RICHARD LOWER. M. D. Aetatis Suae. 55.

D R. LOWERS, And several other Eminent Physicians RECEIPTS: CONTAINING The Best and Safest Method for Curing most Diseases in Humane Bodies.

Very useful for all sorts of People, especially those who live remore from Physicians.

LONDON, Printed for John Nutt near Stationers-Hall. 1700.

Price Bound 1 s.


HAving long studied the Noble Science of Physick, (which is nothing else than the knowledge of Preserving present Health, or Restoring it when decayed, by expelling Diseases) and through the whole Course of many years Practice in London, having had equal Success with the most celebrated Physicians of the Age, and now finding my Bo­dy almost worn out by Time, and Lise dwindling upon the Socket ready to be extinguished, I resolved to do something, that might be beneficial to my Country, before I took up my Abode in the Cave of Darkness and Oblivion.

Now considering that many People lived so remote from a Judicious Phy­sician: That the Sick Person in many Acute Diseases might lose his Life before a Physician could be brought to his Assistance: That others were not able to give Fees, and consequent­ly must Dye for want of Money to pay a Doctor: That some of the Fa­culty were dilatory in their proceed­ings, and that Apothecaries too often in compounding Medicines Slur'd in Quid for Quo, and made use of such Drugs as they had by them, tho' be­ing Decayed were fit for Nothing but to be thrown to the Dunghill. These considerations, I say, put me upon publishing this Manual of Prescripti­ons, that all Persons might have Cheap and Effectual Remedies at Hand to Cure their Diseases: That their own Eyes might be Judges of the Goodness of the Drugs, and their own Cares con­cern'd in making up their Medicines, without hazarding their Lives upon the Carelessness, or Sordid Interests of Apothecaries, who play what Tricks [Page]they please, and can never be Detect­ed when the Medicine is compounded.

The following Prescriptions by their own Innate Vertue speaking for them­selves, they stand in no need of my Commendations; and therefore all I have to add, is to assure the Reader that the Prescriptions that bear the Name of the late Famous and Incom­parable Physician Dr. Lower, were all his Own Receipts, Communicated to me with his Own Hand a little before his Death, that such Great Benefits to Mankind might not Die with him, nor fall into Hands where the World could Reap no advantage by them.

The other Prescriptions are the Fruits of their Studies, whose Names and Images are stampt upon them, and the rest are My own. They are all the Peculiar Acquisitions, and Secrets of their Authors, Studiously Invented, Diligently Revised, and so often Re­formed and Meliorated by long Use and repeated Probations, that I could no longer withstand the Importunities, of those many Judicious Persons that [Page]desired the Publication of them, nor Conceal them longer from the Benefit that will redound to the Publick by the Use of them. And that they may prove as Beneficial for time to come, as they have formerly done, is the Hearty Desire of

J. W.


  • AChes or Pains, Pag. 31, 40, 43, 77
  • Acidities of the Stomach, Pag. 3
  • Asthmatick Coughs, Pag. 2
  • Almonds of the Ears being down, Pag. 39
  • Agues to Cure, Pag. 26, 37, 99
  • Aguish pains of the Head, Pag. 76
  • Apoplexy, Pag. 9, 78
  • Appetite to create, Pag. 17
  • Aching of Hollow-teeth, Pag. 3
  • Astringent Clyster, Pag. 88
  • St. Anthony's Fire, Pag. 104
  • BAlsam of Lucatellus, Pag. 30
  • Bloody Flux, Pag. 18, 26, 41
  • Blood to sweeten, Pag. 39
  • Blood-shot-Eyes, Pag. 63, 95
  • Bruise, Pag. 11, 51, 85, 103
  • Blasts, Pag. 23
  • Biting of Mad Dogs, Pag. 27
  • Bleeding at the Nose to Staunch, Pag. 28, 75
  • Burns, Pag. 30, 48, 97
  • Bleeding Wounds to stop, Pag. 26
  • Burns made with Gunpowder, Pag. 58
  • [Page]Balsam for Scalds or Burns, Pag. 94
  • Breast sore, Pag. 40
  • Back to strengthen, Pag. 48, 101
  • CAnker in the Mouth, Pag. 13
  • Colick, Pag. 8, 12, 61
  • Clyster Anodyne, Pag. 59
  • Convulsive Fits, Pag. 17, 103
  • Colds, Pag. 18, 60, 105
  • Consumption, Pag. 23, 49, 80, 88
  • Cramp, Pag. 46
  • Costiveness, Pag. 80, 98
  • Coughs Consumptive, Pag. 11, 31
  • Chalybeate Infusion, Pag. 13
  • Cephalick Plaster, Pag. 33
  • Cordial Water, Pag. 95
  • Cephalick Powder, Pag. 9, 98.
  • DRink for the Scurvy, Pag. 84, 89
  • Drink to be us'd in Fevers, Pag. 98
  • Diet Drink effectual in Venereal Accidents, Pag. 20, 21
  • Diabetes, or Pissing-Evil, Pag. 83
  • Dead Child to bring away, Pag. 37
  • Drink for Young Children, Pag. 50
  • Diarrhoea, Pag. 5
  • Daffy's Elixir, Pag. 1
  • Dropsie, Pag. 24, 38, 78, 84
  • Delivery to help, Pag. 65
  • Digestion to cause, Pag. 90
  • Dulness of hearing, Pag. 57
  • Defluxions, Pag. 20, 91
  • EYe-water, Pag. 19, 34, 61
  • Ears pain'd, Pag. 45, 82
  • Emulsion cooling, Pag. 52
  • Eyes inflamed, Pag. 72
  • Epilepsy, Pag. 17
  • Excessive sweating, Pag. 64
  • Electuary Stomatick, Pag. 100
  • FAce bruised, Pag. 75
  • Fevers Spotted, Pag. 7
  • Fainting Fits, Pag. 73
  • Falling-sickness, Pag. 24, 61, 106
  • Face to preserve, Pag. 46
  • Feet-stinking, Pag. 96
  • Fistula, Pag. 10
  • Felon, Pag. 42
  • Freckles, Pag. 62
  • Flegm and Choler to purge, Pag. 100
  • GAngreen, Pag. 25, 75
  • Gravel, Pag. 32, 52
  • Gout, Pag. 40, 56
  • Gouty pains to appease, Pag. 77
  • Gonorrhaea, Pag. 20, 80
  • Green-sickness, Pag. 83
  • Green Salve to make, Pag. 93
  • Giddiness in the Head, Pag. 9, 44
  • Gums Scorbutick, Pag. 102
  • Green's Powder, Pag. 104
  • HEart-burning, Pag. 3
  • Haemorroids, Pag. 47
  • Hair to encrease, Pag. 61
  • Hysterical fits, Pag. 8, 52, 87, 89
  • [Page]Humours-clammy, Pag. 64
  • Head to purge, Pag. 97
  • JAundice-black, Pag. 65, 105
  • Jaundice-yellow, Pag. 4
  • Imposthume of the Lungs, Pag. 44, 71
  • Itch, Pag. 15, 81, 102
  • Italian Plaster, Pag. 50
  • Inflamations to cure, Pag. 107
KIdneys ulcerated, Pag. 19
  • LIver to strengthen, Pag. 25
  • Looseness, Pag. 21, 35, 91
  • Lungs oppress'd, Pag. 77
  • Lower's Tincture, Pag. 1
  • Lozenges pectoral, Pag. 10
  • Lime-water to make, Pag. 14
  • Lip-salve Sir Edmund Kings, Pag. 22
  • Lozenges of Rhubarb, Pag. 99
  • Lungs Consumptive, Pag. 108
  • MOther-fits, Pag. 38, 54, 93
  • Mouth-sore, Pag. 13, 86, 92
  • Milk-water, Pag. 44
  • Members bruis'd, Pag. 101
  • NIpples-sore, Pag. 35
  • Noise in the Ears, Pag. 16
  • Numb Palsie, Pag. 106
  • Nose red and shining, Pag. 49
  • OBstructions, Pag. 51
  • Oil of Toads to make, Pag. 60
  • Oil of Charity, Pag. 24
  • PAins in the Side, Pag. 85
  • Plague to prevent, Pag. 55, 59
  • Pleurisie, Pag. 70
  • Pectoral Syrup, Pag. 74
  • Preservative against Infection, Pag. 86
  • Pectoral Pills, Pag. 90
  • Piles, Pag. 21, 47, 92
  • Plasters for the Feet, Pag. 13
  • Plaster for the Worms, Pag. 15
  • Paracelsus's Plaster, Dr. Lower's way, Pag. 42
  • Palsie, Pag. 103
QƲinsey, Pag. 67
  • RƲpture, Pag. 54, 68, 73
  • Rickets, Pag. 63, 96
  • Rheumatick Eyes, Pag. 15, 76, 95, 108
  • Rheums, Pag. 20, 82, 91
  • Rheumatick Pains, Pag. 7, 31, 40
  • Running Sores, Pag. 98
  • SCurvy, Pag. 41, 53, 68
  • Scald Head, Pag. 22
  • Stomach-sore, Pag. 57, 69
  • Stiches, Pag. 43, 58
  • Spitting of Blood, Pag. 28, 36, 60
  • Shingles, Pag. 23, 62
  • Stoppage at the Stomach, Pag. 69
  • Stone, Pag. 14, 58, 70, 52, 83, 97
  • Stomach-worms, Pag. 72
  • Swellings to discuss and ripen, Pag. 49, 76, 79, 88.
  • Strangury, Pag. 78
  • Sinews shrunk, Pag. 27, 65
  • Shortness of Breath, Pag. 2, 79
  • [Page]Sharpness of Ʋrine, Pag. 12
  • Stone in the Kidnies, Pag. 32
  • Syrup of Cinnamon, Pag. 33
  • Surfeit-water, Pag. 43
  • Sight to strengthen, Pag. 54
  • Speck or Film in the Eye, Pag. 101
  • Strain, Pag. 16, 21, 81
  • Snail-water. Pag. 87
  • TEnesmus, Pag. 66
  • Throat-sore, Pag. 46, 90, 106
  • Teeth to whiten, Pag. 3
  • Teeth to fasten, Pag. 4, 52, 102
  • Tincture Stomatick, Pag. 45
  • Tetter, Pag. 57
  • VOmit to make, Pag. 93
  • Ʋlcers, Pag. 10, 36
  • Ʋlcer in the Lungs, Pag. 19
  • Vomiting to stop, Pag. 35, 47
  • Vapors Hysterical, Pag. 47
  • WHite Salve to make, Pag. 68
  • Worms to kill, Pag. 74, 94, 107
  • Watry Humours, Pag. 86
  • Wind to expel, Pag. 95
  • Whitlow, Pag. 9
  • Wen, Pag. 18
  • Web in the Eye, Pag. 27
  • Wounds to cure, Pag. 53
  • Weakness of the Back, Pag. 55
  • Whites, Pag. 100
  • Water to clear the Eye-sight, Pag. 61

Dr. LOWER's, And several other Eminent Physicians RECEIPTS.

To make Dr. Lower's Tincture, common­ly call'd Daffy's Elixir.

TAKE of the best Senna, Guiacum, Liquorish slic'd small, Aniseeds, Coriander-seeds and Elecampane-Root, of each half an Ounce; Raisins of the Sun ston'd a quarter of a pound; Let them all be bruis'd, and put into a quart of the best Aqua vitae. The Dose is 2 or 3 [Page 2]Ounces. It gives present ease in the Co­lick.

An excellent Medicine for Asthmatick Coughs, by Dr. Lower.

Take Conserve of Hips 2 Ounces, Flow­er of Brimstone one Ounce, Balsam of Sul­phur anisated 40 Drops; moisten it with a sufficient quantity of Syrup of Marsh­mallows: Take about the bigness of a Nut­meg of it at any time.

For shortness of Breath, by Dr. G—s.

Take of Orris root powder'd 2 Drams, make it into a mass with a piece of Squill bruis'd, of which make about 20 Pills, and take 4 every morning, and at Five in the Af­ternoon, drinking a Draught of the fol­lowing Apozem after them. Take of the five Opening Roots of each an Ounce, of Maiden-hair and Speedwell, of each an handful, of Coriander-seeds a quarter of an Ounce, boil them in 3 pints of Water to a quart, then strain it, and add to it Tincture of Saffron an Ounce, Syrup of Horehound an Ounce and an half.

How to make the King of France's Teeth-Powder, famous for making the Teeth white, and preserving them from the Scurvy.

Take of Chalk and pebble Stones burnt, of each an Ounce, Myrrh, Bole-armoni­ack and Dragon's-blood, of each half an Ounce, of Ammoniacum and Cuttle-bones of each 3 Drams; Let them be all finely pouder'd.

For the Heart-burning, or Acidity of the Stomach.

Take of the whitest Chalk 2 Ounces, of Crabs-eyes and Bole-Armoniack of each half an Ounce, of Oil of Nutmegs 10 Drops, pouder them, and take a quarter of an Ounce at a time, in a Draught of Milk and Water.

A very good Remedy for an hollow, aching Tooth, by Dr. C—n.

Take of Camphire and Crude Opium of each four Grains, make them into 3 Pills, with as much Oil of Cloves as is conveni­ent, roll them in Cotton, lay them to the aching Tooth, and they will give you ease in an Instant.

To fasten loose Teeth, and prevent the Tooth-ach.

Take Myrrh and Japan-earth, of each two Drams, bruise and boil them in a pint of Claret, to the consumption of the third part, then strain it, and let it settle, wash your mouth with the Clearest every morning. If your Teeth are very foul, take a rag and dip it in Spirit of Vitriol, and rub your Teeth with it, washing your mouth with Water after it.

A Method to cure the Jaundice, which has been try'd with great success.

In the first place give the Patient a Vo­mit of the Infusion of Crocus Metallorum, and Oxymel of Squills, according to his Constitution, then take of Aloes and Rhu­barb of each 2 Scruples, of prepar'd Steel one Dram, Tartar vitriolated one Scruple, make Pills, with Syrup of Horehound, of which give 4 every night.

Take of the Roots of Turmerick half an Ounce, tops of Centaury the lesser, Ro­man Wormwood and Horehound of each an handful, Roots of the greater Nettle, 2 Ounces, boil them in 3 pints of Water to the consumption of half; when it is al­most [Page 5]boil'd enough, add to it Juniper ber­ries an Ounce, Yellow Saunders and Goose Dung made into a Nodulus, of each three Drams, Saffron 2 Scruples, Rhenish-wine a pint; when it is boiled enough strain it, and add to it Compound-water of Snails and Earthworms, of each 2 Ounces. Take 3 Ounces of it, after each time of taking the following Electuary.

Take of the Conserve of Sea wormwood, of the outward Rind of Orange-peels, of each 2 Ounces, of Species Diacurcumae, and prepar'd Steel, of each 3 Drams; of pre­par'd Earthworms and Rhubarb of each 2 Drams; Flowers of Sal Armoniack, and Salt of Amber, of each 2 Scruples; of Saf­fron powder'd one Scruple, with a suffici­ent quantity of Syrup of Horehound; make an Electuary, of which take the quantity of a large Nut-Meg twice a day, drinking 3 Ounces of the bitter Tin­cture after it.

