WHereas the Committee for the Militia of London, taking into consideration, that not withstanding their Commis­mission, directed to their Sub-Committee sitting at Sal­ters Hall in Breadstreet, for the listing of all persons fit for the Warres, and forming them into severall Regiments, and arming such persons as they are able to furnish, and notwithstanding the severall directions issued out from the same Sub-Committee to the Aldermans Deputy, and the rest of the Common Councellmen and Constables in the several Wards, and the great paines and care formerly taken in the prosecution of the same, the businesse is not yet brought to effect: A speedy performance whereof is required: These are therefore according to renewed directions by the Militia in that behalfe given to request you, the Aldermans Deputy, and the rest of the Common-Councell-men of the Ward, with such of this Company, as present this unto you, to review and rectifie the said Lists, according to the Instructions formerly given; as also to inquire what Armes have been re­ceived by any person or persons, for the service of the State in the Auxiliary Companies within your Ward, and who else are able to arme themselves, their Servants or others, and the same to return to the said Sub-Committee, with your severall names thereunto subscribed, that they may give an account thereof unto the Committee for the Militia, which is forthwith expected; And you the Constables of the Ward, and each of you are to bee aiding and assisting in the premisses, as oft as occasion shall bee, hereof you are in­treated not to faile as you tender the safety of the City, and what may de­pend thereupon.

Edward Peed Clerk to the Committee. By order of the said Committee.
To the Aldermans Deputy and the rest of the Common Councell men of the Ward of and to the Constables of the same Ward and to each of them respe­ctively▪

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