GEODAESIA: OR, THE ART OF Measuring Land, &c.
Of Arithmetick.
IT is very necessary for him that intends to be an Artist in the Measuring of Land, to begin with Arithmetick, as the Ground-work and Foundation of all Arts and Sciences Mathematical: and at least not to be ignorant of the five first and Principal Rules thereof, viz. Numeration, Addition, Substraction, Multiplication and Division: Which supposing every Person, that applies himself to the Study of this Art to be skilled in; or if not, referring him to Books or Masters, every where to be found, [Page 2]to learn: I shall name a sixth Rule, as necessary, (if not more) to be understood by the Learner; which is the Extraction of the Square Root; without which (though seldom mentioned by Surveyors in their Writings) a Man can never attain to a competent Knowledg in the Art: I shall not therefore think it unworthy my Pains (though perhaps other Men have better done it before me) to shew you easily and briefly how to do it.
How to Extract the Square Root.
In the first place it is convenient to tell you what this Square Root is: It is to find out of any Number propounded a lesser Number, which lesser Number being multiplyed in it self, may produce the Number propounded. As for Example, suppose 81 be a Number given me, I say 9 is the Root of it, because 9 multiplyed in it self, viz. 9 times 9, is 81. Now 8 could not be the root, for 8 times 8 is but 64: nor could 10, for 10 times 10 is 100, therefore I say 9 must needs be the Root, because multiplyed in it self, it makes neither more nor less, but just the Number propounded, viz. 81.
Again, suppose 16 be the number given, I say the Root of it is 4, because 4 multiplyed in it self makes 16. For your better understanding see this Figure, which is a great Square, containing 16 little Squares; any side of which great Square contains 4 little Squares: which is called the Square Root.
Or, suppose a plain Square Figure be given you as this in the Margent, and it be required of you to divide it into 9 small
Squares: Your Business is to know into how many Parts to divide any one of the Side Lines, which here must be into 3, and that is the Root required. But now how to do this readily is the thing I am going to teach you. The Roots of all Square Numbers under 100, you have in your Multiplication Table, however since it is good for you to keep them in your Mind, take this small Table of them.
Roots | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Squares | 1 | 4 | 9 | 16 | 25 | 36 | 49 | 64 | 81 |
Here you see the Root of 25 is 5, the Root of 64 is 8, and so of the rest.
So far as 100 in whole Numbers, your Memory will serve you to find the Root; but if the Number propounded, whose Root you are to search out, exceed 100, then put a Point over the first Figure on the Right-hand, which is the place of Unites, and so proceeding to the Left-hand, miss the second Figure, and put a Point over the third, then missing the fourth, Point the fifth; and so (if there be never so many Figures in the Number) proceed on to the end, pointing every other Figure, as you may see here, and so many Points as there are, [...] of so many Figures your Root will consist, which is very material to remember: Then begin at the first Figure on the Left-hand that has a Point over it, which will always be the first or second Figure, and search out the Root [Page 4]of that one Figure, or both joyned together if there be two, and when you have found it, or the nighest less to it, which you may easily do by the Table above, or your own memory, draw a little crooked Line, as in Division, and there set it down. For [...] Example, Let 144 be the Number whose Root I am to find; I set it down, and prick the Figures thus: Then going to the first Figure on the Left-hand, that has a Price over it, which is 1, and see what the Root of it is, which is 1 also; I therefore draw a crooked Line, as in the Margent, and set down 1 in the Quotient, then if 1 admitted of any Multiplication, I should multiply it by it self, but since once 1 is but 1, I substract it out of the first prick'd Figure on the Left-hand, and there remains 0, so that I cancel that first Figure, as having wholly done with it: If any thing had remained after the Substraction, I should have put the remainder over it. The next thing to be done, is to double what is already in the Quotient, which makes 2, which 2 I write down under the next Figure, viz. 4, which has no Point over it, and then see how oft I can have 2 in 4: Answer, twice; I therefore set down 2 in the Quotient, and 2 likewise under the next pointed Figure, which in this Example is 4, then that 22 which stands under the 44 must be multiplyed by the [...] in the Quotient, whose Product is 44, which substracted out of 44, there remains 0: But you may multiply and substract together thus, twice 2 is 4, which I take out of 4, and there remains 0, then I cancel the first 4 and 2 to the Left-hand, as having done with them; then again, twice 2 is 4, which taken out of 4 leaves 0, and then I cancel the last 4 and 2, and the Question is answered, [Page 5]for there is 12 in the Quotient, which is the Root of 144, which may easily be proved by multiplying 12 by 12. [...]
Take another Example: Let the summ be First see what the Root of 5 is, which is 2, and place it in the Quotient, and under the first pointed Figure both, as you see here, then say two times 2 is 4, which taken out of 5, there remains one, and so have you done with the first Point. Next double the Quotient, which makes 4, [...] and place it as you see here, under the Figure void of a Point, then see how many times 4 you can have in 14, answer 3 times, which 3 place both in the Quotient, and under the next pointed Figure, which is 7; then multiply and substract, saying three times 4 is 12, which taken out of 14 leaves 2, which 2 write over the 4, and cancel both the 4 and the 1, as you do in Division: And three times 3 is 9, which taken out of 27, rests 18; which write over head, and cancel what Figures you have done with, no otherwise than in Division, and so have you done with the first two Points. Now for the third pointed Figure, or if there were never so many more of them, they are done altogether as the second: viz. Double again your Quotient, it makes 46, which put down as you see here, always observing this Rule, That the last Figure of the doubled Quotient, I mean that in the place of Unites, stand under the next, void of Points: And those of your Left hand of him, viz in the places of Tens or Hundreds, in order before him, as you do in Division, as you may see here: Then proceed, and say, how many times 46 [Page 6] [...] can I have in 185, or rather how many times 4 in 18: here Essay, as you do in Division, and see if you can have it four times, remembring the 4 that must be put down under the pointed Figure, and when you find you can have it four times, write it down in the Quotient, and also under your last pointed Figure; then say four times 4 is 16, out of 18, [...] there rests 2, which write down, and cancel the 18 and 4. Again, four times 6 is 24, out of 25, rests 1; which put down, and cancel the 2, 5, and 6. Again, four times 4 is 16, out of 16, rests 0: and so have you done, and find the Root to be 234.
I'll add but one Example more for your practice: Let the Number, whose Root is required be [...], see the working of it.
But in this you see there is a [...] Fraction remains, and so there will be in most Numbers, for we seldom happen upon a Number exactly Square: the Fractional Part must therefore thus be taken: before you begin to extract, add to your Number given two Cyphers, if you desire to know but to the tenth part of an Unite; but if to an hundredth part add four Cyphers, if to a thousandth part of an Unite, add six Cyphers, and then work, as before, as if it was all one entire Number, and look how many Points were placed over the Number first given, so many places of Integers will be in the Root; the rest of the Root towards the Right-hand, will be the Numerator of a Decimal Fraction. For Example, let 143 be the Number given to be extracted, and [Page 7]to know the Decimal Fraction as near as to the hundredth part of an Unite; I write it down as before, annexing four Cyphers to the end of it, as you see hereunder; and after having wrought it, [...] there comes out in the Quotient 1195, but because I had but two Points over the first Number given, viz. [...], I therefore at the end of two Figures in the Quotient put a Point, which parts the whole Number from the Fraction; that 11 on the Left-hand being Integers, and the 95 on the Right Centesms of an Unite, which you may either write as above, or thus, 11 95/100 if you please.
There are other ways taught by Arithmeticians for finding out the Square Root of any Number; but I know no way so concise as this, and after a little practice, so easie and ready, or to be wrought with as few Figures. To do it indeed by the Logarithms or Artificial Numbers, is very easie and pleasant, but Surveyors have not always Books of Logarithms about them, when they have occasion to extract the Square Root: However I will briefly shew you how to do it, and give you one Example thereof.
When you have any Number given whose Square Root you desire, seek for the given Number in the Tables of Logarithms under the Title Numbers, and right against it, under the Title Logarithms, you will find the Logarithm of the said Number, the half of which is the Logarithm [Page 8]of the Root desired: Which half seek for under the Title Logarithm, and right against it under the Title Number, you will find the Root.
Let 625 be the Number whose Root is desired: First I seek for it under the Title Numbers, and right against it I find this which I divide by 2, or take the half of it as you see:
- Log. 2,795880,
- Half. 1,397940,
And finding that half under the Title Log. right against it is 25, the Root desired. See the same done by the former way with less trouble. [...]
Geometrical Definitions.
APoint is that which hath neither Length nor Breadth, the least thing which can be imagined, and which cannot be divided, commonly marked as a full Stop in Writings thus(.)
A Line has Length, but no Breadth nor thickness, and is made by many Points joyned together in length, of which there are two sorts, viz. Streight and Crooked. As, AB is a Streight Line, BC two Crooked Lines.
An Angle is the meeting of two Lines in a Point; provided the two Lines so meeting, do not make one Streight Line, as the Line AB, and the Line AC, meeting together in the Point A, make the Angle BAC.
Of which Right-lined Angles there are three sorts, viz. Right Angled, Acute, Obtuse.
When a Line falleth perpendicularly upon another Line, it maketh two Right Angles.
Let CAB be a Right Line, DA a Line Perpendicular to it, that is to say, neither leaning towards B or C, but exactly upright; then are both the Angles at A, viz. DAB, and DAC, Right Angles; and [Page 11]contain each just 90 Degrees, or the fourth part of a Circle; but if the Line DA had not been Perpendicular, but had leaned towards B, then had DAC been an Obtuse Angle, or greater than a Right Angle, and DAB an Acute Angle, or lesser than a Right Angle, as you see hereunder.
All Figures contained under three Sides are called Triangles, as A, B, C.
Where note, The Triangle A hath three equal sides, and is called an Equilateral Triangle.
The Triangle B hath two Sides equal, and the third unequal, and is called an Isosceles Triangle.
The Triangle C hath three unequal Sides, and is called a Scalenum.
Of four Sided Figures there are these Sorts:
First, a Square, whose Sides are all equal, and Angles Right, as A.
Secondly, A Long Square, or Parallelogram, whose Opposite Sides are equal, and Angles Right, as B.
Thirdly, A Rhombus, whose Sides are all Equal, but no Angle Right, as C.
Fourthly, A Rhomboides, whose Opposite Sides only are Equal, and no Right Angles, as D.
All other four Sided Figures are called Trapezia, as E.
Other Figures that are contained under 5, 6, 7, or more Sides, I call Irregular, as FG, &c. Except
such as are made by dividing the Circumference of a Circle into any number of Parts; for then they are Regular Figures; having all their Sides and Angles Equal; and are called according to the number of Right Lines the Circle is divided into, or more properly according to the Number of Angles they contain, as a Pentagon, Hexagon, Heptagon, Octogon, &c. Which in plain English is no more than a Figure of Five, Six, Seven or Eight Angles; which Angles are all equal one to another, and their Sides consequently all of the same length. And thus (though I mention no more than 8,) the Circumference of the Circle may be divided into as many Parts as you please; and the Regular Figures arising out of such divisions, are called according to the number of Parts the Circle is divided into; see for your better understanding these two or three following.
A Circle is a Figure determined with one Endless
Line, as A. Which Line is called the Circumference of the Circle, in the Middle whereof is a Prick or Point, by which the Circle is described, which is called the Center, from which Point or Center all Streight Lines drawn to the Circumference are Equal, or of the same Length, as AB, AC, AD.
The Diameter of a Circle, is a Line which passing through the Center, cuts the Circle into two Equal Parts, or the longest Streight Line that can be made in any Circle; as BC.
The Semi-Diameter, is the half of the above-mentioned Line, as AB, AC, or AD, either of which is called a Semi-Diameter.
A Chord, is any Line shorter than the Diameter, which passeth from one part of the Circumference to another, as EF.
A Semicircle is the half of a Circle, as BDC, or BEC.
A Quadrant is the fourth part of a Circle, made by two Diameters perpendicularly intersecting each other,
as ABD, ADC, ABE, AEC, either of which is a Quadrant, or the fourth part of a Circle.
A Section, Segment, or part of a Circle is a piece of the Circle cut off by a Chord Line, and is greater or less than a Semicircle, as ECFG is a Segment of the Circle EBDCG, likewise EBDCF is the greater Segment of the same Circle.
A Superficies is that which hath both length and breadth, but no thickness: whose Bounds are Lines, as A is a Superficies or Plain contained in these Lines BC, DE, BD, CE, which hath length from B to C, and Breadth from B to D, but no Thickness.
When these bounding Lines are measured, and the Content of the Superficies cast up, the result is called the Area, or Superficial Content of that Figure.
Suppose the Line BC to be twelve foot in Length, and the Line BD, to be four Foot long, they multiplyed together make 48; therefore I say 48 Square Feet is the Area or Superficial Content of that Figure.
When two Lines are in every Part equidistant from each other, they are called Parallel Lines, as the Lines AB and CD, which tho produced to never
so great a Length, would come no nearer to each other, much less meet.
A Diagonal Line is a Line running through a Square Figure, dividing it into two Triangles, beginning at one Angle of the Square, and proceeding to the Opposite Angle. In the Square ABCD, AD is the Diagonal Line.
Geometrical Problems.
PROB. I. How to make a Line Perpendicular to a Line Given.
THe Line given is AB, and at the Point C it is required to erect a Line which shall be Perpendicular to AB.
Open your Compasses to any convenient wideness, and setting one Foot of them in the Point C, with the other make a Mark upon the Line at E, and also at D; then taking off your Compasses, open them a little wider than before, and setting one Foot in the Point D, with the other describe the Arch FF, then without altering your Compasses, set one Foot in the Point E, and with the other describe the Arch GG.
Lastly, Lay your Ruler to the Point C, and the Intersection of the two Arches GG and FF, which is at H, and drawing the Line HC, you have your desire, HC being Perpendicular to AB.
See it here done again after the very same manner, but may perhaps be plainer for your Understanding.
PROB. ii. How to raise a Perpendicular upon the End of a Line.
AB is the Line given, and at B it is required to erect the Perpendicular BC.
If you have room you may extend the Line AB to what length you please, and work as above; but if not, then thus you may do it:
Open your Compasses to an ordinary extent, and setting one Foot in the Point B, let the other fall at adventure, no matter where in Reason, as at the Point ☉, then without altering the extent of the Compasses, set one Foot in the Point ☉, and with the other cross the Line AB as at D: Also on the other side describe the Arch E; then laying your Ruler to D and ☉ draw the prickt Line D ☉ F. Lastly, from the Point B, you began at, through the Interjection at g draw the Line B g C, which is perpendicular to AB.
Another way to do the same, I think more easie, though indeed almost the same.
Let AB be the given Line, BI the Perpendicular required.
Set one Foot of your Compasses in B, and with the other at any ordinary extent describe the Arch CEFD, then keeping your Compasses at the same extent, set one Foot in C, and make a Mark upon the Arch at E; also setting one Foot in E, make another Mark at F, then opening your Compasses, or else with the same Extent, which you please, set one Foot in E, and with the other describe the Arch GG, also setting one Point in F, make the Arch HH, then drawing a Line through the intersection of the Arches G and H, to the Point first proposed B, you have the Perpendicular Line IB.
PROB. iii. How from a Point assigned, to let fall a Perpendicular upon a Line given.
The Line given is AB, the Point is at C, from which it is desired to draw a Line down to AB, that may be Perpendicular to it;
First, setting one Foot of your Compasses in the Point C, with the other make a Mark upon the Line AB, as at D, and also at E, then opening your Compasses wider, or shutting them closer, either will do; [Page 21]set one Foot in the Point of Intersection at D, and with the other describe the Arch gg, the like do at E, for the Arch hh: Lastly, from the Point assigned, through the Point of Intersection of the two Arches gg, and hh, draw the Perpendicular Line CF. This is no more but the First Problem reversed: The same you may do by the second Problem, viz. let fall a Perpendicular nigh the end of a given Line.
PROB. iv. How to divide a Line into any Number of Equal Parts.
AB is a Line given, and it is required to divide it into 6 equal Parts.
Make at the Point B a Line Perpendicular to AB, as BC; do the same at A the contrary way, as you see here; open your Compasses to any convenient Wideness, and upon the Lines BC, and AD, mark out five Equal Parts; for it must be always one less than the Number you intend to divide the Line into: which parts you may number, as [Page 22]you see here, those upon one Line one way, and the other the contrary way; the laying your Ruler from N o. 1. on the Line BC, to N o. 1. on the Line AD, it will intersect the Line AB at E, which you may mark with your Pen, and the Distance between B and E, is one sixth part of the Line; so proceed on 'till you come to N o. 5. and then you will find that you have divided the give Line into six Equal Parts, as required.
PROB. v. How to make an Angle Equal to any other Angle given.
The Angle given is A, and you are desired to make one Equal to it.
Draw the Right Line BC, then going to the Angle A, set one Foot of your Compasses in the Point h, and with the other at what Distance you please describe [Page 23]the Arch IK, then without altering the extent of the Compasses, set one Foot in B, and draw the like Arch, as fg; after that measure with your Compasses how far it is from K to I, and the same distance set down upon the Arch from g towards f, which will fall at E, after draw the Line BED, and you have done.
PROB. vi. How to make Lines Parallel to each other.
AB is a Line given, and it is required to make a Line parallel unto it.
Set one foot of your Compasses at or near the end of the given line as at C, and with the other describe the Arch ab; do the same near the other end of the same line, and through the utmost convex of those two Arches draw the Parallel line C. D.
PROB. vii. How to make a Line Parallel to another Line, which must also pass through a Point assigned.
Let AB be the given line, C the point through which the required Parallel line must pass.
Set one foot of your Compasses in C, and closing them so that they will just touch, (and no more) the Line AB: describe the Arch aa; with the same extent in any part of the given Line set one Foot, and describe another Arch as at D: then through the assigned Point, and the utmost Convex of the last Arch, draw the required Line CD, which is Parallel to AB, and passeth through the Point C.
PROB. viii. How to make a Triangle, three Lines being given you.
Let the three lines given be 1, 2, 3, The Question is how to make a Triangle of them.
Take with your Compasses the length of either of the three, in this Example;
let it be that N o. 1. viz. the longest, and lay it down as hereunder from A to B; then taking with your Compasses the Length of the Line 2, set one Foot in B, and make the Arch C; also taking the length of the last Line 3. place your Compasses at A, and make the Arch D, which will intersect the Arch Cat the Point E; from which Point of Intersection draw Lines to AB, which shall constitute the Triangle AEB; The Line AB being equal to the line N o. 1, BE to N o. 2, AE to N o. 3.
PROB. ix. How to make a Triangle equal to a Triangle given, and every way in the same Proportion.
First make an Angle Equal to the Angle at A, as you were taught in
PROB. v. Then making the Lines AD and AE equal to AB and AC, draw the Line DE.
Or otherwise you may do it as you were taught in PROB. viii.
PROB. x. How to make a Square Figure.
Let A be a Line given, and it is required to make a square Figure, each side of which shall just be the length of the Line A.
First lay down the length of your Line A, as AB.
Secondly, raise a Perpendicular of the same length at B.
Thirdly, take the length of either of the aforementioned Lines with your Compasses, and setting one Foot in C describe the Arch ee; do the like at A, and describe the Arch ff.
Fourthly, draw Lines from A and C into the Point of Intersection, and the Square is finished.
PROB. xi. How to make a Parallelogram, or long Square.
This is much like the former. Admit two Lines be given you, as 1, 2, and it is required to make a Parallelogram of them: What a Parallelogram [Page 27]is, you may see in the Second Chapter of Definitions.
First, lay down your longest Line, as AB, upon the End of which erect a Perpendicular Line, equal in Length to your shortest Line, and so proceed, as you were taught in the foregoing Problem.
PROB. xii. How to make a Rhombus.
First make an Angle, suppose ACB, no matter how great or small; but be sure
let the two Lines be of equal length; then taking with your Compasses the length of one of those two Lines, set one Foot in A, and describe the Arch bb; also set one Foot in B, and describe the Arch cc. Lastly, draw Lines, and it is finished. Two Equilateral Triangles is a Rhombus.
A Rhomboides differs just so much, and no more from a Rhombus, as a Parallelogram does from a true Square; it is needless therefore, I presume, to shew you how to make it.
PROB. xiii. How to divide a Circle into any number of Equal Parts, not exceeding ten, or otherwise how to make the Figures called, Pentagon, Hexagon, Haptagon, Octogon, &c.
Let ABCD be a Circle, in which is required to be made a Triangle, the greatest that can be made in that Circle.
Keeping your Compasses at the same extent they were at when you made the Circle, set one Point of them in any part of the Circle, as at A, and with the other make a Mark at E and f, and draw a Line between E and f, which will be one Side of the Triangle.
I need not tell you how to make the other two Sides, for it is an Equilateral Triangle, all three Sides being of Equal Length.
To make a Pentagon or Five-sided Figure.
Draw first an obscure Circle, as ABCD; then
draw a Diameter from A to B; make another Diameter Perpendicular to the first, as CD; then taking with your Compasses the Length of the Semi-Diameter, set one Point in A, and make the Marks EF, drawing a Line between them, as you did to make the Triangle. Next, set one Point of your Compasses in the Intersection at g, and extend the other to C, draw the Arch CH: The nearest Distance between C and H, viz. the Line CIH, is the Side of a Pentagon, and the greatest that can be made within that Circle: Which with the same extent of your Compasses you may mark out round the Circle, and drawing Lines, the Figure will be finished.
To make a Hexagon or Six-sided Figure.
Draw an obscure Circle, as you see here, and then without altering the extent of the Compasses, mark out the Hexagon required round the Circle; for the Semidiameter of any Circle is the side of the greatest Hexagon that can be made within the same Circle. [Page 30]This is the way Coopers use, to make Heads for their Casks.
To make a Heptagon, or Figure of Seven, equal Sides and Angles.
You must begin and proceed as if you were going to inscribe a Triangle in a Circle, till you have drawn the Line EF; then taking with your Compasses the half of that Line, viz. from ☉ to E, or from ☉ to F, mark out round the Circle your Heptagon, for the half of the Line EF is one side of it.
To make an Octogon, commonly called an Eight-square Figure.
First make a Circle.
Secondly, divide it into four equal Parts by two Diameters, the one perpendicular to the other, as AB and CD.
Thirdly, Set one Foot of the Compasses in A, and make the Arch E E; also with the same extent set one foot in C, and make the Arch ff; then through the Intersection of the two Arches draw a Line to the Center, viz. gh.
Lastly, Draw the Line IC or IA, either of which is the side of an Octagon.
To make a Nonagon.
First make a Circle, and a Triangle in it, as you were taught at the beginning of this Problem. then divide one third part of the Circle. As for Example, that A, 1, 2, 3, B, into three equal Parts. Lastly, draw the lines A 1, 1, 2, 2 B, &c. each of these Lines is the side of a Nonagon.
To make a Decagon.
You must work altogether as you did in making a Pentagon: See the Pentagon above, where the distance from the Centre K to the Point at H is the side of a Decagon or Ten-sided Figure.
PROB. xiv. Three Points being given: How to make a Circle, whose Circumference shall pass through the three given Points, provided the three Points are not in a streight Line.
Let A, B, C, be the three Points given; first setting one foot of your Compasses in A, open them to any convenient wideness, more than half the distance
[Page 33]between A and B, and describe the Arch dd; then without altering the extent, set one point in B, and cross the first Arch at E and E, through those two Intersections draw the Line EE.
The very same you must do between B and C, and draw the Line ff; where these two Lines intersect each other, as at g, there is the Centre of the Circle required; therefore setting one foot of your Compasses in g, extend the other to either of the Points given, and describe the Circle A B C. Note the Centre of a Triangle is found the same way.
PROB. xv. How to make an Ellipsis, or Oval several ways.
Fig. 1. Make three Circles whose Diameters may be in a streight Line, as AB: Cross that Line with another Perpendicular to it, at the Centre of the middle Circle, as cd: draw the Lines ce, ch, dg, df. Set one foot of the Compasses in D, and extend the other to g, describing the part of the Ellepsis gf; with the sameextent, setting foot one in c, describe the other part he: The two Ends are made by parts of the two outermost small Circles, as you see fe, gh.
Fig. 2. Draw two small Circles, whose circumference may only touch each other: Then taking the distance between their Centers, or either of their Diameters, set one foot of your Compasses in either of their Centres, as that marked 2, and with the other make an Arch at a, also at b; then moving your Compasses to the Centre of the other Circle, cross the said Arches at a and b, which Crosses let be the Centres of two other Circles of equal bigness with the first. Then through the Centres of all the Circles draw the Lines AB, CD, EH, FG; which done, place one foot of the Compasses in the Centre of the Circle I, and extend the other to C, describing the Arch of the Ellipsis CE: The same you must do at 2, to describe the part BH, and then is your Ellipsis finished.
Fig. 3. This needs no Description, it being so like the two former Figures, and easier than either of them.
Here Note, that you may make the Ovals 1 and 3 of any determined length: for in the length of the first, there is four Semi-diameters, of the small Circles; and in the last but three: If therefore any Line was given you, of which length an Oval was required, you must take in with your Compasses the [Page 35]fourth part of the Line, to make the the Oval Fig. 1. and the third part to make the Oval Fig. 3; and with that extent you must describe the small Circles: The Breadth will be always proportional to the Length. But if the Breadth be given you, take in also the fourth part thereof, and make the Oval Fig. 2.
Fig. 4. This Ellipsis is to be made, having Length and Breadth both given. Let AB be the Length, CD the Breadth of a required Oval. First lay down the Line AB equal to the given length, and cross it in the middle with the Perpendicular CD, equal to the given Breadth. Secondly, take in half the Line AB with your Compasses, viz. AE, or BE; set one foot in C, and make two marks upon the Line AB, viz. f and g; also with the same extent set one foot in D, and cross the former marks at f and g. Thirdly, at the Points f and g, fix two Pins; or if it be a Garden-plat, or the like, two strong Sticks. Then putting a Line about them, make fast the two ends at such an exact length, that stretching by the two Pins, the bent of the Line may exactly touch A or B, or C or D, or h, as in this Diagram it does at h; so moving the Line still round, it will describe an exact Oval.
PROB. xvi. How to divide a given Line into two Equal Parts, which may be in such Proportion to each other, as two given Lines.
Let AB be the given Line to be divided in such Proportion as the line C is to the line D.
First from A draw a Line at pleasure, as AE; then taking with your Compasses the line C, set it off from A towards E, which will fall at F: Also take the line D, and set off from F to E.
Secondly, draw the line EB; and from F make a line parallel to eb, as FG, which shall intersect the given line AB in the Proportional Point required, viz at G; making AG and GB in like proportion to each other, as CC and DD.
Example by Arithmetick.
The line CC is 60 Feet, Perches, or any thing else; the line DD is 40; the line AB is 50; which is required to be divided in such proportion as 60 to 40. First add the two lines C and D together, and they make 100: Then say, if 100 the whole give 60 for its greatest part, what shall 50, the whole line AB, give for its greatest Proportional part? Multiply 50 by 60, it makes 3000; which divided by 100, produces 30 for the longest part; which 30 taken from 50, leaves 20 for the shortest part; as therefore 60 is to 40, so is 30 to 20.
PROB. xvii. Three Lines being given, to find a Fourth in Proportion to them.
Let ABC be the three Lines given, and it is required to find a fourth Line which may be in such proportion to C, as B is to A;
A | 14 |
B | 18 |
C | 21 |
[Page 38]which is no more but performing the Rule of Three in Lines. As if we should say, if A 14 give B 18, what shall C 21 give? Answer 27. But to perform the same Geometrically, work thus.
First make any Angle, as BAC. Then take with with your Compasses the first line A, and set it from A to 14. Also take the second Line B, and set it from A to 18; draw the line 14, 18. Then take
the third line C with your Compasses, and set it from A to 21. From 21 draw a line parallel to 14, 18, which will be 21, 27. Then from A to 27 is the length of your Fourth Line required.
And here for a while I shall leave these Problems, till I come to shew you how to divide any piece of Land; and to lay out any piece of a given quantity of Acres into any Form or Figure required: And in the mean time I shall shew you what is necessary to be known.
Of Measures.
ANd first of Long Measures; which are either Inches, Feet, Yards, Perches, Chains, &c. Note that twelve Inches make one Foot, three Feet one Yard, five Yards and a half one Pole or Perch, four Perches one Chain of Gunter's, eighty Chains one Mile. But if you would bring one sort of Measure into another, you must work by Multiplication or Division. As for example, Suppose you would know how many Inches are contained in twenty Yards: First reduce the Yards into Feet, by multiplying them by 3, because 3 Feet make one Yard, the Product is 60, which multiplyed by 12, the number of Inches in one Foot, gives 720, and so many Inches are contained in 20 Yards Length.
On the contrary, if you would have known how many Yards there are in 720 Inches, you must first divide 720 by 12, the Quotient is 60 Feet; that again divided by 3, the Quotient is 20 Yards. The like you must do with any other Measure, as Perches, Chains, &c. of which more by and by.
Long | Link | Foot | Yard | Perch | Chain | Mile |
Inches | 7.92 | 12 | 36 | 198 | 792 | 63360 |
Links | 1.515 | 4.56 | 25 | 100 | 8000 | |
Feet | 3 | 16.5 | 66 | 5280 | ||
Yards | 5.5 | 22 | 1760 | |||
Perch | 4 | 320 | ||||
Chain | 80 |
See this Table of Long Measure annexed, the use whereof is very easie: If you would know how many Feet in Length go to make one Chain; look for Chain at Top, and at the Left-hand for Feet, against which, in the common Angle of meeting, is 66, so many Feet are contained in one Chain.
But because Mr. Gunters Chain is most in use among Surveyors for measuring of Lines, I shall chiefly insist on that measure, it being the best in use for Lands.
This Chain contains in Length 4 Pole or 66 Feet, and is divided into 100 Links, each Link is therefore in length 7 92/105 Inches: If you would turn any number of Chains into Feet, you must multiply them by 66, as 100 Chains multiplyed by 66, makes 6600 Feet; but if you have Links to your Chains to be turned into Feet and Parts of Feet, you must set down the Chains and Links, as if they were one whole Number, and after having multiplyed that Number by 66, cut off from the Product the two last Figures to the Right-hand, which will be the Hundreth Parts of a Foot, and those on the Left-hand the Feet required.
Let it be required to know how many Feet there are in 15 Inches, 25 Links.
I set down thus the Multiplicand | 1525 |
The num. of Feet in 1 Chain, Multiplicat. | 66 |
9150 | |
9150 | |
Product | 1006|50 Feet. |
The Product is 1006 50/100. This is so plain, it needs no other Example.
But now on the other hand, if One thousand and six Feet and an half was given you to reduce into Chains and Links; you must divide 100650 by 66, the Quotient will be 1525, viz. 15 Chains, 25 Links. But for those that do not well understand Decimal Arithmetick, and may perhaps meet with harder Questions of this nature, I have here inserted
Links | Feet | Parts of a Foot | Perches | Part of a Perch | Chains. | Feet | Perches |
1 | 00 . | 66 | 0 . | 04 | 1 | 66 | 4 |
2 | 01 . | 32 | 0 . | 08 | 2 | 132 | 8 |
3 | 01 . | 98 | 0 . | 12 | 3 | 198 | 12 |
4 | 02 . | 64 | 0 . | 16 | 4 | 264 | 16 |
5 | 03 . | 30 | 0 . | 20 | 5 | 330 | 20 |
6 | 03 . | 96 | 0 . | 24 | 6 | 396 | 24 |
7 | 04 . | 62 | 0 . | 28 | 7 | 462 | 28 |
8 | 05 . | 28 | 0 . | 32 | 8 | 528 | 32 |
9 | 05 . | 94 | 0 . | 36 | 9 | 594 | 36 |
10 | 06 . | 60 | 0 . | 40 | 10 | 660 | 40 |
20 | 13 . | 20 | 0 . | 80 | 20 | 1320 | 80 |
30 | 19 . | 80 | 1 . | 20 | 30 | 1980 | 120 |
40 | 26 . | 40 | 1 . | 60 | 40 | 2640 | 160 |
50 | 33 . | 00 | 2 . | 00 | 50 | 3300 | 200 |
60 | 39 . | 60 | 2 . | 40 | 60 | 3960 | 240 |
70 | 46 . | 20 | 2 . | 80 | 70 | 4620 | 280 |
80 | 52 . | 80 | 3 . | 20 | 80 | 5280 | 320 |
90 | 59 . | 40 | 3 . | 60 | 90 | 5940 | 360 |
100 | 66 . | 00 | 4 . | 00 | 100 | 6600 | 400 |
The Explanation of the Table.
If you would know how many Feet are contained in Twenty of Mr. Gunters Chains.
First, under Title Chains, seek for 20; and right against it, under Title Feet, stands 1320, the number of Feet contained in Twenty Chains. Also under Title Perches, stands 80, the number of Perches contained in Twenty Chains.
Again, If you would know how many Feet are contained in Eight Links only of the Chain, seek 8 under Title Links, and right against it stands 05. 28, which is five Feet 28/100 of a Foot, something more than five Feet and a quarter. Also under Title Perches and Parts of a Perch, stands 0. 32, which signifies that 8 Links contain 0 Perch 32/100 of a Perch. But to know how many Feet are contained in any number of Chains and Links together. First seek the Feet answering to the whole Chains, and write them down next the first answering to the Links; and adding them to the other, you will have your desire. Example; In 15 Chains, 25 Links, how many Feet? First, by the Table I find 10 Chains to contain 660 Feet, which I write down thus And when you have added them together, you find the Sum to be 1006 Feet, and 50/100 of a Foot, that is contained in 15 Chains, 25 Links.
Chains, | Feet, | Parts, | |
10 | 660 | ||
5 | 330 | ||
Links | 20 | 13 | 20 |
5 | 3 | 30 | |
Added | 1006 | 50 |
In like manner, if it had been asked, how many Perches had been contained in 15 Chains, 25 Links?
In the Table against | 10 | Perch, | Parts, |
Chains stands | 40 | ||
5 | 20 | ||
20 Links | 00 | 80 | |
5 Links | 00 | 20 | |
Answer, 61 Perches | 61 | 00 |
Mark, that the foregoing Table is as big again as it need to be; for you see both the Columns are alike in Figures, and only differenced by Points. I made it so for your clearer understanding of it; which when you well do, you need use no more but one Column; and that if you please, you may have placed on a Scale, or any other Instrument. But now to bring a Lesser Measure into a Greater, is so much harder than to bring a Greater into a Less, as Division is harder than Multiplication. I have therefore, for your ease, hereto annexed a large Table, with which by Inspection only, or at most by a little easie Addition, as in the former, you may change any number of Feet into Chains, Links, and Parts of a Link (remembring all this while I mean Mr. Gunter's Chain); also into Perches and Parts of a Perch.
Feet | Chain | Link | P. of L. | Perch | P. of Per. |
1 | 0 | 1 | 515 | 0 | 060 |
2 | 0 | 3 | 030 | 0 | 121 |
3 | 0 | 4 | 545 | 0 | 181 |
4 | 0 | 6 | 060 | 0 | 242 |
5 | 0 | 7 | 575 | 0 | 303 |
6 | 0 | 9 | 090 | 0 | 363 |
7 | 0 | 10 | 606 | 0 | 424 |
8 | 0 | 12 | 121 | 0 | 484 |
9 | 0 | 13 | 636 | 0 | 545 |
10 | 0 | 15 | 151 | 0 | 606 |
20 | 0 | 30 | 303 | 1 | 212 |
30 | 0 | 45 | 454 | 1 | 818 |
40 | 0 | 60 | 606 | 2 | 424 |
50 | 0 | 75 | 757 | 3 | 030 |
60 | 0 | 90 | 909 | 3 | 636 |
70 | 1 | 06 | 060 | 4 | 242 |
80 | 1 | 21 | 212 | 4 | 848 |
90 | 1 | 36 | 363 | 5 | 454 |
100 | 1 | 51 | 515 | 6. | 060 |
200 | 3 | 03 | 030 | 12 | 121 |
300 | 4 | 54 | 545 | 18 | 181 |
400 | 6 | 06 | 060 | 24 | 242 |
500 | 7 | 57 | 575 | 30 | 303 |
600 | 9 | 09 | 090 | 36 | 363 |
700 | 10 | 60 | 606 | 42 | 424 |
800 | 12 | 12 | 121 | 48 | 484 |
900 | 13 | 63 | 636 | 54 | 545 |
1000 | 15 | 15 | 151 | 60 | 606 |
2000 | 30 | 30 | 303 | 121 | 212 |
3000 | 45 | 45 | 454 | 181 | 818 |
4000 | 60 | 60 | 606 | 242 | 424 |
5000 | 75 | 75 | 757 | 303 | 030 |
6000 | 90 | 90 | 909 | 363 | 636 |
7000 | 106 | 06 | 060 | 424 | 242 |
8000 | 121 | 21 | 212 | 484 | 848 |
9000 | 136 | 36 | 363 | 545 | 454 |
10000 | 151 | 51 | 515 | 606 | 060 |
This Table is like the former, and needs not much Explanation. However I will give you an Example or two.
Admit I would know how many Chains in length are contained in 500 Feet. First, in the left-hand Column, under Title Feet, I look out 500, and right against it I find 7 Chains, 57 Links, 575 Parts of 1000 of a Link, or 7 Chains, 57 575/1000. So likewise under Title Perches, I find 30 303/1000 Perches. But if you would know how many odd Feet that 303/1000 is, you must seek for 303 in the Column titled Parts of a Perch, and right against it you will find 5 Feet. So I say that 500 Feet is 30 Perches, 5 Feet.
Again, I would know how many Chains and Links there are in 15045 Feet? First seek for 10000, and write down the Chains, Links, and Parts of a Link contained therein. Do the like by 5000; also by 40 and 5. Lastly, adding them together, you have your desire.
Feet, | Chain, | Link, | Parts |
10000 | 151 | 51 | 515 |
5000 | 75 | 75 | 757 |
40 | 0 | 60 | 606 |
5 | 0 | 7 | 575 |
Added, make | 227 | 95 | 453 |
Answer, 227 Chains, 95 Links, are contained in 15045 Feet.
