[Page] [Page] A TRUMPET Blown in ZION, OR AN ALLARM IN God's Holy Mountain: CONTAINING An Exposition of that Metaphorical Scripture MATTH. III. 12.

Lately delivered in Two Sermons, and now Published to awaken the Drowsie and For­mal Professors of this Age.

Wherein the Nature of God's Wrath both Internal and Eternal is discovered, as seizing upon the Chaff, and Burning of it up with Unquenchable Fire.

Together with an Account how Professors may know whe­ther they are Wheat or Chaff.

By BENJAMIN KEACH, Pastor of a Congregation at Horsly-down, Southwark.

LONDON, Printed in the Year 1694.

A Trumpet blown in Zion, OR An Allarum in God's Holy Mountain: Containing an EXPOSITION of that Metaphorical Scripture MATTH. III. 12.
Lately delivered in Two Sermons, and now Pub­lished as an Allarm to the Drousie and Chaffie Professors of this Age.

MATTH. III. 12. ‘Whose Fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather the Wheat into his Garner, but the Chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire.’

OUr Text is Metaphorical, and as touching the main Scope and Coherence of it, it is one and the same with Sermon 1. Preacht Feb. 5. 1693. the 10th. verse of this Chapter, which I have already spoken unto, and lately published the Sermons unto the World.

John the Baptist endeavoureth to take off the Jews from their pretended Priviledges, of having Abraham to their Fa­ther, or their being his natural Seed, or Offspring; and as so [Page 2] considered in Covenant with God, and thought their State and Condition good: Which he strove to convince them was a mistake, and this he doth by that Tropical Expression in ver. 10. Now also is the Ax laid to the root of the Trees. And in this 12th. verse, Whose Fan is in his hand, &c. As if he should say, You shall e're long see your selves deceived, for all your great confidence in the flesh, touching your external, federal, relative holiness, and legal priviledges: For Christ with his Ax will now quickly cut you down: And with his Fan, fan you a­way as Chaff, if you have no better right to Church-mem­bership on Earth, and to the glory in Heaven, than that which is derived to you from the account whereof you boast, viz. Having Abraham to your Father. So much only shall now serve as to the Scope and Coherence of the Words.

  • 1. I shall proceed to give you the parts of the Text.
  • 2. Open the Terms thereof.
  • 3. Note two or three points of Doctrine therefrom.
  • 4. Apply the whole.

1. As to the parts, you have,

First, The person speaking, and that is John the Baptist. Parts opened.

Secondly, The person spoken of, and that is Jesus Christ.

Thirdly, The Predicate, or what is spoken of Christ, i. e. Whose Fan is in his hand, &c.

John the Baptist was a great Prophet, yea the greatest Pro­phet Luk. 7. 28. that was born of Women, having greater Light and Know­ledge of the Messiah than any of them that went before him, in that he could tell them this is he: He was sent to prepare the way of the Lord, as his great Messenger or Harbinger. He therefore was well instructed into the Nature and Excellency of his Masters Kingdom; which was suddenly to be set up, upon the removal of the old Jewish Church, and Church-Membership; Mal. 3. 1, 2. this John was he that the Prophet Malachi spoke of, that God would send as his Messenger, to prepare the way of the Lord, as also how he would do this, even by a spirit of Burning: that should consume that People, and leave them neither Root nor Branch, i. e. burn up all their hopes in respect of their Root, viz. That external Covenant God made with Abra­ham; on which they stood, and of which they boasted; as also all that confidence they had in their own good works, [Page 3] and inherent Righteorsness: And this John's Ministry clearly held forth, and thereby discovered the grand Effect and glo­rious Design or Christs Doctrine, and Nature of his spiritual Kingdom, which was near at hand.

Secondly, As touching Jesus Christ, who is the person John speaks of. I shall not now treat of his Office, Power, Dignity, and Glory, which are more fully hinted at in the Context: Whose shooes I am not worthy to bear, he shall baptize you with the holy Ghost and with Fire. v. 11.

But I shall pass by that, and shall explain the Terms.

  • 1. Shew you what is intended by Christs Floor.
  • 2. What is intended by the Fan in his hand, by which he doth purge his Floor.
  • 3. What is meant by the Chaff, and why so called.
  • 4. What is intended by the Wheat, and why so called.
  • 5. What we are to understand by Christs Garner, and gathering the Wheat into it.
  • 6. And lastly, what is intended by the Fire, and by Burning up the Chaff.

First, I said before our Text is Metaphorical, therefore no doubt by floor the holy Ghost alludes to that which in common Terms opened. acception is well understood by Husbandmen, i. e. A floor is a heap of Corn, that is threshed out of the Straw, and laid in a Barn, Wheat and Chaff together; this usually is called a floor.

Quest. But what is intended or meant by it here? what is Christs floor, which he is said to purge?

