A serious Call to Obstinate Sinners, Or, A sounding Trumpet to the UNCONVERTED. Laying forth the danger of living in Sin, and delay of REPENTANCE. Which may be a Warning-blow for Wicked Men to forsake sin, and to turn to God unfeignedly.

I have no pleasure, saith God, in the Death of the wicked, but that the wicked might turn from his evil ways and live,

Ezek. 11.33.

Except you be converted, you cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven,

Matt. 18.20.

In the waies of Righteousness the Saints find Trea­sure, so shall the Sinner by returning unto God,

Jer. 24.7.

By William Knowls.

London, Printed by H. B. for W. Thackeray at the Angel in Duck-Lane. 1684.

To the Reader.

Christian Reader,

I Intreat thee from the Lord, that thou wouldest read this small Book, and treasure it up in the Closet of thy heart, to seal your Salvation to the day of redemption. Beest thou never such a si [...] now turn unto the Lord by Repentance, and th [...] mayst find mercy: now obey his call while his mer­cy is open, and run the race that is set before you, & throw by sin as a monstrous enemy, and cast the De­vil behind thee, and the profits and pleasures of the World tread under your feet; set Christ and his Glory before thine eyes, and remember Death and Judgment; have a strong Faith wrought in Christ Jesus, in which way you'l find treasures exceeding­ly, and so shall the wicked b [...] turning to the Lord, for there is great joy in heaven at a sinners return­ing, more than at ninety nine righteous persons, that need not repentance. O you wicked sinners, I beseech you make timely preparation for your sins. O consider your own good and be wise; my prayers are ever for you, and my daily study is to find out medicines to cure you, and among you I throw the Seed of the Word. I travel in pain to the hazard of my life, and all to save your Souls from Hell, and that iniquity might not be your ruine. So hoping in the Lord for some of your conversions. [...] rest your friend, in the Lord Jesus.

W.K.B. in P.

A serious Call to Obstinate Sinners.

Turn you, turn you from your evil ways; for why will you dye, O house of Israel?

Ezek. 33.11.

