa╌vour╌ s
- sa╌vour╌ est
- sa╌vour╌ ie
- saw╌ ed
- saw╌ s
- saw╌ est
- sawn
- say╌ est
- say╌ ing╌s
- scabb╌ ed
- scabb╌ ard
- scaf╌fold
- scale╌ s
- sca╌ leth
- scall
- scalp
- scant
- scape╌goat
- scarçe╌ ly
- scarçe╌ ness
- sca╌ rest
- scar╌ let
- scat╌ter╌ ed
- scat╌ter╌ eth
- scat╌ter╌ ing
- sçent
- sçep╌ter
- Sçe╌va
- schism
- schol╌ler
- scho╌lar
- school╌ma╌ster
- sçi╌ençe
- scof╌fer╌ s
- scorch╌ ed
- scorn╌ er╌s
- scorn╌ est
- scorn╌ eth
- scorn╌ full
- scorn╌ ing
- scor╌pi╌on╌ s
- scour╌ ed
- scourge
- scour╌ ged
- scour╌ ges
- scour╌ geth
- scour╌ ging╌s
- scrabl╌ ed
- scrape
- scra╌ ped
- scribe╌ s
- scriech╌owl
- scrip╌ture╌ s
- scrole
- scull
- scum
- scur╌vie
- Scy╌thi╌an
- sea╌far╌ing╌man
- sea╌mon╌ster╌ s
- sea╌shore
- sea╌side
- sea╌ s
- seal╌ ed
- seal╌ est
- seal╌ eth
- [Page]seal╌ s
- seal╌ ing
- seam
- search╌ ed
- search╌ est
- search╌ eth
- search╌ ing╌s
- sear╌ ed
- sea╌son╌ s
- sea╌son╌ ed
- seat╌ s
- seat╌ ed
- seaze
- Se╌ba Si╌ba
- Se╌bat
- Se╌ca╌cah
- Se╌chan╌jah
- Se╌chu
- se╌cond╌a╌ri╌ly
- se╌cret╌ s
- se╌cret╌ ly
- sect
- Se╌cun╌dus
- se╌cure╌ ly
- se╌cu╌ri╌ty
- se╌di╌ti╌on╌ s
- se╌duçe
- se╌du╌ çed
- se╌du╌ çer╌s
- se╌du╌ çing
- see
- seed╌time
- seed╌ s
- see╌ ing
- seek╌ est
- seek╌ eth
- seek╌ ing
- seem╌ ed
- seem╌ eth
- seem╌ ly
- seen
- se╌er╌ s
- se╌ est
- se╌ eth
- seethe
- seeth╌ ing
- Se╌gob
- Se╌ir
- Se╌ath
- seise
- seis╌ ed
- Se╌la╌ham╌ma
- Se╌le╌koth
- Se╌lah
- Se╌led
- self selv╌ s
- self╌will╌ ed
- sell╌ er╌s
- sell╌ est
- sell╌ eth
- Se╌leu╌ci╌a
- selv╌edg
- Sem
- Se╌mach╌jah
- Se╌ma╌jah
- Se╌me╌i
- Se╌na╌ah
- se╌nate
- se╌na╌tor╌ s
- send╌ est
- send╌ eth
- send╌ ing
- Se╌neh
- Se╌nir
- Se╌na╌che╌rib
- sense
- sens╌ es
- sen╌su╌al
- sent╌ est
- sen╌tençe╌ s
- Se╌nu╌ah
- se╌pa╌rate
- se╌pa╌ra╌ ted
- se╌pa╌ra╌ teth
- se╌pa╌ra╌ti╌on
- se╌pa╌ra╌ ting
- Se╌phar╌va╌im
- Se╌pha╌rad
- Se╌phar╌vite╌ s
- se╌pulchre╌ s
- Se╌rah
- Se╌ra╌jah
- Se╌rai╌a
- Shau╌sha
- Se╌raph╌im╌ s
- Se╌red
- ser╌ge╌ant╌ s
- Ser╌gi╌us
- ser╌pent╌ s
- serv╌ant╌ s
- serv╌ ed
- serv╌ edst
- serv╌ est
- serv╌ eth
- serv╌içe
- serv╌ile
- serv╌ ing
- serv╌i╌tour
- [Page]serv╌i╌tude
- Se╌rug
- sett╌ er
- sett╌ est
- sett╌ eth
- sett╌ ing╌s
- Seth
- Se╌ther
- settl╌ ed
- settl╌ est
- se╌ven╌fold
- se╌ven╌ s
- se╌ven╌teen
- se╌ven╌teenth
- se╌venth
- se╌ven╌ ty
- se╌ver╌al╌ ly
- se╌ver╌ ed
- se╌ve╌ri╌ty
- sew╌ed
- Sha╌al╌ab╌bin
- Sha╌al╌ab╌bim
- Sha╌al╌ban╌īte
- Sha╌aph
- Sha╌a╌ra╌im
- Sha╌ha╌ra╌im
- Sha╌ash-Gaz
- Shab╌be╌thai
- Sha╌chi╌a
- shade
- sha╌dow╌ s
- sha╌dow╌ ing
- Sha╌drach
- sha╌dy
- shaft
- Sha╌geh
- Sha╌har
- Sha╌ha╌zi╌math
- shake
- sha╌ ked
- sha╌ ken
- sha╌ keth
- sha╌ king
- Sha╌lem
- Shal╌le╌cheth
- Sha╌lim
- Sha╌li╌sha
- shall
- Shal╌mai
- Shal╌man╌e╌ser
- Shal╌lum
- shalt
- Sha╌ma
- Sha╌mar
- Sho╌mer
- shambl╌ s
- shame╌ full╌y
- sha╌ med
- sha╌ meth
- shame╌fast╌ ness
- shame╌fa╌çed╌ ness
- shame╌ less╌ly
- Sha╌mer
- Sham╌gar
- Sham╌huth
- Sha╌mir
- Sham╌mah
- Sham╌ma
- Sham╌mai
- Sham╌moth
- Sham╌mu╌a
- Shi╌me╌a
- Sham╌she╌rai
- shape╌ s
- sha╌ pen
- Sha╌pham
- Sha╌phan
- Sha╌phat
- Sha╌pher
- Sha╌rai
- Sha╌ra╌īm
- Sha╌rar
- share
- Sha╌re╌zer
- Sha╌ron╌īte
- sharp╌ en
- sharp╌ ed
- sharp╌ eth
- sharp╌ er
- sharp╌ ly
- sharp╌ ness
- Sha╌ru╌hen
- Sha╌shai
- Sha╌shak
- shave
- sha╌ ved
- sha╌ ven
- Sha╌veh
- Shaul╌ ite╌s
- Shau╌sha
- sheaf sheaves
- She╌al╌ti╌el
- sheard╌ s
- shear╌ er╌s
- She╌ar╌jah
- She╌ar╌ja╌shub
- shear╌ing╌house
- [Page]sheath
- She╌ba
- She╌bah
- She╌bam
- She╌ban╌jah
- She╌ber
- Sheb╌na
- She╌bu╌el
- She╌can╌jah
- She╌chem╌ ite╌s
- shed╌ der
- shed╌ deth
- shed╌ ding
- She╌de╌ar
- shee╌goat╌ s
- sheep╌coat╌ s
- sheep╌fold╌ s
- sheep╌shear╌ er╌s
- sheep╌skin╌ s
- sheet╌ s
- She╌har╌jah
- she╌kel╌ s
- She╌lah
- She╌lan╌ ite╌s
- She╌lem╌jah
- She╌leph
- She╌lesh
- She╌lo╌mi
- She╌lo╌mith
- She╌lo╌moth
- shel╌ter
- She╌lu╌mi╌el
- Shem Sem
- She╌ma╌ah
- She╌ma╌jah
- She╌mar╌jah
- She╌me╌ber
- She╌mer
- She╌mi╌da╌ ite╌s
- She╌mi╌nith
- She╌mi╌ra╌moth
- She╌mu╌el
- She╌na╌zar
- She╌nir
- She╌pham
- She╌phat╌jah
- shep╌herd╌ s
- She╌phi
- She╌pho
- She╌phu╌phan
- She╌rah
- She╌reb╌jah
- She╌resh
- She╌re╌zer
- she╌riff╌ s
- She╌shach
- She╌shai
- She╌shan
- Shesh-Baz╌zer
- Sheth
- She╌thar-Boz╌na
- She╌trai
- She╌va
- shew╌bread
- shew╌ ed
- shew╌ edst
- shew╌ est
- shew╌ eth
- shew╌ ing
- Shesh╌baz╌zar
- Shib╌bo╌leth
- Shib╌mah
- Shi╌cron
- shield╌ s
- Shig╌gai╌on
- Shi╌hor-Lib╌nah
- Shil╌hi
- Shil╌him
- Shil╌lem╌ ite╌s
- Shi╌loh
- Shi╌lo╌ah
- Shi╌lo╌ni
- Shi╌lo╌nite╌ s
- Shil╌shah
- Shi╌me╌a
- Shi╌me╌ah
- Shi╌me╌ath╌ ite╌s
- Shi╌me╌i
- Shim╌hi
- Shi╌mi
- Shi╌mite╌ s
- Shim╌rath
- Shim╌ri
- Shim╌rith
- Shim╌ron╌ ite╌s
- Shim╌ron╌me╌ron
- Shim╌shai
- Shi╌nab
- Shi╌nar
- shine
- shi╌ ned
- shi╌ neth
- shi╌ ning
- Shi╌on
- ship╌ s
- ship╌board╌ s
- Shi╌phi
- Shiph╌tan
- [Page]ship╌ma╌ster
- ship╌men
- ship╌ ping
- Ship╌rath
- ship╌wrack
- Shi╌sha
- Shi╌shak
- Shit╌tah╌tree
- Shit╌tim╌wood
- shiv╌ er╌s
- Shi╌za
- Sho╌ah
- Sho╌bab
- Sho╌bach
- Sho╌bai
- Sho╌bal
- Sho╌bek
- Sho╌bi
- Sho╌cho
- Sho╌choh
- shock╌ s
- shod
- Sho╌ham
- Sho╌mer
- shone
- shoo╌ s
- shook
- shoot╌ er╌s eth ing
- Sho╌phan
- Sho╌phach
- shore
- shorn
- short╌ en╌ed
- short╌ er
- short╌ ly
- Sho╌shan╌nim-E╌duth
- shot
- sho╌vel╌ s
- should╌ est
- shoul╌der╌ s
- shoul╌der╌blade
- shout╌ ed eth ing╌s
- showr╌ s
- shrank
- shred
- shrine╌ s
- shrowd
- shrub╌ s
- Shu╌ah
- Shu╌al
- Shu╌ba╌el
- Shu╌ham╌ ite╌s
- Shu╌hite
- Shu╌lam╌ ite
- Shu╌math╌ ite╌s
- Shun
- Shu╌nam╌ ite
- Shu╌nem
- Shu╌ni
- Shu╌nite╌ s
- shun╌ ned
- Shu╌pham╌ ite╌s
- Shup╌pim
- Shur
- Shu╌shan-E╌duth
- shut╌ teth
- shut╌ ting
- shuttl
- Shu╌the╌lah
- Shu╌thal╌hite╌ s
- Si╌a╌ha
- Sib╌be╌chai
- Sib╌bo╌leth
- Sib╌mah
- Sib╌ra╌im
- Si╌chem
- sick╌ ly
- sick╌ ness╌es
- sickl
- Sid╌dim
- side╌ s
- Si╌don╌i╌an╌ s
- siege
- siel╌ ed
- siel╌ ing
- siev
- sift╌ ed
- sigh╌ ed est eth ing
- sigh╌ s
- sight╌ s
- Si╌gi╌o╌noth
- sign╌ s
- sign╌ ed
- sig╌net╌ s
- sig╌ni╌fi╌ca╌ti╌on
- sig╌ni╌fie
- sig╌ni╌fi╌ ed
- sig╌ni╌fi╌ eth
- sig╌ni╌fy╌ ing
- Si╌hon
- Si╌hor
- Si╌las
- si╌lençe
- si╌lent
- silk
- Sil╌la
- sil╌ly
- [Page]Si╌lo╌ah
- Si╌lo╌am
- Si╌lo╌e
- Sil╌va╌nus
- sil╌ver╌ ling╌s
- sil╌ve╌smith
- Si╌me╌on╌ ite╌s
- si╌mi╌li╌tude╌ s
- Si╌mon
- simpl╌one╌ s
- sim╌pli╌çi╌ty
- sin╌ s
- Si╌nai
- sinçe
- sin╌çere╌ ly
- sin╌çe╌ri╌ty
- si╌new╌ s
- sin╌ full
- sing╌ ed
- sing╌ er╌s
- sing╌ eth
- sing╌ing╌men
- sing╌ing╌wo╌men
- singl╌ ness
- sin╌gu╌lar
- Si╌nim
- Si╌nite
- sink
- sin╌ ned
- sin╌ ner╌s
- sin╌ nest
- sin╌ neth
- sin╌ ning
- Si╌on
- Siph╌moth
- Sip╌pai
- sir╌ s
- Sir╌jah
- Si╌ri╌on
- Si╌sa╌mai
- Si╌se╌ra
- sis╌ter╌ s
- sit
- sith
- Sit╌nah
- sit╌ test
- sit╌ teth
- sit╌ting╌plaçe
- si╌tu╌ate
- si╌tu╌a╌ti╌on
- Si╌van
- six╌hun╌dred
- sixt sixth
- six╌teen
- six╌teenth
- six╌tie
- size
- skall
- skar╌let
- ska╌ rest
- skie╌ s
- skil╌ full╌y
- skill
- skil╌ ful╌ness
- skin╌ s
- skip╌ ped
- skip╌ pedst
- skip╌ ping
- skirt╌ s
- skull
- slack╌ ed
- slack╌ ness
- slain
- slan╌der╌ ed
- slan╌der╌ est
- slan╌der╌ eth
- slan╌der╌ er╌s
- slan╌der╌ous╌ ly
- slan╌der╌ s
- slang
- slave╌ s
- slaugh╌ter╌house
- slay╌ er
- slay╌ eth
- slay╌ ing
- sleep╌ er
- sleep╌ est
- sleep╌ eth
- sleep╌ ing
- sleight
- slept
- slew╌ est
- slide
- slid╌ den
- sli╌ deth
- slight╌ ly
- slime
- sling╌stone╌ s
- sling╌ ers
- sling╌ s
- slip╌pe╌ry
- slip╌ peth