Answ. I answer, By floor is doubtless intended hereby more What meant by Floor. directly and immediately the Jewish Church, but in a more re­mote and comprehensive sense, any spiritual community of Chri­stians, Church, or body of People, professing religion.

1. The Jews were then Gods floor (or Gods People) as God himself is called an Husbandman, and they were a great Heap, John 15. 1. a mighty floor: But almost all Chaff; very Lees, i. e. loose, vain, empty, carnal, and unbelieving Men and Women. A more pro­phane and ungodly generation was hardly ever in the world; and but a very few godly ones among them, but a very little wheat, viz. few sincere ones, or believing persons in all that floor, who waited for Christs Coming, and did when he came, in truth receive him.

[Page 4] But now the Lord Jesus was come, with his Fan in his hand, to separate the Wheat from the Chaff, and not let them re­main any longer together on that floor, in that old Barn, i. e. in the Legal Jewish Church state, according to the external Co­venant of peculiarity God made with Abraham, and his natural Seed as such: Which had stood near its full period of time perfixed by the Almighty, but now must be pulled down, Je­sus Christ being come, and just a going to build a new spiritu­al Garner, or Gospel Church, to put all his choice Grain or Wheat into, viz. all believing and true penitent persons; this primarily I am satisfied is intended by floor: For the Jewish Church was not to abide or continue any longer than till the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, it being a Typical Church, when the Antytype was come that must needs vanish away.

2. Yet in a remote sence, floor may refer to any Spiritual Community, Church, or people, in the times of the Gospel; professing themselves to be Christians: Among which may be Chaff as well as Wheat: Evil and ungodly Persons, as well as Believers, gracious and true Religious ones; and the truth is, there is more than one floor of this sort in our days. For,

First, If we cast our eyes abroad, we shall soon espy a ve­ry National floor opened. great, old and decayed Barn, that hath a mighty floor or heap of People in it; called Christians, and Reformed ones too; But it is to be feared, when Jesus Christ comes with his Fan, to fan, and purge this floor, he will find it almost all Chaff: 'Tho' I doubt not, but in this great heap there will be found some Wheat, or godly Christians, but like as when a man comes into a Barn, and views a floor of Corn newly thrashed, he at first sight can hardly see or discern any thing save a heap of chaff: so it is here: Do but view the National floor, and you cannot but say, Sure 'tis a heap of filth, a heap of Chaff; for what an evil, polluted, and abominable Company; of People are in this floor! are there worse, or more noto­rious, more loose, light, prophane, unbelieving and ungodly Wretches living on the face of the Earth? yet call them­selves Christians, and members of Christ, and despise, nay re­proach others, as if they deserved not that Name. I questi­on whether there were worse in Sodom than some are who belong to this floor: Turks and Pagans abominate some of those actions and deeds of Darknessthat are among them, behold their hellish Debauchery.

[Page 5] 1. See what a heap of prophane Swearers and cursed Blasphemers are here, who daily belch out most abominable Oaths, calling upon the holy and patient God to Damn them every day: you may hear them as you walk along the streets; nay their ve­ry Children by the Example of their wicked Parents, learn to swear and curse, as soon as, nay before, they can speak plain.

2. Then, O what a great and a filthy heap of beastly and brutish Drunkards are in this floor also, who shew their Sins as Sodom, and hide it not! many of them go reeling along the Streets, and some spuing as they go, foaming out their own shame, and little think what Poyson they drink to their own precious and Immortal Souls, whilest they Tipple down their glasses of Wine and strong Drink; and this they do without all fear of humane, or divine Laws, having no dread of present nor future Punishment; tho' God positively theatens them, and all other ungodly Persons, with the loss of Heaven, and the Torments of Hell-fire (for, no drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of God, 1 Cor. 6. 9, 10.) yet they dread it not.

3. Behold also in this floor a third Sort, even as bad or worse than the other two, viz. Unclean Persons, or vile, filthy and impudent Whores and Whoremongers, who are the shame of this City and Nation! What a multitude of common Harlots are here among us, besides Secret ones, who are beheld by him whose eyes are like a flaming fire. Alas! they cannot hide their fil­thiness from his eyes, yet without fear how do they sin, 'till some bring Rottenness on their Carkasses, a Curse upon their Estates, Poverty on their Families, and Hell upon their own Souls: for he that commits Adultery with a Woman destroys his own Pro. 6. 32. Soul.

