A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE TRƲE and FALSE MINISTERS IN Their Calling, Lives and Doctrine, that all who desire after the Lord may have a right Discerning between the True and False, that they may truly know whom to hear, and what Church to be gathered into, and wherein to have true Communion with Christ, the Head of his Church.

And also a FAITHFƲL WARNING to the Teachers and People of England.

By Nicholas Knight.

For I have not sent them, saith the Lord, yet they prophesie a Lye in my Name, that I might cast you out, and that ye might perish, both ye, and the Prophets that prophesie unto you, Jer. 27.15.

I will raise them up a Prophet from among their Brethren, like unto thee, and will put my Words in his Mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him; and whosoever shall not heark­en unto my Words, which he shall speak in my Name, I will require it of him: But the Prophet that shall presume to speak a Word in my Name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that speaketh in the Name of other Gods, even the same Prophet shall dye, Deut. 18.18, 19, 20.

Printed in the Year 1675.


WHereas our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ hath fore-war­ned of the false Christs and false Prophets that should arise before the End, &c. and say, Lo nere, and lo there is Christ, who if it were possible, should deceive the very Elect; but go not forth, for the Kingdom of Heaven was within; and the Apostle admonisheth to hearken to the Word nigh, in the Heart and in the Mouth: And accordingly, I having seen the fulfilling thereof in these our Dayes, and through Mercy have been brought to a Teacher near me, Christ Jesus revealed in me, the Hope of Glory: Wherefore in Commiseration of such as are seeking the living among the Dead, and are wandring upon the barren Mountains, where their Souls find nothing but Leanness, am I moved of the Lord, in Tenderness to their Souls Eternal Welfare, to warn them of the false Teachers and Leaders, that they follow not the blind Leaders, lest they fall into the Ditch with them: Therefore have I given a Comparison of the True Teachers with the False, who call them­selves the Ministers of Christ, but are not, which by these following Marks and Characters may be known, that so they who are truly tender, and desire to walk in the Way of the Lord and of his Com­mandments, may be directed therein, how to distinguish the True Doctrine of Christ and his Ministers, which is from Heaven, from the False and their Traditional Doctrine, which is from Men be­low; considering that it is these False Teachers, who for Want of true saving Experimental Knowledge of Christ, do teach for Doctrine the Traditions of Men, and so have caused the People to err, and do keep them under Blindness, and in Ignorance of the Truth, as it is in Jesus: Wherefore desiring that People may no longer be decei­ved, is this ensuing Treatise, in love unto their Immortal Souls, given forth, that such as are truly tender, and fear the Lord, may be brought to consider their Wayes, and see if they be according to the Truth, and examine whether in the Spirit and in the Truth they worship the Lord or not, learning to deny themselves, and take up their daily Cross, to follow Christ, whose Disciples they do profess to be, that they may be careful to be his true Followers, not in Shew [Page 4] only, but in deed, having put on Jesus Christ, and so are cloathed with his Righteousness from within (the King's Daughter being all glorious within) that so they may be found truly in the Way of Christ, separated from Sinners, and called out of Babylon, from hearkning after the False Teachers, to be gathered into the Assem­bly of the Saints in light, and there to be taught of God, as all his People are and shall be, from the least to the greatest, and which all must witness, before they can truly know God, and can be able rightly to speak of God and of his Truth and Wayes, that so all who fear the Lord may consider how they hear, and what they hear, that they be not deceived, but that they may be able to come more and more to the Knowledge of the Truth, as they wait upon the Lord in the Spirit, which is promised to such, to lead them into all Truth, whereby their Feet may be guided in the Way of Peace, so may come to a cer­tain experimental Knowledge of God and Christ, and of his Spirit revealed and witnessed in them, and so come to have the Witness of the Spirit, that they are the Children of God, and the redeemed of the Lord, out of the World, its Wayes and vain Customs, and from the false Worships thereof, to come into the Obedience of the Truth, and so may be saved, and have Eternal Life, which is had in the true Knowledge of God, and of Jesus Christ, whom he hath sent, that whoso truly believe in him, should not perish, but have Everlasting Life; which that all may came truly to know, and wait in the Way thereof, is the Desire of my Soul, who daily prayes unto the Lord, for the Gathering in of the other Sheep, which are not of this Fold, that so only the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ may be exalted over the whole Earth, and his People may be the Praise thereof, and so Sion may be redeemed with Judgment, and her Converts with Righteousness, and so all may be gathered into the Unity of the Spirit, and Bond of Peace; so that the Lord may be One and the People One over the Earth.

N. Knight.

A COMPARISON Between the TRƲE MINISTERS of Christ, and the FALSE TEACHERS that are gone forth into the World.

