THE following Treaty having for a con­siderable time been the Subject of the Gazettes beyond Sea, and of common Discourse here, and an Abstract thereof having been published very Imper­fect, if not Erroneous; for the Information of Man­kind it is here translated from the best Copy that could be gotten, to let the Nation see the care his Majesty takes to prevent new VVars, and by consequence the further Effusion of our Blood and Treasure.

THE TREATY BETWIXT The Most Christian King, The King of Great Britain, and The States General of the Ʋnited Provinces, For settling the Succession of the Crown of Spain, and the Dominions thereunto belonging, in case his Catholick Majesty die without Issue.

In English and French.

LONDON; Printed for A. Baldwin in Warwick-lane. M. DCC.

Traité entre le Roy tres Chretien, le Roy de la Grande Bretagne, & les Seigneurs Estats Generaux des Provinces Unies des Pais bas.

SOIT notoire à tous qui ces pre­sentes verront, que le serenissi­me & tres puissant prince Louis 14 me par la grace de Dieu Roy tres Chrestien de France & de Navarre, &c. & le serenissime & tres puissant prince Guillaume 3 me ausi par la grace de Dieu Roy de la grande Bretagne, & les seigneurs Estats generaux des Provinces Ʋnies des pais bas, n' ayant rien de plus a coeur que de fortifier par des nouvelles liaisons la bonne intelligence restablie entre sa Majeste tres Chret. sa Majeste de la grande Bret. & lesd. seigneurs Estats generaux par la dernier traité conclu à Riswick, & de prevenir par mesures prises à temps les evene­ments qui pourroient exciter de nouvelles guerres dans l' Europe; ont donné pour cet effet leurs pleins pouvoirs pour convenir d' un nouveau traité scavoir sa dite Majeste tres Chret. au Sieur Camille d' Hortung, Comte de Tallard, Lieut. general des [Page 2] armeés du Roy & de la province de Dauphiné, Ambassadeur extraordinaire de France en Angleterre; & au Sieur Gabriel Comte de Briord, Marquis de Senezan, Cons. du Roy en ses conseils, & son Ambassadeur extraord. aupres desd. seigneurs Estats Generaux des Provinces v. des p. b. Sad. Ma. Brit. au Sieur Guillaume▪ Comte de Portlant, Vicomte de Cirencester, Baron de Woodstock, Chevalier de l' ordre de la jarretiere, & Consr. du Roy en son conseil privé; & au Sieur Edward Comte de Jersey, Vicomte de Villiers, Baron de How, Chevalier Marechal d' Angleterre, premier Se­cret▪ d' estat, & Consr. du Roy en son conseil privé; & lesd. seignieurs Estats Grâux aux seignieurs Jean van Ersen bourguemaitre & senateur de la ville de Zutphen, Curateur de Ʋni­versité a Harderwick; Frederick Baron de Rheede seigneur de Lier; St. Antoine Berleé de l' ordre de la Noblesse a' Hollande & West Frize; Antoine Heinsius consr. pensionare, garde du grand sceau, & surjnten­dant des fiefs de la meme province; Guillaume de Nassau seigneur de Odyeck Cortigene, & premier noble & representant la noblesse dans l' assembleé des Estats & de Deputes, Consr. de Zelande; Everhard de Veede, seigneur de Weede, Dickvelt, Rateles, & seigneur foncier de la ville d' Ou­dewater, [Page 3] doyen & escolastre du chapitre Imperiale de St. Marie a Ʋtrecht, Diek­grave de la Riviere du Rhin dans la Province d' Ʋtrecht, & president des estats de la meme province; Guillau­me van Harein; Grietman du Bild deputé de la Noblesse aux Estats de Frize, & Curateur de l' université de Franecker; Arnold Lemcker, Bourgomatre de Deventer; & Jean van Heeck, senateur de la ville de Gronningue, tous Deputes dans l' assemblee desdt. seigneurs Estats generaux, de la part des Estats de Gueldre, de Hollande & West Frize, de Zeelande, d'Ʋtrecht, de Frize, d'Overissel, & de Groningue & Ome­landes; lesquels en vertu desds. pou­voirs sont convenus des articles sui­vans.

Article I.

La Paix restablie par le traité de Riswick entre sa Majeste tres Chreti­enne, sa Majeste Britanique, & les seigneurs Estats Generaux des Provin­ces Ʋnies des Pais Bas, leur heri­tiers & successeurs, leurs Royaumes, Estats, & Sujets, sera ferme & con­stante; & leurs Majestes, & lesdits seigneurs Estats Graux des P. Ʋ. des P. B. feront reciproquement tout ce qui pourra contribuer a l' a­vantage & a l' utilite de l' un & de l' autre.


