A GLIMPSE OF SIONS GLORY: OR, THE CHURCHES BEAUTIE specified. Published for the Good and Benefit of all those whose Hearts are raised up in the expe­ctation of the glorious Liberties of the SAINTS.

PSAL. 87.3.

Glorious Things are spoken of Thee O thou Citie of GOD.

ESAY 40.10.11.

Behold, the LORD shall come with might against the strong ones, and his arme shall rule for him, &c.

LONDON, Printed for WILLIAM LARNAR, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Signe of the golden Anchor neere PAULS- Chaine. MDCXLI.


CHristian Reader, thou hast here presen­ted to thy view a small Tract: the matter whereof is weighty, and of concernment to all that are the pro­fessed Subjects of Iesus Christ. It is a thing of sad consequence to consider how we have beene kept under blindnesse and darknesse, although not to­tally, yet in a great measure, in regard of such truths as doe immediately strike at Antichrist and his false power. As namely this great Truth, CHRIST the King of his Church; and that Christ hath given this Power to his Church, not to a Hierarchy, nei­ther to a Nationall Presbytery, but to a company of Saints in a Congregationall way. Now these truths [Page] strike directly at Antichrist, and therefore kept and quell'd downe as errours. And so by reason of this obscurity (we being halfe blind) such bright truths seeme strange to us, and goe under many aspersions and calumnies, as carnall, erroneous, absurd, and the like. And truely we have beene so accustomed to the yoke, that we seeme to beat down freedome, with casting up a thousand surmises, dreaming of strange Consequents. Nay, there is a generation of of Men in these times (some or most of them see­ming to plead for Christ) are as inveterate against the one true Way of Jesus Christ, as if it would be the bondage of Rehoboam, succeeding the light op­pression of Solomon: whereas it will prove to bee a Haven to our tedious stormes, and a period to ma­ny distractions.

READER, give over thy wonted censuring of mens Labours; and learne to be more wise; lay a­side all prejudiciall thoughts concerning this Tract, and weigh it in the Ballance of the Sanctuary, com­paring it with the Word; if it will hold out there; then embrace it, and make use of it for thy comfort. Indeed it may be beneficiall to thee divers wayes.

First, by this thou mayst learne to prize Jesus Christ more; what was that among other things that made Christ so beloved and excellent in the [Page] eyes of his Spouse? His head was of Gold. Now what is this Head of Gold, but that excellent Go­vernment, that is upon his shoulder?

Secondly, it will administer comfort to thee, in regard of the former yokes, of which there are hopes, they will bee broken off, at least in the ac­complishing of these Truths; Nay the day is now dawning, wherein Sions Peace and Comforts shall bee fulfilled, Iesus Christ set up, the sole and great King of his Church.

Thirdly, it will teach you to make that use of it that the Apostle Peter doth of the like Truths: What manner of Persons ought we to be? The use of it is divers, beyond my reach or weake Iudgement to prescribe; and indeed my commendation of it doth but darken it, I being so far below the matter and the Author. But thy experience may make up that of which I fall short. So commending Thee (both in the use of this, and any thing else that beares the stamp and Image of truth upon it) to the teaching of that Spirit, that is the Author of all Truth in the hearts of Beleevers, to be taught by it; I leave thee in the perusing of this small Treatise; hoping thou wilt reape some good by it. Farewell.

Thine in the Lord Jesus. to command. W. K.



And I heard as it were the voice of a great Multitude, and as the voice of many Waters, and as the voice of mighty Thun­drings, saying HALLELVIAH, for the LORD GOD Omnipotent reigneth.

AT the powring forth of the first Viall, there was a Voice, saying, BABYLON is fallen, it is fallen: at the powring forth of the sixth, Iohn heares a voice as the voice of many Waters, and as the voice of Thundrings, saying Hallelujah, the Lord God omnipotent reigneth, imme­diately following the other. Babylons falling is Sions [Page 2] raising Babylons destruction is Ierusalems salvation. The fourth Viall was powred upon the Sunne, which is yet doing, (namely upon the Emperour and that House of Austria) and will be till that House be destroyed. The heat of that makes the seat of the Beast hot, and pre­pares it unto the fire, that it is appointed unto▪ God is beginning the powring forth of the fifth Viall, namely, upon the Throne of the Beast, upon Babylon; this is the worke that is in hand: as soone as ever this is done, that Antichrist is downe, Babylon fallen, then comes in Jesus Christ reigning gloriously; then comes in this Hallelujah, the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let Christ live, and Barrabas die, was the last speech of Tremellius: Let Baby­lon fall, let Ierusalem rise, and Christ reigne in his glory; this is the voice of all the Saints this day, and will conti­nue to their last Voyce: It is the work of the day to cry downe Babylon, that it may fall more and more, and it is the worke of the day to give God no rest, till he sets up Ierusalem as the praise of the whole World. Bl [...]ssed is he that dasheth the Brats of Babylon against the stones: Bles­sed is hee that hath any hand in pulling downe Babylon: and beautifull likewise are the feet of them that bring glad tidings unto Ierusalem, unto Zion, saying, The Lord God omnipotent reigneth. This is the work of this Exercise; to shew unto you, how upon the destruction of Babylon Christ shall reigne gloriously, and how we are to further it.

The words then read unto you, they are you see an Halleluiah.

Quaest.But what is that to the day of a Fast? Is an Halleluiah sutable to a Fast? Hallelujah is, Praise ye the Lord; the worke of a Fast is a mourning worke, and yet this Halle­lujah is sutable to this day of Fast.

[Page 3] Answ.1. Sutable: First our mourning is to be Evangelicall, and therefore to have comfort mixed with it.

2 Secondly, because our mourning is a preparation to, and hastning of this Hallelujah.

3 Thirdly, because we are by faith to speake of things as if they were done: therefore now to shew you what is to be done, and what wee are to looke upon as if it were done this day; Hallelujah is sutable for that.

4 Yea further, a day of Humiliation is a day of Recon­ciliation too, as well as a day of Humiliation; and the great fruit of our Reconciliation with God, is the set­ting up of the Kingdome of his Sonne.

Yea, we read of the Churrh of the Iewes, that in their returning from the Captivity, God did lead them by weeping, 31. Ier. 9. The Argument of deliverance from Captivity under Antichrist, and the setting up of the Kingdome of Jesus Christ, may stand with our weeping: and we in a weeping and a mourning frame, are fittest to heare such an Argument as this is.

Quaest. Hallelujah is an Hebrew word; why here used?

Answ.First to note the joyning of the Church of the Gen­tiles with the Jewes, according to the Prophesie in the 14 of Zachary 9. The Lord shall be King over all the Earth, in that day there shall be one Lord, and his name one.