True Ministers. False Ministers.
I. NOne take this Ho­nour upon them, but only those who are sent of God; for how shall they preach before they be sent, Rev. 10.15. Gal. 1.1. Heb. 5.4. Mat. 10.5. Luke 10.1. Ioh. 17.8, 20, 21. Luk. 9.1, 2. I. FAlse Teachers go and are not sent; but go forth only in their own Names without any Commissi­on from God, only in the Will of Man. Ier. 14.14. Chap. 23.21, 22, 32, Chap. 29.9.
II. True Ministers waite, first to receive the Holy Anointing and Teaching of the Holy Ghost, and firste to learn, and handle and tast of the Word of Life in themselves; and then as they have seen and experienced; so in the moving of the Spirit go forth, and as that giveth utte­rance, speak and declare the Word of Life unto others, and [Page 6] preach in the Evidence and De­monstration of the Spirit, and in Power, the Gospel of Christ, being the Power of God unto Salvation; giving God the Glo­ry of all his Works. Acts 1.4, 5, 13. chap. 2.1, 2, 3, 4. 1 Joh. 1, to 6. 1 Cor. 2.4. Act. 8.29. chap. 11.12. Chap. 19 21. Ch. 17.16. Chap. 18 5, 25. Chap. 2.4. Rom. 11.36. Chap. 16.27. 1 Tim. 1.16. 2 Tim. 4.17. Heb. 13.21. II False Teachers preach a Divination of their own Brains, and say the Lord hath sent them, when he hath not, being such as come not in at the Door, but climb up another Way, and speak in the Wisdom of Mens Words, to preach pleasing things unto the People to affect their Ears (more then move their Hearts) by inticing and feigned [Page 6] Words; deceiving, seeking more the Praise of Men, then the Praise of God. Jer. 14.14. Joh. 10.1. 1 Cor. 2.4, 6. Rom. 16.18. Col. 2.4. 2 Pet. 2, 3, 18. Iude 16. 1 Thessal. 2.4 Matth. 6.2. & 15.9. & 23.5. Iohn 12.43.
III. True Ministers, as freely they have received the Gift of God, so freely they give, go­ing about doing good, preach­ing the Gospel from Place to Place, from House to House, and seek not their own, but the things of God, seeking the lost Sheep of Israel, labouring to gather the Remnant that shall be saved, out of all the Nations, and so to preach the Everlast­ing Gospel, and the Glad-ti­dings of Salvation to the Ends of the Earth, speaking to the Edification of their Hearers. Mat. 10.8. Acts 10.38. Rom. 2.10. Pro. 11.23. Acts 20.20. Rom. 9.17. Matth. 28.19. 1 Cor. 14.2. III. False Teachers seek more the Fleece then the Flock, preaching for Hire, divining for Money, and expecting Gain from their Quarters, which some People love to have so, who under pretence of long Prayers devour Widdows Houses, be­ing like the Scribes and Pha­risees, such as say and do not, not labouring to spread the Gos­pel; but to confine it within their own Walls, to limit the Church of Christ to a Nation, a particular Sect, or People, minding more their own Profit, then the Peoples profiting un­der them, blind Leaders of the Blind, and both fall into the Ditch. Ezek. 34.23. Mic. 3.11. Isa. 56.11. Luke 20.47. ver. 23.32. Mat. 15 14.
IV. True Ministers labour to approve themselves in Word and Doctrine, and so to be En­samples [Page 7] unto the People, in an Holy Conversation, as becom­eth the Gospel, accompanied with the Fear of the Lord, so exhorting to follow them as they follow Christ. 1 Tim. 4.6, 16. 2 Tim. 4.2. Joh. 13.15. Phil. 3.17. 2 Thess. 3.9. Phil. 1.27. 1 Cor. 11.1. IV. False Teachers hold the Truth in Hypocrisie, and Un­righteousness, taking the Words [Page 7] of God in their Mouthes when they hate to be reformed, being such as the Apostle admonisheth against, having a Form of God­liness and denying the Power, from such turn away, being Deceivers, and being deceived and who cause the Name of God to be blasphemed, and e­vil spoaken of. Rom. 1.18. Ps. 50.16, 17. 2 Tim. 3.5, 13. Ja. 2.7. Rom. 2.23, 24.
V. True Ministers are instant in Season and out of Season, at all Times and Places are ready to preach the Word of God in the Synagogues, in the Market place and the high Wayes, and upon the House Tops upon all Occasions, to Single Persons, or in Assemblies bigger or lesser, are ready to dispense of the Word of Life, being alwayes furnished out of the good Trea­sure of their Hearts to give forth good things to them that hear them, and are ready to receive the Word from them, as from faithful Dispensers thereof, who are not willing to withold any thing of the Mind of God from them; but about to clear them­selves and to be clear from the Blood of all Men having their Feet shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Christ, through the Revelation of the holy Spi­rit [Page 8] of Truth, which makes known the hidden Things of God, the Mysteries of his King­dom, the Secrets of the Lord being with them that fear him. 2 Tim. 4 2. & 3.17. Coll. 1. 25. Eph. 6.15. Coll. 1.25. V. False Teachers are such as observe Moneths and Dayes, and consecrated Places, and whose preaching is limited to Dayes and Hours, and Hour­glasses, and to the wills of Men, and to outward Observations, Traditions and Ceremonies; by their Fruits ye shall know them, saith Christ; for such out of the evil Treasure of their Hearts bring forth evil Things, and are an ill Savour, Clouds that hold no water, and are but as sound­ing Brass, and tinkling Cim­bals, not profiting the People at all, but being weighed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary are still found too light, they preach­ing in words to the People, what neither themselves truly believe or understand, or have in Truth experienced of the word of Life in themselves as to affirm the same of a Truth (as [Page 8] the word of God) to their Hearers, being like the silly wo­men, who (the Apostle saith) were alwayes learning yet ne­ver able to come to the Know­ledge of the Truth, it being hid from the Eyes of the World. Gal. 4.10. Luke 7.20. Mark 7.3, 8. Col. 28. Luke 6.43, 44, 45. Jer. 23.32. Rev. 2.2. [...]er. 27.10. &c. Ezek 21.20.