CHristian Friends, and beloved, whom the Lord would ever cover with the shadow of his wings, and embrace in his Arms, but you will not: you love Death better than Life, be­cause your deeds are evil. But hearken to the call of God; and to the Doctrine of Christ our Lord; you which are unconverted, draw nigh, now while I sound the Tru [...]pet in Sion, and sound you an Alarm in your Holy Mountains. O you sinners, you inhabitants of the Earth, tremble at this sudden call from God for the day of the Lord is at hand, Joel 2,1. And a most swift and sud­den destruction attendeth the wicked; for God will most certainly showre down his wrath and vengeance upon all such as forget God, and will not be brought to the knowledge of his truth: nay, you will not discern the mystery of Christs Body, which was crucified on the Cross, and whose most dear and pre [...]s blood was spilt for redemption of Sinners. O bewail your ig­norance, and beséech the Lord to give you the knowledge of his truth and instruct you sinners not to make any longer a [...]est at his words and [Page]threatnings, and [...] not you can be sa [...] when you will; [...] he not so deceived nor v [...] ­ed by the Prince of darkness. O it [...] the Devils pro [...]se to deceive the very [...] God chosen ones, O you are called [...] [...]pecial grace of God to inherit a Kingdom; now therefore obey this special Call; To day [...] you wi [...] hear his Voice, hardon not your [...]earts, tomorrow is another day, and who knows what [...] day brings forth; continue no longer in filthiness, for the day of slaughter is nigh, and a just reward is prepared for the wicked. O we an [...] sinners, who [...] hearts are double-minded, and whose will works deceit. How many ca [...]s have you had? How many c [...]ecks of Conscience? how many godly Sermons? Precepts upon Precepts, Line upon Line, one Grace upon the nee [...] of ano­ther, and yet remains all this while as wicked as you did; what shall be used mo [...]e for your remedy; doth not your Ministers baptize you in­to Christ, and unto Christ, and to make you a member of that mystical body: and for all this you remain unsanctified; they administer the outward Ordinance of the Supper of Christ, to make you mindful of his death and passion. to bind you to his will, and to knit your hearts to his spiritual Ordinance, yet all this availeth not, let the Ministers of God say what they will, yee you do not regard them, you are now grown [Page]so wise you need no teaching, you make light of Christ and Salvation: the swearers, and drun­kards, and [...], and fornicato [...]s, and deceitful men do [...] they shall be saved as well as o­thers, when there is no [...] hope; but Death and D [...]mnation is reserved or the wicked: He that lives and dyes in sin, is a Hell-hound, and a son of perdition. Tis the turning from the state of the [...]h [...] wicked to the waues of God that shall guide [...] to the glory of the Father of lights, with who [...] is no [...], nor shadow of tur [...]os: [...] man throw off the world, [...] the plea­sures & de [...]ght [...] it, with the deceivable Lusts of the [...] and [...]o [...]ness be in your life: [...] present cond [...] be unre­buke [...] God and man, you cannot serve God and the [...] yea you must lose all for the fa [...] of Christ, and count the world but d [...]ss in compar [...]io [...] to the w [...] of Christ: this all Sinners would do it thee did but know the Oracle of God, and the mystery of his [...] word, and the reward they shall g [...] in by Kingdom of Heaven, you would not under­ [...]ue the worth of Christ, you would not make light of [...] O I beseech you to make a speed turn to [...] Lord; seek, [...]e [...]k for the Fountain that every [...], and va [...] your Souls in t [...] precious [...] of Christ, his only body feed o [...] and his [...] drink of fre [...]y; in not one [...] [Page]fall to the Ground, it is altogether excellent precious, it cannot be got for Gold of Ophir, a [...] Diamond can purchase it, no Pearl can equa [...] it; Christ cannot be bought for Gold nor S [...] ver, and the worth of Christ is beyond Rubies▪ loe, this is the Fountain, and therefore pray Cleanse me, O Lord, and I shall be cleansed 'tis he, and he only, that is the door, and the way, and opens for hungry and thirsty souls; wh [...] never tasted the sweetness of Christs body [...] Blood, but only the outward Ordinance, which gives not life: 'tis the spiritual feeding, and spi­ritual washing that makes the corrupted Souls of men perfect. Oh let these things prick your hearts, and cry, What shall we do to be saved, (saith St. Peter) and be baptized every one of you for remission of Sins? No Repentance, no