A LETTER From the SPEAKER OF The House of COMMONS, To the Gentry, Freeholders and Inhabitants of the County of YORKSHIRE, IN ANSWER To their Protestation.
ORdered by the COMMONS in Parliament, That this be forthwith Printed and published: H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com
SEPTEMBER 8. 1642.
London, Printed by L. N. and I. F. for E. Husbands and I. Franck and are to be sold at their shops in the Middle-Temple, and next door to the Kings-head in Fleet-street.
A LETTER From the SPEAKER OF The House of Commons, TO THE Gentry, Freeholders, and Inhabitants of the County of YORKSHIRE, In Answer to their Protestation.
MY Lords and Gentlemen, I am commanded by the House to let you know, that it is a very great satisfaction and contentment to this House, to finde the Affections and Resolutions of your County, so worthily and seasonably [Page 4] expressed, and with so much wisdom and courage, as they have observed in this your Protestation now presented unto them: Upon which, this House doth set a much higher rate and value in respect of the many subtile practices of the Malignant party in your County, both to disquiet the peace of the whole Kingdom, and to oppose the just proceedings of this House, and to beget, if it had been possible, a contrary opinion of you, from which you have now so fully vindicated your selves, and the most considerable part of that County.
Nor can we but observe, that at this time, when the Protestant Religion, and Fundamentall Laws of the Kingdom, and Liberty of the Subjects, are so much invaded, as appeareth by that unheard of prevalencie of wicked Councell, which hath arrived to that height, as to procure both Houses of Parliament to be proclaimed Traytours (a thing never before attempted, no not in the worst times) you do with so much zeal and courage offer your selves to support your King, your Religion, and Liberty; all which will be preserved by your faithfull adherence to this Parliament.
And besides all these, the House cannot but take notice of your wisdom and fidelity, in expressing [Page 5] your detestation of those lawlesse Consultations and Resolutions, at the last Assizes at York, where Propositions were made for the raising Forces both of Horse and Foot in that County, the levying of money for the maintenance of them, together with the taking away the arms of the peaceable and best affected Subjects; all which was endeavoured to be strengthened by the bold, and Illegall attempts of the Grand-Jury, who at that time did lay aside all presidents of Love and Justice, in such presentments as were at that time by them made; which matter this House will in due time take into serious consideration.
For your Resolution to withstand all these so Illegall proceedings, the House hath commanded me to return you their most hearty thanks, and to let you know, that this House doth esteem your Affections herein, as the most lively demonstrations of your loyalty to His most Sacred Majestie, and infallible symptomes of your fidelity to the Parliament, the onely means to preserve the felicity of the English Nation.
Lastly, this House hath commanded me to let you know, that they do assent to your desire of publishing this your Protestation in all Parish churches, Markets & Fairs within the county, the [Page 6] same being as they conceive, a matter so much tending to the preservtion of the peace, not onely within your County, but likewise within the severall parts of the whole Kingdom. And thus I bid you heartily farewell, and rest
Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, That this Letter bee forthwith Printed and Published.