COLLONEL LVNSFORD HIS PETITION TO THE Honourable Assemblie of the Knights, Citisens, and Burgesses, in this present Parliament; Now going under Bail by favour of the Honourable House of Commons.

ALSO, THE HUMBLE PETITION OF THE MAIOR Iurates, and Committee of the Town and Port of Dover, in the County of Kent, presented to the Honourable the House of Commons, Feb. 15. 1641.

LONDON: Printed for LAƲRENCE HORTON, 1641.

COLLONEL LVNSFORD HIS Petition to the Honourable Assembly of the Knights, Citisens, and Burgesses, in this present Parliament Assembled.
The humble Petition of Sir Thomas Lunsford Knight, now prisoner in the custody of the Sergeant at Arms.

Most humbly sheweth,

THat on Saturday the fifteenth of this moneth, he was ap­prehended by a messenger from this Honourable House, and remaineth still in custody.

That Thursday the seven and twentieth, he was examined before divers Noble Gentle­men, and worthy Members of this Honou­rable House; touching severall things lai'd to his charge: to which hee gave such ready Answers, as the Truth of the Fact, and his own Innocencie, did prompt him unto, And hee hopeth will bee so satisfactory to every Member of this honourable House; as hee shall thereby regaine their good opinion, which hee valueth above his life and for­tunes: and would choose to dye, rather then live without it.

That the streights of his fortunes, by rea­son of some ingagement for moneyes; makes this restraint extream prejudiciall to him, and the sense of the displeasure of this honourable house: his Sufferings almost intollerable, and his wife now great with child, and dan­gerously ill; is no small Additions to his Afflictions.

And therefore, as hee humbly begs his enlargement upon bayle, to prevent the ruine of his Estate, and comfort his afflicted wife; So most especially, the restoring him to your honourable favour, and good opinion. Which he will leave no meanes unattempted, to continue and de­vote [Page]himself for ever a ready Servant to obey all your Commands; to the losse of his life and fortunes.

  • H. Elsing. Cler. Parliament, d. Com.

The humble Petition of the Maior Jurate and Committee of the Town and Port of Dover, in the County of Kent.


THat the Castle of Dover, Moates and Bulwarks, under the said Castle, are in great decay, and most of the Ordnance lye on the ground, the Carriages and Platforms being all decayed, and broken, and little or no powder, shot, or ammunition, for defence of the said Castle, and Fort is there; as wee are credibly informed.

Whereby both your Petitioners, other places of the Countie of Kent, are in great fear to be exposed to the sudden Invasion of the Enemy.

Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray, that you will bee pleased to take the same into consideration, and to or­der that some speedy course be taken, aswell for repair of the said Castle and Forts, as also for furnishing the Ordi­nance with carriage: repairing of the Platforms, furnishing the said Castle and Forts, with shot, powder, and ammunition; for defence and securi­ty of the said Castle, County, and Kingdome.

And your Petitioner shall pray, &c.


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