For a Diarrhoea, or Looseness.

It is better to Carry off the corrupt Hu­mour that is a float, by purging; than to check it by Astringents, unless the extream weakness of the Patient indicates the con­trary. In the beginning of the Looseness, give this Bolus over night,

Take of Mercurius Dulcis one Scruple, of Rhubarb finely powder'd 2 Scruples, make it into a Bolus, with a sufficient quan­tity of Syrup of Dry'd Roses: If the Pa­tient is but weak, give no more than half a Scruple of Mercurius Dulcis; If this does not put a stop to the Loosness, let the Patient take this Vomit.

Take of White Vitriol a Dram and half Oxymel of Squills 2 Ounces, mix them, and give a spoonful at a time in a Draught of Carduus-water, give more or less accor­ding as it works: But if through weakness the Patient cannot bear purging, then give him this Bolus. Take of torrified Rhubarb half a Scruple, make it into a Bolus with half a dram of Diascordium and Venice Treacle, give it at night with 3 Spoonfuls of this Julep after it, and so every 6 hours. Take of Mint, and small Cinnamon-water hordeated of each 4 Ounces, of Species of Hyacinth, red Coral, and Bole-Armoniack of each one Dram, Syrup of Quinces an Ounce and an half; Clisters of Milk, with Diascordium, are also very good. Take of Burnt Hartshorn 2 Ounces, boil it in two Quarts of water to one, with a Crust of Bread, and some Cinnamon, strain it, and add to it small Cinnamon-water 2 ounces, and as much Sugar as will sweeten it, Let it be the Patients ordinary Drink.

A powerful Remedy for Rheumatick Pains, By Dr. Lower.

Take of Senna, Hermodacts, Turpethum and Scammony, of each 2 Drams, of Ze­doary, Ginger and Cubebs, of each a Dram, mix them, and let them be pow­der'd; the Dose is from one Dram to two, in any convenient Vehicle. Let the parts affected be anointed with this Liniment. Take Palm Oil 2 Ounces, Oil of Turpen­tine one Ounce, Volatile Salt of Harts­horn 2 Drams; afterwards lay on a Pla­ster of Mucilaginibus. Some that have been very much troubled with Rheumatick Pains, have, by the taking of Spirit of Hartshorn in Compound-water of Earth-worms found mighty benefit.

An excellent Medicine for the Spotted, and all other malignant Fevers, pre­scrib'd by Dr. B—re.

Take of the best Virginia Snake-Weed, and Root of Contraryerva finely powder'd, of each half a Scruple, Goa-stone half a Scruple, Castor and Camphire of each 5 Grains, make them into a Bolus, with a Scruple of Venice Treacle, and as much Syrup of Peony as is sufficient; to repeat [Page 8]the Bolus every six hours, drinking a Draught of the following Julep after it.

Take of Scorzonera-roots 2 Ounces, But­ter-bur Roots half an Ounce, of Balm and Scordium, of each an handful, of Corian­der-seeds 3 Drams, of Liquorish, Figs and Raisins, of each an Ounce; let them boil in three Pints of Conduit-water to a quart, then strain it, and add to it compound Peo­ny-water 3 Ounces, Syrup of Rasberries an Ounce and an half. Let it be the Patient's ordinary Drink.

A Medicine for the Colick, which not only gives ease in the most violent Fits, but also being often us'd prevents their returning.

Take of the best Manna, and Oil of Sweet-Almonds, of each an Ounce and an half, of Chamomil Flowers boil'd in Posset-Drink an handful, let the Posset-Drink be strain'd from the Flowers and mingled very well with the Oil of Almonds and Manna; let the Patient take it Three days succes­sively, and afterwards every third day for a Fortnight.

For Hysterical Fits.

Take of Pill Faetida and Ruffi, of each a Dram, Castor half a Scruple, Salt of Am­ber [Page 9]and Volatile Salt of Sal Armoniack, of each 12 Grains, make them into 24 Pills, with as much Elixir Proprietatis as is sufficient; take 4 of them every Night, or every other Night, according as they Work. Take al­so 30 Drops of the following mixture in a Draught of Penny-royal-water, twice a day, or at any other time when the Fits come. Take Spirit of Hartshorn, and Oil of Amber, of each 2 Drams, Tincture of Castor and Spirit of Saffron, of each one Dram.

For a Whitlow.

Take Sage and Castle-soap, of each a like quantity, mix them well, and lay them on the Whitlow, or take common Rosin finely powder'd, as much as is suf­ficient, and mix with the white of an Egg and lay it to the part.

Dr. R—'s famous Cephalick Sneezing-Powder.

Take of Sage, Rosemary, Lilies of the Vally, the Tops of sweet-majoram, of each half an Ounce, of Nutmegs and Asara­bacca-roots, of each one Dram; dry them and let them be made into a fine Powder. It Cures Megrims and Vertigo's, prevents Apoplexies, and gives ease in all pains of the Head.

To Cure any old hollow Ulcer or Fistula.

Take 3 Drams of the best Myrrh grosly powder'd, boil in half a pint of Claret, let it stand and settle, pour the clear off for your use. If the Ulcer be very foul, dress it with a Dram of red Precipitate, and two of Linimentum Arcei, as soon as it is well cleans'd inject the Tincture Warm. If it be a Fistula, after you have us'd good Digestives, and are assur'd, that it is clean at bottom, make use of the Tincture, which will engender good flesh, and Unite the Lips of the Wound in a very short time, lay upon the Orifice, if the Wound be in a cold part, Emplastrum ad Herniam, which will both keep it warm and help to close it. In green Wounds this Tincture has not its equal, for it heals them at 2 or 3 Dressings.

A very good Receipt to make Pectoral Lo­zenges by Dr. B—d.

Take of the Powder of Diarrhodon Ab­batis, one Dram, Flowers of Sulphur, and Benjamin of each 2 Scruples, Powder of Elecampane half a Dram, Japan Earth, one dram and an half, natural Balsam one Scruple Tincture of Sulphur anisated, 40 drops, [Page 11] London Laudanum, gr. 10. White Sugar-Candy a quarter of a Pound, make them into Lozenges, with a sufficient quantity of Spanish juice, dissolv'd in Hysop-water.

Dr. B—y's Receipt for a Consumptive Cough.

Take of the Syrup of white and red Pop­pies, of each 3 Ounces, of Barley Cinna­mon-water, and red Poppy-water, of each 2 Ounces, of Tincture of Saffron, 1 Ounce, Liquid Laudanum 40 drops, and as much Spirit of Sulphur as will make it Acid. Take 3 or 4 Spoonfuls of it every Night going to Bed, encrease or diminish the Dose according as you find it agrees with you.

An excellent Remedy for a Bruise.

Take of Red Coral, Dragons Blood, Irish slate and Mummy, of each half an Ounce, of Lemnian Earth, and Sperma ceti, of each 2 Drams, of Rhubarb 3 Drams; let them all be finely Powder'd, grive a Dram of it at a time, in a Draught of Brunswick Ale, after the Patient has been Blooded.

For Suppression and sharpness of Urine.

Take of Fennel, and Parsly-water, of each 2 Ounces, of the Compound Water of Horse-Radish an Ounce and an half, Sal Prunellae one Dram, Spirit of Turpen­tine 10 drops, Syrup of Marsh-mallows an Ounce, mix them, and let the Patient drink it off all together, and it will give him ease in a very short time.

For the Colick.

Take of Chamomil Flowers, and Mal­low Leaves of each an handful, Juniper Berries, and Faenugreek seeds, of each half an Ounce, let the Seeds and Berries be bruis'd, boil them in a pint of Water, add to it strain'd, of Turpentine Dissolv'd, with the Yolk of an Egg, and Oil of Chamomil, of each an Ounce, Diacatholicon, 6 Drams, Hiera Piera, 2 Drams, mix and give it; after the Operation of the Glyster, give the Pa­tient the following mixture. Take of Rue and Chamomile Water of each 1 Ounce. Cinamon-water an Ounce, liquid Lauda­num 20 Drops, Syrup of white Poppies an Qunce.

An excellent Plaster, to be apply'd to the Feet in Fevers, which lie much in the Head.

Take of Burgundy Pitch, and Empla­strum Cephalicum, of each a like quantity, spread it upon Sheeps Leather, and ap­ply it.

A famous Water for a sore Mouth or Cancer, by Dr. Lower.

Take 3 Pints of small Beer, half a Pound of Honey, of Red Sage, Rosemary, Bram­ble Leaves, and Celandine, of each an hand­ful, roch Allum, as much as will make it sharp, let it boil till it comes to a Quart, then strain it and keep it for use; this Wa­ter will Cure any sore Mouth if curable: If at any time stinking Ulcers infect the Gums or Mouth, let half an Ounce of Unguentum Aegyptiacum, be added to half a Pint of Water.

To make Dr. Lower's bitter Chalybeat Infusion.

Take of the Tops of Roman Wormwood, and Centaury, of each an Handful, of Car­duus Seeds and Gentian Root, sliced, of each [Page 14]half an Ounce, of Filings of Steel 2 Ounces, of Compound Gentian and Wormwood-wa­ter of each 6 Ounces, of Milk Water a Quart, put them all together into a Bottle, and let them stand close stopt 15 days, then strain and keep it for your use. Take 6 Spoon­fuls every morning, and at 5 in the After­noon, fasting an hour afterwards.

How to make the Lime-drink famous for Curing the Stone.

Take a good half Peck of Lime-stones new burnt, and put them into 4 Gallons of Water, stir it well at the first putting in, then let it stand, and stir it again; as soon as it is very well settled, strain it off clear into a large Pot, and put to it 4 Ounces of Sassafras, and 4 Ounces of Liquorish slic'd thin, Raisins of the Sun stoned 1 Pound, half a Pound of blew Currants, Mallows and Mercury, of each an handful, Cori­ander, Fenil, and Aniseeds of each an Ounce, let the Pot stand close co­vered for Nine days, then strain it, and let it settle, and pour the clearest of it into Bottles, you may drink half a Pint of it at a time, as often as you please, in your mor­nings draught put a Dram of Winter Cher­ries powdered. This has cured some that have been so Tormented with the Stone in [Page 15]the Bladder, that they could not make Wa­ter, after they have in vain tryed all other Remedies.

For Rheum in the Eyes.

Take half an Ounce of Lapis Calaminaris, made red hot 3 times, and quenched in red Rose Water, afterwards filter it through a brown Paper, and wash your Eyes with it very often.

A Plaister for the Worms, by Dr. Brown.

Take half a Pint of Ox-gall, and boil therein 2 or 3 spriggs of Lavender Cotton, and as much Wormwood, and as much Rue, when it has boil'd a pretty while, take out the Herbs, and put to it an Ounce of choice Aloes in powder, then set it on the Fire till it grows thick, and let it be spread on a piece of Sheeps Leather, and applyed to the Navel.

An Ointment for the Itch.

Take Pomatum 3 Ounces, Sal-Prunellae, and Sulphur vivum finely Powdered, of each 3 Drams, mix them and let the Pa­tient anoint every night and morning, but [Page 16]it is much more effectual if this Lotion be first used. Take of the Roots of Elicam­pane, and sharp pointed Dock, of each 2 Ounces, let them be bruised and boiled in 3 Pints of Vinegar to a quart, to be used twice a day, for 3 days.

For a Noise in the Ear, Proceeding ei­ther of a Cold, or a Blow.

Take of Tincture of Castor, Oil of bit­ter Almonds, of each one Dram, Civit 2 Grains, mix and Drop of it into the Ear, stopping the Ear afterwards with a piece of Black-Wool. If the Noise comes of Cold, purge the Head with Pills of Cochiae.

An Effectual Remedy for an Old Strain.

Take of Crown-Soap a quarter of a Pound, the strongest wort that you can get a Pint, of Brandy 2 Ounces, let them all boil together; about the latter end, add to it Myrrh, and Bole-Armoniack, finely Powder'd of each 3 Drams, afterwards let it boil to the Consistence of a Plaster, which spread upon Sheeps Leather, and apply to the part affected.

An Experienc'd Remedy against Epilep­sies and Convulsive Fits.

Take of Male Peony Root, half an Ounce Missletoe of the Oak, Mans Skull, and white Amber, of each 2 Drams, red Co­ral, and Cinnabar of Antimony, of each one Dram, Camphire half a Dram, mix and reduce to a fine Powder, of which give from a Scruple to a Dram twice a Day, e­specially 3 days before the full Moon, in 3 or 4 spoonfuls of this mixture.

Take of the Water of Lilies and Rue, of each 4 Ounces, of the Compound Peony-water 2 Ounces, of Tincture of Castor 3 Drams, Salt of Amber one Dram, Syrup of Peonies, an Ounce and an half.

To Create a good Appetite, and strengthen the Stomach by Dr. Lower.

Take of the Stomatick Pill with Gums, Extractum Rudii, of each a Dram, Resin of Jalap half a Scruple, Tartar vitriolated one Scruple, Oil of Aniseeds 4 Drops, mix with Syrup of Violets, and make into Pills, of which take 4 or 5 over Night; they are of excellent use in the Megrims, and Vertigo, by reason they carry the Humour off from the Stomach, which fumes up into the head.

A very good Medicine for the Bloody-Flux by Dr. W—s.

Take of the best Rhubarb finely Powder'd half an Ounce, of red Saunders 2 Drams, Cinnamon one Dram, Crocus Martis A­stringent, 3 Drams, of Lucatellus Balsam, what suffices, make a mass for Pills of which take 4 every day for a Fortnight. This has Cur'd some that have lost a vast quan­tity of Blood, after they had in vain try'd abundance of other Remedies.

For a Wen.

Take of black Soap and unquench'd Lime of each a like quantity mix them well to­gether, and spread them upon Sheep's Lea­ther, apply to the part affected, and it will Consume away by degrees.

An Excellent Plaster for any pain occa­sion'd by a Cold or Bruise.

Take of the Plaster of red lead, and Oxy­croceum, of each equal parts, of the best Theban opium, one Scruple, spread it on Lea­ther, and lay it to the part that Aches, after you have well anointed it with this Ointment, Take of Ointment of Marsh­mallows, [Page 19]one Ounce, Oil of Exeter half an Ounce, Oil of Spike, and Spirit of Harts­horn, of each a Dram.

A famous Collyrium, or Eye-water.

Take of Red-rose, and Eyebright-water, of each 2 Ounces, of the best Aloes finely Powder'd one Dram, Sugar of Lead one Scruple, mix them, and with a Spunge let some drop into the Eye every Night.

For an Ulcer in the Lungs and Kidneys.