One Example more, and I have done with this Table.
How many Perches do 10573 Feet make?
Feet, | Perches, | Parts, |
10000 | 606 | 060 |
500 | 30 | 303 |
70 | 4 | 242 |
3 | 0 | 181 |
Add | 640 | 786 |
The Answer is, 640 Perches, and 786/1000 of a Perch, or 13 Feet. I had forgot to tell you what a Furlong is; it is 40 Perches in length; 8 Furlongs make 1 Mile. And so much of Long Measure: I shall now proceed to
Square Measure.
Planometry, or the measuring the Superficies or Planes of things (as Sir Jonas Moore says) is done with the Squares of such Measures, as a Square Foot, a Square Perch, or Chain, that is to say, by Squares whose Sides are a Foot, a Perch, or Chain; and the Content of any Superficies is said to be found, when we know how many such Squares it containeth.
As for Example: Suppose ABCD was a Piece of
Land, and the Length of the Line AB or CD was 4 Perches; also the Length of the Line AC or BD was 5 Perches; I say that Piece of Land contains 20 Square Perches, as you may see it here divided; every little Square being a Perch, having a Perch in Length for its side. If you lay down a Square Figure, whose side is 1 Foot, [Page 47]and at the end of every Inch you draw Lines crossing one another, as these here, you will divide that Square Foot into 144 little Squares, or Square Inches.
Or thus, The Line ab is a Perch long or 16 Feet ½, so is the Line bd, and the,
other 2 Lines: The whole Figure abcd is called a Square Perch.
But before we go any farther, take this Table following of Square Measure.
Inch | ||||||||||
Inch | 1 | Links | ||||||||
Links | 62.726 | 1 | Feet | |||||||
Feet | 144 | 2.295 | 1 | Yards | ||||||
Yards | 1296 | 20.755 | 9 | 1 | Pace | |||||
Pace | 3600 | 57.381 | 25 | 2.778 | 1 | Perch | ||||
Perch | 39204 | 625 | 272.25 | 30.25 | 10.89 | 1 | Chain | |||
Chain | 627264 | 10000 | 4356 | 484 | 174.24 | 16 | 1 | Acre | ||
Acre | 6272640 | 100000 | 43560 | 4840 | 1742.4 | 160 | 10 | 1 | Mile | |
Mile | 4014489600 | 64000000 | 27878400 | 3097600 | 1115136 | 102400 | 6400 | 640 | 1 | Mile |
This Table is like the former of Long Measure, and the use of it is the same.
Example, If you would know how many Square Feet are contained in one Chain, look for Feet at Top, and Chain on the Side, and in the common Angle of meeting stands 4356, so many Square Feet are contained in one Square Chain.
The common Measure for Land is the Acre, which by Statute is appointed to contain 160 Square Perches, and it matters not in what form the Acre lye in, so it contains just 160 Square Perches: as in a Parallelogram 10 Perches one way, and 16 another contain an Acre: So does 8 one way and 20 another, and 4 one way and 40 the other. If then, having one Side given in Perches, you would know how far you must go on the Perpendicular to cut off an Acre? you must divide 160 (the number of Square Perches in an Acre) by the given Side, the Quotient is your desire. As for Example, the given Side is 20 Perches, divide 160 by 20 the Quotient is 8: By that I know, That 20 Perches one way, and 8 another, including a Right Angle will be the two Sides of an Acre; the other two Sides must be parallel to these.
And here I think it convenient to insert this necessary Table, shewing the Length, and Bredth of an Acre in Perches, Feet and Parts of a Foot: But if your given Side had been in any other sort of Measure; As for Instance in Yards, You must then have seen how many Square Yards had been in an Acre, and that Summ you must have divided by the number of your given Yards, the Quotient would have answered the Question.
If 44 Yards be given for the Bredth, how many Yards shall there be in Length of the Acre?
Bredth | Length of an Acre | |
Perches | Perches | Feet |
10 | 16 | 0 |
11 | 14 | 9 |
12 | 13 | 5 ½ |
13 | 12 | 5 1/12 |
14 | 11 | 7 1/12 |
15 | 10 | 11 |
16 | 10 | 0 |
17 | 9 | 6 9/12 |
18 | 8 | 14 8/12 |
19 | 8 | 6 11/12 |
20 | 8 | 0 |
21 | 7 | 10 2/12 |
22 | 7 | 4 ½ |
23 | 6 | 15 ¾ |
24 | 6 | 11 |
25 | 6 | 6 7/12 |
26 | 6 | 2 15/25 |
27 | 5 | 15 ½ |
28 | 5 | 11 ¾ |
29 | 5 | 8 13/14 |
30 | 5 | 5 ½ |
31 | 5 | 2 ⅔ |
32 | 5 | 0 |
33 | 4 | 14 |
34 | 4 | 11 ⅔ |
35 | 4 | 9 5/12 |
36 | 4 | 5 ⅔ |
37 | 4 | 5 ⅔ |
38 | 4 | 3 ½ |
39 | 4 | 1 ⅔ |
40 | 4 | 0 |
41 | 3 | 14 22/24 |
42 | 3 | 13 ⅓ |
43 | 3 | 11 21/24 |
44 | 3 | 10 ½ |
45 | 3 | 9 ⅙ |
First, I find that an Acre contains 4840 Square Yards, which I divide by 44, the Quotient is 110 for the Length of the Acre. And thus knowing well how to take the Length and Bredth of one Acre, you may also by the same way know how to lay down any number of Acres together; of which more anon.
Reducing of one sort of Square Measure to another, is done, as before taught in Long Measure, by Multiplication and Division. And because Mr. Gunter's Chain is chiefly used by Surveyors, I shall only instance in that, and shew you how to turn any number of Chains and Links into Acres Roods and Perches: Note that a Rood is the fourth part of an Acre.
And first mark well that 10 Square Chains make one Acre, that is to say, 1 Chain in Bredth, and 10 in [Page 50]Length; or 2 in Bredth and 5 in Length, is an Acre; as you may see by this small Table.
Chains | Chains | Links | Parts of a Link | ||
Length of an Acre | 1 | Breadth of an Acre | 10 | 00 | |
2 | 5 | 00 | |||
3 | 3 | 33 | 333 | ||
4 | 2 | 50 | |||
5 | 2 | 00 | |||
6 | 1 | 66 | 666 | ||
7 | 1 | 42 | 285 | ||
8 | 1 | 25 | |||
9 | 1 | 11 | 111 |
And thus well weighing that 10 Chains make one Acre, if any number of Chains be given you to turn into Acres, you must divide them by 10, and the Quotient will be the number of Acres contained in so many Chains, But this Division is abbreviated by only cutting off the last Figure, as if 1590 Chains were given to turn into Acres, by cutting off the last Figure 159|0, there is left 159 acres, which is all one as if you had divided 1590 by 10. But if Chains and Links be given you together to turn into Acres, Roods and Perches, first from the given Summ cut off three Figures, which is two Figures for the Links and one for the Chains, what's left shall be Acres. And to know how many Roods and Perches are contained in the Figures cut off, multiply them by 4, from the Product cutting off the three last Figures, you will have the Roods: And then to know the Perches, multiply the Figures cut off from the Roods, by 40, from which Product cutting off again three Figures, you have the Perches, and the Figures cut off are thousandth Parts of a Perch.
1599 Square Chains, and 55 Square Links, how many Acres, Roods and Perches?
Acres | 159|955 | |
4 | ||
Answer, 159 Acres, 3 Rood 32 8/10. | ||
Roods | 3|620 | |
40 | ||
Perches | 24|800 |
On the contrary, if to any number of Acres given, you add a Cypher, they will be turned into Chains, thus 99 Acres are 990 Chains, 100 Acres 1000 Chains, &c. The same as if you had multiplyed the Acres by 10. And if you would turn Square Chains into Square Links, add four Cyphers to the end of the Chains so will 990 Chains be 9900000 Links, 1000 Chains 10000000 Links, all one as if you had multiplyed 990 by 10000, the number of Square Links contained in one Chain.
And now, whereas in casting up the content of a piece of Land measured by Mr. Gunter's Chain, ( viz. multiplying Chains and Links by Chains and Links) the Product will be Square Links; you must therefore from that Product cut off five Figures to find the Acres; which is the same as if you divided the Product by 100000 (the number of Square Links contained in one Acre) then multiply the five Figures cut off by 4; and from that Product cutting off five Figures you will have the Roods. Lastly multiply by [Page 52]40, and take away (as before) 5 Figures, the rest are Perches.
Admit a Parallelogram, or Long Square, to be one way 5 Chains, 55 Links; and the other way 4 Chains, 35 Links: I demand the content in Acres, Roods and Perches?
Multiplicand | 555 | |
Multiplicator | 435 | |
2775 | ||
1665 | ||
2220 | ||
Answer, 2 Acres | Acres | 2|41425 |
4 | ||
1 Rood | Roods | 1|65700 |
40 | ||
26 Perches | Perches | 26|28000 |
And 28/100 Parts of a Perch |
Lastly, Because some Men chuse rather to cast up the Content of Land in Perches, I will here briefly shew you how it is done; which is only by dividing by 160 (the number of Square Perches contained in One Acre) the number of Perches given.
Admit a Parallelogram to be in length 55 Perches, and in breadth 45 Perches; these two multiplied together, make 2475 Perches; which to turn into Acres, divide by 160, the Quotient is 15 Acres, and 75 Perches remaining; which to turn into Roods, divide by 40, the Quotient is 1 Rood, and 35 Perches remaining. So much is the Content of such a piece of Land, viz. 15 Acres, 1 Rood, and 35 Perches.
Here follows a Table to turn Perches into Acres, Roods and Perches.
Perches | Acres | Roods | Perch |
40 | 0 | 1 | 00 |
50 | 0 | 1 | 10 |
60 | 0 | 1 | 20 |
70 | 0 | 1 | 30 |
80 | 0 | 2 | 00 |
90 | 0 | 2 | 10 |
100 | 0 | 2 | 20 |
200 | 1 | 1 | 00 |
300 | 1 | 3 | 20 |
400 | 2 | 2 | 00 |
500 | 3 | 0 | 20 |
600 | 3 | 3 | 00 |
700 | 4 | 1 | 20 |
800 | 5 | 0 | 00 |
900 | 5 | 2 | 20 |
1000 | 6 | 1 | 00 |
2000 | 12 | 2 | 00 |
3000 | 18 | 3 | 00 |
4000 | 25 | 0 | 00 |
5000 | 31 | 1 | 00 |
6000 | 37 | 2 | 00 |
7000 | 43 | 3 | 00 |
8000 | 50 | 0 | 00 |
9000 | 56 | 1 | 00 |
10000 | 62 | 2 | 00 |
20000 | 125 | 0 | 00 |
30000 | 187 | 2 | 00 |
40000 | 250 | 0 | 00 |
50000 | 312 | 2 | 00 |
60000 | 375 | 0 | 00 |
70000 | 437 | 2 | 00 |
80000 | 500 | 0 | 00 |
90000 | 562 | 2 | 00 |
100000 | 625 | 0 | 00 |
The Use of this Table.
In 2475 Perches, how many Acres, Roods and Perches.
Perch | Acres | Rood | Perch |
2000 | 12 | 2 | 00 |
400 | 2 | 2 | 00 |
70 | 0 | 1 | 30 |
To which add the odd 5 Perches | 0 | 0 | 05 |
Answer | 15 | 1 | 35 |
Of Instruments and their Use.
And first of the Chain.
THere are several sorts of Chains, as Mr. Rathborne's of two Perch long: Others, of one Perch long, some have had them 100 Feet in length: But that which is most in use among Surveyors (as being indeed the best) is Mr. Gunter's, which is 4 Pole long, containing 100 Links, each Link being 7 92/100 Inches: The Description of which Chain, and how to reduce it into any other Measure, you have at large in the foregoing Chapter of Measures. In this place I shall only give you some few Directions for the use of it in Measuring Lines.
Take care that they which carry the Chain, deviate not from a streight Line; which you may do by standing at your Instrument, and looking through the Sights: If you see them between you and the Mark observed, they are in a streight Line, otherwise not. But without all this trouble, they may carry the Chain true enough, if he that follows the Chain always causeth him that goeth before to be in a direct line between himself, and the place they are going to, so as that the Foreman may always cover the Mark from him that goes behind. If they swerve from the Line, they will make it longer than really [Page 55]it is; a streight Line being the nearest distance that can be between any two places.
Besure that they which carry the Chain, mistake not a Chain either over or under in their Account, for if they should, the Error would be very considerable; as suppose you was to measure a Field that you knew to be exactly Square, and therefore need measure but one Side of it; if the Chain-Carriers should mistake but one Chain, and tell you the Side was but 9 Chains, when it was really 10, you would make of the Field but 8 Acres and 16 Perches, when it should be 10 Acres just. And if in so small a Line such a great Error may arise, what may be in a greater, you may easily imagine. But the usual way to prevent such Mistakes is, to be provided with 10 small Sticks sharp at one End, to stick into the Ground; and let him that goes before take all into his Hand at setting out, and at the End of every Chain stick down one, which let him that follows take up; when the 10 Sticks are done, be sure they have gone 10 Chains; then if the Line be longer, let them change the Sticks, and proceed as before, keeping in Memory how often they change: They may either Change at the end of 10 Chains, then the hindmost Man must give the foremost all his Sticks; or which is better, at the end of 11 Chains, and then the last Man must give the first but 9 Sticks, keeping one to himself. At every Change count the Sticks, for fear lest you have dropt one, which sometimes happens.
If you find the Chain too long for your use, as for some Lands it is, especially in America, you may then take the half of the Chain, and measure as before, remembring still when you put down the Lines in your Field Book, that you set down but the half of [Page 56]the Chains, and the odd Links, as if a Line measured by the little Chain be 11 Chains 25 Links, you must set down 5 Chains 75 Links, and then in plotting and casting up it will be the same as if you had measured by the whole Chain.
At the end of every 10 Links, you may, if you find it convenient, have a Ring, a piece of Brass, or a Ragg, for your more ready reckoning the odd Links.
When you put down in your Field-Book the length of any Line, you may set it thus, if you please, with a Stop between the Chains and Links, as 15 Chains 15 Links 15.15. or without, as thus 1515, it will be all one in the casting up.
Of Instruments for the taking of an Angle in the Field.
There are but two material things (towards the measuring of a piece of Land) to be done in the Field; the one is to measure the Lines (which I have shewed you how to do by the Chain) and the other to take the quantity of an Angle included by these Lines; for which there are almost as many Instruments as there are Surveyors. Such among the rest as have got the greatest esteem in the World, are, the Plain Table for small Inclosures, the Semicircle for Champaign Grounds, The Circumferentor, the Theodolite, &c. To describe these to you, their Parts, how to put them together, take them asunder, &c. is like teaching the Art of Fencing by Book, one Hours use of them, or but looking on them in the Instrument-maker's Shop, will better describe them to you than the reading one hundred Sheets of [Page 57]Paper concerning them. Let it suffice that the only use of them all is no more (or chiefly at most) but this; viz.
To take the Quantity of an Angle.
As suppose A B and A C are two Hedges or other Fences of a Field, the Chain serves to measure the
length of the Sides AB or AC, and these Instruments we are speaking of are to take the Angle A. And first by the
Plain Table.
Place the Table (already fitted for the Work, with a Sheet of Paper upon it) as nigh to the Angle A as you can, the North End of the Needle hanging directly over the Flower de Luce; then make a Mark upon the Sheet of Paper at any convenient place for the Angle A, and lay the Edge of the Index to the Mark, turning it about, till through the Sights you [Page 58]espy B, then draw the Line AB by the Edge of the Index, Do the same for the Line AC, keeping the Index still upon the first Mark, then will you have upon your Table an Angle equal to the Angle in the Field.
To take the Quantity of the same Angle by the Semicircle.
Place your Semicircle in the Angle A, as near the very Angle as possibly you can, and cause Marks to be set up near B and C, so far off the Hedges, as your Instrument at A stands, then turn the Instrument about 'till through the fixed Sights you see the Mark at B, there screw it fast; next turn the moveable Index, 'till through the Sights thereof you see the Mark at C, then see what Degrees upon the Limb are cut by the Index; which let be 45, so much is the Angle BAC.
How to take the same Angle by the Circumferentor.
Place your Instrument, as before, at A, with the Flower de Luce towards you, direct your Sights to the Mark at B, and see what Degrees are then cut by the South End of the Needle, which let be 55; do the same to the Mark at C, and let the South End of the Needle there cut 100, substract the lesser out of the greater, the remainder is 45, the Angle required. If the remainder had been more than 180 degrees, you must then have substracted it out of 360, the last remainder would have been the Angle desired.
This last Instrument depends wholly upon the Needle for taking of Angles, which often proves erroneous; the Needle yearly of it self varying from the true North, if there be no Iron Mines in the Earth, or other Accidents to draw it aside, which in Mountainous Lands are often found: It is therefore the best way for the Surveyor, where he possibly can, to take his Angles without the help of the Needle, as is before shewed by the Semicircle: But in all Lands it cannot be done, but we must sometimes make use of the Needle, without exceeding great trouble, as in the thick Woods of Jamaica, Carolina, &c. It is good therefore to have such an Instrument, with which an Angle in the Field may be taken either with or without the Needle, as is the Semicircle, than which I know no better Instrument for the Surveyors use yet made publick; therefore as I have before shewed you, How by the Semicircle to take an Angle without the help of the Needle; I shall here direct you
How with the Semicircle to take the Quantity of an Angle in the Field by the Needle.
Screw fast the Instrument, the North End of the Needle hanging directly over the Flower de Luce in the Chard, turn the Index about, till through the Sights you espy the Mark at B; and note what Degrees the Index cuts, which let be 40; move again the Index to the Mark at C, and note the Degrees cut, viz. 85. Substract the Less from the greater, remains 45, the Quantity of the Angle.
Or thus;
Turn the whole Instrument 'till through the Fixed Sights you espy the Mark at B, then see what Degrees upon the Chard are cut by the Needle; which for Example are 315, turn also the Instrument till through the same Sights you espy C, and note the Degrees upon the Chard then cut by the Needle, which let be 270; substract the Less from the Greater, (as before in working by the Circumferentor) remains 45 for the Angle. Mark if you turn the Flower de Luce towards the Marks, you must look at the Norh end of the Needle for your Degrees.
Besides the Division of the Chard of the Semicircle into 360 Equal Parts or Degrees: It is also divided into four Quadrants, each containing 90 Degres, beginning at the North and South Points, and proceeding both ways 'till they end in 90 Degrees at the East and West Points; which Points are marked contrary, viz. East with a W. and West with an E, because when you turn your Instrument to the Eastward, the End of the Needle will hang upon the West Side, &c.
If by this way of division of the Chard, you would take the aforesaid Angle, direct the Instrument so (the Flower de Luce from you) 'till through the fixed Sights you espy the Mark at B; then see what Degrees are cut by the North End of the Needle, which let be NE 44; next direct the Instrument to C, and the North End of the Needle will cut NE 89; substract the one from the other, and there will remain 45 for the Angle.
But if at the first sight the Needle had hung over NE 55, and at the second SE 80, then take 55 [Page 61]from 90, remains 35, take 80 from 90, remains 10, which added to 35, makes 45, the Quantity of the Angle: Moreover, if at the first Sight, the North End of the Needle had pointed to NW 22, and at the second NE 23, these two must have been added together, and they would have made 45 the Angle as before.
Mark, if you had turned the South part of your Instrument to the Marks, then you must have had respect to the South End of your Needle.
Although I have been so long shewing you how to take an Angle by the Needle, yet when we come to Survey Land by the Needle, as you shall see by and by, we need take but half the Pains; for we take not the Quantity of the Angle included by two Lines, but the Quantity of the Angle each Line makes with the Meridian; then drawing Meridian Lines upon Paper, which represent the Needle of the Instrument, by the help of a Protractor, which represents the Instrument, we readily lay down the Lines and Angles in such proportion as they are in the Field.
This way of dividing the Chard into four 90 s, is in my Opinion, for any Work the best; but there is a greater use yet to be made of it, which shall hereafter be shewed in its proper place.
Of the Field-Book.
You must always have in readiness in the Field, a little Book, in which fairly to insert your angles and Lines; which Book you may divide by Lines into Columns, as you shall think convenient in your Practise; leaving always a large Column to the right hand, to put down what remarkable things you meet with in your way, as Ponds, Brooks, Mills, Trees, or [Page 62]the like. Thus for Example, if you had taken the Angle A, and found it to contain 45 Degrees; and measured the Line AB, and found it to be 12 Chain's, 55 Links, set it down in your Field-Book thus,
A | degrees 45 | Min. 00 | Chain 12 | Link 55 |
Or if at A you had only turned your fixed Sights to B, and the Needle had then cut 315; in the place of 45 you must have put down 315. If you Survey by Mr. Norwood's way, then there must be four Columns more for E. W. N. and Southing. You may also make two Columns more, if you please, for Off-sets, to the right and left.
Lastly, You may chuse whether you will have any Lines or not, if you can write streight, and in good order, the Figures directly one under another. For this I leave you chiefly to your own fancy; for I believe there are not two Surveyors in England, that have exactly the same Method for their Field-Notes.
Of the Scale.
Having by the Instruments before spoken of, measured the Angles and Lines in the Field; the next thing to be done, is to lay down the same upon Paper; for which Use the Scale serves. There are several sorts of Scales, some large, some small, according as Men have occasion to use them; but all do principally consist of no more but two sorts of Lines; the first, of Equal Parts, for the laying down Chains and Links; the second, of Chords, for laying down or measuring Angles. I cannot better explain the Scale to you, than by shewing the Figure of such a one as are commonly sold in Shops, and teaching how to use it.
Those Lines that are numbred at top with 11, 12, 16, &c. are Lines of Equal Parts, containing 11, 12, or 16 Equal Parts in an Inch. If now by the Line of 11 in an Inch, you would lay down 10 Chains, 50 Links; look down the Line under 11, and setting one foot of your Compasses in 10; close the other till it just touch 50 Links, or half a Chain, in the small Divisions. Then laying your Ruler upon the Paper; by the side thereof make two small Pricks, with the same extent of the Compasses,
and draw the Line AB, which shall contain in length 10 Chains, 50 Links, by the Scale of 11 in an Inch. The back-side of the Scale, is only a Scale of 10 in an Inch; but divided with Diagonal Lines, more nicely than the other Scales of Equal Parts.
How to lay down an Angle by the Line of Chords.
If it were required to make an Angle that should contain 45 Degres.
Draw a Line at pleasure, as AB; then setting one Foot of your Compasses at the beginning of the Line of Chords, see that the other fall just upon 60 Degrees: With that extent set one foot in A, and describe the Arch CD. Then take from your Line of Chords 45 Degrees, and setting one foot in D, make a mark upon the Arch, as at C, through which draw the Line AE: So shall the Angle EAB be 45 Degrees. If by the Line of Chords you would erect a Perpendicular Line, it is no more but to make an Angle that shall contain 90 Degrees.
The reason why I bid you take 60 from the Line of Chords to make your Arch by, is because 60 is the Semi-diameter of a Circle whose circumference is 360.
How to make a Regular Polygon, or a Figure of 5, 6, 7, 8, or more Sides, by the Line of Chords.
Divide 360, the number of Degrees contained in a Circle, by 5, 6, or 7, the number of Sides you would have your Figure to contain; the Quotient taken from the Line of Chords shall be one Side of such a Figure.
For to make a Pentagon, or Figure of live Sides: Divide 360 by 5, the Quotient is 72, one Side of a Pentagon.
Take 60 Degrees from your Line of Chords, and describe an obscure Arch; which done, take 72 from [Page 66]your Line of Chords, and describe an obscure Arch; whic done, take 72 from your Line of Chords, and beginning at any part of the Circle, set off that extent round the Circle, as
from A to B, from B to C, and so round till you come to A again. Then having drawn Lines between those Marks, the Pentagon is compleated. The like of any other Polygon, though it contain never so many Sides.
As for Example in a Heptagon: Divide 360 by 7, the Quotient will be 51 Deg. 25 Min. which if you take from the Line of Chords, and set off round the Circle, you will make a Heptagon, as DE, EF, FG, &c. are the Sides thereof.
To make a Triangle in a Circle by the Line of Chords.
First, Take the whole length of your Line of Chords, or the Chord of 90 Degrees, with your Compasses; which distance upon the Circle, set off from C to *. Then take 30 Degrees from the Line of Chords, and set that from * to H. Draw the Line CH, which is one side of the greatest Triangle that can be made in that Circle.
Or you may make it, by setting off twice the Semidiameter of the Circle for 60, and 60, is 120, as well as 90, and 30.
How to make a Line of Chords.
First, make a Quadrant, or the fourth part of a
[Page 68]Circle, as ABC; divide the Arch thereof, viz. AC, into 90 Equal Parts; which you may do, by dividing it first into three Equal Parts, and every of those Divisions into three Equal Parts more, and every of the last Divisions into ten Equal Parts.
Secondly, Continue the Semi-diameter BC to any convenient length, as to D. Then setting one foot of your Compasses in C, let the other fall on 90, and de scribe the Arch 90. So likewise 80, 80; 70, 70; and the rest. CD is the Line of Chords, and these Arches cutting of it into Unequal Parts, constitute the true Divisions thereof, as you may see by the Figure: You may, if you please draw Lines Parallel to DC, as I have done here, for the better distinguishing every Tenth and Fifth Figure.
Of the Protractor.
The Protractor is an Instrument with which, with more ease and expedition you may lay down an Angle, than you can by the Line of Chords: also when you have Surveyed by the Needle, by placing the Diameter of the Protractor upon a Meridian Line made upon your Paper, you readily with a Needle upon the Arch of the Protractor prick off the true situation of any Line from the Meridian, without scratching the Paper, as you must do in the use of the Line of Chords. It is made almost like, and graduated altogether like the Brass Limb of a Semicircle, performing the same upon Paper, as your Instrument did in the Field: See here the Figure of it.
For the use of the Protractor, you must have a fine Needle, such as Women sew withal, put into a small Handle of Wood, Ivory, or the like, which is to put through the Centre of the Protractor to any Point assigned upon the Paper, that the Protractor may turn round upon it.
How to lay down an Angle with the Protractor.
If it were required by the Protractor to lay down an Angle of 30 Degrees. Draw the Line AB, then take the Protractor, and putting a Needle through the Centre Point thereof, place the Needle in A, so that the Centre of the Protractor may lye just upon [Page 70]
the end of the Line at A, move the Protractor about 'till you find the Diameter thereof lye upon the Line AB; then at 30 Degrees upon the Arch, with your Protracting Needle make a Mark upon the Paper, as at C, draw the Line CA, which shall make an Angle of 30 Degrees viz. BAC.
If you Survey according to Mr. Norwood's way before spoken of, it will be good to have the Arch of your Protractor divided accordingly, viz. into two Quadrants, or twice 90 Degrees.
I need say no more of a Protractor, any ingenuous Man may easily find the several uses thereof, it being as it were, but only an Epitome of Instruments.
How to take the Plot of a Field at one Station in any place thereof, from whence you may see all the Angles by the Semicircle.
ADmit ABCDEF to be a Field, of which you are to take the Plot: First set your Semicircle upon the Staff in any convenient place thereof, as at ☉, and cause Marks to be set up in every Angle: Direct your Instrument, the Flower de Luce from you to any one Angle: As for Example, to A, and espying the Mark at A through the fixed Sights, there screw fast the Instrument; then turn the moveable
[Page 72]Index about (the Semicircle remaining immoveable) 'till through the Sights thereof you espy the Mark at B. See what Degrees on the Brass Limb are cut by the Index, which let be 80, write that down in your Field-Book, so turn the Index round to every one of the other Angles, putting down in your Field-Book what Degrees the Index points to, as for Example, at C 107 Degrees, at D 185, mark that at D, the End of the Index will go off the Brass Limb, and the other End will come on; you must therefore look for what Degrees the Index cuts in the innermost Circle of the Limb at E 260, at F 315 Degrees.
All which you may note down in your Field-Book thus.
Angles | Degrees | Minutes | Chains | Links |
☉ A . | 00 . | 00 . | 8 . | 70 |
☉ B . | 080 . | 00 . | 10 . | 00 |
☉ C . | 107 . | 00 . | 11 . | 40 |
☉ D . | 185 . | 00 . | 10 . | 50 |
☉ E . | 260 . | 00 . | 12 . | 00 |
☉ F . | 315 . | 00 . | 8 . | 78 |
Secondly, cause the Distance between your Instrument, and every Angle to be measured, thus from ☉ to A will be found to be 8 Chains 70 Links; from ☉ to B 10 Chains 00. all which set down in order in your Field-Book, as you see here above; and then have you done what is necessary to be done in that Field towards measuring of it. Your next work is to Protract or lay it down upon Paper.
How to Protract the Former Observations taken.
First draw a Line at adventure as A a, then take from your Scale, with your Compasses, the first Distance measured, viz. from ☉ to A 8 Chain 70 Links, and setting one Foot in any convenient place of the Line, which may represent the place where the Instrument stood, with the other make a Mark upon the Line as at A; so shall A be the first Angle, and ☉ the place where the Instrument stood.
Secondly, Take a Protractor, and having laid the Centre thereof exactly upon ☉, and the Diameter or Meridian upon the Line A a, the Semi-circle of the Protracture lying upwards. There hold it first, and with your Protracting Pin, make a mark upon the Paper against 80 deg. 107 deg. &c. as you find them out of your Field-Book. Then for those Degrees that exceed 180, you must turn the Protractor downward, keeping still the Centre upon ☉, and placing again the Diameter upon a A. Mark out by the Innermost Circle of Divisions the rest of your Observations 185, 260, 315. Then applying a Scale to ☉, and every one of the Marks, draw the prick'd Lines ☉ B, ☉ C, ☉ D, ☉ E, ☉ F.
Thirdly, Take in with your Compasses the length of the Line ☉ B, which you find by the Field-Book to be 10 Chains, which from ☉ set off to B. The like do for ☉ C, ☉ D, and the rest.
Lastly, Draw the Lines AB, BC, CD, &c. which will inclose a Figure exactly proportionable to the Field before Surveyed.
How to take the Plot of the same Field at one Station by the Plain Table.
Place your Table with a sheet of Paper upon it at ☉, and making a mark upon the Paper, that shall signifie where the Instrument stands, lay your Index to the mark, turning it about till you see through the Sights the mark at A; there holding it fast, draw the Line A ☉. Turn the Index to B, keeping it still upon the first mark at ☉; and when you see through the Sights the mark at B, draw the Line B ☉. Do the same by all the rest of the Angles, and having measured the distance between the Instrument, and each Angle, set it off with your Scale and Compasses, from ☉ to A, from ☉ to B, &c. making marks where, upon the several Lines, the distances fall.
Lastly, Between those Marks draw Lines, as AB, BC, CD, &c. and then have you the true Plot of the Field ready protracted to your hand. This Instrument is so plain and easie to be understood, I shall give no more Examples of the Use of it. The greatest Inconveniency that attends it, is, that when never so little Rain or Dew falls, the Paper will be wet, and the Instrument useless.
How to take the Plot of the same Field at one Station by the Semi-circle, either with the help of the Needle and Limb both together, or by the help of the Needle only.
In the beginning of this Chapter, I shewed you how to take the Plot of a Field at one Station, by [Page 75]the Simi-circle, without respect to the Needle, which is the best way: But that I may not leave you ignorant of any thing belongin to your Instrument, I shall here shew how to perform the same with the help of the Needle two ways. And first with the Needle and Limb together.
Fix the Instrument, as before, in ☉, making the North-Point of the Needle hang directly over the Flower-de-Luce of the Card; there screw fast the Instrument. Then turn the Index to all the Angles, noting down what Degrees are cut thereby at every Angle, as at A let be 25, at B 105, at C 132, and so of the rest round the Field. And when you have measured the Distances, and are come to Protraction, you must first draw a Line cross your Paper, calling it a North and South-Line, which represents the Meridian-Line of the Instrument. Then applying the Protractor to that Line, mark round the Degrees as they were observed, viz. 25, 105, 132, &c. and having set off the Distances, and drawn the outward Lines altogether, like what you were taught at the beginning of this Chapter, you will find the Figure to be the very same as there.
Now to perform this by the Needle only, is in a manner the same as the former: For instead of turning the Index about the Limb, and seeing what Degrees are cut thereby, here you must turn the whole Instrument about, and observe at every Angle what Degrees upon the Card the Needle hangs over; which set down, and Protract as before. But here mind some Cards are numbred from the North Eastwards 10, 20, 30, &c. to 360 deg. Some from the North Westard, which are best for this use, Protractors being made accordingly: For when you [Page 76]turn your Instrument to the Eastward, the Needle will hang over the Westward Division, and the contrary.
As for the Use of the Division of the Card into four Quadrants, I shall speak largely of by and by, therefore for the present beg your patience.
How by the Semi-circle to take the Plot of a Field, at one Station, in any Angle thereof, from whence the other Angles may be seen.
Let ABCDEFG be the Field, and F the Angle
at which you would take your Observations. Hauing placed your Semi-circle at F, turn it about the [Page 77]North-Point of the Card from you, till through the Fixed-Sights, (Note that I call them the Fiexed-Sights which are on the Fixed-Diameter) you espy the mark at G. Then screw fast the Instrument; which done, move the Index, till through the Sights thereof you see the mark at A; and the Degrees on [...] [...]b there cut by it, will be 20. Move again the Index to the mark at B, where you will find it to cut 40 deg. Do the same at C, and it cuts 60 deg. likewise at D 77, and at E 100 deg. Note down all these Angles in your Field-Book; next measure all the Lines, as from F to G 14 Chain, 60 Links; from F to A 18 Chain, 20 Links; from F to B 16 Chain, 80 Links; from F to C 21 Chain, 20 Links; from F to D 16 Chain, 95 Links; from F to E 8 Chain, 50 Links; and then will your Field-Book stand thus:
Angles | Degrees | Minutes | Chains | Links |
G | 00 | 00 | 14 | 60 |
A | 20 | 00 | 18 | 20 |
B | 40 | 00 | 16 | 80 |
C | 60 | 00 | 21 | 20 |
D | 77 | 00 | 16 | 95 |
E | 10 | 00 | 8 | 50 |
To Protract the former Observations.
Draw a Line at adventure as G, g, upon any convenient place, on which lay the Centre of your Protractor, as at F, keeping the Diameter thereof right upon the Line G, g. Then make marks round the Protractor at every Angle, as you find them in the Field-Book, viz. against 20, 40, 60, 77, and 100; [Page 78]which done, take away the Protractor, and applying the Scale or Ruler to F, and each of the marks, draw the Lines FA, FB, FC, FD, and FE. Then setting off upon these Lines the true distances as you find them in the Field-Book; as for the first Line F [...] Chain, 60 Links; for the second FA 18 Chain, 20 Links, &c. make marks where the ends of these distances fall, which let be at G, A, B, C, &c.
Lastly, Between these Marks, drawing the Lines GA, AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, FG, you will have compleated the Work.
When you Survey thus without the help of the Needle, you must remember before you come out of the Field to take a Meridian. Line, that you may be able to make a Compass shewing the true Situation of the Land, in respect of the four Quarters of the Heavens, I mean East, West, North and South; which thus you may do:
The Instrument still standing at F, turn it about till the Needle lies directly over the Flower-de-Luce of the Card, there screw it fast. Then turn the moveable Index, till through the Sights you espy any one Angle.
As for Example. Let be D: Note then what Degrees upon the Limb are cut by the Index, which let be 10 deg. Mark this down in your Field-Book, and when you have Protracted as before directed, lay the Centre of your Protractor upon any place of the Line FD, as at ☉, turning the Protractor about till 10 deg. thereof lye directly upon the Line FD. Then against the end of the Diameter of the Protractor, make a mark, as at N, and draw the Line N ☉, which is a Meridian, or North and South Line, by which you may make a Compass.
Note that you may as well take the Plot of a Field at one Station, standing in any Side thereof, as in an Angle: For if you had set your Instrument in a, the Work would be the same. I shall forbear therefore (as much as I may) Tautologies.
How to take the Plot of a Field at two Stations, provided from either Station you may see every Angle, and measuring only the Stationary Distance.
Let CDEFGH, be supposed a Field, to be measured at two Stations; first when you come into the Field, make choice of two Places for your Stations, which let be as far asunder as the Field will conveniently admit of; also take care that if the Stationary Distance were continued, it would not touch an Angle of the Field; then setting the Semicircle at A, the first Station, turn it about, the North Point from you, till through the Fixed Sights you espy the Mark at your second Station, which admit to be at B, there screw fast the Instrument; then turn the Moveable Index, to every several Angle round the whole Field, [Page 80]
and see what Degrees are cut thereby at every Angle, which note down in your Field-Book as followeth: [Page 81]
Angles | Degrees | Minutes | |
C | 24 | 30 | |
D | 97 | 00 | |
E | 225 | 00 | First Station. |
F | 283 | 30 | |
G | 325 | 00 | |
H | 346 | 00 |
Secondly, measure the Distance between the two Stations, which let be 20 Chains, and set it down in the Field-Book.
Stationary Distance 20 Chains, 00 Links.
Thirdly, placing the Instrument at B, the Second Station, look backwards through the fixed Sights to the First Station at A, (I mean by looking backward, that the South Part of the Instrument be towards A) and having espyed the Mark at A, make fast the Instrument, and moving the Index, as you did at the First Station to each Angle, see what Degrees are cut by the Index, and note them down as followeth; and then have you done, unless you will take a Meridian Line before you move the Instrument; which you were taught to do a little before.
Angles | Degrees | Minutes | |
C | 84 | 00 | |
D | 149 | 00 | |
E | 194 | 00 | The Second Station. |
F | 215 | 00 | |
G | 270 | 00 | |
H | 322 | 00 |
How to Protract or lay down upon Paper these foregoing Observations.