2 Secondly, because the Gentiles are to provoke the Church of the Iewes to come in, according to the Pro­phecy of Isaiah, 2. C. 3.5. Come ye, let us go up to the Moun­taine of the Lord, to the House of the God of Jacob, and hee will teach us of his wayes, and wee will walke in his Paths; 5. verse. O House of Jacob, Come yee and let us walke in the light of the Lord: The Gentiles calling upon the Iewes to come in: so it shall be at the Iewes Calling; and there­fore [Page 4] this Hebrew word is used, Hallelujah, as if the Gen­tiles should provoke the Iewes after Antichrist is fallen now to praise the Lord, because he reignes.

In this Hallelujah there are these 2. things considerable. First, what it is for which this Hallelujah is sung. Second­ly, from whom. First, what it is for? It is for this, be­cause the Lord God omnipotent reigneth, the Lord God, that is, Christ; Christ now appeares to be Lord God: his Lordship and Dominion was much darkned before: now it appeares to all the world, that he is Lord God, Lord God omnipotent: the Name of Christ is the mighty God, as 9. Isay, 6. but hee is but little knowne by this Name in comparison: after Antichrist is fallen, he shall bee knowne by his owne Name, the mighty God, the Lord God omnipotent, the Lord God omnipotent reig­neth; his Crowne and Dignity were as it were hidden before in comparison: little of the power of the Sove­raignty of Christ did outwardly appeare before: but now it shall appeare, before the eies of all his enemies, that it is he that reignes, he hath the Kingdome of Kingdomes, and is the Lord of Lords. 2. From whence came this Hallelujah, I heard as it were the Voice of a great Multitude, and as the voice of many Waters: by Waters we are to under­stand People; the voice of many Waters, of many People.

First, it is the voice of the Waters, the voice of Jesus Christ reigning in his Church, comes first from the Mul­titude, the common People, the voice is heard from them first, before it is heard from any others: God uses the common People and the Multitude to proclaime that the Lord God omnipotent reigneth: As when Christ came at first, the poore receive the Gospell; not many Wise, not many Noble, not many Rich, but the [Page 5] Poore: so in the Reformation of Religion, after An­tichrist began to be discovered, it was the common Peo­ple that first came to look after Christ. In the 5. Cant. 7. we find the Church inquiring for her beloved, which is to be understood of these times of Reformation: shee went to the Watchmen, the Watchmen smote her, de­spised her, and persecuted her; at the 8 th. verse she goes to the Daughters of Ierusalem, and enquires for her Belo­ved, that is, among private Christians and common Peo­ple, and this glorious Church that is to come, when the Lord God omnipotent reigneth, according as it is here said, the voice will bee first among the Multitude. It is observable that wee have in the 7. Cant. 1. where you find a description of the glorious Church that is a com­ming, wherein Christ is to reigne gloriously, the de­scription there begins at the feet, and goes upward: When Christ is described 5. Cant. the description of Christ is from the head, and so downeward: But when the Estate of the Church in her glory is described; shee begins at the feet and goes upward, to note the begin­ning and the raising of the Church is like to bee at first among the meaner sort of People, among the Multi­tude. The Hallelujah for Babylons downfall was among the Multitude, before it came to the foure and twenty Elders, as you may see in the beginning of the Chapter. The Businesse Brethren concerning the SCOTS, it is a businesse, in the issue whereof wee hope there will be great things: Where began it? at the very Feet, at the very soles of the feet. You that are of the meaner rank, common People, be not discouraged; for God in­tends to make use of the common People in the great Worke of proclaiming the Kingdome of his Sonne; the [Page 6] Lord God omnipotent reigneth: the Voice that will come of Christs reigning, is like to begin from those that are the Multitude, that are so contemptible, espe­cially in the eyes and account of Antichrists spirits, and the Praelacie, the vulgar Multitude, the common Peo­ple; what more contemned in their mouths then they? and yet it is from them that this Voice doth come; The Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Wee read in the 2. Chron. 30.15. that the Priests and Levites were asha­med in that glorious Reformation of Hezekiah, they did not prepare themselves as the People did: So it is many times, that in many places where God is doing a great work, and whensoever God sets up the Kingdome of his Sonne, in that glorious manner that hee doth in­tend, he wil not begin with the Priests and Levites, they will not bee so forward, but the People at the first are more forward. In the 3. Nehem. 5. it is said concer­ning the building of the Temple and Ierusalem, that the Nobles did not put to their necks, but it is said the Peo­ple blessed those that came to dwell at Jerusalem; but yet marke further, it came from the Multitude as a noise of many Waters: though the voice of Christs reigne came first from the Multitude; yet it comes but in a confused manner, as the noise of many Waters: though the Multitude may begin a thing, and their intention may be good in it; yet it is not for them to bring it to perfection, that which they do commonly is mixed with much confusion, and a great deale of disorder. It was but as the voice of many Waters, the People had a hint of somthing; downe with Antichrist, downe with Po­pery, not understanding distinctly what they did; their voice was but as the voice of many Waters: Therfore [Page 7] it followes, and as the Voice of mighty Thundrings, that is, as one paraphrases of it, the Voice that is more terrible and piercing like the Thunder; After the be­ginning of this confused noise among the Multitude, God moves the hearts of Great ones, of Noble, of Lear­ned ones, and they come in to the Worke, and their voice is as the voice of mighty Thundring, a Voice that strikes terror, and hath a Majestie in it to prevaile. We heare of the voice of the Multitude in our owne Coun­trey, as the voice of many Waters, they cry up the Kingdome of Christ, and cry downe the Kingdome of Antichrist, cry downe Babylon, and the Praelacie; but this doth seeme to be the Voice of many Waters, that the Adversaries derided it, scorned it. It is but the Multitude, a company of rude People: But blessed bee God, we begin to heare the voice from the Thundrings too in a more terrible way: God begins to work upon the Great ones of the Land, the Worthies of the Land that are drawne together in that ASSEMBLY, and they doe begin to come to the Land, and beyond the Land to our eares, as it is terrible in the eares of the Adversaries, that they begin to feare. This is the work of the day, for us to lift up our voice to Heaven, that it might bee mighty to bring forth more and more; the voice of our PARLIAMENT as a voice of Thunder, a terrible voice to the Antichristian party, that they may say, The Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. And let us not be discouraged, for our Prayers though they be poore and meane, and scattered, they may further the Voice of Thundrings: though our Prayers bee as the Voice of many Waters, confused; we may by them further this Worke, so as to heare more of the Voice of our Wor­thies [Page 6] [...] [Page 7] [...] [Page 8] that are assembled, as Thundrings, saying, The Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. 1. Sam. 7.9. When Samuel did but offer a sucking Lamb, there arose Thundrings: If wee come before the Lord, and it be but a sucking Lamb that we are able to offer; if we come but to pre­sent our selves only to testifie on what side we are, there may come that Voice of Thundrings from our PAR­LIAMENT, furthered by our Voice, saying, The Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. How gladly would wee heare this Voice come from our Nobles, and the KING him­selfe, and the Great ones of the Kingdome, to heare them powerfully commanding and speaking for the furthe­rance of the Kingdome of Iesus Christ, and the setting it up! But to come more closely to the words: there are these two Doctrinall conclusions that contain the scope of them. 1. Doct. First, that though the Kingdome of Christ may be darkned for a while; yet certainly Christ will reigne in his Church gloriously, at which the Saints will sing Hallelujah.