Take of white Poppy seeds and Starch, of each one Dram, of Marsh-mallows, Pur­slain and Quince-seeds, of each 2 Drams, of Liquorish, Gum-Arabick and Amber, of each one Dram, of Myrrh, Bole Armoni­ack, Japan Earth, and red Coral, of each 2 Drams, let them be Powder'd, and made into Pills, with a sufficient Quantity of Balsam of Capevie, roul them in Liquorish-powder, of which give 4 every Morning, and at 5 in the Afternoon; take of Marsh­mallows, Grass, and asparagus Roots, of each one Ounce, of Speedwell and Maiden­hair one handful, Figs and Raisins, of each one Ounce, boil them in 3 Pints of Water to a Quart, strain and keep it for use.

For Cold Rheums or Defluxions of the Head.

Take of Lignum Aloes, and Sassafras, sliced thin, of Amber Grosly beaten, of each 2 Drams, cut Betony half an Ounce, Rose­mary and Lavender-flowers, of each a quar­ter of an Ounce, mingle and smock as To­bacco.

A very effectual Injection for a Gonorrhea, which Heals the Ulcers, and stops the Gleeting.

Take of Plantain, and Frogs spawn wa­ter of each 3 Ounces, of Trochisci albi Rhasis, 2 Drams, Sugar of Lead one Dram, honey of Roses, one Ounce.

A Diet-Drink, very effectual in all Vene­real Accidents.

Take of China, Sassafras, and Sarsaparilla-Root, of each 2 Ounces, Guiacum one Ounce and a half, Crude Antimony, made into a Nodulus, 2 Ounces, boil them in a Gallon of Water, to two Quarts, about the latter end, add of Coriander-seeds, half an Ounce, of Raisins and Liquorish sliced, of each 2 Ounces, strain and drink instead of Beer.

For the same.

Take of Gum Guiacum two Drams, of Mercurius Dulcis, and Extractum Rudii, of each one Dram, make into Pills with Bal­sam of Capivie, of which take 4 every o­ther Night.

A very effectual Remedy for the Piles.

Take Black-lead scrap'd fine, mix it with some honey, till the Honey looks black, then put it into an Oyster-shell, and set it over the Fire, till it Grows so stiff, that you can make it into a Suppository.

For a Looseness.

Take a small handful of Rice, Bruise it well, and boil in some Claret, till it comes to the thickness of a Poultice, spread it on a Cloath, and lay it on warm to the belly of the Pa­tient, renew it every Night till the loose­ness is stopt.

For a fresh strain.

Take of Linseed Oil, and rectify'd Spi­rit of Wine, of each 2 Ounces Oil of Spike one Ounce, mix and rub the part very [Page 22]well with it, and lay to it a Plaster of Pa­racelsus.

Sir Edmund King's Lip-Salve.

Take two Pennyworth of Virgins-wax, melt it in a Silver Porringer, with Orange Flower-water, let it cool and take the Cake off, which melt again in fresh Orange Flower-water, repeat doing so for 3 or 4 times, then put to the Wax an Ounce of Oil of Behn, a Scruple of Saffron finely powder'd, and a lump of double refin'd Sugar, about the bigness of a Nutmeg, mix them well over the fire, keeping it stirring till it is Cold, then work it with a Knife on a marble, and keep it in a Box for your use, if you would have it something redder, add a little Alkanet roots in Powder.

To make Oil of Bacon, for a Scald-head.

Take a piece of fat Bacon, rost it, and let it drop into a Dish, of which take 2 Ounces, and mix with 2 Penny worth of Verdigrease, and anoint the Head with it once a day, this has been often try'd with success.

An excellent Ointment for a Blast.

Take of Elder, Bramble, Fetherfew, Maidenhair, Vervain and Dill, of each one handful, 12 Leaves of red Sage, chop them small, and boil them in fresh Butter, strain and keep for your use, anoint the place 4 or 5 times in a day with a Feather, lay mal­low Leaves dipt in the Ointment all over the part.

For the Shingles.

Take of the Green Moss, which sticks to the sides of a Well bucket, and apply cold, renewing it once every day, in 4 or 5 days it will make a cure.

For a Consumption.

Take the Yolk of a new laid Egg, beat it with 3 spoonfuls of Red-rose-water, put to it half a pint of the Stroakings of red Cows Milk, sweetned with a sufficient Quantity of Sugar of Roses, add to it a little Nutmeg scrapt, take this every morning for a month, fasting 2 hours after it, this restor'd a Gentleman that was given over by the Doctors.

To make the Oil of Charity.

Take Chamomil, Rosemary, Lavender, Wormwood, Sage, Valerian the lesser, of each 2 handfulls, put them after you have stamp'd them, into a Quart of Oil of Olives, let the Herbs infuse in the Oil till they are crisp, then strain the Oil out, which is ve­ry good for any white swelling, especially the Kings-Evil.

For a Dropsy.

Take of Horse-Radish Roots slit thin, and sweet Fenil-seeds bruis'd, of each 2 Oun­ces, Smallage and Fenil Roots sliced, of each one Ounce, of the tops of Time, Win­ter savory, sweet Majoram, Water Cresses, and Nettles, of each one handful, bruise the Herbs, and boil them in 3 Pints of Sack, and 3 of Water, to the Consumption of half; let it stand close cover'd for Three hours, then strain it, and drink a Draught of it twice in a day, sweetned with Syrup of Fenil, fasting 2 hours after it.

To Cure the falling-Sickness.

Take the Ashes of a Swallow, burnt in an earthen Pot, of which give as much as [Page 25]will lie upon a Six-pence, mingled with juice of Rue, every Morning for 9 days together.

To Cure a Gangreen.

Take 4 Ounces of unslack'd Lime, and pour upon it a Pint of warm Water; let it stand so 6 hours; then Filtrate it through a brown Paper, and put to the clearest of it Sublimate half a Dram, keep it in a Glass close stopt, shaking it often; first wash the Sore with it very well, then lay to it a Li­nen Cloth dipt therein; it will consume the Proud flesh, cleanse the Sore, and by its drying quality, heal it in a very short time. It is of singular use in the Itch and Leprosy.

To strengthen the Liver and prevent a Dropsy.

Take of the red and Yellow Dock-Roots, of the White and yellow Saunders, Guiacum, and Mechoacan, of each an Ounce, of A­grimony, and Harts-tongue, of each 2 handfuls, of Coriander-seeds, once Ounce, bruise them and put them into a Canvas Bag, with a stone to sink it. Put the Bag into 4 Gallons of new Ale. In 4 days time it will be fit to Drink.

To stop a Bleeding Wound.

Take Roman Vitriol, Calcine it till it is red, Powder it, and apply it to the Wound; or take of the aforesaid Vitriol, dissolve it in Water, and lay to the Wound a piece of Lint dip'd therein.

An excellent Remedy for Agues which has been often try'd with very great success.

Take of Black-soap, Gunpowder, stink­ing Tobacco and Brandy, of each an equal quantity, mix them well together; and 3 hours before the Fit comes, apply to the Patients Wrists; let this be kept on for a Fortnight.

For the Bloody Flux.

Take 2 Quarts of Conduit-water, in which, Gads of steel have been often quench'd 3 Sheets of white Paper, a stick of Cinna­mon, an Ounce of old Conserve of red Ro­ses, and half a pint of Claret; boil them all together to the Consumption of half; strain and drink of it plentifully.

To Cure the biting of a mad Dog.

Take 2 Quarts of strong Ale, two Pen­nyworth of Treacle, 2 Garlick-heads, an handful of Cinquefoil, Sage and Rue, boil them all together to a quart; strain and give the Patient 3 or 4 spoonfuls twice a day: Take Dittany, Agrimony, and rusty Bacon, beaten well together; and apply to the Soar, to keep it from Festering.

For Sinews that are shrunk.

Take 12 young Swallows out of the Nest, of Rosemary, Lavender and Strawberry leaves, of each an handful; bruise the Swallows with their Guts and Feathers; then boil them all in a sufficient quantity of fresh Butter; after you have strain'd it, rub the part with it very well by the Fire.

For a Pin or Web in the Eye.

Take 2 or 3 Lice, and put them alive in­to the Eye that is griev'd, then shut it close, the Lice will certainly suck the Web out, and afterwards without any damage to the Patient, come out.

To stop Bleeding at the Nose.

Lay to the Temples, the Ear of a Hare burnt to Ashes, and temper'd with Vine­gar; Bole Armoniack being in the same manner apply'd, will also have the same effect.

An approved Remedy against spitting of Blood.

Take of the tops of stinging Nettles, Plantain leaves of each a like quantity; bruise them and strain the Juice out, and keep it close stopt in a Bottle, of which take 3 or 4 spoonfuls every morning and Evening, sweetned with Sugar of Roses. The Juice of Comfry Roots, drank with Wine is also very good; let the Patient be blooded at first, and sometimes gently pur­ged. But if there happens to be any in­ward soreness occasioned by straining, this Electuary, will be very convenient, viz. Take one Ounce of Lucatellus Balsam, of Conserve of Roses, 2 Ounces, 12 drops of Spirit of Sulphur, to be made into a soft Electuary, with Syrup of white Poppies; the dose is the quantity of a Nutmeg every Morning and Evening.

Another for the same by Dr. A.

Take of Conserve of Red-Roses, Hips, and Comfry, of each an Ounce and an half, Dragons Blood, and Bole Armoniack, of each a Dram, Japan Earth, Species of Hyacinth, and Red Coral, of each 2 Scru­ples; mix them and make an Electuary with a sufficient quantity of Syrup of Red Poppies, of which take the quantity of a Nutmeg every Night and Morning, Drin­king a Draught of the following Julep after it.

Take of the Water of Oak-buds, and Frogs Spawn, of each 3 Ounces, of Red­roses and Plantain, of each 2 Ounces, of Distilled Vinegar an Ounce and an half, Bloodstone finely powder'd one Dram, Sy­rup of Coral 2 Ounces. If the Patient is troubled with a Cough (as it often hap­pens,) and cannot Expectorate freely, let him take of the following Linctus, with a Liquorish-stick, twice or thrice in a Day: Linseed-Oil fresh drawn 2 Ounces, Oil of Almonds an Ounce and an half, mucilage of Fleawort-seeds 2 Ounces, of Lohoc Sanum 3 Ounces.

An excellent Receipt to make Lucatellus Balsam.

Take Venice Turpentine, wash'd in Rose-water, one Pound, Bees-wax half a Pound, of the best Sallet Oil 3 Pints, of Red-rose-water and Sack of each a quarter of a Pint, red Sanders finely Powder'd one Ounce, of Oil of St. John's Wort, and Balsam of Peru, of each 2 Ounces. Put the Bees-wax slic'd thin, together with the Oil and Tur­pentine, into your Pipkin first, then the Sack and Rose-water, let them boil toge­ther about a quarter of an hour; take it off the Fire, and let it stand till next day, having made a hole in it, for the Water to drain out, then set it over the Fire, and put in the Oils, and last of all the Sanders by Degrees, stirring it very well till it is cold.

An Admirable Ointment for Burns.

Take of Nightshade, Housleek, Hemlock, and green Coleworts, of each 2 handfuls, of Violet-leaves and Henbane, of each one handful, bruise all these Herbs, and boil them in 6 Pound of fresh Butter till they are soft, then press the Juyce out, and set it over the Fire again, and put to it Bees-wax 4 Ounces; after it is boil'd a little, take it [Page 31]off, and put to it Salt of Lead-half an Ounce, stir it well till the Salt is dissolved. Cut away the Skin, before you lay this to the Sore, and it will heal it in Twenty Four hours.

A Powerful Remedy for Rheumatick pains in the Joynts.

Take of Senna, Hermodacts, Turpethum, and Scammony, of each 2 Drams, of Ze­doary, Ginger, Cloves, and Cubebs, of each one Dram, mix them and let them be Powdered; the Dose is from one Dram to two in any Convenient Vehicle. Let the parts affected be anointed with this Ointment; Take Palm Oil 2 Ounces, Oil of Turpentine one Ounce, Volatile Salt of Hartshorn 2 Drams, afterwards apply to the part, a Plaister of Red-lead; some that have been very much troubled with Rheu­matick pains, have by the taking of Spirit of Hartshorn, in Compound Water of Earth-worms, found a mighty benefit.

For a Consumptive Cough, attended with spitting of Blood, by Dr. Lower.

Take of Leaves of ground Ivy, Colts Foot, Maiden-hair, and Mouse-ear, of each one handful, of the tops of St. John's Wort, one [Page 32]handful, of each of the Saunders 2 Drams of Coriander seeds 3 Drams, of Liquorish flic'd, and Raisins ston'd, of each 2 Ounces; boil in 3 Pints of Spring water to a Quart, strain and use for your ordinary drink.

To Cure the Stone in the Kidnies.

Take of Sassafras and Sarsaparilla, of each [...] Ounces, of Saxifrage, Parsly, and Ani­feeds bruis'd, of each 3 Ounces, of hore­hound, Juniper-berries, and Water-Cresses, of each one handful, of the inward Bark of Elder 3 Ounces, 3 Limons slic'd with their Peels on, half an Ounce of Oil of Vitriol; put these into 3 Quarts of White Wine, and 3 of strong Ale, let them stand 24 hours close cover'd, then put them all into a close Still, and draw off with a gentle Fire: Take a quarter of a Pint of this Water, mingled with as much White Wine, and sweetned with Syrup of Marsh-mallows, e­very morning, and at 4 in the Afternoon, for 4 days together, using gentle Exercise after each time of taking; it will dissolve the Stone, and bring it away in little pieces.

For the Gravel.

Take 3 Ounces of Dr. Lower's Tincture, as it is made, Page the first, and dissolve in [Page 33]it one dram of Tincture of Salt of Tartar, give it in the morning Fasting.

To make Syrup of Cinnamon.

Take 4 Ounces of Cinnamon grossy powder'd, a Pint and an half of Claret, put them into a Glass Viol, close stopt; set it in the Sun 9 or 10 days, or infuse in a Skillet of warm Water 24 hours; shake the Viol often, strain the Liquour from the Cinnamon, and with a Pound of Sugary boil it to the thickness of a Syrup; if you added to it, after it is removed from the Fire, 4 or 5 spoonfuls of Rose-water, and 2 Grains of Musk, it would give it a very pleasant flavour; it is an admirable thing to Comfort the Stomach, Heart and Womb, it discusseth Wind, stops all manner of Fluxes, and being given in a little Cinna­mon-Water, helpeth hard labour.

Dr. Lower's Cephalick Plaster, which gives ease in all pains of the Head, stops Catarrns, and strengthens the Eye-sight.

Take of Rosin 2 ounces, Bees-wax, Fran­kincense, Turpentine, and Deer's Suit, of each one ounce, of Mastich powder'd, two Drams, of White Wine 4 ounces; put [Page 34]the Rosin, Bees-wax, Frankincense, and Deers Suet into the Pipkin, together with the White-Wine first, and let them boil a little, then put in the Turpentine wash'd in Rose water, and last of all the Mastich, stirring it very well.

An Experienced Water for hot and sharp Humours of the Eyes.