First, draw a Line cross your Paper at pleasure, as the Line IK, then take from off the Scale the Stationary Distance 20 Chains, and set it upon that Line, as from A to B, so will A represent the First Station, B the Second.
Secondly, apply your Protractor, the Centre thereof to the Point A, and the Diameter lying streight upon the Line BK; mark out round it the Angles, as you find them in the Field-Book, and through those Marks from A, draw Lines of a convenient Length.
Thirdly, move your Protractor to the Second Station B; and there mark out your Angles, and draw Lines, as before at the First Station.
Lastly, the places where the Lines of the First Station, and the Lines of the Second intersect each other, are the Angles of the Field: As for Example;
At the First Station the Angle C was 24 Degrees 30 Minutes, through those Degrees I drew the Line A1. At the Second Station C was 84 Degrees: Accordingly from the Second Station I drew the Line B2; now, I say, where these two Lines cut each other, as they do at C, there is one Angle of the Field. So likewise of DE, and the rest of the Angles; if therefore between these Intersections you draw streight Lines, as CD, DE, EF, &c. you will have a true Figure of the Field.
This may as well be done by taking two Angles for your Stations, and measuring the Line between them, [Page 83]as C and D, from whence you might as well have seen all the Angles, and consequently as well have performed the Work.
How to take the Plot of a Field at two Stations, when the Field is so Irregular, that from one Station you cannot see all the Angles.
Let CDEFGHIKLMNO be a Field in which from no one Place thereof all the Angles may be seen; chuse therefore two Places for your Stations, as A and B, and setting the Semicircle in A, direct the Diameter to the Second Station B; there making the Instrument fast, with the Index take all the Angles at that end of the Field, as CDEFGHIK, and measure the Distance between your Instrument and each Angle; measure also the Distance between the two Stations A and B.
Secondly, remove your Instrument to the Second Station at B; and having made it fast so, as that throug the Back Sights you may see the First Station A; take the Angles at that End of the Field, as NOCKLM, and measure their Distances also as before; all which done, your Field-Book will stand thus.
Angles | Degrees | Minutes | Chains | Links |
C | 25 | 00 | 20 : | 75 |
D | 31 | 00 | 8 : | 10 |
E | 67 | 00 | 9 : | 85 |
F | 101 | 00 | 10 : | 80 |
G | 137 | 00 | 7 : | 00 |
H | 262 | 00 | 6 : | 70 |
I | 316 | 00 | 13 : | 70 |
K | 354 | 00 | 24 : | 50 |
The Distance between the two Station 31 Ch. 60 L.
Angles | Deg. | Min. | Chain. | Link. |
N . | 3 . | 30 | 4 : | 20 |
O . | 111 . | 00 | 7 : | 00 |
C . | 145 . | 00 | 15 : | 60 |
K . | 205 . | 00 | 7 : | 48 |
L . | 220 . | 00 | 15 : | 00 |
M . | 274 . | 00 | 11 : | 20 |
To lay this down upon Paper, draw at adventure the Line PBAP; then taking in with the Compasses the Distance between the two Stations, viz. 31 Ch. 60 Links; set it upon the Line, making Marks with the Compasses as A and B, A being the First Station, B the Second, lay the Protractor to A the North End of the Diameter towards B, and mark out the several Angles observed at your First Station, drawing Lines, and setting off the Distances as you were taught in the beginning of this Chapter, Fig. I.
Do the same at B, the Second Station; and when you have marked out all the Distances, between those Marks draw the Bound-Lines.
I am the briefer in this, because it is the same as was taught concerning Fig I; for if you conceive a Line to be drawn from C to K; then would there be two distinct Fields to be measured, at one Station apiece.
If a Field be very irregular, you may after the same manner make three, four or five Stations, if you please; but I think it better to go round such a Field and measure the bounding Lines thereof: Which by and by, I shall shew you how to do.
Note, in the foregoing Figure you might as well have had your Stations in two convenient Angles, as D and K, and have wrought as you were taught concerning Fig. 2. the Work would have been the same.
How to take the Plot of a Field at one Station in an Angle (so that from that Angle you may see all the other Angles) by measuring round about the said Field.
ABCDE is the Field, and A the Angle appointed for the Station; place your Semicircle in A, and direct the Diameter thereof 'till through the fixed Sights you see the Mark at B, then screw it fast, and turn the Index to C, observing what Degrees are there cut upon the Limb; which let be 68 Degrees; turn it further, 'till you espy D, and note
[Page 87]down the Degrees there cut, viz. 76 Degrees; do the like at E, and the Index will cut 124 Degrees: This done, measure round the Field, noting down the length of the Side Lines between Angle and Angle, as from A to B 14 Chains 00 Links, from B to C 15 Chains, 00 Links, from C to D 7 Chains 00 Links, from D to E 14 Chains 40 Links, and from E to A 14 Chains 05 Links:
Then will your Field-Book be as hereunder.
Angles | Degrees | Minutes |
C | 68 . | 00 |
D | 76 . | 00 |
E | 124 . | 00 |
Lines | Chains | Links |
AB | 14 . | 00 |
BC | 15 . | 00 |
CD | 07 . | 00 |
DE | 14 . | 40 |
EA | 14 . | 05 |
To protract which draw the Line AB at adventure, and applying the Centre of the Protractor to A, (the Diameter lying upon the Line AB, and the Semicircle of it upwards) prick off the Angles, as against 68 : 76 : and 124 : make Marks, through which Marks draw the Lines AC, AD, AE, long enough be sure; then taking in with your Compasses, from off the Scale, the length of the Line AB, viz. 14 Chains, and setting one Foot of the Compasses in A, with the other cross the Line, as at B; also for BC take in 15 Chains, and setting one Foot in B, with the other cross the Line AC, which will fall to be at C; for the Line CD take in 7 Chains, and setting one Foot in C, cross the Line AD, viz. at D; then for DE, take in 14 Chains 40 Links, and setting [Page 88]one Foot of the Compasses in DE, with the other cross the Line AE, which will fall at E: Lastly for EA take 14 Chains 5 Links with your Compasses, and setting one Point in E, see if the other fall exactly upon A, if it does, you have done the Work true, if not, you have erred; between the Crosses or intersections, draw streight Lines, which shall be the bounds of the Field, viz. AB, BC, CD, DE, EA.
How to take the Plot of the foregoing Field, by measuring one Line only, and taking Observations at every Angle.
Begin as you have been just before taught, 'till you have taken the Angles C, D, E, viz. 68, 76, and 124 Degrees; then leaving a good Mark at A, which may be seen all round the Field, go to B, measuring as you go the Distance from A to B, which is all the Lines you need to measure; and planting your Semicircle at B, direct the South Part thereof toward A, until through the back fixed Sights you see the Mark at A, there making it fast, turn the Index about 'till you espy C, and note down the Degrees there cut, which let be 129 Degrees; move your Instrument to C, and still keeping the South Part of the Diameter to A, turn the Index to D, where it will cut 20 Degrees; then remove to D, and espying A through the Back Sights, turn the Index to E, where it will cut 135 Degrees. Note all this in your Field-Book.
Angles taken at the First Station. | Angles round the Field. | ||||
C | 68 | Degrees | B . | 129 | Degrees |
D | 76 | C . | 20 | ||
E | 124 | D . | 135 | ||
Line AB : 14 Chains. |
To protract this you must work as you were taught concerning the foregoing Figure, untill you have drawn the Lines AB, AC, AD, AE, and set off the Line AB 14 Chains; then laying the Centre of your Protractor to B, and the South End of the Diameter, (or that marked with 180 Degrees) towards A, make a Mark against 129 Degrees, and through that mark from B, draw the Line BC, 'till it intersect the Line AC, which it will do at C : Lay also the Centre of the Protractor upon C, the Diameter thereof upon AC, and against 20 Degrees make a Mark, through which from C, draw the Line CD 'till it intersect the Line AD, which it will do at D; lastly place your Protractor at D, the Diameter thereof upon the Line DA, and make a Mark against 135 Degrees, through which Mark draw the Line DE, until it intersect the Line AE at E, also drawing the Line EA you have done.
This may be done otherwise thus, after you have, standing at A, taken the several Angles, and measured the Distance AB, you may only take the quantity of the bounding Angles, without respect to A: As the Angle at B is 51 Degrees, at C (an outward Angle, which in your Field-Book you should distinguish with a Mark ›) 138; and so of the rest. And when you come to plot, having found the [Page 90]place for B, there make an Angle of 51 Degrees, drawing the Line 'till it intersect AC, &c.
You may also survey a Field after this manner, by setting up a Mark in the middle thereof, and measuring from that to any one Angle, also in the Observations round the Field, having respect to that Mark, as you had here to the Angle A.
It is too tedious to give Examples of all the Varieties; besides it would rather puzzle than instruct a Neophyte.
How to take the Plot of a Large Field or Wood, by measuring round the same, and taking Observations at every Angle thereof, by the Semicircle.
Suppose ABCDEFG to be a Wood, through which you cannot see to take the Angles, as before directed, but must be forced to go round the same; first plant the Semicircle at A, and turn the North End of the Diameter about, 'till through the fixed Sights you see the Mark at B, then move round the Index, till through the Sights thereof you espy G, the Index there cutting upon the Limb 146 Degrees.
2. Remove to B, and as you go measure the Distance AB, viz. 23 Chains 40 Links, and planting the Instrument at B, direct the North End of the Diameter to C, and turn the Index round to A, it then pointing to 76 Degrees.
3. Remove to C, measuring the Line as you go, and setting your Instrument at C, direct the North End of the fixed Diameter to D, and turn the Index till you espy B, and the Index then cutting 205 Degrees; which, because it is an outward Angle, you may mark thus › in your Field-Book.
4. Remove to D, and measure as you go; then placing the Instrument at D, turn the North End of the Diameter to E, and the Index to C, the Quantity of that Angle will be 84 Degrees.
And thus you must do at every Angle round the Field as at E, you will find the quantity of that Angle to be 142 Degrees, F 137, G 110, but there is no need for your taking the last Angle, nor yet measuring the two last Sides, unless it be to prove the Truth of your Work; which is indeed convenient: When you have thus gone round the Field; you will find your Field-Book to be as followeth.
Angles | Lines | ||||
Deg. | Min. | Ch. | Lin. | ||
A . | 146 . | 00 | AB . | 23 . | 40 |
B . | 76 . | 00 | BC . | 15 . | 20 |
C . | 205 . | 00 › | CD . | 17 . | 90 |
D . | 84 . | 00 | DE . | 20 . | 60 |
E . | 142 . | 00 | EF . | 18 . | 85 |
F . | 137 . | 00 | FG . | 13 . | 60 |
G . | 110 . | 00 | GA . | 19 . | 28 |
To protract this, draw a dark Line at adventure, as AB; upon which set off the Distance, as you see it in your Field-Book, 23 Chains 40 Links, from A to B; then laying the Centre of your Protractor upon A, and the Diameter upon the Line AB, the North End, or that of 00 Degrees towards B; on the outside of the Limb make a Mark against 146 Degrees, through which Mark from A draw the Line AG, so have you the first Angle and first Distance.
2. Place the Centre of the Protractor upon B, and turn it about until 76 Degrees lyes upon the Line AB; there hold it fast, and against the North End of the Diameter make a Mark, through which draw a Line, and set off the Distance BC 15 Chains 20 Links.
3. Apply the Centre of the Protractor to C, (the Semicircle thereof outward, because you see by the Field-Book it is an outward Angle) and turn it about 'till 205 Degrees, lye upon the Line CB; then against the Upper or South End of the Diameter make a Mark, through which draw a Line, and set off 17 Chains 90 Links from C to D.
4. Put the Centre of the Protractor to D, and make 84 deg. thereof lye upon the line CD; then making a mark at the end of the Diameter or 0 deg. Through that mark draw a line, and set off 20 Chains, 60 Links, viz. DE.
5. Move the Protractor to E, and make 142 deg. to lye upon the line ED. Then at the end of the Protractor, make a mark as before, and setting off the distance 18 Chains, 85 Links, draw the line EF.
6. Lay the Centre of the Protractor upon F, and making 137 deg. lye upon the line EF; against the end of the Diameter make a mark, through which draw the line FG, which will intersect the line AG at G : So have you a true Copy of the Field or Wood: But you may, if you think fit to prove your Work, set off the distance from F to G; and at G apply your Protractor, making 110 deg. thereof to lye upon the line FG. Then if the end of the Diameter point directly to A, and the distance be 90 Chain, 28 Links, you may be sure you have done your Work true.
Whereas I bid you put the North end of the Instrument and of the Protractor towards B, it was chiefly to shew you the variety of Work by one Instrument; for in the Figure before this, I directed you to do it the contrary way; and in this Figure, if you had turned the South-side of the Instrument to G, and with the Index had taken B, and so of the rest, the work would have been the same, remembring still to use the Protractor the same way as you did your Instrument in the Field.
Also, if you had been to have Surveyed this Field or Wood by the help of the Needle; after you had planted the Semicircle at A, and posited it, so that [Page 94]the Needle might hang directly over the Flower-de-Luce in the Card, you should have turned the Index to B, and put down in your Field-Book what Degrees upon the Brass Limb had then been cut thereby, which let be 20. Then moving your Instrument to B, make the Needle hang over the Flower-de-Luce, and turn the Index to C, and note down what Degrees are there cut. So do by all the rest of the Angles. And when you come to Protract, you must draw Lines Parallel to one another cross the Paper, not farther distant asunder than the breadth of the Parallelogram of your Protractor; which shall be Meridianlines, marking one of them at one end N, for North; and at the other S, for South. This done, chuse any place which you shall think most convenient upon one of the Meridian lines for your first Angle at A; and laying the Diameter of your Protractor upon that Line, against 20 deg. make a mark; through which draw a line, and upon it set off the distance from A to B.
In like manner proceed with the other Angles and Lines, at every Angle laying your Protractor Parallel to a North and South Line, which you may do by the Figures gratuated thereon, at either end alike.
When you have Surveyed after this manner, how to know before you go out of the Field whether you have wrought true or not.
Add the Sum of all your angles together, as in the Example of the precedent Wood, and they make 900. Multiply 180 by a number less by 2 than the [Page 95]number of Angles; and if the Product be equal to the Sum of the quantity of all the Angles, then have you wrought true. There were seven Angles in that Wood, therefore I multiply 180 by 5, and the Product is 900.
If you Survey, by taking the quantity of every Angle, and if all be inward Angles, you must work as before. But if one or more be outward Angles, you must substract them out of 180 deg. and add the Remainder only to the rest of the Angles. And when you multiply 180 by a Sum less by 2 than the number of your Angles, you are not to account the outward Angles into the number. Thus in the precedent Example I find one outward Angle, viz. C 205; the quantity of which, if it had been taken, would have been but 155 deg. That taken from 180 deg. there remains 25; which I add to the other Angles, and they make then in all 720. Now because C was an outward Angle, I take no notice of it, but see how many other Angles I have, and I find 6; a number less by 2 than 6, is 4; by which I multiply 180, and the Product is 720, as before.
Directions how to Measure Parallel to a Hedge (when you cannot go in the Hedge it self,) and also in such case, how to take your Angles.
It is impossible for you when you have a Hedge to measure, to go at top of the Hedge itself; but if you go Parallel thereto, either within side or without, and make your Parallel-line of the same length [Page 96]as the Line of your Hedg, your work will be the same. Thus if AB was a bushy Hedge, to which
you could not conveniently come nigher to plant your Instrument than ☉; let him that goes to set up your mark at B, take before he goes the Distance A ☉, which he may do readily with a Wand or Rod; and at B let him set off the same distance again, as to ✚, where let the mark be placed for your Observation; and when the Chain bears measure the distance ☉ ✚, be sure they have respect to the Hedge AB, so as that they make ☉ ✚ equal to AB, or of the same length.
But to make this more plain. Suppose ABC to be a Field; and for the Bushes, you cannot come nigher than ☉ to plant your Instrument. Let him that sets
up the Marks, take the distance between the Instrument ☉ and the Hedge AB; which distance let him set off again nigh B, and set up his Mark at D; likewise [Page 97]let him take the distance between ☉ and the Hedge A C, and accordingly set up his Mark at E. Then taking the Angle d ☉ E, it will be the same as the Angle BAC: So do for the rest of the Angles. But when the Lines are measured, they must be measured of the same length as the outside Lines, as the Line ☉ d, measured from G to F, &c. the best way therefore is for them that measure the Lines, to go round the Field on the outside thereof, although the Angles be taken within.
How to take the Plot of a Field or Wood, by observing near every Angle, and measuring the Distance between the Marks of Observation, by taking, in every Line, two Off-sets to the Hedge.
Let A, B, C, D, be a Wood or Field, to be thus measured. Cause your Assistants to set up Marks in
every Angle thereof, not regarding the distance from the Hedges, so much as the convenience for planting [Page 98]the Instrument, so as you may see from one Mark to another. Then beginning at ☉ 1, take the quantity of that Angle, and measure the distance 1, 2. But before you begin to measure the Line, take the Offset to the Hedge, viz. the distance ☉ e; and in taking of it, you must make that little Line ☉ e perpendicular to 1, 2; which is easily done, when your Instrument stands with the Fixed Sights towards 2, by turning the Moveable Index till it lye upon 90 deg. which then will direct to what place of the Hedge to measure to, as e, that little Line ☉ e: Set down in your Field-Book under title Off-set. So likewise when you come to 2, measure there the Off-set again, viz. ☉ f. Then taking the Angle at 2, measure the Line 2, 3, and the Off-sets 2 g, 3 h. The like do by all the rest of the Lines and Angles in the Field, how many soever they be. And when you come to lay this down upon Paper; first, as you have been taught before, Protract the Figure 1, 2, 3, 4. That done, set off your Off-sets as you find them in the Field-Book, viz. ☉ e, and ☉ f, perpendicular to the Line 1, 2; also ☉ g, ☉ h, perpendicular to the Line 2, 3, making Marks at e, f, g, h, and the rest; through which draw Lines, which shall intersect each other at the true Angles, and describe the true Bound-Lines of the Field or Wood.
In working after this manner, observe these two things. First, if the Wood be so thick, that you cannot go within-side thereof, you may after the same manner as well perform the Work, by going on the out-side round the Wood.
Secondly, if the Lines are so long, that you cannot see from Angle to Angle, cause your Assistant to set up a Mark so far from you as you can conveniently [Page 99]see it, as at N: Measure the distance ☉ 1 N, and take the Off-set from N to the Hedge. Then at N turn the Fixed-Sights of the Instrument to ☉ 1, and and by that Direction, proceed on the Line till you come to an Angle.
This way of Surveying is much easier done (though I cannot say truer) by taking only a great Square in the Field; from the Sides of which, the Off-sets are taken.
I have drawn this following Figure so, that at once you may see all the variety of this way of Working. The best way, indeed, is to contrive your Square
so, that, if possible, you may from the Sides thereof go upon a Perpendicular-line to any of the Angles. But if that cannot be, then Perpendicular-lines to the Sides may do as well, as you see here 1, 5, 7, 6, [Page 100]to be. To begin therefore, plant your Semi-circle in any convenient place of the Field, for taking a large Square, as at 1; and laying the Moveable Index upon 90 deg. look through the Sights, and cause a Mark to be set up in that Line, as at 4: Looking also through the Fixed-Sights, cause another Mark to be set up, as at 2. Measure out from your Instrument, towards either of these Marks, any number Chains, as 1, 2, 12 Chains; 1, 4, 12 Chains. But as you measure, remember to take the Off-sets in a Perpendicular-line to every Angle or Side, if there be occasion, as here at 7, which is 1 Chain, 50 Links from my Station I take an Off-set to a side of the Hedge, and put it down accordingly 5 Chains, 40 Links. So at 8 I take an Off-set to an Angle, viz. 8 B, 6 Chains; which Off set is at the end of 8 Chains, 30 Links in my first Line. Then seeing in that Line there is no more occasion of Off-sets, I measure on to 2, making the Line 1, 2, 12 Chains. Then planting my Instrument at 2, I direct the Fixed-Sights to my first Station, and laying the Index upon 90 deg. I cause a Mark to be set up, so as that I may see it through the Sights; and upon that Line, as I measure out 12 Chains, I take the Off-sets C 9, D 10. In like manner you must do for the other Angle, Lines and Off-sets.
And when you have thus laid out your Square, and taken all your Off-sets, you will find in your Field-Book such Memorandums as these, to help you Protract.
The Angles 4 Right-Angles.
The Sides 12 Chains, 00 Links each.
I went round cum Sole, or the Hedges being on my Left-hand.
C. | L. | C. | L. | ||
In the first Line, at | 1 | 50 | Off-set to a Side-Line | 5 | 40 |
8 | 30 | Off-set to an Angle | 6 | 00 | |
C. | L. | C. | L. | ||
In the second Line, at | 3 | 50 | Off-set to an Angle | 6 | 00 |
10 | 70 | Off-set to an Angle | 5 | 50 | |
C. | L. | C. | L. | ||
In the third Line, at | 10 | 00 | Off-set to an Angle | 5 | 30 |
C. | L. | C. | L. | ||
In the fourth Line, at | 4 | 30 | Off-set to an Angle | 4 | 40 |
6 | 70 | Off-set to an Angle | 1 | 50 | |
10 | 80 | Off-set to an Angle | 2 | 20 |
Now to lay down upon Paper the foregoing Work, make first a Square Figure, whose Side may be 12 Chains, as 1, 2, 3, 4. Then considering you went with the Sun, take 1, 2, for the first Line; and taking from your Scale 1 Chain, 50 Links, set it upon the Line from 1 to 7: at 7 raise a Perpendicular, as 7, 6, making it according to your Field-Book 5 Chains, 40 Links long. Also for the second Off-set upon the [Page 102]same Line, take from your Scale of Equal Parts 8 Chains, 30 Links, which set upon the line from 1 to 8, and upon 8 make the Perpendicular-line 8 B, 6 Chains in length.
For the Off-sets of the second Line, take 3 Chains, 50 Links, from the Scale, and set it from 2 to 9; at 9 make a Perpendicular-line 6 Chains long, viz. 9 C: Also for the second Off-set of the same Line, take 10 Chains, 70 Links, and set it from 2 to 10; at 10 make the Perpendicular 10 D, 5 Chains, 50 Links in length.
For the Off-sets of the third Line, take from your Scale 10 Chains, and set it from 3 to 11; and at 11 make the Perpendicular 11 E, 5 Chains, 30 Links long.
For the Off-sets of the fourth Line, take from your Scale 4 Chains, 30 Links, and set it from 4 to 12; and at 12 make the Perpendicular 12 F, 4 Chains, 40 Links long. Also take 6 Chains, 70 Links, and let it from 4 to 13; and at 13 make the Perpendicular 13 G, 1 Chain, 50 Links long.
Lastly, take 10 Chains, 80 Links, and set it from 4 to 1; and at I make the Perpendicular 1, 5, 2 Chains, 20 Links long.
Then have you no more to do, but through the ends of these Perpendiculars to draw the Boundinglines, remembring to make Angles where the Field-Book mentions Angles; and where it mentions Side-lines, there to continue such Side-lines till they meet in an Angle.
Although I mention a Square, yet you are not bound to that Figure; for you may with the same success use a Parallelogram, Triangle, or any other Figure. Nor are you bound to take the Off-sets in [Page 103]Perpendicular-lines, although it be the best way; for you may take the Angles with the Index, from any part of the Line.
This way was chiefly intended for such as were not provided with Instruments; for instead of the Semi-circle with a plain Cross only, you may lay out a Square, the rest of the Work being done with a Chain.
How by the help of the Needle to take the Plot of a large Wood by going round the same, and making use of that Division of the Card that is numbred with four 90 s or Quadrants.
Let ABCDE represent a Wood; set your Instrument at A. and turn it about till through the Fixed Sights you espy B, then see what Degrees in the Division before spoken of, the Needle cuts, which let be N. W. 7, measure AB 27 Chains 70 Links; then setting the Instrument at B, direct the Sights to C, and see what then the Needle cuts, which let be N. E. 74; measure BC 39 Chains 50 Links; in like manner measure every Line, and take every Angle, and then your Field-Book will stand thus; as followeth hereunder.
Lines | Degrees | Minutes | Chains | Links | |
AB : | N. W. : | 7 : | 00 : | 28 : | 20 |
BC : | N. E. : | 74 : | 00 : | 39 : | 50 |
CD : | S. E. : | 9 : | 00 : | 38 : | 00 |
DE : | N. W. : | 63 : | 20 : | 14 : | 55 |
EA : | S. W. : | 74 : | 80 : | 28 : | 60 |
To lay down which upon Paper, draw Parallel Lines through your Paper, which shall represent Meridian, or North and South Lines, as the Lines NS, NS; then applying the Protractor (which should be gratuated accordingly with twice 90 Degrees, beginning at each End of the Diameter, and meeting in the middle of the Arch) to any convenient place of one of the Lines as to A, lay the Meridian Line of the Protractor to the Meridian Line on the Paper; and against 7 Degrees make a Mark, through which draw a Line, and set off thereon the Distance AB 28 Chains 20 Links. Secondly, apply the Centre of the Protractor to B, and (turning the Semicircle thereof the other way, because you see the Course tends to the Eastward) make the Diameter thereof lye parallel to the Meridian Lines on the Paper, (which you may do by the Figures at the Ends of the Parallelogram) and against 74 Degrees make a Mark, and set off 39 Chains 50 Links, and draw the Line BC; the like do by the other Lines and Angles, until you come round to the place where you began.
This is the most usual way of plotting Observations taken after this manner, and used by most Surveyors in America, where they lay out very large Tracts of Land: but there is another way, though more tedious, yet surer; (I think first made Publick by Mr. Norwood) whereby you may know before you come out of the Field, Whether you have taken your Angles, and measured the Lines truly or not, and is as followeth.
When you have Surveyed the Ground as above directed, and find your Field-Book to stand as before; cast up what Northing, Southing, Easting or Westing [Page 106]every Line makes; that is to say, How far at the End of every Line you have altered your Meridian, and what Distance upon a Meridian-Line you have made: As for Example, suppose AB was the Side of a Field measured to be 20 Chains, NS a Meridian-Line,
the Angle CABNE 20 Degrees. The business is to find the Length of the Line AC, which is called the Northing, or the difference of Latitude; also the length of the Line CB, which is called the Easting, or Difference of Longitude, which you may do indifferently truly by laying them down thus upon Paper: But passing this and the Gunter's Scale, the only way is by the Tables of Sines and Logarithms, where the Proportion is this.
As Radius or Sine of 90 Degrees, viz. the Right Angle C is to the Logarithm of the Line AB 20 Chains;
So is the Sine of the Angle CAB 20 Degrees to the Difference of Longitude CB 6 Chains 80 Links.
Secondly, to find the difference of Latitudes, or the Line AC, say,
As Radius is to the Logarthm Line AB 20 Chain, so is the Sine Complement of the Angle at A to the Logarithm of the Line AC 18 Chains 80 odd Links.
Example of the foregoing Figure.
In the precedent Figure, I find in my Field-Book, the first Line to run NW 7 Degrees 28 Chain, 20 Links; now to find what Northing, and what Westing is here made, I say thus,
As Radius | 10,000000 |
Is to the Logarithm of the Line 28 Chains 20 Links, | 1,450249 |
So is the Sine of the Angle from the Meridian, viz. 7 Degrees | 9,085894 |
To the Logarithm of the Westing 3 Chains 43 Links | [...] |
As Radius | 10,000000 |
Is to the Logarithm 28 Chains 20 Links | 1,450249 |
So is the Sine Complement of 7 Degrees | 9,996750 |
To the Log of the Northing 27 Ch. 99 Lin. | [...] |
And having thus found the Northing and Westing of that Line: I put it down in the Field-Book against the Line under the proper Titles NW, in like manner I find the Latitude and Longitude of all the rest, and having set them down, the Field-Book will appear thus.
Lines | Degrees : Minutes | Chains : Links | N | S | E | W |
AB . NW | 7 : 00 | 28 : 20 | 27 : 99 | .. : .. | .. : .. | 03 : 43 |
BC . NE | 74 : 00 | 39 : 50 | 10 : 89 | .. : .. | 37 : 97 | .. : .. |
CD . SE | 9 : 00 | 38 : 00 | .. : .. | 37 : 53 | 05 : 95 | .. : .. |
DE . NW | 63 : 20 | 14 : 55 | 06 : 53 | .. : .. | .. : .. | 13 : 00 |
EA . SW | 74 : 00 | 28 : 60 | .. : .. | 07 : 88 | .. : .. | 27 : 49 |
45 : 41 | 45 : 41 | 43 : 92 | 43 : 92 |
This done, add all the Northings together, also all the Southings, and see if they agree; also all the Eastings and Westings; and if they agree likewise, then you may be sure you have wrought truly, otherwise not. Thus in this Example the summ of the Northings is 45 Chains 41 Links; so likewise is the summ of the Southings; also the summ of the Eastings is 43 Chains 92 Links, so is the summ of the Westings: Therefore I say I have surveyed that Piece of Land true.
But because this way of casting up the Northing, Southing, Easting or Westing, of every Line may seem tedious and troublesome to you; I have at the End of this Book, made a Table, wherein by Inspection only, you may find the Longitude and Latitude of every Line, what quantity of Degrees soever it is situated from the Meridian.
Moreover, I am also obliged to shew you another way of plotting the foregoing Piece of Ground according to the Table in the Field-Book of NS, EW, as hereunder.
Draw a Line at adventure, as the Line N ☉ AS for a Meridian Line; then beginning in any place of that
Line, as at A, set off the Northing of the First Line as from A, to ☉ 1, viz. 27 Chain 99 Links; then taking with your Compasses the Westing of the same Line, viz. 3 Chains 43 Links; set one Foot in ☉ 1, and with the other make the Arch aa; next take the Length of your first Line, as you find it in the Field-Book, viz. 28 Chains 20 Links; and setting one Foot of the Compasses in A, with the other [Page 110]cross the former Arch aa with another, viz. B b, and in the Intersection of those Arches, viz. at B, is your second Angle.
Then through B draw another North and South Line parallel to the first, as NBS is parallel to NAS; and taking with your Compasses the Northing of the second Line, viz. 10 Chains 89 Links, set it upon the Line from B to ☉ 2, take also the Easting of the same Line viz. 37 Chains 97 Links, and setting one Foot of the Compasses in ☉ 2, with the other sweep the Arch cc; also take with your Compasses the length of the second Line, viz. 39 Chains 50 Links, and setting one Foot in B cross the former Arch with another dd; and that intersection is your third Angle, viz. C.
It would be but tautologie in me to go round thus with all the Lines; for by these two first you may easily conceive how all the rest are done: But let me put you in mind when you sweep the Arches for the Easting and Westing, to turn your Compasses the right way, and not take East for West, and West for East.
Nor can I commend to you this way of plotting, the former being as true, and far easier; yet when you plot by the former way, it is very good for you to prove your Work by the Table of difference of Latitude and Longitude before you begin to protract; and when you find your Field Work true, you may lay it down upon Paper, which way you think the easiest.
To conclude this Chapter or Section, I shall in the next place shew you, How to take the Plot of a Field by the Chain only, using no other Instrument in the Field; and that after a better manner than hitherto has been taught.
First therefore, I shall shew you how to take the quantity of an Angle by the Chain; (which well understood) there need be no more required: For the Business of a Surveyor in the Field, is no more but to measure Lines and take Angles: I mean for telling the quantity of any Field or Piece of Land, as how many Acres it contains, or the like.
How by the Chain only, to take an Angle in the Field.
First measure along the Hedge AB, any small distance, as A2 two Chains; also measure along the
[Page 112]Hedg AC what number of Chains you please, no matter whether they be equal to the former or not; as A3 two Chains; next measure the distance 2, 3, viz. 1 Chain 68 Links; and then have you done in the Field. To plot which, draw the Line AB at adventure, and set off 2 Chains from A to 2; then take with your Compasses the distance A3, 2 Chains, and setting one Foot in A, describe the Arch 2, 3; take also with your Compasses the distance 2, 3, viz. 1 Chain 68 Links; and setting one Foot in 2, with the other cross the former Arch; through which Cross draw the Line AC; which with AB will make an Angle equal to the Angle in the Field.
But the more easie and speedy way is to take but one Chain only along the Hedges; as in the foregoing Figure, I set a strong Stick in the very Angle A, and putting the Ring at one End of the Chain over it, I take the other End in my Hand, and stretch out the Chain along the First Hedge AB, and where it ends, as at 5, I stick down a Stick, then I stretch the Chain also along the Hedge AC, and at the end thereof set another Stick as at 4, then loosing my Chain from A, I measure the distance 4, 5, which is 74 Links, which is all I need notedown in my Field-Book for that Angle; and now coming to plot that Angle, I take first from my Scale the distance of one Chain, and placing one Foot of the Compasses in any part of the Paper, as at A, I describe the Arch 4, 5; then I take from the same Scale 74 Links, and set it off upon that Arch, making Marks where the Ends of the Compasses fall, as at 4, 5. Lastly, from A, through these Marks I draw the Lines AB, and AC, which constitute the former Angle: Remember to [Page 113]plot your Angles with a very large Scale; and you may set off your Lines with a smaller.
I will give you two Examples of this way of measuring, and then leave you to your own practice First,
How by the Chain only to Survey a Field by going round the same.
Let ABCDEF be the Field; and beginning at A in the very Angle, stick down a Staff through the [Page 114]great Ring at one of the Ends of your Chain, and taking the other End in your Hand, stretch out the Chain in length, and see in what part of the Hedge AF the other End falls: as suppose at a, there set up a Stick; and do the like by the Hedge AB, and say, there the Chain ends at (a) also; measure the nearest distance between a and a, which let be 1 Chain 60 Links, this note down in your Field-Book; measure next the length of the Hedge AB, which is 12 Chains 50 Links; note this down also in your Field-Book. Nextly, coming to B, take that Angle in like manner as you did the Angle A, and measure the distance BC: after this manner you must take all the Angles, and measure all the Sides round the Field. But lest you be at a Nonplus at D, because that is an outward Angle, thus you must do; stick a Staff down with the ring of the Chain round it in the very Angle D, then taking the other end of the Chain in your Hand, and stretching it at length, move your self to and Fro 'till you perceive your self in a direct Line with the Hedge DC, which will be at G, where stick down an Arrow, or one of your Surveying-Sticks; then move round 'till you find your self in a direct Line with the Hedge DC, and there the Chain stretched out at length, plant another Stick, as at H, then measure the nearest Distance HG, which let be 1 Chain 43 Links; which note down in your Field-Book, and proceed on to measure the Line DE; but in your Field-Book make some some Mark against D, to signifie it is an outward Angle, as ›, or the like: And when you come to plot this, you must plot the same Angle outward that you took inward; for the Angle GDH, is the same, as the Angle d D d. I made this outward [Page 115]Angle here on purpose to shew you how you must Survey a Wood, by going round it on the Outside, where you must take most of the Angles, as here you do D.
Having thus taken all the Angles, and measured all the Sides; the next thing to be done, Is to lay down upon Paper, according to your Field-Book: Which you will find to stand thus.
Cross Lines or Chords | |||||
Angles | Chains | Links | Lines of the Field | Chains | Links |
A . | 1 . | 60 | AB . | 12 . | 50 |
B . | 1 . | 84 | BC . | 23 . | 37 |
C . | 1 . | 06 | CD . | 19 . | 30 |
D . | 1 . | 43 › | DE . | 20 . | 00 |
E . | 0 . | 80 | EF . | 29 . | 00 |
F . | 1 . | 52 | FA . | 31 . | 50 |
Forasmuch now as it is convenient that the Angles be made by a greater Scale than the Lines are laid down with: I have therefore in this Figure made the Angles by a Scale of one Chain in an Inch, and laid down the Lines by a Scale of ten Chains in one Inch. But to begin to plot, take from your Scale one Chain, and with that Distance, in any convenient place of your Paper, as at A, sweep the Arch aa; then from the same large Scale take off 1 Chain 60 Links, and set it upon that Arch, as from a to a; and from A draw Lines through a and a, as the Lines AB, AF: [Page 116]Then repairing to your shorter Scale, take from thence the first distance, viz. 12 Chains 50 Links, and set it from A to B, drawing the Line AB.
Secondly, repairing to B, take from your large Scale 1 Chain, and setting one Foot of the Compasses in B, with the other make the Arch bb; also from the same Scale take your Chord Line, viz. 1 Chain 84 Links, and set it upon the Arch bb, one Foot of the Compasses standing where the Arch intersects AB, the other will fall at b; then through b draw the Line BC; and from your smaller Scale set off the Distance BC 23 Chains 37 Links, which will fall at C, where the next Angle must be made. After this manner proceed on according to your Field-Book, 'till you have done.
And here mark that you need neither in the Field, nor upon the Paper, take notice of the Angle F, nor yet measure the Lines EF and AF, for if you draw those two Lines through, they will intersect each other at the true Angle F: However, for the Proof of your Work, it is good to measure them, and also to take the Angle in the Field.
I must not let slip in this place the usual way taught by Surveyors, for the measuring a Field by the Chain only, as true indeed as the former, but more tedious, which take as followeth.
The common way taught by Surveyors, for taking the Plot of the foregoing Field.
Because I will not confound your Understanding with many Lines in one Figure, I have here again placed the same. First they bid you measure round [Page 117]the Field, and note down in your Field-Book every Line thereof, as in this Field has been before done.
Secondly, they bid you turn all the Field into Triangles, as beginning at A, to measure the Diagonal AC, AD, AE, and note them down; then is your Field turned into four Triangles, and the Diagonals are, [Page 118]
Chains | Links | |
AC : | 33 . | 70 |
AD : | 25 . | 70 |
AE : | 45 . | 40 |
To plot which, they advise you first to draw a Line at adventure, as the Line AC, and to set off thereon 33 Chains 70 Links, according to your Field-Book for the Diagonals; then taking with your Compasses the Length of the Line AB, viz. 12 Chains 50 Links, set one Foot in A, and with the other describe the Arch aa; also take the Line BC, viz. 23 Chains 37 Links, and setting one Foot in C, with the other describe the Arch cc, cutting the Arch aa in the Point B, then draw the Lines AB, CB, which shall be two bound Lines of the Field.