VI. The true Ministers of Christ are ready, and willing to lay down their Lives for the Testimony of Jesus, which is the Spirit of Prophecy, being his Winesses, and according to his Exanple and Command learn­ing to deny themselves, & take up their dayly Cross and follow him through good Report and bad, Tribulations, Persecutions and Temptations: chusing ra­ther to please God then Men. Acts 21.13. Rev. 11.7. Gal. 1.10. 1 Thes. 4.1. 2 Tim. 2. 4. Acts 5.29, 32. VI. False Teachers flee the Cross, and are not willing to forsake all for Christ, but chuse rather to be subject to the cor­rupt Laws and Wills of Men, then to obey Christ in denying themselves, being such who lay heavy Burthens upon Mens shoulders, which they themselves will not b [...]ar, or touch with one of their Fingers, having Respect to their Interest, Profit, Ease and Security, counting G [...] Godli­ness. Mat. 10.38. Gal 5.11. & 6 12. Luke 11.46. 1 Tim. 6.5.
VII. True Ministers will work with uheir own Hands to supply to their Occasions, ra­ther then be burdensome to the People, notwithstanding where they sow Spirituals, they may reap of them Temporals, the Labourer being worthy of his Reward or Meat; therefore wheresoever they come, enqui­ring [Page 9] who is worthy (according to Christ's Order) there they enter, whether House or Ctiy, and if received their Blessing a­bides there, otherwise they cast the Dust off their Shoes against them, and herein only is Christ's Provision for his Ministers, and therefore to take no Care. Mat. 10.8. 1 Cor. 2.12. 2 Cor. 11.7. 1 Cor. 4.12. & 9.6. Mat, 10 12, 13, 14. VII. False Teachers are Preachers up and Setters up of Tythes, which Christ came to put an End to, with the Law, under which only God required them to be paid, &c. and sue Men at Law, and cast into Pri­son for them, falsly applying Christ's Words to themselves, who are Hirelings, The Labourer [Page 9] is worthy of his Hire, which he spake in reference to his Mini­sters whom he sent into the World to receive as he ordered them, and not by Tythes, which ceased by his Ministry, being of another Tribe, then that which received Tythes; there­fore not belonging to the Mi­nisters he sent; but are only claimed by false Teachers. Col. 2.14. Heb. 7.5.
VIII. The true Ministers of Christ are such as he commands, only to hear: Ye have Moses and the Prophets hear them, be­ing such as he sends to go and and teach all Nations baptizing them into the Name of Father, Son and holy Ghost. Luke 16: 29, 31. Mat. 28.19. & 23. [...]3. Luke 1. 70. & 11.49. & 24.25, 44. VIII. False Teachers, such as before characterized, are such as Christ forewarned of, & forbids to hear, and to beware of the Leven of the Scribes and Pharisees; calls to come out of Babylon (the Throne of the Beast, and the scarlet coloured Whore, who sits as a Queen) not to partake of her Sins lest they partake of her Plagues. Mat. 16.6, 11, 12. & 7.15. & 12.38 Luke 20.46 Rev. 18.4. Phil. 3, 2. Col. 2.8. 2 Pet. 3.17.
IX. The True are Ministers of the Light, of Christ Jesus the Life of Light, and declare of him the true Light, that lighteth every Man that cometh into the World, and hath given to every one a measure of his Spi­it to profit withall, and that it is he that takes away the Sins of the World, and came to put [Page 10] an End to Sin and Transgression, and to perfect them that are anctified through the Spirit, and so by Faith to give Victory over Sin and Satan unto such as he hath redeemed out of the World through Faith in his Name. Mat. 4.16. & 5.14, 16. Ioh. 14.5, 9. & 3.19, 20, 21. & 8.12. & 12.35, 36. 2 Cor. 4.4.6. Ephes. 5.8, 13. 1 Iohn 1.5. & 2.8. 1 Cor. 12.7. Ioh. 1.29. Rom. 15.16. Heb. 16, 10, 14. 1 Cor. 15.5, 7. 1 Ioh. 5.4. IX. The false Teachers de­ny the Doctrine of Christ en­lightening every one with a sa­ving Light (contrary to the Sciptures of Truth) declaring only of a natural Light in all, deny [...]ng the Manifestation of the Spirit in all, in a Measure to profit withall, reproaching the True Ministers of the Light, [Page 10] Christ Jesus in us the Hope of Glory: And are Persecu­tors of the Children of the Light, and deny that any are made perfect and free from Sin through Christ in this life, preaching up the Power and Dominion of the Devils lead­ing into Sin, above the Pow­er of Christ to give Domini­on and Victory through Faith over Sin in this Life, exalting their Master the Devil's Pow­er (who still keeps them under the Bondage of Sin) above Christ, who came to overcome the World, and the Devil that rules in the Hearts of the Children of Disobedience. E­phes. 2.2. Revelations 12.13. 1 Thessal. 2.15, 16. 1 Cor. 4.9 &c.