2. Doct.Secondly, that the beginning of this glorious Reigne of Christ, the Multitude of the People shall bee the fur­therers of it, and take speciall notice of it. It is but on­ly the first that I doe intend to speake of, in way of a Doctrinall Conclusion, it is this

Doct.Though Christs Kingdome bee for a while darkned, Christ shall reigne gloriously, that is implyed: It is re­vealed to John as a great wonder, as a glorious thing. Why, did not Christ reigne before? Yes, but not in that manner that now hee is to reigne: the Kingdome of Christ hath beene exceedingly darkned in the World; though it now begins to appeare a little more brightly, it hath beene exceedingly darkned. When he came in [Page 9] his owne Person, how did he appeare to reigne, and be the Lord God Omnipotent? I meane outwardly, he was a man of Sorrowes; one that vvas rather a Worme then a Man: as it is said of him, He was one, in whom appeared no Forme and Beauty; for which hee should be desired. Hee was even bruised by his Father, hee was in the forme of a Servant; yea in the forme of an evill Servant; being made sinne for us, and beaten like an evill servant; yea made a Curse for us, and that in the Abstract; how did he reigne? they made him a King in way of derision, put a Reed into his Hand in stead of a Scepter, and bowed the Knee in scorne, and called him the King of the Iews: and thus he reigned outwardly, and not otherwise, in his own Person. And afterwards in the Primitive Times how did he appeare to be Lord God, and to reigne there, when the Heathen Emperors reigned over his Subjects, and had their wills upon them? his Subjects were but a company of poore distressed for lorne people, wandring up and downe, persecuted, and destitute of all comforts. Afterwards when God brought Constantine the Christi­an Emperour and others to reigne, the Church enjoyed a little Peace, this was but for a little time. In the 8. of the Revelation, it is said there was silence in Heaven for halfe an houre, which is applyed to the little Time of respite that the Church had in Constantines time: for Litinius who was joyned with Constantine in the Empire, presently fell off, and grew a Persecutor: then spread A­rianisme over all the World, that all the World seemed to be an Arrian, so that he was not acknowledged Lord God; and therefore not reigned. Then Antichristi­anisme spread it selfe, and he set up himselfe as Lord God, and hee prescribed Lawes to the Consciences of men, [Page 10] and Christ was cast out of his Throne: yea, to this day how little hath Christ reigned outwardly? The Divell himselfe is a greater King, I meane in regard of multi­plicity of Subjects. Divide the World into thirty parts, and there are not above five of those that acknowledge Christ; and out of those five take them where Antichrist reignes, and how little doth Christ reigne? and among them where Christ is acknowledged, and Antichrist re­jected, how is his Kingdome persecuted, and of the bet­ter sort? how is his Kingdome sleighted, and many forward Professors, and zealous Ministers have hard thoughts of it. Yea, among those that set up his King­dome, in regard of their miscarriages his Kingdome is darkned; so that Christ hath but a little Reigne in the World: And it is a glorious thing spoken of to Iohn, That Christ Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. What shall we say to these things? That Christ should be King of Hea­ven and Earth, and should appeare so little in his reigne as he hath done, and yet doth to this day. Let us stay a little here, and admire at the infinite depth and Wise­dome of Gods Counsells that are past finding out. What God should aym at and meane (if wee may speake with holy Reverence) to suffer these Things, that his owne Sonne so infinitely deere unto him, should have his glo­ry so darkned in the World as he hath. We may think of some Reasons why God doth suffer this; but what his ayme and intentions are in the depth of his Counsels, is infinitely beyond us.

Reas. 1.It may be it is to be a stumbling-block to wicked and ungodly men in his just Judgement, that they should see and not understand.

Reas. 2.And it vvas upon this ground that God suffered his [Page 11] Kingdome to be darkned hitherto, that Antichrist might prevaile, because of much Glory that he is intended to bring out of the prevailing of Antichrist in the World: therefore in his Providence he hath so permitted it, as that the Kingdome of his Sonne for many yeeres should be darkned. And (my Brethren) if the Kingdome of Christ had bin kept in Congregations, in that way that we and some other Churches are in, it had bin impossible that Antichrist should have got head. But God in his Pro­vidence, because he would permit Antichrist to rise and to Rule for a long time, and he had many things to bring out the Kingdome of Antichrist, to worke for his Glory; therefore God hath left this Truth to be so darke, the setting up of Christ in his Kingly Office. Reas. 3.Thirdly, be­cause God would exercise the Faith and other Graces of his Spirit in his Children, that they might beleeve in, and love Jesus Christ for his spirituall Beauty, though there appeares nothing but spirituall Beauty, though no out­ward Beauty, no outward Kingdome doth appeare, but he be as a spirituall King only. It was a great and a glo­rious Worke, in those three wise Men that came to Christ that offered Frankincense, and Gold and Myrrhe, to Christ when he was in a Cratch, in a Manger; and so for Gods peo­ple now to beleeve in him, now to love, now to reioyce in him, to offer all to him, now his Kingdome is darkned, now he doth appeare so meane as he is, this is a glorious worke of Faith, and we should labour much to exercise this worke of [...]aith, in looking vpon this spirituall Beauty that is in Christ, and satisfying our Soules in that, that so we may not be offended at the darkning of Christs Kingdome outwardly: And the lesse Christ doth reigne outwardly in the world, the lesse glorious his Kingdome [Page 12] doth appeare outwardly, the more let us labour to bring our hearts under his spirituall Reigne: The more others say, We will not have this man reigne over vs, the more let our Soules subiect themselves to him, and say, Christ is our KING, and let him reigne for ever over us, yea let us labour to symphathize with Jesus Christ in the dark­ning of his glory and of his Kingdome. IESVS CHRIST, though he the glory of his Father, the Brightnesse of his Glory, the Character and graven Forme, or the Image of his Father, yet is he contented to have his glory darkned. Who are we that we must have Glory in this world and outward excellencies, when Christ is willing to be with­out them; Let us be willing to goe like the Witnesses, clothed in Sackcloth till Christ comes to reigne: There are white shining garments prepared, but that time is not yet, though it wil not be long. The Bridegroom yet seems to be absent, and therefore it is fit for the Spouse to goe low and mean in the mourning weeds as a Widdow: the trimming of the Bride in her outward glory, may come hereafter, when Christ shall come in glory into the World. And Lastly the Kingdom of Christ is darkned for a while outwardly, and therefore it should teach us to blesse God so much the more for that Opportunitie that we have of setting vp Christ as King amongst us: For yet, the Voyce is not heard much, That the Lord God Omnipotent rei­gneth abroad in the World, though lately some noise we have heard: But, blessed be God, in our Congregations amongst us, we may heare, That the Lord GOD Omni­potent reigneth. It is through our wretched wicked­nesse, if his Kingly Power be not fully set up amongst us in all his Ordinances: And that we should have an op­portunity to set up his Kingly Power amongst us heere, [Page 13] while it is so much opposed, and so little knowne in the world, it is a great mercy. And let us take heed of abusing that opportunity we have, for darkning the Kingly Po­wer of Christ, which we professe to set up: Especially in these Times, when there comes to be a Voyce, though confusedly, from the Multitude, and some Kind of Voyce of Thunder from the Great ones.