4. There is also another part of this floor, that are Chaff, which the fire of Gods wrath will Consume and burn up, viz. all tho proud and haughty ones. This Sin reigns at this time to such a degree that we may fear some sad and fearful Judgment is near; Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty Spirit bfeore a fall. Behold the strange Dresses, and high Heads! which clear­ly Pro. 16. 18. represents the Vanity and Haughtiness of the Heart: The shew of their Countenance testifies against them: Women go to the Assemblies of religious Worshp as if they went to Play-houses; and tho' God hath shewed in several poor Animals, his great Wrath and displeasure against this filthy Fashon, or high and shameful Head-dresses, yet they will not reform, nor leave them off: Nor is this sin only found among those of this floor, this [Page 6] heap, but also amongst others, who would be thought more pure, and of a finer sort: but let them know, the Fanner will suddenly come with his Fan in his hand; the day comes shall burn as an Oven, and all the proud, and all that do evil, shall be stubble, &c. Mat. 4. 1.

5. What a cursed heap is there also of Atheists; and Graceless Wretches, who contemn God and all Supernatural Revelation of the Divine Being, and Religion! these despise and ridi­cule the holy Gospel, or at best will acknowledge no other Worship nor Religion, than what the old Heathens owned, and were taught by the Light of Nature: The preaching of the Cross, or of 1 Cor. 1. 18. a Crucified Christ, is to these foolishness; others that can't believe, nor will receive that Doctrine that comports not with their own carnal reason: What believe they can be justified by the Righteousness and Obedience of another! and their own Inhe­rent Righteousness no part of their Justification before God! This is a strange Doctrine. For there are of this sort in this heap, such as are grievously corrupted, and erroneous, carried a­way with Arminianism, Socinianism and Antitrinitaism, and dis­allow of the chief Corner-stone God hath laid in Sion: For if Christ be not the most high God, God by Nature, Coequal and Coeternal with the Father, and one in Essence, 'tis Idolatry to yield divine Worship and homage to him; for that glory Isa. 42. 8. God will not give unto another. The gods-that have not made the Heaven and the Earth, even they shall perish. Jer. 10. 11.

6. What abundance of carnal Worldlings, covetous and Earthly-minded Wretches are there also, whose gain is their Godliness, who value no Religion, but what suits with their filthy Lusts! some of these set up for Preachers, meerly for their Earthly gain, and make a Trade of it, living prophane and ungodly Lives, being Guilty almost of all maner of gross and abominable Sins, preferring humane Rites and Ceremonies a­bove Christs Institutions, and a Form of Godliness above the Power of it.

7. Besides, what a heap have we among us, of Traiterous, blind and deceitful Persons, who seek to betray the Prote­stant Interest, and all our Civil and Religious Liberties, into the hands of the common Enemy; who neither Fear God, nor Ho­nour the King! As also what a multitude of Thieves, High-way-men, House-breakers, and bloody Villains, skulk and hide them­selves in this heap! The very mentioning of these things is enough to grieve and wound our very Souls, considering how good and gracious God hath been to us in this Land; [Page 7] and what a Nation this hath been, and what Wonders the Al­mighty hath formerly and of late times wrought for us, I mean for the Land in general. May we not fear that the Fanner will come with his Fan, and sever the Chaff in his direful Indignation from the Wheat, and let the Fire of his Anger seize upon it and burn it up? what can we expect but some amazing and fearful Judgments from the Lord, unless a National Repentance and Reformation, like that of Nine­veh, doth speedily prevent it?

Secondly, There is another Heap, that may be called Christs floor, tho' not so big as the former, and tho' they seem to be more refined—yet if we consider them all together (for they are too much divided amongst themselves) what abundance of Chaff is there here also! Are there not many amongst these as bad as others, viz. People of ill and corrupt principles, bit­ter and censorious Spirits, and of scandalous lives: What Ma­lice, Envy and Hatred, do they discover one against another, because of their differing Sentiments in and about some prin­ciples of Religion, rendering their Brethren odious to the World, Back-biting, Reproaching and Scandalizing each other, to the great dishonour of God, and shame of their sacred pro­fession? one while charging and condemning the Innocent, and yet acknowldege not their Evil; and at another time stri­ving to vindicate and clear such as are greatly guilty be­fore God? both which are abominable and hateful in his sight, who will judge righteously, and render to every man at last according to his Works.

Certainly there is sarcely a worse Sin than the Sin of Back­biting; he that hates his Brother (Robbing him of his good Name out of Malice and Envy) is a Murtherer, and no Murtherer hath eternal Life abiding in him, 1 John 3. 17. such who are destitute of Christian Love and Charity, or hate their Brethren, clear­ly shew they act contrary to the divine Principle of Grace, nay of Morality, and so are void of that sacred Life, Nature, and Image of God. For as love to the Bretheren is an Evi­dence of our being the Children of God, so he that is pos­sessed with Wrath, Envy, Malice, and Hatred, shews he is one of the Children of the wicked one, who is called the Ac­cuser of the Brethren. Clear it is that this is a Diabolical Sin, and renders such in whom it is found, like to the Devil. In this the Children of God are manifest, and the Children of the [Page 8] Devil; Whosoever doth not Righteousness, is not of God, neither he that loveth not his Brother. 1 Joh. 3. 10.