X. The true Ministers teach the Worship of God, such as he accepts and requires, which is in Spirit and in Truth, not in Form only, but in Power ac­cording to his Will, as God and Christ are revealed through the Spirit in every paticular, so e­very one in the Spirit to wor­ship him, as whatsoever is known of God is made mani­fest within, & Christ's Power is felt within; so in the Spirit every one to be acted in the OBEDIENCE to [Page 11] the Truth, so to pray in the Spi­rit, and praise and sing Psalms unto God in the Spirit, which helps our Infirmities to worship the Lord in our Bodies, which are the Temples of the holy Ghost, and in our Spirits. Joh. 4.20. Mark 7.22, 23, 24. Rom. 15.13, 19. 1 Cor. 2.4. & 4.19, 20. X. The false Teachers are such, as preach up outward Worship, bodily Service, out­ward Forms, Ceremonies and Observances of outward Ordi­nances and Traditions of Men, of Worship in outward Tem­ples and consecrated Places, and outward Confromity out of the Life and Power of Godli­ness, in Common Prayer, Ser­vice and Singing of David's Psalms instead of Psalms from every ones own Heart, in the Spirit praying to & praising God, [Page 11] pleasing themselves with an out­ward Melody to their Ears, with Voice and Organs &c. ra­ther then make Melody to the Lord with his Grace in their Hearts, reproaching the Worship of God in Spirit, and his Worshippers in Spirit. Mat. 15.8, 9. 2 Pet. 3.3.
XI. The true Ministers preach Christ, the Substance of all Shadows & Figures, in whom they cease, the one Faith which purifies the Heart, the one Bap­tism of the Spirit of Regene­ration, one Lord Jesus, Savi­our and Redeemer of the world the one Name by which we are saved, the Bread that came down from Heaven, that who feeds thereon shall never hun­ger more, and who drinks of the water, he shall give shall ne­ver thirst more, wherein is the true Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, whose Body is Meat indeed, and Blood Drink indeed: One God and Father of all, which is above all, through all, and in you all; so none are true Christians, but such only, who have put on Christ, and hold spiritual Com­munion with Christ the Head of his Church, the Ground & Pillar of [Page 12] Truth, so with the Saints in Light have their Fellowship, and with the Father and the Son. Eph. 4.4, 5, 6. Joh. 6.31, 32, 34, 35, 51, 58. Ioh. 4.34. & 6.27, 55. 1 Cor. 10.16, 17. Eph. 1.22. 1 Tim. 3.15. XI. The false Teachers La­bour and Travail is, to bring People to, and keep them in outward Communion, under the outward Profession and Name of Christians, to come to an outward Washing, Dip­ping and Sprinkling, to make them Christians, without the Spirit sanctifying, cleansing and teaching, so to partake in out­ward eating of Bread, and to drink of the outward Cup of Wine; though Christ said, he would drink no more the Fruit of the Vine till he drank it new with them (mark) in his Fathers Kingdom; yet notwithstand­ing all who joyn with them in their outward Communion they own and receive as Members of the Church of Christ, al­though they are such as discern not the Lord's Body and know not the Virtue of his Death and Resurrection so that their [Page 12] Fellowship is only in the World and with the World, and do not what God requireth at their Hands. Rom. 14.7. Matthew 26.29. 1 Cor. 11.29. Iohn 8.44.
XII. The true Ministers re­joyce at the increase of the spiri­tual Kingdom of Christ, of whose Kingdom there shall be no End, and at his victory over his Enemies, the Beast and false Prophet, which he is taking and casting into the Lake of Fire and chaining up the Devil, and destroying his Kingdom of Sin: Christ who doth this, is only worthy to rule and reign, til he hath brought all his Enemies under his Feet, and those that will not have him rule over them, shall be brought before him, that he may slay them: and who will rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron, appear­ing now unto them, that look for him without Sin unto Salva­tion, when as he will render ven­geance in Flames of Fire unto them that knew him not, and delay the Time of his coming, who is not slack at his coming when the Heavens shall pass a­way, and the Elements melt with Heat, and the Earth shall [Page 13] be burned; but we look for a new Heaven and a new Earth, wherein dwelleth Righteous­ness. Acts 6.7. Ioh. 18.36. Luke 1.33. 1 Thess. 2.12. Mat. 4.23. Rev. 19. Heb. 9.28. Luke 21.22. 2 Thess. 1.8. 2 Pet. 3. XII. The False Ministers are Preachers up of the Kingdom of the Beast and False Prophet, which must have an End; and are Persecutors of all those who have not received the Name of the Beast, or Number of his Name, nor his Mark in Hand and Forehead, but have received only the Seal of the Lord in their Foreheads, the white Stone and new Name; they are such as are Bewailers of the Fall of the great City Babylon, whose Destructi­on draweth near, and shall come on a Day, and be burnt with Fire; they are such whose Tra­ding & Merchandize dependeth on her, which ascended out of the Earth, and with it and all its Works must be burned, which will not endure the Fire, wherein every Man's Work must be try­ed of what Sort it is, and so as every Mans Work abides, he shall receive his Wages, and whose VVork is Hay or Stubble, it will be consumed, and whose VVork burns shall loose, and [Page 13] the false Prophet with the Beast shall be cast into the Lake of Fire; so at the appearing of the Lord shall the Kings of the Earth and great Men, &c. hide them­selves among the Rocks of the Mountains, from the Presence of him that sitteth upon the Throne, Rev. 13.15. &c. & 20.3, 4. & Chap. 18. 1 Cor. 3.11.13. &c. Rev. 6.12. &c.