But though it be darke for a while, certainly he shall reigne, and the Voyce will be glorious and distinct one Day, Saying, HALLELVIAH the Lord God Om­nipotent reigneth. He shall reigne first Personally; se­condly, in his Saints.

First, Personally; we will not fully determine of the manner of his Personall Reigning, but thus farre wee may see there is a Voice of great waters, though not dist­inct: but a Probability in his Person GOD and MAN; he shall reigne vpon the Earth, here in this World before that great and Solemne Day. There are divers Scrip­tures that have somewhat of this in them, we cannot give the distinct Voyce of those Scriptures, but many of Gods Saints, they do heare somthing, and when a thing growes neerer and neerer, God will reveale it more distinct; Zachary 12.10. They shall looke upon him whom they have pierced, and shall mourne for him, as one mourneth for his on­ly Sonne. It is usually understood either of a spirituall looking by the eye of Faith, or beholding Christ at the Day of Iudgment: But why should we take it for a spiri­tuall looking, and looking at the day of Iudgment? that place doth not hold out, that is not the thing intended: They shall mourne every one apart; this is not like the setting forth of the mourning at the Day of Iudgement: And take but this one Rule, that all Texts are to be un­derstood [Page 14] literally, except they make against some other Scriptures, or except the very Coherence and Depen­dance of the Scripture shewes it otherwise, or it makes against the Analogy of Faith; now there is nothing a­gainst this, but it may bee so. A second Scripture that seemes to hold out somewhat is that in the 26 th. of Ma­thew, 29. I will not henceforth drinke of the Fruit of the Vine, untill that Day, when I drinke it new with you in my Fathers Kingdome. It is true, this is likewise interpreted in a mysticall sense; but there is no reason, why wee may not take it literally. Not in the Kingdome of his Fa­ther in Heaven; but in that Kingdome that hee shall come in here to drinke the Fruit of the Vine, to have Communion with his Saints in this World, 2. Thes. 2.8. Antichrist shall be destroyed by the brightnesse of Christs com­ming, the brightnesse of his Personall comming: And that place Revel. 20. where it is said, The Saints shall reigne with him a Thousand years, which cannot be meant reig­ning with him in Heaven. It is made as a proper pecu­liar benefit unto such as had refused Antichrists Govern­ment, especially to the Christian Church: It is likely divers of the Prophets and Patriarchs may come in; but especially it belongs to the Christian Church: Now the reigning with Christ a thousand yeeres is not meant reigning with him in Heaven, for after these thousand yeares, there shall be many enemies raised against the Church, GOG and MAGOG shall gather themselves together; if it were meant of Heaven, that could not be; and therefore it must be meant of Iesus Christ comming and reigning heere gloriously for a Thousand yeares. And although this may seeme to be strange; yet here­tofore it hath not beene accounted so, it hath beene a [Page 15] Truth received in the Primitive Times. Iustine Martyr, that lived presently after IOHN, he spake of this as a thing that all Christians acknowledged: and likewise Lactantius hath such expressions in divers places of his Seventh Booke. That there are glorious Times com­ming, wherein shall be plenty and fruitfulnesse in the Church, yet First, Rome must de burnt, and Babylon first downe, and brings the Sybills, the Heathen Oracles for it, and after a little Time there shall be stirring up of E­nemies against them: Thus farre they goe; if they did not beleeve that Christ himselfe should come personally to reigne, yet he shall with his Saints reigne in a Glorious Manner, and the Church shal be so raised up in the world outwardly, as to be aboue all the men of the World in outward Glory.

And there are many Scriptures full for that which we may be much more confident in, then wee can be of the other. There is a Time comming, when there shall be this Halleluiah in the Church, The Lord God omnipotent reigneth. As in the. 7. Dan. 17.18. The fower Beasts are the foure Monarchies, and the last is the Roman Monarchy, and that Babylon shal goe down together, and immediatly upon that, the Saints of the most high shall take the Kingdome, and possesse the Kingdome for ever and ever: at the 21.22. Ʋer. 27. Verse. And the Greatnesse of the Kingdome under the whole Heaven shall be given to the People of the Saints of the most high: the Kingdome under Heaven is not the King­dome of the World to come. More apparant is that in the 12 th. of Dan. which is ordinarily interpreted of the day of Iudgment: but surely this Text doth not aime at the Day of Iudgment principally, but at a Time be­fore. First, because many that sleepe shall awake, not all, [Page 16] but many. Secondly he saies that they that are wise, shall shine as the Brightnesse of the Firmament: Whereas the Glory that shall be put upon the Saints in Heaven shall be as the Sunne: Though this Glory be great, it is infe­riour to that which shall be. The Third Reason is, that Daniel must shut up these Words, and seale up this Book as a great Secret: That there should be a Resurrection at the last Day, a reward of happinesse to the righteous, and of Misery to the Wicked is no great Secret, but this that was revealed to Daniel was a great Secret. But Da­niel might say, if the Booke be shut up, how shall the Truth come to bee knowne? Many shall runne to and fro, and take paines in finding it out, and at last this Truth shall come to be found out, and Knowledge shall be increased. And certainely it is the Antichristian yoke that doth hide this Truth. Men dare not whisper of any truth, but of such as are held in the Church of Rome: But when there comes to be liberty of Churches, and that men may freely search into this truth, knowledge will be in­creased. The fourth Reason is, because in the last verse, there seemes to be a Promise euen to Daniel, that hee should have his share and part in this glory: Was it such a matter, that Daniel in the resurrection should have his lot, and that he should stand up at the Day of Iudgment? No! but that he should haue his Lot in that Resurrection was a great Priviledge. Againe, for Christs Reigning with the Saints, take two Places in the Psalmes. Psalme 49.14. The Vpright shall haue Dominion ouer them in the Morning, there is a Time they shall haue Dominion, though now they have a Night, a morning shall come that the Ʋp­right shall have Dominion. Psalme, 149.5. and so on: Let his Saints be ioyfull in Glory, &c. and a two Edged Sword [Page 17] in their hands: To execute Vengeance upon the Hea­then, and punishments upon the People, &c. What shall we make of these Scriptures? Indeed if we be put upon Allegoricall senses, we may put off any Scripture; but if we take them literally, why should we not? And the Promise that is made to them that overcome, Revel. 12. the latter end of it; Hee that overcommeth and keepeth my words, to him will I give Power over the Nations, and he shall rule them with a Rod of Iron, and as the Vessels of a Potter, they shall be broken to shivers. What shall we make of this? except the Saints shall reigne, and there shall be a glo­rious Reigne of Christ with the Saints, and so that place of the Saints reigning and judging the World, some in­terpret it of the Day of Judgement, but these Scriptures seeme to have an apparancie to be before; and therfore Christ is said to make them Kings and Priests unto GOD spiritually, though not every one properly Kings over others; yet so, as to have Power and Dominion in the World; and therefore where it is said in the Gospell, that righteous men desired to see those things that you see, and did not: in the 10 th. of Luke it is said, Kings desired to see those things that you see, and have not seene them: so that Christ shall reigne together with his Saints. And that there shall be such a reigne of Christ; and this Hallelujah appeares by many Arguments, as take this one drawne from Scripture.