Take 2 Quarts of May Dew, gathered from Barley, of white Copperas and Salt, of each a quarter of an Ounce, boil them all together till they come to a Quart; keep for your use in a glass close stopt. Let the Salt lie a little while in the Embers, being wrapt in a wet Cloath, and rub it small with the Copperas before you use it.

A famous Water to preserve the Eye sight, or if lost to restore it.

Take a Rye Loaf, without Salt or Leaven, cut it into thin slices, and Distil in a cold Still; take of the Water that comes from it, and drop of it into the Eyes twice or thrice every day, for a month together; this Water Cured a Gentleman after he had been blind a whole Year: Take also a Rag of Holland Cloath, and burn it be­tween two Pewter Dishes, and of the Wa­ter [Page 35]that comes from it, drop a little into the Eye every Night.

For sore Nipples.

Take of Sperma Ceti, Oil of Almonds, and Virgins-wax, of each an equal quan­tity, melt them together, and every Mor­ning and Evening anoint the part.

For extream Looseness.

Take a Pomewater, rost it soft, and mix the Pulp of it with as much Chalk finely scraped, mix them well together with a Knife on a Trencher, and apply to the Patients Navel, as hot as he can endure it; let it lie on 24 hours.

Dr. C—n's Receipt to stop Vomiting, and strengthen the Stomach.

Take of Spearmint, Barley and Cinna­mon Water, of each 3 Ounces, of Plague-water 2 Ounces, of Salt of Wormwood, one Dram, of Juice of Lemons one Ounce, 3 Leaves of Gold, Confection of Hyacinth, 2 Drams, Syrup of red Poppies an Ounce and an half, mix and give 4 spoonfulls every 4 hours, shaking the Viol.

An approv'd Poultis for an Ulcer.

Take a good quantity of Bryony Roots, stamp them, and boil them in a sufficient quantity of Bacon-grease, till it grows stiff; this Cur'd a Mans Knee that was Fi­stulated in several places.

A Receipt that Cured a Gentleman, who had for a long time spit Blood in a great Quantity, and was so wasted with a Consumption, that Dr. Willis declared it was impossible for him to recover.

Take of Hyssop-water, and of the purest Honey of each one Pint, of Agrimony and Coltsfoot, of each one handful, a sprig of Rue, brown Sugar Candy, liquorish slic'd, shavings of Hartshorn, of each 2 Ounces, Aniseeds bruis'd once Ounce, of Figgs flic'd, and Raisins of the Sun ston'd, of each 4 Ounces; put them all into a Pipkin with a Gallon of Water, and boil it gently over a moderate Fire till half is consumed, then strain it, and when it is cold put it into Bottles, being close stop'd; take 4 or 5 spoonfuls every morning, at 4 in the After­noon, and at Night the last thing. If you add fresh water to the Ingredients after the first Liquor is strain'd off, you will have [Page 37]a pleasant drink to be used at any time when you are a dry.

An Approved Medicine to bring away a dead Child.

Take Betony, Hyssop, and Vervain of each a small handful, boil them in a Pint of White-wine, to half a Pint, and give it to the Patient to drink.

A very successful remedy for an Ague.

Take of the whitest Hen dung you can get, and boil it in Aniseed-water, till it be somewhat stiff, then spread it on a Plaster, and take an Onion cut into slices, which being prick'd with a Knife, lay upon the Plaster, and apply to both Wrists an hour before the Fit comes; as hot as the Patient can endure, let the Plasters lie on a week after they are apply'd.

Another for the same.

Take a good quantity of the best Venice Turpentine, and as much Frankincense, beat them well together spread upon Sheeps Leather and apply before the Fit comes.

For Fits of the Mother.

Take the thick Skin of the Gizzard of a Capon, rub it very clean, dry it and beat it to Powder, give a little quantity of it to drink, in Beer immediately before the Fit comes, or take 3 or 4 spoonfuls of Sage-water, with 6 drops of Oil of Amber mixt with it, either in the Fit, or before the Fit comes to prevent it.

An Excellent method to Cure the Dropsy.

Take a good quantity of black Snails, stamp them well with Bay-Salt, and lay to the hollow of the Feet, putting fresh twice a day. Take likewise an handful of Spear­mint, and Wormwood, bruise them, and put them into a Quart of Cream, which boil till it comes to an Oil, then strain and anoint those parts, that are swell'd. Take of the Tops of green Broom, which after you have dry'd in an Oven, burn upon a clean Hearth to Ashes, which mingle very well with a Quart of White-wine, let it stand all night to settle, and in the morn­ing drink half a Pint of the clearest, at 4 in the Afternoon, and at Night going to Bed do the same. Continue laying the Poultis to your Feet, and drinking the White-wine [Page 39]for 3 Weeks together; this method has been often used with success.

For the Almonds of the Ears being fallen.

Take of Oil of Bays, and quick-silver, of each 2 Pennyworth, 18 Sage Leaves, Bole Armoniack powder'd 2 Drams, mix them all together very well, and spread upon a piece of thin Leather as big as a Sixpence, and apply to the Crown of the Head, and the Nape of the Neck. Be sure that the Quicksilver is kill'd either with fasting Spit­tle, or Venice Turpentine.

A famous Diet Drink to sweeten the Blood.

Take of both the sorts of Scurvy-grass, of each 6 handfuls, of Ground-Ivy 8 hand­fuls, of Sage 6 handfuls, of Soap-wort Roots, 4 Ounces, of Agrimony and Garden-Cresses, of each 4 handfuls, of sharp pointed dock roots, 8 Ounces, of Rosemary and Balm, of each one handful, 4 Orange-Peels, one large Nutmeg slic'd; put these things into a Bag, and steep in 8 Gallons of New Ale, as soon as the Ale has done working, stop the Barrel close, take a pint of it every Morning, and at 4 in the Afternoon; in 4 days time it will be fit for your use.

A Poultis for a swelling Caus'd by the Gout.

Take of Raisins of the Sun ston'd, beat them well in a Stone Mortar with Malago Sack, till it comes to the thickness of a Poultis, which being apply'd to the swell­ing, will take it down. A Plaster of Red Lead will have the same effect.

An excellent Bolus to carry off Rheumatick pains by sweating.

Take of long Pepper, and Grains of Pa­radise powder'd, of each half a Dram, of Venice Treacle one Dram, mix and make a Bolus, which take when you go to Bed; as you Sweat drink Sage Posset Drink; take care you don't get cold after it; Repeat it twice or thrice.

To Cure a sore Breast.

Take a Sheeps Head, cut it open, and after that you have wash'd it very clean, boil it in Water two hours together, then strain it, put to the Liquor half a Pound of Rice, and set it over the Fire, and boil it to the Consistence of a Poultis, mingle with it a quarter of a Pound of fresh Hogs [Page 41]Lard, and as much Saffron in powder as will Colour it. This being laid on warm to the Sore, will without any other Appli­cation both break and heal it.

For the Dysentery, or Bloody Flux.

Take of the Suet of a Loin of Mutton, especially that which sticks to the Kidney, and of right Nants Brandy, of each 4 Ounces; let them boil a little, and give the Patient it to drink warm. When the Bloody Flux raged amongst the Soldiers in Ireland, this was almost an Universal Me­dicine, and seldom fail'd of succeeding.

A very good water to Cure the Scurvy, purge the Blood, and to cause a good habit of Body.

Take half a Peck of Sea Scurvygrass bruis'd, Horse Radish Root slic'd thin one Ounce, of Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Carda­moms, and Ginger bruis'd, of each half an Ounce, 12 Oranges cut in quarters, of Raisins of the Sun ston'd half a pound, in­fuse all these 24 hours in 3 quarts of White Wine; put them all into a cold Still, with 2 quarts of Water, and draw off with a gentle Fire about 3 quarts, take about half a Pint of it every Morning and Afternoon.

To Cure a Felon.

Take Sage and White Soap, of each e­qual parts, mix them well, and lay to the part it; presently gives ease, and stops its go­ing any further.

To make Paracelsus's Plaster Dr. Lower's way.

Take of Litharge of Gold and Silver, of each 3 Ounces, of the best Salad and Linseed Oil, of each a Pint and an half, set them over the Fire, stirring them conti­nually, as soon as they boil, add to them in powder Red L [...]d, and Lapis Cal [...]minaris, of each half a pound [...] boil till they look black, and grow [...]hick, then b [...]ing ta­ken off the Fire, add of yellow Wax and black Rosin, of each a Pound, of Gum San­drack half a Pound, of Amber, Olibanum, Myrrh, Aloes, of both the kinds, of Bith­wort-root, of Mummy, Dragons Blood, Lemnian Earth, white Vitriol, Bloodstone, and Camphire, of each one Ounce, all fine­ly powder'd and set over the Fire again, give one gentle boil, and put to it of Oil of Bays, and Venice Turpentine, of each half a pound, of Oil of Juniper 4 Ounces, and last of all put in these following Gums [Page 43]dissolved in Vinegar, and strain'd, viz. Gal­banum, Sagapenum, Opoponax, Ammo­niacum, and Bdellium, of each 3 Ounces, When it is boil'd enough, being dropt up­on a Stone, it will not stick to your Fingers. All the time you are making the Plaster, take great care that you keep it constantly stirring, for otherwise you spoil the whole Mass.

For a Stich or Pain in the side.

Take Chamomil Flowers, Oatmeal and Bran, of each equal parts, put them in Bags, and lay hot to the part that is pain­ed; change them as often as they Cool.

To make a very good Surfeit water.

Take of the best Spirit of Wine one Gal­lon, of Damask Rose water one Quart, of Poppy Water one Pint, of Raisins ston'd one Pound, and an half, of Brown Sugar Candy one Pound, of Dates slic'd and Rai­sins ston'd, of each 4. Ounces, of Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, and Aniseeds, of each one Ounce, bruise them well, two large handfuls of Poppy Leaves, of Balm and Angelica, of each one handful. Infuse for 4 days close covered, then strain and keep it for your use.

For a Weakness or Giddiness in the Head.

Take dry'd Rosemary Tops, and Rose Leaves, Lavender Flowers, red Sage, and Mint, of each one handful, of Cloves, Nutmegs, Mastick, Benjamin and Storax, of each half an Ounce, bruise them well; and being quilted in red Sarcenet, wear next your Head.

To make Milk-water, very useful in all sorts of Fevers and Consumptions.

Take of Carduus 2 handfuls, of Rue, Goats Rue, Angelica, Worm-wood, Mint, and Balm, of each one handful; put them all being well bruised into a cold Still with a Gallon of Milk, and draw off with a very gentle Fire, least it should run thick; you may draw off almost 3 Quarts. Drink a Glass of it at any time sweetned with Sugar.

To Cure an Imposthume.

Take the Roots of Dragon, stamp'd with White-wine; strain and drink a good Draught of the Liquor which will break, [Page 45]and bring it away without any thing else.

Dr. Lower's Stomatick Tincture, which being continued for a considerable time, perfectly Cures those that are much troubled with the Cholick.

Take of Gentian Root slic'd thin, of the yellow Peel of Oranges, of Calamus Aro­maticus, grosly beaten, of each one Ounce, of Rhubarb slic'd half an Ounce, of Ani­seeds, and Coriander seeds bruis'd, of each 3 Drams, of Hiera Picra, 3 Drams; In­fuse them warm, 24 hours in a quart of White-wine, then strain, and take of it 3 or 4 spoonfuls every morning, fasting an hour after you have taken it.

For Violent pains in the Ears.

Take an Head of Garlick, and roast it, then take of the softest of it, and mix with as much Mithridate, and apply it a­bout Bed time to the Patients Ear, as hot as he can bear it, if there is occasion renew again the next day.

To preserve the Face, from being deform'd by the Small Pox.

Take an Ounce and an half of Pomatum, of Oil of Almonds, one Ounce, of Sper­ma ceti, and Virgins Wax of each 3 Drams, of Damask Rose Water one Ounce, set them all together over the Fire, and as soon as they are melted take them off, and after you have stir'd them very well, let them stand till they are cold, then make a hole, and drain out the Water, and with a Feather anoint the Patients Face.

To Cure the pains of the Cramp.

Take of the Oil of St. John's wort, and Spirit of Lavender, of each one Ounce, mix them very well, and with the mixture rub the part affected.

To Cure a sore Throat that is Inflam'd.

Take of Plantain Water half a Pint, beat it well with the white of a New laid Egg, then strain it and sweeten it with white Sugar, let the Patient wash his Mouth with it as often as he pleases.

To fortify the Stomach, and stop Vo­miting.

Take of the Salt of Wormwood one Scruple, give it in a spoonful of Syrup of Lemons, with 3 or 4 Spoonfuls of Mint Water after it, repeat it every 2 hours till the Vomiting ceases.

For the Hoemorrhoids.

Take of Diapalma melted down very thin, with Oil of Chamomil, one Ounce, put to it Saffron finely powder'd one Scruple, Opium 3 Grains, mix them well, and be­ing moderately warm, anoint the part af­fected.

For Hysterical Vapours by Dr. Lower.

Take of strain'd Galbanum one Dram, of Assa faetida, Myrrh, Castor, and Salt of Amber, of each 2 Scruples, make into a Mass with a sufficient Quantity of Natural Balsam, of which being made into Pills, take 3 every Morning and Night, in a spoonful of Hysterick-water.

An Approved Medicine for a Burn or Scald.

Take the White of an Egg, and as much of the best Linseed Oil; beat them well together; dip a Cloth in it, and apply to the Sore, often shifting the Cloth.

A Strengthning Plaister for the Back.

Take half a Pint of Oil of Roses, four Ounces of white Lead finely pouder'd; first put the Oil over the fire, and when it is a little warm put into it the white Lead, and a quarter of a pound of Bees-Wax cut very thin, keep it continually stirring till it is throughly incorporated, and looks blackish; then take it off the fire, and as it cools put in a Dram of Cam­phire, of white Saunders and Myrrh pou­der'd, of each two Drams, of fine Bole and Terra sigillata of each one Dram; continue stirring it till it is quite cold, make it in­to rolls, and use it as you have occasion; for any weakness, wasting, or pain in the Kidnies, it is of Singular use.

A Cataplasm to divert Humours, or abate any Swelling.

Take of Bean and Barly Meal, of each 2 spoonfuls, of Honey one spoonful, Oil of Chamomil one ounce; mix with strong Ale, enough to make it thin; let it boil a little, and apply it warm; if you would have it draw, add to it some Rye Meal.

An excellent Cordial for a Consumption.

Take of the Stroakings of a Red Cows Milk, and Muskadine, of each 2 quarts, of Raisins of the Sun ston'd and Blew Currans well cleans'd, of each a pound, of Liquorish and Dates slic'd, of each 4 oun­ces, of Cinnamon one ounce, of Nutmegs bruis'd half an ounce, put them into a cold Still, luted, and draw off the Water; of which give 4 ounces sweetn'd with Sugar-Candy every morning fasting, and at 4 in the afternoon, using gentle Exercise after. Continue taking it for a Month together.

An Excellent Oil to cure the Heat and Shining of the Nose.