Comme le principal objet que sad. Majeste tres Chres. sa dite Majeste de la G. B. & lesd seigneurs E. G. se proposent, est celuy de maintenir la tranquilite generale de l' Europe, ils n' ont pü voir sans douleur que l' estat de la sante du Roy d' Espagne soit depuis quelque tems devenu si languis­sant, qu' il y a tout a craindre pour la vie de ce prince; quoy qu' ils ne puissent tourner leurs pensees du costé de cet evenement sans affliction par l' amitie sincere & veritable qu' ils ont pour luy, ils ont cependant estimé qu' il estoit d' autant plus necessaire de le prevoir que sa Majeste Cathol. n' ayant point d' enfans, l' ouverture de la succession exciteroit infailliblement une nouvelle guerre sile Roy tres Chret. soutenoit ses pretensions, celles de Mons. le Dauphin ou de ses descendans sur toute la succes­sion d' Espagne, & que l' Empereur voulut aussy faire valoir ses pretensions, celles du Roy des Romains de l' Archi-Duc son second fils ou de ses autres enfans masles ou femelles sur lad. suc­cession.


Et Comme les deux seigneurs Roys & les seigneurs Estats Generaux veulent sur toutes choses la conservati­on, du repos public & d' eviter une nouvelle guerre dans l' Europe pour un accommodement des disputes & des differents qui pourroient resulter au sujet de lad. succession ou par l' om­brage de trois Estats reunis sous un mesme Prince, ils ont trouvé bon de prendre par avance des mesures neces­saires pour prevenir les malheurs que le triste evenement de la mort du Roy Cathol. sans Enfans pourroit pro­duire.


Ainsy á eté accorde & convenu que si le dit câs arrivoit le Roy tres Chret. tant en son propee nom qu én celuy de Mons. le Dauph. ses Enfans Masles ou Heritiers & Successeurs, nez & á naitre; comme aussy Mons. le Dauph. pour soy meme, ses Enfans Masles ou &c. se tiendront satisfaits, comme ils se tiennent satisfaits par la presente, que Mons. le Dauphin ait pour son partage en toute propriete possession pleniere & extinction de toutes ses pretensions sur la succession de Espagne, pour en jouir, luy, ses Heritiers, Succes­seurs [Page 6] descendans Masles ou &c. a perpetu­ité sans pouvoir etre jamais troublé sous quelque pretexte que ce soit de droits ou de pretensions directement on indirecte­ment, memé par cessions, appel, re­volte, ou autre vôye de la part de l' Em­pereur, du Roy des Romains du sere­reniss, M. Archiduc Charles Son se­cond fils, des Archiduchesses, de ses autres Enfans Masles ou &c. les Roiau­mes de Naples, & de Sicilie en la mannere que les Espagnols les possedent presentement, les places dependantes de la Monarchie d' Espagne, situees sur la cote de Toscane ou jsles adjacen­tes comprises, sous le nom de Sancto Stephano, Porto Hercole, Orbitello, Palamone, Portolongo, Piombin, en la maniere aussy que les Espagnols les tiennent presentement, la ville & le Marquisat de Final en la maniére pareillement que les tiennent, la Pro­vince de Guipuscoa nommement les villes de Fontarabie, & de St. Seba­stien situees dans cette Province & specialement le port du Passage qui est compris avec cette restriction seulement ques▪ il y a quelques lieux dependans de lad. province qui se trouuent situez au de la de Pirennees ou autres Montagnes de Navarre d' Alava ou de Biscaye du coste de l' Espagne, ils resteront á l' Espagne, & s'il y a quelques lieux pa­reillement dependans des provinces soumises á l' Espagne qui soient en [Page 7] deca de Pirennees ou autres Montagnes qui se tróuveront entre lad▪ province de Guipuscoa Navarre Alava & de Biscaye á qui qu' elles appartiennent seront partagees entre la France & l' l' Espagne, en sorte qu' il restera autant desd. Montagnes & trajests á la France de son Coste qu' il en restera a l'Espagne du sien, le tout avec les fortifications, munitions de guerre, poudres, boulets, canons, galleres, chiourmes, qui se trouveront appartenir au Roy d' E­spagne lors de son decez sans Enfans & etre attachez aux Royaumes, Places, Isles & Provinces qui doivent com­poser le partage de Mons. le Dauphin bien entendu que les galleres, Chiourme & autres effects appartenant au Roy d' Espagne par le Royaume d' Espagne & autres Estats qui tombent dans le partage du serenis. Archd. luy resteront, celles qui appartiennent aux Royaumes de Naples & de Sicilie devant revenir á Mons. le Dauphin ainsy qu' ily á ete dit cy dessus.

