THE DECLARATION OF THE Most Christian King of France and Navarre: Against the most horr [...]d proceedings of a rebellio [...]s party of Parliament-men and Souldiers in England, against their KING and Countrey.
WHereas we are informed by our Deare Aunt the Queene of England, of the distressed estate of the King her Husband, forced upon him by a rebellious party of his meanest Subjects under the command of the Baron of FAIRFAX, who is likewise countenanced by a small handfull of the basest of the people crept into the lower House of Parliament, but not being a tenth part thereof, the worthiest being either imprisoned, or banished by the tyranny of the Army, have designe to proceed against the person and life of their King, which is an action so detestable, and so destructive to the Nationall Rights of Princes and people, who are like to be inslaved thereby, and to know no law but that of the Sword; that we conceive our self obliged by the lawes of God and man, in the duty of a Christian, as well as the rights of a King, either to redeem from bondage the injured person of our neighbour King and Uncle, or to revenge all outrages already done, or hereafter which may happen to be done thereupon.
Therefore with the advice of our deare Mother the Queen Regent, and Counsell, we do publish and declare our detestation of all such proceedings, and vow in the presence of God and his holy Angels, a full revenge upon all actors or abettors of this odious designe, to the utter extirpation of them, their wives and children, out of all parts of Christendome wherein our power or interest can prevaile, if they proceed to this damnable fact, we conceiving it fit, to root out from humane society such a spurious and viperous generation of men. And we do therefore prohibit all such persons, their wives and children to come into any of our Dominions, unlesse they will be proceeded against as traitors to God and Nations.
And we do likewise invite all our neighbour Kings, Princes and States in amity with Us, or with whom we have any difference, to an honourable peace▪ that we may all joyne in Gods Cause and our owne, to revenge these hypocriticall proceedings of inraged Villains, who (we heare) take the cause of God for their pretence to destroy his ordinance.
And we desire all our neighbour Kings, Princes and States to make the same Proclamation we have done, against any of these or their adherents, from coming into their Territories; that when by Gods justice, and ours and others endeavours, they shall be chased out of their native countrey, they may wander like vagabonds in heathenish places, with the odious brands of Regicides upon them: and further to consider, whether that if the like madnesse took any of their armies, they would not implore our helps, as now this afflicted Queen and Aunt of ours hath occasion to do theirs, against persons who are now twice Rebells: First, against their lawfull Soveraigne, upon pretence of reformation of Government; and now against the very men and authority which raised them for that pretended occasion; wherein Gods justice is so apparent, that we are confident he will blesse this work intended by us, and which we hope will be seconded by all persons of honor and Justice both at home and abroad, to help to suppresse these rebells against their raisers; who yet presume upon the successe of their armes to erect their owne base thoughts and fortunes, above the limits of Religion or reason, to suppresse that Authority which God hath set over them.