Take 12 ounces of Gourdseed, bruise them and take the Kernels out; blanch [Page 50]six ounces of bitter Almonds, put them in­to a Press, and draw the Oil from them, with which anoint the Nose often.

Dr. Lowre's Purging Drink for young Children to sweeten their Blood.

Take half an ounce of choice Rhubarb slic'd thin, burnt Harts-horn bruis'd one ounce, Raisins of the Sun ston'd 2 ounces, infuse them in a pint of Ale, and a pint of small Beer 24 hours; give 2 or 3 spoon­fuls at a time as occasion requires.

To make the Italian Plaster, which cures Corns, heals old Sores and Ulcers.

Take 10 ounces of Oil of Olives, 4 of Bees-wax, of Litharge of Gold, Li­tharge of Silver, and Ceruss, of each 4 ounces, of Myrrh 4 drams; first put in the Oil and Bees-wax, then the Litharge, constantly stirring it; when it is boyl'd to a brownish Colour, take it off the fire, and put to it Myrrh, and of Venice Turpen­tine 4 ounces, stir it well together, and pour it into a Pail of Water and work it up. When you make use of it for Corns, first cut your Corns as close as you can without fetching of Blood, then lay a Plaster of this to it, keeping it on for [Page 51]4 days, 5 or 6 of these Plasters will bring up the Corn by the roots.

For a Bruise occasion'd by a Fall.

Take Horse-dung, and Sheeps Suet, of each equal parts, boil them well together, and apply warm to the part affected like a Poultis.

For Obstructions by Dr. Lowre.

Take of the Conserve of Roman Worm­wood, and of the yellow Peel of Oranges, of each an ounce and an half, of Gentian Root powder'd, and compound Powder of Aron Roots 2 drams, of Cream of Tartar, and Steel prepar'd with Sulphur, of each 3 drams, make it into a soft Electuary, with a sufficient quantity of the Syrup of the 5 opening Roots, of which take the quan­tity of a Nutmeg every morning fasting, and at 4 in the afternoon, taking 6 spoon­fuls of the following Tincture after each time of taking it.

Take of the tops of Centaury, of Camo­mil-flowers, and of Agrimony, of each one handful, of Gentian Root slic'd half an ounce, of Carduus and Coriander Seeds, of each 3 drams, of the filings of Steel 2 oun­ces, infuse a whole day in a quart of White­wine.

An Excellent Cooling Emulsion which gives ease in Fits of the Stone and Gravel.

Take of Melon, Cucumber, Citrull, and Gourd-seeds, of each 2 drams, white Pop­pey-seeds 3 drams, of Almonds blanch'd half an ounce, of Barley-water a quart; bruise the Seeds well in a Stone Mortar, then by degrees pour the Water upon them, which strain out; after you have made it look as white as Milk, and sweeten'd with Syrup of Marsh-Mallows; if the Pa­tient can't make water, you may add to it a dram and an half of Sal Prunellae.

To fasten Teeth made loose by the Scurvy.

Take of Pomegranate-flowers, Mastich, and Myrrh, bruised, of each 2 drams boil'd in Claret, and wash your Mouth every morning and evening.

A Plaster for Hysterical Fits.

Take of Assa Faetida, Gum Caranna, and Galbanum strain'd, of each equal parts, spread upon Sheeps Leather, and ap­ply to the Patients Navel; put a piece of [Page 53]Cotton with 2 grains of Musk in the mid­dle of the Plaster.

A Receipt brought out of Turky to cure a wound, by anointing the Weapon.

Take a piece of Rusty Bacon, melt it with a pair of Tongues into a Dish, and anoint the Weapon with it, wrap it in a woollen cloth, and set it with the Point upwards, anoint the Weapon twice aday, this will cure any Wound that is curable.

A Prescription by Dr. S—m for the Scur­vy, which has been often us'd with ve­ry great success.

Take of Pine, and Fir-tops, of each one handful, boil them gently in a pint of Pos­set-drink made of Whitewine and small Beer, let it stand till it is cold, then strain it, and take 6 spoonfuls of it with 20 drops of the Golden Tincture of Steel every morning fasting, and at 5 in the afternoon, walking after each time of taking it. Once every week take 2 quarts of Epsom water, about a week after you have begun this method, be let blood; continue this course for a month or six weeks. Those days that you purge forbear taking the Tin­cture and Posset-drink.

An Ointment for a Rupture.

Take 2 handfuls of Black Snails, of Mal­lows, Rue and Balm, of each one handful, put them all into an Earthen Pot, with But­ter enough to cover them, let the Pot stand 3 hours in the Oven, then strain it, stirring it till it is quite cold.

An experienced Eye-water to strengthen the Sight, and prevent Cataracts.

Take of Eye-bright-tops 2 handful, of Celandine, Vervein, Betony, Dill, Ground­pine, Clary, Avens, and Pimpernel, of each one handful, Rosemary-flowers one handful, of Capons Galls, and Aloes bruis'd, of each half an ounce, of Long Pepper one dram; infuse 24 hours in 2 quarts of Whitewine, then draw it off in a Glass-still, drop the water with a Feather into the Eye often.

Dr. Fryar's Directions for Curing the Fits of the Mother.

Take 2 drams of Cream of Tartar, dis­solve it in half a pint of Rue-water, add to it 2 ounces of Treacle-water, and take it in the morning fasting. This like an In­chantment, [Page 55]cures fits at once or twice ta­king, though the party has been given over for dead. In all Languishing Fits of the Mother and Spleen, give 3 or 4 spoonfuls of this Julep, Take of Rue, Balm, and Chamomil-water, of each 3 ounces, of the tincture of Castor, one ounce, Treacle-wa­ter 2 ounces, of Confectio Alkermes 3 drams, of Syrup of Gilly flowers 2 ounces, mix them all together; let the Patient take once or twice a week, 4 or 5 of these Purging Pills. Take of Pill. Ruffii, and Faetidae of each one dram, of Castor, and the troches of Myrrh, of each half a dram, of Oil of Amber a scruple, of Balsam of Peru half a dram, make in­to Pills, and take them over night.

For Heat and Weakness in the Back.

Take Earth-Moss, and boil it in Cream to an Oil, and anoint the Back with it.

An Approved Drink to prevent the Plague.

Take of the best Sack 3 pints, of Rue one handful, boil till it is wasted half away, then strain it, and set it over the fire again, putting to it of Long Pepper, and Ginger bruised, of each half an ounce, of Nut­megs slic'd, a quarter of an ounce, let it boil [Page 56]a little, and take it off from the fire, and put to it of Mithridate 2 penniworth, and as much Treacle, and a quarter of a pint of the best Aqua vitae; take 2 spoonfuls of it every morning and evening. It likewise seldom fails in Agues, being taken 2 or 3 times before the Fit comes.

For the Gout.

Take a pound of Bees-wax, and half a pound of Rosin, of Olibanum 4 ounces, of Litharge of Gold finely powder'd, and White-lead, of each 12 ounces, of Neats-foot Oil a pint. Set the Oil together with the Bees-wax and Rosin over the fire; as soon as they are melted put in the Pow­ders, keeping it continually stirring with a stick; as soon as it is boil'd enough, take it off the fire, and pour it on a board a­nointed with Neats-foot Oil, and make it into rolls; apply this Plaster spread on Sheeps leather, to the part affected; once a week take of Caryocostinum the quantity of a large Nutmeg dissolv'd in Whitewine, keeping your self warm after it; by ap­plying this Plaster, and taking the Caryo­costinum, there are many which have found very great benefit.

To Cure Dulness of Hearing.

Take the Crum of a Loaf which was work'd up with Carraway seeds, and Ju­niper berries; as soon as it is drawn out of the Oven, dip it in strong Spirit of Wine, and apply as warm as may be endur'd, so that the steam may be received into the Pa­tients Ear; as soon as the Bread is taken away stop the Ear with Cotten dip'd in Oil of bitter Almonds and Rue. The steam of Pennyroyal, Origanum, Worm­wood and Cloves has also very good effect in curing such as are thick of Hearing.

To Cure a Tettar.

Take an ounce of Sal Armoniack rub'd to powder, and mix it with white Soap and fresh Hogs-lard, of each 2 ounces make an Ointment, and anoint the part affected, with it every morning and even­ing.

For a Sore Stomach.

Take half a Sheet of Cap Paper, cut it into the shape of an Heart, and dip it in Brandy, and old Candle-grease melted to­gether, [Page 58]of each an equal quantity, apply warm to the Pit of the Stomach.

An Excellent Ointment to Cure one that is burnt with Gun-powder.

Take an handful of Groundsel, 12 heads of Housleek, of Goose and Chickens dung, of each a pound, bruise the Herbs, and mix them very well with the Dungs, then take 2 quarts of Boars grease, and boil them all together for a quarter of an hour, strain and keep for your use.

For a Stich or Bruise in the Side.

Take of the Kernels of Wallnuts and Hazel-nuts, of each 2 ounces, of Figs and Rue, of each one handful, a rase of Gin­ger, half an ounce of Salt, and a spoonful of Honey; mix them very well together, and take the quantity of a Nutmeg of it 3 times in a day, and apply it spread upon Leather, to the part grieved.

For the Stone.

Take the Stone that grows in the Gall of an Ox, grate it, and drink of it in White-wine as much as will lie upon a six pence; for want of the White-wine you may drink [Page 59]it in Posset-drink, in which Pellitory of the Wall has been boil'd. Or take the green Weed, which is commonly brought with the Oisters, wash it, and dry it to powder of which give the same quantity in a large draught of Arsmart Water.

A famous Anodyne Glister, which gives present ease in Fits of the Stone.

Take Pennyroyal, Centaury, Worm­wood and Chamomil-flowers, of each an handful; of sweet Fennel, and Fenugreek-seeds, of Juniper and Bay-berries, of each half an ounce, bruise them and boil them in a pint and an half of Posset-drink to a pint, strain and put to it 2 ounces of Sack, of brown Sugar, and Linseed Oil, of each 3 ounces.

To preserve a Man from being infected with the Plague.

Take of both the sorts of Aloes, of Cin­namon and Myrrh, of each 3 drams, of Cloves, Mace, Lignum Aloes, Bole Armo­niack, Mastich and Camphire, of each a dram, beat them to a powder, and take a scruple of it every morning and evening in a Glass of Canary.

For a Pain and Coldness in the Head.

Take Storax and Benjamin, of each an ounce, bruise them, and quilt them in brown Paper, and apply to the hindermost part of the Head.

Against spitting of Blood.

Take Mice-dung, rubb'd to powder, and give of it as much as will lie upon a Groat, in a quarter of a pint of the juice of Plantain and Comfry, sweetned with Sugar, every morning the first thing, and at night the last thing; continue taking it for a week together.

To make the Oil of Toads, of excellent use in the Gout, Kings-evil, or any old Sore or Ulcer.

Take 6 Toads, boil them in 3 pints of Salad Oil, till they are turned black, then strain the Oil out, and put to it half a pound of Bees-wax; as soon as the Bees-wax is melted, pour the Oil into a Pot, and keep for your use; in the boiling take care that the Pipkin be close covered.

A Famous Water to Clear the Eye-sight.

Take of Aloes, and Sugar Candy, of each 2 drams, of Camphire half a dram, of Red Rose, and Eyebright-water, of each 3 ounces, shake them very well together, and wash your Eyes with it 3 times aday.

To Cure the Falling Sickness.

Take the powder of Misseltoe of the Oak, of Mans Skull prepared, of each one dram; give a scruple of it every morning in a quarter of a pint of Paeony-water; give more or less according to the age of the Patient.

To make Hair to grow.

Shave the Head often, and, after shaving, bath it well with Brandy, or the Spirit of Honey, and twice every day anoint it with Bears-grease.

Dr. R's Pills for the Cholick.

Take of the Pill ex duobus, and extractum Rudii, of each 15 grains, London Laudanum one grain, make into 5 Pills, with a drop of the Oil of Aniseeds; before you give [Page 62]them, let a Glyster of Hiera Picra be ad­ministred; and after its operation give the Pills. When the passage downwards is stopt, so that nothing can be voided, which of­ten happens in violent Fits, give the Pati­ent 3 ounces of Dr. Lowre's Tincture, and about an hour after let him drink 2 quarts of Epsom water, dissolve in the first Glass an ounce and an half of Glauber's wonderful salt; if the 2 quarts do not move him, let him take another quart with another ounce of the Salt: But the first 2 quarts seldom fail of success.

To take away Freckles, and Beautify the Skin.

Take of the Oil of Tartar, and Oil of sweet Almonds, of each equal parts, shake them well together till they become white; every night going to bed anoint the part with it.

To Cure the Shingles.

Take the juyce of Housleek, temper it with a sufficient quantity of Barley-meal till it comes to the consistence of a Cata­plasm, apply it to the part affected, renew­ing it every 24 hours. Or, take half a pint of Elder-flower Water, and an ounce [Page 63]of Hungary-water, mix and dab the part with it often.

To make a Drink for the Rickets.

Take the Roots of Succory, of the Leaves of Marsh-mallows, and Colts-foot, of each 2 ounces, of Scurvygrass 6 hand­fulls, of Agrimony, Avens, and Water­cresses, of each one, handful, boil these in 6 gallons of Wort; when you tun it, hang in it a Bag with these tied in it: Take of China-root slic'd, and Polypody of the Oak bruised, of each 4 ounces, Harts horn, Maiden-hair, and Liquorish slic'd, of each 3 ounces, of Raisins of the Sun ston'd, and Currans bruis'd of each one pound, of Liverwort, and Harts-tongue, of each 4 handfuls, put a Stone into the Bag to keep it from swimming a top; in a weeks time it will be fit for use, let it be the Childs constant drink; it will be better to make but half the quantity at a time.

For Bloodshot, or Inflam'd Eyes.

Take one ounce of Lapis Calaminaris finely powder'd, of Frogs Spawn Water half a pint, mix them well together, and wash your Eyes with it 3 or 4 times in a day.

For Clammy Humours, which fasten the Eye-lids together.

Let the Patient, when he is in Bed, take a little of the Ointment of Tutty, melted in a spoon, and anoint his Eye-lids there­with, they being first closed together; in the morning let him take some Plantain or Rose-water and wash it off.

By Dr. Lowre. To Cure an Excessive sweating arising from the vitiated Fer­mentation of the Blood.

Take of Dragons Blood, Nutmegs, Tor­rified Rhubarb, of each one dram, of Di­aphoretick Antimony, and Flower of Brim­stone, of each 2 scruples, of powder of Mastich half a dram, of Sal-prunellae 2 drams, mix and make a mass, with a suf­ficient quantity of Gypress Turpentine; make it into Pills of a moderate Size, of which take 4 every night and morning.

An approved Medicine to relax Con­tracted Sinews.

Take a Sheeps Head, cut it in two, and being tied together, boil till it is very ten­der, then lay it in a Dish, and the Bones being all taken out, put to it of rectified Spirit of Wine, and Oil of Roses, of each a good quantity, lay it to the part grieved as warm as can be endur'd; repeat with a fresh one every 24 hours, till the Pati­ent finds benefit by it; with the Sheeps Head bon an handful of Mallows.