Secondly, take with your Compasses the Length of the Diagonal AD, viz. 25 Chains 70 Links, and setting one Foot of the Compasses in A, with the other describe the Arch, as dd, also taking the Line CD, viz. 19 Chains 30 Links, set one Foot in C, and with the other describe the Arch ee, cutting the Arch dd in the point D, to which Intersection draw the Line CD.
Thirdly, take with your Compasses the Length of of the Diagonal AE, viz. 45 Chains 40 Links, and setting one Foot in A, with the other describe an Arch, as ff, also take the Line DE 20 Chains, and therewith cross the former Arch in the Point E, to which draw the Line DE.
Lastly, take with your Compasses the length of the Line AF, viz. 31 Chains, 50 Links; and setting one foot in A, describe an Arch, as II. Also take the length of the Line EF, viz. 29 Chains, 00 Links, and therewith describe the Arch hh, which cuts the Arch II, in the Point F, to which Point draw the Lines AF and EF, and so will you have a true Figure of the Field.
I have shewed you both ways, that you may take your choice. And now I proceed to my Second Example promised.
How to take the Plot of a Field at one Station, near the Middle thereof, by the Chain only.
Let ABCDE be the Field, ☉ the appointed place, from whence by the Chain to take the Plot thereof. Stick a Stake up at ☉ through one ring of the Chain, and make your Assistant take the other end, and stretch it out. Then cause him to move up and down, till you espy him exactly in a Line between the Stake and the Angle A; there let him set down a stick, as at a, and be sure that the stick a be in a direct Line between ☉ and A; which you may easily perceive, by standing at ☉, and looking to A. This done, cause him to move round towards B; and at the Chains end, let him there stick down another stick exactly in the Line between ☉ and B, as at b. Afterwards let him do the same at c, at d, and at e; and if there were more Angles, let him plant a stick at the end of the Chain in a right Line between [Page 120]☉ and every Angle. In the next place measure the nighest distance between stick and stick, as ab, 1 Chain 26 Links, bc 1 Chain 06 Links,
cd 1 Chain 00 Links, de 1 Chain 20 Links, and put them down in your Field-Book accordingly. Measure also the Distances between ☉ and every Angle, as ☉ A 18 Chains 10 Links, ☉ B 15 Chains 00 Links, &c. all which put down, your Field-Bok will appear thus; [Page 121]
Chains | Links | ||
Subtendent or Chord-Lines | ab | 1 . | 26 |
bc | 1 . | 06 | |
cd | 1 . | 00 | |
de | 1 . | 20 |
Chains | Links | ||
Diagonal or Centre-Lines | ☉ A . | 18 . | 10 |
☉ B . | 15 . | 00 | |
☉ C . | 17 . | 00 | |
☉ D . | 15 . | 00 | |
☉ E . | 16 . | 00 |
How to plot the former Observations.
Take from a large Scale 1 Chain, and setting one foot of the Compasses in any convenient place of the Paper, as at ☉, make the Circle abcde. Then taking for your first Subtendent, or Chord-line, 1 Chain, 26 Links; set it upon the Circle, as from a to b. From ☉ through a and b, draw Lines, as ☉ A, ☉ B, which be sure let be long enough. Then take your second Subtendent from the same large Scale, viz. 1 Chain, 6 Links, and set it upon the Circle from b to c, and through c draw the Line ☉ C. When thus you have set off all your Subtendents, and drawn Lines through their several Marks, repair to a smaller Scale; and upon the Lines drawn, set off your Diagonal or Centre Lines, as you find them in the Field-Book: So upon the Line ☉ a you must set off 18 Chains, 10 Links, making a Mark where it falls, as at A: Upon the Line ☉ b 15 Chains, 00 Links, which falls at B; and so by all the rest. Lastly, draw the Lines AB, BC, CD, &c. and the Work will be finished.
It would be but running things over again, to shew you how, after this manner, to Survey a Field at two or three Stations, or in any Angle thereof, &c. For if you well understand this, you cannot be ignorant of the rest.
How to cast up the Contents of a Plot of Land.
HAving by this time sufficiently shewed you how to Survey a Field, and lay down a true Figure thereof upon Paper; I come in the next place to teach you how to cast up the Contents thereof; that is to say, to find out how many Acres, Roods and Perches it containeth. And first
Of the Square, and Parallelogram.
To cast up either of which, multiply one Side by the other, the Product will be the Content.
Let A be a true Square, each side being 10 Chains; multiply 10 Chains 00 Links by 10 Chains 00 Links, facit 1000000. from which I cut off the five last Figures, and there remains just 10 Acres for the Square A.
Again, In the Parallelogram B, let the side A b or c D be 20 Chains, 50 Links; and the side ac or b D 10 Chains, 00 Links: Multiply ab, 20 Chains, 50 Links, by ac 10 Chains, 00 Links, facit 20|50000. from which cutting off the last five Figures, remains 20 Acres. Then if you multiply the Figures cut off, viz. 50000 by 4, facit 200000; from which cutting off five Figures, remains 2 Roods; and if any thing but 000 s had been left, you must have multiplied again by 40; and then cutting off again five Figures, you would have had the odd Perches: See it done hereunder.
I need not have multiplied 00 by 40; for I know 40 times Nothing is Nothing; but only to shew you in what order the Figures will stand when you have odd Perches, as presently we shall light on. So much is the Content of the long Square B, viz. 20 Acres, 2 Roods, 00 Perch.
20.50 | |
10.00 | |
Acres | 20|50000 |
4 | |
Roods | 2|00000 |
40 | |
Perches | 0|00000 |
Of Triangles.
The Content of all Triangles are found, by multiplying half the Base by the whole Perpendicular; or the whole Base by half the Perpendicular; or otherwise, by multiplying the whole Base and whole Perpendicular together, and taking half that Product for the Content. Either of these three ways will do, take which you please.
In the Triangle A, the Base ab is 10 Chains,
00 Links: the Perpendicular cb 13 Chains, 70 Links: the half of which is 6 Chains, 85 Links; which multiplied by 10 Ch. 00 Lin. facit 685000; from which cutting off five Figures, there is left 6 Acres. Then multiplying the Remainder by 4, facit 340000; from which taking five Figures, remains 3 Roods. Again, the five Figures cut off multiplied by 40, makes 1600000; from which taking five Figures, leaves 16 Perches. See the Operation.
6,85 | |
10,00 | |
Acres | 6|85000 |
4 | |
Roods | 3|40000 |
40 | |
Perches | 16|00000 |
So likewise in the Triangle B, the Perpendicular ab is 13 Chains, 70 Links; which multiplied by half the Base, will give the same Content.
Also in the Triangle C, if you multiply half the Base E d, by the Perpendicular c F, the Product will be the Content of that Triangle.
And here Note, that you are not confined to any Angle, but you may let fall your Perpendicular from what Angle you please, taking the Line on which it falls for the Base. Thus in the Triangle A, if from b you let fall a Perpendicular, take bd, and the half of ac for finding the Content. Also in the Triangle C, you may from E let fall your Perpendicular, although it falls without the Triangle; and the half of EG, and the whole of cd, shall be the true Content of the Triangle C; but then you must remember to extend the Base-line cd.
Remember this, all Triangles having the same Base, and lying between Parallel-lines, are of the same Content; so the Triangles ABC have the same Base, and lye between the Lines E c and G b, and are therefore of the same Content.
To find the Content of a Trapezia.
Draw between two opposite Angles a streight Line, as AB; then is the Trapezia reduced into two Triangles, viz. ABC and ABD, which you may measure as before taught, and adding their Products together, you will have the true content of the Trapezia. Or a Little shorter, thus:
Take the length of the Line AB, which let be 37 Chain 00 Links; take also the length of the Perpendicular
D e, which let be 7 Chains 40 Links; also C d 4 Chains 80 Links: add the two Perpendiculars together, and they make 12 Chains 20 Links, which multiply by half the common Base AB 18 Chains 50 Links, and the Product is 22 Acres, 2 Rood, 11 Perch, as appears by the Operation hereunder.
Half the common Base AB | 18,50 |
The Sum of the two Perpendiculars | 12,20 |
37000 | |
3700 | |
1850 | |
Acres | 22|57000 |
4 | |
Roods | 2|28000 |
40 | |
Perches | 11|20000 |
How to find the Content of an Irregular Plot, consisting of many Sides and Angles.
To do this, you must first by drawing Lines from Angle to Angle, reduce the Plot all into Trapeziaes and Triangles; after which measure every Trapezia and Triangle severally, and adding their Contents altogether, you will have the true Content of the whole Plot.
In the annexed Figure ABCDEFGHI, I draw the Line AD, which cuts off the Trapezia K; also the Line AG, which cuts off the Trapezia L: And lastly the Line GE, which makes the Trapezia M, and the Triangle N, so is the whole Plot reduced into the three Trapeziaes K, L, M, and the Triangle N; all which I measure as before taught, and put them down as hereunder.
Acres | Roods | Perches | |
The Trapezia K contains | 21 : | 2 : | 12 |
The Trapezia L contains | 26 : | 3 : | 18 |
The Trapezia M contains | 30 : | 2 : | 16 |
The Triangle N contains | 6 : | 2 : | 24 |
The Content of the Plot | 85 : | 2 : | 30 |
By which you find the whole Plot to contain 85 Acres, 2 Rood, 30 Perches.
If the Sides of the Plot had been given in Perches, Yards, Feet, or any other Measure, you must still cast up the Content after this manner, and then your Product will be Perches, Yards, &c. To turn which into Acres, Roods and Perches, I have largely treated of in the beginning of this Book.
How to find the Content of a Circle, or any Portion thereof.
To find the Content of the whole Circle, it is convenient, That first you know the Diameter and Circumference thereof; one of which being known, [Page 129]the other is easily found; for as 7 is to 22, so is the the Diameter to the Circumference: And as 22 is to 7, so is the Circumference to the Diameter.
In this annexed Figure, the Diameter AB is 2 Chains, or 200 [...] Links, which multiplyed by 22, and
the Product divided by 7, gives 6 Chains 28 Links, and something more for the Circumference. Now, to know the Superficial Content multiply half the Circumference by half the Diameter, the Product will be the Content: Half the Circumference is 3 Chains 14 Links; half the Diameter 1 Chain 00 Links; which multiplyed together, the Product is 3,1400 Square Links, or 1 Rood 10 Perch, the Content of the Circle. Again,
By the Diameter only to find the Content.
As 14 is to 11, so is the Square of the Diameter to the Content. The Square of the Diameter is 40000, [Page 130]which multiplyed by 11, makes 440000, which divided by 14 gives 31428, or 1 Rood 10 Perch, and something more for the Content.
How to measure the Superficial Content of the Section of a Circle.
Multiply half the Compass thereof by the Semidiameter of the Circle, the Product will answer your desire.
In the foregoing Circle, I would know the Content of that little piece DCB; the Arch DB is 78 Links ½; the half of it 39 ¼, which multiplyed by 1 Chain, 00 Links, the Semidiameter gives 3925 Square Links, or 6 Perches ¼.
How to find the Content of a Segment of a Circle without knowing the Diameter.
Let EFG be the Segment, the Chord EF is 1 Chain 70 Links, or 170 Links, the Perpendicular GH 50 Links; now multiply ⅔ of the one by the whole of the other, the Product will be the Content, the two thirds of 170 is nearest 113, which multiplyed by 50 produces 5650 Square Links or 9 Perches.
How to find the Superficial Content of an Oval.
The common way is to multiply the long Diameter by the shorter, and from that Product extract the [Page 131]Square Root, which you may call a mean Diameter; then as if you were measuring a Circle, say,
As 14 to 11, so the mean Diameter to the Content of the Oval; but this is not exact: A better way is;
As 1, 27/100 is to the length of the Oval; so is the bredth to the Content, or nearer, as 1,27324 to the length; so the bredth to the Content.
How to find the Superficial Content of Regular Polygons; as Pentagons, Hexagons, Heptagons, &c.
Multiply half the summ of the Sides, by a Perpendicular, let fall from the Centre upon one of the Sides, the Product will be the Area or Superficial Content of the Polygon. In the following Pentagon the Side BC is 84 Links, the whole summ of the five Sides,
therefore must be 420, the half of which is 210, which multiplyed by the Perpendicular AD 56 Links, gives 11760 Square Links for the Content, or 18 Perches 8/10 of a Perch, almost 19 Perches.
I have been shorter about these three last Figures than my usual Method, because they very rarely fall in the Surveyors way to measure them in Land, though indeed in Broad Measure, Paving, &c. often.
Of laying out New Lands, very useful for the Surveyors, in his Majesty's Plantations in America.
A certain quantity of Acres being given, how to lay out the same in a Square Figure.
ANnex, to the Number of Acres given, 5 Cyphers, which will turn the Acres into Links; then from the Number thus increased, extract the Root, which shall be the Side of the proposed Square.
Suppose the Number given be 100 Acres, which I am to lay out in a Square Figure; I joyn to the 100 5 Cyphers, and then it is [...] Square Links, the Root of which is 3162 nearest, or 31 Chains 62 Links, the length of one Side of the Square.
If I were to cut out of a Corn-Field one Square Acre: I add to one five Cyphers, and then is it [...]; the Root of which is 3 Chains 16 Links, and something more, for the Side of that Acre.
How to lay out any given Quantity of Acres in a Parallelogram; whereof one Side is given.
Turn first the Acres into Links, by adding as before 5 Cyphers, that number thus increased, divide by the given Side, the Quotient will be the other Side.
It is required to lay out 100 Acres in a Parallelogram, one Side of which shall be 20 Chains, 00 Links; first to the 100 Acres I add 5 Cyphers, and it is 100,00000; which I divide by 20 Chains 00 Links, the Quotient is 50 Chains 00 Links, for the other Side of the Parallelogram.
How to lay out a Parallelogram that shall be 4, 5, 6, or 7, &c. times longer than it is broad.
In Carolina, all Lands lying by the Sides of Rivers, except Seignories or Baronies, are (or ought, by Order of the Lord's Proprietors to be) thus laid out. To do which, first as above taught, turn the given quantity of Acres into Links, by annexing 5 Cyphers; which summ divide by the number given for the Proportion between the length and bredth, as 4, 5, 6, 7, &c. the Root of the Quotient will shew the shortest Side of such a Parallelogram.
Admit it were required of me to lay out 100 Acres in a Parallelogram, that should be five times as long as broad: First to the 100 Acres I add 5 Cyphers, and it makes 100,00000, which summ I divide by 5, the Quotient is 2000000, the Root of which is nearest 14 Chains 14 Links, and that I say shall be the short Side of such a Parallelogram, and by multiplying that 1414 by 5, shews me the longest Side thereof to be 70 Chains 70 Links.
How to make a Triangle that shall contain any number of Acres, being confined to a certain Base.
Double the given number of Acres, (to which annexing first five Ciphers,) divide by the Base; the Quotient will be the length of the Perpendicular.
Upon a Base given that is in length 40 Chains, 00 Links; I am to make a Triangle that shall contain 100 Acres. First I double the 100 Acres, and annexing five Ciphers thereto, it makes 200,00000. which I divide by 40 Chains, 00 Links, the limited Base; the Quotient is 50 Chains, 00 Links, for the height of the Perpendicular. As in this Figure, AB is the given Base 40; upon any part of which Base, I set the Perpendicular 50, as at C; then the Perpendicular is CD. Therefore I draw the Lines DA, DB, [Page 135]which makes the Triangle DAB to contain just 100 Acres, as required. Or if I had set the Perpendicular at E, then would EF have been the Perpendicular
50, and by drawing the Lines FA, FB; I should have made the Triangle FAB, containing 100 Acres, the same as DAB.
If you consider this well, when you are laying out a new piece of Land, of any given Content, in America or elsewhere, although you meet in your way with 100 Lines and Angles; yet you may, by making a Triangle to the first Station you began at, cut off any quantity required.
How to find the Length of the Diameter of a Circle which shall contain any number of Acres required.
Say as 11 is to 14, so will the number of Acres given be to the Square of the Diameter of the Circle required.
What is the Length of the Diameter of a Circle, whose Superficial Content shall be 100 Acres? Add five Cyphers to the 100, and it makes 100,00000 Links, which multiply by 14, facit 140000000; which divided by 11, gives for Quotient 12727272; the Root of which is 35 Chains, 67 Links and better, almost 68 Links. And so much shall be the Diameter of the required Circle.
I might add many more Examples of this nature, as how to make Ovals, Regular Polygons, and the like, that should contain any assigned quantity of Land. But because such things are meerly for Speculation, and seldom or never come in Practise, I at present omit them.
Of Reduction.
How to Reduce a large Plot of Land or Map into a lesser compass, according to any given Proportion; or e contra, how to Enlarge one.
THe best way to do this, is, if your Plot be not over-large, to plat it over again by a smaller Scale: But if it be large, as a Map of a County, or the like, the only way is to compass in the Plot first with one great Square; and afterwards to divide that into as many little Squares, as you shall see convenient. Also make the same number of little Squares upon a fair piece of Paper, by a lesser Scale, according to the Proportion given. This done, see in what Square, and part of the same Square, any remarkable accident falls, and accordingly put it down in your lesser Squares; and that you may not mistake, it is a good way to number your Squares. I cannot make it plainer, than by giving you the following Example, where the Plot ABCD, made by a Scale of 10 Chains in an Inch, is reduced into the Plot EFGH, of 30 Chains in an Inch.
There are several other ways taught by Surveyors for reducing Plots or Maps, as Mr. Rathboxn, and after him Mr. Holwell, adviseth to make use of a Scale or Ruler; having a Centre-hole at one end, through which to fasten it down on a Table, so that it may play freely round; and numbred from the Centre-end to the other, with Lines of Equal Parts: The Use of which is thus. Lay down upon a smooth Table, the Map or Plot that you would reduce, and glew it with Mouth-glew fast to the Table at the four corners thereof. Then taking a fair piece of Paper about the bigness that you would have your reduced Plot to be of, and lay that down upon the other; the middle of the last about the middle of the first. This done, lay the Centre of your Reducing Scale near the Centre of the white Paper, and there with a Needle through the Centre make it fast; yet so, that it may play easily round the Needle. Then moving your Scale to any remarkable thing of the first Plot, as an Angle, a House, the bent of a River, or the like: See against how many Equal Parts of the Scale it stands, as suppose 100; then taking the ⅓, the ¼, the ⅕, or any other number thereof, according to the Proportion you would have the reduced Plot to bear; and make a mark upon the white Paper against 50, 25, 33, &c. of the same Scale: And thus turning the Scale about, you may first reduce all the outermost parts of the Plot. Which done, you must double the lesser Plot, first ½ thereof, and then the other; by which you may see to reduce the innermost part near the Centre.
But I advise rather to have a long Scale, made with the Centre-hole, for fixing it to the Table in about one third part of the Scale, so that ⅔ of the [Page 140]Scale may be one way numbred with Equal Parts from the Centre-hole to the end; and ⅓ part thereof numbred the other way to the end with the same number of Equal Parts, tho lesser. Upon this Scale may be several Lines of Equal Parts, the lesser to the greater, according to several Proportions. Being thus provided with a Scale, glew down upon a smooth Table your greater Plot to be reduced; and close to it upon the same Table, a Paper about the bigness whereof you would have your smaller Plot. Fix with a strong Needle the Centre of your Scale between both; then turning the longer end of your Scale to any remarkable thing of your to be reduced Plot, see what number of Equal Parts it cuts, as suppose 100; there holding fast the Scale, against 100 upon the smaller end of your Scale, make a mark upon the white Paper; so do round all the Plot, drawing Lines, and putting down all other accidents as you proceed, for fear of confusion, through many Marks in the end; and when you have done, although at first the reduced Plot will seem to be quite contrary to the other; yet when you have unglewed it from the Table, and turned it about, you will find it to be an exact Epitome of the first. You may have for this Work divers Centers made in one Scale, with Equal Parts proceeding from them accordingly; or you may have divers Scales, according to several Proportions, which is better.
What has been hitherto said concerning the Reducing of a Plot from a greater volume to a lesser, the same is to be understood vice versa, of Enlarging a Plot, from a lesser to a greater. But this last seldom comes in practise.
How to change Customary-Measure into Statute, and the contrary.
In some Parts of England, for Wood-Lands; and in most Parts of Ireland, for all sorts of Lands; they account 18 Foot to a Perch, and 160 such Perches to make an Acre, which is called Customary-Measure: Whereas our true Measure for Land, by Act of Parliament, is but 160 Perches for one Acre, at 16 Foot ½ to the Perch. Therefore to reduce the one into the other, the Rule is,
As the Square of one sort of Measure, is to the Square of the other;
So is the Content of the one, to the Content of the other.
Thus if a Field measured by a Perch of 18 Feet, accounting 160 Perches to the Acre, contain 100 Acres; How many Acres shall the same Field contain by a Perch of 16 Feet ½?
Say, if the Square of 16 Feet ½, viz. 272. 25. give the Square of 18 Feet, viz. 324. What shall 100 Acres Customary give? Answer 119 9/10 of an Acre Statute.
Knowing the Content of a piece of Land, to find out what Scale it was plotted by.
First, by any Scale measure the Content of the Plot; which done, argue thus:
As the Content found, is to the Square of the Scale I tried by;
So is the true Content, to the Square of the true Scale it was plotted by.
Admit there is a Plot of a piece of Land containing 10 Acres, and I measuring it by the Scale of 11 in an Inch, find it to contain 12 Acres 1/10 of an Acre. Then I say, If 12 2/10 give for its Scale 11: What shall 100 give? Answer 10. Therefore I conclude that Plot to be made by a Scale of 10 in the Inch. And so much concerning Reducing Lands.
Instructions for Surveying a Mannor, County, or whole Country.
To Survey a Mannor observe these following Rules.
1. WAlk or ride over the Mannor once or twice, that you may have as it were a Map of it in your Head, by which means, you may the better know where to begin, and proceed on with your Work.
2. If you can conveniently run round the whole Mannor with your Chain and Instrument, taking all the Angles, and measuring all the Lines thereof; taking notice of Roads, Lanes or Commons as you [Page 143]cross them: Also minding well the Ends of all dividing Hedges, where they butt upon your bound Hedges in this manner.
3. Take a true Draught of all the Roads and By-Lanes in the Mannor, putting down also the true Buttings of all the Field-Fences to the Road. If the Road be broad, or goes through some Common or Wast Ground, the best way is to measure, and take the Angles on both Sides thereof; but if it be a narrow Lane, you may only measure along the midst thereof, taking the Angles and Off-sets to the Hedges, and measuring your Distances truly: Also if there be any considerable River either bounds or runs through the Mannor, survey that also truly, as is hereafter taught.
4. Make a true Plot upon Paper of all the foregoing Work; and then will you have a Resemblance of the Mannor, though not compleat, which to make so, go to all the Buttings of the Hedges, and there Survey every Field distinctly, plotting it accordingly every Night, or rather twice a Day, till you have perfected the whole Mannor.
5. When thus you have plotted all the Fields, according to the Buttings of the Hedges found in your first Surveys, you will find that you have very nigh, if not quite done the whole Work: But if there be any Fields lye so within others, that they are not bounded on either Side by a Road, Lane nor River; then you must also Survey them, and place them in your Plot, accordingly as they are bounded by other Fields.
6. Draw a fair Draught of the whole, putting down therein the Mannor-House, and every other considerable House, Wind-mill, Water-mill, Bridg, Wood, Coppice, Cross-paths, Rills, Runs of Water, Ponds, and any other Matter Notable therein. Also in the fair Draught, let the Arms of the Lord of the Mannor be fairly drawn, and a Compass in some wast part of the Paper; also a Scale, the same by which it was plotted: You must also beautifie such a Draught with Colours and Cuts according as you shall see convenient.
Write down also in every Field the true Content thereof; and if it be required, the Names of the present Possessors, and their Tenures: by which they hold it of the Lord of the Mannor.
The Quality also of the Land, you may take notice of as you pass over it, if you have Judgment therein, and it be required of you.
How to take the Draught of a County or Country.
1. If the County or Country is in any place thereof bounded with the Sea, Survey first the Seacoast thereof, measuring it all along with the Chain, and taking all the Angles thereof truly.
2. Which done, and plotted by a large Scale, Survey next all the Rocks, Sands or other Obstacles that lye at the entrance of every River, Harbor, Bay or Road upon the Coast of that County or Country; which plot down accordingly, as I shall teach you in this Book by and by.
3. Survey all the Roads, taking notice as you go along of all Towns, Villages, great Houses, Rivers, Bridges, Mills, Cross Ways, &c. Also take the bearing at two Stations of all such Remarks, as you see out of the Road, or by the Side thereof.
4. Also Survey all the Rivers, taking notice how far they are Navigable, what (and where the) Branches runs into them, what Fords they have, Bridges, &c.
5. All this being exactly plotted, will give you a truer Map of the County than any that I know of hath been yet made in England: However you may look upon old Maps, and if you find therein any thing worth the Notice that you have not yet put down, you may go and Survey it; and thus by degrees you may so finish a County, that you need not so much as leave out one Gentleman's House; for hardly will it scape but every remarkable thing will come into your View, either from the Roads, the Rivers or Sea-Coast.
6. Lastly, with a large Quadrant take the true Latitude of the Place, in three or four Places of the County, which put down upon the Edge of your Map accordingly.
Of dividing Lands.
How to divide a Triangle several ways.
SUppose ABC to be a Triangular Piece of Land, containing 60 Acres, to be divided between two Men, the one to have 40 Acres cut off towards A,
and the other 20 Acres towards C; and the Line of Division to proceed from the Angle B. First Measure the Base AC, viz. 50 Chains 00 Links; then say by the Rule of Three, If the whole Content 60 Acres give 50 Chain for its Base, what shall 40 Acres give? Multiply and Divide, the Quotient will be 33 Chains 33 Links; which set off upon the Base from A to D, and draw the Line BD, which shall divide the Triangle as was required. If it had been required to have divided the same into 3, 4, 5, or more unequal Parts; you must, in the like maner, by the Rule of Three have found the length of each several Base; much after the same manner as Merchants part their Gains, By the Rule of Fellowship.
There are several ways of doing this by Geometry, without the help of Arithmetick, but my Business is [Page 147]not to shew you what maybe done, but to shew you how to do it, the most easie and practicable way.
How to divide a Triangular Piece of Land into any Number of Equal or Ʋnequal Parts, by Lines proceeding from any Point assigned in any Side thereof.
Let ABC be the Triangular Piece of Land, containing 60 Acres to be divided between three Men, the first to have 15 Acres, the second 20, and the third 25 Acres, and the Lines of Division to proceed from D: First measure the Base, which is 50 Chains; then divide the Base into three Parts, as you have been before taught, by saying, If 60 give 50, what shall 15 give? Answer, 12 Chains 50 Links for the
first Mans Base; which set off from A to E. Again, Say if 60 give 50, what shall 20 give? Answer, 16 Chains 66 Links for the second Man's Base; which set off from EF, then consequently the third Man's Base, viz. from F to C must be 20 Chains 84 Links: This done, draw an obscure Line from the Point assigned D, to the opposite Angle B, and from E and F draw the Lines EH and FG, parallel to BD. Lastly, from D, draw the Lines DH, DG, which shall divide the Triangle into three such Parts as were required.
How to divide a Triangular Piece of Land, according to any Proportion given, by a Line Parallel to one of the Sides.
ABC is the Triangular Piece of Land, containing 60 Acres, the Base AC is 50 Chains; this Piece of
Land is to be divided between two Men, by a Line Parallel to BC, in such Proportion that one have 40 Acres, the other 20.
First, divide the Base, as has been before taught, and the point of Division will fall in D, AD being 33 Chains 33 Links, and DC 16 Chains 67 Links.
Secondly, find a mean Proportion between AD and AC; by multiplying the whole Base 50 by AD 33, 33, the Product is 16665000, of which summ extract the Root, which is 40 Chains 82 Links, which set off from A to E. Lastly from E draw a Line parallel to BC, as is the Line EF; which divides the Triangle, as demanded.
Of dividing Four-Sided Figures or Trapeziaes.
Before I begin to teach you how to divide Pieces of Land of four Sides, it is convenient first to shew you how to change any Four-Sided Figure into a Triangle; [Page 149]which done, the Work will be the same as in dividing Triangles.
How to reduce a Trapezia into a Triangle, by Lines drawn from any Angle thereof.
Let ABCD be the Trapezia to be reduced into a Triangle, and B the Angle assigned: Draw the
Dark Line BD, and from C make a Line Parallel thereto, as CE; extend also the Base AD, till it meet CE in E; then draw the Line BE, which shall make the Triangle BAE equal to the Trapezia ABCD.
Now to divide this Trapezia according to any assigned Proportion is no more but to divide the Triangle ABE; as before taught, which will also divide the Trapezia.
Suppose the Trapezia ABCD containing 124 Acres 3 Roods and 8 Perches, is to be divided between two Men, the first to have 50 Acres, 2 Rood [Page 150]and 3 Perches; the other 74 Acres, 1 Rood and 5 Perches, and the Line of Division to proceed from B.
First, Reduce all the Acres and Roods into Perches, then will the Content of the Trapezia be 19968 Perches; the first Man's Share 8083 Perches; the second 11885.
Secondly, Measure the Base of the Triangle, viz. AE
78 Chains 00 Links; | |
Then say, If 19968 the whole Content give for its Base | 78 Chains 00 Links, |
What shall 8083, the first Man's part give? Answer | 31 Chains 52 Links; |
which set off from A to F, and drawing the Line FB, you divide the Trapezia as desired; the Triangle ABF being the First Man's Portion, and the Trapezia BCFD, the second's.
How to reduce a Trapezia into a Triangle, by Lines drawn from a Point assigned in any Side thereof.
ABCD is the Trapezia, E the Point assigned from whence to reduce it into a Triangle, and run the division Line; the Trapezia is of the same Content
[Page 151]as the former, viz. 19968 Perches, and it is to be divided as before, viz. one Man to have 8083 Perches, and the other 11885. First for to reduce it into a Triangle, draw the Lines ED, EC, and from A and B make Lines parallel to them, as AF, BG; then draw the Lines EG, EF, and the Triangle EFG will be equal to the Trapezia ABCD; which is divided as before; for when you have found by the Rule of Proportion, What the first Man's Base must be, viz. 31 Chains 52 Links, set it from F to H, and draw the Line HE, which shall divide the Trapezia according to the former Proportion.
How to reduce an Irregular Five-Sided Figure into a Triangle, and to divide the same.
Let ABCDE be the Five-Sided Figure; to reduce which into a Triangle, draw the Lines AC,
AD; and parallel thereto BF, EG extending the Base from C to F, and from D to G; then draw the Lines AF, AG, which will make the Triangle AFG equal to the Five Sided-Figure. If this was [Page 152]to be divided into two equal Parts, take the half of the Base of the Triangle, which is FH, and from H draw the Line HA; which divides the Figure ABCDE into two equal Parts. The like you may do for any other Proportion.
If in dividing the Plot of a Field there be Outward Angles, you may change them after the following manner.
Suppose ABCDE be the Plot of a Field; and B the outward Angle.
Draw the Line CA, and parallel thereto the Line BF.
Lastly, The Line CF shall be of as much force as the Lines CB and BA. So is that five-sided Figure, having one outward Angle reduced into a four-sided Figure, or Trapezia; which you may again reduce into a Triangle, as has been before taught.
How to Divide an Irregular Plot of any number of Sides, according to any given Proportion, by a streight Line through it.
ABCDEFGHI is a Field to be divided between two Men in equal Halfs, by a streight Line proceeding from A.
First, consider how to divide the Field into five-sided Figures and Trapezias, that you may the better reduce it into Triangles: As by drawing the Line KL, you cut off the five-sided Figure ABCHI; which reduce into the Triangle AKL, and measuring half the Base thereof, which will fall at Q, draw the Line QA.
Secondly, Draw the Line MN, and from the Point Q reduce the Trapezia CDGH into the Triangle MNQ; which again divide into Halfs, and draw the Line QR.
Thirdly, From the Point R, reduce the Trapezia DEFG into the Triangle ROP; and taking half the Base thereof, draw the Line RS; and then have you divided this Irregular Figure into two Equal Parts by the three Lines AQ, QR, RS.
Fourthly, Draw the Line AR, also QT parallel thereto. Draw also AT, and then have you turned two of the Lines into one.
Fifthly, From T draw the Line TS; and parallel thereto, the Line RV. Draw also TV. Then is your Figure divided into two Equal Parts, by the two Lines AT and TV.
Lastly, Draw the Line AV, and parallel thereto TW. Draw also AW, which will cut the Figure into two Equal Parts by a streight Line, as was required.
You may, if you please, divide such a Figure all into Triangles; and then divide each Triangle from the Point where the Division of the last fell, and then will your Figure be divided by a crooked Line, which you may bring into a streight one, as above.
This above is a good way of Dividing Lands, but Surveyors seldom take so much pains about it. I shall therefore shew you how commonly they abbreviate their Work, and is indeed
An easie way of Dividing Lands.
Admit the following Figure ABCDE contain 46 Acres, to be divided in Halfs between two Men, by a Line proceeding from A.
Draw first a Line by guess, through the Figure, as the Line AF. Then cast up the Content of either Half, and see what it wants, or what it is more than the true Half should be.
As for Example. I cast up the Content of AEG, and find it to be but 15 Acres; whereas the true Half is 23 Acres; 8 Acres being in the part ABCDG, more than AEG. Therefore I make a Triangle containing 8 Acres, and add it to AEG, as the Triangle AGI; then the Line AI parts the Figure into equal Halfs.
But more plainly how to make this Triangle: Measure first the Line AG, which is 23 Chains, 60 Links. Double the 8 Acres, they make 16; to which add five Cyphers to turn them into Chains and Links, and then they make 1600000; which divide by AG 2360, the Quotient is 6 Chains, 77 Links; for the Perpendicular HI, take from your Scale 6 Chains, 77 Links, and set it so from the Base AGF, that the end of the perpendicular may just touch the Line ED, which will be at I. Then draw the Line AI, which makes the Triangle AGI [Page 156]
just 8 Acres, and divides the whole Figure, as desired.
If it had been required to have set off the Perpendicular the other way, you must still have made the end of it but just touch the Line ED, as LK does: For the Triangle AKG is equal to the Triangle AGI, each 8 Acres.
And thus you may divide any piece of Land of never so many Sides and Angles, according to any Proportion, by streight Lines through it, with as much certainty, and more ease than the former way.
Mark, you might also have drawn the Line AD, and measured the Triangle AGD, and afterwards have divided the Base GD, according to Proportion, [Page 157]in the Point I; which I will make more plain in this following Example.
Suppose the following Field, containing 27 Acres, is to be divided between three Men, each to have Nine Acres; and the Lines of Division to run from a Pond in the Field, so that every one may have the benefit of the Water, without going over one another's Land.
First from the Pond ☉ draw Lines to every Angle, as ☉ A, ☉ B, ☉ C, ☉ D, ☉ E,; and then is the Figure
divided into five Triangles, each of which measure, and put the Contents down severally; which Contents reduce all into Perches, so will the Triangle.
- A ☉ B be 674 Perches,
- B ☉ C be 390 Perches,
- C ☉ D be 1238 Perches,
- D ☉ E be 911 Perches,
- E ☉ A be 1107 Perches,
the whole Content being 4320 Perches, or 27 Acres, each Man's Proportion being 1440 Perches.
From ☉ to any Angle draw a Line for the first Division-line, as ☉ A. Then consider that the first Angle A ☉ B is but 674 Perches, and the second B ☉ C 390, both together but 1064 Perches, less by 376 than 1440, one Man's Portion. You must therefore cut off from the third Angle C ☉ D 376 Perches for the first Man's Dividing-line; which thus you may do: The Base DC is 18 Chains; the Content of the Triangle 1238 Perches: Say then, if 1238 Perches give Base 18 Chains, 00 Links: What shall 376 Perches give? Answer 5 Chains, 45 Links; which set from C to F, and drawing the Line ☉ F, you have the first Man's part, viz. A ☉ F.
Secondly, See what remains of the Triangle C ☉ D 376 being taken out, and you will find it to be 862 Perches, which is less by 578 than 1440. Therefore from the Triangle D ☉ E cut off 578 Perches, and the point of Division will fall in G. Draw the Line ☉ G, which with ☉ A and ☉ F, divides the Figure into three Equal Parts.
How to Divide a Circle according to any Proportion, by a Line Concentrick with the first.
All Circles are in Proportion to one another as the Squares of their Diameters; therefore if you divide the Square of Diameter or Semi-diameter, and extract the Root, you will have your desire.
Let ABCD be a Circle to be equally divided between two Men.
- The Diameter thereof is 2 Chains:
- The Semi-diameter 1 Chain, or 100 Links:
- The Square thereof 10100:
- Half the Square [...]
The Root of the Half 71 Links, which take from your Scale, and upon the same Centre draw the Circle GEHF, which divides the Circle ABCD into Equal Parts.
Trigonometry: Or the Mensuration of Right Lined Triangles.
THe Use of the Table of Logarithm Numbers, I have shewed you in Chap. I. concerning the Extraction of the Square Root. Here follows
The use of the Tables of Sines and Tangents.
Any Angle being given in Degrees and Minutes, how to find the Sine or Tangent thereof.
Let 25 Degrees 10 Minutes be given to find the Sine and Tangent thereof; first in the Table of Sines and Tangents, at the Head thereof seek for 25, and having found it, look down the first Column on the Left-hand under M for the 10 Minutes, and right against under the Title Sin. stands the Sine required, viz. 9,659517; also in the same Line under the Title Tang. stands the Tangent of 25°: 10′, viz. 9,710282: But if the Degrees exceed 45, then look at the Foot of the Tables for the Degrees, and up the Right-hand Column for the Minutes; and right against you will find the Sine and Tangent above the Title Sine Tang. thus the Sine of 64° Degrees 50′ Minutes is 9,956684, the Tangent thereof is 10,328037.