De plus les Estats de Mons. le Duc de Lorraine â scavoir les Duches de Lor­raine & de Bar ainsy que le Duc Charles W. du nom les possedoit et tels qu' ils ont ete rendus par le Traite de Riswick seront cedez & transportez a Mons. le Dauphin ses Enfans Heritiers & Successeurs Masles ou &c. en toute propriete & possession pleniere a la place du Duché [Page 8] de Milan qui sera cedé & transporté en eschange aud. Duc de Lorraine ses Enfans Masles ou &c. en toute proprieté & possession pleniere, lequel ne refusera point un parti si avantageux, bien en­tendu que le Comté de Bitch apparti­ent a Mons. le Prince de Vaudemont, lequel rentrera dans la possession de terre dont ill a joui cy devant qui luy ont eté ou doivent etre rendues en execution du Traité de Riswick, moy ennant lesquels Royaumes, Isles, Pro­vinces & Places lesd. Roi tres Chret. tant en son propre nom qu' en celuy de Monseig. le Dauphin, ses Enfans Masles ou &c. lequel a aussy donné son pleinpouvoir au Sieur Comte de Tal­lard, & au Sieur Comte de Briord promettent & l' engagent de renoncer lors de l' ouverture de lad. Succession d' Espagne comme en ce cas la ils re­noncent des á present par celle cy á tous ses droits & pretensions sur lad. couronne d' Espagne & sur tous les autres Royaumes, Isles, Estats, pais & places qui en dependent presente­ment á l' exception de ce qui est en­oncé cy dessus pour son partage, & de tout cela ils feront expedier des actes solemnels dans la plus forte, & la meilleure forme qu'il se pourra qui seront delivrez au temps de l' eschange des ra­tiffications de ce present Traité au Roy de la Grande Bretagne, & aux Seig­neurs Estats Generaux.


Toutes les villes places & ports situ­ez dans les Royaumes & provinces qui doivent composer le partage dud. Seig. Dauphin seront conservez sans etre de­molis.


La dite couronne d' Espagne & les autres Royaumes Isles, Estats, pais & places que le Roy Cathol. possede pre­sentement tant dehors que dedans l' Europe seront donnez & assignez au seren. Archid. Charles 2d fils de l' Em­pereur á l' exception de ce qui á éte donné dans l' Art. 4. qui doit compo­ser le partage de Monseigneur le Dau­phin, & du Duché de Milan en con­formite uddit. Art. 4. en toute propriete & possession pleniere en partage & extinction de toutes ses pretensions sur ladit. Succession d' Espagne pour en jouir, luy ses Heritiers, & Successeurs nez & á naitre a perpetuité sans pou­voir étre jamais troublé sous quelque pretexte que ce soit de droits ou des pretensions directement ny indirecte­ment, meme par cession, appel, revol­te ou autre voye de la part du Roy tres Chret. de Monsegnieur le Dauphin ou de ses Enfans Masles ou &c. moyen­nant laquelle la Couronne de'Espagne & [Page 10] les autres Royaumes, Isles, Estats, pais & places qui en dependent, l' Empe­eur tant en son propre nom qu' en ce­luy du Roy des Romains, du seren. Archd. Charl. son. 2d fils, des Archi­duchesses ses filles, ses Enfans leurs Enfans Masles ou &c. comme aussy le Roy des Rom. pour luy & le seren. Archd. Char. des qu' il sera majeur pour luy meme leurs Enfans &c. se tiendront satisfaits que led. seren. Archd. Char. ait en extinction de toutes leurs pretensions sur la suc­cession de Espagne, la dit Cession faite cy dessus, & led. Empereur tan­en son propre nom qu' en celuy du Roy des Rom. du seren. Archd. Char. son. 2d Fils, des Archiduchesses ses filles, ses Enfans Masles ou &c. ou les leurs, comme aussy led. Roy des Rom. en son propre nom renonceront lors qu'ils entreront en ce present Traité & qu' ils le ratiffieront & le seren. Archd. Char. des qu' il sera majeur, a tous autres droits & pretensions sur les Royaumes, Isles, Estats, pais & places qui composent les partages, & les portions assignez cy dessus á Mon­seigneur le Dauphin de celuy qui aura le Duché de Milan par eschange de ce qui sera donné á Monseigneur le Dauphin & que de tout cela ils fe­ront expedier des actes solemnels dans la plus forte & la meilleure forme qu' il se pourra, scavoir l' Empereur & le [Page 11] Roy des Rom. quand. ils ratifieront ce present traité, & le serenissime Archi-Duc des qu'il sera Majeur, les quels seront delivrez a sa Majeste Brit. & aux seigneurs Estats Generaux.