- slip╌ s
- slipt
- sloth╌ full
- sloth╌ ful╌ness
- [Page]slow╌ ly
- slu╌ çes
- slug╌gard
- slum╌ber
- slum╌ bred
- slum╌ breth
- slum╌ bring╌s
- small╌ est
- smart
- smel╌ led
- smel╌ leth
- smel╌ ling
- smite
- smi╌ ter╌s
- smi╌ test
- smi╌ teth
- smi╌ ting
- smith╌ s
- smit╌ ten
- smoak╌ ing
- smooth╌ er
- smooth╌ eth
- smote
- smo╌ test
- smyr╌na
- snail
- snail╌ s
- snare╌ s
- sna╌ red
- snatch
- snort╌ ing
- snout
- snow╌ ie
- snow╌wa╌ter
- snuff╌dish╌ es
- snuff╌ ed
- snuff╌ er╌s
- snuff╌ eth
- so
- soak╌ ed
- so╌ber╌ ly
- so╌ber╌mind╌ ed
- so╌ber╌ ness
- so╌bri╌e╌ty
- So╌cho
- So╌choh
- sock╌ et╌s
- So╌coh
- sod╌ den
- so╌der╌ ing
- So╌di
- So╌dom╌a
- So╌dom╌ ite╌s
- soft╌ er
- soft╌ ly
- so╌journ╌ ed
- so╌journ╌ er╌s
- so╌journ╌ eth
- so╌journ╌ ing
- so╌laçe
- sold
- sole╌ s
- so╌lemn╌ i╌ty
- so╌lemn╌ i╌tie╌s
- so╌lemn╌ ly
- so╌li╌ta╌ry
- so╌li╌ta╌ri╌ ly
- So╌lo╌mon
- some╌bo╌dy
- some╌thing
- some╌time╌ s
- some╌what
- son╌ s
- soon╌ er
- sooth╌say╌ er╌s
- sooth╌say╌ ing
- So╌pa╌ter
- sope
- So╌phe╌reth
- sop
- sor╌çe╌rer╌ s
- sor╌çe╌ress
- sor╌çe╌rie╌ s
- sore╌ ly
- So╌rek
- so╌rer
- sore╌ s
- sor╌ry
- sor╌row╌ s
- sor╌row╌ ed
- sor╌row╌ eth
- sor╌row╌ full
- sor╌row╌ ing
- sort╌ s
- So╌si╌pa╌ter
- Sos╌the╌nes
- So╌tai
- sot╌tish
- sought
- soul╌di╌er╌ s
- soul╌ s
- sound╌ ed
- sound╌ eth
- sound╌ ing
- [Page]sound╌ ness
- sound╌ s
- south╌bor╌der
- south╌coast
- south╌coun╌trey
- south-Ra╌moth
- south╌side
- south╌ward
- south╌west
- south╌wind
- sow
- sôwe
- sôw╌ ed
- sôw╌ edst
- sôwn
- sôw╌ er
- sôw╌ est
- sôw╌ eth
- sôw╌ ing
- sowr
- soil
- spaçe
- Spain
- spake
- spa╌ kest
- span╌ ned
- spare
- spa╌ red
- spa╌ reth
- spa╌ ring╌ly
- spark╌ s
- sparkl╌ ed
- spar╌rôw╌ s
- spate
- speak╌ er
- speak╌ est
- speak╌ eth
- speak╌ ing╌s
- spear╌ s
- spear╌men
- spear╌staff
- spe╌ci╌al╌ly
- speckl╌ ed
- spec╌tacl
- sped
- speech╌ es
- speech╌ less
- speed
- speed╌ y
- spee╌di╌ ly
- spend╌ est
- spend╌ eth
- spent
- spew╌ ed
- spew╌ ing
- spiçe
- spi╌ çed
- spi╌çe╌ rie
- spi╌çes
- spi╌der╌ s
- spie╌ s
- spi╌ ed
- spike╌nard
- spil╌ led
- spilt
- spindl
- spin
- spi╌rit╌ s
- spi╌ri╌tu╌al╌ly
- spit╌ ted
- spite╌ful╌ ly
- spit╌ ting
- spittl
- spo╌ken
- spokes╌man
- spoon╌ s
- sport╌ ing
- spot╌ ted
- spot╌ s
- spouse╌ s
- spout╌ s
- spoyl╌ ed
- spoyl╌ er
- spoyl╌ er╌s
- spoyl╌ est
- spoyl╌ eth
- spoyl╌ ing
- spoyl╌ s
- sprang
- spread╌ est
- spread╌ eth
- spread╌ ing
- sprig╌ s
- spring╌ eth
- spring╌ iing
- spring╌ s
- sprinkl╌ ed
- sprinkl╌ eth
- sprinkl╌ ing
- sprout
- sprung
- spun
- spunge
- square╌ s
- squa╌ red
- sta╌bi╌li╌ty
- stable
- sta╌blish╌ ed
- sta╌blish╌ eth
- Sta╌chys
- stack╌ s
- stac╌te
- staff stave╌ s
- stag╌ger╌ ed
- stag╌ger╌ eth
- stain
- stair╌ s
- stake╌ s
- stale
- stâlk╌ s
- stâll╌ s
- stâll╌ ed
- stam╌mer╌ er╌s
- stam╌mer╌ ing
- stamp╌ ed
- stamp╌ ing
- stampt
- stanch╌ ed
- stand╌ard╌bear╌er
- stand╌ard╌ s
- stand╌ est
- stand╌ eth
- stand╌ ing
- stand╌ing╌corn
- stank
- stare
- star╌ga╌zer╌ s
- stars
- state╌ ly
- sta╌ti╌on
- sta╌ture
- sta╌tute╌ s
- stay╌ ed
- stay╌ eth
- staye╌ s
- stead╌ s
- stea╌die
- steal╌ er╌s
- steal╌ eth
- steal╌ ing
- stealth
- sted╌fast╌ ly
- sted╌fast╌ ness
- steel
- steep
- stem
- step╌ ped
- step╌ peth
- Ste╌pha╌nas
- step╌ s
- stern
- Ste╌ven
- stew╌ard╌ s
- stew╌ard╌ship
- stick╌ eth
- stick╌ s
- stiff╌heart╌ ed
- stiff╌neck╌ ed
- stif╌fen╌ ed
- still╌ ed
- still╌ est
- still╌ eth
- sting╌ eth
- sting╌ s
- stink╌ eth
- stink╌ ing
- stir╌ red
- stir╌ reth
- stirr╌ s
- stock╌ s
- stole
- stol╌len
- sto╌mach
- sto╌ma╌cher
- stone╌ s
- sto╌ ned
- sto╌ nest
- sto╌nie
- sto╌ ning
- stood╌ est
- stool╌ s
- stoop
- stop╌ ped
- stop╌ peth
- stopt
- store╌house╌ s
- sto╌rie╌ s
- stork
- storm╌ie
- stoup╌ ed
- stoup╌ eth
- stoup╌ ing
- stout╌heart╌ ed
- stout╌ ness
- straight╌way
- strain
- strait╌ en
- strait╌ ned
- strait╌ neth
- strait╌ est
- strait╌ ly
- strait╌ ness
- [Page]strait╌ s
- strake╌ s
- strange╌ ly
- stran╌ger╌ s
- strangl╌ ed
- straugl╌ ing
- straw╌ ed
- strew╌ ed
- stream╌ s
- street╌ s
- strength╌ en╌ed
- strength╌ en╌edst
- strength╌ en╌eth
- strength╌ en╌ing
- stretch╌ ed
- stretch╌ edst
- stretch╌ est
- stretch╌ eth
- stretch╌ ing
- strife╌ s
- strike
- strick╌ en
- stri╌ ker
- stri╌ keth
- string╌ ed
- string╌ s
- stripe╌ s
- strip╌ ped
- strip╌ling
- stript
- strive
- stri╌ ved
- stri╌ veth
- striv╌ en
- stri╌ ving╌s
- stroke╌ s
- strong╌hold╌ s
- strong╌ er
- strong╌ est
- strong╌ ly
- strook
- strove
- struggl╌ ed
- stubbl
- stub╌born╌ ness
- stuck
- stu╌die
- stu╌di╌ eth
- stud╌ s
- stuff
- stumbl╌ ed
- stumbl╌ eth
- stumbl╌ing╌block
- stumbl╌ing╌stone
- stump
- stunk
- Su╌ah
- sub╌due
- sub╌du╌ ed
- sub╌du╌ edst
- sub╌du╌ eth
- sub╌ject╌ ed
- sub╌jec╌ ti╌on
- sub╌mit╌ ted
- sub╌mit╌ ting
- sub╌orn╌ ed
- sub╌scribe
- sub╌scri╌ bed
- sub╌strançe
- sub╌til╌ ly
- sub╌til╌ ty
- sub╌vert╌ ed
- sub╌vert╌ ing
- sub╌urb╌ s
- suc╌çeed╌ ed
- suc╌çeed╌ est
- suc╌çess
- Suc╌coth-Be╌noth
- suc╌cour╌ ed
- suc╌cour╌ er
- such
- Su╌cha╌thite╌ s
- suck╌ ed
- suck╌ ing
- suck╌ ling╌s
- sud╌den╌ ly
- sue
- suf╌fer╌ ed est eth
- suf╌fer╌ ing╌s
- suf╌fiçe
- suf╌fi╌ çed
- suf╌fi╌ çeth
- suf╌fi╌çi╌en╌çy
- suf╌fi╌çi╌ent╌ ly
- suk╌ s
- Suk╌ki╌im╌ s
- sum╌mer╌fruit
- sump╌tu╌ous╌ ly
- sun╌der
- sun╌ dred
- sun╌dry
- sung
- sunk
- sun
- su╌per╌flu╌i╌ty
- su╌per╌flu╌ous
- [Page]su╌per╌scrip╌ti╌on
- su╌per╌sti╌ti╌on
- sup╌ ped
- sup╌per
- sup╌plant╌ ed
- suppl
- sup╌pli╌ant╌ s
- sup╌pli╌ca╌ti╌on╌ s
- sup╌ply
- sup╌pli╌ ed
- sup╌pli╌ eth
- sup╌port
- sup╌pose
- sup╌po╌ sed
- sup╌po╌ sing
- su╌preme
- Sur
- sure╌ ly
- sure╌ty
- sure╌tie╌ s
- sure╌ti╌ship
- sur╌fet╌ ing
- sur╌mi╌ sing
- sur╌name
- sur╌na╌ med
- sur╌pri╌ sed
- Su╌san╌chite╌ s
- Su╌san╌na
- Su╌si
- sus╌tain╌ ed
- sus╌ten╌ançe
- swadl╌ ed
- swadl╌ ing
- swal╌lôw╌ s
- swal╌lôw╌ ed
- swal╌lôw╌ eth
- swan
- swa╌ rest
- swarm╌ s
- swarv╌ ed
- swear╌ er╌s
- swear╌ eth
- swear╌ ing
- sweat
- sweep╌ ing
- sweet╌ er
- sweet╌ ly
- sweet╌ ness
- swell╌ ed
- swell╌ ing╌s
- swept
- swift╌ er
- swift╌ ly
- swim╌ mest
- swim╌ meth
- swine
- swôl╌len
- swoon╌ ed
- sword╌ s
- sworn
- Sy╌ca╌mine
- Sy╌ca╌more╌ s
- Sy╌char
- Sy╌e╌ne
- Syn╌a╌gogue╌ s
- Syn╌ti╌che
- Sy╌ra╌cuse
- Sy╌ri╌a
- Sy╌ri╌ack
- Sy╌ri╌an╌ s
- Sy╌ri╌on
- Sy╌ro╌phe╌ni╌ci╌a
- TA╌a╌nach
- Ta╌a╌nath-Shi╌loh
- Tab╌ba╌oth
- Tab╌bath
- Ta╌be╌al
- Ta╌be╌el
- Ta╌be╌rah
- ta╌ber╌nacle╌ s
- Ta╌bi╌tha
- table╌ s
- ta╌blet╌ s
- Ta╌bor
- Ta╌bre╌a
- ta╌bret╌ s
- Ta╌bri╌mon
- ta╌bring
- tach╌es
- Tach╌mon╌ ite
- tackl╌ ing╌s
- Tad╌mor
- Ta╌han╌ ite╌s
- Ta╌ha╌pa╌nes
- Tah╌pan╌hes
- Ta╌hath
- Tah╌pe╌nes
- Tah╌tim-Hod╌shi
- tail╌ s
- take
- ta╌ ken
- [Page]ta╌ kest
- ta╌ keth
- ta╌ king
- tale╌ s
- tale╌bear╌er╌ s
- ta╌lent╌ s
- Ta╌li╌tha-Cu╌mi
- tâlk╌ ed
- tâlk╌ er╌s
- tâlk╌ est
- tâlk╌ eth
- tâlk╌ ing
- Tall╌er
- Tal╌mai
- Tal╌mon
- Ta╌mah
- Ta╌mar
- tame
- ta╌ med
- Tam╌muz
- Tan╌hu╌meth
- tan╌ner╌ s
- ta╌pes╌trie
- Ta╌phath
- Tap╌pu╌a
- Tap╌pu╌ah
- Ta╌rah
- Ta╌ra╌lah
- tare╌ s
- tar╌get╌ s
- Tar╌pel╌ ite╌s
- tar╌rie
- tar╌ri╌ ed
- tar╌ri╌ est
- tar╌ry╌ ing
- Tar╌shis
- Tar╌shish
- Tar╌sus
- Tar╌tak
- Tar╌tan
- task╌ s
- task╌ma╌ster╌ s
- taste
- tast╌ ed
- tast╌ eth
- tatl╌ er╌s
- Tat╌nai
- ta╌vern╌ s
- taught
- taunt╌ ing
- tax╌a╌ti╌on
- tax╌ ed
- tax╌ es
- tax╌ ing
- teach╌ er╌s
- teach╌ est
- teach╌ eth
- teach╌ ing
- tear╌ eth
- tear╌ s
- teat╌ s
- Te╌bah