If there be many Prophesies and Promises in Scrip­ture that are not yet fulfilled; and the fulfilling where­of will bring the Church into a more glorious condition then ever it was yet in the World: then there is a glo­rious Time a comming. Now there are such Scriptures wherein are such glorious things promised to be fulfil­led [Page 18] to the Church, as yet never were fulfilled: And that wee know not what to make of, unlesse there be a truth in this. 24. Isay. 23. Then the Moone shall be confounded, and the Sunne shall be ashamed, when the Lord of Hoasts shall reigne in Mount Zion and in Ierusalem: When was this, that there was such a reigne of Christ in Mount Zion, as that the Moone was confounded, and the Sun ashamed? Certainly this cannot be understood of their returne from their Captivity, for the People of the Iewes were under Contempt after their Deliverance from Captivi­ty, and came not to such a Glory as this, and were under a kind of Captivity, and met with such oppositions, that they were as long building the Temple as they were in Captivity, seventy yeeres.

Object.But some that were in Captivity saw both the first & the second Temple; how could this be, if it were so long?

AnswereThe Foundation they might see, but not see it finished. And in Ahasuerus time they were in Captivity, as that had not God wrought mightily, they had all beene cut off by a wicked Haman: Therefore they were not so glo­rious. Isaiah. 33.20. Look upon Zion the City of our Solem­nities: Thine eies shall see Ierusalem a quiet Habitation, a Ta­bernacle that shall not be taken downe: This Text neither hath not bin fulfilled hitherto, but must remaine. Isay 54.11. Oh thou afflicted, tossed with Tempests, and not com­forted; Behold, J will lay thy Stones with faire Colours, and thy Foundations with Saphires, &c. When Antichrist shall fall down, and the Iewes, called; and this Halleluia sung, The Lord God omnipotent reigneth: then this Promise may be made good. Isay. 60. if you read the whole Chapter, there are glorious things spoken of the reigne of the Church: but there have never beene such glorious times since those Prophecies, and therefore these we are to ex­pect [Page 19] to be fulfilled. That place of Ezekiel, of the dry Bones receiving Flesh and Life is apparant to be the Iewes comming, and Gods ioyning two stickes together, ma­king Iudah and Ephraim to be one; and therefore glo­rious things are to be expected immediately after the fail of Antichrist: and if you may speake of the fall of Antichrist as done, you may speake of those Promises as done. So in the 21.22. Revel. There is a description of the glorious estate of the Church, which ordinarily is applied to the glory of Heaven: But there is a mistake in applying these things to the glory that is in Heaven, and not to thinke of the glory that shall appeare on Earth before. It is said, that John saw the new Ierusalem come downe from Heaven; if it had been the glory of Hea­ven, more like Heaven should have been opened, and he raised up to it. Againe, Iohn here sayes, that the foun­dations of the Walls had twelve Stones, and in them the names of the twelve Apostles: that the Foundations of Heaven should have the names of the twelve Apostles is not like. For Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Patriarchs and Pro­phets shall bee there as well as the Apostles; and why should it not have the names of the Patriarchs and Pro­phets as well as the Apostles? And if you read the Re­velations, you shall finde that the Kings and Princes came to give in their glory to the Church: Now that the Kings and Princes should come in to make Heaven glorious, there is no likelihood in that. Thus there are these Prophesies to be fulfilled, and these Promises to bee accomplished, and therefore a time for the Lord GOD with the Saints to reigne gloriously: And why should we think it much? Let us but consider the great Designes that God hath in honouring of his Saints in [Page 20] the World, and we have not cause to thinke much of such a truth as this: for hereafter in Heaven Christ will be honoured before his Saints. But how will Ch [...]ist be honoured before all the World you will say at the day of Judgement? But onely at that time so long as the wicked shall stand for their sentence? Doe we thinke there shall be no further time for Christ and his Saints to be honoured but just then? God intends to honour Christ and the Saints before all the World. Christ hath purchased a glorious Condition by humbling himselfe so low to the Death of the Crosse, and therefore was promised the Heathen for his Inheritance, and the ut­most parts of the Earth for his possession; and this must bee given in due Time; and God is pleased to raise the hearts of his People to expect it. And those that are most humble, most godly, most gracious, most spirituall, searching into the Scriptures, have their hearts most raised in expectation of this. And it is not like that that work of the Spirit of theirs shall be in vaine. But God is beginning to cleere it up more and more: God is begin­ning to stirre in the World, and to doe great things in the World, the Issue whereof (I hope) will come to that we speake of.

Quest.But what shall bee the glorious Condition of the Church, when the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth; for which the Saints shall sing this glorious Hallelujah? Tell us somthing of this good Land.

Answ.In the generall I answer, It is the resurrection from the Dead, as the Apostle speakes, Rom. 11. concerning the Calling of the Iewes. But for Particulars; Glorious things are spoken of thee, O thou Citie of God.