How to find the Cosine or Sine Complement; the Cotangent or Tangent Complement of any given Degrees and Minutes.
The Cosine or Cotangent is nothing more but the Sine and Tangent of the remaining Degrees and Minues after substraction from 90, thus, take 25 Degrees 10 Minutes from 90 Degrees, 00 Minutes, there will remain 64 Degrees 50 Minutes, the Sine of which, is as before 9,956684, and that is the Sine Complement of 25 Degrees 10 Minutes.
But the more ready way to find the Cosine or Cotangent of any number of Degrees given, is to look for the Degrees and Minutes, as before taught, for Sines and Tangents, and right against, under the Titles Cosine and Cotangent; or above, if the Degrees exceed 45, you will find the Cosine or Cotangent require: Thus the Cosine of 30 Degrees 15 Minutes is 9,702236; the Cotangent of 58 Degrees 10 Minutes is 9,792974.
Any Sine or Tangent, Co-sine or Co-tangent being given, to find the Degrees and Minutes belonging thereto.
This is only the converse of the former, for you must seek in the Tables for the Sine, &c. given, or the nighest that can be be found thereto; and right against it you will find the Minutes and Degrees overhead. Let the Sine 8,742259 be given, right against it stands 3 Degrees 10 Minutes.
Remember well that Multiplication is performed with these Logarithm Tables by Addition, and Division by Substraction. If I were to multiply 5 by 4, first I look for the Logarithm of 5, which is
0,698970 | |
The Logarithm of 4 is | 0,602060 |
Added together, they make | 1,301030 |
which 1,301030 I seek for in the Logarithm Tables, and right against, under Title Num. stands 20, the Product of 5 multiplyed by 4.
If I were to divide 20 by 5, first I look for the Logarithm of 20, which as above, is
1,301030 | |
The Logarithm of 5 is | 0,698970 |
After Substraction remains | 0,602060 |
and the Number answering to that Logarithm, you will find to be 4.
And thus by Addition and Substraction the Rule of Three, is performed with the Logarithms, viz. by adding the two last together, and out of their Product substracting the First.
If 15 give 32, what shall 45 give?
The Logarithm of 15 is | 1,176091 |
The Logarithm of 45 is | 1,653212 |
The Logarithm of 32 is | 1,505150 |
The two last added together, make | 3,158362 |
Out of which I substract the first, and there remains | 1,982271 |
Against which 1,982271, I find the Number 96. I answer therefore, If 15 gives 32, 45 shall give 96.
This you must observe to do in the following Cases of Triangles, always to add the second and third numbers together, and from their Product to Substract the first, the remainder will be the Logarithm Number, Sine or Tangent, of your required Line or Angle.
Certain Theorems for the better understanding Right-Lined Triangles.
1. A Right-Lined Triangle is a Figure comprehended within three Streight Lines.
2. Which is either Right-Angled as A, having one Right Angle, which contains just 90 Degrees, viz. that at b; or else Oblique as B, which consists of three Acute Angles, neither of them so great as 90 Degrees; or which consists of two Acute Angles and one Obtuse, viz. at that D.
3. All the three Angles of any Triangle are equal to two Right Angles, or 180 Degrees; so that one Angle being known, the other two together are known also; or two being known, the third is also known by Substracting the two known Angles out of 180 Degrees, the remainder is the third Angle.
4. To know well what the Quantity of an Angle is, take this following Demonstration.
Let ABCD be a Circle, whose Circumference is divided (as all Circles you must esteem so to be) into 360 Equal Parts, which are called Degrees, and each of those Degrees into 60 Equal Parts more, which are called Minutes: Now a Right-Angled Triangle is that which cuts off one fourth [Page 164]
part of this Circle, viz. Degrees, as you see the Triangle EFG to do.
An Angle that cuts off less than 90 Degrees, is called an Acute Angle, as HEF, which takes but 45 Degrees from the Circle.
GEI is an Obtuse Angle, for the two Lines that
[Page 165]proceed from E, take in between them more than a quarter of the Circle, viz. 113 Degrees.
5. Every Triangle hath six Parts, viz. three Sides and three Angles; the Sides are sometimes called Legs, but most commonly in Right-Angled Triangles, the Bottom Line, as BC is called the Base, AC the Perpendicular, and the longest Line AB is called the Hypothenuse. The Sides are all in proportion to the Sines of their opposite Angles; so that any three parts of the six being known, the rest may easily be searched out.
6. When an Angle exceeds 90 Degrees, substract it out of 180, and work by the remainder.
CASE i. In Right-Angled Triangles, the Base being given, and the Acute Angle at the Base; how to find the Hypothenusal Line, and the Perpendicular.
In the Right-Angled Triangle ABC, there is given the Base AB, which
is 26 Equal Parts, as Perches, or the like; the Angle at A is also given, which is 30 Degrees: Now to find the Length of the Hypothenuse AC, say thus,
As the Sine Complement of the Angle at A is to the Logarithm of the Base 26,
So is Radius or the Sine of 90° to the Logarithm of the Hypothenuse AC 30.
The Sine Complement of 30 Degrees is | 9,937531 |
The Logarithm of 26 is | 1,414973 |
The Radius, or Sine of 90° | 10,000000 |
The two last added together | 11,414973 |
Remains, after Substracting the first Number | 1,477442 |
Which if you look for in your Logarithm Tables, you will find the Number answering thereto to be 30, and so long is the Hypothenusal-line required.
Note in your Tables, when you cannot find exactly the Logarithm you look for, you must take the nearest thereto, as in this Example I find 1,477121 to be the nearest to 1477442. Mark also, that whereas I say, as the Sine-complement of the Angle at A, &c. you may as well say, as the Sine of the Angle at C is to the Log. &c. for the Angle at A being given in a Right-angled Triangle, you cannot be ignorant of the Angle at C. If you mind the Rule above, that all the three Angles of a Triangle are equal to two right Angles, or 180 Degrees; for if you take the Right-Angle at B 90°, and that at A 30° both known, and substract them out 180°, there remains only 60° for the Angle at C. But in pursuance of our Question.
How to find the Perpendicular.
As the Sine of the Angle ACB 60° is to the Log. of the Base 26 AB;
So the Sine of the Angle CAB 30° to the Log. of the Perpendicular CB 15.
Note, when I put three Letters to express an Angle, the Middlemost Letter denotes the Angular-Point.
The Sine of 60 deg. is | 9,937531 |
The Log. of the Base 26 AB, is | 1,414973 |
The Sine of 30 deg. is | 9,698970 |
The two last added | 11,113943 |
From which substract the first, and remains | 1,176412 |
The nearest number answering to which is 15, which is the Length of the Perpendicular-line CB.
Or otherwise; the Hypothenusal-line being first found, viz. AC 30. you may find the Perpendicular thus:
As the Sine of the Right-Ang. CBA or Rad. | 10,000000 |
is to the Log. of the Hypoth. AC 30 | 1,477121 |
So is the Sine of the Angle CAB 30 deg. | 9,698970 |
to the Log. of the Perpendicular 15 | [...] 1,176091 |
CASE ii. The Perpendicular and Angle ACB being given to find the Base and Hypothenusal.
Let the Perpendicular be CB 15, as before the Angle ACB 60 deg. to find the Base, work thus:
As the Co-sine of the Angle ACB is to the Logarith. of the Perpendicular BC 15;
So is the Sine of the Angle ACB to the Logarith. of the Base AB 26.
The Co-sine of the Angle ACB 60°, is | 9,698970 |
The Log. of CB 15, is | 1,176091 |
The Sine of the Angle ACB 60, is | 9,937531 |
11,113622 | |
The nearest Log. answering to 26, is | 1,414652 |
For the Hypothenusal.
As the Sine-complement of the Angle ACB 60° is to the Log. of the Perpendicular CB 15
So is the Sine of the Angle ABC, or Radius 90° to the Log. of the Hypothenusal 30°
The Co-sine of the Angle ACB, is | 9,698970 |
The Log. of the Perpend. CB 15, is | 1,176091 |
The Radius | 10,000000 |
The Log. of the Hypothenusal 30 | 1,477121 |
Or otherwise thus; the Base being first found, to find the Hypothenusal.
As the Sine of the Angle ACB 60° | 9,937531 |
is to the Log. of the Base 26 | 1,414973 |
So is Radius | 10,000000 |
to the Log. of the Hypothenusal (30) | 1,477442 |
CASE iii. The Hypothenusal, and either of the Acute Angles given, to find the Base and Perpendicular.
Let the Hypothenusal be AC 30
The Angle CAB 30°
To find the Base AB, work thus:
As the Sine of the Right-Angle CBA 90°, or Radius | 10,000000 |
is to the Log. of the Hypoth. AC 30 | 1,477121 |
So is the Co-sine of the Angle CAB 30 | 9,937531 |
to the Log. of the Base AB (26) | [...] 1,414652 |
To find the Perpendicular CB, work thus.
As the Sine of the Right-Angle CBA 90°, or Radius | 10,000000 |
is to the Log. of the Hypoth. AC 30 | 1,477121 |
So is the Sine of the Angle CAB 30 | 9,698970 |
to the Log. of the Perpend. (15) | [...] 1,176091 |
Or otherwise; the Base being found, to find the Perpendicular thus:
As the Co-sine of the Angle CAB 30° | 9,937531 |
is to the Log. of the Base AB 26 | 1,414973 |
So is the Sine of the Angle CAB (30°) | 1,698970 |
11,113943 | |
to the nearest Log. of the Perpend. (15) | 1,176412 |
CASE iv. The Hypothenusal and Base being given, to find the two Acute Angles, viz. ACB, and CAB.
Let AC, the Hypothenusal, be 30°
AB the Base 26. and the Angle ACB required.
As the Logarithm of the Hypothenusal AC 30 is to Radius, or the Sine of the Angle CBA 90;
So is the Logarithm of the Base AB 26 to the Sine of the Angle ACB 60.
The Operation.
The Logar. of the Hypothenusal AC 30 is | 1,477121 |
The Radius | 10,000000 |
The Logarithm of the Base AB 26 | 1,414973 |
The Sine of ACB, the Angle required, 60° | 9,937852 |
For the Angle CAB, work thus.
As the Logar. of the Hypothenuse AC 30 | 1,477121 |
is to the Radius 90 | 10,000000 |
So is the Logarithm of the Base AB 26 | 1,414973 |
to the Cosine of the Angle required 30 | 9,937852 |
CASE v. The Hypothenusal and Perpendicular being given, to find the Angles and Base.
The Hypothenusal is 30
The Perpendicular 15
ABC a Right Angle.
Now to find the Angle at A work thus.
As the Logar. of the Hypothenusal AC 30 | 1,477121 |
to the Radius | 10,000000 |
So is the Logar. of the Perpendicular 15 CB | 1,176091 |
to the Sine of the Angle at A 30° | 9,698970 |
To find the Angle at C work thus.
As the Logarithm of the Hypothenusal AC 30 is to the Radius 90 Degrees,
So is the Logarithm of the Perpendicular CB 15 to the Co-sine of the Angle at A 30, viz. 60 Deg.
Lastly to find the Base, work as you were taught in Case 2.
Here note that any two Sides of a Right Angled Triangle being given: the third Side may be found by extraction of the Square Root.
In the Right Angled Triangle A, let the given Base be 20, the Perpendicular 15, and the Hypothenusal required.
Square the Base 20, or multiply it by it self, and it makes 400; Square also the Perpendicular 15, and it makes 225, add the two Squares together, and they make 625, from which Summ extract the Square Root, which Root is the [Page 173]length of the Hypothenusal, viz. 25; [...] but if the Hypothenusal, and either of the other Sides be given to find the third, you must Substract the Lesser Square out of the Greater, and the Root of the remainder is the Side required: As for Example, the Hypothenusal 25 is given, and the Base 20, to find the Perpendicular multiply the Hypothenusal in it self, and it makes 625
Multiply the Base in it self and it makes | 400 |
which 400 Substract from 625, there remains | 225 |
the Root of which is 15, the Perpendicular required.
CASE vi. Of Oblique Angled Plain Triangles.
Two Sides of an Oblique Triangle being given, and an Angle opposite to either of the Sides, how to find the other two Angles and the third Side.
In the Triangle ABC there is given the Side AB 40, the Side BC 32, the Angle at A 40 Degrees, and the Angle at C is required.
Note that in Oblique Triangles, the same Rule holds good as in Right-Angled Triangles; viz. That the Sides are in such proportion one to another, as the Sines of their opposite Angles.
As the Logarithm of the Side BC 32 | 1,505150 |
is to the Sine of the Angle A 40 | 9,808067 |
So is the Logarithm of the Side AB 40 | 1,602060 |
11,410127 | |
to the Sine of the Angle at C 53°:28′ | 9.904977 |
To find the Angle at B,
Add the two known Angles together, viz. that at A 40, and that at C 53.28, and they make 93 Degrees 28 Minutes; which substracted from 180 Degrees, leaves 86 Degrees 32 Minutes, which is the Angle at B.
Lastly, to find the Line AC, say,
As the Sine of the Angle A 40 | 9,808067 |
is to the Logarithm of the Side BC 32 | 1,505150 |
So is the Sine of the Angle B 86°:32 | 9,999204 |
11,504354 | |
to the Log. of the Side AC required 50 | 1,696287 |
Mark, that though the nearest whole number answering to the Logarithm 1,696287 be 50; yet if you go to Fractions, the length of the Line AC is but 49 69/100.
CASE vii. Two Angles being given, and a Side opposite to one of them, to find the other opposite Side.
In the foregoing Triangle there is given the Angle A 40 Degrees, the Angle C 53 Degrees 28 Minutes; also the Side AB 40: To find the Side BC work thus.
As the Sine of the Angle C 53°:28′ | 9,904992 |
is to the Logarithm of the Side AB 40 | 1,602060 |
So is the Sine of the Angle A 40 | 9,808067 |
11,410127 | |
To the Log. of the Side BC, nearest 32 | 1,505135 |
CASE viii. Two Sides of a Triangle being given, with the Angle contained by them, to find either of the other Angles.
In the Triangle ABC there is given the Side AB 197
The Side AC 500
The Angle at A 40 Degrees;
Now to find either of the other Angles work thus.
As the Log. of the Summ of the 2 Sides 697 | 2,843233 |
is to the Logar. of their Difference 303 | 2,481443 |
So is the Tang of the half Summ of the two Opposite Angles 70 Degrees | 10,438934 |
12,920377 | |
to the Tangent of 50 Degrees 4 Min. | 10,077144 |
which 50° 4′ added to the half Summ of the two unknown Angles, viz. 70° makes 120° 4′, which is the Quantity of the Angle at B, also taken from 70, leaves 19 deg. 56′, which is the Angle at C.
CASE ix. Three Sides of an Oblique Triangle being given, to find the Angles.
You must first Divide your Oblique Triangle into two Right Angled Triangles thus.
In the Triangle ABC
The Side AC is | 50 |
The Side AB | 36 |
The Side BC | 20 |
The Summ of the two Lesser Sides | 56 |
The Difference of the two Lesser Sides | 16 |
As the Log. of the greatest Side AC 50 | 1,698970 |
is to the Logar. of the Summ of the two Lesser Sides 56 | 1,748188 |
So is the Differ. of the two Lesser Sides 16 | 1,204120 |
2,952308 | |
to the Log. of a fourth Number 18 | 1,253338 |
Substract this 18 out of the greatest Side AC 50, and there remains 32, the half of which, viz. 16, is the Base of the Lesser Right-Angled Triangle, and the remainer of the Line AC, viz. AD 34 is the Base of the Greater Right-Angled Triangle, with which this Oblique Triangle is divided.
And now of either Right-Angled Triangle BDC, or BDA, you have the Base and Hypothenuse given to find the Angles; which you must do as you were before taught, Case iv.
Note that you may better and easier find the fourth Number, for dividing an Oblique-angled Triangle into two Right-Angled Triangles by Vulgar Arithmetick, [Page 178]than by the Tables of Logarithms, for in the above Triangle, if you say, If 50 give 56, what shall 16 give? Multiply and Divide, the Answer is 17 46/50. There is another way used by Arithmeticians, in my Opinion better than the former, which is this.
Square the three given Sides, add the two greater Squares together; and from that Summ Substract the Lesser; half the remainder divide by the greatest Side; the Quotient will be the Base of the Greater Right-Angled Triangle.
In the fore-going Triangle, the Square of the greatest Side AC 50, is | 2500 |
The Square of the Side AB 36, is | 1296 |
Added together, make | 3796 |
From which substract the Square of the least Side | 400 |
Remains | 3396 |
The Half | 1698 |
Which 1698 divide by 50 the longest Side; the Quotient is 33 42/50, the Base of the greater Right-Angled Triangle, viz. AD; and that being substracted out of 50, leaves 16 2/50, for the Base of the smaller Right-Angled Triangle, viz. DC.
CASE x. The three Sides of an Oblique Triangle being given, how to find the Superficial Content without knowing the Perpendicular.
From half the Sum of the three Sides, substract each particular Side. Add the Logarithms of the three Differences, also the Log. of half the Sum of the three Sides together. Half the Total is the Log. of the Content required.
In the foregoing Triangle, the Sides are 50, 36, 20, their Sum is 106: The half Sum 53.
The differences between the half Sum and each particular Side, are | 3 Log. | 0.477121 |
17 | 1.230449 | |
33 | 1.518514 | |
The half Sum | 53 | 1.724276 |
Total added | 4.950360 | |
The Half | 2.475180 |
The Number answering to that Log. is 298 which is the Content of the Triangle required.
By Vulgar Arithmetick, thus.
Multiply the First Difference by the Second; that Product by the Third; that Product by the Half Sum. Lasty, Extract the Square-Root, and you have the [Page 180]Superficial Content. So 3 multiplied by 17. makes 51; which multiplied by 33, makes 1683. that multiplied by 53, the half Sum makes 89199. the Square-Root of which is 298, the Content required.
Of Heights and Distances.
How to take the Heighth of a Tower, Steeple, Tree, or any such thing.
LEt AB be a Tower, whose Height you would know.
Frist, At any convenient distance, as at C, place your Semi-circle, or what other Instrument you judge more fit for the taking an Angle of Altitude, as a large Quadrant, or the like, and there observe the Angle ACB. But to be more plain, place your Semi-circle at C; and having turn'd it down by a Plumb, make it to stand Horizontal, which it does when a Plummet-line fixt to the Centre, falls just upon 90 deg. (in some Semi-circles there is a Line on the Back-side of the Brass Limb on purpose for the setting of it Horizontal.) Then (first skrewing the Instrument fast) move the Index up and down, till through the Sights you espy the top of the Tower at A. See then what Deg. upon the Limb are cut by the Index, [Page 181]which let be 58, so much is your Angle of Altitude. Measure next the distance betwen your Instrument and the foot of the Tower, viz. the Line CD, which
let be 25 Yards: Then have you all the Angles given, (admitting the Angle the Tower makes with the Ground, viz. d to be a Right-Angle) and the Base to find the Perpendicular AB; which you may do, as you were taught in Case I. Of Trigonometry: For if you take 58 from 90, there remains 32 for the Angle at A. Then say, [Page 182]
As the Sine of the Angle A 32 | 9724210 |
is to the Log. of the Base CD 25 | 1397940 |
So is the Sine of the Augle C 58 | 9928420 |
to the Log. Heighth of the Towere, AB, or rather AD, 40 Yards | 11326360 |
1,602150 |
To this 40 Yards you must add the height of your Instrument from the Ground; or which is better, look through your Fixed-Sight to the Tower, and mark where your Sight falls upon the Tower, and measure from that place to the ground, which add to the former Heighth found. In this way of taking Heighths, the Ground ought to be very level, or you may make great Mistakes. Also the Tower or Tree should stand perpendicular: Or else you must measure to such a place, where a Perpendicular would fall, if let down; as AB is not a Perpendicular, but A d, therefore measure the Distance C d, for you Base.
This you may plainly understand by the foregoing Figure; for if standing at C, you were to take the Heighth of the Tower and Steeple to E: The Angle ECB is the same as the Angle ACB; and if you measure only CB or CD, you will make the Heighth FE the same as DA; which by the Figure you plainly perceive to be a great Error: Therefore to take the Heighth FE, you should measure from C to F.
How to take the Heighth of a Tower, &c. when you cannot come nigh the Foot thereof.
In the foregoing Figure, let AB be the Tower, and suppose CB to be a Moat, or some other hindrance, that you cannot come nigher than C to take the Heighth. Therefore at C plant your Instrument, and take (as before) the Angle ACB 58 deg. Then go backwards any convenient distance, as to G, there also take the Angle AGB 38 deg. This done, substract 58 from 180, so have you 122 deg. the Angle ACG. Then 122 and 38 being taken from 180, remains 20 for the Angle GAC. The Distance GC measured, is 26. Now by Trigonometry, say,
As the Sine of the Angle A 20 | 9534052 |
is to the Log. of the Distance GC 26 | 1414973 |
So is the Sine of the Angle G 38 | 9789342 |
11204315 | |
to the Log of the Line AC 47 | 1,670263 |
As Radius the Right-Angle B | 10,000000 |
is to the Log. of the Line AC 47 | 1672098 |
So is the Sine of the Angle C 58 | 9928420 |
To the Log. Heighth of the Tower 40 Yards | [...] 1,600518 |
But still, as I told you before, the Ground is understood to be level. However, if it be not, I will shew you,
How to take the Heighth of a Tower, &c. when the Ground either riseth or falls.
AB is the Tower, CB the Hill whereon you are to take the Heighth of the Tower; plant your Semicirle
in any place of the Hill, as at C, then turn it down, and make it stand Horizontal, as before directed, the Diameter then pointing to d of the Tower, [Page 185]turn the Moveable Index to A, and take the Angle AC d; which let be 19 Degrees 30 Minutes. Take also the Angle d CB, which is 45 Degrees 30 Minutes; measure also the Distanee CB 56 Yards, take 19 Degrees 30 Minutes out of 90 Degrees 00 Minutes, there remains 70 Degrees 30 Minutes for the Angle at A, then say
As Sine 70° : 30′ | 9974346 |
is to the Distance CB 56 Yards, Logar. | 1748188 |
So are both the Angles at C 19 30 and 45 30, viz. 65 [...]00′ Sine | 9957276 |
11705464 | |
to the Heighth of the Tower 54 Yards, Log. | 1,731118 |
To take this at two Stations, without approaching the Foot of the Tower, is no more than what has been said before; for if you take your Angles at C, and then measure to F, and there in like manner, as before, take your Angles again, thereby you may find all the Angles, and the Line AF, then say,
As the Sine of the Angle ABF is to the Logarithm of the Line FA,
So is the Sine of the Angle AFB To the Logarithm of the Heighth of the Tower AB.
Of Distances.
Although I have before shewed how to take Distances by Surveying a Field at two Stations, yet since it seems naturally to come in here again, I will give you one Example thereof: Suppose this following Figure to be a Piece of a River, and you measuring [Page 186]along one Side of it, would as well know the Breadth of it, as also make a true Plot thereof, by putting down what remarkable things are seen on the other Side.
Beginning at ☉ 1, the first Station, cause one of your Assistants to go to the next Bend of the River, as ☉ 2, and there set up a Mark for you; then see what Angle from the Meridian ☉ 1, ☉ 2 makes, which let be N. W. 6 Degrees; also seeing several Marks on the other Side of the River, take their Bearings, as the House A, which stands upon the Bank, and is a good Mark for the Bredth of the River bears N. W. 52 Degrees, the Wind-mill B up in the Land, bears N. W. 40 deg. The Tree C by the Water-side, bears N. W. 17 deg. All this note down in your Field-Book, and measure the distance ☉ 1, ☉ 2, 18 Chains, 20 Links. After this coming to ☉ 2, see how the next bend of the River bears from you, viz. ☉ 3; which is NE 15 deg. See also how the House A there bears from you, viz. S. W. 20 deg. The Wind-mill S. W. 50 deg. The Tree N. W. 77. Also as you are going forward, if you see any thing more at this second Station, take the bearing thereof, as a noted House D up in the Land, bears N. W. 28° And a Church E close by the Rivers brink N. W. 4° Measure the distance 2, 3, and placing your Instrument at 3, the Church bears from you N.W. 88 deg. The House up in the Land D you cannot see for the Church, therefore let it alone for the next Station. But here you may see forward a little Village F, the first House whereof bears from you N. W. 32 deg. Measure the distance 3, 4, and planting your Instrument in 4, the first House of the Village F bears from you S. W. 32 deg. and the House D, which you could [Page]
[Page 188]not see at the third Station, S. W. 24°. Having put down all these things in your Field-Book, it will not look much unlike this,
- ☉ 1 N. W. 6° 18 Ch. 20 Lin.
- Observation A Tree upon the brink of the River, bears N. W. 17° 00′
- Observation A Wind-mill up in the Land N. W. 40° 00′
- Observation A House upon the Rivers bank N. W. 52° 00′
- ☉ 2 N. E. 15° 18 Ch. 10 Lin.
- The Tree N. W. 77° These look back to the Observation of ☉ 1.
- The House S. W. 20° These look back to the Observation of ☉ 1.
- The Wind-mill S. W. 50° These look back to the Observation of ☉ 1.
- A noted House far up in the Land N. W. 28° Forward Observations.
- A Church upon the Rivers bank N. W. 4° Forward Observations.
- ☉ 3 N. W. 15° 20 Ch. 50 Lin.
- The Church bears N. W. 88° These look back to the Obser. of ☉ 2.
- The noted House cannot be seen These look back to the Obser. of ☉ 2.
- The end of a little Village N. W. 32 A forward Observation.
- ☉ 4—
- The end of the little Village S. W. 32° These respect ☉ 3 and ☉ 2.
- The House respecting ☉ 2 in the Land S. W. 24° These respect ☉ 3 and ☉ 2.
To Protract this, draw the Line NS for a Meridian, and laying your Protractor upon it, the Centre thereof to ☉ 1; against NW 6 make a Mark for the Line that goes to ☉ 2. Also against NW 17 make a Mark for the Tree, and against 40 and 52, [Page 189]for the Wind-mill and House. Then from ☉ 1 through these Marks draw the Lines ☉ A, ☉ B, ☉ C, ☉ 2.
Secondly, Take from your Scale 18 Ch. 20 Lin. and set it off upon the Line ☉ 2, which will reach to ☉ 2. There lay again the Centre of your Protractor, the Diameter thereof parallel to the Line NS, and make Marks, as you see in the Field-Book, against NE 15. NW 77. SW 20. SW 50. NW 28. NW 4°. and through these Marks draw Lines. The first Line directs to your third Station; the second Line NW 77. directs you to the Tree C upon the Rivers bank; for that Line cutting the Line ☉ 1 C, shews you by the Intersection where the Tree stood, and also the Bredth of the River. Also the Line SW 20 cuts the Line from the first Station NW 52, in the place where the House A stands upon the Bank of the River. If therefore you draw a Line from A to C, it will represent the farther Bank of the River. And so you may proceed on Plotting, according to the Notes in your Field-Book; and you will not only have a true Plot of the River, but also know how far the Wind-mill B, and the House D, stand from the Water-side.
How to take the Horizontal-line of a Hill.
When you measure a Hill, you must measure the Superficies thereof, and accordingly cast up the Contents. But when you Plot it down, because you cannot make a Convex Superficies upon the Paper, you must only plot the Horizontal or Base thereof; which you must shadow over with the resemblance of a Hill, that other Surveyors, when they apply your [Page 190]Scale thereto, may not say you was Mistaken. And you may find this Horizontal or Base-line, after the same manner as you have been taught to take Heighths.
For suppose ABCD a Hill, whose Base you would know. Plant your Semi-circle at A, and cause a Mark to be set up at B, so high above the top of the
Hill, as the Instrument stands from the Ground at A; and making your Instrument Horizontal, take the Angle BAD 58 deg. Measure the Distance AB 16 Chains, 80 Links. Then say,
As Radius | 10000000 |
is to the Line AB 16 Ch. 80 Lin. | 3225309 |
So is the Sine Complement of A 88° | 9724210 |
to part of the Base AD 8 Ch. 90 Lin. | [...] 2,949519 |
But if you have occasion to measure the whole Hill, plant again your Instrument at B, and take the Angle CBD, which let be 46 deg. Measure also the Distance BC 21 Ch. Then say, [Page 191]
As Radius | 10000000 |
is to the Line BC 21 Ch. 00 Lin. (Log.) | 1322219 |
So is the Line of the Angle CBD 46 | 9856934 |
to the part of the Base DC 15 Ch. 12 Lin. | [...] 1,179153 |
Which 15. 12. added to 8.90, makes 24 Chains, 2. Links, for the whole Base AG; which is to be plotted, and not AB and BC; although they are to be measured to find the Content of the Land.
I mentioned this way, for your better understanding how to take the Base of part of a Hill; for many times your Survey ends upon the side of a Hill. But if you find you are to take in the whole Hill, you need not take altogether so much pains as by the former way. As thus: Take, as before, the Angle A 58 deg. Measure also AB. Then at B take the whole Angle ABC 78 deg. Substract these two from 180 deg. remains 44 for the Angle at C. Then say,
As the Sine of the Angle C 44 is to the Log. of the Side AB;
So is the Sine of the Angle ABC to the Log. of the Base AC.
How to take the Shoals of a Rivers Mouth, and Plot the same.
Measure first the Sea coast on both Sides of the River Mouth, as far as you think you shall have occasion to make use thereof; and make a fair Draught thereof, putting down every remarkable thing in its true Situation, as Trees, Houses, Towns, Wind-mills, &c. Then going out in a Boat to such [Page 192]Sands or Rocks as make the Entrance difficult, at every considerable bend of the Sands, take with a Sea-Compass the bearing thereof to two known Marks upon the Shore, and having so gon round all the Sands and Rocks, you may easily upon the Plot before taken, draw Lines which shall intersect each other at every considerable Point of the Sands, whereby you may truly prick out the Sands, and give good Directions either for laying Buyos, or making Marks upon the Shore for the Direction of Shipping.
Suppose the following Figure to be a piece of some Sea-Coast. First I make a fair Draught of it, with the Mouth of the River as far up as there is occasion, putting down every remarkable thing, as you see here, all but the Rocks and Sands excepted, which I am now going to shew you how to take. Go in a Boat down the River, till you find the beginning of the first Sand A, as at a, and there take a Sight to the Red-House, which let be S. W. 86 deg. also to the Tree, which is S. E. 6 deg. To Plot which, draw Lines quite contrary to your Observations; as from the Red-House draw a Line N. E. 86, and from the Tree a Line N. W. 6 deg. which two Lines will intersect each other in the Point a, which shews you the beginning of the Sand A. Row along the same Sand, sounding as you go, till you find it have a considerable bending, and there take again two Observations, as before, and Protract them too, when you come a-shore, in like manner. The like do at the bending of every Sand, till either you come round [Page 193]
the Sand, or come to the place where it joynswith the Shore.
It would be too tedious for you, and troublesom [Page 194]for me, to give you all the Observations, I having already in this Treatise so often described the same thing before; therefore I will mention only one place of Observation more; and if by that you do not understand the whole, I know not how to make you. In the Sand C, I find the bend (2,) and there, as I should do at all the rest, I take two Observations to such things on the Shore, as are most conspicuous unto me, viz. First, to the Beacon, which bears from me S. W. 25 deg. Secondly, to the Wind-mill, which bears from me N. W. 40 deg. Now after I have taken the other Angles or Bends of that Sand, and am come Home, I draw a Line from the Beacon-opposite to my Observation S. W. 25 deg. viz. N. E. 25 deg. Also from the Wind mill I draw a Line S. E. 40 deg. Now where these two Lines intersect each other, as they do at 2, I mark for one Point of the Sand C. In like manner as I did this, I observe, and protract every Line of the Sand C, and of all the other Sands and Rocks, be there never so many; and so will you have a fair Map, fitting for Seamens Use, better done, I think, than in any place of the World yet, except for the Harbours of Eutopia.
Now to give Direction for Seamens coming in here, draw a Line through the middle of the South Channel, which Line will cut both the Church and Wind-mill; so that if a Ship coming from the Southward, brings the Church and Wind-mill both into one, and keep them so, she may boldly run in, till she brings the Rivers mouth fair open, and then sail up the River. Likewise coming from the Northward, must first bring the Tree and Beacon both into one, and keep them so till the Rivers mouth is fair open. But lest they should mistake, and run upon the ends of the Sands A or B, it would be necessary [Page 195]that a Mark was set up behind the Red-House, in a streight Line with the middle of the River, as [...] Then a Ship coming from the Southward, or Northward, let her keep her former Marks both in one, till she bring the Red House and [...] both in one; and then keeping them so, run boldly up the River, till all Danger is past. I have put down this Wind-mill and Beacon, not as if such good Marks would always happen; but to shew you how to place Marks, if it be required; or to lay Buoys.
You must mind after you have taken all the Sands, to take the Soundings also, quite cross the Channels, all up and down, and to put them down accordingly; the best time for doing which, is at Low-Water, in Spring-Tides.
How to know whether Water may be made to run from a Spring-head to any appointed Place.
For this Work, the Diameter of the Semi-circle is a little too short; however an indifferent shift may be made therewith, but it is better to get a Water-level, such as you may buy at the Instrument-Makers; with which being provided, as also with two Assistants, and each of them with a Staff divided into Feet, Inches, and Parts of an Inch, go to the Spring-head; and causing your first Assistant to stand there with his Staff perpendicular, make the other go in a Right-line towards the place designed for bringing the Water, any convenient distance, as 100, 150, or 200 Yards, and there let him stand, and hold his Staff perpendicular also. Then set your Instrument nigh the Mid-way between them, making it stand Level, or Horizontal; and look through the Sights thereof to your first Assistant's Staff, he moving a white piece of Paper up or down the [Page 196]Staff, according to the Signs you make to him, till through the Sights you espy the very Edge of the Paper. Then by a Sign make him to understand that you have done with him; and let him write down how many Feet, Inches and Parts the Paper rested upon. Also going to the other end of your Level, do the same by the second Assistant, and let him write down also what number of Feet, &c. the Paper was from the Ground. This done, let your first Assistant come to the second Assistant's place, and there let him again stand with his Staff; and let the second Assistant go forward 100 or 200 Yards, as before; and placing your self and Instrument in the midst, between them, take your Observations altogether, as before, and let them put them down in like manner: And so must you do till you come to the place whereto the Water is to be conveyed. Then examine the Notes of both your Assistants, and if the Notes of the second Assistant exceed that of the first, you may be sure the Place is lower than the Spring-head, and that therefore Water may be well conveyed. But if the first's Notes exceed the seconds, you may conclude it impossible, without Engines, or the like.
☉ 1 | 4 | 3 | 5 |
☉ 2 | 12 | 4 | 2 |
☉ 3 | 3 | 5 | 1 |
20 | 0 | 8 |
☉ 1 | 14 | 5 | 1 |
☉ 2 | 4 | 6 | 3 |
☉ 3 | 9 | 2 | 4 |
28 | 1 | 8 |
Here you see the second Assistant's Note exceeds the first, 8 Feet, 1 Inch; which is enough to bring the Water with a strong current, and to make it also rise up 6 or 7 Feet in the House, if occasion be; for such as have written of this Matter, allow but 4 Inches and ½ Fall in a Mile to make the Water run.
A TABLE OF THE Northing or Southing, Easting or Westing of every Degree from the Meridian, according to the Number of Chains run upon any Degree.