- Te╌ba╌li╌ah
- Te╌beth
- te╌di╌ous
- teeth
- Te╌haph╌ne╌hes
- Te╌hin╌nah
- Te╌kel
- Te╌ko╌a
- Te╌ko╌ah
- Te╌ko╌ ite╌s
- Te╌la╌bib
- Te╌lah
- Te╌la╌im
- Te╌las╌sar
- Te╌lem
- Tel╌ha╌re╌sha
- Tel╌har╌sa
- tell╌ est
- tell╌ eth
- tell╌ ing
- Tel╌me╌lah
- Te╌ma
- Te╌man╌ ite╌s
- Te╌ma╌ni
- Te╌me╌ni
- tem╌per╌ançe
- tem╌per╌ate
- tem╌per╌ ed
- tem╌pest╌u╌ous
- templ╌ s
- tem╌po╌ral
- tempt╌a╌ti╌on╌ s
- tempt╌ ed
- tempt╌ er
- tempt╌ eth
- tempt╌ ing
- ten╌thou╌sand╌ s
- ten╌ s
- tenth╌day
- tenth╌month
- ten╌der╌heart╌ ed
- ten╌der╌ ness
- tend╌ eth
- te╌non╌ s
- te╌nour
- [Page]tent╌ s
- tent╌ma╌ker╌ s
- Te╌rah-Tha╌ra
- Te╌ra╌phim
- Te╌resh
- term╌ ed
- ter╌res╌tri╌al
- ter╌ribl╌ ness
- ter╌ribl╌ y
- ter╌ri╌fy
- ter╌ri╌fi╌ ed
- ter╌ri╌fi╌ est
- ter╌ri╌ses
- rer╌rour╌ s
- Ter╌ti╌us
- Ter╌tul╌lus
- tes╌ta╌ment
- tes╌ta╌tor
- tes╌ti╌fy
- tes╌ti╌fi╌ ed
- tes╌ti╌fi╌ edst
- tes╌ti╌fi╌ eth
- tes╌ti╌fy╌ ing
- tes╌ti╌mo╌ny
- tes╌ti╌mo╌nie╌ s
- te╌trarch
- teyl╌tree
- Thad╌de╌us
- Tha╌hash
- Tha╌mah
- thank╌ s
- thank╌of╌fer╌ ing
- thank╌ ed
- thank╌ full
- thank╌ ful╌ness
- thank╌ ing
- thank╌wor╌thy
- thanks╌giv╌ ing╌s
- Tha╌ra
- Thar╌shish
- that
- the╌atre
- The╌bez
- thee
- theev╌ s
- theft╌ s
- their╌ s
- The╌la╌sar
- them╌selvs
- then
- thençe╌forth
- The╌o╌phi╌lus
- there╌at
- there╌by
- there╌fore
- there╌from
- there╌in╌to
- there╌of
- there╌on
- there╌out
- there╌to
- there╌un╌to
- there╌up╌on
- there╌with
- these
- Thes╌sa╌lo╌ni╌an╌ s
- Thes╌sa╌lo╌ni╌ca
- Theu╌das
- they
- thick╌ er
- thick╌et╌ s
- thick╌ ness
- thief
- thigh╌ s
- Thin╌na╌thath
- thin
- thine
- thing╌ s
- think╌ est
- think╌ eth
- think╌ ing
- third╌ ly
- thirst╌ ed
- thirst╌ eth
- thirst╌ y
- thir╌teen
- thir╌teenth
- thir╌ty
- this
- thistl╌ s
- thi╌ther╌ward
- Tho╌mas
- thong╌ s
- thorn╌ s
- tho╌row╌ ly
- those
- thou
- though
- thought╌ s
- thought╌ est
- thou╌sand╌ s
- threat╌en
- threat╌ ned
- threat╌ ning╌s
- three╌score
- thresh╌ ed
- thresh╌ eth
- [Page]thresh╌ing╌floor╌ s
- thresh╌old╌ s
- threw╌ est
- thriçe
- throat
- throne╌ s
- throng╌ ed
- throng╌ ing
- through╌ ly
- through╌out
- throw╌ ing
- thrown
- thrust╌ eth
- thumb╌ s
- Thum╌mim
- thun╌der╌ s
- thun╌der╌bolt╌ s
- thun╌der╌ ed
- thun╌der╌ eth
- thun╌der╌ ing╌s
- thus
- Thy╌a╌ti╌ra
- Ti╌be╌ri╌as
- Ti╌be╌ri╌us
- Tib╌hath
- Tib╌ni
- Ti╌dal
- ti╌ding╌ s
- tie
- ti╌ ed
- Tig╌lath-Pi╌le╌ser
- Til╌gath-Pil╌ne╌ser
- Ti╌ku╌ah
- tile
- ti╌ ling
- till╌age
- till╌ ed
- till╌ er
- till╌ est
- till╌ eth
- Ti╌lon
- tim╌ber
- tim╌brel╌ s
- time╌ s
- Ti╌me╌us
- Tim╌na
- Tim╌nah
- Tim╌nath╌se╌rah╌he╌res
- Tim╌na╌thah
- Tim╌nite
- Ti╌mon
- Ti╌mo╌the╌us
- Ti╌mo╌thy
- tingl
- tinkl╌ ing
- tinn
- tip
- Tiph╌sah
- Tit╌ras
- Ti╌ra╌thite╌ s
- tire╌ s
- ti╌ red
- Tir╌ha╌kah
- Tir╌ha╌nah
- Ti╌ri╌a
- Tir╌sha╌tha
- Tir╌zah
- Tish╌bite
- tithe╌ s
- tithe╌ ing
- title╌ s
- tittl
- Ti╌tus
- Ti╌zite
- To╌ah
- Tob-A╌do╌ni╌jah
- To╌bi╌ah
- To╌bi╌jah
- To╌chen
- toe╌ s
- To╌gar╌mah
- to╌ge╌ther
- To╌ha
- To╌i To╌a
- toil╌ ed
- toil╌ ing
- to╌ken╌ s
- To╌la╌ite╌ s
- To╌lad
- tôld
- to╌ler╌able
- tôll
- Tomb╌ s
- tong╌ s
- tongue╌ s
- tongued
- too
- took╌ est
- tool
- tooth
- top╌ s
- To╌paz
- To╌phel
- To╌phet
- torch╌ es
- tor╌ment╌ s
- [Page]tor╌ment╌ ed
- tor╌ment╌ er╌s
- torn
- tor╌toise
- tor╌tu╌ red
- toss╌ ed
- toss╌ ing╌s
- tot╌ter╌ ing
- Tou
- touch╌ eth
- touch╌ ed
- touch╌ ing
- to╌ward╌ s
- Tôw
- tow╌ell
- tow╌er╌ s
- town╌clerk
- town╌ s
- Tra╌cho╌ni╌tis
- trade╌ s
- tra╌ ded
- tra╌ ding
- tra╌di╌ti╌on╌ s
- traf╌fique
- traf╌fi╌quer╌ s
- train╌ ed
- trai╌tour╌ s
- trampl
- trançe
- tran╌quil╌li╌ty
- trans╌fer╌ red
- trans╌fi╌gu╌ red
- trans╌form╌ ing
- trans╌gress╌ ed
- trans╌gress╌ est
- trans╌gress╌ eth
- trans╌gress╌ ing
- trans╌gress╌ i╌on╌s
- trans╌gress╌ our╌s
- trans╌late
- trans╌la╌ ted
- trans╌la╌ ti╌on
- trans╌pa╌rent
- trap╌ s
- tra╌vel╌ led
- tra╌vel╌ ler╌s
- tra╌vel╌ lest
- tra╌vel╌ leth
- tra╌vel╌ ling
- tra╌vers╌ ing
- trea╌cher╌ous╌ ly
- trea╌che╌ry
- tread╌ er╌s
- tread╌ eth
- tread╌ ing
- trea╌son
- trea╌sure╌house
- trea╌su╌ red
- trea╌su╌ rer╌s
- trea╌sure╌ s
- trea╌su╌ rest
- trea╌su╌rie╌ s
- trea╌tise
- tree╌ s
- trembl╌ eth
- trembl╌ ed
- trembl╌ ing
- trench╌ es
- tres╌pass╌ ed
- tres╌pass╌ es
- tres╌pass╌ ing
- tri╌al
- tribe╌ s
- tri╌bu╌la╌ti╌on╌ s
- tri╌bu╌ta╌rie╌ s
- tri╌bute
- trickl╌ eth
- tri╌ ed
- tri╌ eth
- tri╌ est
- try╌ ing
- trim╌ med
- trim╌ mest
- tri╌umph╌ ed
- tri╌umph╌ ing
- Tro╌as
- trode
- trod╌ en
- Tro╌gyl╌li╌um
- troop
- Tro╌phi╌mus
- troubl╌ s
- troubl╌ ed
- troubl╌ edst
- troubl╌ er
- troubl╌ est
- troubl╌ eth
- troubl╌ ing
- troubl╌ôus
- trough╌ s
- troup╌ s
- trôw
- truçe╌break╌ er╌s
- true
- tru╌ly
- trump╌et╌ s
- trump╌et╌ er╌s
- trust╌ ed
- [Page]trust╌ edst
- trust╌ est
- trust╌ eth
- trust╌ ing
- trust╌ y
- truth╌ s
- Try╌phe╌na
- Try╌pho╌sa
- Tu╌bal-Cain
- tumbl╌ ed
- tu╌mult╌ s
- tu╌mult╌u╌ous
- turn╌ ed
- turn╌ est
- turn╌ eth
- turn╌ ing
- turtl╌ s
- tu╌tour╌ s
- twain
- twelfth
- twelve
- twen╌ty
- twen╌ti╌ eth
- twiçe
- twig╌ s
- twi╌light
- twink╌ ling
- twin╌ s
- two
- Ty╌chi╌cus
- Ty╌ran╌nus
- Tyre
- Ty╌rus
- VA╌ga╌bond╌ s
- Va╌je╌za╌tha
- vail╌ s
- vain╌glo╌ry
- vain╌ ly
- vale
- va╌li╌ant╌ ly
- va╌li╌ant╌ est
- val╌ley╌ s
- va╌lour
- value
- va╌lu╌ ed
- va╌lu╌ est
- Va╌ni╌ah
- va╌nish╌ ed
- va╌nish╌ eth
- va╌ni╌ty
- va╌ni╌tie╌ s
- va╌pour╌ s
- va╌ri╌able╌ ness
- va╌ri╌ançe
- Vash╌ni-Jo╌el
- Vash╌ti
- vaunt╌ eth
- ve╌he╌ment╌ ly
- vein╌ s
- vel
- ve╌ne╌mous
- ven╌ge╌ançe
- ve╌ni╌son
- ve╌nom
- vent
- ven╌ture
- ve╌ri╌fi╌ ed
- ve╌ri╌ly
- ve╌ri╌ty
- ver╌mi╌li╌on
- ver╌tue
- ver╌tu╌ous╌ ly
- ve╌ry
- ves╌sel╌ s
- vest╌ment╌ s
- ves╌trie
- ves╌ture╌ s
- vex╌a╌ti╌on╌ s
- vex╌ ed
- vi╌al╌ s
- vic╌to╌ry
- vic╌tu╌all╌ s
- view╌ ed
- vi╌gi╌lant
- vile╌ ly
- vi╌ ler
- vi╌ lest
- vil╌lage
- vil╌la╌ ges
- vil╌la╌ny
- vine╌ s
- vine╌dress╌ er╌s
- vin╌e╌ger
- vine╌yard╌ s
- vint╌age
- vi╌o╌la╌ ted
- vi╌o╌lençe
- vi╌o╌lent╌ ly
- vi╌ol╌ s
- [Page]vi╌per╌ s
- vir╌gin╌ s
- vir╌gi╌ni╌ty
- vis╌age
- vis╌ibl
- vi╌si╌on╌ s
- vi╌sit╌ ed
- vi╌sit╌ est
- vi╌sit╌ eth
- vi╌sit╌ ing
- vo╌ca╌ti╌on
- voiçe╌ s
- void
- vo╌lume
- vo╌lun╌ta╌ry
- vo╌lun╌ta╌ri╌ ly
- vo╌mit╌ ed
- vo╌mit╌ eth
- Voph╌si
- vow╌ s
- vow╌ ed
- vow╌ edst
- vow╌ est
- vow╌ eth
- voy╌age
- vul╌ture╌ s
- U╌cal
- U╌lai
- Ul╌la
- Um╌mah
- un╌ac╌cus╌tom╌ ed
- un╌ad╌vi╌sed╌ ly
- un╌a╌ware╌ s
- un╌be╌liev╌ er╌s
- un╌be╌liev╌ ing
- un╌be╌lief
- un╌blame╌ able
- un╌blame╌ a╌bly
- un╌cer╌tain╌ ly
- un╌change╌ able
- un╌çir╌cum╌çi╌ sed
- un╌çir╌cum╌çi╌si╌ on
- uncl╌ s
- un╌clean╌ness╌ es
- un╌clo╌ thed
- un╌come╌ ly
- un╌con╌demn╌ ed
- un╌cor╌rupt╌ ness
- un╌co╌ver╌ ed
- un╌co╌ver╌ eth
- unc╌ti╌on
- un╌de╌fi╌ led
- un╌der╌gird╌ ing
- un╌der╌neath
- un╌der╌set╌ ter╌s
- un╌der╌stand╌ est
- un╌der╌stand╌ eth
- un╌der╌stand╌ ing
- un╌der╌stood
- un╌der╌take
- un╌der╌took
- un╌doe
- un╌done
- un╌dress╌ ed
- un╌e╌qual╌ ly
- un╌fain╌ ed
- un╌faith╌ full╌y
- un╌fruit╌ful
- un╌gird╌ ed
- un╌god╌ ly
- un╌god╌ li╌ness
- un╌ho╌ly
- u╌ni╌corn╌ s
- u╌nite
- u╌ni╌ ted
- u╌ni╌ty
- un╌just╌ ly
- un╌known
- un╌lade
- un╌law╌ful
- un╌learn╌ ed
- un╌lea╌ven╌ ed
- un╌less
- un╌loose
- un╌mar╌ri╌ ed
- un╌mer╌çi╌full
- un╌mind╌ full
- un╌mov╌ able
- Un╌ni
- un╌oc╌cu╌pi╌ ed
- un╌per╌fect
- un╌pos╌sibl
- un╌pre╌pa╌ red
- un╌pro╌fit╌ abl╌ness
- un╌pun╌ish╌ ed
- un╌quench╌ able
- un╌rea╌son╌ able
- un╌re╌buke╌ able