Salvation; therefore you sinners be reconciled to God, and obey his Gospel, and speedily turn from the vain glory of the World, unto the righ­teousness of God; and see here is happiness in the state of the Righteous. What hinders you, that you will not be reconciled to God? doth the world hinder you, and the profits and plea­sures of it? what are you seeking, that you seek not God and his Kingdom? what seek you, pre­ferment, honour, and riches, or glory in the world, which things doth darken your minds & understandings, and draws our hearts more and [Page]more from God, should not the Lord in mercy forbear the iniquity of the world; and wait up­on the sinner for Repentance but in wrath and vengeance pour upon this Nation such severe Iudgments, the sins of this Nation cryeth for, there would be nothing but utter destruction; therefore, O Nations, gather your selves to­gether before the decrees comes forth, before the fierce anger of the Lord comes upon you; Seek the Lord while he may be found, and while pardon and remission of sins may be had, for if once the door of mercy is shut against you, you are utterly lost, you are past Remedy, if you overslip the day of Grace, you may then, when it is too late, call and cry, but God will not hearken, but will laugh at your calamity; you may seek him early, but God will not answer; and if you seek the Lord with Tears, you cannot find him. Prov. 1.28. Why will not God be found? saith God, They hate knowledg and re­fuse instruction, and do not walk in the fear of God, Prov. 2.4. O you must incline your ears to wisdom, & give up thy heart to understanding, you must séek the Lord as for fine silver, & search to find him as for precious treasure: then shall thou know the fear of God, and obtain the excel­lent knowledge of Christ: you must seek dili­gently with a pure heart; yea, you must hunger & thirst after righteousness, if you mean to be fil­led [Page]in the end▪ you shall reap if you faint not. [...] but how backward is the people of the world t [...] hearken, and how loth are they to spend ha [...] an hours time from their worldly employments to hear the salvation of Sion; how slow in hearing, how dull in understanding are the wise me [...] of this world, the natural man perceiveth no [...] the things of the Spirit, neither doth he know them, they seem foolishness to him, because they are spiritually discerned; Let the Mini­sters of Christ call and cry, and tell you, you are out of the way, and perswade you to turn, or else you will travel into utter destruction, and tell you that you are at the brink of Death, you will not believe, but make light of it, until your Soul drops into Hell. I beseech you therefore in time to avoid the path of death; let not the ease, pleasure, and delights of it entice you any longer to walk in the danger of it; set but the dreadful character before your eyes, and consider that the end of your way is death; the Devil to deceive you, tells the worldlings that the way to Heaven, and the walking in this path of the righteous is full of misery and sorrow all your Life long, & hard to be endured; and so by these evils he deceives the hearts of men; but do but understand what comfort the Saints enjoy, and have more peace of conscience in a life of mise­ry than the wicked hath in the greatest Felicity [Page]in the World; for there attendeth on earthly [...]easuces everlasting sorrow, on honour abase­ment, on wealth and riches attendeth poverty, in all things else that attendeth the wicked; for [...]light is altogether vanity and vexation of spi­rit. Solomon had the enjoyments of all earthly pleasures that could be thought on, yet all pro­ [...]ed but vanity; then why should we seek after that profits not; let us seek Heaven, and the Righteousness of it, and all other things shall be added thereto. Fight the good [...]ight of Faith, and so lay hold on Eternal life. God is the only re­fuge of the Righteous, and the greatest reward. The Righteous listens to tne call of God; The sheep hears the voice of the Shepherd, they fol­low him, for they know his voice, John 10.3. You worldlings, it is a sign you are none of the Sheep, when you will not hearken to the voice of the Shepherd, when he calls you by the mouth of his Ministers. How many hundred calls have you had from God, and you return no answers from the appearance of your conversations; whose motives are evil and actions unjust. Doth not all the Sermons you hear every Sabbath little prevail with you, and do they not all call upon you to turn; and do not men labour to write hundreds of Books, suitable to convince the sins of the wicked, and calls out for you to turn; and yet it appears you live in a life [Page]most desperate, by your loose living, and [...] less giving ear to the word of God, and yo [...] making light of Christ and Salvation with you readiness to hear and see pastime and gameing or else some idle lusts or desires, which corru [...] the spiritual minds of men, and increases vi [...] when the Apostle saith, Lay aside vain babl [...] and use no foolish jesting, which are things o [...] comely; but rather be giving of tha [...]ks, wh [...] becometh the Saints of God. Are not the with ready to deride them that tells them of the things, as if it were not true Doctrine; O [...] alas, I could wish they would understand [...] word of the Lord, and give better heed to [...] blessed word; draw nigh you sinners, to the present call from God, it may be the last [...] you may have, it may be the last hour of your lives, make a speedy turn therefore to the Lord for though you were sheep that were gone astray, but now are turned to your shepherd and Bishop of your Souls, 1 Peter 1.25 Think it no lost labour to turn from the World unto God; for he will receive you, if you quick­ly turn; yea, he'l cloath you with royal robes of Righteousness; he'l seat you in the Glorious Throne of Heaven; you shall have bread of Life to feed on, and the precious blood of Christ to drink on; if you will but turn, you shall never hunger; and if you will believe on Christ, you [Page]shall never thirst; nor you shall need no Candle, either light of the Sun, for the Lord God, and [...]e Lamb will be your light; yea, his Glory all light you, his power defend you, and his [...]vourable Arms embrace you; but if you will all remain obstinate, and not turn, he will [...]ing Iudgment upon the wicked, as will he [...] swift witness against South-sayers, drunkards [...]dulterers, false-swearers, and he that keepeth [...]ck the hireing from his wages, and vexes the [...]dow and fatherless, and oppresses the stran­ger, and fears not the Lord of Hosts: O but in [...]ime return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord. Mal. 3.7 For at that time a sin­ner returns from his sins from the bottom of his Heart he shall have mercy, Ezek. 18.22. Not at what time soever, but at that time when the door of mercy is not shut against Sinners, for if once the Master is risen, and hath shut the door, there is no entring; 'tis in vain to knock or call, for if you will go on in sin, and never come to be ac­quainted with God, in the time of youth, health, or prosperity, which is the onlie [...]t time that God regardeth, and let your [...]amps of Oyl burn out, & suffer it to be spent upon delight & pleasure, in the time of youth, health, and prosperity; it will [...]e dark finding of Christ, when the inward light is darkned, and the Oyl of the spirit quite wasted. God will not be found in adversity, by those that [Page]seeks him not in prosperity; nor in sickness [...] will not hear him, who denies his helps in [...] health. For the spirit of God and Christ is li [...] to a skilful Physician that knows your woun [...] too deep, and your disease most desperate, an [...] that you are past recovery, or very dangerous▪ for strong Physick is not fit for a weak soul; fo [...] the spirit of God is powerful in its working [...] that creature whom he is pleased to appl [...] it [...] to; and therefore I beseech you to seek th [...] Lord. Are you not yet stirred up to the amendment of life, and cannot you spare a little time from your worldly affairs to hear the Trumpet sounded in Sion, and calling to Repentance; and to know the excellent joy of the righteous, and the damnable torments of sinners; for saith Job: The wicked is re [...]erved for t [...]e day of d [...]struction, They shall be brought forth to the day of wrath; though here you have Pleasure, Honour or Riches, yet for you is reserved Eternal De­struction, and though the righteous are desti­tute of all Comfort, and suffer hunger and cold, or adversity, yet they have prepared for them a Crown of Righteousness, which shall be given them by the Righteous Iudge at the last day, when the hearts of all men shall be laid open, and their works good and bad shall be tryed. O how the wicked flourish in the world, and are pampered up with pleasure and delight, like [Page] Dives in the Gospel, Luk. 16.16. In what [...]leasure did he live, yet how was his heart hard­ [...]ed against distressed Lazarus: But Lazarus [...]yeth and is carried to Heaven by Angels; and [...]he rich man dyed, and was carried by Devils to [...] punished in the fiery flames of Hell Who can [...] this small evidence lay open in full the mise­ [...]y of one, and the felicity of the other. Now [...]ould the worldly man chuse to be Lazarus, so he might