Immediatement apres l' eschange des ratifications de ce present traité il sera communiqué à l' Empereur le­quel sera invité d' y entrer; mais si trois mois apres à compter du jour de la dite communication, & de lad. in­vitation, ou le jour que sa majeste Ca­thol. viendroit a mourir, si cé toit avant led. terme de trois mois sa Majeste Imp. & le Roy du Rom refusoient d' y entrer & de convenir du partage assigné au serenissime Arch-d. les deux seig­neurs Roys ou leurs successeurs, & les seigneurs Estats Generaux con­viendront d' un prince auquel led. par­tage sera donné, & en cas que non obstant la presente convention led sere­nissime Archi-Duc voulut prendre possession ou de la portion qui luy sera echeüe avant qu' il eut accepté le present traité, ou de celle qui seroit assignè à Monseigneur le Dauph. ou [Page 12] à celuy qui aura le Duché de Milan par exchange comme il est dit cy dessus, lesd. Deux seigneurs Roys & les seignieurs Estats Generaux en vertu de cette convention l' empecheront de toutes leurs forces.


Le serenissime l' Archi-Duc ne pour­ra passer en Espagne ny dans le Duché de Milan du vivant de sa Majesté Cathol. que d' un commun consente­ment, & point autrement.


Si le Serenissime Archi-Duc vient à mourir sans Enfans, soit avant on a­prez la mort du Roy Cath. le partage qui luy est assigné cy dessus par l' art. de ce traité passera à tel enfant de l' Em­pereur masle ou, &c. hors le Roy des Rom. ou tel enfans masles ou, &c. du Roy des Rom. que sa Majeste Imple trouvera bon de designer, & en cas que sad. Majeste Imple vient a deceder sans avoir fait la supd. designation elle pourra etre faite par le Roy des Rom. mais le tout a condition que led. partage ne pourra jamais etre reuni ny demeurer en la personne de celuy qui sera Empereur ou Roy de Rom. [Page 13] ou qu' qui sera devenu l' un ou l' autre soit par succession, testa­ment, contrait de marriage, do­nation, eschange, cession, appel, revolte, ou autre voye▪ & de meme led. partage du serenissime Arch-Duc, ne pourra jamais re­venir ny demeurer en la person­ne d' un prince qui sera Roy de France ou Dauphin, ou qui sera devenu l' un ou l' autre, soit par succession, testament, contract de mariage, donation, &c.


Le Roy d' Espagne venant a mourir sans enfans & ainsy le susd. cas arrivant, les deux seig­neurs Rois & les seigneurs Estats Generaux s' obligent de laisser toute la succession dans l' etat comme alors elle se trouvera sans s' en saisir en tout ou en partie directement ou indirectement, mais chaque prince pourra d' a­lors se mettre en possession de ce qui luy est assigné pour son par­tage, des qu' il aura satisfait de sa part aux art. 4 & 6 prece­dens celuy cy; & s' il y trouve de la difficulté, les deux seigneurs [Page 14] Rois & les seigneurs Estats generaux feront tous leurs de­voirs possibles afin que chacun soit mis en possession de sa portion se­lon cette convention, & qu' elle puisse avoir son entier effet, s' en­gageant à donner par mer & par terre les secours & assistances d' hommes & de vaisseaux neces­saires pour contraindre par la force ceux qui s' opposeront a ladit▪ execution.


Si lesd. seigneurs Roys & les seigneurs Estats Generaux on quelq un d' eux sont attaquez de qui que ce soit a cause de cette con­vention, ou de l' execution qu' on en fera, on s' assistera mutuelle­ment l' un l' autre avec toutes ses forces, & on se rendra garand de la ponctuelle execution de lesd. convention, & des renonciations faites en consequence.


Seront admis dans le present traité tous Rois, Princes, Estats qui voudront y entrer, & il sera permis aux deux seigneurs Rois & aux seigneurs Estats Generaux [Page 15] & à chachun d' eux en particulier de requerir et inviter tous ceux qu' ils trouveront bon de requerir & inviter d' entrer dans ce pre­sent traité & d' etre semblable­ment garands de l' execution de ce traité & de la validite des renontiations qui y sont conte­nues.


Et pour assurer encore d' avan­tage le repos de l' Europe, lesd. Rois, Princes & Estats seront non seulment invitez d' etre ga­rands de lad. execution du pre­sent traité & de la validite desd. renonciations comme cy dessus: mais si quelqu' un' des prin­ces en faveur desquels les parta­ges sont faits, vouloit dans la suite troubler l' ordre établi par ce traité, faire des nouvelles entre­prises y contraires & ainsy s' aggrandir aux depens les uns des autres sous quelque pretexte que ce soit, la meme garantie du traité sera censeé devoir s' esten­der aussy en ce cas, en sorte que les Rois, Princes & Estats qui promettent seront tenus d' em­ployer leurs forces pour s' opposer auxd. entreprises & pour mainte­nir [Page 16] toutes choses dans l' etat con­venu par lesd▪ articles.


Que si quelque Prince qui ce soit s' oppose a la prise de possession des partages convenus lesd. deux seigneurs Rois & les seigneurs Estats Generaux seront obliges de s' entr' aider l' un l' autre contre cette op­position & de l' empecher avec toutes leurs forces, & l' on conveniendra d' abord apres la signaturé du present trai­té de la proportion que chacun doit contribuer tant par mer que par terre.