- un╌re╌prov╌ able
- un╌right╌e╌ôus╌ ly
- un╌right╌e╌ôus╌ ness
- un╌ripe
- [Page]un╌ru╌ly
- un╌sa╌ti╌ able
- un╌sa╌vo╌ry
- un╌search╌ able
- un╌seem╌ ly
- un╌shod
- un╌skil╌full
- un╌speak╌ able
- un╌spott╌ ed
- un╌stable
- un╌stop╌ ped
- un╌ta╌ken
- un╌tem╌per╌ ed
- un╌thank╌full
- un╌till
- un╌time╌ ly
- un╌tow╌ard
- un╌wal╌ led
- un╌wash╌ en
- un╌weigh╌ ed
- un╌wise
- un╌wit╌ting╌ ly
- un╌wor╌thy
- un╌wor╌thi╌ ly
- up╌braid╌ ed
- up╌braid╌ eth
- U╌phaz
- up╌held
- up╌hold
- up╌hold╌ en
- up╌hold╌ est
- up╌hold╌ eth
- up╌hold╌ ing
- U╌phar╌sin
- up╌on
- up╌per╌most
- up╌right╌ ly
- up╌right╌ ness
- up╌ri╌ sing
- up╌roar
- up╌side╌down
- up╌ward
- Ur
- Ur╌bane
- ur╌ ged
- ur╌gent
- U╌ri╌ah
- U╌ri╌jah
- U╌ri╌el
- U╌rim
- us
- use
- use
- u╌ ses
- u╌ sed
- u╌ sest
- u╌ seth
- u╌ sing
- u╌surp
- u╌su╌ry
- u╌su╌ rer
- U╌thai
- ut╌most
- ut╌ter╌ançe
- ut╌ter╌ ed
- ut╌ter╌ eth
- ut╌ter╌ ing
- ut╌ter╌ly
- ut╌ter╌most
- Uz
- U╌zai
- U╌zal
- Uz╌zah
- Uz╌zen╌she╌rah
- Uz╌zi╌ah
- Uz╌zi╌el╌ ite╌s
- WA╌fer╌ s
- wag╌ ging
- wa╌ ges
- wa╌gon╌ s
- wail╌ ed
- wail╌ ing
- wait╌ ed
- wait╌ eth
- wait╌ ng
- wake
- wa╌ ked
- wa╌ keth
- wa╌ken╌ ed
- wa╌ken╌ eth
- wa╌ king
- walk╌ ed
- walk╌ edst
- walk╌ est
- walk╌ eth
- walk╌ ing
- wall╌ s
- wall╌ ed
- wal╌lôw╌ ed
- [Page]wal╌low╌ ing
- wan╌der╌ ed
- wan╌der╌ er╌s
- wan╌der╌ est
- wan╌der╌ eth
- wan╌der╌ ing╌s
- want╌ ed
- want╌ eth
- want╌ ing
- wan╌ton╌ ness
- want╌ s
- ward╌ s
- ward╌robe
- ware╌ s
- war╌fare
- warm╌ ed
- warm╌ eth
- warm╌ ing
- warn╌ ed
- warn╌ eth
- warn╌ ing
- warp
- war╌ red
- war╌ reth
- war╌ s
- war╌ ring
- war╌ri╌our╌ s
- was
- wash╌ ed
- wash╌ est
- wash╌ ing╌s
- wash╌pot
- wast
- waste╌pla╌çes
- wa╌ sted
- wa╌ ster
- wa╌ steth
- wa╌ sting
- waste╌ ness
- watch╌ ed
- watch╌ er╌s
- watch╌ es
- watch╌ eth
- watch╌ full
- watch╌ ing╌s
- watch╌man
- watch╌men
- watch╌tow╌er
- wa╌ter╌ s
- wa╌ter╌gate
- wa╌ter╌ ed
- wa╌ter╌ edst
- wa╌ter╌ est
- wa╌ter╌ eth
- wa╌ter╌brook╌ s
- wa╌ter╌course╌ s
- wa╌ter╌flood
- wa╌ter╌pot╌ s
- wa╌ter╌spout╌ s
- wa╌ter╌spring╌ s
- wa╌tring
- wave╌of╌fer╌ ing
- wa╌ ved
- wa╌ver╌ eth
- wa╌ver╌ ing
- wave╌ s
- wax╌ ed
- wax╌ en
- wax╌ eth
- wax╌ ing
- way waies
- way╌fa╌ring
- way╌mark╌ s
- we
- weak╌hand╌ ed
- weak╌ en╌ed
- weak╌ en╌eth
- weak╌ er
- weak╌ ness
- wealth╌ y
- wean╌ ed
- wea╌pon╌ s
- wear╌ eth
- wear╌ ing
- wea╌rie
- wea╌ri╌ ed
- wea╌ri╌ eth
- wea╌ri╌ ness
- wea╌ri╌some
- wea╌sell
- wea╌ther
- weav╌ er
- weav╌ est
- web╌ s
- wed╌ding
- wedg
- wed╌lock
- weed╌ s
- week╌ s
- weep╌ est
- weep╌ eth
- weep╌ ing
- weigh╌ ed
- weigh╌ eth
- weigh╌ ing
- weight╌ s
- weight╌ ie
- [Page]weight╌i╌er
- well╌do╌ing
- wel╌be╌lov╌ed
- wel╌fare
- wel╌nigh
- wel╌plea╌sed
- wel╌plea╌sing
- wels
- wen
- wench
- went╌est
- wept
- were
- wert
- west╌bor╌der
- west╌ern
- west╌quar╌ter
- west╌side
- west╌ward
- west╌wind
- wet
- whale╌s
- what╌so╌e╌ver
- wheat╌en
- wheel╌s
- whelp╌s
- when╌so╌e╌ver
- whence
- where╌a╌bout
- where╌as
- where╌by
- where╌fore
- where╌in╌so╌e╌ver
- where╌in╌to
- where╌of
- where╌on
- where╌so╌e╌ver
- where╌to
- where╌un╌to
- where╌up╌on
- where╌with╌so╌e╌ver
- where╌with╌all
- whet
- which
- whe╌ther
- while╌s
- whilst
- whip╌s
- whirl╌eth
- whirl╌wind╌s
- whis╌per╌ed
- whis╌per╌er╌s
- whis╌per╌ing╌s
- whit
- white
- whi╌ted
- whi╌ter
- whi╌ther╌so╌e╌ver
- who
- whole
- whol╌ly
- whol╌some
- whom╌so╌e╌ver
- whore╌dom╌ s
- whore╌mong╌er╌ s
- who╌rish
- whore╌ s
- whose╌so╌e╌ver
- who╌so╌e╌ver
- why
- Wic╌ked╌ ly
- wic╌ked╌ ness
- wide╌ ness
- wi╌dow╌hood
- wi╌dow╌ s
- wi╌er╌ s
- wife wive╌ s
- wild╌beast╌ s
- wil╌der╌ness
- wile╌ s
- wi╌li╌ly
- will╌ eth
- wil╌ful╌ ly
- wil╌ ling╌ly
- wil╌wor╌ship
- wil╌low╌ s
- wil╌low╌tree
- wilt
- wimpl╌ s
- wind╌ s
- wind╌ ie
- wind╌ ing
- win╌dow╌ s
- wine╌bib╌ber╌ s
- wine╌bottls
- wine╌fat
- wine╌press╌ es
- wine╌sel╌ler╌ s
- wine╌ s
- wing╌ ed
- wing╌ s
- wink╌ ed
- wink╌ eth
- win╌ neth
- winnow╌ ed
- [Page]win╌now╌ eth
- win╌ter╌ ed
- wipe
- wi╌ ped
- wi╌ peth
- wi╌ ping
- wise╌men
- wis╌dom
- wise╌heart╌ ed
- wise╌ ly
- wi╌ser
- wish╌ ed
- wish╌ ing
- wist
- wit╌ s
- witch╌ es
- witch╌craft╌ s
- withall
- with╌draw╌ est
- with╌drawn
- with╌draw╌ eth
- with╌drew
- wi╌ther╌ ed
- wi╌ther╌ eth
- withes
- with╌held╌ est
- with╌hold╌ en
- with╌hold╌ eth
- with╌in
- with╌out
- with╌stand
- with╌stood
- wit╌ness╌ ed
- wit╌ness╌ es
- wit╌ness╌ eth
- wit╌ness╌ ing
- wit╌tie
- wit╌ting╌ ly
- wive╌ s
- wiz╌zard╌ s
- wo woe╌ s
- wo╌full
- wolf wolve╌ s
- wo╌man╌kind
- wo╌men╌serv╌ant╌ s
- womb╌ s
- won╌der╌ full╌y
- won╌der╌ ed
- won╌der╌ ing
- won╌der╌ ôus╌ly
- won╌der╌ s
- wonn
- wont
- wood╌ s
- woof
- wool╌en
- word╌ s
- work╌ s
- work╌fel╌low
- work╌ er╌s
- work╌ eth
- work╌ ing
- work╌man╌ship
- work╌men
- world╌ s
- world╌ ly
- worm╌ s
- worm╌wood
- worse
- wor╌ship╌ ped
- wor╌ship╌ per╌s
- wor╌ship╌ peth
- wor╌ship╌ ping
- worst
- worth
- wor╌thy
- wor╌thie╌ s
- wor╌thi╌ ly
- wot╌ teth
- wove
- wo╌ ven
- would╌ est
- wound╌ ed
- wound╌ est
- wound╌ eth
- wound╌ ing
- wound╌ s
- wrap╌ ped
- wrapt
- wrath╌ s
- wrath╌ full
- wreath╌ ed
- wreath╌ en
- wreath╌ s
- wrest
- wrestl╌ ed
- wrestl╌ ing╌s
- wretch╌ ed╌ness
- wring╌ ed
- wring╌ ing
- wrinkl╌ s
- write
- wri╌ter
- wri╌ test
- wri╌ teth
- wri╌ ting╌s
- [Page]wri╌ting╌table
- writ╌ ten
- wrong╌ s
- wrong╌ ed
- wrong╌ eth
- wrong╌ ful╌ly
- wrote
- wroth
- wrought╌ est
- wrung
- Yçe
- Y╌land
- Ynk╌horn
- Y╌vo╌ry
- YArn
- ye
- yea
- yeeld╌ ed
- yeeld╌ eth
- yeeld╌ ing
- yeer╌ s
- yeer╌ ly
- yell╌ ed
- yel╌lôw
- yer
- yern╌ ed
- yes
- yes╌ter╌day
- yes╌ter╌night
- yet
- yoke╌ s
- yoke╌fel╌low
- yo╌ ked
- yon╌der
- you╌ward
- your╌ s
- young╌ones
- young╌ er
- young╌ est
- youth╌full
- youth╌ s
- ZA╌a╌na╌im
- Za╌a╌nan╌nim
- Za╌a╌van
- Za╌bad
- Zab╌bai
- Zab╌di
- Zab╌di╌el
- Za╌bud
- Zac╌cai
- Zac╌cur
- Za╌cha╌ri╌ah
- Za╌cha╌ri╌as
- Za╌cher
- Za╌che╌us
- Za╌dock
- Za╌ham
- Za╌ir
- Za╌laph
- Zal╌mon╌ah
- Zal╌mun╌na
- Zam╌zum╌mim╌ s
- Za╌no╌ah
- Za╌phon
- Zaph╌nah╌pa╌a╌ne╌ah
- Za╌rah Ze╌rah
- Za╌re╌ah
- Za╌re╌a╌thite╌ s
- Za╌red
- Za╌re╌phath
- Za╌re╌tan
- Za╌reth-Sha╌har
- Zar╌hite╌ s
- Zar╌ta╌nah
- Zar╌than
- Zat╌thu
- Zat╌tu
- Za╌van
- Za╌za
- zeal╌ous╌ ly
- Ze╌bah
- Ze╌bad╌jah
- Ze╌ba╌im
- Ze╌be╌dee
- Ze╌bi╌na
- Ze╌bo╌im
- Ze╌bu╌dah
- Ze╌bul
- [Page]Ze╌bu╌lun
- Ze╌bu╌lon╌ ite╌s
- Ze╌cha╌ri╌ah
- Ze╌dad
- Ze╌de╌ki╌ah
- Ze╌eb
- Ze╌lah
- Ze╌lek
- Ze╌lo╌phe╌had
- Ze╌lo╌tes
- Zel╌zah
- Ze╌ma╌ra╌im
- Ze╌ma╌rite
- Ze╌mi╌ra
- Ze╌nam
- Ze╌nas
- Ze╌o╌rim
- Ze╌pha╌ni╌ah
- Ze╌phath
- Ze╌pha╌thah
- Ze╌phi
- Ze╌pho
- Ze╌phon╌ ite╌s
- Zer
- Ze╌rah╌jah
- Ze╌rai╌ah
- Ze╌red
- Ze╌re╌da╌thah
- Ze╌re╌rath
- Ze╌rest
- Ze╌reth
- Ze╌ri
- Ze╌ror
- Ze╌ru╌ah
- Ze╌rub╌ba╌bel
- Ze╌ru╌jah
- Ze╌tham
- Ze╌than
- Ze╌thar
- Zi╌a
- Zi╌ba
- Zi╌be╌on
- Zi╌bi╌a
- Zi╌bi╌ah
- Zi╌chri
- Zid╌dim
- Zi╌ki╌jah
- Zi╌don
- Zi╌do╌ni╌an╌ s
- Zif
- Zi╌ha
- Zik╌lag
- Zil╌lah
- Zil╌pah
- Zim╌mah
- Zim╌ran
- Zim╌ri
- Zim Zi╌na
- Zi╌on
- Zi╌or
- Ziph╌im╌ s
- Ziph╌ ite╌s
- Zi╌phah
- Zi╌phi╌on
- Ziph╌mite
- Ziph╌ron
- Zip╌po╌rah
- Ziz
- Zi╌za
- Zo╌an
- Zo╌ar
- Zo╌bah
- Zo╌be╌bah
- Zo╌har
- Zo╌heth
- Zo╌he╌leth
- Zo╌phah
- Zo╌phar
- Zo╌phim
- Zo╌rah
- Zo╌ra╌thite╌ s
- Zo╌re╌ah
- Zo╌rite╌ s
- Zo╌ro╌ba╌bel
- Zu╌ar
- Zuph
- Zur
- Zu╌ri╌el
- Zu╌ri╌shad╌dai
- Zu╌zim╌ s
The Grounds of True Reading the English Tongue, laid in Verse; under which are couch't many useful Moral Precepts.