Nay this great evil and wickedness is a sad sign that such are given up and left of God, as not retaining God in their knowledge, as the Apostle speaks of the Gentiles, who when they arrived to some degree of knowledge of God, yet did not glorifie him as God; but violated his Law written in their Hearts: Therefore 'tis said, that God gave them up to vile Affections, and they were filled with all Unrighteousness, Rom. 1. 28. 29. Fornication, Wickedness, Covetousness, Maliciousness, full of En­vy, Murther, Debate, Deceit, Malignity, Whisperers, Backbiters, Despiteful, Proud, Boasters, &c. No doubt but that the Sin of Back­biting, Wrath, Malice, and Envy is as bad, if not worse, than Fornication, Swearing or Drunkenness; and lamentable it is to see this Sin, found among some who account themselves no small persons for Knowledge, Zeal and Piety in these days. But alas! alas! how sad and deplorable is their Conditi­on, and vain that profession they make of Religion! let them repent of this their great wickedness, and get a changed heart. Moreover, are there not in this floor others who are proud, earthly, carnal and covetous Persons? they are called Non­conformists, but 'tis not so far as they ought from the Sins and Pollutions of this World, they conform to them in their detesta­ble fashions and covetous practices: Do not many of them ap­pear to love Sons and Daughters more than Christ or his sink­ing Interest? they can lay out plentifully to feed and cloath their own Children, whilst their bowels are shut up against the poor Members of Christ or Children of God; they'll spare more to gratifie the Pride and base Lusts of their Children, than they will spare to supply the necessities of the poor Saints, or to support the Interest of Christ and his Gospel: Many pounds shall go for the first use, when a Shilling is thought a great deal with some of them for the second; they think nothing too much to enrich and uphold their own Families, whilst the Family of God suffers want, and the Cause of Christ languishes in their hands. O how little does the power of Grace and true Godliness shine amongst this sort! what formality and lukewarmness is there in these days, amongst such who are called Saints and holy Brethren! This, it is true, may be called Chirists Floor especially, but abundance of Chaff, no doubt will be found in it, when the Fanner comes to fan it. Look to it you Sinners in Sion: Fearfulness will e're long surprize the Hipocrite. [Page 9] Who among us shall dwell with devouring Fire? who amongst us shall dwell with Everlasting Burning? Isa. 33.

But so much as to what is meant by Christs Floor.

Quest. 2. What is intended by the Fan?

Answ. A Fan is a certain Instrument which the Husbandman uses to cleanse, or purge his Corn from the Chaff, evil Seeds, and all filth whatsoever: And this Instrument he holds in his hands, and uses upon his Knees, by which he tosses up the Wheat and Chaff together: And then shakes it to and fro, moving all at once, by which a wind is made, and the Chaff is blown away, and the Wheat separated and purged from it: Now John Bap­tist alludes to such an Instrument as this.

Quest. But what is meant by Christs Fan in a spiritual sense? what is signified hereby?

First, I answer, By Christs Fan is meant his Word, his holy Go­spel, especially the Doctrine thereof; 'tis by this he cleanses, and What is meant by Christ's Fan. purges his floor. Now you are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you. (Now the unclean person, the Traytor Judas John 15. 3. is gone out from you:) Thro' my Word, i. e. through my Do­ctrine, you believing in me, and receiving me by Faith for Righ­teousness and eternal Life. 'Tis said Christ gave himself for his Church, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word, Eph. 5. 26. Cleansing here imports the means by which it is wrought, or the Instrument, namely the Word of the Gospel, especially the Promise of free Justification and Sanctification by Christ, received thro' Faith, which Baptism was a Sign or Symbol of; see 1 Pet. 1. 22. Seeing ye have pu­rified your selves in obeying the truth thro' the Spirit, &c. This was done in subjecting themselves to the Faith of the Gospel, to which the purifying of the heart is ascribed principally in Act. 15. 9. Annatators. Justification, whereby the guilt of Sin is purged away, as ap­pertaining to the conscience; he alludes also to the sanctify­ing power and virtue of the holy Spirit. Compare this with Psal. 119. 9. Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way? that is, the way of his Heart, and also the way of his Life: The an­swer is, By taking heed thereto according to thy Word; that is, let him take heed according to that holy doctrine taught and held forth in God's Word; so that he attain unto a right knowledge of God, and of the Messiah, promised and typified by the Sacrifices of Aaron, by whose Blood, and thro' whose Righteousness only, Justification is to be had: for with­out Christs Blood there is no cleansing from Sin and filthy­ness, [Page 10] neither of Heart, nor Life, for young nor old. It is not only to direct young Men to reform their Lives and Ways according to the Precepts of God's Word, nor to think by any degree of moral Righteousness or inherent Holiness they could be cleansed; no, no, but to take heed according to the mysterious and sublime Doctrine of God's free grace in Christ: Which was the only way of Salvation, as well under the Law as under the dispensation of the Gospel. Sirs, this was, and still is, Christs Fan, namely the glorious Doctrine of God's Grace thro' the Redemption that is in Christ's blood; and it was by this fan Christ cleansed that Jewish floor, to which my Text primarily refers. For the Jews were his floor, in which was abundance of Chaff; and now Jesus Christ was come with his fan in his hand, to purge this floor; and evident it is, his holy Doctrine severed, or separated the Wheat from the Chaff; and by this means was the Wheat gathered into Christs Gospel-Garner, and the Chaff blown away: for as Chaff can­not endure the wind of the fan, so could not those unbeliev­ing Jews, and hypocritical Pharisees, endure Christs holy and heavenly Doctrine. See Joh. 6. 52. to v. 60. How can this Man give us his flesh to eat? They thought he spake of a Natu­ral eating of his flesh, as we eat the flesh of Beasts or Fish: His Doctrine was not understood by them. Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily I say unto you, except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you, ver. 53.