Le present traité & tous les actes faits en consequence ou qui y ont rapport & nomme­ment les actes solemnels que sa Majeste tres Chret. & Mon­seigneur le Dauphin sont ob­liges de donner en vertu de l' art 4. cy dessus seront enregi­strez au parlement de Paris suivant le forme & teneur & l' usage ordinaire pour avoir lieu aux conditions qui y sont [Page 17] porteés des que l' Empereur sera entré dans le present traité ou au bout de trois mois qui luy sont donnez pour cet effet s' il ny entre pas plus tot, & pareil­lement sa Majeste Imperiale sera tenüe quand elle entrera dans le present traité de le faire approuver & enregistrer avec tous les actes faits en conse­quence, ou qui y ont rapport, nommement les actes solemnels que s. Majeste Imperiale le Roy des Rom. & le serenissime Ar­chi-Duc seront obligez de don­ner en vertu de l' art. 6 cy dessus en conseil d' Etat ou ailleurs suivant les formes les plus authentiques du pais.


Les ratifications des deux seig­neurs Rois & des seigneurs Estats Generaux seront toutes trois eschangeés en meme tems á Londres dans l' espace de trois semaines, a compter du jour que lesd. seigneurs Estat. Generaux auront signé ou plútot si faire se peut. Fait & signé á Londres le 3 Mars N. S. 1700. 21 Feb. V. S. 1699. par nous pleni­potentiares de France & Angle­terre, & à la Haye le 25. ded. [Page 18] mois de Mars 1700. & par nous plenipotentiares de France & des seigneurs Estats Generaux les deux seigneurs Rois & lesd. seigneurs Estats Generaux etant convenus que la signature de le present traité se feroit de la sorte, en foy de quoy nous avons signé led. present traité de notre main & fait apposer le cachet de nos armes.

Signe Tallard, Briord, Port­land, Jersey, J. van Ersen, F. B. de Reede, & Heinsius, W. de Nassau, E. de Weede, W. van Haren, Ar. Lemker, van Heek, avec leurs cachetes.

A TREATY between the most Christian King, the King of Great Britain, and the Lords States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries.

BE it known to all who shall see these presents, That the most serene and most potent Prince Lewis XIV. by the Grace of God most Christian King of France and Navarre, &c. and the most serene and most potent Prince William III. also by the Grace of God King of Great Britain, &c. and the Lords States General of the United Pro­vinces of the Low Countries, having nothing more in design than to con­firm by new Obligations that good In­telligence reestablish'd between his most Christian Majesty, his Majesty of Great Britain, and the said Lords States Ge­neral of the United Provinces by the last Treaty concluded at Reswick; and to prevent, by taking timely Measures, those Events which may raise new Wars in Europe; Have to this end given their full Powers to conclude a new Treaty: that is to say, his most Chri­stian Majesty to the Sieur Camille d' Hortung, Count de Tallard Lieutenant▪ [Page 2] General of the King's Armies, and of his Province of Dauphiny, Ambassa­dor Extraordinary of France in Eng­land; and to the Sieur Gabriel Count de Briord, Marquiss de Senezan, one of his Majesty's Privy Council, and his Ambassador Extraordinary to the States General of the United Provin­ces of the Low Countries: his said Britannick Majesty to the Sieur William Earl of Portland, Viscount of Ciren­cester, Baron of Woodstock, Knight of the Garter, and Privy Counsellor to the King; and to the Sieur Edward Earl of Jersy, Viscount Villars, Baron of How, Knight Marshal of England, first Secretary of State, and Privy Counsellor to the King: and the said States General to the Lords John van Ersen, Burgomaster and Senator of the Town of Zutphen, Curator of the University of Harderwye [...]k; Fre­derick Baron Rheede, Lord de Lier; St. Anthony Berlee, of the Order of the Nobility of Holland and West Frize­land; Anthony Hensius, Counsellor, Pensionary, Keeper of the Great Seal, and Superintendant of the Fiefs of the same Province; William of Nassau, Lord d'Odyke Cortigene, first Noble and Representative of the Nobility in the Assembly of the States and of the Deputies, Counsellor of Zealand; Everhard de Veede, Ld of Weede, Dick­velt, Ratteles, Ld of the Mannor of the [Page 3] Town of Oudewater, Dean and Mem­ber of the Imperial Chapter of St. Ma­ry of Ʋtrecht, Dickgrave of the Ri­ver Rhine in the Province of Ʋtrecht and President of the States of the same Province; William van Harein; Griet­man du Bild, Deputy of the Nobility of the States of Friezland, Procura­tor of the University of Franeker; Arnold Lemsker, Burgomaster of De­venter; and John van Heek, Senator of the Town of Groningen; all Deputies of the said Lords States General, on behalf of Guelderland, Holland, and West Friezland, of Zealand, of Ʋtrecht, of Friezland, of Overysel, and of Groningen and Omelandt: who by virtue of the said Powers have agreed to the following Articles.

