Presbyter's Antidote CHOAKING HIMSELF. Or Stephen Scandrett confuting himself in his Erroneous Bundle of Confusion and Absurdities, still'd, An Antidote against Quakerism: Being a brief Collection of some of his Errors, Blasphemies, and Self-Contradictions. Together with some Interlineary Notes upon them.
Observe S. Scandrett's Contradictions thus placed in his own words. S.S. I Asserted the Scriptures to be a most Certain and Infallible Rule to Guide us to Heaven, Epist.
God only can enlighten and lead us into all Truth, Epist.—the In-dwelling Spirit of God—to lead into all Truth, to Quicken, Comfort, &c. Antid. pag. 1. & 2.
Our Notes thus.Note, [ God only then is our Guide to Heaven; the Scriptures ought not to be set above God: But in what Language or Copy are they Infallible? This he tells us not.]
S. S. Try Doctrines by the Scriptures, Epist.—a Full Rule, a Trying Rule, Antid. p. 3.
Look up to God for Illum [...]nation, to examine the grounds of our own and others Opinions, Epist.
Note, [ What need of this if the Scriptures be the chiefest, highest, full Trying Rule, as in pag. 21? Now God's Illumination is the chief Trying Rule.]
S. S. Uncouch Speeches—that the Light in its common Operations is given to Unbelievers, none of my sayings, Epist.
The Spirit by common Convictions strives with Unbelievers, who do resist the Holy Ghost—some have sinned away the Motio [...]s and Strivings of God's Spirit, Antid. p. 38.
Note, [ What? not given a Ʋnbelievers, and yet both convict, and strive with them?]
S. S. G. W. would have inpudently fastned upon me this Assertion—that I said, Water-Baptism is necessary to Salvation, Epst. p. 8.
Baptism with Water—a Means of Sanctification, a Means of Salvation, p. 81. Errors. Baptism is Gospel, pag. 80, & 77, & 5, & 10.
Note, [ If not Necessary to Salvation, how then a means of it?]
S. S. Nor is the Illuminaton of the Spirit a Rule at all A gross Error. The Artificer's Rule is one thing; the clearness of his Eye to see the Rule, another, p. 33.
By a Rule understand not an Artificial Rule, by which Artificers are guided, Antid. p. 1.
The Spirit's Illumination brightens our Understanding, enlightens us to understand God's Mind in Scripture, p. 33.
Note, [ Then the Illuminaton of the Spirit is the Divine Rule of the Ʋnderstanding, and so above the Scriptures, though not an Artifi [...]al Rule.]
S. S. The Light that is in eve [...]y man without the Scriptures cannot be any Rule at all to Salvation, Error. Epist.
Christ lighteth every man that cometh into the World—this Principle therefore is in the Disobedient as well, as the Obedient, Iom. 1.18. whereby they know much of Truth—it will render the whole World of Ungodly Men unexcisable at the last day, even those that have not the Scriptures, Antid. p. 2.
Note, [ This is, because this Light of Christ in every man is sufficient to guide, and be a Rule to Salvation; so they opposing it as such, are inexusable therein.]
S. S. This Light in every man is nothing else but Man's Reason Error. none of the four Lights, viz. not the saving Illumination of the Spirit—2. not the in-dwelling Spirit of God—3. not the Light of the Gospel—4. not Christ, for he personally is in Heaven, Antid. p. 1, 2, 3. [ Contradiction still] yet it is a Light of Christ (or his Illumination that will render the whole World of Ungodly men unexcusable.
Note, [ In him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men, Joh. 1.4. which being Divine and Spiritual, as of Christ, of a Gospel and Sav [...]ng Property, doth therefore render the Ʋngodly unexcusable.]
S. S. The Scriptures are a f [...]ll Rule, discovering all things necessary to Salvation, the whole Mind and Will of God, &c. Antid. p. 3, 4.
The Spirit enlightens us to understand God's Mind, &c. p. 33. looking up to God for Illumination, &c. Epist. ded.
Note, [ The discovering of all things necessary is by the Spirit, or Anointing within, 1 Joh. 2.27. the Scriptures being inferior to this, refer us to it as the full Rule and Enlightner of the Ʋnderstanding.]
S. S. If the Scriptures (or Will of God revealed in them) be the only Rule, then all other Rules are false Blasphemy. Rules, and no Rules, Epist.
Neither of these ( viz the Light in every man, nor the Scripture) is wholy to be cast off—the Light in every man is not wholy to be cast off—nor the Voice of Conscience, Antid. p. 3, 5.
Note, [ Hereby he has confessed the Light in every man to be a Rule, however not to be cast off; but then his excluding all but Scriptures, as false, and no Rule, is grosly Erroneous and Blasphemous.