The first thing wherein the happinesse of the Church [Page 21] consists, is this: That it shall be delivered from all the E­nemies of it, and from all molesting troubles, and so be in a most blessed safety and security. The God of Peace shall tread downe Satan shortly, and all that are of Sa­tan. Christ is described in this Rev. 19. with his garment dyed in Blood, when he doth appeare to come and take the Kingdome; and he appeared with many Crownes on his head; that notes his many victories▪ and his name was King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. And the Saints appeared triumphing with him, clothed with white linnen, and set upon white Horses; is that a cloathing for Soldiers? Yes, for the Army of Christ, that ra­ther comes to triumph then for to fight. Christ figh­teth and vanquisheth all these Enemies: and they come triumphing in white. All Teares shall be wiped away from the Church, Isay. 25.8. Revel. 21.4. There shall bee no Brier nor Thorne, Ezek. 28.24. among the People of GOD; Ezekiel did once live among Briers and Thornes, but there shall bee no pricking Thorne left. And this Citie that is described in the Revelation, shall have the gates alwayes open, in regard of the secuirty that is there; no danger at all of any Enemy.

2 Secondly, there shall be a wonderfull Confluence of People to this Church, both Jew and Gentile shall joyne together to flow to the Beautifulnes of the Lord, Dan. 2. verse 35. Christ is compared to the Stone, that shall breake the Image, and shall become a Mountaine, and fill the whole Heaven, Isaiah, 60. They shall come as Doves to the Windowes. And when IOHN came to mea­the Citie, the Church; it was a great and mighty Citie.

Thirdly, because where there is much Confluence, there useth to bee a Contraction of much filthinesse. [Page 22] Therfore in the third place it shall be most pure, a pure Church: yea, in great part, if not altogether. Nay we may almost affirme, altogether to be delivered from hy­pocrites. Without there shall be Doggs, and whosoever shall worke or make a lye. Not without, in Hell; but without the Church. Hypocrites shall bee discovered and cast out from the Church: though many get into the Church now; then the righteous Nation shall enter in. In the 44 th. of Ezekiel, 9. There is a description of the Church under the Gospel: And he shewes that none uncircum­cised in heart shall enter in there: But the fulfilling of the Prophecies of those Chapters in the latter end of Ezekiel, will not be till this time; and then no uncir­cumcised in heart shall enter, Revel. 21.27. There shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, &c. there are two Negatives in the Originall, they shall not, they shall not enter. As Christ sayes, Whosoever comes to me, J will in no wise cast out; I will not, I will not cast out. Blessed are they that are called to the Supper of the Lamb. Be­fore, many were called, and few chosen; but now all that are called are chosen, and none that are made partakers of the first Resurrection shall die the second Death. It is a most pure Church, and therefore is described; The Walls to be precious Stones, the Citie to be as cleere as glasse, and the Pavement to be pure gold.

Fourthly, there shall be abundance of glorious Pro­phecies fulfilled, and glorious Promises accomplished. When you read the Prophets, you have Prophecies of many glorious things: And the knowledge of this truth will help to understand those Prophecies. Revel. 2. It is said there was a Booke sealed shewed unto Iohn, and none could open the Booke but the Lambe. The Booke of the Prophe­cies [Page 23] Prophecies is a sealed Book, and especially the booke of the Prophecies of the Revelatious. But when the Lamb, Christ, shall come to reigne, this shall be opened to us. And therefore it is said, the holy Apostles and Prophets should reioyce at the destruction of Antichrist, because the Prophets should be so cleerely opened, and under­stood by the People of God. Revel. 22.6. These sayings are faithfull and true: and the Lord God of the holy Prophets sent his Angell, to shew unto his Servants, the things which must shortly be done. Why the Lord God of the holy Pro­phets? That Lord God that did intend to make the holy Prophets cleere and evident. Saies the woman of Sama­ria, when the Messiah comes, he shall teach us all things: We may well say it of the comming of Christ, heere the meaning of abundance of Prophecies and Promises, that we know not what to make of, shall be cleere before us. Christ is called the word of God, and is said to be faith­full and true, because he wil discover the truth and faith­fulnesse of the Promises. And this will bee a glorious Time, when the Prophecies shall be opened, and the pro­mises come to be fulfilled.

Fifthly, Abundance of hidden Mysteries of Godlines will be cleered then, that now are exceeding darke. 4. Revel. Iohn did but see a Doore opened in Heaven: But afterwards, Revel. 19. he saw Heaven opened. Noting the cleere revelation of Truth that shall be then: And, Revel. 11.19. There was seene the Arke of the Testament: Whereas the Arke stood before, in the Holy of Holies, that was shut up, that none was to come into it, but the High Priest: But now it is opened to all. In the Arke where the Secrets a Type of the Secrets that shall be opened at this Time, that were shut up before. Glorious Truths shall be re­vealed, [Page 24] and above all, the Mystery of the Gospell, and the righteousnesse of Faith shall bee discovered. Before what a little of the Mystery of the Gospel, and the righ­teousnesse of Faith was discouered! but this will grow brighter and brighter till that time, which is the great Designe of God for his Glory to all Eternitie.

Sixtly, the gift of the Saints shall be abundantly rai­sed. He that is weake shall bee as David, and he that is strong as the Angel of the Lord Zach. 12.8. and then shall be accomplished that Promise, that GOD will powre his Spirit on them; and their young men shall see visions, and their old men shall dreame dreames. It was fulfilled in part upon the Apostles, but the full is not till that time know­ledge shall be increased.

Seventhly, the Graces of the Saints shall be wonder­fully inlarged, even in a manner glorified; thoughuot so full as afterwards in the highest Heaven but mighti­ly raised. The Saints shall be all clothed in white lin­nen which is the righteousnesse of the Saints; that is, the Righteousnesse they have by Christ, whereby they shall bee righteous before God, and holy before Men: HOLINES shall be written upon their Pots, and upon their bridles: upon every thing their Graces shall shine forth exceedingly to the glory of God. Iohn saw a Vi­sion of the Bride comming downe from Heaven, with a Heavenly Glory, fit to meet Christ her Bridegroome, to stand in his presence, and serve him day and night.

Yea further, Religion shall bee honoured, and no more be a disgrace. God hath promised to his Church that hee will wipe away their Reproches for ever.