Article I.

The Peace reestablisht by the Trea­ty of Reswick between his most Chri­stian Majesty, his Britannick Majesty, and Lords States General of the Uni­ted Provinces of the Low Countries, their Heirs and Successors, their King­doms, States and Subjects, shall be firm and constant; and their Majesties, and the said Lords States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries, shall reciprocally do what they can to contribute to the advantage and profit of one another.


As the principal object which his said most Christian Majesty, his said Majesty of Great Britain, and the said States General propose to them­selves, is, that of maintaining the general Tranquillity of Europe, they could not without sorrow understand that the state of the King of Spain's Health hath for some time been so languishing, that the Life of the said Prince is much feared: tho they can­not think upon this Event without trouble, because of the sincere and true Love they have for him, they have nevertheless thought it the more necessary to consider it, because his Ca­tholick Majesty having no Children, the business of the Succession will in­fallibly raise a new War, if the most Christian King should maintain his own Pretensions, those of Monseigneur the Dauphin, or of his Successors, to the whole Succession of Spain; and if the Emperor should also make good his Pretensions, those of the King of the Romans, of the Arch-Duke his second Son, or of his other Children, Males or Females, unto the said Suc­cession.


And as the two Kings, and the Lords the States General, desire above all things the Conservation of the publick Peace, and to prevent a new War in Europe, by accommodating the Disputes and Differences, which might arise upon the Subject of the said Suc­cession, or by the Umbrage of three Estates reunited under one and the same Prince, they have thought good to take beforehand necessary measures to prevent the Evils which the sor­rowful Event of the Catholick King's Death without Children might pro­duce.


Therefore it is agreed, that if it should so happen, the Most Christian King, as well in his own Name, as in that of Monseigneur the Dauphin, his Male Children, Heirs and Successors, born or to be born; as also Mons. the Dauphin for himself, his Male Children, &c. shall hold himself satisfy'd, and do hold themselves satisfy'd by these Presents, That Monseig. the Dauphin shall have for his Share in full Proper­ty and Possession, and in lieu of all his Pretensions to the Succession of Spain, to be enjoy'd by him, his Heirs, [Page 6] Successors, Descendants, Males, or, &c. for ever, without ever being molested under any pretence whatso­ever in his Rights or Pretensions, di­rectly or indirectly, either by Cessi­on, Appeal, Revolt, or otherways, by the Emperor, the King of the Ro­mans, the most Serene Archduke Charles his Second Son, the Arch-Dutchess, his other Issue Male, or, &c. the Kingdoms of Naples and of Sicily in the same manner the Spa­niards possess them at present, the Places depending upon the Monarchy of Spain, situated on the Coast of Tuscany, or the Isles adjacent, being therein comprehended, under the name of Sancto Stephano, Porto Her­cole, Orbitello, Palamone, Portolongo, Piombin. In that same manner also as the Spaniards possess them at present, the City and Marquisate of Final; in that same manner also as they possess them, the Province of Guipuscoa, and particularly the Cities of Fontarabia and St. Sebastian situated in that Pro­vince, and especially the Port of Passage which is therein comprehend­ed, with this Restriction only, that if there be any places depending▪ upon the said Province, which shall be found situated beyond the Pyrenees, or the other Mountains of Navarr, Alava, or Biscay, on the side of Spain, they shall remain to Spain; and if there be [Page 7] any places in like manner depending upon the Provinces subjected to Spain, which are on this side the Pyrenees, or other Mountains betwixt the said Pro­vince of Guipuscoa, Navarr, Alava and Biscay, let them belong to whom they will, they shall be divided be­tween France and Spain, in such sort as there shall remain as much of the said Mountains and Passes to France on her side, as shall remain to Spain on hers; the whole with the Fortifica­tions, Ammunition of War, Powder, Ball, Cannon, Gallies, Gallyslaves, which shall be found belonging to the K. of Spain at the time of his Decease without Issue, and to be annext to the Kingdoms, Places, Islands and Provinces which are to compose the share of Monseigneur the Dauphin, pro­vided that the Gallies, the Gallyslaves, and the Effects, belonging to the K. of Spain for the Kingdom of Spain, and other Dominions, which fall to the share of the most Serene Arch­duke, shall remain to him; those which belong to the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily being to return to Monseig­neur the Dauphin so as abovesaid.

