A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE VIRTUES OF THE Famous Well OF ASTROP, Not far from Oxford, of late so much frequénted by the NOBILITY and GENTRY.
By a Learned Physician.
LONDON, Printed in the Year MDCLXVIII.
A Brief Account of the famous Well of Astrop, not far from Oxford.
THis WELL riseth on the side of a Hill in Astrop, a Village belonging to King's Sutton in Northamptonshire, but joyning to Oxfordshire, three mile from Banbury. It was dedicated to S. Rumbald a Child which spake so soon as he was born. It yields an Iron water participating of Vitriol, as all Iron doth.
It openeth, astringeth, and consolidateth egregiously: it abstergeth viscous and tartarous Humours in the Stomack, Mesenteric, Hypochondria, [Page 2] Reins, Ureters, and Bladder, and opens the Obstructions of those parts: it penetrates through every occult passage where other Medicines cannot come.
It dries up the Defluxions and Distillations of the Head, and by this means takes away the old and long continued Headach Vertigo, Palsey, Convulsion, Trembling, Darkness of the Sight, and watering of the Eyes, and all sorts of the Gout: it cures mattery and running Eares, too much Spitting and Moistness of the Mouth.
By absorbing and taking away the excrementitious Humidities of the Brain, it preserveth from an Apoplexie: it alters a relax'd and weak Stomack, stirs up the Appetite, and confirms the Retentive Faculty thereof: [Page 3] it stays often Vomiting, the Cholericus Morbus, Diarrhoea, Dysenterie or Bloudy-flux, and Lienterie: it kills Worms in young and old, and expels them.
It opens the Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, cures the Flatus hypochondriacus, and the Palpitation and Trembling of the Heart proceeding from thence: it is a certain remedy for the Scurvy: it fastens the Teeth, though ready to drop out: it cures Aches and Cramps in any part of the Body whatsoever, and giveth great ease therein suddenly.
It opens all Obstructions, and suppresseth all Overflowings in Women, strengthens the Womb, and is a great help to Conception, and preventative against Miscarrying: it cures the Mother, [Page 4] and Precipitation of the Matrix, and falling down of the Fundament.
It extirpates Agues of long continuance, cures the Jaundice and Dropsy in the beginning, especially if from a hot Cause: it helps the Green-sickness, and restores a fresh and lively Colour to the Face.
It takes away the swelling and pains of the Spleen, expells the Stone and Sand: but especially it helps the infirmities of the Bladder, as the Exulceration thereof, Strangury, and difficulty of making water, and the involuntary passing away of the water, the pissing of Bloud, and the Gonorrhoea.
In Bathing,
It comforts the Nerves and relax'd Joynts, helps the Gout, confirms a slippery Matrix, and prevents Abortion: [Page 5] it strengthens broken Bones and Members out of joynt, and discusseth the Tumours that succeed those Accidents, cures the Scab and Impetigo, stays the falling down of the Fundament, the immoderate flowing of the Menses, and the Haemorrhoids.
By Lotion,
It helps many Diseases of the Eyes, the asperity of the Eye-lids, the falling off of the Hair, and the running Sores of the Head.
By Injection,
The Diseases of the Wombe, Fundament, and Bladder.