THERE are in the English Tongue, or Language Twenty-six Letters. These Letters are distinguisht, according to their Figure-or-shape, and Sound-or-forçe.
First, According to their Figure, into Capital-or-great-and-smâll-Letters.
- 1. Great, which are written with Great Figures; as A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Chap. 1.
- 2. Small, which are written with little figures, thus: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z. Chap. 1.
Note, That, j and v consonants are added, as distinct Letters, to the other Twenty-four, because they are as far different both as to shape, and sound, from i, and u vowels, as any other of the Twenty-four Letters are.
Secondly, According to their sound, into Vowels and Consonants.
First, A Vowel is a Letter, that makes a full, and perfect sound of its self. And it is either Single, or Compound.
- 1. A Single Vowel. There are six singl Vowels,
viz. a, e, i, o, u, y. And These
- (1.) Change their sound, that is, are sometimes sounded,
Chap. 2.
- 1. Short: i. e. when we take shorter time to pronounce them; and they are noted with an half circl [Page]thus: a-short, ă, e-short, ĕ, i-short, ĭ, o-short, ŏ, u-short, ŭ, y-short, y̆.
- 2. Long: i. e. when we take longer time to pronounce them: and they are noted with a little line, thus: a-long ā, e-long ē, i-long ī, o-long ō, u-long ū, y-long ȳ.
- 3. Long-and-broad, as a in some words, like au: and This is noted with a Circumflex, thus: a-long-and-broad, â âll.
- (2.) Are quiesçent, that is, are not sounded. Ch. 3.
- (1.) Change their sound, that is, are sometimes sounded,
Chap. 2.
- 2. A Compound-Vowel, i. e. Two or more Vowels, diversly plaçed, or set together, and sounded with one breath. These are câlled Diphthongs, and Triphthongs, which, because of their difficulty, are purposely postpon'd to Chap. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.
First, A Diphthong: i. e. Two Vowels sounded together in one breath, and These are proper, or improper.
- (1.) Proper, wherein both the Vowels keep their sound. These are seven,
viz. ai, au, ay, eu, oi, ou, oy. See
Chap. 11. And These sometimes
- 1. Change their sound. Vid. Chap. 12, Two, viz. ai, ou.
- 2. Are parted into two Vowels, which are sounded apart; Four, viz. a-i, a-u, e-u, o-i. Chap. 13.
- (2.) Improper, wherein the sound of One Vowel is lost; or the sound of Both Vowels changed.
- 1. Such, as change the sound of One or Both Vowels, seventeen, viz. aa, ae, ao, ea, ee, ei, eo, ey, ie, oa, oe, ua, ue, ui, uy, ye. Chap. 14.
- 2. Such, as in which Both the Vowels are to be sounded distinctly, and apart, Ten, viz. ae, ao, ea, ee, ei, eo, ie, oa, oe, oo. Chap. 15.
Secondly, A Triphthong, i. e. three Vowels sounded together in one breath, Five, viz. aw, eau, ew, ieu, ow. To which are added two more, made up of four Vowels, viz. iew, owe. Chap. 16.
Secondly, A Consonant, which is a Letter, that soundeth not except it be joined with a Vowel. A Consonant is either singl, doubl, or trebl.
- (1.) Singl: and these are twenty one,
viz. b, c, d, f. g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z. And these sometimes
- 1. Change their sound, viz. c, g, s, t. Chap. 4.
- 2. Are not sounded, 12, viz. b, c, d, g, h, k, l, n, p, s, w. Chap. 5.
- (2.) Doubl Consonants, such, as for the most part, begin syllabls, 41,
viz. bd, bl, br, ch, cl, cn, cr, dr, dw, fl, fr, gh, gl, gr, gu, kn, mn, ph, pl, pr, ps, pt, qu, rh, sc, sh, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw, th, tr, tw, wh, wr.
Chap. 6. And these sometimes
- 1. Change their sound, five: viz. ch, gh, qu, sc, th. Chap. 7.
- 2. Are not sounded, viz. ch, gh, th, and ce. Chap. 8.
- 3. Are parted, and sounded apart, Two, viz. p-h, and s-h. Chap. 9.
- (3.) Trebl Consonants, which always begin syllabls, or are always initial, and never final, or put in the ends of words, 14, viz. chr, phl, phr, sch, scr, shr, skr, sph, spl, spr, sqv, str, thr, thw. Chap. 10.
Note, That most, if not All Termininations, i.e. such final Letters, that do end words, or syllabls, from two to five Letters, are set down Chap. 17.
CHAP. I. Of the Twenty-six Letters.
In the first Letter, of the first word of every Distich you have the true sound of every Letter of the Alphabet.
Figure. | name. | sound-or-force. |
A a | a |
A Verse may find him, who A Rule doth fly;
It takes the fancy, helps the memory. |
B b | bee |
B╌e wâry, counsel take, and well advise,
Any grand Action ere thou enterprize. |
C c | cee |
C╌ease not to run in Vertue's raçe,
till death O'retaking thee, shall run thee out of breath. |
D d | dee |
D╌are to be True; Nothing can need a Lie;
A fault, that needs it môst, grôws two thereby. |
E e | e |
E╌nvy's a ravenôus Wolf, in humane breast;
Which starves it self, when't sees another fēast. |
F f | ef |
F╌irst worship God: He, that forgets to Pray,
Bids not himself Good-morrôw, nor good-day |
G g | gee |
G╌emms are the sparkiing pride of Nature's store,
Rich rays of shell-fish, spoils of th'Eastern shore. |
H h | hee |
H╌ow durst thou sin in secret? God doth see,
And will alone thy Judg, and Jury be. |
I ī | ī |
I cannot sit, stand, go, yond beggar cries:
If he speaks truth, surely the Beggar lies. |
J j | je |
J╌udg not the Play, before the Play is done:
Nor give the Palm, before the Battel's wonn. |
K k | ka |
K╌eep not of days, but of thy deeds Account;
See to what Summ thy Vertues will amount. |
L l | el |
L╌ive Jesus, Live, and let it ever bee
My Life, to live, yea die for love of Thee. |
M m | em |
M╌ake not thy sport, abuses: for the Fly
That feeds on dirt, is coloured thereby. |
N n | en |
N╌othing's impossibl to faith: A Man
May do âll things, that, he believs he can. |
O ō | ō |
O╌ne is the Number Singular; but âll
Above, we do the Plural Number câll. |
P p | pee |
P╌arents from childrens minds their viçes weed,
As they spring up, before they run to seed. |
Q q | quee |
Q╌uaint Wits with Words, and Posies, Windows fill:
Less than least Mercies is my posie still. |
R r | er |
R╌each heav'n thou canst not here; howe're aspire
And clîmb, if not in deed, yet in desire. |
S s | es |
S╌o live with men, as if God's curious eye
Did into thy môst secret actions pry. |
T t | tee |
T╌ake well, what ere shall chançe; thôugh bad it bee,
Take it for good, and 'twill be so to thee. |
U ū | ū |
Ʋ╌se makes Things good, or bad; and the abuse
Of the best things deprives us of their use. |
V v | ve |
V╌ain, vexing World, thou Idol of Mankind;
Thy fruit is fiction; thy foundation, wind. |
W w | wee |
Worst prēachers spēak some good; if âll want sençe
God takes a Text, and prēacheth Patiençe. |
X x | ex |
X╌erxes, forbear to lash the Sēas, for they
Thy proud Commands, and Threats, scorn to obey. |
Y y | wy |
Y first our innocent young state doth shew:
Next the
two ways, wherein âll Mortals go. |
Y y | yea |
Y╌our prudent Workmen never do refuse
The mēanest tool, that they may chançe to use. |
Z z | zee |
Z╌eal, thou shalt be my Charet, whilst I ride,
Elijah╌like, with Word, and Spirit, my Guide. |
CHAP. II. Of the Six Singl Vowels, a, e, i, o, u, y, as they change their sound; being sometimes sounded short, sometimes long, sometimes broad.
- ă short
ă╌t Table guard thy tongue: A civil guestwill no more tâlk âll, than eat âll the fēast.
- ā long
ā╌pe-like fond Parents act extreamly ill,whilst with embraçes, they their young ones kill.
- â broad like au
â╌ll is not gōld, that glisters: Thy fair paint,spēaks thee a chēat, fâlse hypocrite, no Saint.
- e short
e╌clyps'd the Sun, earth quakes, veil rent, dark sky.Nature must needs be sick, when God can die.
- ē long
ē╌ternity, when Time fâlls sick, and dyes,will bring his Winding╌sheet, & clōse his eyes.
- e like ee
e╌vil discourse corrupts. How oft is deathblown into sôuls, by an infectiôus breath?In evening, english, england, here, he, me,and in she, we, ye, e doth sound like ee.
- e like ŭ short
e before n, in participls, beaten,obscure like ŭ short, taken, drunken, ēaten.
- i short
i╌f thy wise son can make ten pounds his measurethen âll thou addest may be câll'd his treasure.
- ī long
I never yet could rēad, or hear of anyundone by hearing, but, by spēaking, many.
- i like ŭ
short i before r sounds like short ŭ, in dirt,sir, filbirds, third, thirteen, thirst, birdlime, shirt.
- o short
o╌n Providençe âll acçidents depend,for their beginning, progress, and their end.
- ō long
ō my dear God, thôugh I am clēan forgot,let me not love thee, if I love thee not.
- o like ŭ
short ō╌thers good turns to thee, be sure to tell;but nothing say, when thou thy self dost well.
[Page 7]o like oo
What╌ever Christ attempts in's Church to do,That filthy Whore of Rome strives to undo.
- ŭ short
ŭ╌nder that stone, where Christ onçe laid his head,the grave it self doth now lie buried.
- ū long
ū╌se all the prudent providençe you can,to get, and save; for money makes the man.
- y
short like ĭ
In myrrh, nymph, martyr, chrystal, sympathie,Egypt, Apocalyps, and Presbyterie.
- y
long like ī
And Adjectives, as Healthy—With long yYour Verbs do end, as cry, dy, pacify.
CHAP. III. Of the Six Vowels, when they are quiescent-or-not-sounded.
- a
a after a, e, o, sounds not. 'Tis knownfrom Canaan, Isaac, ēasy, earthly, grōan.
- e
ith' end sounds not, as came: when't follows ī,or ū, as beautie, subdue, paritīe.In little, lustre, George, Moneth, Athiest, Tuesday.First e in Scrivener, and last e in Wednesday.
- i
in business, fashion, parliament, and carriage,in venison, circūit, nēither, cousin, marriage.
- o
in damosel, youth, and gaoler, courage, doubl,o lies quiescent, gives the ear no troubl.
- u
in guard, guest, guide, guilt, endings our and ôus,u sounds not, as in Saviour, scrupulôus.
- y
y dormant lies in Monkey pulley, key,in chimney, journey, kidney, Anglesey.
Note, Diphthongs should next follow; but, because of their difficulty, they are put off to Chap. 11.
CHAP. IV. Of Singl Consonants as they change their sound, 3.
- c without a point, before
a, o, u, sounds like k; which for distinction from k, you may plēase to câll
- ca
care cramps the joynts, debilitates the mind:wēakens the head, & heart; strīkes Rēason blind.
- cŏ
command thy self in chief: He life's warr knôws,whom âll his Passions follôw, as he gôes.
- cŭ
cŭ╌ stom's a cruel Tyrant: He, that canwell beāre, or break its Arm, is more than Man.
- ca
- ç with a point, before
e, i, y, most commonly sounds like s, or çee.
- çe
çe╌nsure none rashly: Nature's apt to hâlt:Look inward; Hee's unborn that hath no fault.
- çe like hard s
çe like hard s sounds, in açe, eçe, içe, uçe,as maçe, peaçe, pieçe, sliçe, adviçe, and induçe,
- çe like soft s
But like soft s, or z, çe couchant lies,In feçeibl, suffiçe, and sacrifiçe.
- çi
çi╌vility gilds fair, sets off a man;graçe only makes a gōlden Christian.
- çy
Cy╌nthia-the-Moon is Empress of the nīght:The Sun is Soveraign of the day, and Light.
- çe
- g before
a, o, u, sounds hard, like ghee, with an aspiration.
[Page 9]ga
game is a civil gunpowder; in peaçeblowing up houses, with their whole increase.
- go
god gave thy soul brave wings; put not those feathersinto a bed, to sleep out all ill weathers.
- gŭ
gŭll not thy sôul with honour, wealth, or pleasure;âll their dimensions vanity doth measure.
[Page 9]ga
- g before
e, i, y, commonly soft, as
- ge
ge╌ntlman He, that gentl is; who canrule his mad Passions, is the Gentlman.
Except. Ge╌t
vapouring gallant, get substantial worth;boldness gilds finely, and will set it forth.
- gi
gi╌ants of ôld so daring, found great odds,'twixt a Conflict with men, & war with gods.
Excep. Gi╌ve
to âll something; to a good poor man,till thou change Names, and be, where he began.
- gy
gy╌psies will rēad your fortune in your hand;give 'em for this due pay, a whip, or brand.
- ge
- s long & hard.
s╌ome instruments of musick pass for rare;but with a well-tun'd Tongue None may compare.
- s round and soft like
'Twixt Vowels two, in ends of words, līk zee,as in, sins, easy, present, sons, we see.
- s and s
Would you not lose your wealth, then grôw not loose,nēither abuse that wealth God gave for use.
- ti in the begining
ti╌me, let but a minute of it slip, not âllthe wealth of bôth the Indies can recâll.
- ti before a vowel like si.
ti sounds before a Vowel—si, as Nation,contrition, patiençe, faction, contentātion.
- I V X L C D M
I one, V five, X ten, L fifty, Chundred, five hundred D, M thousand be.
CHAP. V. Of Singl Consonants, that are quiescent-or-not-sounded, 12.