The Conclusion.


For whose sake I have been moved in the Power of the Lord, to draw out this precedent Comparison, between the True Ministers and the false and pretended Ministers of Christ, wherein as in a Glass, the one and the other may see their Faces, whether they be truly Christ's or Anti christ's Ministers, whether called and sent of God, or whether of Man and by Man only, and run before they are sent; whether the Gospel they preach be that of Christ, or another Gospel of Anti-christ's setting up & decreeing, whether they are led by the Spirit of Christ or of Anti-christ; whether they be such as go forth upon Christ's Commission, Free­ly ye have received, freely give, or such as go forth in your own Wills, expecting Gain from your Quarters, making the Gospel chargeable, whenas Christ calls to come buy of him freely, with­out Price and without Money (ye make Merchandize of the Words of God) consider whether ye be Ministers of the Letter or of the Spirit; whether such as seek and rejoyce at the Increase of Christ's Kingdom, or such who labour to suppress it, and per­secute the Subjects of it; whether ye be such Disciples of Christ, who have learned to deny your selves, and take up your daily Cross, and follow him, or such Hypocrites, who in Words draw nigh him, but in your Works deny him before Men; whether there be not a more excellent Way then ye teach and walk in, which only the true Servants of Christ teach and walk in: I shall desire you in the Bowels of Love to your Souls, seriously and impartially, without Prejudice, to consider and weigh the Pre­mises, cleared and witnessed to by the Holy Scriptures, written by the Holy Men of God, the Prophets and Apostles, whom I hope ye will believe: And all ye who are erred and strayed from the Truth, consider your Foundation on which you stand, see whether your House be built upon the Rock, as never to be sha­ken, or on the Sand, subject by the Waves and Storms to be [Page 15] thrown down; wherefore consider your Wayes, bring your Deeds to the Light, to see whether they be wrought in God or nay, which if not, know, unless ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish with the Scarlet Whore, the great City Babylon, and be taken with the Beast and false Prophet, and cast into the Lake of Fire, seeing you will abide in Spiritual Babylon, and neglect the Call of God to come forth of her, ye shall partake of her Plagues with her: This is a Warning from the Lord to you, to consider your Wayes and your latter End, that ye may be gather­ed out of the World, that ye may not perish with the World; So ye of the Episcopal Perswasion, consider whose Ministers ye are, your Call and Commission, and whether in your Con­sciences you believe God is on your Side, & will Justifie you above all other pretended Ministers of Christ of any other Perswasion, and whether your Lives and Doctrines will plead for you or a­gainst you; God will not be mocked, who will deal righteous Judgment according to your Deeds. Ye Ministers of the Pres­byterian Perswasion, do ye think ye shall go away more Justified? are ye standing in God's Will and Call, or your own? are ye out of the Self seeking Spirit of Tything? seek ye not your Gain from your Quarters, and love ye not the Praise of Men before the Praise of God? and are ye Ensamples to your Flocks? have you learned to deny your selves, and take up your daily Cross, and follow Christ, and seek ye not Preheminence above your Brethren? examine and amend your Wayes, lest ye likewise perish. And ye the Pastors of the Independent Congregations, how firm is your stand­ing? are ye called by the Spirit of Christ to be his Ministers, or called by the Elders and People? have they a Discerning who have received the Anointing of the holy Ghost? have they Pow­er of laying on of Hands, to make Ministers of Christ, who have itching Ears, and heap up Teachers after their own Lusts? do you Ministers preach freely, expect no Hire? are ye low and humble, like Christ? preach you not in your own Wisdom of Words, as others? and deny you not, with others, Immediate Revelation, and the Spirits giving Utterance to the true Prophets of Christ, who speak in Power, and in the Evidence and Demon­stration of the Spirit? Consider wherein ye likewise differ from the true Ministers of Christ, his Gospel and Life, and reform. [Page 16] Ye Teachers of the Baptists and others, called Gifted Brethren, consider whether you have received the Gift of the Holy Ghost, to make you able Ministers of the New Testament; are ye taught of God first, and then as ye have seen and tasted and handled of the Word of Life, in the Leading and Moving of the Spirit of Truth, in the Power of the Lord, go forth to teach all Nations, bap­tizing them into the Name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and so speak and declare, as the Spirit gives Utterance, not seeking your own but Christ's, see ye be not found short also of the King­dom of Heaven, revealed and made manifest within, try your Spirits, whether they be of God or no.

