Mr. SPEAKERS SPEECH In the LORDS House of Par­liament, Iune 22. 1641.

THat policy, most gratious and dread Sove­raigne, which weighs the Prerogative of the King and property of the Subject in the same Scales, and increases the plenty of the Crowne, and contentment of the people; the even poising or this Beame enables both, the one be­ing ordained for the preservation of the other.

This principle is so riveted into the hearts of your Subjects by the Acts of their Ancestours, & traditions of their fore-fathers, that it hath created a beliefe in them, that their wills are bound to a due allegiance, and their fortunes and estates, as well as their duty and subjection, must bend to the Commands of that So­veraigne power with which God hath invested your sacred Majestie.

Compulsary obedience, advanced by the transcen­dent power of Prerogative; is too weake to support the right of government: It is the affections & estates of your people, tyed with the threads of obedience, by the rules of Law, that fastens safety and prosperity to the Crowne.

The experiment of elder times, in the raignes of [Page 2] the most valiant puissant Princes, hath concluded this the Soveraigne preservative against the diseases of di­straction and confusion, and makes it manifest to the world, that the honour and glory of this Throne is to command the hearts of free-men.

This admitted, the permission of the least diminuti­on, or any eclipsed interposition betweene the honour and plenty of the Crowne, contracts a Scorne upon the Nation.

Severall Parliaments in former times have stampt the Character of a free gift upon the fore-front of this aid, still offered by the people, as a sacrifice of thanks­giving to the Crowne, for the safe conduct of your Merchants, and provision of the Navie, to strengthen your undoubted dominion over the seas, which hath protected your Allyes, and is a terrour to your Ene­mies.

Our hopes were long since to have settled this for the measure and the time, and with this to have pre­sented to your sacred Majestie the triumphant palme of Tranquillity in all your Kingdomes: But, as a ship floating upon a rough Sea, we have been cast upon the Rock of feare and dangers, and tossed on the Billows of distraction and distrust of Church and Common-wealth, where we yet remaine hopelesse ever to passe through that narrow channell which leads to the Ha­ven of Peace, unlesse we be speedily steered on by the hand of your sacred wisdome, care and providence.

In the midst of all these troubles, and the severall opinions which have beene amongst us, no division had power to distract any one of us from the care and duty we owe to your sacred Person.

[Page 3] And, to that end am I now sent by the Commons of England, to present this as a Marke onely, whereby your sacred Majestie may view the inward duties of our hearts, untill time and opportunity will give leave for a further expression of our duties and affections. The acceptation of this Gift will glad the hearts of your people, and the approbation by the royall assent of this Bill (being the largest for the measure which was ever given) will joyne wings to our desires and hopes, which shall never returne without that Olive-leafe, which may declare that the waters are abated, and your sacred Majestie may have full assurance of the faith and loyaltie of your Subjects.


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