The People of God have been and are a despised Peo­ple: But their Reproach shall be for ever taken away, [Page 25] and they shall not be ashamed of Religion: for it shall be glorifyed before the Sonnes of men. Therfore it is said Revel. 14. They shall have the Name of God upon their Foreheads, openly to professe Religion; A time shall come when ten men shall take hold on the skirt of a Iew, and say, We will go with thee. Cant. 8.1. I will kisse thee, yet should I not bee despised: She would embrace Chirst publikely, and should not be despised: It shall be so honourable, as none shall be able to despise it. There are notable Texts of Scripture, to shew the great Honor that shall be in the wayes of Religion, Isaiah 49.23. Kings shall be thy Nursing Fathers, and Queenes thy Nursing Mothers; they shall bow downe to thee, and lick up the Dust of thy Feet. What a high expression is this for the Honour of God­linesse? So in Isaiah, 60. are a great many of notable expressions, verse, 13. I will make the place of my Feet glo­rious; that is, the Church. There was a time when as the Feet of Christ were as burning Brasse, to shew the suffering condition of the Church: But now the Feet of Christ, that is the Church, shall be made glorious, vers. 14. you have two notable Scriptures for this in the Pro­phesie of Zachary. The first in the 4 th. of Zachary, 16. They shall be as the Stone of a Crowne-lifted up: They are now trampled upon as the stones of the street; but they shall be as the Stones of a Crowne; and not onely so, but as the Stones of a Crowne lifted up: The second place is in Zach. 12.5. The Governours of Iudah shall say in their hearts, the Inhabitants of Ierusalem shall be my strength in the Lord of Hoasts their God. Wee know, that now in many places, the Governours of Iudah, the great ones of the Countrey, their Spirits have beene set against the Saints of God: Wee know what re­prochfull [Page 26] names they have put upon them, and how they have discountenanced them: Though the Go­vernours of Iudah have counted them factious, and Schismaticks, and Puritanes▪ there is a Time com­ming, when the Governours of Judah shall bee con­vinced of the Excellency of Gods people, so convinced as to say in their hearts, that the Inhabitants of Ieru­salem, that is, the Saints of God gathered together in a Church, are the best Common-wealths men: not se­ditious men, not factious, not disturbers of the State; but they are our strength in the Lord of Hosts, they are the strength of a Kingdome, and shall be countenanced by them as the strength of a Kingdome, as those that will bee most usefull in a Kingdome. This will bee a blessed time, when as wicked men and wickednes shall bee despised, and Godlinesse as honourable as ever it was contemptible: this shall bee when the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth in his Church. And through Gods mercy, wee see light peeping out this way: That the Governours of Iudah are saying, The Inhabitants of Ie­rusalem shall be our strength: Religion shall be honoured in the World one day, and not only at the day of Iudge­ment, but here.

In the ninth place; the presence of Iesus Christ, and of God shall be exceeding glorious in the Church: then the name of it shall be called IEHOVAH SHAMMAH, The Lord is there. They shall follow the Lamb where­soever he goeth: they shall see the King in his beauty and glory. And such a presence of Christ will be there, as it is questionable whether there shall be need of Or­dinances, at least in that way, that now there is. And therefore some interpret that place so: They shall be all [Page 27] taught of God, and shall not need to teach one another. And so that place 2. Peter, 1.19. We have also a moresure Word of promise, wherevnto ye doe well that ye take heed untill the Day dawne, and the Day-starre arise in your hearts. Now the Morning-Starre, the Holy Ghost applies to them, Revel. 2.28. That is such a glorious presence of Christ, as shall so instruct them, as if they had not need to take heed to the Word of Prophesie. And in Revelat. 21. They shall need no Temple, nor Sunne, nor Moone; for the Lamb is the Tem­ple and the light thereof: the presence of Christ shall bee there, and supply all kind of Ordinances. And Revel. 7. Christ sayes; Hee will lead them to the Fountaine of living Waters; all the Ordinances. Here are but the streames and Conduits; then they shall be led to the Fountaine. Though we dare not affirme that there shal be no Ordi­nances; yet is there some probability at least thus far in comparison; there shall be such a presence of Christ there, as therr shall not be that need of Ordinances.

In the tenth place. There shall bee the addition of Martyrs, and many of the Worthies of God that have lived in former Times shall rise againe. If you read the 7 th. Revel. and 21 th. Revel. you cannot but be convinced of this, That those that have suffered Martyrdome under Antichrist shall have the glory of that time; and Daniel shall come up and stand in his lot; and as he, so many of the Worthies of God in former times: and this shall add to the Glory of that time.

The eleventh is this: There shall be most blessed U­nion of all the Churches of the World. The envy of Ephraim and of Iudah shall be taken away. Isaiah 11. There shall be one King; and one Name. Zach. 14.9. Wee all professe one Lord, but give him divers Names: but then [Page 28] there shall be one Lord, and his name one. Zeph. 3.9. They shall serve the Lord with one Consent, with one Shoulder, it is in the Originall: And if you read that Chapter, you may see what Reference it hath to a more glorious Time, than the returning of the Iewes from the Cap­tivity. Dissentions in any one Congregation are evill; and for one Church to dissent from another is a grie­vous evill. Blessed will the Time be, when all dissenti­ons shall bee taken away; and when there shall bee a perfect Union of all, and not any distinction of Calvi­nists or Lutherans, or the like: but all shall come, and serve God, and be called by one Name.

The twelfth is the Resurrection of the Creatures of the World: and so in that regard there shall be abun­dance of outward Glory and Prosperity. That place in the 8 th. of the Romans. The Creature groanes under the Burthen that it is in, that it may be delivered into the Adop­tion of the Sonnes of God. When the fulnesse of the glory of the Adoption of the Sonnes of God shall come, the Creatures shall be delivered to them. The whole World is purchased by Christ, and purchased for the Saints, that is Christs ayme. All is yours, (sayes the Apostle) the whole World: and therefore, Revel. 21.7. it is said, The Saints shall inherit all things. You see that the Saints have but little now in the World; now they are the poorest and the meanest of all; but then when the A­doption of the Sonnes of God shall come in the fulnesse of it, the World shall be theirs; for the World is pur­chased for them by Iesus Christ. Not onely Heaven shall be your Kingdome but this World bodily. And so that place, 2 Pet. 3.10. where it is said, The Heavens shall passe a­way with a great noise, and the Elements shall melt with fer­vent [Page 29] Heat: the Apostle speakes as if it were the Day of Judgement. But there is one passage whereby we may gather that the Apostle onely meanes a mighty change that shall be before the day of Judgement, verse 13. We according to his promise look for new Heavens and new Earth. Where hath God promised a new Heaven, and a new Earth? I know no place in Scripture that I can referre this place unto, but Isaiah 65.15. which is apparant to be meant of the Church. Now the Apostle speakes of these Times, when there shall be a mighty change in the World: then shall be fulfilled that Promise, There shall be new Heavens, and a new Earth. We can find no such promise but in Isaiah, and that is meant of the Church, and therefore it is probable the Apostle meanes that Lactantius sayes, When the Thousand yeeres come, the World shall bring forth Fruite alone, and the Rocke shall distill Dew, and no Creature shall live upon Prey: the Dog shall not hunt, the Child shall not be afraid of the Serpent: making the place of Isaiah, which we understand metaphorically, to be understood, literally, Of the Wolfe and the Lambs living together, and the Child playing upon the Hole of the Cockatrice.