Further, the Dominions of the Duke of Lorrain, that is to say the Dutchies of Lorrain and Bar, so as Charles IV. of that name possess'd them, and as they were restor'd by the Treaty of Reswyk, shall be yield­ed [Page 8] and transferr'd to Monseigneur the Dauphin, his Heirs and Successors Males, or, &c. in Property and full Possession in lieu of the Dutchy of Mi­lan, which shall be quitted and ex­changed to the said D. of Lorrain, his Male Children, or, &c. in all Pro­perty, and full Possession, who will not refuse so advantagious a Bargain, it being understood that the County of Bitch belongs to Monsieur the Prince of Vaudemont, who shall enter into Possession of the Lands which he heretofore enjoy'd, which have been, or ought to have been restor'd ac­cording to the Treaty of Reswyck; on the account of which said King­doms, Islands, Provinces, and Places, the said Most Christian King as well in his own as in the name of Mon­seigneur the Dauphin, his Male Chil­dren, or, &c. who hath also given his full Power to the Count de Tallard, and to the Count de Briord, promising and engaging themselves to renounce at the opening of the said Succession of Spain, as in this case, they have at this time renounced by these Presents all their Rights and Pretensions to the said Crown of Spain, and to all the other Kingdoms, Islands, States, Lands, and Places, which at this time depend thereupon, except what is abovesaid excepted for his part; all which they shall confirm by solemn Acts in the [Page 9] most authentick and best form as may be; which shall be delivered at the time of the Exchange of the Ratifi­cation of this present Treaty to the King of Great Britain, and the States General.


All the Towns, Places, and Ports situate in the Kingdoms and Provinces which are to compose the share of Monseigneur the Dauphin, shall be pre­serv'd without being demolish'd.


The said Crown of Spain and the other Kingdoms, Islands, States, Lands and Places, which the Catholick King at this time possesses, as well within as without Europe, shall be given to the most Serene Archduke Charles, Second Son to the Emperor, except what has been given in the 4th Art. for the share of the Dauphin and of the Dutchy of Milan, according to the said 4th Art. in full Propriety and Possession as his part; excluding all his other Pretensions to the said Succession of Spain, to enjoy the same for himself and Successors born or to be born for ever, without being ever molested under any Pretext whatsoever of Rights or Pretensions [Page 10] directly or indirectly, by Cession, Ap­peal, Revolt, or otherwise, on the part of the Most Christian King, or Monseigneur the Dauphin, or his Chil­dren Male, or, &c. for which said Crown of Spain, and other Kingdoms, Islands, and Places thereupon depend­ing, the Emperor as well in his own Name, as in that of the King of the Romans, and the Archduke Charles his Second Son, the Arch­dutchesses his Daughters, his Chil­dren Males, or, &c. as also the King of the Romans for himself, and the most Serene Archduke Charles, as soon as he shall be of Age, for him­self, their Children, &c. shall be satis­fy'd that the most Serene Archduke Charles shall have in lieu of all their Pretensions upon the Crown of Spain, the said Cession abovesaid; and the said Emperour as well in his own Name, as in that of the King of the Romans, the most Serene Archduke Charles his Second Son, the Arch-Dutchesses his Daughters, his Chil­dren Males, or, &c. or their Issue. As also the said King of the Romans in his own Name shall renounce, when they shall enter into, and ra­tify this present Treaty, and the most Serene Archduke Charles as soon as he shall be of Age, all other Rights and Pretensions to the said Kingdoms, Islands, States, Lands and Places [Page 11] which compose the Share or Portion assigned to Mons. Dauphin, and of him who shall have the Dutchy of Milan by exchange of what shall be given to Mons. the Dauphin, of all which they shall cause the most solemn and au­thentick Acts to be made that may be; that is to say, the Emperor and the King of the Romans when they shall ratify this present Treaty, and the most serene Arch-Duke as soon as he shall come of age; which shall be deliver'd to his Brittanick Majesty and the said States General.


Immediately after the Exchange and Ratification of this present Treaty, it shall be communicated to the Empe­ror, who shall be invited to enter thereinto; but if, after three months time from the day of the said Com­munication and the said Invitation, or the day that his Catholick Majesty shall die, if it happen before the expi­ration of the said three months, his Imperial Majesty and the King of the Romans should refuse to enter therein­to, and to agree to the share assigned to the most serene Arch Duke Charles; the two Kings, or their Successors, and the States General shall agree upon a Prince to whom that part shall be given: and in case, notwith­standing the present Convention, the most serene Arch Duke shall take possession either of the part which might fall to him, before he has ac­cepted [Page 12] the present Treaty, or of that part which might be assign'd to Mons. Dauphin, or to him, who shall have the Dutchy of Milan in exchange, as abovesaid, the said two Kings and the States General, by virtue of this Convention, shall hinder him with all their Forces.


The most serene Arch Duke shall not pass into Spain, nor into the Dut­chy of Milan, during the Life of his Catholick Majesty, but with common consent, and not otherwise.