The Lord Chesterfield's Excellent Pow­der to help Delivery.

Take of Cummin-seeds, Saffron, Grains of Paradise, Date-stones and white Am­ber, of each equal parts, reduce it into fine Powder, of which give a scruple in extremity in a draught of burnt Claret, or Mace Ale.

A Receipt to Cure the Black or Yellow Jaundies, by Dr. I—n.

Take of the inner rind of Barberry-bark slic'd thin one ounce, half a dram of Saf­fron, of red Saunders half an ounce, in­fuse [Page 66]a whole night in Whitewine, in which Gads of Steel have been quenched; give a quarter of a pint of it every morn­ing.

To Cure a Tenesmus, or a continual de­sire of going to Stool, without any oc­casion.

Take an Old Tile, made very black with Smoak, rub it to fine Powder, mix with boiling Vinegar, and apply to the Patients Fundament. Or fill two bags with Whea­ten Bran, boil them in Whitewine Vine­gar, and let the Patient sit sometimes upon one, and sometimes upon another as hot as he can endure. Let the following Cly­ster be also often injected. Take half a pint of the decoction of Burnt Harts-horn, of Oil and Honey of Roses, of each one ounce, one yolk of an Egg, and a quarter of an ounce of Diascordium. If the dis­ease proceeds from an Ulcer, which you may be assur'd of if there is either Matter or Corruption, mingled with the Patients Excrement. Take of Oil of Roses 2 ounces, of Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth 3 drams, of Aloes and Frankincense of each half a dram, mix with White-wax, and make an Ointment, wherein dip Cloths and put up the Fundament.

To Cure a Quinsey.

Take of the Powder of a Swallows Nest, and Album Grecum, of each an equal quantity, mix with Honey, and apply Plaster-wise to the Patients Throat; wash his Throat also with this Gargarism, Take of the Leaves of Plantain, Woodsorrel, and Pomegranat-bark, of each a small handful, boil in fair water to a pint, strain and put to it 2 drams of Sal Prunellae, Honey of Roses, and Syrup of Mulberries, of each once ounce. Let the Patient blood in the Arm, take but a little away at a time, and repeat in 12 hours. Once a day give the Patient a Clyster with Hiera Picra, and Sal Gemma in it. Cupping-Glasses apply'd to the Shoulders, and bleed­ing under the Tongue, have been often us'd with success; let the Patient drink plentifully of Barley-water.

To make the famous White Salve, which being applied to the Stomach, cures the Pains and Weakness thereof, to the Belly, the Cholick, and to the Back, the Pains of the Kidnies.

Take of the best Salad Oil 3 pints, of White and Read Lead, of each a pound, of Castle-soap 12 ounces; incorporate them well together, and boil till the mass is of a grayish colour, then take it and make into Rolls, which will keep good a long time.

For a Rupture.

Take of Frankincense, and Olibanum, of each 2 ounces, Burgundy-pitch, Ma­stich and Camphire, of each half an ounce, of Deers-suet, Bees-wax, and Venice-tur­pentine, of each one ounce, boil them with a pint of Whitewine, to the thick­ness of a Salve, spread upon Sheeps-leather, and apply to the part.

To Cure the Scurvy, by Dr. C—n.

Take of the Conserve of Scurvigrass, and Roman-wormwood, of each 2 ounces, [Page 69]of the powder of the Leaves of Ground-Pine, and of the Compound powder of Aron roots, of each 3 drams, of prepar'd Steel half an ounce, of Tartar vitriolated 2 drams, chymical Oil of Sassafras 6 drops, mix and make an Electuary, with a suffi­cient quantity of Syrup of Oranges, of which take the quantity of a Nutmeg twice a day, with 6 spoonfuls of this Ju­lap. Take of the compound water of Horse­radish, and of Earth worms, of each 3 ounces, of Scurvigrass-water half a pint, of Chalybeat wine 4 ounces, of Syrup of Coral 2 ounces; once in a week let the following Bolus be taken: Take a Scruple of Mercurius Dulcis, and half a dram of Rhubarb, make a Bolus with Electuary of Sassafras.

For a soreness, or stoppage at the Stomach, proceeding from a great Cold.

Take 2 ounces of Deers Suet, of Sperma Ceti, and Oil of Mace, of each a dram, of Bees-wax half an ounce, Saffron in Powder half a dram, spread upon thin Leather, and lay to the Stomach, drop upon the Plaster 4 or 5 drops of Oil of Cinnamon, and rub it all over.

To Cure the Stone.

Take of Filipendula-roots, Winter-Cherries, Ashen-Keys, and Haws, of each an handful, dry them in an Oven, pow­der and give a dram at a time, in a draught of Whitewine, twice aday.

To Cure a Pleurisie, by Dr. Lowre.

Let the Patient be blooded on the side affected; as soon as he is blooded, give him one of these Papers of Powder; Take of Crabs-Eyes 2 drams, Sal prunellae, and red Poppey-flowers, of each one dram; of vo­latile Salt of Harts-horn half a dram, mix; the dose is half a dram every 4 hours, with 6 spoonfuls of this Julap; Take of Car­duus, sweet Fennel, and red Poppey-water, of each 3 ounces; of Spirit of Salar­moniack 2 drams, Syrup of red Poppies an ounce and an half. Take of Grass and Eryngo-roots, of each 2 ounces, of Barley and Liquorish slic'd, of each one ounce, of Raisins of the Sun ston'd 2 ounces, boil in 3 pints of water to a quart, strain, and add to it Syrup of Maiden-hair 2 ounces, Sal Prunellae, a dram and an half, let it be the Patients ordinary drink. At night if the Pain is very intense, give from 15 to [Page 71]20 drops of liquid Laudanum in any proper vehicle.

To Cure an Empyema, or Imposthume of the Lungs.

Take of Marshmallow-roots 2 ounces, of Ground Ivy, Colts-foot and Maiden-hair, of each one handful, of Figs, Liquorish and Raisins, of each one ounce and an half, boil them in 3 pints of water to a quart, strain, and sweeten with Syrup of Colts-foot; being drunk often, it will ri­pen the Imposthume, and cause it to break speedily. Take likewise of Lohoc Sanum, Oil [...] Almonds, and Balsamick Syrup, of each one ounce, of Syrup of Horehound 2 ounces, mix, and with a Liquorish-stick, take of it often. As soon as the Impost­hume is broke, take of Orris Powder, and Flower of Brimstone, of each 2 drams, Cypress Turpentine, enough to make into Pills, which roll in Liquorish-powder, and take 4 of them every Night and Morning, they will both cleanse, and bring away with ease the purulent matter; let the Pa­tient after each time of taking the Pills, and at any other time when a-dry, drink plentifully of the following Vulnerary de­coction, which will purifie his Blood, and preserve his Lungs from being corrupted. [Page 72]Take of Sanicle, Mouse-ear, Agrimony, St John's wort, and Scabious, of each one handful, of Grass-roots 2 ounces, Ra­dishes, or Chick-pease half an ounce, Liquorish slic'd one ounce, boil 'em in 3 pints of water to a quart, strain and sweeten with Syrup of Ground Ivy. To carry off the Morbifick Matter, it will be convenient once in a week to take some gentle Physick.

For Stomach-worms.

Take Turmerick, Long Pepper, and Aloes, of each half an ounce, [...]wder them, and mix with Hogs-lard, and Treacle, of each equal parts, being very well mix'd, sow up in a square Bag, and apply to the Pit of the Stomach, keeping it there 9 days, every third day drink a Treacle Posset.

A very good remedy for an Inflamation of the Eyes.

Tak the White of a New-laid Egg, beat it very well with a dram of Alum finely powder'd, dip a fine rag in it, and lay over the Eyes, as soon as it grows warm, remove it, and apply a fresh Rag in the same manner, continue doing so for an [Page 73]hour together; if the Inflammation be very great, repeat every night and morning, otherwise at night only.

A Famous Powder to Cure a Rupture.

Take of Clary, and Comfry, of each 2 handfuls, or Knot grass, Cranes-Bill and Bears-foot, of each one handful, dry them in an Oven, and reduce to a fine Powder, to which add the same weight of Powder of Aniseeds, and Liquorish, give a dram of this every morning and evening in a draught of any convenient Liquor for 3 weeks together. Anoint the part affected with this Oil, which, together with the Powder, has prov'd very successful. Take the Oil of Swallows, and of Oranges, of each 2 oun­ces, of the Oil of Chamomil one ounce, shake together, and anoint the part.

An Excellent Cordial-water for Fainting Fits, and a Pain at the Heart.

Take of Balm, Mint, Red Sage, and Bor­rage, of each 2 handfuls, Vipers Grass one handful, of Aniseeds 3 ounces, of Cloves, Nutmegs, Ginger, Cinnamon, Cubebs, and Galengal, of each half an ounce, of right Nants Brandy one quart, of strong Ale one gallon; cut the Herbs and bruise the Spices, [Page 74]put them together in an Earthen Pot, and let them stand all night close covered, in the morning put them into a Cold Still, and draw off with a quick Fire, let the Still be luted; take 3 or 4 spoonfuls of this water sweetn'd with fine Sugar at any time.

To make Dr. S—m 's Pectoral Syrup, which Cures all sorts of Coughs.

Take an handful of Maiden-hair, boil it in a quart of water to a pint, strain and put to it of Hysop and Coltsfoot-water of each a pint, take 2 ounces of Liquorish slic'd and scrap'd, of Aniseeds bruis'd half an ounce, 6 Blew Figs slic'd, of Raisins of the Sun ston'd 2 ounces, boil them till the water is wasted to a pint, then strain and put to it 4 ounces of Sugar Candy, and set it a boiling again, as soon as it grows thick, put to it of Syrup of Violets and Borrage, of each 3 ounces, keep it stirring on the fire till it grows thick, then take it off, let it not boil after you have put the Syrup in.

To make a Drink which kills the Worms in Children.

Take burnt Hartshorn, Purslain-seeds, Coralina, and St. John's Wort, of each [Page 75]equal parts, boil them very well in Spring-water, strain and give a large draught of it every morning fasting, for a week toge­ther.

To Cure a Gangrene.

Take 4 ounces of rectified Spirit of Wine, of Mithridate and Venice Treacle, of each one dram, of bay Salt 2 drams, dissolve them all in the Spirit of Wine, bathe the Gangrene with it very well, and lay over it a Cloth dip'd in it, in 12 hours it will cause perfect Flesh to appear; the Sore must be bath'd twice or thrice in the space of 12 hours; let the Sore be well cleans'd be­fore it is bath'd.

For a Bruise on the Eyes or Face.

Take the White of an Egg, beat it well with Cream, dip Lint in it, and apply to the Part that is bruised, it will take out the Blood, and give ease in a very short time; renew once in 12 hours.

An Experienc'd Remedy for such as are subject to Bleeding at the Nose.

Take a dry'd Toad, sow it in a Bag, and sow it at the Pit of your Stomach, be­ing apply'd in a Flux it presently stops it; [Page 76]and continued there prevents its return; the Moss which grows upon a Man's Skull is also much commended for stanching of Blood.

To Cure a Pain of the Head; which re­turns at set times, like an Ague.

Take 2 scruples of Jesuits Bark, make it into a Bolus, with a sufficient quantity of Syrup of Gillyflowers, to be repeated every 6 hours; being constantly taken for 3 days; it seldom fails of success.

For Eyes that are troubled with an hot Rheum.

Take Rue, and stamp it with a little White Rose-water, press out the Juice, let it stand and settle, with the clearest of it wash your Eyes often.

A very good Ointment for any hot Swel­ling or Burn.

Take of Unset Hysop, of Housleek, of the inner Rind of Elder, and of Ash, of each one handful; put them to a quart of thick and sweet Cream, which set over the fire, boyling it gently, and often stirring it; let it boil till it comes to an Oil, then take [Page 77]from the sire, and press it out; dip a Rag in it, and apply to the Sore, often shift­ing it.

For a Stoppage in the Stomach or Langs.

Take of Elicampane-root powder'd half an ounce, of Flower of Brimstone, of the Powder of Liquorish, and of Aniseeds, of each a quarter of an ounce, of clarified Ho­ney a quarter of a pound, mingle them all together, and take the quantity of a Nut­meg every night when you go to Bed, drinking something warm after it.

A very Effectual Remedy to appease Gouty Pains.

Take of the best Palm Oil 2 ounces, of Oil of Turpentine, and Oil of Toads, of each one ounce, mix them very well, and with a warm Hand rub the Part affected twice a-day; afterwards to strenghthen the Part, and discuss the remaining Dregs of the Humour, apply a Plaster of Red Lead. Also Opium, dissolv'd in Spirit of Wine camphorated, has been often found to give relief in the most violent tortures.

To Cure the Strangury, occasioned by Bli­stering with Cantharides.

Take 3 drams of Gum Tragacanth, which boil in 3 pints of Barley-water to a quart, then strain, and sweeten it with Syrup of Marshmallows, and let a draught of it be drunk often.

An Excellent Sneezing Powder of singu­lar use in an Apoplexy.

Take of the Root of White Hellebore one dram, of the Flowers of Lilies of the Valley 2 drams, mix and powder them, and with a Quill blow some of it up the Nostrils.

A Choice Medicine for the Dropsie, which powerfully evacuates the Watery Hu­mour.

Take of the Powder of Jalap half a dram, of Gambogium 10 grains, of Ginger 4 grains, make into a Bolus, with a sufficient quanti­ty of Syrup of Buckthorn, which is to be taken every morning for a Fortnight toge­ther: If the Bolus cannot be swallow'd, you may put the Powders into a quarter of a pint of White-wine, adding to it half an ounce of the Syrup of Buckthorn.

To Cure an Asthma, or shortness of Breath, by Dr. H. S.

Take 3 ounces of Linseed Oil fresh drawn, of Balsamick Syrup one ounce, or Sugar Candy powder'd half an ounce, min­gle them very well, and give a spoonful of it often.

To make a Poultis of Turnips, which both ripens, and discusses any hard Swelling.

Take 6 large Turnips, scrape them clean, and boil them in pouder'd Beef Broth till they are tender, then take them out and scrape them again; and being bruis'd, put them into a Pipkin, with a quarter of a pound of Mutton Suet shred small, and an ounce of Venice Turpentine; boil them well together, adding 2 ounces of Oil of Roses, lay this to the part affected twice a-day as hot as can be endur'd; this will in a short time either discuss the Humour, or if it tends to suppuration, will both break and heal it.

Dr. J—'s Powder to prevent Costiveness, and help Digestion.

Take Cream of Tartar 2 drams, Tartar vitriolated one dram, mix and divide into 6 papers, of which let one be taken every morning in a mess of Water Gruel.

To make Astringent Pills for a Gonorrhea.