And all the Prayers that ever we put up for the Church will be answered, and the blessing of all will come upon the Churches. Heere we have some degree of Blessing: But the Blessing of all the prayers of the Prophets and Apostles will come upon it. In Isay, They were to cry to God, and give him no rest, till he made Ierusalem the praise of the whole World: that is, till God did bring this Time, and Ierusalem hath not bin so lifted up. All these pray­ers that have not given God rest all this while, shall be answered, and Ierusalem shall be advanced.

[Page 30]Lastly, Those glorious Titles that the Church of God hath in the old Testament, will be made up to the full; and that is a Resultance from all the Former. There are many glorious Titles of the Church of God in the old Testament: Now the estate of the Church in the old Testament was but Typicall; typifying the estate of the Gospel. I shall name some of them, and when those come to be fulfilled, it will be glorious. First the Lords Por­tion. Deut. 32.9. Secondly his Pleasant Portion. Ierem. 12.10. Thirdly his Inheritance. Isaiah. 19.25. All Peo­ple are the Worke of his Hands, But his Church is his Inheri­tance. Fourthly, the dearely Beloved of his Soule. Ierem. 12.7. Fiftly, Gods Treasure, and Peculiar Treasure, Exod. 19.5. Sixtly, His Glory, Isaiah, 46.13. Seventhly, The House of Gods glory, Isaiah, 60.7. Eightly, A Crowne of Glory. Isaiah, 62.3. Ninthly, A Royall Diademe, in the same place. Tenthly, The glory of God. Ierem. 3.17. Againe, The Throne of his Glorie. Jeremiah, 14.21. Againe, The Ornament of God: and The Beauty of his Or­nament, Ezek. 7.21. Againe, The Beauty of his Ornament in Majestie, in the same place. Now to have all this made up to the full; to shew that these are no high ex­pressions, but rather come short of what will bee: it must be a glorious condition.

But you will say, Are these things true?

To that wee answer; For the truth of them, I will goe no further then this Chapter, verse 9. These are the true sayings of God. It is a very strange Phrase: If they be the sayings of God, they must needs be true. Were it not enough to say they were the sayings of God, or true sayings? No, they are the true sayings of GOD. And in the Originall it is not onely the true sayings of [Page 31] God; but the true sayings of that God that is true: ther­fore they are certaine.

Quest.But how can they be?

Answ. Zachary, 8.9. If it be marvellous in your eyes; should it also be marvellous in my eyes, saith the Lord of Hoasts? they are marvellous in your eyes; but they are not so in mine. It is God Omnipotent that shall doe these things, by that power, whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himselfe. Mountaines shall be made plaine, and hee shall come skipping over Mountaines, and over difficulties, no­thing shall hinder him. And why should you thinke it strange, that these things should be, though they bee great: God hath done already as great things as these. Certainly Christians that shall acknowledge the great and never sufficiently admired and adored worke of God in the Hypostaticall Union of the Natures, that God should be Man, should never aske this Question, how these things should be? or to think that any object pro­pounded for our Faith is too difficult.

Quest.But when shall these things be?

Answ.Truly (Brethren) we hope it is not long before they shall bee; and the neerer the Time comes, the more clearly these things shall bee revealed. And because they begin to be revealed so much as they doe now, we have cause to hope the Time is at hand. In Daniel, 12. God bids Daniel seale his Booke untill the time come, as if then it should be opened. Doth God begin to open this Booke? Know that the time is at hand. Iohn was bid­den not to seale the Booke, because the Time was at hand. The neernesse of the Time at hand discovers the Booke; and the neerer the Time, the more it is disco­vered. No place in Scripture gives us so much light to [Page 32] know when this shall be as Dan. 12.11. And from the time that the dayly Sacrifices shall be taken away, and the abomina­tion that maketh desolate set up; there shall bee a thousand, two hundred and ninety dayes. What is the meaning of this? The light that I have from this, I acknowledge to be from that worthy Instrument of God Mr. Bright­man. A day is usually taken for a yeare, and so many dayes as were set, so many yeares it should be. All the question is about the beginning of the time. This abo­mination of desolation was in Julians time 360. be­cause then Iulian would set up the Temple againe that was destroyed, in despight of the Christians, and would set up the Iewish Religion againe: That was the abor­mination of desolation, sayes he; and the whole Iewish Religion was not consumed till that time. Now reckon so many yeeres according to the Number of the dayes, it comes to, 1650. and it is now 1641. and that place for the abomination of desolation is like to bee it as any that can be named. But it is said, Blessed is he that comes to another Number: 1335. dayes, that is 45. years more ad­ded, that is, sayes he in 1650. they shall begin; but it shall bee 45. yeares, before it comes to full Head, and blessed is hee that comes to this Day. And he hath hit right in other things, as never the like, in making Sardis to be the Church of Germany, and foretold from thence how things would fall out, and wee see now are. Now we have also a voyce from the Multitude, as from the Waters, and it begins to come from the Thundrings.

Seeing these things shall be, what manner of persons ought we to be? That is the worke I intended to have done, to have shewed you the Duties, these things call for at our Hands. If God hath such an intention to glorifie his [Page 33] Church, and that in this World: Oh, let every one say to his owne heart; What manner of persons ought wee to be? and especially, What manner of persons ought yee to be? because you are beginning this despised Worke, gathering a Church together, which way God will ho­nour. Certainly, the Communion of Saints, and inde­pendency of Congregations God will honour.

And this Worke is a Foundation of abundance of glory that God shall have, and will continue till the comming of Christ. And blessed are they that are now content to keep the Word of Gods Patience. And doe you keep the Word of Gods Patience, though you suf­fer for it, as you now doe. And wait, the Text sayes, Those that testifie against Antichrist and Antichristia­nisme, and keep the Word of Gods Patience, God will keep them in the houre of Temptation, hee will make them a Pillar in his House, and they shall never goe out; God will open their dore, so as none shall shut it till the comming of Christ: and hee will write upon them the Name of the new IERVSALEM. Therfore keep the Word of Gods Patience now you have an opportunity in your hands for furthering this great Worke. Take heed that you loose not this opportunity: certainly, if there should fall out any just cause amongst you of scan­dall in regard of Divisions, or any other way, you may do more hurt to hinder this glorious Work, then all the Persecutors could doe. For you will perswade the con­sciences of Men, that this is not a Way of Christ. Perse­cutors cannot doe so. So that the Governours of Iudah wil not say, Our strength is in the Inhabitants of Ierusalem, those that professe themselves to be the People of Ierusalem.


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