S. S. The Scriptures are as the Sun, Error. a full Light to guide us to Heaven, Antid. p. 6.
God by his Spirit enlightning, gives and encreaseth the saving Knowledge of Christ, and thus first they become Believers, p. 7. enlightning us to understand God's Mind in the Scripture, p. 33.
Note, [ See how he clashes against himself here; can the Sun be added unto, or made brighter by the shining or reflection of any Light counted inferior? but God is a Sun and a Shield, and the Scriptures are not God.]
S. S. The Light in every man convinceth not of justifying Righteousness—it reveals not Christ at all, p. 7. no full Light to travel by, p. 6. the Light in every man never grew up to make of it self, and without the Scriptures any discovery of Christ, p. 8. cannot possibly be an infallible Rule to Heaven Errors. p. 26.
I yield, that without the Scriptures this Light is able to discover something of God, and his Mind and Will unto us—it can reveal there is a God, that he is to be feared, loved, trusted in, worshipped, that his Name is to be reverenc'd, &c. Antid. p. 6. and its Christ that enlighteneth every man, Antid. p. 2.
Note, [ What! no Discovery of Christ, nor justifying Righteousness, and yet so much of God and his Love? What strange Contradiction is this, and what gross Error, thus to divide God and his Son, as if they were not both one Substance, or nothing related!]
S. S. His cheif Argum. contradicted. S. S. This Light cannot reveal Christ (can make no discovery of Christ)—it cannot speak one syllable of Christ, p. 15, 30, 31.
It can reveal there is a God, that he is to be worshipped, loved—that we are to love one another —it can without Scriptures teach moral Duties, &c. p. 6, 30.
Note, [ Can the Light within reveal God, and not Christ? and Piety, but not Christianity? What strange Impiety and Confusion is this against Christ's Light? see Luke 10.21.]
S. S. The Light in man is real Darkness—is but Darkness, 'tis meer Darkness—it both can, and doth misguide, Blasphemies. p. 29, 30, 31.
And in these things (abovesaid) because the Light in every man speaks according to Scripture, we are to attend unto it, &c. p. 6.
Note, [ And what? must we attend upon real Darkness? Oh great Darkness! How great is his Darkness, that thus puts Darkness for Light, and Light for Darkness!]
S. S. Nor is the Illumination of the Spirit a Rule at all—the Spirit not a Rule, False Doctrine. &c. p. 33.
The Light within was not their full or whole Rule, p. 13. it discovers but part of God's Will, p. 35.
[ In Contradiction again] Pray that God's Kingdom might come, his Spirit might govern within us, and Cause us to bring forth Fruit, p. 14. the Spirit shall lead them into all Truths necessary to Salvation, &c.
Note, [ Not a full Rule, implies, 'tis some Rule; but if the Spirit within govern, lead us into all Truth, and cause us to bring forth Fruit, then it is a full Rule; For, need there be any fuller, then to lead into all Truths necessary?]
S. S. My second Assertion to set forth the Scripture's worthiness, to be embraced as the chief and highest Rule Error. [ Mark] p. 21. only Rule, 39. guiding to Glory, 12. the Only Rule; all other Rules false, and no Rules, Epist.
The Inspiration of the Almighty giveth Understanding, and this in all Points necessary to Salvation—the Spirit saith, Christ shall lead you into all Truth—the Duty of all is to look up to God by Prayer for his Spirit, in a right manner to understand the Scriptures, p. 24.
Note, [ And its no better then Blasphemy, to account the Inspiration of the Almighty a false Rule, or no Rule; or the Scriptures a Rule higher then it, or a higher Rule then Christ, who is the Way, &c.]
S. S. The Scriptures are a sufficient Guide to Salvation, p. 35.
The Spirit saith, Christ shall lead you into all Truth.
Note, [ The Scriptures are not Christ.]
S. S. Paul's Conscience put him on to persecute—did act not against his Light, p. 28. all his best present Light was positively for persecuting the Church Blasphemy. p. 29.
God sets up Conscience in man, to act according to the best Light in him, p. 29. the Spirit by common Convictions strives with Unbelievers, p. 38.
Note, [ Its horrid Blasphemy thus to accuse that, that God sets up, or his best Light with Persecution; which the Light of the Spirit strives against as a Work of Darkness, and not of Light.]
S. S. The Light in us meets with much Darkness and Vice to corrupt it—a Corrupt Judge Error. will pass a wrong Sentence, p. 38.
[ Yet] It is a Light of the Spirit of God, wrought by the Spirit of God in every man, p. 27, 28.
Note, [ Its Blasphemy to count the Light of the Spirit of God a corrupt Judge; the Light is incorruptible.]
S. S. The Spirit dwelling in all Believers is sometimes a sweet Mover to Duty, though no in-dwelling Spirit, Confusion. p. 38.