Take red Coral prepar'd, Mastich, Bole­armoniack, and Cuttle-bone, of each 2 scruples, of Crocus Martis restringent one dram, of Ceruss of Antimony half a dram, make into Pills with Cypress Turpentine, of which take 3 every night and morning. But first let the quantity of a large Nut­meg be taken of this Electuary every morn­ing for a fortnight or 3 weeks together. Take of Jalap, Cream of Tartar, Sal-pru­nellae, and Powder of Rhubarb of each 2 drams, of washt Turpentine 3 drams, of Lenitive Electuary an ounce and an half, moisten it with Syrup of Buckthorn.

To make China Broth, an approved Re­medy for a Consumption.

Take of the best China, slic'd thin, half an ounce, let it steep 12 hours in a quart [Page 81]of water, then boil it over a gentle fire to the consumption of half; and take a large Chicken, bruise it and boil it in about 2 quarts of water; after it has boil'd a little, put to it the decoction of the China Root, together with an handful of Endive, a sprig of Rosemary, a flake of Mace, and a piece of a Manchet, let them boil till there re­mains but a pint and an half, of which half a pint is to be taken every morning, and at 5 in the afternoon.

For a Bruise or Strain.

Take of Henbane 2 handfuls, of Dogs­tongue, Nightshade, Elicampane, and Cin­quefoil, of each one handful, bruise them, and boil them in 2 quarts of the best Sa­lad Oil; about the latter end of the boiling add half a pint of the best Aquavitae, a quarter of a pound of Bees-wax cut into small slices; let it boil till it is very green, then strain and keep for your use.

To make an Ointment which speedily Cures the Itch.

Take an handful of the Red or Yellow Dock-roots scrap'd, clean and cut into thin slices, stamp them and put them into half a pound of fresh Butter or Hogs-lard, let [Page 82]them boil gently for almost an hour, then take from the fire and press the Liquor out, and put to it a spoonful of Brimstone pow­der'd, and half as much Ginger; if you would have it more drying, put to it a spoonful of Red Lead finely powder'd, anoint where it is sore twice a-day.

A present Remedy for a Pain in the Ears.

Take a little Honey, melt it in a Spoon, and drop it into the Ear that aches as warm as may be endur'd, stoping the Ear after­wards with a piece of Black-wooll dip'd in Oil of Bitter Almonds.

Dr. Lower's Electuary to cure a Cough, accompanied with a tickling Rheum.

Take conserve of Red Roses, and Hips, of each an ounce and an half, Olibanum finely powder'd 2 drams, of Spirit of Sul­phur 12 drops, Syrup of White Poppies as much as is sufficient to make it into a thin Electuary, of which the quantity of a Nut­meg is to be taken every morning, after­noon, and at night the last thing going to Bed.

To make Dr. M. S. Steel-Pills, which cer­tainly cure the Green Sickness.

Take of Steel prepar'd with Tartar 2 drams, of Aloes and Rhubarb finely pow­der'd, of each one dram, of the Syrup of the 5 opening Roots, enough to make them into Pills, of which 3 are to be taken every night and morning.

To make a Time-water which cures the Diabetes, or Pissing-evil.

Take a pound of Quick Lime, put it in­to a gallon of warm water, stirring it very well; let it stand 12 hours to settle, then strain off the clearest, and put to it of Sas­safras, cut into very thin slices, 4 ounces, of Liquorish slic'd, and Aniseeds bruis'd, of each 2 ounces, of Raisins ston'd 4 ounces, let them stand 2 days, then strain and keep for your use; take a draught of it every morning, noon and night.

To give ease in fits of the Stone, and to cure the suppression of Urine, which usually attends them.

Take of Snails-shells, and Bees, of each an equal quantity, dry them in an Oven [Page 84]with a moderate heat, then beat them to a very fine Powder, of which give as much as will lie upon a Sixpence in a quarter of a pint of Bean-Flour water every morning fasting, 2 hours after it; continue this for 3 days together; this has been often found to break the Stone, and to force a speedy passage for the Urine.

To make Dr. T—'s Diet Drink for the Scurvy.

Take of Scurvigrass, Brook-lime, Wa­ter-cresses, Agrimony, Cinquefoil, and Woodsorrel, of each one handful, of Limon and Orange Peels, of each one handful, of Horse-radish-root slic'd thin 3 ounces, in­fuse 24 hours over warm Embers, in as much strong Beer as will cover them; take also of Ginger, Long Pepper, and Aniseeds bruis'd, of each one ounce, boil them in a quart of water till it comes to a pint; which together with the Spices, put to the former infusion, being strain'd off clear, adding 2 quarts of White-wine, keep close cover'd for your constant drink.

To Cure the Dropsie.

Take of the Pills of Cochiae the lesser, Sal-prunellae, of each one scruple, Gambo­gium [Page 85]6 grains, make into Pills, with Elixir Proprietatis, to be taken twice or thrice in a week. Take of Guiacum and Sassafras, of each 4 ounces, of Winters-bark one ounce, boil in 6 quarts of water to a gallon, strain, and while it is warm pour upon a pound of Quick Lime, let it stand 12 hours to settle; pour off the clear, and put to it of the tops of Broom and Centaury, of each one hand­ful, of Horehound 2 handfuls, of Juniper-berries bruised, and Gentian-root slic'd, of each one ounce; after 2 days infusion it will be fit for your use.

For an Inward Bruise.

Take of Irish-slate, Sperma Caeti, of each half a dram, make into a Bolus with a dram of Venice Treacle, to be taken every night, drinking a draught of Brunswick Beer after it.

For a Pain of the Side.

Take of Stone-Horse-dung half a pound, infuse 12 hours in a quart of the distilled water of Carduus, strain and sweeten with Syrup of Violets, drink a draught of it eve­ry 4 hours, till the Pain be abated.

An Experienced Water for a sore Mouth.

Take half a pint of White-wine Vinegar, of Roch Alum the quantity of a Nut, of Red Sage, Columbine, and Violet Leaves, of each a small handful, boil them toge­ther; about the latter end add a spoonful of Honey, strain and sweeten with a little fine Sugar, and wash your Mouth with it every morning and evening.

To heal a Childs Face which breaks out with a Watery Humour.

Take Calves Feet, boil them very well, take off the Fat which swims at the top of the Liquor, and mingle it well with Rose-water, anoint the Childs Face with it of­ten; let the Child purge once or twice a week with an infusion of Rhubarb, till it is cur'd.

An Excellent Preservative against all In­fectious Diseases.

Take Rue and Sage, of each an handful, boil them in 3 pint of Muskadine till it comes to a quart, strain and put to it of Gin­ger, and Long Pepper in powder, of each an ounce, Nutmegs half an ounce, set over [Page 87]the fire again, continually stirring it; as soon as it boils, take off and put to it an ounce of Mithridate, 2 ounces of Treacle, a quarter of a pint of the strongest Angelica water, mix and keep it close cover'd; whenever you suspect your self to be in­fected, go to Bed, and take from one to two spoonfuls of it, drinking plentifully of Posset-drink made with Marigold-flowers, continue doing so every night and morn­ing for three days successively.

Dr. H—'s Cordial Drops, to be used in all Fainting Fits, especially such as are Hysterical.

Take a dram of Camphire, dissolve in half an ounce of rectified Spirit of Wine, tincture of Castor, and Spirit of Lavender, of each 2 drams, mix and give from 10 to 20 drops in a spoonful or two of Hysterick Water; you may give either in the Fit, or just before to prevent its coming.

An Excellent Receipt to make Snail-water.

Take of Red Cows Milk, and Snails of each 2 quarts, of Green Broom, Balm, Spear­mint, Coltsfoot and Dandelion, of each one handful, of Aniseeds bruis'd, and Liquorish [Page 88]slic'd, of each 2 ounces, of Maiden Hair' Ground Ivy, Scurvigrass, Meadow-sweet, and Chamomil, of each one handful, 3 Se­vil Oranges cut in slices, let them stand a whole night together, in the morning put them into the Still, with a gallon more of Milk, draw off with a moderate fire, swee­ten with Sugar, and drink of it every Morning, afternoon and night.

For a Consumption.

Take of Polypody, Woodsage, and Red Fennel-root, of each one handful, of Hy­sop, Betony, and Alehoof, of each 2 hand­fuls, boil them in a sufficient quantity of Alewort, strain and drink a draught of it every morning and evening.

An Astringent Chyster.

Take 12 ounces of the water in which Smiths quench their Iron, dissolve in it 3 drams of Venice Treacle, and 2 drams of Bole Armoniack, give it every day till the Looseness is stop'd.

An Approved Cataplasm, to dissolve any Hard Swelling.

Take a pound of Marshmallow-roots, half a pound of White Lily-roots, of Figs, and [Page 89]White Bryony-roots, of each 4 ounces, of Chamomil-flowers 2 handfuls, slice them and boil in a sufficient quantity of Ale, till they are soft, then take and stamp them, adding of Linseed, and Fenugreek-seed in powder, of each 3 ounces, make a Poultis, and apply to the part twice every day, moistning it every time that you apply it, with Linseed Oil.

Dr. Lower's Hysterick Pills.

Take of Galbanum, and powder of Myrrh, of each one dram, of Castor 4 scruples, of Volatile Salt of Amber 2 scru­ples, Assa Faetida half a dram, make into Pills with Syrup of Paeony; of which give four twice every day, in 2 or 3 spoonfuls of Rue water.

To make a Diet-drink for the Scurvy.

Take of choice Rhubarb, and Gentian­root, cut into thin slices, of each 2 ounces, Yellow Dock-roots, and young Elder-roots, of each one pound, Ginger, and Aniseeds bruis'd, of each 2 ounces, Ground Ivy, Cy­press, and Fir-tops, of each 2 handfuls, boil in 6 quarts of water till it comes to a gal­lon, strain and keep for your use.

To make Pectoral Pills.

Take of the Flowers of Benjamin, and Sperma Caeti, of each 2 drams, of Powder of Aniseeds, and Japan Earth, of each a dram and an half, Balsam of Sulphur anci­ated, what suffices to make into Pills, which roll in Liquorish powder, and take 3 or 4 every morning and evening.

To cause Digestion.

Take an ounce of Cardamoms, half an ounce of Cubebs, a dram of Cinnamon, of Cloves and Aniseeds, of each a quarter of an ounce, reduce to a fine powder, and with Syrup of Gilliflowers, make into a soft Electuary, of which take the quantity of a Nutmeg about an hour after Dinner, drinking a glass of White-wine after it.

For a Sore Throat.

Take of Plantain, and Frogs-spawn-wa­ter, of each 2 ounces, Sugar of Lead a dram, Syrup of Mulberries an ounce, mix and gargle your Throat with it often.

To strengthen the Bowels, and stop an Im­moderate Looseness.

Take of best Rhubarb 2 scruples, wrap it in a Paper, and hold it against the fire, rub it to powder, and make it into a Bo­lus with old conserve of Roses, adding to it 4 drops of the Spirit of Vitriol, to be ta­ken every morning and evening till the Looseness is stop'd, drinking a draught of the decoction of burnt Hartshorn after it.

An Extraordinary Plaster, which being apply'd to the Nape of the Neck, pre­vents the Rheum from falling on the Eyes, or any part of the Head.

Take of Gum Tragacanth, Mastich, Oli­banum, and Bole Armoniack, of each 3 drams, Mirtle-seeds, and Pomegranate-flow­ers, of each one dram, Gum Elymi 3 drams, Burgundy Pitch half a pound Venice Tur­pentine half an ounce, melt the Burgundy Pitch and the Gum Elymi together, then put in the other things being powder'd, and last of all the Turpentine; stir them well together, and make into rolls, apply upon a piece of Sheeps Leather to the nape of the Neck.

For the Piles.

Take of the Tops of Parsly, of Mullet, and of Elder-buds, of each one handful, boil in a sufficient quantity of fresh Butter till it looks green, and has extracted the smell of the Herbs, strain and anoint the place with it 3 or 4 times aday.

An Experienced Remedy for a Sore Throat or Mouth.

Take of mild Ale 3 pints, of Celandine one handful, Honey half a pound, Roch Alum enough to make it sharp, boil to the consumption of half, taking off the Scum as it arises, strain and keep for your use. It is a most excellent thing for the Small Pox, either in the Mouth or Throat. It is like­wise a present remedy for any old Sore or Ulcer, if you put to it of Sage, Hysop, and Rosemary, of each one handful, and dou­ble the quantity of the Celandine; after you have well wash'd the Sore, apply a Pla­ster of the Green Salve to it: The Teeth be­ing rub'd with a Sage leaf dip'd in this water, will in a short time grow white.

To make the Green Salve, which heals and cleanses Wounds in any part of the Body, ripens and discusses Tumours.

Take of Green Tobacco-leaves, of Parsly, Rue, Rosemary, Red Sage, Celandine and Fennel, of each a like quantity; bruise the Herbs, and boil them in fresh Butter till they grow black; then put of Virgins Wax and Rosin, of each one ounce, Roch Alum rub'd to powder a quarter of an ounce, fine Sugar 2 ounces; after it has boil'd gently for a little while, strain and pour into an earthen Pot.

To make a Gentle Vomit, which will work safely and effectually in all cases where Vomiting is required.

Take from one dram to two of White Vitriol, Oxymel of Squils 2 ounces, mix them well together, and give a spoonful at a time of it in a draught of Carduus water, give more or less according as there is oc­casion.

For the falling down of the Mother.

Take a quart of good old Canary, a hand­ful of the Tops of young Broom, boil [Page 94]them together till there remains but a pint, strain and drink of it, being sweetn'd with fine Sugar.

To make Dr. S—n's famous Worm-powder.

Take of Rhubarb, Coraline, burnt Harts­horn, and Wormwood-seed, of each 2 drams, mix into a fine Powder, mixing with it 6 drops of the Oil of Juniper; give from a scruple to a dram, according to the Childs Age, every morning and evening in any convenient Vehicle.

To make the red Balsam, which cures any Green Wound, Scald or Burn.

Take a quart of the best Salad Oil, of Rosemary and Betony-flowers, of the Tops of St. John's Wort, of each 2 handfuls, put them into a Glass Bottle, and let it stand a whole Summer in the heat of the Sun, the Bottle being close stop'd, strain and put to the Oil an handful of Alkanet­roots bruis'd; when you use it let it be blood-warm.

To make a very fine Cordial-water, which opens the Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, expels Wind, strengthens the Heart and Stomach.

Take of Aniseeds, Coriander-seeds, Lig­num-vitae, Elecampane-roots, Liquorish, and Rhubarb, of each 2 ounces, of Rai­sins of the Sun ston'd one pound, slice the Liquorish and Rhubarb, bruise the other things, and infuse for 14 days in 3 quarts of Brandy, let the Glass that they are infus'd in stand in a warm place, be close stop'd, and shak'd every day; strain and keep for your use; you may take 3 or 4 spoonful of it at a-time.

An Excellent Ointment for Rheumatick, or Bloodshot-Eyes.