- b
After m, as lamb, womb. Before t, as doubt,Debt, debtor, subtile, sound of b's left out.
- ç
ç sounds not in asçend, sçepter, asçent,Indīctment, consçiençe, sçythian, nor in sçent.
- d
In Wednesday, friendship, handmaid, d stoth standMute, and in all the words compound with hand.
- g
In phlegme g sounds not; Nor 'fore n, signe, reigne,Nor in their compounds, assigne, soveraigne.
- h
Not sounded after c and r, as Christ,scheme, scholar, rhetorick, rheum, Antichrist.Nor i'th' ends of words Hebrew, Jeremiah,Isaiah, Mispeh, Shiloh, Hezekiah.
- k
In the same syllabl after c, as back,Deck, peck, sick, thick, mock, rock, duck, muck, and pack.
- l
Sounds not in Holborn, Bristol, Lincoln, tâlk,In calf, half, Malmsey, salmon, falcon, wâlk.
- n
In kiln; And after m, as limn, condemn, Hymn, solemn,autumn, column, and contemn.
- p
In psalm, receipt; And after m, as tempt,redemption, sumptuous, symptom, and exempt.
- s
Isle, Island, Viscount; these three words are âllThe words, in which s doth its sound let fâll.
- w
w after o sounds not, as in blôw, thrôw,In shadôw, widôw, fallôw, tallôw, grôw.
CHAP. VI. Of doubl Consonants initial, or that commonly begin syllabls, 41.
- bd
Bd╌ellium some câll a pearl; some manna, or gum:give me but Manna, take they bdellium.
- bl
Bl╌est is the humbl, and contented state:The rich buy ruine oft at a deer rate.
- br
Br╌ave Madam Silk╌worm who out╌shines the day,May be to morrow for the worms a prey.
- ch chee ch
Ch╌ildren that make their parents hearts to bleed.May live t' have children to revenge that deed.
- cl
Cl╌oaths shape, and meat maintains; but nothing canLike Graçe, and Manners, dignifie a man.
- cn
Cn╌idos an Island is, from which there cameIn Galen's time oyl of great worth, & name.
- cr
Cr╌abb façeth clōths with richest furrs: 'Tis known;But keeps the Fox-furr, for to façe his ōwn.
- dr
Dr╌ink but the third glass: If thou lose thy hold,Then thou art modest, & the wine grows bold.
- dw dwee
Dw╌arfs in great Natures Volumn âlwaies standFor men, but written in the shortest hand.
- fl
Fl╌atter none in their sins; for AdulationWill make thee parcel-divel in damnation.
- fr
Fr╌iends are like gold; if true, they'l never leave thee:Yet both, without a touch-stone, may deceiv thee.
- gh like ghee
gh╌ōsts are fledg spirits, hopt out of the shell.And nests of flesh, wherein they late did dwell.
- gl
Gl╌ory of God, man's good, are the fixt Poles,On which the Sphere of true Religion rowls.
[Page 12]gn
Gn╌ashing of teeth in flames! O, who can tell,What scorching, and yet freezing fire's in hell?
- gr
Gr╌eat God, I am thy Taper, thou my Sun:From Thee, the Spring of light, my light begun.
- gu ghee
Gu╌ilt in the Consciençe dissipates its evilThrough man's whole frame, and makes him his own Divel.
- kn
Kn╌eeling ne're spoil'd silk-stockin: quit thy state;âll equal are within the Churches gate.
- Mn
Mn╌ason, that ôld disçiples hoary head,A Crown of glory's found, before he's dead.
- ph phee
Ph╌ilo, with twelve years study hath been griev'dTo b' understood, when will he be believ'd?
- pl
Pl╌easure stops Reason's ear, confounds the mind;Unman's a man, repentance leaves behind.
- pr
Pr╌emeditate your speeches: words onçe flôwnare in the hearers power, not your own.
- ps
Ps╌alms, when y' are merry, sing, & sweetly raiseYour hearts, and voiçes in Jehovah's praise.
- pt
Pt╌olemy resign'd his Crown unto his son,When Cyprus, and all Egypt he had won.
- qu quee
Qu╌it crēature-comforts, fix thy sôul above;Where âll is graçe, and glory, light, and love.
- rh like r
Rh╌esus his wealth, as children rattls keep,when plaid a while with, then they fâll asleep.
- sc
Sc╌arçe are the Righteous sav'd: If so, O whereShâll one day the unrighteôus appear?
- sc
Sc╌ylla, Charybdis, opposite in her Cave,With sharp-fang'd mouth sucks the ships from the waves.
- sh shee
Sh╌ift, or strike sail, oppos'd by wind, & waves:Too daring Pilot's he, that storms out╌braves.
- sk
Sk╌ulk his old friend forgets, having got pelf:No marvel, for he hath forgot himself.
[Page 13]sl
Sl╌eep captivates Life's five free sons; for deathNothing remains, but that thinn something breath.
- sm
Sm╌âll pleasure, smâller profit it affords,To bēat the air, and grate the ear with words.
- sn
Sn╌ares are by Devil, World, Flesh, laid every where,In Shop, Field, Table, Bed. Therefore beware.
- sp
Sp╌are not, nor spend too much. Be this thy care,Spare but to spend, and only spend, to spare.
- st
St╌irring, and active spirits, live alone:Write on the others, Here lies such an one.
- sw swee
Sw╌ear not. An ōath is like a dangerous dart,Which shot rebounds to strike the shooter's heart.
- th thee-hard
Th╌ank those, that do thee good. so shâlt thou gainTheir second help, if thou shouldst need again.
- tr
Tr╌uth is in Wine: but who can find it there?W'are sure, in Taverns, men will lie & swear.
- tw twee
Tw╌elve Patriarchs, XII Apostles, and 12 rarePearls in Aaron's breast╌plate did appear.
- wh whee
Wh╌o spend too much, may want, & so complain:But he spends best, that spares, to spend again.
- wr
Wr╌etch, when thy hair is sweet, through pride, or lust,Thy powder proves, thou hast forgot, th'art dust.
CHAP. VII. Of doubl Consonants, that change their sound, 6.
- ch
like k
ch╌orazin, wo to thee: the darkest nightinwraps thee, 'cause thou sinn'dst 'gainst so much light.
- gh
like f
g-h doth sometimes sound like f, as rough,cough, hick-cough, laughter, daughter, chough, enough.
- qu
like k
like k it sounds i'th' drunkards-god, good liquor,and in that Royal Bank, the King's Exchequer.
- sc without a point in c, before a, o, u, hard, like s k.
- sca
Sca-nderbeg's sword, thôugh keen, could little harm,unless, when wielded by his ôwn great arm.
- sco
sco-rn by aspersions fâlse to thrôw a stoneat others heads, lēast thou shouldst hit thy ôwn.
- scŭ
scŭ╌llions are like to Sisyphus: in vainthey wind up weights, which forthwith sink again.
- sca
- sç with a point in ç, before e, i, y, most commonly, like s.
- sçe
Sçe╌pters are stately burthens; and Crowns arenot more beset with Pearls, than stuft with Care.
In Sceptick, Sceleton, s-c-e are found,But in no other words, like s ke, to sound.
- sçi
Sçī╌ençe from Heaven hath this noble grant,That none do slīght it, but the Ignorant.
[Page 15]sçy
Sçy╌thians were cut-throats, barbarôus, savage men:The Irish Papists sure are Sçythians then
- sçe
- th hard
th╌ink thy meat to be dirt, then eat a bit,and say withâll, Earth to earth I commit.
- th like dthee
th╌e Drunkard forfeits Man, and doth devestâll worldly right, save what he hath by bēast.
- tw like t
tw╌o smâll things do a thousand things containmuch larger than themselvs, man's heart and brain.
CHAP. VIII. Of doubl Consonants, 3, and çe which are not sounded: ch, gh, th.
- çe not sounded
In Gloçester, Worçester, acquiesçe; but isIn dançe, hençe, sinçe, sconçe, dunçe, pronounç'd like s.
- çh
In sçchedule, sçhismatick, sçhism, draçhm, ç-hBoth latent lie, and never sounded bee.
- gh
In hīgh, âlmīghty, nīgh, sīgh, thīgh, and fīght,līght, nīght, rīght, sīght, brīght, ship-wrīght, Hūgh, and knīght.
- th rythm
CHAP, IX. Of doubl Consonants that are sometimes parted, 2, p-h, s-h.
- p-h
In Clap╌ham, Trap╌ham, Pop╌ham, p- and -hIn shep╌herd, shep╌herd╌ess, divided bee.
- s-h
In Gres╌ham, hous╌hold, and mis╌hap, s-hStick not so close, but they both parted bee.
CHAP. X. Of Trebl Consonants that begin syllabls, 14.
- chr
Chr╌īst is the Way, the Trūth, & Life: who loveHis Way, & Trūth, shall live with him above.
- phl
phl╌egm's a dull humour, & doth generate folly;blood, mirth; wrath, choler; sadness, melancholy.
- phr
Phr╌yne, thy flattering picture is like thee,only in this, that you bôth painted be.
- sch
sch╌ools are the seed-plots of all learned Arts;& do enrich our heads, our tongues, our hearts.
- scr
scr╌ape, scrape for muck; yet knôw, poor wretched Dame,thou losest three for one, thy Sôul, Rest, Fame.
- shr
shr╌ink not at dangers, but march on thy way:great dangers are true Valour's sport & play.
- skr
skr╌ew lives by shifts, yet swears by no small ōaths,for âll his shifts, he cannot shift his clothes.
- sph
sph╌eres harmony much tâlkt of: O to hearthat ravishing Musick, let me be âll ear.
[Page 17]spl
spl╌een is a sleeping Lion, which if youdare but to rouze, your head, hand, heart will rue.
- spr
spr╌ead no Reports: The Vulgar are inclīndeto nothing more, than sporting with the wīnde.
- squ
squ╌are dealing is a Jewel, and as rareas of the Cīrcl is the fancied Square.
- str
str╌ange kind of grief, that finds no Med'çine goodto swage its pain, but the Physiçian's blood.
- thr
Thr╌aso goes lame with blôws, he did reçeiv,in a late duel, if you'l him believ.
- thw
thw╌art not the honest trav'ller in's right way;thwarting may him provoke to go astray.
CHAP. XI. Of Proper Diphthongs, i. e. that is, Two Vowels so sounded together in one breath, that they both keep their sound. 7.
- ai
ai╌r, fire, earth, water, every elementspends, nay exhausts its self for man's content.
- au
au╌thority's a stamp God doth bestôwon his Vicegērents-Prinçes here belôw.
- ay
ay's an ôld word for ever. Happy they,thriçe happy, who their God enjoy for ay.
- eu
eu╌trapelus great costly gifts would send,when his dire cruelty did death intend.
- oi
oi╌l makes the façe to shine; Wine claims its partin cheering, and rejoicing of the heart.
- ou
ou╌r life soon ends, like a vain tale, or song:earth's joys, and their enjoyers live not long.
[Page 18]oy
oy╌ntments & sweet perfumes, rejoiçe the heart;Christ's blood alone can cure the Consciençe-smart.
CHAP. XII. Of Proper Diphthongs, that change their sound, two, ai, ou.
- ai like e
In bargain, chaplain, curtain, and again,In raisin, travail, wainscot, chamberlain.
- ou like o
In words, that end in our, as Emperour, In rigour,cough, choughs, and embassadour.
- ō
In sôuldier, môuld, rôuld, graciôus, and sôul,In jealôus, piôus, thôugh, âlthôugh, contrôul.
- u
ou╌gly, thôugh young and fair, in God's esteem,Are they, who in their own eyes fair do seem.
- ū
This diphthong in two words sounds like ū long,As yoūthfull, yoūth: but like u short, in young.
- âu
ou╌ght it not to be done? Law, Reason, say:It shall be done, say Kings, who dares say Nay:
- oo
In your, yours, couldest, could, would, wouldest, sourçe,should, shouldest, courtier, couch, gourd, wourts, and course.
CHAP. XIII. Of Proper Diphthongs that are parted into their several Vowels, 4.
- a-i
In Ja╌ir, A╌i, La╌ish, Ephra╌im,Mosa╌ick, La╌ity, and Mizra╌im.
- a-u parted.
This dipththong parted is, in Archela╌us,Caperna╌um, Emma╌us, Nichola╌us.
- e-u
e-u are always parted in Alphe╌us,Zache╌us, Je╌ur, Je╌ush, Bartime╌us,
- o-i
Parted in Sto╌ick. Zebo╌im, and Lo╌is,In To╌i, do╌ing, mo╌ity, Camo╌is.
CHAP. XIV. Of improper Diphthongs, i. e. such as lose, or change the sound of one, or both Vowels, 17.
- aa like ā
Aa╌ron, and Hur, Moses supporters stand,Whilst his heart tugs in Pray'r, they prop his hand.
- ae ē
Ae╌neas heart great Sampson's strength o're-mates;He his dear Father carri'd; This, but Gates.
- ao
In gaol sounds ai: in Pharaoh (a) we miss:In extra╌ordinary, parted 'tis.
- ea
- ă
e╌a sounds ă in heărken, heărk, and heărt:Here âlso Seărge, disheărten, claim their part.
- ĕ
ea╌rthworm, what's earth's summ╌total? Honour's height?And pleasures May to Life Eternal's Light?
[Page 20]ē
ēa╌ch moment brings us nearer to our end:Why should we then our precious Time mis╌spend?
- ee
ea╌rs we have Two, one Tongue: from vvhençe 'tis clear,Before vve speak onçe, vve ought tvviçe to hear.
- ă
- ee yee
ee╌ls soft, but slippery are: Fishers, bevvare;The faster held, sooner let gone they are.
- ei
- ē
ēi╌ther at third cup stop, or quit your plaçe;Wine, above âll things, doth Gods stamp defaçe.
- ĭ
In Atheism, Atheist, e sounds not. But tellSuch, There's a Word, vvhere e doth sound, that's Hell.
- ī
ei╌es dost thou fear, and still play lēast in sight?'Tis much to be presūm'd, âll is not right.
- ai
ei╌ght Ides, a Month: A mile hath furlongs 8:VIII dramms contain an ounçe its perfect weight.
- ā their.
- ē
- eo
- ŏ
ee In George like o; in peopl, sounds like ee:
- ĕ
Like e in Leopard, yeoman, jeopardy.
