The Most Christian Kings DECLARATION OF WARR Against the STATES-GENERAL OF THE United Provinces.

Done out of French, According to the Copy Printed at PARIS.

Published by Authority.

In the SAVOY, Printed by Thomas Newcomb, and Reprinted at DƲBLIN by Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the KING's Most Excellent Majesty; And are to be Sold by Joseph Wilde Bookseller in Castle-street. 1672.

An Ordonnance Of the KING: Whereby His Majesty having Resolved to make Warr against the States of Holland, straightly forbids his Subjects to hold any Communication or Commerce thither.
Of the Sixth of April, 1672.

THe Dissatisfaction His Majesty hath in the carriage of the States-General of the Ʋnited Provinces of the Low Countreys, towards him for some years past, being come to that point, that His Majesty can­not longer, without diminution to his own Glory, dissemble the Indignation raised in him by a Treatment so unsuitable to the great Obligations which his Majesty and the Kings his Predeces­sors have so liberally heaped upon them; his Majesty hath Declared, and by these Presents, Signed with his Hand, doth Declare, That he hath Determined and Resolved to make Warr against the said States-General of the Ʋnited Provinces of the Low-Countreys, as well by Sea as Land, and accordingly doth Command all his Subjects, Vassals, and Servants to fall upon the Hollanders; straightly Charging and Requiring them, and every of them, That upon pain of death, they do not henceforth presume to hold any Communication, Commerce, or Intelligence with them: To which end his Majesty hath likewise Revoked, and from henceforth doth Revoke, all Licenses, Passes, Safeguards, or Protections, that may have been Granted by himself, his Lieutenant-Generals, and other his Officers, contrary to these Presents, and the same doth Declare, Null and of no [Page 4] force, forbidding whomsoever it may concern, to take any notice, or have any Regard to them.

And his Majesty doth hereby Charge and Require the Com [...]e de Vermandois Grand Maistre, Chef and Surintendant-Gene [...]al of the Navigation and Commerce of this King­dom, the Mareshals of France, Governors, and Lieutenant-Generals for his Majesty in his Provinces and Armies; all Mareshals de Camp, Colonels, Mesters de Camp, Captains, Leade [...]s and Commanders of his Forces, whether Horse or Foot, French or Forreign, and all and singular his Officers whom it may concern, That they, and every of them res­pectively, do execute, and cause to be put in execution, the Contents of these Presents, within the extent of their se­veral Powers and Jurisdictions, For such is his Majesties Pleasure.

And his Majesty doth farther Will and Require, That these Presents be Published and set up in all his Cities and Towns, as well Maritime as others, as also in all Ports, Havens, and other Places of his Kingdom, where it shall be requisite, to the end, none may pretend cause of ignorance of the same.

Signed. LOUIS. And underneath, LE TELLIER.

THese are to require Charles Canto, the Kings sworn Cryer in Ordinary, to Publish and cause to be affixed and set up in all Places of this City, Suburbs, Prevostè and Vicomtè of Paris, where it shall be requisite, the Kings Ordonnance of the Sixth of this present month and Year, That none may pretend cause of ignorance of the same.

Signed De la REYNIE.

REad and Published with sound of Trumpet, and publick Procla­mation, and set up in all the Carrefours ordinary and extraordi­nary of this City and Suburbs of Paris, by me Charles Canto, sworn Cryer in Ordinary to the King in the said City, Prevosté and Vicomté of Paris. In the making of which Proclamation, I was accompanied by five Trumpets, viz. Jerosme Tronsson, Stephen du Bos, Sworn Trumpe­ters to the King, and three other Trumpets.

Signed CANTO.

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