A LIST of Their Majesties ROYAL FLEET, AND THE SQUADRON of DUTCH Joyned with it, AS Drawn up in a LINE of BATTEL.

The English Leads the Larbord Tack. The Dutch the Shirbord Tack.
  The BLUE Squadron. The RED Squadron. The WHITE Squadron Dutch.
Fire-Ships Names, and small Frigats. Rates Ships Names. Men Guns Captains Names. Rates Ships Names. Men Guns Captains Names. Rates Ships Names. Guns Men  
  • Hopewell
  • Sheerness Frigat
  • Vulture
  • Vulcan
  • Hound
  • Hunter
  • Spencer Hospital
  • Vesuvius
  • Lightning
  • Phaeton
  • Fox
2 Windsor-Castle 660 096 Capt. Churchil 3 Sterling-Castle 460 70 Captain Waters 3 Brandenburgh 92 650 Vice-Admiral
3 York 460 060 C. Main 4 St. Albans 230 50 C. Fits Patrick 3 Zarkze 60 400
3 Expedition 460 070 C. Dover 3 Lenox 460 70 C. Munden 3 Maag. Vandort 64 420
4 Chester 230 050 C. Chamberlain 3 Essex 460 96 C. Bridges 3 Hollands 74 450
3 Hampton-Court 460 070 C. Graydon 2 Neptune 660 96 Mr. Rooke, Reer-Adm. 2 Zeland 90 650
1 Soveraign 815 100 Sir R. Delaval, Vic-Adm. 2 St. Michael 650 96 C. Hoson 3 Rygerbergh 70 430
2 Royal Katharine 540 090 C. Cornwal 3 Restoration 460 70 C. Gother 3 Vure 60 450
4 Woolwich 230 050 C. Kempthorn 3 Dreadnaught 460 60 C. Beamont 4 Repard 50 200
3 Suffolk 460 070 C. Billop 3 Hope 460 70 C. Pickard 3 Amsterdam 64 410
3 Monmouth 400 070 C. Raines                    
  This Squadron has 10 Ships, 726 Guns; and 4715 Men. This Squadron has 9 Ships, 4300 Men, and 678 Guns. This Squadron has 9 Ships, 624 Guns, and 4060 Men.
  • Blaze
  • Baltimore Hospital
  • Suados Frigat.
  • Milford Frigat
  • Salamander Yacht
  • Woolf
  • Greyhound Frigat
  • Strumbolo
  • Flame
  • James Gally Frigat
3 Northumberland 460 70 Captain Cotton 2 Sandwich 660 96 Captain Hastings 3 Leyden 64 420 Admiral
4 Bonadventure 230 50 C. Hubbard 3 Warspight 400 70 C. Fairborn 2 Princess 92 666
3 Defiance 420 70 C. Gurny 3 Elizabeth [...]60 70 C. Preistman 3 Commet Star 64 430
3 Eagle 460 70 C. Leake 1 Britannia 8 [...]5 100 Mr Russel, Adm. 4 Shouters Host 50 200
2 Duke 660 96 C. Killigrew Ad­miral 1 St. Andrew 730 100 Ld. Berkly 2 Captain General 84 580
2 Coronation 660 96 C. Skelton 3 Exeter 460 70 C. Meese 8 Deprins 92 690
3 Swiftsure 420 70 C. Clark 4 Deptford 250 50 C. Ker 3 Gelderlands 72 450
2 Dutchess 660 96 C. Clements 3 Royal Oak 340 60 C. Bing 4 Hunwagon 52 200
3 Monk 340 00 C. Hoskins 3 Plymouth 340 60 C. Dean 3 Harle 64 420
                      3 Chalon Oag 64 430
  This Squadron has 9 Ships, 678 Guns, and 4310 Men. This Squadron has 676 Guns, and 4455 Men, in 9 Ships. This Squadron has 10 Ships, 698 Guns, and 4486 Men
  • Mermaid Frigat
  • Fubs Yacht
  • Concord Hospital
  • Griffin
  • Dolphin
  • Speedwell
  • Owners Love
  • Roe-Buck
  • Spye
  • Society Hospital
3 Cambridge 420 70 Captain Lestock 3 Harwich 420 70 Captain Robinson 4 Sckielands 54 240 Rere-Admiral
3 Edgar 445 70 C. Torphy 3 Berwick 460 70 C. Martin 3 Velue 64 350
4 Centurian 230 50 C. Wivel 4 Foresight 230 50 C. Gillan 4 Sckidam 50 200
2 Ossery 660 96 C. Tyrrel 3 Grafton 460 70 C. Bokenham 2 Ost Frizland 82 700
1 London 730 100 Sir Clovesly Sho­vel Reer-Adm. 1 Victory 780 100 Sir Joh. Asby Vice-Adm. 2 Cartel W. Mad­blick 80 690
3 Resolution 420 70 Lord Danby 2 Vanguard 660 90 C. Carter 3 Maze 70 460
3 Kent 420 70 C. Nevil 3 Montague 355 60 C. Pouks 3 Gelderlands 64 430
3 Lyon 390 60 C. Wiseman 3 Burford 460 70 C. Harlow 2 Sev [...]n Provinces 76 600
3 Captain 460 70 C. Jones 4 Happy Return 250 50 C. Monk 2 Waken Czaan 76 600
            2 Albemarle 660 96 Sir Fran. Wheeler          
  This Squadron has 9 Ships, 656 Guns, and 4175 Men. This Squadron has 10 Ships, in which is 726 Guns, and 4735 Men. This Squadron has 9 Ships, carries 616 Guns, and 4270 Men.

In the English Fleet there is in all 4140 Guns; and there are 26690 Men.

There are 5 first Rates, 11 2d Rates, 32 3d Rates, and 8 4th Rates.

The Dutch Fleet contains 1938 Guns, 12816 Men, besides Hospital-Ships, Fire-Ships, and Tenders.

In all 56 Capital ships. And 18 Hospital and Fireships. The whole FLEETS have 39506 MEN, and 6078 Guns in 86 Ships.

Printed at London, and Re-printed at Edinburgh, by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to Their most Excellent Majesties, 1691.

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