The in-dwelling Spirit of God, the truly-Sanctified have him dwelling in them to help their Infirmities, to lead them into all Truth, to quicken, comfort, strengthen, &c. p. 1, 2.
Note, [ What gross Confusion and Scribling is this! What? no in-dwelling Spirit? Yet the in-dwelling Spirit, the Spirit dwelling in them?]
S. S. The Light in every man cannot of it self guide us one step towards Salvation, p. 6, 21. nor is it any Rule at all to Heaven, Gross Errors. p. 20.
Without the Scriptures this Light can reveal, that there is a God, that he is to be feared, trusted in, worshipped, loved, &c. p. 6, 30.
Note, [ And are these no steps towards Salvation and Heaven? Let the Christian Reader judge, and see Luke 10.27, 28.]
S. S. The Light in every man, and immediate Revelation and Teaching, is no Rule to Heaven, because they reveal not all, or the whole Duty, p. 54, 61, 62.
And the Spirit is NOT A RULE, nor its Illumination, p. 33, 26, 35.
The Spirit doth not immediately reveal the WHOLE Bible to Believers, therefore he doth not immediately reveal to them all their Duty; for its their Duty to believe all that is there taught, and to practice all A strange Imposition. that is there commanded, p. 61.
None ever did, none ever could live up to the Light, p. 46, 44. [ and yet Contra.] it reveals but a small part of their Duty, p. 35, 62.
Note, [ See what an impossible Way and Rule to Heaven he hath here prescribed, not the Light in every man, which he saith, None ever could live up to; and yet saith, It reveals but a small part of their Duty; and how then should they believe and practice the whole Bible, or all their Duty, if not a small part? Do you think, S. S. makes it his Duty to practise all that's commanded in the Bible? What say you Professors to this Doctrine? But the Law of the new Covenant of the Spirit of Life in Christ is to be kept, wherein God's Children shall not depart from him.]
S. S. None ever could live up to the Light, False. p. 46.
God's good End in giving this Light is, to reveal moral Duties, and Sins against Nature, that avoiding these Sins, and practizing these Duties, &c. p. 47.
Note, [ Manifest Contradiction again: Does not God afford Power to answer his own Good End?]
S. S. Darkness cannot savingly enlighten; the Light in every man is Darkness, p. 42—a false Rule, p. 39—Sand, p. 62—real Darkness, Blasphemies. p. 29.
If a man improves his Light within him, he may be saved, p. 49.
Note, [ But Darkness and Sand cannot save him.]
S. S. This Teaching (to wit, of the Spirit) is no Rule at all, p. 53.
He teacheth us Physically, by enlightening our minds; thus God's Spirit assures our Hearts that Jesus is Christ, p. 53.
Note, [ How then no Rule at all? Is his Teaching no Teaching?]
S. S. With the use of Reason the Spirit teaches the Heathen moral Duties ( viz. To love God, &c.) p. 54.
Note, [ And is the Light of the Spirit no Gospel Light?]
S. S. The Illumination of the Spirit is no Rule at all, p. 33.
It makes for our safety to earnestly look up, and to pray for the Illumination of God's Spirit, p. 55.
Note, [ What Safety, if no Rule at all?]
S. S. Immediate Teachings not to be expected Error. for continuance by the Church, p. 59.
The Anointing that ye have received, abideth in you; and ye need not that any man teach you—the Comforter shall teach you all things—we hear a Word behind us, 1 Jo. 2.27. Jo. 14.26. Isa. 30.31. p. 53.
Note, [ All which proves Immediate Teachings continue in the true Church, though not in the false; nor do they consist with the Trade of Hireling Priests.]
S. S. It is God's good Pleasure, that he will not remove the Beeing of Sin in this Life Blasphemy. p. 63. [...] a Soul that knows God, but he keeps his Commandments, p. 43, 42.
Note, [ Its the Devil's Pleasure, to have the Beeing of sin unremoved in this Life, and not God's.]
S. S. He sees good to suffer Corruptions in part mortified in his Saints, to keep them humble False Doctrine. pag. 6, 3.
The God of all Grace open your Understanding, to see your Duty, and obey fully, p. 52.
Note, [ Do you think this man doth Heartily pray for such a full Obedience, when he has such an high esteem of Corruptions?]
S. S. Sin is not done away in this Life, False it shall in the next, p. 64.
A Believer dies unto sin by degrees—so at his Death sin is forever totally abolished, p. 64.
Note, [ See their Confusion here, one while after Death, another while at Death.]
S. S. To the Last Trump will sin be in the Saints, p. 64. which Last Trump is at the end of the World, when the Dead shall arise, p. 85.
No unclean thing shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven: Christ is to present us Holy, Unblameable Unreprovable, a Glorious Church, not having Spot or Wrinkle, p. 64.