- ŏ
- ey
- ĕ
e-y like e short sounds in countrey, honey,Atturney, monkey, parsley, tansey, money.
- ī
ey╌es at each glançe send forth such pointed dartsAs pierçe the hardest Adamantine hearts.
- ay
I'th' end of vvords, e-y sounds ay; as, TheyKnôw best to Rule, that first learn to to obey.
- ĕ
- ie in the end ī middl ee
I'th' end ī long, as flie: i'th' midst, as field,Grief, friend, friese, priest, the sound of ee doth yield.
- oa ō
ōa╌ks, with their stately Limbs and Tops, to JoveWere consecrate, in his Dodonean grove.
- oe
- ē
oe╌dipus a Trūth môst clearly could unshroudWhen Sphinx had wrapt it in the darkest cloud.
[Page 21]oe like ŭ oo
Like ŭ in doeth: in doe, like oo: in foe,
- oe like ō
In cuckoe, aloes, woe, sounds like long ō.
- ē
- oo
- like woo
The proper sound of oo we find in Moon,Food, Book, school, doom, troop, foot, tooth, and dragoon.
- oo like ŭ
Some minçe it like short ŭ, spill innoçent blood,'Tvvill soon appear, thôugh veil'd vvith blackest hood.
- like woo
- ua like
wa ă
ue like ūIn language, wa: but ă, in guărd. In true,And in âll ends of vvords u-e sounds ū. - ue not sounded.
In relique, rôgue, collôgue, and catalogue,u and e sound not, nor in dialogue.
- ui like ī ĭ
ī-long in guīde, in build ĭ-short: in frūit,
- ui like ū
sounds ū long; so in circūit, brūit, pursūit.
- uy like ī
ī-long in buy; y-e in dye
- ye like ī
sound ī: Though e i'th' end's judg'd needless after y.
CHAP. XV. Of Improper Diphthongs parted, and their Vowels distinctly sounded, 10.
- a-e
Parted in Hebrew Words, as Micha╌elAbima╌el, Ja╌el, Ishma╌el, Isra╌el.
- a-o
In La╌odicea, and La╌ocoon,Confused- Cha╌os, Leba╌oth, and Ma╌on.
- e-a
In re╌al, Ele╌azar, page╌ant,Pre╌ambl, Gile╌ad, oce╌an, serge╌ant.
- e-e
In Be╌ersheba, and Bezale╌el,Re╌enter, re╌extend, Nathane╌el.
- e-i
In Se╌ir, re╌inform, and Phine╌i,Re╌iterate, Idre╌i, De╌ity.
[Page 22]e-o
In Be╌or, Gibe╌on, Pe╌or, gor╌geôus,In scutche╌on, theo╌ry, and righte╌ôus.
- i-e
In di╌ed, acqui╌esçe, experi╌ençe,Courti╌er, cli╌ent, qui╌et, consci╌ençe.
- o-a
In Jo╌ab, Zo╌ar; but poor Rehobo╌amFound a worse parting caus'd by Jerobo╌am.
- o-e
In these three vvords, o╌e we parted see,Co╌ēqual, Clo╌e, Co╌ēternity.
- o-o
Parted in Hebrew Words: and so in Co╌as,Laoco╌on, Bo╌ōtes, and in Bo╌os.
CHAP. XVI. Of Triphthongs, i. e. that is, Three Vowels sounded together in one breath, viz. âw, eau, ew, ieu, ow, and īew, owe.
- aw
âwfull Revēre is unto Kings most due,For they're our Fathers, & our Countreys too.
- eau like ū
Three Vowels in one Word, with âll their mightConspire to sound that Toy câld Beauty, right.
- ew like ū
ew╌s yield us lambs, fleeçe, flesh; alive, are goodFor breeding, cloathing; and, when dead, for food.
- ieu like ū iew like ū
But four of these we find, Sieur, lieu, adieu,And one more simpl, with its compounds, view.
- ow
ow╌l-like, the guilty sinner hates the Light;In time, and deeds of darkness doth delight.
- owe like ō
ōwe no man, here in this life, ought, but Love:That's a debt must be paying, vvhen above.
CHAP. XVII. An Ab╌stract of words, wherein are found the true sounds of âll the vow╌els, diph╌thongs, singl doŭbl, and trebl Con╌so╌nants, that be╌gin En╌glish words.
Fi╌gure | Name | Sound. | |
A | a | a | An╌gel, al╌lure. A. |
B | b | bee | Beār, book. Be. |
C | c | çee | Ce╌dar, çēase. |
Ci╌ty, çi╌vil. | |||
Cy╌press, çymbal. | |||
D | d | dee | Dog, deep, dare. |
E | e | e | Egg, e╌le╌phant, en╌vy. |
F | f | ef | Fox, fire, first. |
G | g | gee | Gentl╌man, gemms. |
Giant. | |||
Gyp╌sie, gybe. | |||
H | h | hee | Horse, hand, how. |
I | ī | eīe | Idle. |
J | i | je | Jack╌ daw. Je╌sus. |
jingl, joy, judge. | |||
K | k | ka | King, kid, keep. |
L | l | el | Li╌on, lame, live. |
M | m | em | Mon╌key, man, make. |
N | n | en | Nīght╌in╌gale, name, no╌thing. |
O | ō | ō | Oak, ō╌di╌ōus, ōne. |
P | p | pee | Pēa╌cock, pen, pa╌rents. |
Q | q | quee | Queen, quill, quaint. |
R | r | er | Ramm, rōse, rēach. |
S | s | es | Sun, saint, so. |
T | t | tee | Tur╌key╌cock, teeth, take. |
U | ū | ū | U╌ni╌corn, ū╌ni╌ty, ūse. |
V | v | ve | Vine, verse, vo╌cal, vul╌gar, vain. |
W | w | wee | Wood╌cock, week, worst. |
X | x | ex | Xerx╌es, Xe╌no╌phon, Ex╌on. |
Y | y | wy | Y╌pres, py, fly. |
Y | y | yēa | Yel╌am╌ber, York, you. |
Z | z | zee | Za╌cha╌ry, Zi╌on, zeal. |
- ă short ăppl, ănd, ăt.
- ā long āpe, āle, fāçe.
- â brōad âll, hâll, bâll.
- e short elm, end, e╌clyps'd.
- ē long ē╌gypt, ē╌mu╌late, ē╌ter╌ni╌ty.
- e like ee e╌vil.
- e like ŭ short, obscure—bēat╌en.
- i short Ink╌horn, i╌di╌ot, it.
- ī long Is╌land, īçe.
- i like ŭ short, dirt.
- o short Ox, of, on.
- ō long ōld-wo╌man.
- o like oo Rome, un╌do.
- o like ŭ short, o╌thers.
- o like wŭ—one, onçe.
- ŭ short—ŭr╌chin, ŭncl, ŭn╌der.
- ū long—ū╌ri╌nal, ūse.
- y short like i—myrrh, mar╌tyr, health╌y
- y long like ī long—ry, type, cry.
- a I╌saac, ēa╌sy, grōan.
- e came, beau╌tie, sub╌due, little, lustre, Scrive╌ner, Wednes╌day.
- i bu╌si╌nes, nēi╌ther.
- o damo╌sel, doubl.
- u guard, Sa╌vi╌our, scru╌pu╌lōus.
- y ab╌bey.
Diph╌thongs, which should here fol╌lôw, are, be╌cause of their dif╌fi╌cul╌ty, post╌pon'd to Chap. 11.
- c kee, be╌fore a, o, u, like k.
- ca cat, care, cake, câll.
- co cock, cōlt, com╌mand.
- cŭ cüp, cŭff, cŭs╌tom.
- ç çee commonly before e, i, y, like s
- çe çen╌sure. Except A╌çel╌da╌ma. like s, maçe. like s, suf╌fiçe.
- çi ci╌vi╌li╌ty, like s. fe╌çibl.
- cy çyn╌ thi╌a.
- g ghee hard, before a, o, u.
- ga gar╌ter, gâll, game.
- go gōat, gōld, god.
- gŭ gŭn, gŭt, gŭll.
- g gee com╌mon╌ly soft, before e, i, y.
- ge ge╌ne╌ral. Ex╌çept get.
- [Page 26]gi gin╌ger. Exçept give.
- gy gybe. Ex╌çept gyes.
- s long and hard—loose
- s round and soft, like ez—lose, ea╌sy, sins.
- b lamb, doubt.
- c sçep╌ter.
- d hand╌maid.
- g phlegme, signe.
- h Christ, Rhe╌to╌rick, Je╌re╌mi╌ah.
- k back.
- l tâlk, calf.
- n kiln, limn.
- p psalm, tempt.
- s isle, viscount.
- t watch.
- w blôw.
- bd bdee bdel╌li╌um.
- bl blee blīnd╌man, blood, blest.
- br bree breech╌es, bread, brave.
- ch chee chick, cheese, chil╌dren.
- ch like kee Cham, Cha╌ron.
- cl clee club, cloud, clōaths.
- cn cnee Cni╌dos.
- cr cree cradle, crab.
- dr dree drum, drink.
- dw dwee dwarf, dwell.
- [Page 27]fl flee flow╌er, flesh, flat╌ter.
- fr free frog, friends.
- gh ghee ghost, ghast╌ly.
- gl glee glas╌ses, glo╌ry.
- gn gnee gnat, gnaw, gnash╌ing
- gr gree grape, graçe, grēat.
- gu ghee guard╌man, guilt.
- like guee lan╌guage.
- kn knee knife, knee, kneel╌ing.
- mn mnee Mna╌son.
- ph phee phy╌si╌çi╌an, pha╌ri╌see, Phi╌ le.
- pl plee plumb, plēase, plea╌sure.
- pr pree preach╌er, pray, pre╌me╌di╌tate.
- ps psee psalm╌ist, psalms.
- pt ptee Pto╌le╌ma╌is, Pto╌le╌my.
- qu quee quinçe, quick, quit.
- rh rhee Rhe╌ nish╌wine, Rhine, Rhe╌sus.
- sc like skee, before a, o, u.
- sca scarf, scarçe.
- sco scor╌pi╌on, Scot.
- scŭ scul╌li╌on, scŭm.
- sc like see, before e, i, y.
- sçe sçep╌ter, sçene.
- sçi sçis╌sers, sçi╌ençe.
- scy sçy╌ thi╌an, sçyl╌la.
- sh shee ship, sheep, shift.
- sk skee skil╌let, skain, skulk.
- sl slee slip╌per, sleep.
- sm smee smith, smart, smâll.
- sn snee snail, snuf╌fers, snares.
- sp spee spec╌tacls, spoon, spare.
- st stee star, staff, stir╌ing.
- sw swee swan, sweet, sweār.
- th thee thimbl, thank.
- [Page 28]th dthee thy╌fa╌ther, thee.
- tr tree trump╌et, tree, trūth.
- tw twee twinns, twig, twelv.
- wh whee wheel, whip, who.
- wr wree wren, write, wretch.
- ch like kee cho╌ra╌zin.
- gh like f roŭgh, dăugh╌ter.
- qu like k li╌quor, ex╌che╌quer.
- sc like skee, before a, o, u.
- sca Scan╌der╌beg.
- sco scorn.
- scŭ scŭl╌li╌ons.
- sç like see before e, i, y.
- sçe sçep╌ters. Except scep╌tick.
- sçī sçi╌ençe.
- sçy sçy╌ thi╌ans.
- th hard thee, think.
- th soft dthee, the.
- tw like t, two.
- çe Gloçes╌ter, Worçes╌ter.
- çh sçhe╌dule, drachm, schism.
- gh hīgh, līght.
- p╌h Clap╌ham, shep╌herd.
- s╌h Gres╌ham, hous╌hold.
Figure | Name | Sound. |
chr | chree | Chris╌ti╌an, Chrīst. |
phl | phlee | phleg╌ma╌tick, phle╌gon, phlegme, |
phr | phree | phre╌ne╌tick, Phry╌gi╌a, Phry╌ne. |
sch | schee | school╌ma╌ster, scho╌lar, schools. |
scr | scree | scribe, scrip╌ture, scrape. |
shr | shree | shrimp, shrub, shrink. |
skr | skree | skrew. |
sph | sphee | sphere, sphe╌ri╌cal, spheres. |
spl | splee | splee╌ne╌tick, splin╌ter, spleen. |
spr | spree | sprig, spring, spread. |
squ | squee | squi╌rel, square. |
str | stree | strawber╌ry, strait, strange. |
thr | three | thrush, throne, Thra╌so. |
thw | thwee | thwart. |
- ai hair, pair, air.
- au aunt, au╌di╌ençe, au╌tho╌ri╌ty.
- ay hay, day, ay.
- eu yeu╌tree, eu╌nūch, eu╌tra╌pe╌lus.
- oi oi╌ster, noise, oil.
- [Page 30] ou hour╌glass, flout, our.
- oy boy, toy, oynt╌ments.
- ai like e short bar╌ gain, chap╌ lain.
- ou like o short emper╌our.
- ō long sōul╌di╌er, gra╌ci╌ōus.
- ŭ short yoŭng.
- ū long yoūth.
- au ought.
- oo could.
- a╌i Ja╌ir.
- a╌u Ca╌per╌na╌um.
- e╌u Za╌che╌us.
- o╌i Ze╌bō╌im.
- aa sounds ā long Aa╌ron, I╌saac.
- ae ē long Aet╌na, Cae╌sar, Ae╌ne╌as.
- ao ai gao╌ler, or goa╌ler.
- ō long Pha╌raōh.
- ea ē long ēāgl, mēat, ēach.
- ă short heărt.
- e short earth╌worm.
- ee ears.
- ee yee eels, meek, seek.
- ei ē long hēi╌fer, re╌çēiv, ēi╌ther.
- i short a╌theist.
- [Page 31]ci sounds ī long cīes.
- ā long their.
- ai eight.
- eo ee peopl.
- o short George.
- e short jeo╌par╌dy.
- ey sounds ē long kēy.
- e short ho╌ney.
- ī long eyes.
- ay they.
- ie in the end ī iong flīe, drīe, frīe.
- in the middl ee long. field, brief.
- in the middl ī friend.
- ōa ō long ōates, bōat, lōaf, ōaks.
- oe ē long phoe╌nix, Oe╌di╌pus, Eu╌boe╌a.