But it will or may be objected by the Teachers of these several Perswasions, judge ye that none of us are called of God to be his Mi­nisters of the New Testament and Gospel of Christ; have none of us received the Anointing of the Holy Ghost, to preach in Christ's Name? and do not we by our Zeal for the promoting of the Gospel, and the Reformation of the Church, in our Lives and Doctrine, ac­cording to the Scriptures, and the Work of Conversion of many un­to God; witness our Call and Truth of our Ministry, as Pastors of particular Congregations and Churches, &c.

Answer, However, the Lord under the former Dispensations in their Measures of the Spirit and the Manifestations thereof, while their Hearts and Eyes were single unto God, in seeking only his Glory, and not themselves, in their Ministry and La­bour in the Work of Reformation, according to what was re­vealed and opened unto them further of the Mind and Will of God (who worketh all his Works in Wisdom, Order and Sea­son, there being a Seed Time and an Harvest) did then in Faith­fulness dispense the VVord, as they had received it, that as many as the Lord should call might bring forth Fruit answerable, and so to grow from Faith to Faith, both Ministers and Hearers, unto the perfecting the VVork of Reformation in Life and Doctrine, learning to deny themselves, and take up their daily Cr [...]s [...] [...]o follow Christ, that they might bring forth Fruit unto God; the Church as by Degrees was driven into the VVilder­ness so by Degrees comes forth, to be Inhabitants of the [Page 17] New Ierusalem, descended from Heaven; so that the Lord ex­pects and requires a proceeding forward by Degrees, as Peo­ple are made capable to receive his VVord unto a more per­fect Reformation, to a through Reformation, in the Leading and Power of the Spirit of Truth, unto the perfect Man in Christ Jesus, the Head and Ruler of his Church, and the only Law-Giver in the Church, and therefore is now (through the Spirit) more and more revealing the Man of Sin, the Anti-christ that opposeth all that is called of God, that so in this Day of Refor­mation and Restauration of all Things, as at the Begin­ning, his Name and Truth and Kingdom may be ex­alted over all, so that the Lord of the Vineyard coming to ex­pect Fruit from the Labourers in the same, under the several Dis­pensations (wherein in Times of Ignorance he winked at di­vers Things) in the several Ages and Generations, and the Good he hath owned in the Episcopals, Presbyterians, Independents, Anabaptists, &c. and his Will was, that they should have gone forward (while his Presence in some Measure was with them) to a through-Reformation: But they taking up their Stations in Formalities, out of his pure Power, and hating and persecu [...] those who live in it, for this Cause God hath rejected them; so the Lord departing from them, they cannot profit the People at all, but are denyed of the Lord (to be sent of him) to be his Ministers, he having let out his Vineyard to others, of whom he expects and receives more Fruit; so that although the o­ther, under their several Dispensations, while Faithful unto what was manifest, did see some Fruit of their Labour; but now none unto God, the Lord being departed from them, he saith unto them, who hath required th [...]se Things of your Hands wherein you have polluted my Name, seeking of your own, more then Gods; therefore being now as such who having a Form of Godliness, deny the Power, the Apostle admonisheth to turn away from: So being such as having not the Spirit, are turned aside to Fables, Quenchers of the Spirit, and Despi­sers of Prophesie, speaking Evil of that you understand not; for spiritual things are spiritually discerned, and only such who are in the Spirit are able to judge of them: So that all such as are [Page 18] now out of the Dispensation of the Spirit, whereby in this Day (Blessed be his Name) the Lord is revealed and revealing in his Word and Truth unto a Remnant, walking and waiting in the Light of Christ Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life; those who are not Ministers of the Light and Life of Christ, are none of Christs Ministers in the Spirit; and such convert not any unto God, nor bring not to the Restoration, but are blind Leaders of the blind, and both fall into the Ditch, where they may lie long, crying, Lord help, without endeavouring to arise out by true Repentance and turning unto the Lord in his Light, that they may receive Life and Power to become the Children of God, and to be taught by him, for all his Children are taught by him, the Inspiration of the Almighty giving Wis­dom to those, who in the Silence of all Flesh draw nigh to him, and wait upon him, to learn of him who is meek and humble; and the humble he will teach the wayes wherein they should walk, whose wayes are wayes of Peace, and lead to everlasting Peace and Righteousness forever, when as to the wicked, and such as resist and reproach his Truth, despise his Word, and turn it behind their Backs, and hate to be reformed and converted unto the Lord, there is no Peace, saith my God.