Now the eating of Christs flesh, and drinking of his blood, is no other thing than the receiving Jesus Christ by Faith for Righteousness and eternal Life: Believing in Christ, coming to Christ, looking to Christ, leaning, trusting, or staying on Christ, re­ceiving of Christ, and eating of Christ, imply one and the same thing: It is our going out of our selves to him, or feeding by faith on him, or resting, or relying on his Merits, on his Obedience in his Life, and in his Death, for Justification and e­ternal Life, without any Works done by us, or any Righteous­ness wrought in us, as the Apostle speaks. But to him that Rom. 4. 5. worketh not, but believeth on him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

But this mysterious and sublime Doctrine the Jews could not bear, but it was such a Fan as fanned them all away that be­lieved not: For they being ignorant of God's Righteousness, going a­bout to establish their own Righteousness, have not submitted them­selves to the Righteousness of God. They thought their own Rom. 10. 3. [Page 11] personal and inherent Righteousness was that by which they must be justified, accepted, and eternally saved: they had meat of their own to eat; and therefore saw no need to go to their Neighbours door for it; they were full, and increased in Goods, and thought they had need of nothing: And hence the Doctrine of Justification by the Righteousness of Christ alone was rejected by them, it was not understood by them; that Christ's flesh should be Meat indeed, and his blood Drink indeed, was a strange Doctrine in their apprehensions; they could not conceive how such things could be, (as Nicodemus spake of Regeneration.) Nor can any Man whatsoever who will re­ceive Joh. 3 9. no point of Faith, but what his natural reason can com­prehend; and thus this Doctrine of our Lord Jesus was a Fan in his hand, and it fanned away all the Chaff of that mighty Jewish floor, even all that received not that Doctrine, or who believed not in Christ, received not Christ by Faith for righ­teousness and eternal life: Nay it was such a Fan that it fann'd away some of Christs Disciples, (not such who were his Dis­ciples indeed,) but many that followed him, and who are said to believe on him; they believed he was the true Messi­ah, had some kind of faith, tho' not the Faith of Gods Elect: Many of his Disciples when they heard this, said, This is a hard say­ing, Joh. 6. 60. who can bear it? It seemed hard to them, because they could not comprehend it by their own carnal reason: From that time many of his Disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Such a Fan was this Doctrine then, and such a Fan it is now, Joh. 6. 66. that it may be said to make a discrimination between the pure Wheat and the Chaff: for no doubt all that receive not this holy. Doctrine (whatever fair shew they make in the flesh) are but Chaff in the sight of God, and will be found such at the last day. Nor ought they to be suffered to abide in Christ's Garner on Earth, (as they shall not be gathered into his Garner in Heaven) but be esteemed as Chaff, or drossy profes­sors, whatsoever their conversations may be: (I mean such who eat not Christs flesh, and drink not his blood, i. e. wholly feed not upon Christ, rely not alone upon the Merits of a crucified Christ, or seek not Justification by his Righteousness only, but go about to bring in their own Works and inherent Holi­ness with Christ's Merits in point of Justification in God's sight.) But to proceed: But like as a Husbandman hath more Fans than one, even so also in the