Take of fresh Hogs-lard 3 ounces, wash it first in Red Rose-water, then in White-wine in which Lapis Calaminaris has been often quenched, mix with it an ounce of Tutty prepar'd, of the Blood-stone, and Red Coral, of each 2 Scruples, of Aloes Succotrine one scruple, make into an Oint­ment with Fennel-water; if your Eyes are [Page 96]very sore, you must put into each corner a piece about the bigness of a Pins Head, otherwise you need only anoint the edges of your Eyelids with a little of it melted in a Spoon; use it only at nights, if it grows dry, moisten it either with Fennel or Rose-water.

For the Rickets.

Take a pound of May Butter, of Rue, Chamomil, Mallows and Balm, of each one handful, stamp the Herbs with the Butter, and bake in a Pot with brown Bread; as soon as it is drawn, press out the Liquor, and anoint the Childs Joints and Back with it every morning, and evening keeping it in Bed an hour after each time; continue to anoint the Child till the Liquor is all spent.

For Stinking Feet.

Take Roch Alum, burn it till it be­comes white, rub it to powder, and strow in the bottom of your Stockings for 3 or 4 days together.

To make Dr. H—'s Cephalick Pills, which purge the Head, clear and preserve the Eye-sight.

Take of Aloes Rosata and Pills of Cochiae the greater, of each one dram, of Rosin, of Jalap, and extract of Black Ellebor, of each half a scruple, Chymical Oil of Fennel 8 drops; make into Pills with Syrup of Roses, take 4 or 5 of them over night, once or twice in a Week.

An Extraordinary Ointment for Burns or Scalds.

Take of Red Dock Leaves, and Mallow Leaves, of each a large handful, 2 Heads of Housleek, of Green Elder, the Bark being scrap'd from it, a small handful; wash the Herbs and the Elder; which being cut small, boil in a pint and an half of Cream, boil till it comes to an Oil, which as it rises up take off with a Spoon, afterwards strain, and put to it 3 drams of White Lead powder'd fine.

A Medicine for the Stone.

Take of the Prickled Holly one handful, dry it and beat it to powder; give of it from one dram to two in a draught of warm White-wine, with a piece of Butter in it; take like­wise 2 handfuls of Chickweed, put it into a piece of Linnen, and apply to the Patients Navel as warm as he can bear it, shifting it often.

For Costiveness.

Take of the Pulp of Cassia, newly extract­ed, one ounce and an half, of Cremor Tartari 2 drams, mix and give the quantity of a large Nutmeg every day about an hour before Din­ner, continue taking it for a Week together.

A very good Drink to be used in all sorts of Fevers.

Take 2 ounces of burnt Hartshorn, boil it with a Crust of Bread in 3 pints of Water to a quart, strain and put to it of Barley, Cin­namon-water 2 ounces, Cochinele half a dram, sweeten it with fine Sugar, and let the Patient as often as he is thirsty drink plentifully of it, rub the Cochinele in a Mortar together with the Sugar.

A famous Sternutatory, which quickens the Senses, and preserves the Head from all Diseases pro­ceeding from Cold.

Take of Asarabacca-root one dram, of Ca­stor one scruple, of Nutmegs, Rosemary and Lavender-flowers, of each one dram, make it into a very fine Powder, using it as often as you please.

To Cure a Running Sore, which comes either in the Legs, or any other part of the Body.

Take of the Root of round Bithworth, and of Sugar Candy, of each 2 ounces, slice the [Page 99]Root, and bruise the Candy, boil in a pint and an half of White-wine till it comes to a pint, then take from the fire, keeping it close cover'd; as soon as it is cold, strain and wash the Sore with it twice every day: When the Sore is well cleas'd, take a piece of Lead, beat it very thin, and being prick'd full of holes, put into Quicksilver, and rub it with a Rag till it is silver'd over, apply to the Sore instead of a plaster, continuing the Water till the part is quite well. A Gentle Purge or two will ve­ry much facilitate the Cure by carrying off the Cause.

An Effectual Wrist Plaster for all sorts of Agues.

Take an handful of Rue, half an ounce of Olibanum, of Bay Salt and White-wine Vine­gar, of each 2 Spoonfuls, stamp and mix them well together, and apply to the Wrists 3 or 4 hours before the return of the Fit; let the Patient take also just before the coming of the Fit, of grains of Paradise, and Virginian Snakeweed, of each half a dram, made into a Bolus with Venice Treacle, and let him sweat plentifully.

To make Lozenges of Rhubarb, which strengthen the Stomach, open the Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen.

Take half an ounce of Rhubarb powder'd fine, 4 ounces of Sugar, of the Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth dissolv'd in Rosewater, what suffices to make into Lozenges.

A very agreable Purge for such as abound with Flegm, or Choler.

Take 2 Drams of Senna, of Mechoacan and Rhubarb slic'd, of each one dram, of Coriander Seeds bruis'd one dram, Tamarinds a quarter of an ounce, infuse in a quarter of a pint of White-wine, for 12 hours, strain and add to it of Syrup of Buckthorn, and Roses, of each half an ounce; mix and give in the morning fasting, increase or diminish the quan­tities according to its operation.

For the Whites, or any other Flux.

Take half an ounce of Diascordium, of Ve­nice Treacle and candied Ginger, of each 3 drams, of Red Coral, Dragons Blood, and Pomegranat-peel, of each 2 drams, Crocus Martis, astringent, one dram, make into a soft Electuary with Syrup of Coral, of which give the quantity of a Nutmeg every morning, at five in the afternoon, and at night the last thing, drinking after it 6 spoonfuls of the in­fusion of Red Roses, made acid with Spi­rit of Vitriol. Before the Party makes use of the Electuary, let her be purged twice or thrice with some proper Physick.

To make Dr. O—'s Stomatick Electuary, being a most Excellent Medicine such as are of a Cold Constitution.

Take 2 ounces of the Conserve of Roman Wormwood, of Candied Ginger half an ounce, [Page 101]of Cinnamon 2 drams, of the lesser Galen­gal half an ounce, make into an Electuary with Syrup of Wormwood; the dose is the quantity of a Nutmeg an hour before Dinner, taking 6 spoonfuls of Gentian Wine af­ter it.

For a Pain or Heat of the Back.

Take 3 drams of Red Saunders, an hand­ful of Red Rose Leaves, steep a whole night in a pint of Rose-water, strain and wash your Back with the Tincture twice aday; after once or twice using you will find the Heat to diminish, and your Back to be greatly re­fresh'd.

For a Speck or Film in the Eye.

Take a New-laid-Egg, roast it till it is hard, slice it and take the Yolk out, putting in its place a dram of burnt Alum, and 20 Wood­lice; tye the halves together in a thin piece of Coth, and press the Juice out betwixt your Fingers, drop 2 drops of the Juice into the Eye that is grieved, twice aday; the Party must lie a quarter of an hour upon his Back after each time.

For a Bruise in the Members.

Take an handful of Harts-tongue-leaves, dry them in a Paper before the Fire, beat them to powder, and with Oil of Roses make a Ca­taplasm, [Page 102]to be apply'd to the part affected, re­newing it every 24 hours.

For the Itch.

Take of the Ointment of the Roots of the sharp pointed Dock 2 ounces, Sal Prunellae, and Flower of Brimstone, of each 3 drams, mix and make an Ointment with a few drops of Oil of Rhodium to perfume it, to be us'd eve­ry morning and evening. A decoction of To­bacco Stalks, either in Urin or Vinegar, hath alone cured divers.

An Excellent Gargle to preserve the Teeth, and pre­vent the Tooth-ach.

Take of Pomegranat-bark and Cinquefol­root, of each half an ounce, of Vervein an hand­ful, of Galls and Acrons, of each 2 drams, of Alum the quantity of a Nutmeg; boil in White-wine Vinegar, strain and wash your Mouth with it every morning.

For rotten and Scorbutick Gums.

Take of the Powder of Myrrh, and To­bacco-ashes, of each 2 drams, of Alum one dram, of Bole Armoniack and Dragons-blood, of each a dram and an half, Hony of Roses 3 ounces, Spirit of Vitriol enough to make it acid, rub your Gums every morning, and at night when you go to bed.

For Convulsive Fits.

Take of Red Nettle Seeds, and of Peacocks­dung, of each equal parts, mix and give to a Child as much as will lie upon a Sixpence eve­ry morning, in 2 or 3 spoonfuls of Poeony or Blackcherry-water, continue giving for a Month or six Weeks together at least.

An Approved Medicine for the Stone, which is also very prevalent in Convulsive and Paralytical af­fects.

Take 6 pound of Blackcherries, stamp them in a Mortar till the Kernels are bruis'd, then take of the Powder of Amber, and of Coral prepar'd, of each 2 ounces; put them with the Cherries into a Still, and with a gentle fire; draw off the Water, which if you take for the Stone, mix a dram of the Powder of Amber with a spoonful of it, drinking 3 or 4 spoon­ful after it; if for the Palsie or Convulsion, take 4 spoonfuls without adding any thing, in the morning fasting.

For a Bruise.

Take the Powder of Jet, and let the Pati­ent drink of it as much as will lie upon a Six­pence every morning in a draught of any con­venient Liquor, till such time as he is perfect­ly well: Or take the tender Sprigs of an Oak, dry and beat to Powder, of which give the same quantity in the same manner.

An Excellent Cataplasm to be apply'd to any part that is Bruis'd.

Take of the best Salad or Neatsfoot Oil, of each half a pint, of Honey and Turpentine, of each 2 ounces, or Bole Armoniack powder'd 6 drams, Hogs-lard 4 ounces, of White-wine Vinegar half a pound; let them boil together in a Pipkin; about the latter end add of Bean or Wheat-flower, enough to make it thick, spread and apply warm to the place that is hurt, removing once in 12 hours.

For St. Anthony's Fire.

Take of Sengreen and Cream, of White-wine Vinegar, and Boars Liver dry'd and powder'd, of each equal parts, beat them well together, and with the crumbs of Whitebread make of the same thickness as a Poultis, apply to the part, renewing it every 12 hours.

To make Captain Green's Famous Powder, which cures Cancers of the Mouth, fastens loose Teeth, heals any old Sore or Ʋlcer; and being with a Feather drop'd into weak and sore Eyes, mightily strengthens them.

Take an ounce of Camphire scrap'd very thin, 4 ounces of Copperas rub'd to powder, put them both together into a Crucible, and calcine them with a moderate fire; let the Cru­cible be very close cover'd; as soon as it is cal­cin'd enough it will become hard, then take the [Page 105]Pot from the fire; which as soon as it is cold break to pieces, and take out what was con­tain'd in it, rub it to a fine powder, and mingle with 4 ounces of Bole Armoniack likewise fine­ly powder'd: When you have occasion to use the Powder, take half an ounce of it, put it into a Bason, and pour upon it a quart of boiling water; as soon as the water is cold, put it to­gether with the Powder into a Bottle, and use it twice aday; after each time of using shake the Bottle; this water being injected, in a short time heals any sort of Fistule.

For the Black Jaundice.

Take an handful of the long Leaves which grow upon the Artichoke stalks, put them into a Pot with 3 pints of Ale, let the Pot stand in a warm place, close cover'd for 12 hours, take half a pint of the Liquor, with a quarter of a pint of White-wine every morning fasting, for 9 mornings successively; let a dram of Saffron, tied in a Rag, be hung in the Pot; the Leaves must be bruis'd before they are put into the Ale.

An Electuary for a Cough or great Cold.

Take of Virgins Honey clarified, and strong Ale Wort, of each a pint, of the best Mala­ga Sack half a pint, of the Juice of Liquorish 4 ounces, boil them together almost an hour, then take from the fire, and put to it of the Powder of Elicampane, Orris-root, and Benja­min of each half an ounce, mix and take a [Page 106]spoonful of it at any time when you are troubled with your Cough.

For a Child that hath the Falling-Sickness.

Take of Dill, Featherfew and Savin, of each a small handful, bruise them, and fry them in half a pint of the best Salad Oil, strain out the Oil, and anoint the child's Stomach with it every morning and evening; apply the Herbs also to the Child's Stomach as warm as you think it is able to bear them.

A Soveraign Oil for the Numb Palsie.

Take a Fox new kill'd, case him, and bowel him, and put into his Belly of Dill, Mug­wort, Chamomil, Ground-Pine, Southernwood, Red Sage, Origanum, Hops, Rosemary, Balm, Betony, Sweet Marjoram, and Lavender-flow­ers, of each one handful, let them be all well bruis'd; take also of the Oils of Rue, Castor, and Chamomil, of each 4 ounces, mix the Oils with the Herbs; as soon as you have put the Herbs in, sew up his Belly close, and roast him with a quick fire, save the Oil that drops from him, with which anoint the part twice aday, rubbing it well in over a Chafingdish of Coals.

To make Dr. Lower's Gargarism, which cools all Inflammations of the Throat.

Take of Frogs Spawn, and Plantain Water, of each 2 ounces, Sugar of Lead one dram, Sy­rup [Page 107]of Mulberries one ounce, mix and wash your Throat with it often.

For the Worms in Children.

Take of Mithridate and Honey, of each one Penyworth, Oil of Mace 2 Penyworth, melt them together, and spread upon Sheeps Leather cut in the wape of an Heart; Oil of Savin and Wormwood, of each 6 drops, of Aloes and Saffron in powder, of each one dram, rub the Oils, and strow the Powders all over the Plasters, apply it, being warm'd to the Child's Stomach with the point upwards.

To make Dr. L's Cataplasm, which ripens Tumours, and cures Inflammations.

Take of Marshmallow-roots, half a pound, of White Lily Roots a quarter of a pound, of Figs, and White Bryony-roots, of each 2 ounces, of Chamomil-flowers one handful, boil in Ale-wort till they are soft, stamp them in a Mortar, and mix with Linseed and Fenugreen­seed in powder, of each an ounce, make in­to a Poultis, to be apply'd warm to the part affected, put on a fresh one every 12 hours; every time that you apply it moisten it with Linseed Oil newly drawn; let the Roots be cut into thin slices before you boil them in the Ale.

For Eyes that are troubled with a Hot Rheum.

Take an handful of Rue, 3 ounces of White-wine, stamp them together, strain out the Juice, let it stand to settle, and with the clearest of it wash your Eyes every morning and evening.

For a Consumption of the Lungs.

Take 50 Snails without their Shells, 4 hand­fuls of Ground Ivy, the Whites of 9 Newlaid-Eggs, of Whitebread-crumbs one pound, 4 Nutmegs slic'd, 2 Orange Peels, a gallon of Cows Milk, a quart of Sack, put them into a Rose Still, and draw off with a moderate fire; take a quarter of a pint of the water twice aday sweetned with Balsamick Syrup.

To make Dr. Lower's Pills, which open Obstructi­ons, cause a good Complexion, and strengthen the Stomach.

Take a dram and an half of the Stomach Pills, with the Gums, Gentian-root powder'd one dram, Salt of Wormwood half a dram, Steel prepar'd with Sulphur 2 drams, make into Pills, with a sufficient quantity of Elixir Proprietatis, of which take 3 every night and morning.


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