ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT Concluded between His Most Christian Majesty, And the Republik of GENEVA.
THat the Duke and four Senators shall by the last of March, or First of April, come to Versailles, or any other part of France, which his Majesty shall appoint, and in their Ceremonial Habits be admitted Audience; That the Duke shall, in the Name of the Republick, express their hearty Sorrow for offending his Majesty▪ and used such submissive Language as may continue his Majesties good Inclinations to them for the Future.
That the Duke and four Senators at their Return shall enter upon the same Dignities they were before Invested with; and, during their Absence, the one shall Act therein, but the same shall remain according to Custome.
That within a Months time they Disband all the Forces of other Countreis which they have entertained in their Service; Also make Void all other Leagues contracted with Forraign Princes since the 10th. of January, 1683.
That they have no more Gallyes Fitted out, than they had three Years agoe, and Disarm all others since Equipped.
That they make Restitution of all Damage the French have Sustained by Land and Sea: And since they offer the French Effects, as they were entire, his Majesty accepts thereof, provided the Republick repair all the Churches Damnified by his Bombes, at the time perfixt by the Pope.
That they Pay to the Earl of Fiesque 100 000 Crowns, and his Majesty obliege himself not to Asist the said Earl, but that he take his Course at Law.
That his Majesty receive very Kindly the Duke and four Senators, and after their return, make no further Demands; as also during the present Government.
That upon the Signing of these Articles, all Hostilities cease by Land, and within two Months by Sea; and Prisoners Released on both Sides.
That these Articles within three Weeks be Exchanged by each other.
The above-mentioned Articles were Signed by the Popes Nuncio and Genouese, Envoy, on behalf of the Republick, at the French Court, February the 18th. 1684.
LONDON, Printed by George Croom, at the Sign of the Blue-Ball in Thames-street, over against Baynard 's-Castle, 1685.