Second place, Jesus Christ hath another Fan also, and that is [Page 12] (I doubt not) likewise intended here: viz. The dispensation of God's Providence; for this was as a Fan in Christ's hand, by which he fann'd away those unbelieving Jews, and so purged his floor: I mean, the time was now come, that their national, legal and external Church-State must be pulled down and dissolved; the Dispensation was changed, the Priesthood changed, and right of Church-membership changed; they having Abraham to their Father, or being the Seed of professing Parents, would do them no good, nor avail them any thing. Because the Covenant of Peculiarity God made with him and his natural seed as such, as to the Date of the Duration thereof, was now run out and expired, the Ax being now laid to the root of the Tree, ver. 10th. So that unless they receive Christ, believe in Christ, and are found gracious persons, fit Wheat for Christs spiritual Garner, or Gospel-Church (which is built up of lively stones) as Chaff the Gospel-dispensation like a Fan purges them out; as indeed it did, and blew them all away: And we are not alone in re­spect of this great Truth, for many of our worthy Brethren (who in some things differ from us) assert the same: particular­ly, Reverend Mr. Cotton, who speaking of this Text, Mat. 3. 10. saith, ‘The first is the root of Abraham's Covenant, which this people much trusted upon, and of that it is which John Baptist speaketh, Now is the Ax laid to the root of the Tree, think not to say within your selves, we have Abraham to our Father; so that all their confidence that they had in Abraham's Covenant, Temple and Tabernacle, and such things, are burnt up, and so they have no Root left them to stand upon, and this is one thing intended by the Root.

Secondly, There is (saith he) something more in it; the Lord by the power of his Spirit doth cut us off from any pow­er of our natural Gifts and Parts, and spiritual Gifts also, or from any Confidence of our own sufficiency; the Lord hath cut us off from hope in the Righteousness of our Parents, and from boasting of Ordinances. And again he saith, This we read of, Mat. 4. 1. It is spoken of the Ministry of John the Baptist, which did burn as an Oven, against all the Scribes and Phari­sees, and left them neither the Root of Abraham's Covenant, nor the Branch of their own good Works: He cutteth them off from the Covenant of Abraham, &c. And by cutting them off from the Root, he leaveth them no ground to trust on.’ Thus Mr. Cotton on The Covenant, p. 177, and p. 21, 22. Now evident it is, that nothing but the dispensation of God's [Page 13] Providence, or the Expiration of that period of Time deter­mined by the Almighty for the standing of the Church of Is­rael, could cut the Jews off as a Nation, from being a Church and peculiar People unto God; I mean in respect of that Le­gal Covenant. I deny not but that the Covenant of Grace God made with Abraham, and with his true spiritual Seed, stands firm for ever and ever, and none in that Covenant can be cut off, nor fanned away: for the Jewish Priesthood, Church-state and Church-membership, and all their Church-priviledges, were to remain until Christ came, or until the time of Refor­mation; that is, till the Gospel-days and Gospel-dispensation took place, and no longer: But now that time being come, and they not seeing an end put to the old Covenant-Church, as it was made with the natural Offspring of Abraham; and that their right to legal Ordinances, and Church-membership, could not give them any right to Gospel Ordinances, nor Gospel-Church-membership, and they not believing in Christ, not ac­cepting of the Terms of the Gospel, were all of necessity purged out or fanned away, by the Fan of the New Testament-dispen­sation, and so were no longer a people in any sense in Cove­nant with God.

Thirdly, Christ hath also another Fan in his hand, viz. The Fan of Church-Discipline. And many persons falling into sin are purged like Chaff out of his floor. Hereby,

1. Sometimes some evil and corrupt Persons, who get a­mong God's people (or into his Church) and pass a while for Wheat, i. e. for gracious Persons, yet in time God suffers them to fall into one Temptation or another, by which means they are fann'd away, the Holy Jesus by his wise Providence make­ing a discovery of them, and their evil Tempers and Dispo­sitions.

2. May be some glorious Truths, or Truth of Jesus Christ, is revealed, or cleared up to his Church in General, to which several Persons of the same Congregation may not only want Light in, but may be filled with Prejudice against, and not on­ly against the Truth, but against the Church or Minister for seeking to bring it in; and this may rise to such a height, through their Pride and Stubborness, that they will not abide any longer Members thereof, but violently rend themselves by Schism, and so are purged out. Tho' (as 'tis observ­ed by an Husband-man) some light Corn, may be good Wheat, may be fanned out with the Chaff, which he knows how [Page 14] to recover by fanning the Chaff also afterwards. And thus it was with some of those who were called Christ's Disciples, they could not, would not endure that blessed Truth Christ Joh. 6. 60. 66. preached to them, of Eating of his Flesh, &c. but cried out, This is a hard saying, who can bear it? and so went away and walked no more with him. O see what the Effects of preaching some Truths may be! how many are there who cannot bear in this day sound Doctrine, but desert his People, and some Truths of Christ, and seem to shut their eyes against them, cal­ing them Error and false Doctrine, and what not? And this way God takes (in his wise Providence) to purge out some rotten Members, which possibly were a repoach to his People: And altho' may be some Wheat, may by this means through Satans Temptations, and Corruptions of their own hearts, and their great Ignorance, be fanned out with the Chaff, they be­ing carried away by the Craftiness and Subtlity of such whom Christ hath a mind to sever from the Body; yet he knows how to gather up the Wheat again, as the Husbandman doth.