enjoy with him the felicity that he enjoyed. It cannot be layed open what joy the Lord hath prepared for them that love him. [...]ow hath the people of God suffered for the sake of Christ, as for example: Moses chose ra­ther affliction with the people of God, than to be in favour with Kings, or to be seated in the Royal Court of Pharaoh, Exod. 2.15. And Io­seph fled from the hand of his Mistriss, and threw himself into Prison, rather than to commit Adul­tery with his Mistriss, Gen. 39.20. And so all along hath the people of God counted a miserable Life better than a merry Life, for they are even enamoured with the worth of the felicity in Heaven, for it far excéeds the misery on Earth. Jo [...] counted his misery nothing, nor the loss of all his earthly gains, the killing of his sons, & the discomfort of his Wife, yet this could not make him forsake his God; & the Apostle Paul counts the misery of this life but light in comparison [Page]to the worth which should be revealed hereafter Sure such men as have undergone such ha [...] conflicts of misery for the sake of Christ will b [...] swift Witness against this Rebellious a [...] untoward Generation; and thus all along h [...] the people of God undergone extream mis [...] in the World to this very day, while the wic [...] rests secure in ease, pomp and pleasure; free the highest to the lowest, they all walk in [...] paths of vanity, and will be by no means call [...] from this wretched state of life; they think v [...] rily that God will carry them to Heaven in the [...] pleasure; but I pray God he throws not suc [...] misunderstanding wretches to hellish flames i [...] his displeasure, for he is a consuming fire, which will devour the wicked, and reserve the infernal pit to burn both body and soul for ever. [...] my Friends, that those things might convinc [...] you; they are in your ears but as warning-pieces to rattle you, which if you are not perswaded by, will surely bring Gods Iudgments on you, and will prove a severe murthering-piece to your poor souls. Why do you think the Apostles and Prophets before us hath suffered such great conflicts of misery, and counted the greatest joy but light in comparison to the World hereaf­ter, because they are fully perswaded, that the p [...]ea­sure and injoyment of Heaven, greatly exceeds the miserable sorrows on Earth; for as the joy [Page] [...] one is finite, the felicity and happiness of [...]e other infinite, past all mens imagination; [...]s no lost labour to follow Christ, who suffer­ [...] his own body to be pierced & [...]is blood to be [...]lt for the Redemption of sinners; will he that [...] a Sinner, for whom Christ dyed, think it hard [...] forsake the pleasures of this Life, the desires [...] the flesh, and the vain delights and glory of the World. O esteem this nothing to the worth I [...]w set before you, and lay open the pierced [...]des of Christ, whose blood runs freely to sin­ [...]ers, and to the broken hearts that mourn in Si­ [...]; consider I say how your sanctifier was pier­ [...]ed, who was buffeted, and shamefully reproach­ed, and barbarously Crucified, lay three days in the jaws of Death, from whence he went to Glory, where he daily makes our peace to God the Father, so that we will give Glory to his blessed Name; turn therefore out of this cursed fate of life, work wickedness no more, but speak every one truth to his neighbour, for he who maketh a Lye, and worketh deceit, is abomination before the Lord, and shall surely be destroyed. The Soul that sinneth ( saith God in Ezek. 18.20.) shall surely dye. The death of the soul is everlast­ing: but God is not willing to leave your souls in Hell; as in the 21. verse, If the wicked will but turn, and do that which is right before God, he shall not dye, he shall surely live, nor his [Page]former sins once mentioned in his righteousnes [...] What a blessed expression is here, what a gen [...] ral act of oblivion is here, that the Penite [...] may have mercy. O you sinners of the wor [...] if you would but Arm your selves with faith, a [...] come holdl [...] to the Throne of Grace; and pl [...] with the Lord, thou house of Israel, so iniqu [...] shall not be your ruine; yea, cast off the wor [...] of darkness, and put on the Armour of lig [...] and create in your selves a new heart, and [...] new spirit; For why will you dye, O house [...] Israel? Romans 13 12. Ezek 18.31. Ca [...] there [...]ore one another to turn: for saith St. Paul, Romans 3.12. You are all gone out of the way, and altogether unprofitable, whose Throat is an open Sepulchre, who uses their tongues to deceit, and your mou [...]hs full of cursing and bitterness, with feet swift to shed blood.