Distance, | 1 Deg. | Distance, | 2 Deg. | Distance, | 3 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | 1.0 | .0 | 1 | 1.0 | .0 | 1 | 1.0 | .1 |
2 | 2.0 | .0 | 2 | 2.0 | .1 | 2 | 2.0 | .1 |
3 | 3.0 | .0 | 3 | 3.0 | .1 | 3 | 3.0 | .1 |
4 | 4.0 | .1 | 4 | 4.0 | .1 | 4 | 4.0 | .2 |
5 | 5.0 | .1 | 5 | 5.0 | .2 | 5 | 5.0 | .2 |
6 | 6.0 | .1 | 6 | 6.0 | .2 | 6 | 6.0 | .3 |
7 | 7.0 | .1 | 7 | 7.0 | .2 | 7 | 7.0 | .4 |
8 | 8.0 | .1 | 8 | 8.0 | .3 | 8 | 8.0 | .4 |
9 | 9.0 | .2 | 9 | 9.0 | .3 | 9 | 9.0 | .5 |
10 | 10.0 | .2 | 10 | 10.0 | .3 | 10 | 10.0 | .5 |
20 | 20.0 | .4 | 20 | 20.0 | .7 | 20 | 20.0 | 1.0 |
30 | 30.0 | .5 | 30 | 30.0 | 1.0 | 30 | 30.0 | 1.6 |
40 | 40.0 | .7 | 40 | 40.0 | 1.4 | 40 | 40.0 | 2.1 |
50 | 50.0 | .9 | 50 | 50.0 | 1.7 | 50 | 50.0 | 2.6 |
60 | 60.0 | 1.1 | 60 | 60.0 | 2.1 | 60 | 59.9 | 3.1 |
70 | 70.0 | 1.2 | 70 | 70.0 | 2.4 | 70 | 69.9 | 3.7 |
80 | 80.0 | 1.4 | 80 | 80.0 | 2.8 | 80 | 79.9 | 4.2 |
90 | 90.0 | 1.6 | 90 | 89.9 | 3.1 | 90 | 89.9 | 4.7 |
100 | 100.0 | 1.8 | 100 | 99.9 | 3.5 | 100 | 99.9 | 5.2 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
89 Deg. | 88 Deg. | 87 Deg. |
Distance, | 4 Deg. | Distance, | 5 Deg. | Distance, | 6 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | 1.0 | .1 | 1 | 1.0 | .1 | 1 | 1.0 | .1 |
2 | 2.0 | .1 | 2 | 2.0 | .2 | 2 | 2.0 | .2 |
3 | 3.0 | .2 | 3 | 3.0 | .3 | 3 | 3.0 | .3 |
4 | 4.0 | .3 | 4 | 4.0 | .3 | 4 | 4.0 | .4 |
5 | 5.0 | .3 | 5 | 5.0 | .4 | 5 | 5.0 | .5 |
6 | 6.0 | .4 | 6 | 6.0 | .5 | 6 | 6.0 | .6 |
7 | 7.0 | .5 | 7 | 7.0 | .6 | 7 | 7.0 | .7 |
8 | 8.0 | .6 | 8 | 8.0 | .7 | 8 | 8.0 | .8 |
9 | 9.0 | .6 | 9 | 9.0 | .8 | 9 | 8.9 | .9 |
10 | 10.0 | .7 | 10 | 10.0 | .9 | 10 | 9.9 | 1.0 |
20 | 20.0 | 1.4 | 20 | 19.9 | 1.7 | 20 | 19.9 | 2.1 |
30 | 29.9 | 2.1 | 30 | 29.9 | 2.6 | 30 | 29.8 | 3.1 |
40 | 39.9 | 2.8 | 40 | 39.8 | 3.5 | 40 | 39.8 | 4.2 |
50 | 49.9 | 3.5 | 50 | 49.8 | 4.4 | 50 | 49.7 | 5.2 |
60 | 59.9 | 4.2 | 60 | 59.8 | 5.3 | 60 | 59.7 | 6.3 |
70 | 69.8 | 4.9 | 70 | 69.7 | 6.1 | 70 | 69.6 | 7.3 |
80 | 79.8 | 5.7 | 80 | 79.7 | 7.1 | 80 | 79.6 | 8.3 |
90 | 89.8 | 6.3 | 90 | 89.7 | 7.9 | 90 | 89.5 | 9.4 |
100 | 99.8 | 7.0 | 100 | 99.6 | 8.7 | 100 | 99.5 | 10.4 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
86 Deg. | 85 Deg. | 84 Deg. |
Distance, | 7 Deg. | Distance, | 8 Deg. | Distance, | 9 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | 1.0 | .1 | 1 | 1.0 | .1 | 1 | 1.0 | .2 |
2 | 2.0 | .2 | 2 | 2.0 | .3 | 2 | 2.0 | .3 |
3 | 3.0 | .4 | 3 | 3.0 | .4 | 3 | 3.0 | .5 |
4 | 4.0 | .5 | 4 | 4.0 | .6 | 4 | 4.0 | .6 |
5 | 5.0 | .6 | 5 | 5.0 | .7 | 5 | 4.9 | .8 |
6 | 6.0 | .7 | 6 | 5.9 | .8 | 6 | 5.9 | .9 |
7 | 6.9 | .8 | 7 | 6.9 | 1.0 | 7 | 6.9 | 1.1 |
8 | 7.9 | 1.0 | 8 | 7.9 | 1.1 | 8 | 7.9 | 1.3 |
9 | 8.9 | 1.1 | 9 | 8.9 | 1.3 | 9 | 8.9 | 1.4 |
10 | 9.9 | 1.2 | 10 | 9.9 | 1.4 | 10 | 9.9 | 1.6 |
20 | 19.9 | 2.4 | 20 | 19.8 | 2.8 | 20 | 19.8 | 3.1 |
30 | 29.8 | 3.7 | 30 | 29.7 | 4.2 | 30 | 29.6 | 4.7 |
40 | 39.7 | 4.9 | 40 | 39.6 | 5.6 | 40 | 39.5 | 6.3 |
50 | 49.6 | 6.1 | 50 | 49.5 | 7.0 | 50 | 49.4 | 7.8 |
60 | 59.6 | 7.3 | 60 | 59.4 | 8.3 | 60 | 59.3 | 9.4 |
70 | 69.5 | 8.5 | 70 | 69.3 | 9.7 | 70 | 69.1 | 10.9 |
80 | 79.4 | 9.8 | 80 | 79.2 | 11.1 | 80 | 79.0 | 12.5 |
90 | 89.3 | 11.0 | 90 | 89.1 | 12.5 | 90 | 88.9 | 14.1 |
100 | 99.3 | 12.2 | 100 | 99.0 | 13.9 | 100 | 98.8 | 15.6 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
83 Deg. | 82 Deg. | 81 Deg. |
Distance, | 10 Deg. | Distance, | 11 Deg. | Distance, | 12 Deg | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | 1.0 | .2 | 1 | 1.0 | .2 | 1 | 1.0 | .2 |
2 | 2.0 | .3 | 2 | 2.0 | .4 | 2 | 2.0 | .4 |
3 | 3.0 | .5 | 3 | 2.9 | .6 | 3 | 2.9 | .6 |
4 | 3.9 | .7 | 4 | 3.9 | .8 | 4 | 3.9 | .8 |
5 | 4.9 | .9 | 5 | 4.9 | .9 | 5 | 4.9 | 1.0 |
6 | 5.9 | 1.0 | 6 | 5.9 | 1.1 | 6 | 5.9 | 1.2 |
7 | 6.9 | 1.2 | 7 | 6.9 | 1.3 | 7 | 6.8 | 1.5 |
8 | 7.9 | 1.4 | 8 | 7.8 | 1.5 | 8 | 7.8 | 1.7 |
9 | 8.9 | 1.6 | 9 | 8.8 | 1.7 | 9 | 8.8 | 1.9 |
10 | 9.9 | 1.7 | 10 | 9.8 | 1.9 | 10 | 9.8 | 2.1 |
20 | 19.7 | 3.5 | 20 | 19.6 | 3.8 | 20 | 19.6 | 4.2 |
30 | 29.6 | 5.2 | 30 | 29.4 | 5.7 | 30 | 29.3 | 6.2 |
40 | 39.4 | 6.9 | 40 | 39.3 | 7.6 | 40 | 39.1 | 8.3 |
50 | 49.2 | 8.7 | 50 | 49.1 | 9.5 | 50 | 48.9 | 10.4 |
60 | 59.1 | 10.4 | 60 | 58.9 | 11.4 | 60 | 58.7 | 12.5 |
70 | 68.9 | 12.1 | 70 | 68.7 | 13.4 | 70 | 68.5 | 14.6 |
80 | 78.8 | 13.9 | 80 | 78.5 | 15.3 | 80 | 78.3 | 16.6 |
90 | 88.6 | 15.6 | 90 | 88.3 | 17.2 | 90 | 88.0 | 18.7 |
100 | 98.5 | 17.4 | 100 | 98.9 | 19.1 | 100 | 97.8 | 20.8 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
80 Deg. | 79 Deg. | 78 Deg. |
Distance, | 13 Deg. | Distance, | 14 Deg. | Distance, | 15 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | 1.0 | .2 | 1 | 1.0 | .2 | 1 | 1.0 | .3 |
2 | 2.0 | .4 | 2 | 1.9 | .5 | 2 | 1.9 | .5 |
3 | 2.9 | .7 | 3 | 2.9 | .7 | 3 | 2.9 | .8 |
4 | 3.9 | .9 | 4 | 3.9 | 1.0 | 4 | 3.9 | 1.0 |
5 | 4.9 | 1.1 | 5 | 4.8 | 1.2 | 5 | 4.8 | 1.3 |
6 | 5.9 | 1.3 | 6 | 5.8 | 1.4 | 6 | 5.8 | 1.6 |
7 | 6.8 | 1.6 | 7 | 6.8 | 1.7 | 7 | 6.8 | 1.8 |
8 | 7.8 | 1.8 | 8 | 7.8 | 1.9 | 8 | 7.7 | 2.1 |
9 | 8.8 | 2.0 | 9 | 8.7 | 2.2 | 9 | 8.7 | 2.3 |
10 | 9.8 | 2.2 | 10 | 9.7 | 2.4 | 10 | 9.7 | 2.6 |
20 | 19.5 | 4.5 | 20 | 19.4 | 4.8 | 20 | 19.3 | 5.2 |
30 | 29.2 | 6.7 | 30 | 29.1 | 7.3 | 30 | 29.0 | 7.8 |
40 | 39.0 | 9.0 | 40 | 38.8 | 9.7 | 40 | 38.6 | 10.3 |
50 | 48.7 | 11.2 | 50 | 48.5 | 12.1 | 50 | 48.3 | 12.9 |
60 | 58.5 | 13.5 | 60 | 58.2 | 14.5 | 60 | 58.0 | 15.5 |
70 | 68.2 | 15.7 | 70 | 67.9 | 16.9 | 70 | 67.6 | 18.1 |
80 | 78.0 | 18.0 | 80 | 77.6 | 19.4 | 80 | 77.3 | 20.7 |
90 | 87.7 | 20.2 | 90 | 87.3 | 21.8 | 90 | 86.9 | 23.3 |
100 | 97.4 | 22.5 | 100 | 97.0 | 24.2 | 100 | 96.6 | 25.9 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
77 Deg. | 76 Deg. | 75 Deg. |
Distance, | 16 Deg | Distance, | 17 Deg. | Distance, | 18 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | 1.0 | .3 | 1 | 1.0 | .3 | 1 | 1.0 | .3 |
2 | 1.9 | .6 | 2 | 1.9 | .6 | 2 | 1.9 | .6 |
3 | 2.9 | .8 | 3 | 2.9 | .9 | 3 | 2.8 | .9 |
4 | 3.8 | 1.1 | 4 | 3.8 | 1.2 | 4 | 3.8 | 1.2 |
5 | 4.8 | 1.4 | 5 | 4.8 | 1.5 | 5 | 4.7 | 1.5 |
6 | 5.8 | 1.7 | 6 | 5.7 | 1.7 | 6 | 5.7 | 1.8 |
7 | 6.7 | 1.9 | 7 | 6.7 | 2.0 | 7 | 6.6 | 2.2 |
8 | 7.7 | 2.2 | 8 | 7.6 | 2.3 | 8 | 7.6 | 2.5 |
9 | 8.6 | 2.5 | 9 | 8.6 | 2.6 | 9 | 8.5 | 2.8 |
10 | 9.6 | 2.8 | 10 | 9.6 | 2.9 | 10 | 9.5 | 3.1 |
20 | 19.2 | 5.5 | 20 | 19.1 | 5.8 | 20 | 19.0 | 6.2 |
30 | 28.8 | 8.3 | 30 | 28.7 | 8.8 | 30 | 28.5 | 9.3 |
40 | 38.4 | 11.0 | 40 | 38.3 | 11.7 | 40 | 38.0 | 12.4 |
50 | 48.1 | 13.8 | 50 | 47.8 | 14.6 | 50 | 47.6 | 15.4 |
60 | 57.7 | 16.5 | 60 | 57.4 | 17.5 | 60 | 57.1 | 18.5 |
70 | 67.3 | 19.3 | 70 | 66.9 | 20.5 | 70 | 66.6 | 21.6 |
80 | 76.9 | 22.0 | 80 | 76.5 | 23.4 | 80 | 76.1 | 24.7 |
90 | 86.5 | 24.8 | 90 | 86.1 | 26.3 | 90 | 85.6 | 27.8 |
100 | 96.1 | 27.6 | 100 | 95.6 | 29.2 | 100 | 95.1 | 30.9 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
74 Deg. | 73 Deg. | 72 Deg. |
Distance, | 19 Deg. | Distance, | 20 Deg. | Distance, | 21 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | .9 | .3 | 1 | .9 | .3 | 1 | .9 | .4 |
2 | 1.9 | .6 | 2 | 1.9 | .7 | 2 | 1.9 | .7 |
3 | 2.8 | 1.0 | 3 | 2.8 | 1.0 | 3 | 2.8 | 1.1 |
4 | 3.8 | 1.3 | 4 | 3.8 | 1.4 | 4 | 3.7 | 1.4 |
5 | 4.7 | 1.6 | 5 | 4.7 | 1.7 | 5 | 4.7 | 1.8 |
6 | 5.7 | 2.0 | 6 | 5.6 | 2.0 | 6 | 5.6 | 2.1 |
7 | 6.6 | 2.3 | 7 | 6.6 | 2.4 | 7 | 6.5 | 2.5 |
8 | 7.5 | 2.6 | 8 | 7.5 | 2.7 | 8 | 7.5 | 2.9 |
9 | 8.5 | 2.9 | 9 | 8.5 | 3.1 | 9 | 8.4 | 3.2 |
10 | 9.4 | 3.3 | 10 | 9.4 | 3.4 | 10 | 9.3 | 3.6 |
20 | 18.9 | 6.5 | 20 | 18.8 | 6.8 | 20 | 18.7 | 7.2 |
30 | 28.4 | 9.8 | 30 | 28.2 | 10.3 | 30 | 28.0 | 10.7 |
40 | 37.8 | 13.10 | 40 | 37.6 | 13.7 | 40 | 37.3 | 14.3 |
50 | 47.3 | 16.3 | 50 | 47.0 | 17.1 | 50 | 46.7 | 17.9 |
60 | 56.7 | 19.5 | 60 | 56.4 | 20.5 | 60 | 56.0 | 21.5 |
70 | 66.2 | 22.8 | 70 | 65.8 | 23.9 | 70 | 65.3 | 25.1 |
80 | 75.6 | 26.1 | 80 | 75.2 | 27.4 | 80 | 74.7 | 28.7 |
90 | 85.1 | 29.3 | 90 | 84.6 | 30.8 | 90 | 84.0 | 32.3 |
100 | 94.5 | 32.6 | 100 | 94.0 | 34.2 | 100 | 93.3 | 35.8 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
71 Deg. | 70 Deg. | 69 Deg. |
Distance, | 22 Deg. | Distance, | 23 Deg. | Distance, | 24 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | .9 | .4 | 1 | .9 | .4 | 1 | .9 | .4 |
2 | 1.9 | .7 | 2 | 1.8 | .8 | 2 | 1.8 | .8 |
3 | 2.8 | 1.1 | 3 | 2.8 | 1.2 | 3 | 2.7 | 1.2 |
4 | 3.7 | 1.5 | 4 | 3.7 | 1.6 | 4 | 3.6 | 1.6 |
5 | 4.6 | 1.9 | 5 | 4.6 | 1.9 | 5 | 4.6 | 2.0 |
6 | 5.6 | 2.2 | 6 | 5.5 | 2.3 | 6 | 5.5 | 2.4 |
7 | 6.5 | 2.6 | 7 | 6.4 | 2.7 | 7 | 6.4 | 2.8 |
8 | 7.4 | 3.0 | 8 | 7.4 | 3.1 | 8 | 7.3 | 3.2 |
9 | 8.3 | 3.4 | 9 | 8.3 | 3.5 | 9 | 8.2 | 3.7 |
10 | 9.3 | 3.7 | 10 | 9.2 | 3.9 | 10 | 9.1 | 4.1 |
20 | 18.5 | 7.5 | 20 | 18.4 | 7.8 | 20 | 18.3 | 8.1 |
30 | 27.8 | 11.2 | 30 | 27.6 | 11.7 | 30 | 27.4 | 12.2 |
40 | 37.1 | 15.0 | 40 | 36.8 | 15.6 | 40 | 36.5 | 16.3 |
50 | 46.4 | 18.7 | 50 | 46.0 | 19.5 | 50 | 45.7 | 20.3 |
60 | 55.6 | 22.5 | 60 | 55.2 | 23.4 | 60 | 54.8 | 24.4 |
70 | 64.9 | 26.2 | 70 | 64.4 | 27.3 | 70 | 63.9 | 28.5 |
80 | 74.2 | 30.0 | 80 | 73.6 | 31.2 | 80 | 73.1 | 32.5 |
90 | 83.4 | 33.7 | 90 | 82.8 | 35.2 | 90 | 82.2 | 36.6 |
100 | 92.7 | 37.5 | 100 | 92.0 | 39.1 | 100 | 91.3 | 40.7 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
68 Deg. | 67 Deg. | 66 Deg. |
Distance, | 25 Deg. | Distance, | 26 Deg. | Distance, | 27 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | .9 | .4 | 1 | .9 | .4 | 1 | .9 | .5 |
2 | 1.8 | .8 | 2 | 1.8 | .9 | 2 | 1.8 | .9 |
3 | 2.7 | 1.3 | 3 | 2.7 | 1.3 | 3 | 2.7 | 1.4 |
4 | 3.6 | 1.7 | 4 | 3.6 | 1.8 | 4 | 3.6 | 1.8 |
5 | 4.5 | 2.1 | 5 | 4.5 | 2.2 | 5 | 4.5 | 2.3 |
6 | 5.4 | 2.5 | 6 | 5.4 | 2.6 | 6 | 5.3 | 2.7 |
7 | 6.3 | 3.0 | 7 | 6.3 | 3.1 | 7 | 6.2 | 3.2 |
8 | 7.2 | 3.4 | 8 | 7.2 | 3.5 | 8 | 7.1 | 3.6 |
9 | 8.1 | 3.8 | 9 | 8.1 | 3.9 | 9 | 8.0 | 4.1 |
10 | 9.1 | 4.2 | 10 | 9.0 | 4.4 | 10 | 8.9 | 4.5 |
20 | 18.1 | 8.4 | 20 | 18.0 | 8.8 | 20 | 17.8 | 9.1 |
30 | 27.2 | 12.7 | 30 | 27.0 | 13.1 | 30 | 26.7 | 13.6 |
40 | 36.2 | 16.9 | 40 | 36.0 | 17.5 | 40 | 35.6 | 18.2 |
50 | 45.3 | 21.1 | 50 | 44.9 | 21.9 | 50 | 44.5 | 22.7 |
60 | 54.4 | 25.4 | 60 | 53.9 | 26.3 | 60 | 53.5 | 27.2 |
70 | 63.4 | 29.6 | 70 | 62.9 | 30.7 | 70 | 62.4 | 31.8 |
80 | 72.5 | 33.8 | 80 | 71.9 | 35.1 | 80 | 71.3 | 36.3 |
90 | 81.6 | 38.0 | 90 | 80.9 | 39.4 | 90 | 80.2 | 40.9 |
100 | 90.6 | 42.3 | 100 | 89.9 | 43.8 | 100 | 89.1 | 45.4 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
65 Deg. | 64 Deg. | 63 Deg. |
Distance, | 28 Deg. | Distance, | 29 Deg. | Distance, | 30 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | .9 | .5 | 1 | .9 | .5 | 1 | .9 | .5 |
2 | 1.8 | .9 | 2 | 1.7 | 1.0 | 2 | 1.7 | 1.0 |
3 | 2.6 | 1.4 | 3 | 2.6 | 1.4 | 3 | 2.6 | 1.5 |
4 | 3.5 | 1.9 | 4 | 3.5 | 1.9 | 4 | 3.5 | 2.0 |
5 | 4.4 | 2.3 | 5 | 4.4 | 2.4 | 5 | 4.3 | 2.5 |
6 | 5.3 | 2.8 | 6 | 5.2 | 2.9 | 6 | 5.2 | 3.0 |
7 | 6.2 | 3.3 | 7 | 6.1 | 3.4 | 7 | 6.1 | 3.5 |
8 | 7.1 | 3.7 | 8 | 7.0 | 3.9 | 8 | 6.9 | 4.0 |
9 | 7.9 | 4.2 | 9 | 7.9 | 4.3 | 9 | 7.8 | 4.5 |
10 | 8.8 | 4.7 | 10 | 8.7 | 4.8 | 10 | 8.7 | 5.0 |
20 | 17.7 | 9.4 | 20 | 17.5 | 9.7 | 20 | 17.3 | 10.0 |
30 | 26.5 | 14.1 | 30 | 26.2 | 14.5 | 30 | 26.0 | 15.0 |
40 | 35.3 | 18.8 | 40 | 35.0 | 19.4 | 40 | 34.6 | 20.0 |
50 | 44.1 | 23.5 | 50 | 43.7 | 24.2 | 50 | 43.3 | 25.0 |
60 | 53.0 | 28.2 | 60 | 52.5 | 29.1 | 60 | 52.0 | 30.0 |
70 | 61.8 | 32.9 | 70 | 61.2 | 33.9 | 70 | 60.6 | 35.0 |
80 | 70.6 | 37.6 | 80 | 70.0 | 38.8 | 80 | 69.3 | 40.0 |
90 | 79.5 | 42.2 | 90 | 78.7 | 43.6 | 90 | 77.9 | 45.0 |
100 | 88.3 | 46.9 | 100 | 87.5 | 48.5 | 100 | 86.6 | 50.0 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | N. S. | N. S. |
62 Deg. | 61 Deg. | 60 Deg. |
Distance, | 31 Deg. | Distance, | 32 Deg. | Distance, | 33 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | .9 | .5 | 1 | .8 | .5 | 1 | .8 | .5 |
2 | 1.7 | 1.0 | 2 | 1.7 | 1.1 | 2 | 1.7 | 1.1 |
3 | 2.6 | 1.5 | 3 | 2.5 | 1.6 | 3 | 2.5 | 1.6 |
4 | 3.5 | 2.1 | 4 | 3.4 | 2.1 | 4 | 3.4 | 2.2 |
5 | 4.3 | 2.6 | 5 | 4.2 | 2.6 | 5 | 4.2 | 2.7 |
6 | 5.1 | 3.1 | 6 | 5.1 | 3.2 | 6 | 5.0 | 3.3 |
7 | 6.0 | 3.6 | 7 | 5.9 | 3.7 | 7 | 5.9 | 3.8 |
8 | 6.9 | 4.1 | 8 | 6.3 | 4.2 | 8 | 6.7 | 4.4 |
9 | 7.7 | 4.6 | 9 | 7.6 | 4.8 | 9 | 7.6 | 4.9 |
10 | 8.6 | 5.1 | 10 | 8.5 | 5.3 | 10 | 8.4 | 5.4 |
20 | 17.1 | 10.3 | 20 | 17.0 | 10.6 | 20 | 16.8 | 10.9 |
30 | 25.7 | 15.4 | 30 | 25.4 | 15.9 | 30 | 25.2 | 16.3 |
40 | 34.3 | 20.6 | 40 | 33.9 | 21.2 | 40 | 33.5 | 21.8 |
50 | 42.9 | 25.7 | 50 | 42.4 | 26.5 | 50 | 41.9 | 27.2 |
60 | 51.4 | 30.9 | 60 | 50.9 | 31.8 | 60 | 50.3 | 32.7 |
70 | 60.0 | 36.0 | 70 | 59.4 | 37.1 | 70 | 58.7 | 38.1 |
80 | 68.6 | 41.2 | 80 | 67.8 | 42.4 | 80 | 67.1 | 43.6 |
90 | 77.1 | 46.3 | 90 | 76.3 | 47.7 | 90 | 75.5 | 49.0 |
100 | 85.7 | 51.5 | 100 | 84.8 | 53.0 | 100 | 83.9 | 54.5 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
59 Deg. | 58 Deg. | 57 Deg. |
Distance, | 34 Deg. | Distance, | 35 Deg. | Distance, | 36 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | .8 | .6 | 1 | .8 | .6 | 1 | .8 | .6 |
2 | 1.7 | 1.1 | 2 | 1.7 | 1.1 | 2 | 1.6 | 1.2 |
3 | 2.5 | 2.7 | 3 | 2.5 | 1.7 | 3 | 2.4 | 1.8 |
4 | 3.3 | 2.2 | 4 | 3.3 | 2.3 | 4 | 3.2 | 2.3 |
5 | 4.1 | 2.8 | 5 | 4.1 | 2.9 | 5 | 4.0 | 2.9 |
6 | 5.0 | 3.4 | 6 | 4.9 | 3.4 | 6 | 4.8 | 3.5 |
7 | 5.8 | 3.9 | 7 | 5.7 | 4.0 | 7 | 5.7 | 4.1 |
8 | 6.6 | 4.5 | 8 | 6.6 | 4.6 | 8 | 6.5 | 4.7 |
9 | 7.5 | 5.0 | 9 | 7.4 | 5.2 | 9 | 7.2 | 5.3 |
10 | 8.3 | 5.6 | 10 | 8.2 | 5.7 | 10 | 8.1 | 5.9 |
20 | 16.6 | 11.2 | 20 | 16.4 | 11.5 | 20 | 16.2 | 11.8 |
30 | 24.9 | 16.8 | 30 | 24.6 | 17.2 | 30 | 24.3 | 17.6 |
40 | 33.2 | 22.4 | 40 | 32.8 | 22.9 | 40 | 32.4 | 23.5 |
50 | 41.4 | 28.0 | 50 | 41.0 | 28.7 | 50 | 40.4 | 29.4 |
60 | 49.7 | 33.5 | 60 | 49.1 | 34.4 | 60 | 48.5 | 35.3 |
70 | 58.0 | 39.1 | 70 | 57.3 | 40.2 | 70 | 56.6 | 41.1 |
80 | 66.3 | 44.7 | 80 | 65.5 | 45.9 | 80 | 64.7 | 47.0 |
90 | 74.6 | 50.3 | 90 | 73.7 | 51.6 | 90 | 72.8 | 52.9 |
100 | 82.9 | 55.9 | 100 | 81.9 | 57.4 | 100 | 80.9 | 58.8 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
56 Deg. | 55 Deg. | 54 Deg. |
Distance, | 37 Deg. | Distance, | 38 Deg. | Distance, | 39 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | .8 | .6 | 1 | .8 | .6 | 1 | .8 | .6 |
2 | 1.6 | 1.2 | 2 | 1.6 | 1.2 | 2 | 1.6 | 1.3 |
3 | 2.4 | 1.8 | 3 | 2.4 | 1.8 | 3 | 2.3 | 1.9 |
4 | 3.2 | 2.4 | 4 | 3.1 | 2.5 | 4 | 3.1 | 2.5 |
5 | 4.0 | 3.0 | 5 | 3.9 | 3.1 | 5 | 3.9 | 3.1 |
6 | 4.8 | 3.6 | 6 | 4.7 | 3.7 | 6 | 4.7 | 3.8 |
7 | 5.6 | 4.2 | 7 | 5.5 | 4.3 | 7 | 5.4 | 4.4 |
8 | 6.4 | 4.8 | 8 | 6.3 | 4.9 | 8 | 6.2 | 5.0 |
9 | 7.2 | 5.4 | 9 | 7.1 | 5.5 | 9 | 7.0 | 5.7 |
10 | 8.0 | 6.0 | 10 | 7.9 | 6.2 | 10 | 7.8 | 6.3 |
20 | 16.0 | 12.0 | 20 | 15.8 | 12.3 | 20 | 15.5 | 12.6 |
30 | 24.0 | 18.0 | 30 | 23.6 | 18.5 | 30 | 23.3 | 18.9 |
40 | 31.9 | 24.1 | 40 | 31.5 | 24.6 | 40 | 31.1 | 25.2 |
50 | 39.9 | 30.1 | 50 | 39.4 | 30.8 | 50 | 38.8 | 31.5 |
60 | 47.9 | 36.1 | 60 | 47.3 | 36.9 | 60 | 46.6 | 37.8 |
70 | 55.9 | 42.1 | 70 | 55.2 | 43.1 | 70 | 54.4 | 44.0 |
80 | 63.9 | 48.1 | 80 | 63.3 | 49.0 | 80 | 62.2 | 50.3 |
90 | 71.9 | 54.2 | 90 | 70.9 | 55.4 | 90 | 69.9 | 56.6 |
100 | 79.9 | 60.2 | 100 | 78.8 | 61.6 | 100 | 77.7 | 62.9 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
53 Deg. | 52 Deg. | 51 Deg. |
Distance, | 40 Deg. | Distance, | 41 Deg. | Distance, | 42 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | .8 | .6 | 1 | .8 | .7 | 1 | .7 | .7 |
2 | 1.5 | 1.3 | 2 | 1.5 | 1.3 | 2 | 1.5 | 1.3 |
3 | 2.3 | 1.9 | 3 | 2.3 | 2.0 | 3 | 2.2 | 2.0 |
4 | 3.1 | 2.6 | 4 | 3.0 | 2.6 | 4 | 3.0 | 2.7 |
5 | 3.3 | 3.2 | 5 | 3.8 | 3.3 | 5 | 3.7 | 3.3 |
6 | 4.6 | 3.8 | 6 | 4.5 | 3.9 | 6 | 4.4 | 4.0 |
7 | 5.4 | 4.5 | 7 | 5.3 | 4.6 | 7 | 5.2 | 4.7 |
8 | 6.1 | 5.1 | 8 | 6.0 | 5.2 | 8 | 5.9 | 5.3 |
9 | 6.9 | 5.8 | 9 | 6.8 | 5.9 | 9 | 6.7 | 6.0 |
10 | 7.7 | 6.4 | 10 | 7.5 | 6.6 | 10 | 7.4 | 6.7 |
20 | 15.3 | 12.9 | 20 | 15.1 | 13.1 | 20 | 14.9 | 13.4 |
30 | 23.0 | 19.3 | 30 | 22.6 | 19.7 | 30 | 22.3 | 20.1 |
40 | 30.6 | 25.7 | 40 | 30.2 | 26.2 | 40 | 29.7 | 26.8 |
50 | 38.3 | 32.1 | 50 | 37.7 | 32.8 | 50 | 37.2 | 33.5 |
60 | 46.0 | 38.6 | 60 | 45.3 | 39.4 | 60 | 44.6 | 40.1 |
70 | 53.6 | 45.0 | 70 | 52.8 | 45.9 | 70 | 52.0 | 46.8 |
80 | 61.3 | 51.4 | 80 | 60.4 | 52.5 | 80 | 59.4 | 53.5 |
90 | 68.9 | 57.9 | 90 | 67.9 | 59.0 | 90 | 66.9 | 60.2 |
100 | 76.6 | 64.3 | 100 | 75.5 | 65.6 | 100 | 74.3 | 66.9 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
50 Deg. | 49 Deg. | 48 Deg. |
Distance, | 43 Deg. | Distance, | 44 Deg. | Distance, | 45 Deg. | |||
N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | N. S. | E. W. | |||
1 | .7 | .7 | 1 | .7 | .7 | 1 | .7 | .7 |
2 | 1.5 | 1.4 | 2 | 1.4 | 1.4 | 2 | 1.4 | 1.4 |
3 | 2.2 | 2.0 | 3 | 2.2 | 2.1 | 3 | 2.1 | 2.1 |
4 | 2.9 | 2.7 | 4 | 2.9 | 2.8 | 4 | 2.8 | 2.8 |
5 | 3.6 | 3.4 | 5 | 3.6 | 3.5 | 5 | 3.5 | 3.5 |
6 | 4.4 | 4.1 | 6 | 4.3 | 4.2 | 6 | 4.2 | 4.2 |
7 | 5.1 | 4.8 | 7 | 5.0 | 4.9 | 7 | 4.9 | 4.9 |
8 | 5.8 | 5.4 | 8 | 5.8 | 5.6 | 8 | 5.6 | 5.6 |
9 | 6.6 | 6.1 | 9 | 6.5 | 6.2 | 9 | 6.4 | 6.4 |
10 | 7.3 | 6.8 | 10 | 7.2 | 6.9 | 10 | 7.1 | 7.1 |
20 | 14.6 | 13.6 | 20 | 14.4 | 13.9 | 20 | 14.1 | 14.1 |
30 | 21.9 | 20.5 | 30 | 21.6 | 20.8 | 30 | 21.2 | 21.2 |
40 | 29.2 | 27.3 | 40 | 28.8 | 27.8 | 40 | 28.3 | 28.3 |
50 | 36.6 | 34.1 | 50 | 36.0 | 34.7 | 50 | 35.3 | 35.3 |
60 | 43.9 | 40.9 | 60 | 43.2 | 41.7 | 60 | 42.4 | 42.4 |
70 | 51.2 | 47.7 | 70 | 50.3 | 48.6 | 70 | 49.5 | 49.5 |
80 | 58.5 | 54.6 | 80 | 57.5 | 55.6 | 80 | 56.6 | 56.6 |
90 | 65.8 | 61.4 | 90 | 64.7 | 62.5 | 90 | 63.6 | 63.6 |
100 | 73.1 | 68.2 | 100 | 71.9 | 69.5 | 100 | 70.7 | 70.7 |
Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. | Dist. | E. W. | N. S. |
47 Deg. | 46 Deg. | 45 Deg. |
THE USE OF THE Foregoing Table,
I Have already sufficiently in the 6th. Chapter of this Book Taught you the use of this Table; however, because it is made somewhat different from such of this kind as have been made by others, I will briefly byan Example, or two, Explain it to you. Admit in Surveying a Wood, or the like, you run a Line N. E. 40 Degrees, 10 Chains: or in plainer terms, a Line 10 Chains in Length, that makes an Angle with the Meridian of 40 Degrees to the East-ward; and you would put down in your Field-Book the Northing, and Easting of this Line under their proper Titles N. and E. according to Mr. Norwood's way of Surveying Taught in the 6th. Chapter.
First at the Head of the Table find 40 Degrees, then in the Column of distances seek for 10 Chains: which had, you will find to stand right against it under the Title N. 7. 7, for the Northing, which is 7 Chains, 7/10 of a Chain: and for the Easting under the Title E. 6. 4, which is 6 Chains 4/10 of a Chain, as nigh as may be exprest in the Tenth part of a Chain: But if you would know to one Link, add an 0 to the distance, so will 10 be 100, which seek for in the same Page of the Table, [Page]and right against it you will find under Title N. 76. 6 or 7 Chains, 66 Links for your Northing, and under Title E, 64. 3, or 6 Chains 43 Links for your Easting: which found, put down in your Field-Book accordingly; and having done so by all your Lines, if you find the Northing, and Southing, the same, also the Easting, and Westing, you may be sure you have wrought true, otherwise not.
If the distance consists of odd Chains, and Links, as most commonly it so falls out, then take them severally out of the Table, and by adding all together you will have your desire: as for Example.
Suppose my distance run upon any Line be NW. 35 Degrees, 15 Chains, 20 Links: First in the Table I find the Northing of 10 Chains to be
N. | |||
Ch. | Ch. | Lin. | |
10 | 8 | 19 | |
5 | 4 | 10 | |
20 Links | 0 | 16 | 4/10 |
12 | 45 | 4/10 |
which added together makes 12 Chains 45 Links, for the Northing of that distance run: In like manner under 35 Degrees, and Title W, I find the Westing of the same Line, as here
Ch. | Ch. | L. | |
10 | 5 | 74 | |
5 | 2 | 87 | |
20 Links | 11 | 4/10 | |
8 | 72 | 4/10 |
by which I conclude the Northing of that Line to be 12 Chains 45 Links, and the Westing 8 Chains 72 Links: which thus you may prove by the Logarithms.
As Radius | 10,000000 |
Is to the distance 15.20 | 3,181844 |
So is the Sign of the Corse 35 Deg. | 9,758772 |
To the Westing 8 Chains 72 Links | [...] 2,940616 |
And, as Radius | 10,000000 |
To the distance 15 Chains 20 Links | 3,181844 |
So Cosine of the Course 55 | 9,913364 |
To the Northing 12 Chains 45 Links | [...] 3,095208 |
Mark that if your Course had been SE, it would have been the same thing as NW: for you see in the Tables N, and S. E, and W, are joyned together. If your Degrees exceed 45, then seek for them at the Foot of the Table: and over the Titles NS, EW, find out the Northing, Southing, Easting or Westing.
I think this to be as much as need be said concerning the preceeding Table: As for the finding the Horizontal Line of a Hill, and such like things by the Table, before you have half well read through the Chapter of Trigonometry, your own Ingenuity will fast enough prompt you to it.
A TABLE OF Sines & Tangents To every Fifty Minute OF THE QUADRANT.
0. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 0.000000 | 10.000000 | 0.000000 | Infinita | 60 |
5 | 7.162696 | 10.000000 | 7.162696 | 12.837304 | 55 |
10 | 7.463726 | 9.999998 | 7.463727 | 12.536273 | 50 |
15 | 7.639816 | 9.999996 | 7.639820 | 12.360180 | 45 |
20 | 7.764754 | 9.999993 | 7.764761 | 12.235239 | 40 |
25 | 7.861662 | 9.999989 | 7.861674 | 12.138326 | 35 |
30 | 7.940842 | 9.999983 | 7.940858 | 12.059142 | 30 |
35 | 8.007787 | 9.999977 | 7.007809 | 11.992191 | 25 |
40 | 8.065776 | 9.999971 | 8.065806 | 11.934194 | 20 |
45 | 8.116926 | 9.999963 | 8.116963 | 11.883037 | 15 |
50 | 8.162681 | 9.999954 | 8.162737 | 11.837273 | 10 |
55 | 8.204070 | 9.999944 | 8.204126 | 11.795874 | 5 |
60 | 8.241855 | 9.999934 | 8.241921 | 11.758079 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
89. |
1. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 8.241855 | 9.999934 | 8.241921 | 11.758079 | 60 |
5 | 8.276614 | 9.999922 | 8.276691 | 11.723309 | 55 |
10 | 8.308794 | 9.999910 | 8.308884 | 11.691116 | 50 |
15 | 8.338753 | 9.999897 | 8.338856 | 11.661144 | 45 |
20 | 8.366777 | 9.999882 | 8.366895 | 11.633105 | 40 |
25 | 8.393101 | 9.999867 | 8.393234 | 11.606766 | 35 |
30 | 8.417919 | 9.999851 | 8.418068 | 11.581932 | 30 |
35 | 8.441394 | 9.999834 | 8.441560 | 11.558440 | 25 |
40 | 8.463665 | 9.999816 | 8.463849 | 11.536151 | 20 |
45 | 8.484848 | 9.999797 | 8.485050 | 11.514950 | 15 |
50 | 8.505045 | 9.999778 | 8.505267 | 11.494733 | 10 |
55 | 8.524343 | 9.999757 | 8.524586 | 11.475414 | 5 |
60 | 8.542819 | 9.999735 | 8.543084 | 11.456916 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
88. |
2. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 8.542819 | 9.999735 | 8.543084 | 11.456916 | 60 |
5 | 8.560540 | 9.999713 | 8.560828 | 11.439172 | 55 |
10 | 8.577566 | 9.999689 | 8.577877 | 11.422123 | 50 |
15 | 8.593948 | 9.999665 | 8.594283 | 11.405717 | 45 |
20 | 8.609734 | 9.999640 | 8.610094 | 11.389906 | 40 |
25 | 8.624965 | 9.999614 | 8.625352 | 11.374648 | 35 |
30 | 8.639680 | 9.999586 | 8.640093 | 11.359907 | 30 |
35 | 8.653911 | 9.999558 | 8.654352 | 11.345648 | 25 |
40 | 8.667689 | 9.999529 | 8.668160 | 11.331840 | 20 |
45 | 8.681043 | 9.999500 | 8.681544 | 11.318456 | 15 |
50 | 8.693998 | 9.999469 | 8.694529 | 11.305471 | 10 |
55 | 8.706577 | 9.999437 | 8.707140 | 11.292860 | 5 |
60 | 8.718800 | 9.999404 | 8.719396 | 11.280604 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
87. |
3. | |||||
M. | SIN | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 8.718800 | 9.999404 | 8.719396 | 11.280604 | 60 |
5 | 8.730688 | 9.999371 | 8.731317 | 11.268683 | 55 |
10 | 8.742259 | 9.999336 | 8.742922 | 11.257078 | 50 |
15 | 8.753528 | 9.990301 | 8.754227 | 11.245773 | 45 |
20 | 8.764511 | 9.999265 | 8.765246 | 11.234754 | 40 |
25 | 8.775223 | 9.999227 | 8.775995 | 11.224005 | 35 |
30 | 8.785675 | 9.999189 | 8.786486 | 11.213514 | 30 |
35 | 8.795881 | 9.999150 | 8.796731 | 11.203269 | 25 |
40 | 8.805852 | 9.999110 | 8.806742 | 11.103258 | 20 |
45 | 8.815599 | 9.999069 | 8.816529 | 11.183471 | 15 |
50 | 8.825130 | 9.999027 | 8.826103 | 11.173897 | 10 |
55 | 8.834456 | 9.998984 | 8.835471 | 11.164529 | 5 |
60 | 8.843585 | 9.998941 | 8.844644 | 11.155356 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
86. |
4 | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 8.843585 | 9.998941 | 8.844644 | 11.155356 | 60 |
5 | 8.852525 | 9.998896 | 8.853628 | 11.146372 | 55 |
10 | 8.861283 | 9.998851 | 8.862433 | 11.137567 | 50 |
15 | 8.869868 | 9.998804 | 8.871064 | 11.128936 | 45 |
20 | 8.878285 | 9.998757 | 8.879529 | 11.120471 | 40 |
25 | 8.886542 | 9.998708 | 8.887833 | 11.112167 | 35 |
30 | 8.894643 | 9.998659 | 8.895984 | 11.104016 | 30 |
35 | 8.902596 | 9.998609 | 8.903987 | 11.096013 | 25 |
40 | 8.910404 | 9.998558 | 8.911846 | 11.088154 | 20 |
45 | 8.918073 | 9.998506 | 8.919568 | 11.080432 | 15 |
50 | 8.925609 | 9.998453 | 8.927156 | 11.072844 | 10 |
55 | 8.933015 | 9.998399 | 8.934616 | 11.065384 | 5 |
60 | 8.940296 | 9.998344 | 8.941952 | 11.058048 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
85 |
5. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 8.940296 | 9.998344 | 8.941952 | 11.058048 | 60 |
5 | 8.947456 | 9.998289 | 8.949168 | 11.050832 | 55 |
10 | 8.954499 | 9.998232 | 8.956267 | 11.043733 | 50 |
15 | 8.961429 | 9.998174 | 8.963255 | 11.036745 | 45 |
20 | 8.968249 | 9.998116 | 8.970133 | 11.029867 | 40 |
25 | 8.974962 | 9.998056 | 8.976906 | 11.023094 | 35 |
30 | 8.981573 | 9.997996 | 8.983577 | 11.016423 | 30 |
35 | 8.988083 | 9.997935 | 8.990149 | 11.009851 | 25 |
40 | 8.994497 | 9.997872 | 8.996624 | 11.003376 | 20 |
45 | 9.000816 | 9.997809 | 9.003007 | 10.996993 | 15 |
50 | 9.007044 | 9.997745 | 9.009298 | 10.990702 | 10 |
55 | 9.013182 | 9.997680 | 9.015502 | 10.984498 | 5 |
60 | 9.019235 | 9.997614 | 9.021620 | 10.978380 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
84. |
6. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.019235 | 9.997614 | 9.021620 | 10.978380 | 60 |
5 | 9.025203 | 9.997547 | 9.027655 | 10.972345 | 55 |
10 | 9.031089 | 9.997480 | 9.033609 | 10.966391 | 50 |
15 | 9.036896 | 9.997411 | 9.039485 | 10.960515 | 45 |
20 | 9.042625 | 9.997341 | 9.045284 | 10.954716 | 40 |
25 | 9.048279 | 9.997271 | 9.051008 | 10.948992 | 35 |
30 | 9.053859 | 9.997199 | 9.056659 | 10.943341 | 30 |
35 | 9.059367 | 9.997127 | 9.062240 | 10.937760 | 25 |
40 | 9.064806 | 9.997053 | 9.067752 | 10.932248 | 20 |
45 | 9.070176 | 9.996979 | 9.073197 | 10.926803 | 15 |
50 | 9.075480 | 9.996904 | 9.078576 | 10.921424 | 10 |
55 | 9.080719 | 9.996828 | 9.083891 | 10.916109 | 5 |
60 | 9.085894 | 9.996751 | 9.089144 | 10.910856 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
83. |
7. | |||||
M. | SIN | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.085894 | 9.996751 | 9.089144 | 10.910850 | 60 |
5 | 9.091008 | 9.996673 | 9.094336 | 10.905664 | 55 |
10 | 9.096062 | 9.996594 | 9.099468 | 10.900532 | 50 |
15 | 9.101056 | 9.996514 | 9.104542 | 10.895458 | 45 |
20 | 9.105992 | 9.996433 | 9.109559 | 10.890441 | 40 |
25 | 9.110873 | 9.996351 | 9.114521 | 10.885479 | 35 |
30 | 9.115698 | 9.996269 | 9.119429 | 10.880571 | 30 |
35 | 9.120469 | 9.996185 | 9.124284 | 10.875716 | 25 |
40 | 9.125187 | 9.996100 | 9.129087 | 10.870913 | 20 |
45 | 9.129854 | 9.996015 | 9.133839 | 10.866161 | 15 |
50 | 9.134470 | 9.995928 | 9.138542 | 10.861458 | 10 |
55 | 9.139037 | 9.995841 | 9.143196 | 10.856804 | 5 |
60 | 9.143555 | 9.995753 | 9.147803 | 10.852197 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
82. |
8 | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.143555 | 9.995753 | 9.147803 | 10.852197 | 60 |
5 | 9.148026 | 9.995664 | 9.152363 | 10.847637 | 55 |
10 | 9.152451 | 9.995573 | 9.156877 | 10.843123 | 50 |
15 | 9.156830 | 9.995482 | 9.161347 | 10.838653 | 45 |
20 | 9.161164 | 9.995390 | 9.165774 | 10.834226 | 40 |
25 | 9.165454 | 9.995297 | 9.170157 | 10.829843 | 35 |
30 | 9.169702 | 9.995203 | 9.174499 | 10.825501 | 30 |
35 | 9.173908 | 9.995108 | 9.178799 | 10.821201 | 25 |
40 | 9.178072 | 9.995013 | 9.183059 | 10.816941 | 20 |
45 | 9.182196 | 9.994916 | 9.187280 | 10.812720 | 15 |
50 | 9.186280 | 9.994818 | 9.191462 | 10.808538 | 10 |
55 | 9.190325 | 9.994720 | 9.195606 | 10.804394 | 5 |
60 | 9.194332 | 9.994620 | 9.199713 | 10.800287 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
81 |
9. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Cosine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.194332 | 9.994620 | 9.199713 | 10.800287 | 60 |
5 | 9.198302 | 9.994159 | 9.203782 | 10.796218 | 55 |
10 | 9.202234 | 9.994418 | 9.207817 | 10.792183 | 50 |
15 | 9.206131 | 9.994316 | 9.211815 | 10.788185 | 45 |
20 | 9.209992 | 9.994212 | 9.215780 | 10.784220 | 40 |
25 | 9.213818 | 9.994108 | 9.219710 | 10.780290 | 35 |
30 | 9.217609 | 9.994003 | 9.223607 | 10.776393 | 30 |
35 | 9.221367 | 9.993897 | 9.227471 | 10.772529 | 25 |
40 | 9.225092 | 9.993789 | 9.231302 | 10.768698 | 20 |
45 | 9.228784 | 9.993681 | 9.235103 | 10.764897 | 15 |
50 | 9.232444 | 9.993572 | 9.238872 | 10.761128 | 10 |
55 | 9.236073 | 9.993462 | 9.242610 | 10.757390 | 5 |
60 | 9.239670 | 9.993351 | 9.246319 | 10.753681 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
80 |
10. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.239670 | 9.993351 | 9.246319 | 10.753681 | 60 |
5 | 9.243237 | 9.993240 | 9.249998 | 10.750002 | 55 |
10 | 9.246775 | 9.993127 | 9.253648 | 10.746352 | 50 |
15 | 9.250282 | 9.993013 | 9.257269 | 10.742731 | 45 |
20 | 9.253761 | 9.992898 | 9.260863 | 10.739137 | 40 |
25 | 9.257211 | 9.992783 | 9.264428 | 10.735572 | 35 |
30 | 9.260633 | 9.992666 | 9.267967 | 10.732033 | 30 |
35 | 9.264027 | 9.992549 | 9.271479 | 10.728521 | 25 |
40 | 9.267395 | 9.992430 | 9.274964 | 10.725036 | 20 |
45 | 9.270735 | 9.992311 | 9.278424 | 10.721576 | 15 |
50 | 9.274049 | 9.092190 | 9.281858 | 10.718142 | 10 |
55 | 9.277337 | 9.992069 | 9.285268 | 10.714732 | 5 |
60 | 9.280599 | 9.991947 | 9.288652 | 10.711348 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
79. |
11. | |||||
M | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.280599 | 9.991974 | 9.288652 | 10.711348 | 60 |
5 | 9.283836 | 9.991823 | 9.292013 | 10.707987 | 55 |
10 | 9.287048 | 9.991699 | 9.295349 | 10.704651 | 50 |
15 | 9.290236 | 9.991574 | 9.298662 | 10.701338 | 45 |
20 | 9.293399 | 9.991448 | 9.301951 | 10.698049 | 40 |
25 | 9.296539 | 9.991321 | 9.305218 | 10.694782 | 35 |
30 | 9.299655 | 9.991193 | 9.308463 | 10.691537 | 30 |
35 | 9.302748 | 9.991064 | 9.311685 | 10.688315 | 25 |
40 | 9.305819 | 9.990934 | 9.314885 | 10.685115 | 20 |
45 | 9.308867 | 9.990803 | 9.318064 | 10.681936 | 15 |
50 | 9.311893 | 9.990671 | 9.321222 | 10.678778 | 10 |
55 | 9.314897 | 9.990538 | 9.324358 | 10.675642 | 5 |
60 | 9.317879 | 9.990404 | 9.327475 | 10.672525 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
78 |
12 | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.317879 | 9.990404 | 9.327475 | 10.672525 | 60 |
5 | 9.320840 | 9.990270 | 9.330570 | 10.669430 | 55 |
10 | 9.323780 | 9.990134 | 9.333646 | 10.666354 | 50 |
15 | 9.326700 | 9.989997 | 9.336702 | 10.663298 | 45 |
20 | 9.329599 | 9.989860 | 9.339739 | 10.660261 | 40 |
25 | 9.332478 | 9.989721 | 9.342757 | 10.667243 | 35 |
30 | 9.335337 | 9.989582 | 9.445755 | 10.664245 | 30 |
35 | 9.338176 | 9.989441 | 9.348735 | 10.651265 | 25 |
40 | 9.340996 | 9.989300 | 9.351697 | 10.648303 | 20 |
45 | 9.343797 | 9.989157 | 9.354640 | 10.645360 | 15 |
50 | 9.346579 | 9.989014 | 9.357566 | 10.642434 | 10 |
55 | 9.349343 | 9.988869 | 9.360474 | 10.639526 | 5 |
60 | 9.352088 | 9.988724 | 9.363364 | 10.636636 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
77 |
13. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Cosine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.352088 | 9.988724 | 9.363364 | 10.636636 | 60 |
5 | 9.354815 | 9.988578 | 9.366237 | 10.633763 | 55 |
10 | 9.357524 | 9.988430 | 9.369094 | 10.630906 | 50 |
15 | 9.360215 | 9.988282 | 9.371933 | 10.628067 | 45 |
20 | 9.362889 | 9.988133 | 9.374756 | 10.625244 | 40 |
25 | 9.365546 | 9.987983 | 9.377563 | 10.622437 | 35 |
30 | 9.368185 | 9.987832 | 9.380354 | 10.619646 | 30 |
35 | 9.370808 | 9.987679 | 9.383129 | 10.616871 | 25 |
40 | 9.373414 | 9.987526 | 9.385888 | 10.614112 | 20 |
45 | 9.376003 | 9.987372 | 9.388631 | 10.611369 | 15 |
50 | 9.378577 | 9.087217 | 9.391360 | 10.608640 | 10 |
55 | 9.381134 | 9.987061 | 9.394073 | 10.605927 | 5 |
60 | 9.383675 | 9.986904 | 9.396771 | 10.903229 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
76. |
14. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.383675 | 9.986904 | 9.396771 | 10.603229 | 60 |
5 | 9.386201 | 9.986746 | 9.399455 | 10.600545 | 55 |
10 | 9.388711 | 9.986587 | 9.402124 | 10.597876 | 50 |
15 | 9.391206 | 9.986427 | 9.404778 | 10.595222 | 45 |
20 | 9.393685 | 9.986266 | 9.407419 | 10.592581 | 40 |
25 | 9.396150 | 9.986104 | 9.410045 | 10.589955 | 35 |
30 | 9.398600 | 9.985942 | 9.412658 | 10.587342 | 30 |
35 | 9.401035 | 9.985778 | 9.415257 | 10.584743 | 25 |
40 | 9.403455 | 9.985613 | 9.417842 | 10.582158 | 20 |
45 | 9.405862 | 9.985447 | 9.420415 | 10.579585 | 15 |
50 | 9.408254 | 9.985280 | 9.422974 | 10.577026 | 10 |
55 | 9.410632 | 9.985113 | 9.425519 | 10.574481 | 5 |
60 | 9.412996 | 9.984944 | 9.428052 | 10.571948 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
75. |
15. | |||||
M | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.412996 | 9.984944 | 9.428052 | 10.571948 | 60 |
5 | 9.415347 | 9.984774 | 9.430573 | 10.569427 | 55 |
10 | 9.417684 | 9.984603 | 9.433080 | 10.566920 | 50 |
15 | 9.420007 | 9.984432 | 9.435576 | 10.564424 | 45 |
20 | 9.422318 | 9.984259 | 9.438059 | 10.561941 | 40 |
25 | 9.424615 | 9.984085 | 9.440529 | 10.559471 | 35 |
30 | 9.426899 | 9.983911 | 9.442988 | 10.557012 | 30 |
35 | 9.429170 | 9.983735 | 9.445435 | 10.554565 | 25 |
40 | 9.431429 | 9.983558 | 9.447870 | 10.552130 | 20 |
45 | 9.433675 | 9.983381 | 9.450294 | 10.549706 | 15 |
50 | 9.435908 | 9.983202 | 9.452706 | 10.547294 | 10 |
55 | 9.438129 | 9.983022 | 9.455107 | 10.544893 | 5 |
60 | 9.440338 | 9.982842 | 9.457496 | 10.542504 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
74. |
16. | |||||
M | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.440338 | 9.982842 | 9.457496 | 10.542504 | 60 |
5 | 9.442535 | 9.982660 | 9.459875 | 10.540125 | 55 |
10 | 9.444720 | 9.982477 | 9.462242 | 10.537758 | 50 |
15 | 9.446893 | 9.982294 | 9.464599 | 10.535401 | 45 |
20 | 9.449054 | 9.982109 | 9.466945 | 10.533055 | 40 |
25 | 9.451204 | 9.981924 | 9.469280 | 10.530720 | 35 |
30 | 9.453342 | 9.981737 | 9.471605 | 10.528395 | 30 |
35 | 9.455469 | 9.981549 | 9.473919 | 10.526081 | 25 |
40 | 9.457584 | 9.981361 | 9.476223 | 10.523777 | 20 |
45 | 9.459688 | 9.981171 | 9.478517 | 10.521483 | 15 |
50 | 9.461782 | 9.980981 | 9.480801 | 10.519199 | 10 |
55 | 9.463864 | 9.980789 | 9.483075 | 10.516925 | 5 |
60 | 9.465935 | 9.980596 | 9.485339 | 10.514661 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
73. |
17. | |||||
M | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.465935 | 9.980596 | 9.485339 | 10.514661 | 60 |
5 | 9.467996 | 9.980403 | 9.487593 | 10.512407 | 55 |
10 | 9.470446 | 9.980208 | 9.489838 | 10.510162 | 50 |
15 | 9.472086 | 9.980012 | 9.492073 | 10.507927 | 45 |
20 | 9.474115 | 9.979816 | 9.494299 | 10.505701 | 40 |
25 | 9.476133 | 9.979618 | 9.496515 | 10.503485 | 35 |
30 | 9.478142 | 9.979420 | 9.498722 | 10.501278 | 30 |
35 | 9.480140 | 9.979220 | 9.500920 | 10.499080 | 25 |
40 | 9.482128 | 9.979019 | 9.503109 | 10.496891 | 20 |
45 | 9.484107 | 9.978817 | 9.505289 | 10.494711 | 15 |
50 | 9.486075 | 9.978615 | 9.507460 | 10.492540 | 10 |
55 | 9.488034 | 9.978411 | 9.509622 | 10.490378 | 5 |
60 | 9.489982 | 9.978206 | 9.511776 | 10.488224 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
72. |
18. | |||||
M | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.489982 | 9.978206 | 9.511776 | 10.488224 | 60 |
5 | 9.491922 | 9.978001 | 9.513921 | 10.486079 | 55 |
10 | 9.493851 | 9.977794 | 9.516057 | 10.483943 | 50 |
15 | 9.495772 | 9.977586 | 9.518186 | 10.481814 | 45 |
20 | 9.497682 | 9.977377 | 9.520305 | 10.479695 | 40 |
25 | 9.499584 | 9.977167 | 9.522417 | 10.477583 | 35 |
30 | 9.501476 | 9.976957 | 9.524520 | 10.475480 | 30 |
35 | 9.503360 | 9.976745 | 9.526615 | 10.473385 | 25 |
40 | 9.505234 | 9.976532 | 9.528702 | 10.471298 | 20 |
45 | 9.507099 | 9.976318 | 9.530781 | 10.469219 | 15 |
50 | 9.508956 | 9.976103 | 9.532853 | 10.467147 | 10 |
55 | 9.510803 | 9.975887 | 9.534916 | 10.465084 | 5 |
60 | 9.512642 | 9.975670 | 9.536972 | 10.463028 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
71. |
19. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.512642 | 9.975670 | 9.536972 | 10.463028 | 60 |
5 | 9.514472 | 9.975452 | 9.539020 | 10.460980 | 55 |
10 | 9.516294 | 9.975233 | 9.541061 | 10.458939 | 50 |
15 | 9.518107 | 9.975013 | 9.543094 | 10.456906 | 45 |
20 | 9.519911 | 9.974792 | 9.545119 | 10.454881 | 40 |
25 | 9.521707 | 9.974570 | 9.547138 | 10.452862 | 35 |
30 | 9.523495 | 9.974347 | 9.549149 | 10.450851 | 30 |
35 | 9.525275 | 9.974122 | 9.551153 | 10.448847 | 25 |
40 | 9.527046 | 9.973897 | 9.553149 | 10.446851 | 20 |
45 | 9.528810 | 9.973671 | 9.555139 | 10.444861 | 15 |
50 | 9.530565 | 9.973444 | 9.557121 | 10.442879 | 10 |
55 | 9.532312 | 9.973215 | 9.559097 | 10.440903 | 5 |
60 | 9.534052 | 9.972986 | 9.561066 | 10.438934 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
70. |
20. | |||||
M | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.534052 | 9.972986 | 9.561066 | 10.438934 | 60 |
5 | 9.535783 | 9.972755 | 9.563028 | 10.436972 | 55 |
10 | 9.537507 | 9.972524 | 9.564983 | 10.435017 | 50 |
15 | 9.539223 | 9.972291 | 9.566932 | 10.433068 | 45 |
20 | 9.540931 | 9.972058 | 9.568873 | 10.431127 | 40 |
25 | 9.542632 | 9.971823 | 9.570809 | 10.429191 | 35 |
30 | 9.544325 | 9.971583 | 9.572738 | 10.427262 | 30 |
35 | 9.546011 | 9.971351 | 9.574660 | 10.425340 | 25 |
40 | 9.547689 | 9.971113 | 9.576576 | 10.423424 | 20 |
45 | 9.549360 | 9.970874 | 9.578486 | 10.421514 | 15 |
50 | 9.551024 | 9.970635 | 9.580389 | 10.419611 | 10 |
55 | 9.552680 | 9.970394 | 9.582286 | 10.417714 | 5 |
60 | 9.554329 | 9.970152 | 9.584177 | 10.415823 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
69. |
21. | |||||
M | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.554329 | 9.970152 | 9.584177 | 10.415823 | 60 |
5 | 9.555971 | 9.969909 | 9.586062 | 10.413938 | 55 |
10 | 9.557606 | 9.969665 | 9.587941 | 10.412059 | 50 |
15 | 9.559234 | 9.969420 | 9.589814 | 10.410186 | 45 |
20 | 9.560855 | 9.969173 | 9.591681 | 10.408319 | 40 |
25 | 9.562468 | 9.968926 | 9.593542 | 10.406458 | 35 |
30 | 9.564075 | 9.968678 | 9.595398 | 10.404602 | 30 |
35 | 9.565676 | 9.968429 | 9.597247 | 10.402753 | 25 |
40 | 9.567269 | 9.968178 | 9.599091 | 10.400909 | 20 |
45 | 9.568856 | 9.967927 | 9.600929 | 10.399071 | 15 |
50 | 9.570435 | 9.967674 | 9.602761 | 10.397239 | 10 |
55 | 9.572009 | 9.967421 | 9.604588 | 10.395412 | 5 |
60 | 9.573575 | 9.967166 | 9.606410 | 10.393590 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
68. |
22. | |||||
M | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.573575 | 9.967166 | 9.606410 | 10.393590 | 60 |
5 | 9.575136 | 9.966910 | 9.608225 | 10.391775 | 55 |
10 | 9.576689 | 9.966653 | 9.610036 | 10.389964 | 50 |
15 | 9.578236 | 9.966395 | 9.611841 | 10.388159 | 45 |
20 | 9.579777 | 9.966136 | 9.613641 | 10.386359 | 40 |
25 | 9.581312 | 9.965876 | 9.615435 | 10.384565 | 35 |
30 | 9.582840 | 9.965615 | 9.617224 | 10.382776 | 30 |
35 | 9.584361 | 9.965353 | 9.619008 | 10.380992 | 25 |
40 | 9.585877 | 9.965090 | 9.620787 | 10.379213 | 20 |
45 | 9.587386 | 9.964826 | 9.622561 | 10.377439 | 15 |
50 | 9.588890 | 9.964560 | 9.624330 | 10.375670 | 10 |
55 | 9.590387 | 9.964294 | 9.626093 | 10.373907 | 5 |
60 | 9.591878 | 9.964026 | 9.627852 | 10.372148 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
67. |
23. | |||||
M | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.591878 | 9.964026 | 9.627852 | 10.372148 | 60 |
5 | 9.593363 | 9.963757 | 9.629606 | 10.370394 | 55 |
10 | 9.594842 | 9.963488 | 9.631355 | 10.368645 | 50 |
15 | 9.596315 | 9.963217 | 9.633099 | 10.366690 | 45 |
20 | 9.597783 | 9.962945 | 9.634838 | 10.365162 | 40 |
25 | 9.599244 | 9.962672 | 9.636572 | 10.363428 | 35 |
30 | 9.600700 | 9.962398 | 9.638302 | 10.361698 | 30 |
35 | 9.602150 | 9.962123 | 9.640027 | 10.359973 | 25 |
40 | 9.603594 | 9.961846 | 9.641747 | 10.358253 | 20 |
45 | 9.605032 | 9.961569 | 9.643463 | 10.356537 | 15 |
50 | 9.606465 | 9.961290 | 9.645174 | 10.354826 | 10 |
55 | 9.607892 | 9.961011 | 9.646881 | 10.353119 | 5 |
60 | 9.609313 | 9.960730 | 9.648583 | 10.351417 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
66. |
24. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.609313 | 9.960730 | 9.648583 | 10.351417 | 60 |
5 | 9.610729 | 9.960448 | 9.650281 | 10.349719 | 55 |
10 | 9.612140 | 9.960165 | 9.651974 | 10.348026 | 50 |
15 | 9.613545 | 9.959882 | 9.653663 | 10.346337 | 45 |
20 | 9.614944 | 9.959596 | 9.655348 | 10.344652 | 40 |
25 | 9.616338 | 9.959310 | 9.657028 | 10.342972 | 35 |
30 | 9.617727 | 9.959023 | 9.658704 | 10.341296 | 30 |
35 | 9.619110 | 9.958734 | 9.660376 | 10.339624 | 25 |
40 | 9.620488 | 9.958445 | 9.662043 | 10.337957 | 20 |
45 | 9.621861 | 9.958154 | 9.663707 | 10.336293 | 15 |
50 | 9.623229 | 9.957863 | 9.665366 | 10.334634 | 10 |
55 | 9.624591 | 9.957570 | 9.667021 | 10.332979 | 5 |
60 | 9.625948 | 9.957276 | 9.668673 | 10.331327 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
65. |
25. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.625948 | 9.957276 | 9.668673 | 10.331327 | 60 |
5 | 9.627300 | 9.956981 | 9.670320 | 10.329680 | 55 |
10 | 9.628647 | 9.956684 | 9.671963 | 10.328073 | 50 |
15 | 9.629989 | 9.956387 | 9.673602 | 10.326398 | 45 |
20 | 9.631326 | 9.956089 | 9.675237 | 10.324763 | 40 |
25 | 9.632658 | 9.955789 | 9.676869 | 10.323131 | 35 |
30 | 9.633984 | 9.955488 | 9.678496 | 10.322504 | 30 |
35 | 9.635306 | 9.955186 | 9.680120 | 10.319880 | 25 |
40 | 9.636623 | 9.954883 | 9.681740 | 10.318260 | 20 |
45 | 9.637935 | 9.954579 | 9.683356 | 10.316644 | 15 |
50 | 9.639242 | 9.954274 | 9.684968 | 10.315032 | 10 |
55 | 9.640544 | 9.953968 | 9.686577 | 10.313423 | 5 |
60 | 9.641842 | 9.953660 | 9.688182 | 10.311818 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
64. |
26. | |||||
M | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.641842 | 9.953660 | 9.688182 | 10.311818 | 60 |
5 | 9.643135 | 9.953352 | 9.689783 | 10.310217 | 55 |
10 | 9.644423 | 9.953042 | 9.691381 | 10.308619 | 50 |
15 | 9.645706 | 9.952731 | 9.692975 | 10.307025 | 45 |
20 | 9.646984 | 9.952419 | 9.694566 | 10.305434 | 40 |
25 | 9.648258 | 9.952106 | 9.696153 | 10.303847 | 35 |
30 | 9.649527 | 9.951791 | 9.697736 | 10.302264 | 30 |
35 | 9.650792 | 9.951476 | 9.699316 | 10.300684 | 25 |
40 | 9.652052 | 9.951159 | 9.700893 | 10.299107 | 20 |
45 | 9.653308 | 9.950841 | 9.702781 | 10.297534 | 15 |
50 | 9.654558 | 9.950522 | 9.704036 | 10.295964 | 10 |
55 | 9.655805 | 9.950202 | 9.705603 | 10.294397 | 5 |
60 | 9.657047 | 9.949881 | 9.707166 | 10.292834 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
63. |
27. | |||||
M | SIN | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.657047 | 9.949881 | 9.707166 | 10.292834 | 60 |
5 | 9.658284 | 9.949558 | 9.708726 | 10.291274 | 55 |
10 | 9.659517 | 9.949235 | 9.710282 | 10.289718 | 50 |
15 | 9.660746 | 9.948910 | 9.711836 | 10.288104 | 45 |
20 | 9.661970 | 9.948584 | 9.713386 | 10.286614 | 40 |
25 | 9.663190 | 9.948257 | 9.714933 | 10.285067 | 35 |
30 | 9.664406 | 9.947929 | 9.716477 | 10.283523 | 30 |
35 | 9.665617 | 9.947600 | 9.718017 | 10.281983 | 25 |
40 | 9.666824 | 9.947269 | 9.719555 | 10.280445 | 20 |
45 | 9.668027 | 9.946937 | 9.721089 | 10.278911 | 15 |
50 | 9.669225 | 9.946604 | 9.722621 | 10.277379 | 10 |
55 | 9.670419 | 9.946270 | 9.724149 | 10.275851 | 5 |
60 | 9.671609 | 9.945935 | 9.725674 | 10.274326 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
62. |
28. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.671609 | 9.945935 | 9.725674 | 10.274326 | 60 |
5 | 9.672795 | 9.945598 | 9.727197 | 10.272803 | 55 |
10 | 9.673977 | 9.945261 | 9.728716 | 10.271284 | 50 |
15 | 9.675155 | 9.944922 | 9.730233 | 10.269767 | 45 |
20 | 9.676328 | 9.944582 | 9.731746 | 10.268254 | 40 |
25 | 9.677498 | 9.944241 | 9.733257 | 10.266743 | 35 |
30 | 9.678663 | 9.943899 | 9.734764 | 10.265236 | 30 |
35 | 9.679824 | 9.943555 | 9.736269 | 10.263731 | 25 |
40 | 9.680982 | 9.943210 | 9.737771 | 10.262229 | 20 |
45 | 9.682135 | 9.942864 | 9.739271 | 10.260729 | 15 |
50 | 9.683284 | 9.942517 | 9.740767 | 10.259233 | 10 |
55 | 9.684430 | 9.942169 | 9.742261 | 10.257739 | 5 |
60 | 9.685571 | 9.941819 | 9.743752 | 10.256248 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
61. |
29. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.685571 | 9.941819 | 9.743751 | 10.256248 | 60 |
5 | 9.686709 | 9.941469 | 9.745240 | 10.254760 | 55 |
10 | 9.687843 | 9.941117 | 9.746726 | 10.253274 | 50 |
15 | 9.688972 | 9.940763 | 9.748209 | 10.251791 | 45 |
20 | 9.690098 | 9.940409 | 9.749689 | 10.250311 | 40 |
25 | 9.691220 | 9.940054 | 9.751167 | 10.248833 | 35 |
30 | 9.692339 | 9.939697 | 9.752642 | 10.247358 | 30 |
35 | 9.693453 | 9.939339 | 9.754115 | 10.245885 | 25 |
40 | 9.694564 | 9.938980 | 9.755585 | 10.244415 | 20 |
45 | 9.695671 | 9.938619 | 9.757052 | 10.242948 | 15 |
50 | 9.696775 | 9.938258 | 9.758517 | 10.241483 | 10 |
55 | 9.697874 | 9.937895 | 9.759979 | 10.240021 | 5 |
60 | 9.698970 | 9.937531 | 9.761439 | 10.238561 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
60. |
30. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.698970 | 9.937531 | 9.761439 | 10.238561 | 60 |
5 | 9.700062 | 9.937165 | 9.762897 | 10.237103 | 55 |
10 | 9.701151 | 9.936799 | 9.764352 | 10.235648 | 50 |
15 | 9.702236 | 9.936431 | 9.765805 | 10.234195 | 45 |
20 | 9.703317 | 9.936062 | 9.767255 | 10.232745 | 40 |
25 | 9.704395 | 9.935692 | 9.768703 | 10.231297 | 35 |
30 | 9.705469 | 9.935320 | 9.770148 | 10.229852 | 30 |
35 | 9.706539 | 9.934948 | 9.771592 | 10.228408 | 25 |
40 | 9.707606 | 9.934574 | 9.773033 | 10.226967 | 20 |
45 | 9.708670 | 9.934199 | 9.774471 | 10.225529 | 15 |
50 | 9.709730 | 9.933822 | 9.775908 | 10.224092 | 10 |
55 | 9.710786 | 9.933445 | 9.777342 | 10.222658 | 5 |
60 | 9.711839 | 9.933066 | 9.778774 | 10.221226 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
59. |
31. | |||||
M. | SIN | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.711839 | 9.933066 | 9.778774 | 10.221226 | 60 |
5 | 9.712889 | 9.932685 | 9.780203 | 10.219797 | 55 |
10 | 9.713935 | 9.932304 | 9.781631 | 10.218369 | 50 |
15 | 9.714978 | 9.931921 | 9.783056 | 10.216944 | 45 |
20 | 9.716017 | 9.931537 | 9.784479 | 10.215521 | 40 |
25 | 9.717053 | 9.931152 | 9.785900 | 10.214100 | 35 |
30 | 9.718085 | 9.930766 | 9.787319 | 10.212681 | 30 |
35 | 9.719114 | 9.930378 | 9.788736 | 10.211264 | 25 |
40 | 9.720140 | 9.929989 | 9.790151 | 10.209849 | 20 |
45 | 9.721162 | 9.929599 | 9.791563 | 10.208437 | 15 |
50 | 9.722181 | 9.929207 | 9.792974 | 10.207026 | 10 |
55 | 9.723197 | 9.928815 | 9.794383 | 10.205617 | 5 |
60 | 9.724210 | 9.928420 | 9.795789 | 10.204211 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
58. |
32. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.724210 | 9.928420 | 9.795789 | 10.204211 | 60 |
5 | 9.725219 | 9.928025 | 9.797194 | 10.202806 | 55 |
10 | 9.726225 | 9.927629 | 9.798596 | 10.201404 | 50 |
15 | 9.727228 | 9.927231 | 9.799997 | 10.200003 | 45 |
20 | 9.728227 | 9.926831 | 9.801396 | 10.198604 | 40 |
25 | 9.729223 | 9.926431 | 9.802792 | 10.197208 | 35 |
30 | 9.730217 | 9.926029 | 9.804187 | 10.195813 | 30 |
35 | 9.731206 | 9.925626 | 9.805580 | 10.194420 | 25 |
40 | 9.732193 | 9.925222 | 9.806971 | 10.193029 | 20 |
45 | 9.733177 | 9.924816 | 9.808361 | 10.191639 | 15 |
50 | 9.734157 | 9.924409 | 9.809748 | 10.190252 | 10 |
55 | 9.735135 | 9.924001 | 9.811134 | 10.188866 | 5 |
60 | 9.736109 | 9.923591 | 9.812517 | 10.187483 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
57. |
33. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Cosine. | TAN | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.736109 | 9.923591 | 9.812517 | 10.187483 | 60 |
5 | 9.737080 | 9.923181 | 9.813899 | 10.186101 | 55 |
10 | 9.738048 | 9.922769 | 9.815280 | 10.184720 | 50 |
15 | 9.739013 | 9.922355 | 9.816658 | 10.183342 | 45 |
20 | 9.739975 | 9.921940 | 9.818035 | 10.181965 | 40 |
25 | 9.740934 | 9.921524 | 9.819410 | 10.180590 | 35 |
30 | 9.741889 | 9.921107 | 9.820783 | 10.179217 | 30 |
35 | 9.742842 | 9.920688 | 9.822154 | 10.177846 | 25 |
40 | 9.743792 | 9.920268 | 9.823524 | 10.176476 | 20 |
45 | 9.744739 | 9.919846 | 9.824893 | 10.175107 | 15 |
50 | 9.745683 | 9.919424 | 9.826259 | 10.173741 | 10 |
55 | 9.746624 | 9.919000 | 9.827624 | 10.172376 | 5 |
60 | 9.747562 | 9.918574 | 9.828987 | 10.171013 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
56 |
34. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.747562 | 9.918574 | 9.828987 | 10.171013 | 60 |
5 | 9.748497 | 9.918147 | 9.830349 | 10.169651 | 55 |
10 | 9.749429 | 9.917719 | 9.831709 | 10.168291 | 50 |
15 | 9.750358 | 9.917290 | 9.833068 | 10.166932 | 45 |
20 | 9.751284 | 9.916859 | 9.834425 | 10.165575 | 40 |
25 | 9.752208 | 9.916427 | 9.835780 | 10.164220 | 35 |
30 | 9.753128 | 9.915994 | 9.837134 | 10.162866 | 30 |
35 | 9.754046 | 9.915559 | 9.838487 | 10.161513 | 25 |
40 | 9.754960 | 9.915123 | 9.839838 | 10.160162 | 20 |
45 | 9.755872 | 9.914685 | 9.841187 | 10.158813 | 15 |
50 | 9.756782 | 9.914246 | 9.842535 | 10.157405 | 10 |
55 | 9.757688 | 9.913806 | 9.843882 | 10.156118 | 5 |
60 | 9.758591 | 9.913365 | 9.845227 | 10.154773 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
55. |
35. | |||||
M | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.758591 | 9.913365 | 9.845227 | 10.154773 | 60 |
5 | 9.759492 | 9.912922 | 9.846570 | 10.153430 | 55 |
10 | 9.760390 | 9.912477 | 9.847913 | 10.152087 | 50 |
15 | 9.761285 | 9.912031 | 9.849254 | 10.150746 | 45 |
20 | 9.762177 | 9.911584 | 9.850593 | 10.149407 | 40 |
25 | 9.763067 | 9.911136 | 9.851931 | 10.148069 | 35 |
30 | 9.763954 | 9.910686 | 9.853268 | 10.146732 | 30 |
35 | 9.764838 | 9.910235 | 9.854603 | 10.145397 | 25 |
40 | 9.765720 | 9.909782 | 9.855938 | 10.144062 | 20 |
45 | 9.766598 | 9.909328 | 9.857270 | 10.142730 | 15 |
50 | 9.767475 | 9.908873 | 9.858602 | 10.141398 | 10 |
55 | 9.768348 | 9.908416 | 9.859932 | 10.140068 | 5 |
60 | 9.769219 | 9.907958 | 9.861261 | 10.138739 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
54. |
36. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.769219 | 9.907958 | 9.861261 | 10.138739 | 60 |
5 | 9.770087 | 9.907498 | 9.862589 | 10.137411 | 55 |
10 | 9.770952 | 9.907037 | 9.863915 | 10.136085 | 50 |
15 | 9.771815 | 9.906575 | 9.865240 | 10.134760 | 45 |
20 | 9.772675 | 9.906111 | 9.866564 | 10.133436 | 40 |
25 | 9.773533 | 9.905645 | 9.867887 | 10.132133 | 35 |
30 | 9.774388 | 9.905179 | 9.869209 | 10.130791 | 30 |
35 | 9.775240 | 9.904711 | 9.870529 | 10.129471 | 25 |
40 | 9.776090 | 9.904241 | 9.871849 | 10.128151 | 20 |
45 | 9.776937 | 9.903770 | 9.873167 | 10.126833 | 15 |
50 | 9.777781 | 9.903298 | 9.874484 | 10.125516 | 10 |
55 | 9.778624 | 9.902824 | 9.875800 | 10.124200 | 5 |
60 | 9.779463 | 9.902349 | 9.877114 | 10.122886 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
53. |
37. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Cosine. | TAN | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.779463 | 9.902349 | 9.877114 | 10.122886 | 60 |
5 | 9.780300 | 9.901872 | 9.878428 | 10.121572 | 55 |
10 | 9.781134 | 9.901394 | 9.879741 | 10.120259 | 50 |
15 | 9.781966 | 9.900914 | 9.881052 | 10.118948 | 45 |
20 | 9.782796 | 9.900433 | 9.882363 | 10.117637 | 40 |
25 | 9.783623 | 9.899951 | 9.883672 | 10.116328 | 35 |
30 | 9.784447 | 9.899467 | 9.884980 | 10.115020 | 30 |
35 | 9.785269 | 9.898981 | 9.886288 | 10.113712 | 25 |
40 | 9.786089 | 9.898494 | 9.887594 | 10.112406 | 20 |
45 | 9.786906 | 9.898006 | 9.888900 | 10.111100 | 15 |
50 | 9.787720 | 9.897516 | 9.890204 | 10.109796 | 10 |
55 | 9.788532 | 9.897025 | 9.891507 | 10.108493 | 5 |
60 | 9.789342 | 9.806532 | 9.892810 | 10.107190 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
52. |
38. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.789342 | 9.896532 | 9.892810 | 10.107190 | 60 |
5 | 9.790149 | 9.896038 | 9.894111 | 10.105889 | 55 |
10 | 9.790954 | 9.895542 | 9.895412 | 10.104588 | 50 |
15 | 9.791757 | 9.895045 | 9.896712 | 10.103288 | 45 |
20 | 9.792557 | 9.894546 | 9.898010 | 10.101990 | 40 |
25 | 9.793354 | 9.894046 | 9.899308 | 10.100692 | 35 |
30 | 9.794150 | 9.893544 | 9.900605 | 10.099395 | 30 |
35 | 9.794942 | 9.893041 | 9.901901 | 10.098099 | 25 |
40 | 9.795733 | 9.892536 | 9.903197 | 10.096803 | 20 |
45 | 9.796521 | 9.892030 | 9.904491 | 10.095509 | 15 |
50 | 9.797307 | 9.891523 | 9.905785 | 10.094215 | 10 |
55 | 9.798091 | 9.891013 | 9.907077 | 10.092923 | 5 |
60 | 9.798872 | 9.890503 | 9.908369 | 10.091631 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
51. |
39. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Cosine. | TAN | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.798872 | 9.890503 | 9.908369 | 10.091631 | 60 |
5 | 9.799651 | 9.889990 | 9.909660 | 10.090340 | 55 |
10 | 9.800427 | 9.889477 | 9.910951 | 10.089049 | 50 |
15 | 9.801201 | 9.888961 | 9.912240 | 10.087760 | 45 |
20 | 9.801973 | 9.888444 | 9.913529 | 10.086471 | 40 |
25 | 9.802743 | 9.887926 | 9.914817 | 10.085183 | 35 |
30 | 9.803511 | 9.887406 | 9.916104 | 10.083895 | 30 |
35 | 9.804276 | 9.886885 | 9.917391 | 10.082609 | 25 |
40 | 9.805039 | 9.886362 | 9.918677 | 10.081323 | 20 |
45 | 9.805799 | 9.885837 | 9.919962 | 10.080038 | 15 |
50 | 9.806557 | 9.885311 | 9.921247 | 10.078753 | 10 |
55 | 9.807314 | 9.884783 | 9.922530 | 10.077470 | 5 |
60 | 9.808067 | 9.884254 | 9.923814 | 10.076186 | 0 |
Co-sine. | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
52. |
40. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.808067 | 9.884254 | 9.923814 | 10.076186 | 60 |
5 | 9.808819 | 9.883723 | 9.925096 | 10.074904 | 55 |
10 | 9.809569 | 9.883191 | 9.926378 | 10.073622 | 50 |
15 | 9.810316 | 9.882657 | 9.927659 | 10.072341 | 45 |
20 | 9.811061 | 9.882121 | 9.928940 | 10.071060 | 40 |
25 | 9.811804 | 9.881584 | 9.930220 | 10.069781 | 35 |
30 | 9.812544 | 9.881046 | 9.931499 | 10.068501 | 30 |
35 | 9.813283 | 9.880505 | 9.932778 | 10.067222 | 25 |
40 | 9.814019 | 9.879963 | 9.934056 | 10.065944 | 20 |
45 | 9.814753 | 9.879420 | 9.935333 | 10.064667 | 15 |
50 | 9.815485 | 9.878875 | 9.936611 | 10.063389 | 10 |
55 | 9.816215 | 9.878328 | 9.937887 | 10.062113 | 5 |
60 | 9.816943 | 9.877780 | 9.939163 | 10.060837 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
49. |
41. | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.816943 | 9.877780 | 9.939163 | 10.060837 | 60 |
5 | 9.817668 | 9.877230 | 9.940439 | 10.059561 | 55 |
10 | 9.818392 | 9.876678 | 9.941713 | 10.058287 | 50 |
15 | 9.819113 | 9.876125 | 9.942988 | 10.057012 | 45 |
20 | 9.819832 | 9.875571 | 9.944262 | 10.055738 | 40 |
25 | 9.820550 | 9.875014 | 9.945535 | 10.054465 | 35 |
30 | 9.821265 | 9.874456 | 9.946808 | 10.053192 | 30 |
35 | 9.821977 | 9.873896 | 9.948081 | 10.051919 | 25 |
40 | 9.822688 | 9.873335 | 9.949353 | 10.050647 | 20 |
45 | 9.823397 | 9.872772 | 9.950625 | 10.049375 | 15 |
50 | 9.824104 | 9.872208 | 9.951896 | 10.048104 | 10 |
55 | 9.824808 | 9.871641 | 9.953167 | 10.046833 | 5 |
60 | 9.825511 | 9.871073 | 9.954437 | 10.045563 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M. | |
48. |
42. | |||||
M | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.825511 | 9.871073 | 9.954437 | 10.045503 | 60 |
5 | 9.826211 | 9.870504 | 9.955708 | 10.044292 | 55 |
10 | 9.826910 | 9.869933 | 9.956977 | 10.04 [...]23 | 50 |
15 | 9.827606 | 9.869360 | 9.958247 | 10.041753 | 45 |
20 | 9.828301 | 9.868785 | 9.959516 | 10.040484 | 40 |
25 | 9.828993 | 9.868209 | 9.960784 | 10.039216 | 35 |
30 | 9.829683 | 9.867631 | 9.962052 | 10.037948 | 30 |
35 | 9.830372 | 9.867051 | 9.963320 | 10.036680 | 25 |
40 | 9.831058 | 9.866470 | 9.964588 | 10.035412 | 20 |
45 | 9.831742 | 9.865887 | 9.965855 | 10.034145 | 15 |
50 | 9.832425 | 9.865302 | 9.967123 | 10.032877 | 10 |
55 | 9.833105 | 9.864716 | 9.968389 | 10.031611 | 5 |
60 | 9.833783 | 9.864127 | 9.969656 | 10.030344 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
47. |
43. | |||||
M | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.833783 | 9.864127 | 9.969656 | 10.030344 | 60 |
5 | 9.834460 | 9.863538 | 9.970922 | 10.029078 | 55 |
10 | 9.835134 | 9.862946 | 9.972188 | 10.027812 | 50 |
15 | 9.835807 | 9.862353 | 9.973454 | 10.026546 | 45 |
20 | 9.836477 | 9.861758 | 9.974720 | 10.025280 | 40 |
25 | 9.837146 | 9.861161 | 9.975985 | 10.024015 | 35 |
30 | 9.837812 | 9.860562 | 9.977250 | 10.022750 | 30 |
35 | 9.838477 | 9.859962 | 9.978515 | 10.021485 | 25 |
40 | 9.839140 | 9.859360 | 9.979780 | 10.020220 | 20 |
45 | 9.839800 | 9.858756 | 9.981044 | 10.018956 | 15 |
50 | 9.840459 | 9.858151 | 9.982309 | 10.017691 | 10 |
55 | 9.841116 | 9.857543 | 9.983573 | 10.016427 | 5 |
60 | 9.841771 | 9.856934 | 9.984837 | 10.015163 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
46. |
44 | |||||
M. | SIN. | Co-sine. | TAN. | Co-Tangent. | |
0 | 9.841771 | 9.856934 | 9.984837 | 10.015162 | 60 |
5 | 9.842424 | 9.856323 | 9.986101 | 10.013899 | 55 |
10 | 9.843076 | 9.855711 | 9.987365 | 10.012635 | 50 |
15 | 9.843725 | 9.855096 | 9.988629 | 10.011371 | 45 |
20 | 9.844372 | 9.854480 | 9.989893 | 10.010107 | 40 |
25 | 9.845018 | 9.853862 | 9.991156 | 10.008844 | 35 |
30 | 9.845662 | 9.853242 | 9.992420 | 10.007580 | 30 |
35 | 9.846304 | 9.852620 | 9.993683 | 10.006317 | 25 |
40 | 9.846944 | 9.851997 | 9.994947 | 10.005053 | 20 |
45 | 9.847582 | 9.851372 | 9.996210 | 10.003790 | 15 |
50 | 9.848218 | 9.850745 | 9.997473 | 10.002527 | 10 |
55 | 9.848852 | 9.850116 | 9.998737 | 10.001263 | 5 |
60 | 9.849485 | 9.849485 | 10.000000 | 10.000000 | 0 |
Co-sine | SIN. | Co-Tang. | TAN. | M | |
45. |
A TABLE OF Logarithm Numbers.