3. Others, whom Christ would have purged out of his Church, may be suffered to suck in some evil, corrupt and dangerous Principles, or Errors in Fundamentals, like that of Hymeneus and Alexander, whose Errours being discovered, were purged out. 1 Tim. 1. 20.

4. Also others fall into notorious and scandalous Sins, and so are purged out.

5. Some who are Chaff, or unsound Christians, may be suffered to take up undue offences against the Church, or Churches to whom they belong, and by giving way to Temp­tation, they may become unreconcileable, magnifying their own Wisdom and Self-conceitedness, and so by a secret hand of God be discovered and purged out: But it must be considered that the use and exercise of the Keys, or Rules of Church-Dis­cipline, is appointed by Christ, as the proper Fan by which those sorts of Persons last mentioned, and some others, are to be purged out of the Church or Congregations of the Saints. Now the Fan of Discipline is two-fold.

First, The Act of Excommunication: In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, with my Spirit, to de­liver 1 Cor. 5. 45. such a one unto Satan, for the Destruction of the Flesh, that the Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. The Per­sons, Christ by this Fan of Discipline purges out, are of three sorts.

[Page 15] 1. All gross and scandalous Persons, who are Guilty of any Act or Acts of Immorality, as Theft, Swearing, Drunken­ness, Uncleanness, Covetousness, Lying, &c. These being publick and reproachful Crimes, the Offender ought forthwith (up­on clear proof) to be purged out, that the Name of the Lord may not be exposed to contempt, and his People villified by the ungodly World; and time given to him for the proof and Trial of the sincerity or Truth of his Repentance; which in part will be manifested by his Carriage and Behaviour un­der his Punishment; I mean the Righteous Censure of the Church.

The Second sort that this Fan of Discipline takes hold of, are such that suck in Heresies or Capital Errors; these after Tit. 3. 10. the first and second Admonition, ought to be rejected and delive­red up to Satan, that they may not learn to Blaspheme. 1 Tim. 1. 20.

The Third sort are such who refuse to hear the Church after their case (in which they have offended) is regularly brought in against them according to the Rule contained in Matthew; Matth. 18. 17. the offence at first may be against one brother, and the offend­ed party is first to tell him his fault between himself and his Brother or Sister that hath offended him alone: Whom if he can bring to see and acknowledge his evil, it is to pro­ceed no further; but if he cannot, then he is oblidg'd by the holy Law of Christ to take one or two more, and go to him, and strive to convince him, and bring him to a sight and sense of his iniquity; but if he cannot do it, then it ought to be brought unto the Church, and if he will not hear the Church, then the Fan of Excommunication is to be used in the Name of Jesus Christ, and they purg­ed out.

As to such who rend themselves from a Church, or violate their sacred Covenant by irregularly withdrawing themselves, they ought to be marked, and solemnly in the publick Congregation Rom. 6. 17, 18. 2 Thess. 3. 6, 14, 15. Matth. [...]8. declared to have withdrawn, rent, and cut off themselves from the Communion of the Church, and no longer to be owned nor lookt upon as Members, and none to Communicate with them un­til they have given satisfaction by Repentance.

The Second part of the Fan of Discipline is that rule laid down by the Apostle, of withdrawing from every Brother and Sister that walketh disorderly; as such that are Busibodies, Tat­lers, 2 Thess. 3. 6. Matth. 18. 17. or Idle; or such that neglect their Duties in attending on the Church in times of solemn Worship, or that make Parties, or [Page 16] cause Division in the Church, and refuse to live in Obedience to Christ, under the due and just Government thereof, or to obey them that are set over them in the Lord, or who strive to have the prehemience, like Diotrophes, being Vain-glorious, prating against, or despising of Dignities, or the just Authority of Christs Ministers, or Angels of his Churches, as the beloved Apostle speaks, 3 Joh. 9, 10. Wherefore if I come, I will Remember his deeds which he doth, prating against us with malicious Words, and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the Bre­thren, and forbideth them that would, and casteth them out of the Church. These are to be marked and withdrawn from, 2 Thess. 3. 6. Not to be counted as Enemies, but exhorted as Bre­thren: Unless they provoke the Church to further and a more severe Censure. Some of this sort oft-times strive to draw away disciples after them, and seek to disquiet the Peace of the Church, and in a fawning and flattering manner to deceive the hearts of the Simple; therefore these, if they will not hear the Church, are to be quite fanned out also by Excommunication, and to be looked upon as an Heathen-man or Publican, as in the Case of Notorious and Scandalous Sinners, or such who are guilty of Heresie. Mat. 18.