[Page]Destruction & calamities are in your ways, who [...]ws not the way of peace, nor no fear of God [...]efore your eyes. O cleanse your minds within [...], and make preparation to entertain the Lord [...]f life. What Royal entertainment is made for [...]orporal Princes; you'l make every Room clean [...] his Royal entertainment; but how much [...]reater is the King of Kings, who would feign [...] you make preparation to entertain him, and cleanse and purifie your hearts and minds, for [...]cept you be cleansed, you cannot receive the Holy Ghost? and Christ must live in you, ex­cept you be Reprobates; but he lives with none that acteth wickedness; Be you therefore holy [...] Christ our Lord is holy, 1 Pet. 1.15. And [...] no more to the state of the wicked, as a Dog returns to his Vomit; or like a Hog to the wallowing in the mire, for your conversation is an unexpressible joy to the Host of Heaven; for there is more joy in one sinners returning, than ninety nine iust persons that need no repentance, Luk. 15.7.

O but mark the Sentence to those that return not, [...]aith the Lord, Luk. 13.27. Depart ye cursed; you love the world, and the pleasures of it, more than God and his King­dome; but the World passes away, and that therein is, 1 John 2.17. Chuse rather misery with the righteous, than joy with the wicked, [Page]and pleasures of sin for a moment. Heb. 11.2 [...] The rebuke of Christ is greater Riches tha [...] Treasures of the World: Weep therefore [...] worldlings, and howl for your life of pleasure, in wantonness have nourished your hearts to day of slaughter, Gen. 5.5. For behold the is coming, you shall burn as the stubble, and proud, and all that doth wickedly shall be [...] up, Mal. 4,1. For at the last day the [...] will be revealed, whom the Lord will [...] with the brightness of his coming, and all the deceiveableness of the wicked shall perish, beca [...] they will not receive the ove of the truth, [...] they might be saved, 1 Thess. 1.8. O what a dre [...] ful thing it is to refuse salvation where it [...] be had! how worse than mad are the bewit [...] men of the World, who might have Life Liberty, if they would receive it, but [...] will not! they choose death rather than [...] because their déeds are evil; I have spread [...] my hands all the day long to a Rebellio [...] people, saith the Lord, which walks not in th [...] ways that are good, but in their own imagina­tion, a people that provokes me to anger ex­ceedingly who blaspheme me to my face, [...] with fury and wrath will I recompence the i [...] niquity into their bosoms. O that these Iudgments might but waken you out of sin and security, and open your eyes to behold the danger [Page] [...] walk in, whom the God of this world blinds [...] you cannot discern the light of the Gospel [...] shine upon you, 2 Cor. 4,4. From whence [...]i [...]es contention, but through your pleasures at fight in your members, you crave, yet not [...]; ye ask by Prayer, and receive not, be­ [...]se you ask amiss, that you might lay the same [...] on your pleasures: O the amity of the world [...] enmity with God: Whosoever therefore is a [...]end to the World, is an enemy to God: let [...]ur laughter be turned into mourning, & your [...] into heaviness, and cast down your selves to [...] Lord, and he will lift you up, James 4.6. By [...] time are some of you resolved to turn, and [...] up your selves to know God, for except you [...]ent, God will presently strike, he hath wher [...] Sword, he hath bent his Bow, and is ready to shoot, he hath prepared deadly weapons, [...] hath ordained Arrows to persente you, Psal. 7,12. O make a speedy turn, and be recon­ciled to God, and let this day be thy day of con­version: let this sound of Salvation enter into the Closer of thine heart, and throw by all busie affairs, to hear of Salvation in Sion, and the sin­ners Repentance: let go the world and the plea­sures and profits of it, and take hold of Christ, and let nothing hinder you from hearing this blessed Call of the Lord. O that you would but give me a serious hearing, and it cannot chuse [Page]but work in your hearts for I come not to dra [...] you from obedience to God & his worship, [...] run not into so many opinions, for fear G [...] should cut you off like Luke-warm creature which if he should, he would even spue you o [...] of his mouth: pray [...]ay and night I beseech [...] that you may attain assurance of your salvation Gods promises are to the penitent in heart, a humble and a broken heart God will not despise so you will but come to amendment of Life stir therefore, and abide not a moment in the state of the wicked, for the wicked are curse with curses, and the Plagues of Hell attending them: Tell them, saith God, three or four times of their sins, but if they refuse your Admonition present them, and there shall be to them no covering for sin, but a fearful looking for Iudg­ment, and in their earthly felicity these curses attend the Swearers, the Lyers, the drunkards, the murtherers, the stealers, adulterers, inchan­ters, southsayers, and all other wicked people, you shall be cursed, saith God, Deut. 28.16. At some and abroad, in your wealths and possessions, and all that thou settest thy hand unto will perish; the Lord will smite you with the pesti­lence, and desperate diseases, and your very Carcass shall be meat for Fowls; you shall be struck with blindness that you shall grope at noon day, as in the darksome night, and thou [Page] [...] not prosper in that thou takest in hand, [...] Calf shall be slain, thy Goods shall be [...]sed, and thy Children shall be given to other Nation, and the Land wherein thou [...]est, shall be plagued wonderfully, even with [...]t Plagues, and the Land shall burn with [...]rimstone, like Sodom; then shall all Nations [...]. Why hath God poured his wrath and [...]rce indignation on this Land? who shall an­ [...]er; Because they forsake the Law of the [...]d, and walk in the indignation of their [...]n hearts, therefore will the Lord root out [...] wicked out of the Land in his heavy dis­pleasure. O how the wicked live to the [...]orld, and not to God, how they worship themselves, but not the Lord! O how full [...] mirth and pleasures is their hearts, as if [...]ey were purposely made for the World, their hands and eyes they lift up, but not [...]heir hearts to the Lord; You confess me saith God) with your mouths, but your [...]earts are far from me. O but in time lay [...]part all filthiness, and put far from you all maliciousness, and be doers of the word, and not hearers only, lest you enter into Condem­nation, James 1.22. Walk worthy of God, [...]hat the knowledge of Christ may be increased in you, Col. 1.10. How would this Nation be blessed, if the wicked would repent, as did Ni­niveh, [Page]who lay in the dust, be wailing their tra [...] gressions: and they would be greatly blessed home & abroad, whose wealth will multiply, [...] whose enemies would fly like dust before the The Heavens shall give Rain in Season and the increase shall multiply upon the earth, Deut. 28. God will exceedingly bless you, if you will glorifie his name in your Lives and Godly Conversations. O but alas you are such, who profess you know God, but in works you deny him, an [...] are abominable and disobedient, and unto ever good work are Reprobates, Tit. 1.16. For wh [...] is reserved eternal destruction with Devils, h [...] the Righteous shall have all Tears wiped aw [...] from their eyes, and called by the Lamb to sing Come ye blessed inherit a Kingdom; to the wicked saith God, Go you cursed inherit destruction