If the most serene Arch-Duke should dy without Children, either before or after the Death of the Ca­tholick King, the share which is hereby assigned to him by the Articles of this Treaty, shall come to such Male Child of the Emperor, or, &c. except the K. of the Romans, or such Children, Males or, &c. of the K. of the Ro­mans, which his Imperial Majesty shall think fit to assign it to: And in case his said Imperial Majesty should die without having made the abovesaid Assignment, it may be done by the K. of the Romans; but on condition that the said part shall never be united [Page 13] nor belong to the person of him who shall be Emperor or King of the Romans, or is become one or the other, be it by Succession, Will, Contract of Marriage, Donation, Exchange, Cession, Appeal, Revolt, or otherways: And in like manner the said share of the serene Arch-Duke, shall never come or be­long to the person of a Prince that shall be King or Dauphin of France, or that is become one or the other, be it by Succession, Will, Contract of Marriage, Do­nation, or otherwise.


The King of Spain dying with­out Children, &c. the above­said Case happening, the two Kings, and the States General, do oblige themselves to leave the whole Succession in the same state as it shall then be, without seizing the whole or any part directly or indirectly; but each Prince immediately may put himself in possession of what is assigned him as his share, as soon as he has fulfill'd on his part the 4th and 6th preceding Ar­ticles; and in case of diffi­culty, the two Kings, and the [Page 14] States General shall do their ut­most endeavours, to the end that each one shall be put in posses­ssion of his part according to this Agreement; and that it may have its entire effect, engage themselves to give by Sea and Land such help and assistance of Men and Ships as shall be necessary to constrain by force such who shall oppose the said Execution.


If the abovesaid Kings and States General, or either of them be attack'd because of this Con­vention, or of the execution that shall be thereof made, they shall mutually assist one another with all their Forces, and render themselves Guarantees of the abovesaid Convention, and of the Renuncia­tions made thereupon.


All Kings, Princes, and States, that will enter into the same, shall be admitted into the present Trea­ty: and it shall be lawful to the two Kings, and States Gene­ral, [Page 15] and to each of them in particu­lar, to require and invite all that they shall think fit, to enter into this present Treaty, and to be jointly Guarantees for the execu­tion thereof, and of the validity of the Renunciations herein contain­ed.


And for the further securing the Peace of Europe, the said Kings, Princes and States shall not only be invited to be Guaran­tees of the execution of the present Treaty, and of the validity of the Renounciations, as above, but if any one of the Princes, in favour of whom the shares are assigned, do in time to come break the Order establish'd by this Trea­ty, and begin new Enterprises contrary to the same, and so ag­grandize himself at the expence of one or other, under any pre­tence whatsoever; the Guarran­ty of this Treaty shall be under­stood to extend so far also in this case, that all the Kings, Princes and States who promise the same, shall be oblig'd to imploy their Forces against such Enterprises, for the maintaining [Page 16] all things in the same condition as agreed to by the said Articles.


In case any Prince whosoever op­pose the taking possession of the Shares agreed on, the said two Kings, and the States, shall be obliged to assist one another against such oppo­sition, and to hinder it with all their Forces, and shall agree after the signing of this present Trea­ty, on the proportion that each shall contribute both by Sea and Land.


The present Treaty, and all Acts made, or that have depen­dance thereupon, and especially the solemn Acts that his most Christian Majesty and Monseig­neur the Dauphin, are obliged to give by virtue of the 4th Ar­ticle abovesaid, shall be registred in the Parliament of Paris, according to the Form and Tenure and usual Custom, to have place amongst the Conditions therein contained, as [Page 17] soon as the Emperor has entred into the present Treaty, or at the end of 3 Months that are allowed him for that purpose, in case he does not enter into it sooner: and like­wise his Imperial Majesty, when he enters into the same, shall be obliged to get it approved and registred, with all the Acts made in consequence thereof, or which have relation thereunto; especially the solemn Acts which his Imperial Majesty, the King of the Romans, and the most serene Arch-Duke shall be oblig'd to give, by virtue of the 6th Ar­ticle abovesaid, in the Council of State or otherwise, according to the most authentick Form of the Country.


The Ratifications of the two Kings and the States General shall be all three exchang'd at London at the same time, with­in the space of three Weeks, reckoning from the day that the States General shall have signed, or sooner, if possible. Done and signed at London, 3 March N. S. 1700. 21 Feb. V. S. 1699. by us Plenipotenti­aries of France and England; and at the Hague, the 25th of the said [Page 18] Month of March, 1700. by us Ple­nipotentiaries of France, and of the States General, the two Kings and the said States General having a­greed that the signing of this pre­sent Treaty should be performed in this manner. In witness whereof we have signed the said present Treaty with our Hands, and cau­sed the Seal of our Arms to be affixed.

Signed, Tallard, Briord, Port­land, Jersey, J. van Ersen, F. B. de Reede, & Heinsius, W. de Nassau, E. de Weede, W. van Haren, Ar▪ Lemker, van Heek, with their Seals.

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