N. | Log. | N. | Log. | N. | Log. | N. | Log. |
1 | 0.000000 | 41 | 1.612784 | 81 | 1.908485 | 121 | 2.082785 |
2 | 0.301030 | 42 | 1.623249 | 82 | 1.913814 | 122 | 2.086359 |
3 | 0.477121 | 43 | 1.633468 | 83 | 1.919078 | 123 | 2.089905 |
4 | 0.602060 | 44 | 1.643452 | 84 | 1.924279 | 124 | 2.093422 |
5 | 0.698970 | 45 | 1.653212 | 85 | 1.929419 | 125 | 2.096910 |
6 | 0.778151 | 46 | 1.662758 | 86 | 1.934498 | 126 | 2.100371 |
7 | 0.845098 | 47 | 1.672098 | 87 | 1.939519 | 127 | 2.103804 |
8 | 0.903090 | 48 | 1.681241 | 88 | 1.944482 | 128 | 2.107209 |
9 | 0.954242 | 49 | 1.690196 | 89 | 1.949390 | 129 | 2.110589 |
10 | 1.000000 | 50 | 1.698970 | 90 | 1.954242 | 130 | 2.113943 |
11 | 1.041393 | 51 | 1.707570 | 91 | 1.959041 | 131 | 2.117271 |
12 | 1.079181 | 52 | 1.716003 | 92 | 1.963788 | 132 | 2.120574 |
13 | 1.113943 | 53 | 1.724276 | 93 | 1.968483 | 133 | 2.123852 |
14 | 1.146128 | 54 | 1.732394 | 94 | 1.973128 | 134 | 2.127105 |
15 | 1.176091 | 55 | 1.740362 | 95 | 1.977723 | 135 | 2.130334 |
16 | 1.204120 | 56 | 1.748188 | 96 | 1.982271 | 136 | 2.233539 |
17 | 1.230449 | 57 | 1.755875 | 97 | 1.986772 | 137 | 2.136721 |
18 | 1.255272 | 58 | 1.763428 | 98 | 1.991226 | 138 | 2.139879 |
19 | 1.278753 | 59 | 1.770852 | 99 | 1.995635 | 139 | 2.143015 |
20 | 1.301230 | 60 | 1.778151 | 100 | 2.000000 | 140 | 2.146128 |
21 | 1.322219 | 61 | 1.785330 | 101 | 2.004321 | 141 | 2.159219 |
22 | 1.342422 | 62 | 1.792391 | 102 | 2.008600 | 142 | 2.152288 |
23 | 1.361728 | 63 | 1.799340 | 103 | 2.012837 | 143 | 2.155336 |
24 | 1.380211 | 64 | 1.806180 | 104 | 2.017033 | 144 | 2.158362 |
25 | 1.397940 | 65 | 1.812913 | 105 | 2.021189 | 145 | 2.161368 |
26 | 1.414973 | 66 | 1.819544 | 106 | 2.025306 | 146 | 2.164353 |
27 | 1.431364 | 67 | 1.826075 | 107 | 2.029384 | 147 | 2.167317 |
28 | 1.447158 | 68 | 1.832509 | 108 | 2.033424 | 148 | 2.170262 |
29 | 1.462398 | 69 | 1.838849 | 109 | 2.037426 | 149 | 2.173186 |
30 | 1.477121 | 70 | 1.845098 | 110 | 2.041393 | 150 | 2.176091 |
31 | 1.491361 | 71 | 1.851258 | 111 | 2.045323 | 151 | 2.178977 |
32 | 1.505150 | 72 | 1.857332 | 112 | 2.049218 | 152 | 2.181844 |
33 | 1.518514 | 73 | 1.863323 | 113 | 2.053078 | 153 | 2.184691 |
34 | 1.531479 | 74 | 1.869232 | 114 | 2.056905 | 154 | 2.187521 |
35 | 1.544068 | 75 | 1.875061 | 115 | 2.060698 | 155 | 2.190332 |
36 | 1.5 [...]6303 | 76 | 1.880813 | 116 | 2.064458 | 156 | 2.193125 |
37 | 1.568202 | 77 | 1.886491 | 117 | 2.068186 | 157 | 2.195899 |
38 | 1.579783 | 78 | 1.892094 | 118 | 2.071882 | 158 | 2.198657 |
39 | 1.591064 | 79 | 1.897627 | 119 | 2.075547 | 159 | 2.201397 |
40 | 1.602060 | 80 | 1.903090 | 120 | 2.079181 | 160 | 2.204110 |
161 | 2.206826 | 201 | 2.303196 | 241 | 2.382017 | 281 | 2.448706 |
162 | 2.209515 | 202 | 2.305351 | 242 | 2.383815 | 282 | 2.450249 |
163 | 2.212187 | 203 | 2.307496 | 243 | 2.385606 | 283 | 2.451786 |
164 | 2.214844 | 204 | 2.309630 | 244 | 2.387389 | 284 | 2.453318 |
165 | 2.217484 | 205 | 2.311754 | 245 | 2.389166 | 285 | 2.454845 |
166 | 2.220108 | 206 | 2.313867 | 246 | 2.390935 | 286 | 2.456366 |
167 | 2.222716 | 207 | 2.315970 | 247 | 2.392697 | 287 | 2.457889 |
168 | 2.225309 | 208 | 2.318063 | 248 | 2.394452 | 288 | 2.459392 |
169 | 2.227887 | 209 | 2.320146 | 249 | 2.396199 | 289 | 2.460898 |
170 | 2.230449 | 210 | 2.322219 | 250 | 2.397940 | 290 | 2.462398 |
171 | 2.232996 | 211 | 2.324282 | 251 | 2.399674 | 291 | 2.463893 |
172 | 2.235528 | 212 | 2.326336 | 252 | 2.401401 | 292 | 2.465383 |
173 | 2.238046 | 213 | 2.328379 | 253 | 2.403121 | 293 | 2.466868 |
174 | 2.240549 | 214 | 2.330414 | 254 | 2.404834 | 294 | 2.468347 |
175 | 2.243038 | 215 | 2.332438 | 255 | 2.406540 | 295 | 2.469822 |
176 | 2.245513 | 216 | 2.334454 | 256 | 2.408239 | 296 | 2.471292 |
177 | 2.247973 | 217 | 2.336459 | 257 | 2.409933 | 297 | 2.472756 |
178 | 2.250420 | 218 | 2.338456 | 258 | 2.411619 | 298 | 2.474216 |
179 | 2.252853 | 219 | 2.340444 | 259 | 2.413299 | 299 | 2.475671 |
180 | 2.255273 | 220 | 2.342422 | 260 | 2.414973 | 300 | 2.477121 |
181 | 2.257679 | 221 | 2.344392 | 261 | 2.416641 | 301 | 2.478566 |
182 | 2.260071 | 222 | 2.346353 | 262 | 2.418301 | 302 | 2.480007 |
183 | 2.262451 | 223 | 2.348305 | 263 | 2.419956 | 303 | 2.481443 |
184 | 2.264818 | 224 | 2.350248 | 264 | 2.421604 | 304 | 2.482874 |
185 | 2.267172 | 225 | 2.352183 | 265 | 2.423246 | 305 | 2.484299 |
186 | 2.269513 | 226 | 2.354108 | 266 | 2.424882 | 306 | 2.485721 |
187 | 2.271842 | 227 | 2.356026 | 267 | 2.426511 | 307 | 2.487138 |
188 | 2.274158 | 228 | 2.357935 | 268 | 2.428135 | 308 | 2.488551 |
189 | 2.276462 | 229 | 2.359835 | 269 | 2.429752 | 309 | 2.489958 |
190 | 2.278754 | 230 | 2.361728 | 270 | 2.421364 | 310 | 2.491362 |
191 | 2.281033 | 231 | 2.363612 | 271 | 2.432969 | 311 | 2.492760 |
192 | 2.283301 | 232 | 2.365488 | 272 | 2.434569 | 312 | 2.494155 |
193 | 2.285557 | 233 | 2.367356 | 273 | 2.436163 | 313 | 2.495544 |
194 | 2.287802 | 234 | 2.369216 | 274 | 2.337751 | 314 | 2.496929 |
195 | 2.290035 | 235 | 2.371068 | 275 | 2.439333 | 315 | 2.498311 |
196 | 2.292256 | 236 | 2.3729 [...]2 | 276 | 2.440909 | 316 | 2.499687 |
197 | 2.294466 | 237 | 2.374748 | 277 | 2.442479 | 317 | 2.501059 |
198 | 2.296665 | 238 | 2.376577 | 278 | 2.444045 | 318 | 2.502427 |
199 | 2.298853 | 239 | 2.378398 | 279 | 2.445604 | 319 | 2.503791 |
200 | 2.301029 | 240 | 2.380211 | 280 | 2.447158 | 320 | 2.505149 |
321 | 2.506505 | 361 | 2.557507 | 401 | 2.603144 | 441 | 2.644439 |
322 | 2.507856 | 362 | 2.558709 | 402 | 2.604226 | 442 | 2.645422 |
323 | 2.509203 | 363 | 2.559907 | 403 | 2.605305 | 443 | 2.646404 |
324 | 2.510545 | 364 | 2.561101 | 404 | 2.606381 | 444 | 2.647383 |
325 | 2.511883 | 365 | 2.562293 | 405 | 2.607455 | 445 | 2.648360 |
326 | 2.513218 | 366 | 2.563481 | 406 | 2.608526 | 446 | 2.649335 |
327 | 2.514548 | 367 | 2.564666 | 407 | 2.609594 | 447 | 2.650308 |
328 | 2.515874 | 368 | 2.565848 | 408 | 2.610660 | 448 | 2.651278 |
329 | 2.517196 | 369 | 2.567026 | 409 | 2.611723 | 449 | 2.652246 |
330 | 2.518514 | 370 | 2.568202 | 410 | 2.612784 | 450 | 2.653213 |
331 | 2.519828 | 371 | 2.569374 | 411 | 2.613842 | 451 | 2.654177 |
332 | 2.521138 | 372 | 2.570543 | 412 | 2.614897 | 452 | 2.655138 |
333 | 2.522444 | 373 | 2.571709 | 413 | 2.615950 | 453 | 2.656098 |
334 | 2.523746 | 374 | 2.572872 | 414 | 2.617000 | 454 | 2.657056 |
335 | 2.525045 | 375 | 2.574031 | 415 | 2.618048 | 455 | 2.658011 |
336 | 2.526339 | 376 | 2.575188 | 416 | 2.619093 | 456 | 2.658965 |
337 | 2.527629 | 377 | 2.576341 | 417 | 2.620136 | 457 | 2.659916 |
338 | 2.528916 | 378 | 2.577492 | 418 | 2.621176 | 458 | 2.660865 |
339 | 2.530199 | 379 | 2.578639 | 419 | 2.622214 | 459 | 2.661813 |
340 | 2.531479 | 380 | 2.579784 | 420 | 2.623249 | 460 | 2.662758 |
341 | 2.532754 | 381 | 2.580925 | 421 | 2.624282 | 461 | 2.663701 |
342 | 2.534026 | 382 | 2.582063 | 422 | 2.625312 | 462 | 2.664642 |
343 | 2.535294 | 383 | 2.583199 | 423 | 2.626340 | 463 | 2.665581 |
344 | 2.536558 | 384 | 2.584331 | 424 | 2.627366 | 464 | 2.666518 |
345 | 2.537819 | 385 | 2.585461 | 425 | 2.628389 | 465 | 2.667453 |
346 | 2.539076 | 386 | 2.586587 | 426 | 2.629409 | 466 | 2.668386 |
347 | 2.540329 | 387 | 2.587711 | 427 | 2.630428 | 467 | 2.669317 |
348 | 2.541579 | 388 | 2.588832 | 428 | 2.631444 | 468 | 2.670246 |
349 | 2.542825 | 389 | 2.589949 | 429 | 2.632457 | 469 | 2.671173 |
350 | 2.544008 | 390 | 2.591065 | 430 | 2.633468 | 470 | 2.672098 |
351 | 2.545307 | 391 | 2.592177 | 431 | 2.634477 | 471 | 2.673021 |
352 | 2.546543 | 392 | 2.593286 | 432 | 2.635484 | 472 | 2.673942 |
353 | 2.547775 | 393 | 2.594393 | 433 | 2.636488 | 473 | 2.674861 |
354 | 2.549003 | 394 | 2.595496 | 434 | 2.637489 | 474 | 2.675778 |
355 | 2.550228 | 395 | 2.596597 | 435 | 3.638489 | 475 | 2.676694 |
356 | 2.551449 | 396 | 2.597695 | 436 | 2.639486 | 476 | 2.677607 |
357 | 2.552668 | 397 | 2.598790 | 437 | 2.640481 | 477 | 2.678518 |
358 | 2.553883 | 398 | 2.599883 | 438 | 2.641475 | 478 | 2.679428 |
359 | 2.555094 | 399 | 2.600973 | 439 | 2.642465 | 479 | 2.680336 |
360 | 2.556303 | 400 | 2.602059 | 440 | 2.643453 | 480 | 2.681241 |
481 | 2.682145 | 521 | 2.716838 | 561 | 2.748963 | 601 | 2.778874 |
482 | 2.683047 | 522 | 2.717671 | 562 | 2.749736 | 602 | 2.779596 |
483 | 2.683947 | 523 | 2.718502 | 563 | 2.750508 | 603 | 2.780317 |
484 | 2.684845 | 524 | 2.719331 | 564 | 2.751279 | 604 | 2.781037 |
485 | 2.685742 | 525 | 2.720159 | 565 | 2.752048 | 605 | 2.781755 |
486 | 2.686636 | 526 | 2.720986 | 566 | 2.752816 | 606 | 2.782473 |
487 | 2.687529 | 527 | 2.721811 | 567 | 2.753583 | 607 | 2.783189 |
488 | 2.688419 | 528 | 2.722634 | 568 | 2.754348 | 608 | 2.783904 |
489 | 2.689309 | 529 | 2.723456 | 569 | 2.755112 | 609 | 2.784617 |
490 | 2.690196 | 530 | 2.724276 | 570 | 2.755875 | 610 | 2.785329 |
491 | 2.691081 | 531 | 2.725095 | 571 | 2.756636 | 611 | 2.786041 |
492 | 2.691965 | 532 | 2.725912 | 572 | 2.757396 | 612 | 2.786751 |
493 | 2.692847 | 533 | 2.726727 | 573 | 2.758155 | 613 | 2.787460 |
494 | 2.693727 | 534 | 2.727541 | 574 | 2.758912 | 614 | 2.788164 |
495 | 2.694605 | 535 | 2.728354 | 575 | 2.759668 | 615 | 2.788875 |
496 | 2.695482 | 536 | 2.729165 | 576 | 2.760422 | 616 | 2.789581 |
497 | 2.696356 | 537 | 2.729974 | 577 | 2.761176 | 617 | 2.790285 |
498 | 2.697229 | 538 | 2.730782 | 578 | 2.761928 | 618 | 2.790988 |
499 | 2.698101 | 539 | 2.731589 | 579 | 2.762679 | 619 | 2.791691 |
500 | 2.698970 | 540 | 2.732394 | 580 | 2.763428 | 620 | 2.792392 |
501 | 2.699838 | 541 | 2.733197 | 581 | 2.764176 | 621 | 2.793092 |
502 | 2.700704 | 542 | 2.733999 | 582 | 2.764923 | 622 | 2.793791 |
503 | 2.701568 | 543 | 2.734799 | 583 | 2.765669 | 623 | 2.794488 |
504 | 2.702430 | 544 | 2.735599 | 584 | 2.766413 | 624 | 2.795185 |
505 | 2.703291 | 545 | 2.736397 | 585 | 2.767156 | 625 | 2.795880 |
506 | 2.704151 | 546 | 2.737192 | 586 | 2.767898 | 626 | 2.796574 |
507 | 2.705008 | 547 | 2.737987 | 587 | 2.768638 | 627 | 2.797268 |
508 | 2.705863 | 548 | 2.738781 | 588 | 2.769377 | 628 | 2.797959 |
509 | 2.706718 | 549 | 2.739572 | 589 | 2.770115 | 629 | 2.798651 |
510 | 2.707570 | 550 | 2.740363 | 590 | 2.770852 | 630 | 2.799341 |
511 | 2.708421 | 551 | 2.741152 | 591 | 2.771587 | 631 | 2.800029 |
512 | 2.709269 | 552 | 2.741939 | 592 | 2.772322 | 632 | 2.800717 |
513 | 2.710117 | 553 | 2.742725 | 593 | 2.773055 | 633 | 2.801404 |
514 | 2.710963 | 554 | 2.743509 | 594 | 2.773786 | 634 | 2.802089 |
515 | 2.711807 | 555 | 2.744293 | 595 | 2.774517 | 635 | 2.802774 |
516 | 2.712649 | 556 | 2.745075 | 596 | 2.775246 | 636 | 2.803457 |
517 | 2.713491 | 557 | 2.745855 | 597 | 2.775974 | 637 | 2.804139 |
518 | 2.714329 | 558 | 2.746634 | 598 | 2.776701 | 638 | 2.804821 |
519 | 2.715167 | 559 | 2.747412 | 599 | 2.777427 | 639 | 2.805501 |
520 | 2.716003 | 560 | 2.748188 | 600 | 2.778151 | 640 | 2.806179 |
641 | 2.806858 | 681 | 2.833147 | 721 | 2.857935 | 761 | 2.881385 |
642 | 2.807535 | 682 | 2.833784 | 722 | 2.858537 | 762 | 2.881955 |
643 | 2.808211 | 683 | 2.834421 | 723 | 2.859138 | 763 | 2.882525 |
644 | 2.808886 | 684 | 2.835056 | 724 | 2.859739 | 764 | 2.883093 |
645 | 2.809559 | 685 | 2.835691 | 725 | 2.860338 | 765 | 2.883661 |
646 | 2.810233 | 686 | 2.836324 | 726 | 2.860937 | 766 | 2.884229 |
647 | 2.810904 | 687 | 2.836957 | 727 | 2.861534 | 767 | 2.884795 |
648 | 2.811575 | 688 | 2.837588 | 728 | 2.862131 | 768 | 2.885361 |
649 | 2.812245 | 689 | 2.838219 | 729 | 2.862728 | 769 | 2.885926 |
650 | 2.812913 | 690 | 2.838849 | 730 | 2.863323 | 770 | 2.886491 |
651 | 2.813581 | 691 | 2.839478 | 731 | 2.863917 | 771 | 2.887054 |
652 | 2.814248 | 692 | 2.840106 | 732 | 2.864511 | 772 | 2.887617 |
653 | 2.814913 | 693 | 2.840733 | 733 | 2.865104 | 773 | 2.888179 |
654 | 2.815578 | 694 | 2.841359 | 734 | 2.865696 | 774 | 2.888741 |
655 | 2.816241 | 695 | 2.841985 | 735 | 2.866287 | 775 | 2.889302 |
656 | 2.816904 | 696 | 2.842609 | 736 | 2.866878 | 776 | 2.889862 |
657 | 2.817565 | 697 | 2.843233 | 737 | 2.867467 | 777 | 2.890421 |
658 | 2.818226 | 698 | 2.843855 | 738 | 2.868056 | 778 | 2.890979 |
659 | 2.818885 | 699 | 2.844477 | 739 | 2.868643 | 779 | 2.891537 |
660 | 2.819543 | 700 | 2.845098 | 740 | 2.869232 | 780 | 2.892095 |
661 | 2.820201 | 701 | 2.845718 | 741 | 2.869818 | 781 | 2.892651 |
662 | 2.820858 | 702 | 2.846337 | 742 | 2.870404 | 782 | 2.893207 |
663 | 2.821514 | 703 | 2.846955 | 743 | 2.870989 | 783 | 2.893762 |
664 | 2.822168 | 704 | 2.847573 | 744 | 2.871573 | 784 | 2.894316 |
665 | 2.822822 | 705 | 2.848189 | 745 | 2.872156 | 785 | 2.894869 |
666 | 2.823474 | 706 | 2.848805 | 746 | 2.872739 | 786 | 2.895423 |
667 | 2.824126 | 707 | 2.849419 | 747 | 2.873321 | 787 | 2.895975 |
668 | 2.824776 | 708 | 2.850033 | 748 | 2.873902 | 788 | 2.896526 |
669 | 2.825426 | 709 | 2.850646 | 749 | 2.874482 | 789 | 2.897077 |
670 | 2.826075 | 710 | 2.851258 | 750 | 2.875061 | 790 | 2.897627 |
671 | 2.826723 | 711 | 2.851869 | 751 | 2.875639 | 791 | 2.898176 |
672 | 2.827369 | 712 | 2.852479 | 752 | 2.876218 | 792 | 2.898725 |
673 | 2.828015 | 713 | 2.853089 | 753 | 2.876795 | 793 | 2.899273 |
674 | 2.828659 | 714 | 2.853698 | 754 | 2.877371 | 794 | 2.899821 |
675 | 2.829304 | 715 | 2.854306 | 755 | 2.877947 | 795 | 2.900367 |
676 | 2.829947 | 716 | 2.854913 | 756 | 2.878522 | 796 | 2.900913 |
677 | 2.830589 | 717 | 2.855519 | 757 | 2.879096 | 797 | 2.901458 |
678 | 2.830229 | 718 | 2.856124 | 758 | 2.879669 | 798 | 2.902003 |
679 | 2.832869 | 719 | 2.856729 | 759 | 2.880242 | 799 | 2.902547 |
680 | 2.832509 | 720 | 2.857332 | 760 | 2.880814 | 800 | 2.903089 |
801 | 2.903633 | 841 | 2.92476 [...] | 881 | 2.944976 | 921 | 2.964259 |
802 | 2.904174 | 842 | 2.925312 | 882 | 2.945468 | 922 | 2.964731 |
803 | 2.904716 | 843 | 2.925828 | 883 | 2.945961 | 923 | 2.965202 |
804 | 2.905256 | 844 | 2.926342 | 884 | 2.946452 | 924 | 2.965672 |
805 | 2.905796 | 845 | 2.926857 | 885 | 1.946943 | 925 | 2.966142 |
806 | 2.906335 | 846 | 2.927370 | 886 | 2.947434 | 926 | 2.966611 |
807 | 2.906874 | 847 | 2.927883 | 887 | 2.947924 | 927 | 2.967079 |
808 | 2.907411 | 848 | 2.928396 | 888 | 2.948413 | 928 | 2.967548 |
809 | 2.907949 | 849 | 2.928908 | 889 | 2.948902 | 929 | 2.968016 |
810 | 2.908485 | 850 | 2.929419 | 890 | 2.949390 | 930 | 2.968483 |
811 | 2.909021 | 851 | 2.929929 | 891 | 2.940878 | 931 | 2.968949 |
812 | 2.909556 | 852 | 2.930439 | 892 | 2.950365 | 932 | 2.969416 |
813 | 2.910091 | 853 | 2.930949 | 893 | 2.950851 | 933 | 2.969882 |
814 | 2.910624 | 854 | 2.931458 | 894 | 2.951338 | 934 | 2.970347 |
815 | 2.911158 | 855 | 2.931966 | 895 | 2.951823 | 935 | 2.970812 |
816 | 2.911690 | 856 | 2.932474 | 896 | 2.952308 | 936 | 2.971276 |
817 | 2.912222 | 857 | 2.932981 | 897 | 2.952792 | 937 | 2.971739 |
818 | 2.912753 | 858 | 2.933487 | 898 | 2.953276 | 938 | 2.972203 |
819 | 2.913284 | 859 | 2.933993 | 899 | 2.953759 | 939 | 2.972666 |
820 | 2.913814 | 860 | 2.934498 | 900 | 2.954243 | 940 | 2.973128 |
821 | 2.914343 | 861 | 2.935003 | 901 | 2.954725 | 941 | 2.973589 |
822 | 2.914872 | 862 | 2.935507 | 902 | 2.955207 | 942 | 2.974050 |
823 | 2.915399 | 863 | 2.936011 | 903 | 2.955688 | 943 | 2.974512 |
824 | 2.915927 | 864 | 2.936514 | 904 | 2.956168 | 944 | 2.974972 |
825 | 2.916454 | 865 | 2.937016 | 905 | 2.956649 | 945 | 2.975432 |
826 | 2.916980 | 866 | 2.937518 | 906 | 2.957128 | 946 | 2.975891 |
827 | 2.917506 | 867 | 2.938019 | 907 | 2.957607 | 947 | 2.976349 |
828 | 2.918030 | 868 | 2.998519 | 908 | 2.958086 | 948 | 2.976808 |
829 | 2.918555 | 869 | 2.939019 | 909 | 2.958564 | 949 | 2.977266 |
830 | 2.819078 | 870 | 2.939519 | 910 | 2.959041 | 960 | 2.977724 |
831 | 2.919601 | 871 | 2.940018 | 911 | 2.959518 | 951 | 2.978181 |
832 | 2.920123 | 872 | 2.940516 | 912 | 2.959995 | 952 | 2.978637 |
833 | 2.920645 | 873 | 2.941014 | 913 | 2.960471 | 953 | 2.979093 |
834 | 2.921166 | 874 | 2.941511 | 914 | 2.960946 | 954 | 2.979548 |
835 | 2.921686 | 875 | 2.942008 | 915 | 2.961401 | 955 | 2.980003 |
836 | 2.922206 | 876 | 2.942504 | 916 | 2.961895 | 956 | 2.980458 |
837 | 2.922725 | 877 | 2.942999 | 917 | 2.962369 | 957 | 2.980912 |
838 | 2.923244 | 878 | 2.943495 | 918 | 2.962840 | 958 | 2.981366 |
839 | 2.923762 | 879 | 2.943989 | 919 | 2.963315 | 959 | 2.981819 |
840 | 2.924279 | 880 | 2.944483 | 920 | 2.963788 | 960 | 2.982271 |
961 | 2.982723 | 971 | 2.987219 | 981 | 2.991669 | 991 | 2.996074 |
962 | 2.983175 | 972 | 2.987666 | 982 | 2.992111 | 992 | 2.996512 |
963 | 2.983626 | 973 | 2.988113 | 983 | 2.992554 | 993 | 2.996949 |
964 | 2.984077 | 974 | 2.988559 | 984 | 2.992995 | 994 | 2.997386 |
965 | 2.984527 | 975 | 2.989005 | 985 | 2.993436 | 995 | 2.997823 |
966 | 2.984977 | 976 | 2.989449 | 986 | 2.993877 | 996 | 2.998259 |
967 | 2.985426 | 977 | 2.989895 | 987 | 2.994317 | 997 | 2.998695 |
968 | 2.985875 | 978 | 2.990339 | 988 | 2.994756 | 998 | 2.999133 |
969 | 2.986324 | 979 | 2.990783 | 989 | 2.995196 | 999 | 2.999565 |
960 | 2.988772 | 980 | 2.991226 | 990 | 2.995635 | 1000 | 3.000000 |
The use of these Tables hath been already at large shewed in the First and Twelfth Chapters; therefore I shall say no more of them here.