And now I am coming to the end of my work my heart trembles to think how I shall leav [...] you; lest the devil, and the delights of the world, should deceive you, for he continually watches to make you his Bond-slave, and to keep you in Hell to all Eternity. O friends, let timely repen­tance prevent this eminent danger: And let Christ dwell in your hearts by Faith, Eph. 2.17. O as I could desire that same of you. Are you resolved to turn? O that I could but win one Soul to Heaven this day: and I wish that he that hears me not preach this Doctrine in my [Page]assembly, may he ready to cover after my Books [...]t in Print; do but read; or hear them read, you cannot chuse but profit by them: let not that which is good seem too dear for you▪ I have taken [...] paines to pen it in the usual Volume, that all [...]ight come to the price of it; but the worth that [...] revealed, it cannot be bought for Gold nor Sil­ver, for the price of Christ is above Rubies.

And now I have done my work; what will be­ [...]me of it I cannot tell; I have thrown out the [...]e [...] at Gods command but I cannot give thee increase. If you will obey the call of God, you [...]y have mercy, but I cannot entertain it for [...]it; I cannot shew you Heaven or Hell by Eye­ [...]ght, but I herve shewed you the joy and sorrow [...]t both; and I beseech the Lord to work in you what hath been said, Heb. 13.20. And make you perfect in all works, working in you that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ our Lord; Amen.


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