YOU having a great mind to understand the state of things in Ireland, I'll give you an Extract of a Letter which I have received from a Person of Quality and Credit in the Army. There was a Detatchment out of the Regiment of Col. Cutts consisting of 60 Men, commanded by a Captain, a Lieutenant, &c. who were ordered to keep a Post which hindred any of the Garrison of Charlemont to go out: On which about Five Hundred of the Garrison Sallied out to Attack them; ours were re-inforced by Twenty French, making but Eighty Men in all, commanded by the Marquis de Rada, a Captain in that Regiment. They behaved themselves with so much Bravery and Conduct, that they forced the Enemy back, killing and wounding several: On our side only a French Officer was killed, and two Soldiers, and a Drummer and Soldier taken Prisoner, which are since exchanged for two others taken by us. Mr. Mede a Volunteer distinguished himself with a great deal of Bravery; and the new-raised Cambridgeshire-men did incomparably well. Duke Schomberg had advice the Night before last, that upon King James's ordering Three French Regiments into Dublin, he commanded Col. Dorrington with his Royal Regiment of Guards, and Mr. Fitz James with his Regiment of Foot to march out: Upon which Col. Dorrington asked him, If he designed to make the French his Guards. The King answered, He did. To which Dorrington replied, That if his Majesty resolved on that, then he and 16 other Officers desir'd to resign their Commissions; for they owned that they had rather submit to the English, then be Slaves to the French. Upon this K. James called a Council, and joyned a Regiment of French and a Regiment of English which hath dissatisfied both. I write this word for word as the Duke told it us. The Army here is in a very good condition; the Regiments that were so shatter'd are now recruited and full; they are well cloathed, and seem desirous to meet the Enemy. Our Hospitals and Magazins are very carefully provided for; and any Colonel that hath a mind to Beef, Meal, Bacon, Pease, Bread, Cheese, &c. is furnished upon account from several Store-houses that are settled in several Ports of the Country, and in this I write but the naked Truth.
Captain King an Officer of King James's Army is this day come in to Duke Schomberg; he hath served there in the Horse all this while, and hath given the Duke a particular Account of the State of the Army: They put their chief Confidence in their Horse and Dragoons, but their Foot is very inconsiderable in every thing but their Number. Their whole Army, if their Regiments were all full, consists of about 50000 Men, but few of them are compleat. When the Army comes to joyn, I shall be able to give you, if acceptable, a more particular, larger, and quicker Account of things than I can now, because my Quarters are upon the Frontiers, and I have not occasion of writing regularly. I am going to my Quarters which are towards Charlemont.
London Printed for Robert Clavell 1690.