Joyfull Newes from IRELAND.
THough I can write nothing of mine owne personall knowledge as being there present. Yet the matter being such, as that the whole State and Councell here at Dublin is undoubtedly informed of the truth and certainty of it, and publike thanks openly given in the Cathedrall Church of St. Patrick here in Dublin in that behalfe you may without scruple embrace it as for good so credible tydings: Victory hath not onely shined divers wayes lately upon the English Banner hereabouts, but God hath also granted a most successefull day to our friends and Brethren, the Scots in the Northerne parts, within 9. myles of the Towne called Knockfergus, on the 16. of February last betwixt 3. and 4. of the clocke in the afternoone, as we are here credibly enformed by divers Letters and messengers that are here arrived by Sea from those parts, which Victory was obtained under the conduct and command of two Scottish Commanders, Colonell Davie Duglas, and Sir Iames Carre Colonell, with the ayd and assistance of all the Scottish Inhabitants in those parts, which Scottish Victory very great and glorious, was occasioned as followeth.
The Arch-Rebels Philemy Oneale, the Earle of Delvin, and Sir Denis Butler, having intelligence that great [Page] aides and forces, are with all speed making ready in Scotland, under the Command of Generall Lasley, and the other three Lords, Commissioners, to be transported into that part of Ireland viz. the North where their Country-men are allready planted, thought it their cheifest play to be aforehand, and to attempt the the utter extirpation of the Scots: before any farther strength would joyne with them from Scotland, being assured, as well they might, that what good successe wee for our parts might wish them in heart, yet being so incumbred by their fellowes almost at Dublin gates, we could affoord them little helpe by hands, seeing our Supplyes with the Lord Lievtenant, are not yet arriv'd out of England, heereupon these foresaid Rebels to the number of 12. or 14. Thousand as well armed for this Country, and for so great a number as ever was seene in Ireland, drew directly into the North to accomplish their designe: the Scots for certaine hearing of their coming, and that they were within 5. and thirty Myles march of them, and that with so great a Power, began at the right end, and considering the danger so great and so eminent, Proclaimed a Fast, and Generall Humiliation the next day, through out all their Quarters, and the next day after, vnder the Command of the two Commanders aforesaid, Colonell Duglas and Sr. Iames Carr, old Souldiers that ha [...] served long in the Swedish Warre, they mustered all their Infantrie, and Cavallarie, which consisted of 4. or 5. Thousand Foote, and about Nine Hundred and Fiftie Horse, some three Thousand Muskets, and about as many Pikes, and halfe-Pikes, their Horse-men had their Swords and Lances, some 200. their Pistols [Page] such as they were, and this was sent [...]on [...] Councell, the chiefest of the Armor they had was their Courages, (being the chiefest thing that did it) their greatest number being armed with such things as their Country would afforde, being Tooles rather then Armes, and fitter to make tillage withall then to fight a pitcht Battell, as Pick-Axes, Forks, great long Clubs Iron B [...]tes, long Poles, but God saith Salomon, doth not alwayes give the day unto the strongest and likeliest Armie, as will appeare by the ensuing discourse, the Scottish Colonels had sent out Spyes to see the behaviour of the Irish Rebels, and by them had tidings that their Horse, which they judged in number to be about 14. Hundred, marched, and began to plunder the Scottish Cabins, and drive away their Heards, being afore in distance as they deemed, at least 2. Irish Miles from the Grosse of their Foote, the Scottish Commanders, old Soldiers, were not a whit sorrowfull to heare that Newes, hoping as it fell out, the next day to take their Horse at that distance on the morrow, and to entertaine them a part from the Rebels Infanterie, for by their owne report they feared most the Irish Cavallerie, as being better Armed, and more in number, whereupon Duglas, with Fifteene Hundred of his best shot, and but Five Hundred Pikes, clapped at three of the clocke in the morning, into a Wood called the Bower of St. Patricke, without Drum or any Warlike musicall Instrument, councelling Sir Iames Carr to keepe his station, and to suffer the Enemie, to come to him if he pleased: not to stirre a Foote to meete him.
[Page] About 8. in the morning Oneals Horse set [...] as cocke sure, and therefore carelesse of their [...], and advanced all along the brough of the Bower, e [...]n within halfe a Mile of Carr, whom they espying to stand still, and not to move, thinking he had beene danted, forgetting how farre their owne Grosse was behind, put Spurres to horse, and fiercely charged upon him crying all is ours, all is ours, Carr soberly and sadly received them, and made them stand, out came Duglis iust behind them playing most furiously with his shot, the Scottish horse though but weake and few, in respect of them, seeing them thus coopt in, thinking what was to be done, was to be done before their Foote came neare, gave them a furious charge in the Flanke, as Duglis did not omit to doe his part in the Reare, as Carr in their Vanne, the Irish thus seeing themselves hem'd in and cast off their Foote, were uttely quel'd in their courages, and casting about to retire, but seeing no way, presently plundered in their Order, and were immediately confounded, slaine and cast to the ground, now drew on their Grosse of Infanterie, who seeing the overthrow of their Horse, and the Scots reunited into a maine Grosse againe, and in posture to charge made a stand, which the Scottish Collonels peerceiving, Duglis commanded Andrew Steward who had the charge of the Horse, to passe over a shallow Brooke, and under shelter of that wood called the Bower, to round the Rebels, and upon signall given to charge behinde.
When Steward was gone upon this command, Oneale construing the Action in worser sence then it was meant, beate a charge with his Drums, an [...] shocked [Page] Grosse to Grosse, where was a hot and cruell fight Fortune perceiveable enclining to neither party, the Scots behaved themselves very valorously, and it is hard to say, whether the men were more active in performance, then the women, of whom there were no small number, in emboldening and crying upon them, at last Steward broke out of the Wood upon them in the Reare, whose unexpected charge breaking in upon them that were slightest Armed, and expecting no hurt from that end of the World) so both amazed, disheartned, and routed them, that they supposing that there was some not dream't on power of foote as well as horse behind them, betooke themselves to a plaine flight, shifting here and there every man for himselfe, casting downe their weapons, and abandoning their 4. peeces of Artillery unto the dispose of the Scots, who made no scruple of the leisure; here the Irish were to sweare for the Scots not in onely standing to it, but in flying from it, for the Scots followed faster then they could flye, being as ably disposed in that point as the Irish, in the battell and pursuite were slain between 16 and 17000. but no man of note as the State and course are informed save Sir Denis Butler, Bastard brother unto the Lord Mount Garret, who was shot with a Musket through the right eye, there was sufficient Armes, for betwixt 3. and 4000 men was there left upon the ground, for those that would take it up, which by Gods mercy happened to be the Scots, for one especiall guift is observed among the Irish, if they chance to loose the day, they love to goe as light away as they can; the wing of this field I hope will so humble [Page] the Rebels, that the State shall little feare to give any other answer unto the peremptory Demands of their associate Rebels, that by the meanes of a Letter were presented unto them, February [...]. Signed with the Seale of Armes of divers of the Rebels Lords, of whom with their Impudent Demand, I have here sent you a list, the State I say shall have little cause I hope to answer any such Demands, save with Shot and Powder, I trust that this great overthrow hath passing well cooled their fiery cruell Spirits. *⁎*