And all People, Consider whom ye follow, what Teachers ye learn of, whether of such as are truly sent of God, or of such as go forth in the Will of Man, and are not of God; beware of being seduced and mis-lead, hearkening to the Voice of the false Shepherds, such as go before they are sent, and say, Hear the word of the Lord, when the Lord hath not spoken to them, nor doth by them, but they speak their own Words, composing their Sermons in their own Wills and Wisdom, or what they gather from others, not what they have learned and experienced of the word of Life in themselves, and so not in the Love to the Souls of others, desiring others should have Fellowship with them, in the constrainiag and moving of the Spirit of Grace, and as that gives Utterance, according to the Wisdom which is from above, so speak and declare (in the Power of God) the Words of Life, as they have received freely, so freely to give thereof, not speaking what they have seen, and tasted, and [Page 19] handled of the Word of Life, and so are not true Guides in the way of Life, which from a certain Knowledge & Belief they can not declare of, being but a divination of their own Brain, which all false Teachers Preach. Now People you have had the true and the false Ministers both characterized, whereby ye may be helped to know and distinguish the one from the other, and so in the Light which gives the true Understanding, ye may be able to make a true Judgment, and so as the Lord gives you a Dis­cerning, chuse to hear the true Teachers, and turn from the false, which the Lord requires of you; not to hearken and give Countenance to such, which are blind Leaders of the blind, De­ceivers and Seducers, which wax worse and worse, which run in the way of Balaam expecting gain from their Quarters, having a form of Godliness and deny the Power, from such turn away; but be ye Hearers and Obeyers of God his true and faithful Ministers who seek not what is yours outwardly, but you, to communicate a Gift to you, that ye may be Partakers of their Joy, and may have Fellowship together with them, with the Father and the Son, and to be one in the Lord, of the one Faith, and one Baptism, and one Bread, having Spiritual Communion with the Lord, as to drink w [...]th him the Fruit of the Vine in the Fathers Kingdom, that so your Joy may be full, knowing truly in whom ye believe, and whose voice ye hear, and that it is the Words of Life which they preach, having the Witness in your selves, who are taught of God, and need that no man teach you, saving as the Annointing teacheth you, which the Lord Jesus promised to send to lead us into all Truth: So go not forth but wait in the Light of Christ, for the manifestation of his Power and wis­dom to work your Redemption out of Sin, for without his Power and Wisdom in you, you can do nothing that is good, but by it the true Believer is strengthened to do all which God requires of him, in which he knows Peace, & such come to know those who are truly sent of him, to be Overseers in his Church, and are to watch over you, his Flock, for good, and such as must give an account, to God that they may do it with Joy and not with Grief, and such will be worthy of double Honour, who labour in the word and Doctrine, seeking the praise of God, and not [Page 20] the Praise of men, and only to approve themselves to every mans Conscience in the Sight of God, that what they speak is not of them­selves, but from the Lord, & so as the word of God they receive it in faith and obey it, and so are not hearers of it only, but doers of it also, wherein they are justified; so the just live by faith (which is the gift of God) in the Son of God, and so hear only his voice within them, and from his Ministers sent by him, and are not ashamed to hear them, but are swift to hear, and slow to speak; but as the Spirit opens the mouth and giveth Utterance to de­clare of the Things they have seen and heard and have tasted of, so all may Prophesy, as they receive the gift to Edification of others; God having Promised in the Latter Days to Pour out his Spirit upon all Flesh, that Sons and Daughters Servants and Hand-maids may Prophesie; yet all are not Prophets, but only such on whom the Spirit of Prophesie is poured forth; so all are not Ministers Evangelists and Apostles, but only such whom the Lord sends, and who go forth in the Spirit of our God, and in the Leading and Guidance thereof, to what Persons, Na­tions or People the Lord shall send them; so how beautiful are the Feet of them who bring Glad Tidings of Salvation; and blessed are they that come in the Name of the Lord, and in hearing of them there is Joy, and Comfort and Peace, whenas the false Guides lead to Destruction, and their VVayes are VVayes of Death, and their End Everlasting VVo and Misery; wherefore Friends, beware whom you hear, and what you hear; for there have been and are many false Teachers and Deceivers gone forth into the VVorld, which (as Christ long since forewarned) if pos­sible should deceive the very Elect; but saith he, Go not forth, the Word is nigh which we preach, saith the Apostle, the Word of Faith in your Hearts and Mouthes, that who give Heed thereto, as to a Light shining in a dark Place, until the Day dawn, and the Day-Star arise in their Hearts, shall never be deceived, nor have any Occasion of stumbling; for they that stumble stumble in the dark, because they see not, and know not whether they are going, and so fall into the Ditch.

