By the Major.
FOR as much as the gathering together of persons old and young, upon the Exchange, and into the fields for sports and recreations, into Victualling-houses, and Taverns upon the Lords-day, and Fast-days; mispending their time there, when they should be exercised publickly or privately in the duties of Religion. And for as much as the setting open of shops, and selling of VVine, Beer, Ale, Flesh, Fish, Fruit, and other victual upon those days, and receiving and entertaining of persons upon those days to drink and tiple, tend very much to the dishonor of God, the encrease and spreading of prophanenesse, the scandall of godly and religious men, and the government of this City. The Right Honorable the Lord Maior therefore doth require all persons of what Nation or quality soever, to forbear to walk or gather together upon the Exchange, or into the fields, for sports and recreations; or into Victualling-houses, or Taverns, or to set open any shop, or house, for vending or putting to sale any VVine, Ale, Beer, or other victuall or commodity whatsoever, upon the said days, except in case of necessity: And all Parents and Masters of families, to command their children and servants to forbear accordingly: and all Constables and other Officers to search for, and apprehend such persons as transgresse in any of the aforesaid particulars, and to bring them before His Lordship, or some other Iustices of the Peace, to the intent that they may be proceeded against; according to the laws in those cases provided.
Dated at London, the 14 th. Aprill, 1649.
Printed by Richard Cotes, Printer to the Honorable City of London, 1649.