- in the end ō long fōe.
- in the end oo doe.
- ŭ short doeth.
- oo woo goose, fool, moon.
- ŭ short blood, hood.
- ua ă guărd.
- wa lan╌guage.
- ūe ū long true.
- qui╌es╌çent, or not sounded, in re╌lique.
- qui╌es╌çent, or not sounded, in rōgue.
- qui╌es╌çent, or not sounded, in di╌a╌logue.
- uī ī long guīde, guīle.
- i short build, guilt.
- ū long frūit, brūit.
- uy ī long buy.
- ye ī long dye.
- a╌e Mi╌cha╌el. Ex╌çept Mi╌chael╌mas.
- a╌o La╌o╌di╌çe╌a.
- e╌a re╌al.
- e╌e Be╌er╌she╌ba.
- e╌i Se╌ir.
- e╌o Be╌or.
- i╌e ac╌quï╌esçe.
- o╌a Jo╌ab.
- o╌e co╌e╌qual.
- o╌o Co╌os.
- âw âwl, fâwn, âw╌full.
- eaū ū beaū╌ty, beaū╌ti╌full.
- ew ū ew╌lamb, few, ews.
- ieu ū Sieur, lieu, a╌ dieu.
- iew ū view, re╌ view.
- ōwe ō bōwe, flōwe, grōwe.
CHAP. XVIII. Of Fi╌nal Let╌ters, viz. to wit, 2, 3, 4, 5 Let╌ters, that end En╌glish words.
- pay ay
- stabb bb
- dâub'd b'd
- babe be
- for╌çibl bl
- scabs bs
- debt bt
- de╌faç'd ç'd
- fāçe çe
- sa╌cri╌fiçe çe
- rich ch
- sto╌mach ch
- back ck
- ar╌ticl cl
- de╌faç't ç't
- fact ct
- add dd
- fade de
- pledg dg
- câudl dl
- ap╌plauds ds
- raies es
- kēy ēy
- abbey ey
- chaf'd f'd
- safe fe
- chaff ff
- hoofs fs
- graft ft
- drag'd g'd
- en╌gag'd g'd
- cage ge
- begg gg
- hīgh gh
- roŭgh gh
- phlegm gm
- be╌nign gn
- raign gn
- dogs gs
- John hn
- I╌ sai╌ahs hs
- beaū╌tīe īe
- slak'd k'd
- make ke
- hâwks ks
- bāk't k't
- alb lb
- held ld
- gale le
- self lf
- half lf
- tâlk lk
- câll ll
- psalm lm
- fâln ln
- Lin╌coln ln
- whelp lp
- brawls ls
- hâlt lt
- salv lv
- lamb mb
- fām'd m'd
- dame me
- dramm mm
- damn mn
- camp mp
- bēams ms
- dreamt mt
- junc╌ture nc
- hand nd
- bane ne
- hang ng
- thank nk
- cann nn
- trans ns
- [Page]pens ns
- mint nt
- doe oe
- fōe ōe
- joy oy
- gāp'd p'd
- āpe pe
- e╌pi╌ taph ph
- flapp pp
- a╌po╌ca╌lyps ps
- re╌çeipt pt
- herb rb
- hard rd
- shar'd r'd
- care re
- scarf rf
- bark rk
- suarl rl
- farm rm
- wârn rn
- carp rp
- wârr rr
- stars rs
- art rt
- carv rv
- rais'd s'd
- sause se
- these se
- bush sh
- ask sk
- schism sm
- grasp sp
- glass ss
- cast st
- hate te
- bath th
- straits ts
- matt tt
- shav'd v'd
- shave ve
- Dovs vs
- sub╌dūe ūe
- buy uy
- axe xe
- axl xl
- waxt xt
- Paw aw
- stabb'd bbd
- babbl bbl
- crabbs bbs
- babes bes
- bīble ble
- syllăbls bls
- debts bts
- roche che
- drachm chm
- sto╌machs chs
- en╌ rieht eht
- crackl ckl
- backs cks
- backt ckt
- ob╌stăcle cle
- ar╌ticls cls
- ācre cre
- acts cts
- saddl ddl
- budds dds
- fades des
- pledg'd dg'd
- hedge dge
- lādle dle
- caudls dls
- wīdth dth
- few ew
- At╌tur╌neys eys
- baffl ffl
- trifle fle
- quaffs ffs
- fifth fth
- grafts fts
- beggd ggd
- struggl ggl
- dreggs ggs
- weigh'd gh'd
- weighs ghs
- light ght
- būgle gle
- phlegme gme
- raignd gnd
- signe gne
- raigns gns
- maugre gre
- tugst gst
- [Page]plague gue
- Johns hns
- beau╌ties ies
- adieu ieu
- makes kes
- belch lch
- mulct lct
- wāles les
- di╌vulg'd lg'd
- di╌vulge lge
- tâlkd lkd
- tâlks lks
- wâlkt lkt
- call'd ll'd
- calls lls
- elme lme
- psalms lms
- stolne lne
- whelps lps
- fâlse lse
- filth lth
- hâlts lts
- calv'd lv'd
- calve lve
- clmīb'd mb'd
- clīmbe mbe
- ambl mbl
- Lambs mbs
- dāmes mes
- dramms mms
- damnd mnd
- damns mns
- condemne mne
- tri╌umph mph
- dimpl mpl
- camps mps
- en╌campt mpt
- danç'd nç'd
- lançe nçe
- wrincl ncl
- dis╌tinct nct
- danç't nç't
- handl ndl
- hands nds
- banes nes
- hang'd ng'd
- chang'd ng'd
- change nge
- wrangl ngl
- hangs ngs
- sprinkl nkl
- thanks nks
- thankt nkt
- fannd nnd
- canns nns
- cleans'd ns'd
- en╌hanse nse
- cleanse nse
- against nst
- pīnte nte
- nīnth nth
- mantl ntl
- ănts nts
- does oes
- fōes ōes
- blôw ôw
- cow ow
- Apes pes
- scrapps pps
- depth pth
- Re╌lique que
- barb'd rb'd
- warbl rbl
- herbs rbs
- pierç'd rç'd
- scarçe rçe
- March rch
- Mon╌arch rch
- Circl rcl
- girdl rdl
- to╌wards rds
- cares res
- scarfs rfs
- forg'd rg'd
- large rge
- burgh rgh
- gargl rgl
- sparkl rkl
- barks rks
- barkt rkt
- snarl'd rl'd
- snarle rle
- snarls rls
- farm'd rm'd
- farme rme
- farms rms
- warn'd rn'd
- barne rne
- [Page]warns rns
- burnt rnt
- purpl rpl
- carps rps
- carpt rpt
- in╌terrd rrd
- myrrh rrh
- warrs rrs
- furse rse
- herse rse
- harsh rsh
- turtl rtl
- ărts rts
- carv'd rv'd
- carve rve
- carvs rvs
- ac╌qui╌esçe sçe
- muscl scl
- a╌basht sht
- asks sks
- askt skt
- [...]sle sle
- chisle sle
- chasme sme
- [...]chisms sms
- grasps sps
- graspt spt
- [...]ussl ssl
- [...]vrastl stl
- [...]asts sts
- [...]atch tch
- [...]ātes tes
- [...]ath'd th'd
- [...]thm thm
- băths ths
- title tle
- the╌atre tre
- prattl ttl
- sub╌dues ues
- shaves ves
- axls xls
- sixth xth
- texts xts
- dyes yes
- dazl'd zl'd
- dazle zle
- dazzl zzl
- Paies aies
- paws aws
- babbl'd bbl'd
- babbl bbl's
- bībles bles
- drachms chms
- crackld ckld
- crackls ckls
- ob╌stacles cles
- ācres cres
- swaddl'd ddl'd
- swaddls ddls
- lādles dles
- stews ews
- baffld ffld
- baffle ffle
- baffls ffls
- trīfles fles
- fifths fths
- straggld ggld
- straggls ggls
- Hūghes ghes
- heighth ghth
- līghts ghts
- būgles gles
- sīgnes gnes
- tigres gres
- plagues gues
- view iew
- belcht lcht
- se╌pulcre lcre
- mulcts lcts
- couldst ldst
- twelfth lfth
- almes lmes
- Alpes lpes
- filtch ltch
- philtre ltre
- calves lves
- con╌demnes mnes
- [Page]trī╌ŭmphs mphs
- rumpld mpld
- ex╌ample mple
- dimpls mpls
- dumpse mpse
- lancht ncht
- ancle ncle
- wrincls ncls
- handld ndld
- bundle ndle
- handls dls
- wrangld ngld
- spangle ngle
- wrangls ngls
- congre ngre
- a╌mongst ngst
- strength ngth
- tongue ngue
- sprinkld nkld
- sprinkle nkle
- sprinkls nkls
- Cinque nque
- pīntes ntes
- La╌by╌rinths nths
- gentle ntle
- mantls ntls
- centre ntre
- joies oies
- bowd owd
- sōwn ōwn
- win╌dōws ōws
- maples ples
- ăppls ppls
- depths pths
- re╌liques ques
- warbld rbld
- warble rble
- warbls rbls
- Mon╌archs rchs
- marcht rcht
- çircl rcl
- hurdle rdle
- girdls rdls
- heardst rdst
- gargl'd rgld
- gargle rgle
- gargls rgls
- sparkld rkld
- sparkle rkle
- sparkls rkls
- snarles rles
- farmes rmes
- warmth rmth
- barnes rnes
- purpls rpls
- barque rque
- harths rths
- kertle rtle
- tŭrtls rtls
- carves rves
- muscls scls
- chasmes smes
- wrastld stld
- thistle stle
- wrastls stls
- lustre stre
- wātcht tcht
- bāthes thes
- rythms thms
- titles tles
- theatres tres
- prattld ttld
- pottle ttle
- prattls ttls
- buīes uīes
- gyves yves
- muzzld zzld
- muzzle zzle
- muzzls zzls
- Baffles ffles
- struggles ggles
- mightst ghtst
- Sieūrs ieūrs
- re╌viewd iewd
- re╌views iews
- se╌pulcres lcres
- phīltres ltres
- [Page] [...]-amples mples
- [...]ncles ncles
- [...]ndles ndles
- [...]angles ngles
- [...]ngth's ngths
- [...]ngues ngues
- sprinkles nkles
- mantles ntles
- centres ntres
- blōwes ōwes
- lowes owes
- warbles rbles
- Circles rces
- hurdles rdles
- gargles rgles
- sparkles rkles
- pŭrples rples
- barques rques
- Kertles rtles
A Prayer before meat.
MOST gracious Father, we beseech thee freely to pardon all our sins, which make us unworthy of the least of thy mercies; to sanctifie these thy [...]atures to our use, and to give us grace to spend their [...]ength in thy faithful service; and all through Jesus [...]arist our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
Thanks after Meat.
[...] Blessed Lord, we praise thy great and glorious Name [...] all thy full, free, and tender mercies constantly be [...]wed on us, in, and through Christ Jesus; more espe [...]lly, that thou hast so graciously refreshed us with thy [...]od creatures at this time: O give us graee, since we [...] wholly on thy bounty, to live sincerely to thy glory, [...] all through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
A Prayer for the Morning.
MOST Holy Lord God; I thy poor, sinful, wretched Creature, desire to give thee all praise for thy [...]acious preserving of me this night, and raising me up [...] health and strength, this morning. Be pleased, gracious [Page]Father, to bless me also with all spiritual blessings. O make me truly and deeply sensible of the great sinfulness of my nature, heart, tongue, and life, to feel in my Conscience, that I was born a Child of wrath, and have broken all thine holy Laws, and am therefore most justly liable to thy wrath, and curse. Dear Father, I beseech thee for Jesus Christ his sake, freely to pardon all my sins, and to say to my soul, That thou art my salvation. Open my blind eyes, and soften my hard heart; enable me firmly to believe in the Lord Jesus, and sincerely to receive Him, and rest upon Him as my only Lord and Saviour; and to love him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and my neighbour as my self. O give me repentance unto life, whereby I may be heartily grieve for, and ashamed of all my sins, specially those, that have been dearest to me; and to turn from them all to thee, with a full purpose of, and endeavour after new obedience. Assist me by thy grace, to glorifie thy Name, in all my thoughts, words, and deeds, entirely to love, reverence, obey, and submit unto my Parents and Instructors in all things in the Lord. Do good to all thy people, especially to my dear Parents; Reward them a thousand-fold into their bosoms for all their love, care, and tenderness to me; bless my dear brethren and sisters. O let us all know and fear thee, from the least to the greatest of us. Bless the Means of my Education. This day, preserve me from the sins, dangers, and temptations, to which I may be expos'd, specially from vanity of mind, idleness, pride, lying, and disobedience. Mind me of thine All-seeing eye, of the day of my death, and of thy judgment, that I may prepare for them; of the dreadful torments of Hell, that I may escape them, and of the unspeakable and everlasting joys of Heaven, that I may inherit them. Guid [...] me by thy Counsel; Bring me to thy Glory, and through Jesus Christ. Amen.
A Prayer for the Evening.
MOST Gracious Father, I desire sincerely to love, and praise thee, for thine infinite goodness to me all my days; for bestowing upon me, and continuing to me life, health, food, raiment, education, protection, especially for Jesus Christ so freely given for me, and offered to me, with all his benefits; for his holy Life, accursed Death, powerful Resurrection, and prevalent Intercession for me, and others poor sinners. Oh that all these Bands of Love, might powerfully draw my heart nearer to thee, and six it for ever with thee. And now, O Lord, be pleased, for Jesus Christ his sake, to pardon all the sins, that I have this day, either in thought, word, or leed committed against thee, or my neighbour. Renew me in the whole man, after the Image of God. Enable me more and more to dye unto all sin, and to live unto all righteousness. Own me as thy Child, and let me be pitied, protected, instructed, and provided for by thee, as by a Father. Watch over me for good this night, and give me sleep, as thy beloved Child. Bless all thy people, that fear thy Name, specially my dear Parents, Brethren, Sisters, and Relations. Oh bless them with temporal, spiritual, and eternal blessings. Take care of me this night, and for ever, for into thy hands I commend my Spirit. All this I beg, only for Jesus Christ his sake, in whose Name I further pray, saying, Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name, Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us: And [...] us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For [...] is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever and [...] Amen.