Wherefore Friends, in a Discerning of the true Teacher, all coming to witness your being taught of God, cry to him still, that [Page 21] he would direct you in his Wayes, wherein he would have you to walk, that ye may not go astray from his Commandments, but walk in them; and so keep close to the Word of Life, reveal­ed and made manifest in you, that ye should walk thereby, and be led into the sure Pathes that lead unto Life; and stop not your Ears against this Word, but be diligent Hearers and Followers of it, in the Love of it, then will ye not be ashamed to make Pro­fession of it, and Confession unto it, in bearing your Witness for it, but will have a Testimony for it against all the false Ministers and Professions; and so as your Lives answer thereunto, ye will glorifie your Maker, singing a Song of Sion, and witness you Re­deemer liveth, who hath called you out of the false VVayes and Forms, and chosen you unto himself, to place his Name in you, and to be his peculiar People, zealous of good Works, and that Men may see your good Works wrought in Christ, and may glorifie your Fa­ther in Heaven; so will ye be Christ's Disciples indeed, learning of him to deny your selves, and take up your daily Cross, and follow him, so his Truth will be witnessed unto by you, who live and walk in it, and hereby through Faith shall ye overcome the World, your Adversaries be made ashamed, and their Mouthes stopped, and they shall have nothing justly to say against you, who otherwise are ready to blaspheme the Holy Name whereby we are called; so in the Separation from the false Teachers, in wait­ing upon the Lord in the Light, ye will come to know your Teacher which shall not need to go into a Corner, but will preach on the House Top.

A Postscript.

SO Friends, both Ministers so call'd and People, as ye would truly be Christ's Disciples and Followers, learn ye to deny your selves, your Interests, Profits and unlawful Callings, which as your right Hand causes you to offend, which cut off, and take up your daily Cross, to follow him; for it will be better to enter into Heaven maimed, then the whole Body should be cast into Hell; for what ye may account unto your selves Loss, will be your greater Gain, and the Lord will withold no good Thing from them that fear him, and put their Trust in him; for the Lord knows how to give good Things unto his Children: Therefore be not discouraged, or faint in the VVay, but believe, and ye shall see greater VVorks then these, the sick healed, the lame made to walk, the deaf to hear, and blind to see, and Mountains removed, and all stum­bling Blocks taken away, your Sins pardoned, and Souls saved, through the Name of Jesus Christ, by whom ye shall be made able to overcome the VVorld, and have Power over him that ruleth in the VVorld, and so come to be Christ's Disciples indeed; & then it will not repent ye to have forsaken any Thing for Christ, as to lay down Livings, deny your Ministry, which is out of the Power of Christ, to come to learn anew in Christ's School, and to receive his Power before ye go forth to preach; & so ye People will come to despise the Reproach and Malice of the World for the Name of Iesus, and will rather rejoyce that ye are in any kind coun­ted worthy to suffer for his Name and Truth, in forsaking the false Teachers and blind Leaders, which ye have so long followed without Profit and growing in the Faith, in Hazard of falling into the Ditch with them and perishing; strait is the Way, and narrow the Gate that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it, which strive to enter into, forsaking the broad Way that leads unto Destruction, that ye perish not with the Multitude that runneth into Evil. So Farewel.

Nicholas Knight.

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