Note [ Where then are all the deceased Saints since the beginning? And where must they be till this last Trump he speaks of, if sin shall be in them in the mean while, wherewith they cannot enter the Kingdom; doth not this Doctrine imply a Purgatory herein? judge Christian Reader and Protestant]
S. S. Faith it self can be imperfect, 1 Thes. 3.10. imperfection is sin Pag. 67, 68.
The work or thing wrought is alwayes perfect for its part, nature, or kind, as a Bud is a perfect Bud — the least Drachm of Grace true, Pag. 68.
Note [ Faith which is the Gift of God, is of a pure and sinless Nature, so imperfection (where it imports only the want of full growth, or maturity of that which in its kind is pure) is not sin]
S. S. Job abhors to entertain such a thought (as being perfect) Pag. 72.
Job 23.10, 11. I shall come forth as Gold — my foot hath held his steps, Pag. 72.
Let not any pretend, to be well grown in Grace, that will not look on himself as imperfect, Pag. 72.
God speaking true, Job was perfect, that is, well grown in Grace, Pag. 72.
Job denying himself to be perfect, if he speak truth; was not perfect: if falshood, he was perfect, see what Bedlam stuff is here against Perfection. Pag. 72.
God speaking true, he was perfect, that is, upright, sincere, well grown in Grace, Pag. 72. Cum multis alijs, quae nunc perscribere longum est.
S. S. his Definitions and Titles he puts upon the Light in every Man (viz.)
Dictates and Directions of every man's Heart—a created mutable light revealed by the Spirit, which may dictate Sin and Error, P. 25, 28, 29. a corrupt Judge, P. 28. Paul's thoughts, Where will you believe S. S? here? his present best light was positively for persecuting the Church, Pag. 29. Real Darkness, Pag. 29. fallible it self, P. 35. the Dictates of mens dark Understandings; their own Apprehensions, P. 36. A false Rule, pag. 39. Shallow dim light, p. 46. Sand p. 62. Law of Nature; Scanty light pag. 35.
But in plain contradiction to these; see what better Titles he gives the Light in every man (viz)
Reason; a Principle of Knowledge, P. 3. a common Operation of the Spirit of God; a Light wrought by the Spirit of God, Pag. 24, 27, 28. common Convictions of the Spirit, or here? Pag. 38. common Illuminations, to taste of the heavenly Gift, and Powers of the World to come, Pag. 41. Christ lighteth every man, &c. Pag. 2. Here he hath a little mended the matter, but in Pag. 35.36 he again blasphemously opposeth the Light within, in this manner, (viz.) If this be a trying Rule, then a man may do whatsoever is right in his own Eyes; then Heresie is no Sin, nor Drunkness, nor Whoredom, nor Theft or in these Blasphemies here? which to us are no wonderments; seeing he cannot discern between the Counsels of Light and Darkness in the heart, not having an Infallible Spirit, as he confesseth in p. 27, & 31. so the Reader may judge, whence his Book came. nor self Murder, by fasting as long as done according to his light within. And S. S. adds, That the Light within may approve of sin, as it did of Persecution in Saul, Pag. 36. [ See what horrible Blasphemies these are, and what Trust or Confidence is to be had in this man, who thus saith; and unsaith; one while confessing to the Illumination of Christ in every man; another while thus horribly accusing it of Heresie, Drunkenness, &c. as approving thereof, and of Persecution; What are these Doctrines, but Fruits of a Dark, Envious, Blasphemous, Drunken Spirit; let all unbyassed Readers judge.
And let the Heathen judge S. S. with their light so much despised by him. Sperne repugnando tibi tu contrarius esse: Conveniet nulli, qui secum dissidet ipse. Cato. Scorn, to thy self by thwarting Cross to be, Who falls out with himself, with none can 'gree.
We desire to know, which of you S. Scandrett' s Brethren, the Presbyterians, do own his Antidote against Quakerism, as he calls it: and whether any of you Non-conformist Teachers dare stand by him in all his Doctrines recorded in the said Book, for we have a further Answer reserved unto it, which if need require, we can divulge: but it were better for him, and you, that some of you did perswade S. Scandret, to call in his said Book (or otherwise shew your dislike of it) it being such a bundle of confusion, Errors, Lyes, and Abuses against Truth, and as called Quakers; that it would be more ingenuous, and less disparagement to you and him, to call it in again; for the light of Truth is over it all, and People are so wearied, and grown to s [...] of such pretended Antidotes, that many are wiser then bestow 16. or 18. pence upon such a B [...]le of [...] Confusion, and gross Darkness, which the Light of Truth hath discovered, and will expel to the [...].
From some of us concerned in the Narrative of the two Disputes in Essex, Entituled, The Glory of Christ's Light within expelling Darkness.