Fifthly, Jesus Christ hath also another Fan in his hand to purge his floor, or cleanse his Wheat from the Chaff, filth and defilement of Sin, namely, the Holy Spirit; and by this means he cleanses and Purifies in a gracious manner the Souls of his own People: Suoh were some of you, but ye are washed, but ye are Sanctified, but ye are Justified in the Name of the Lord Je­sus, 1 Cor. 6. 11. and by the Spirit of our God. What filthy Creatures were those Corinthians, before the Lord Jesus by his Spirit had purg­ed and Sanctified them.

Faith, of the Operation of God, is a most excellent Grace; it is by Faith in the Blood of Christ that we come to be purged from the Guilt of Sin; Faith applying his Me­rits and Righteousness unto the Soul in Justification; and such is the Nature thereof, that it makes holy the Hearts and Lives of all such Persons in whom it is by the Spirit wrought or infused in Sanctification: And hath put no difference between them and us, Purifying their hearts by Faith. Yea, it cleanseth them Act. [...]. from all filthyness of Flesh and Spirit, that they may perfect Holyness in the fear of God. 2 Cor. 7. 1.

But let me tell you that the Spirit and Grace of Christ in this respect is [...] a Fan, rather to Cleanse the Saints, by [Page 17] purging out the Chaff of Corruption, which naturally is in their Hearts and Lives, than to purge Hypocrites and gross Professors out of the Church, and to that I Principally referr here.

6. Moreover Christ hath the Fan of Persecution, or the Suffer­ings of the Cross, and all other afflictions which he brings up­on his People, which he uses to purge and purify their Souls, and his Churches too.

And from hence Afflictions are compaired to a Refiners fire: He shall set as a Refiners fire, and Purifier of Silver: He, that is the Messiah, i. e. our Lord Jesus Christ; this is his Mat. 3. 3. Work, viz. to purge his People, who in this Place are com­pared to Silver and Gold that is refined: As in my Text they are likened unto Wheat, in this he is compared to a Refiner, and hath his Furnace; in the other to an Husbandman, and so hath his Fan. Both these Texts allude to the same thing, and doing the same work, namely, to sever and separate the clean from the unclean, the Gold from the Dross, the Chaff from the Wheat. And evident it is, that Perseoution, Trials and Afflictions, com­monly make a great discovery who are Wheat or pure Gold, viz. Sincere Believers; and who drossy and chaffy Professors. If Wheat, Persecution purges and purifies them: But if they are Chaff, it usually fans them away. But he that received the seed in stony places, the same is he which heareth the Word, and anon with joy reciveth it: Yet hath he not root in himself, but en­dureth for a while; for when Tribulation or Persecution ariseth, be­cause Mat. 13. 20. 21. of the Word, by and by he is offended. Thus the fan of Persecution purges these Chaffy Professors out of Christs Spi­ritual floor, or rather his gat [...]er: Namely, his Church, into which in a day of Liberty they got, and had a place; but they cannot bear the Wind and blast of Affliction and Tri­bulation: And as it purges out much Chaff, so also the Wheat is thereby refined and made more clean and sit for the Lords use. Of so great benefit is Persecution to Gods Church, that they cannot some times be without it; it is if need be that we are in heaviness; if we need it not, or if Christ sees there is no need of it, we shall never feel the [...] doth it [...] 12, 10. not for his pleasure, but for our profit, that we [...] partake, of his Holiness. And this Jehovah by the Prophet further makes known to us: This is the fruit of all, the taking away your Isa. 27. 9. Sin. And thus the Lord purgeth away the filth of the Daughter of Sion, and the Blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof, by the [Page 18] Spirit of Judgment and by the Spirit of burning. The Rod of Affliction, or Furnace of Persecution, cannot purge out the Isa. 4. 4. filth of Sin that is in the Lords People, without the operati­ons of the Holy Spirit: The Spirit is called a Spirit of burn­ing, because like fire it burns up and consumes the Filth, Chaff and Dross that is in us: Before Trials and Persecution comes, Christ seems to have a very great floor, a great heap, or much Corn; but when he comes to try them with this fan in his hand, one great part thereof is found meer Chaff, and the wind drives it away. So much shall suffice as to the Fan in Christs hand by which he purgeth his Floor.

Quest. Thirdly what is meant by the Chaff?

Answ. I answer the Chaff may be understood to be twofold.

1. Men and Women who get into Gods Church, or among his People, but are not Wheat, but vile Hypocrites, pretend­ing to be that which in truth they are not; thus all that are of Israel are not Israel. Tho' they bore his Name, were call­ed Jews, called Saints, yet were unsound at heart, and grace­less Rom. 9. 6. Souls, or meer Chaff in Gods sight.

2. By Chaff may also be intended Sin, or that Filth and Corruption which cleaveth oft-times to the best of Gods Peo­ple, which Christ must and will purge out.

Quest. Why are Hypocrites or ungodly Persons in the Church compared to Chaff? and how may they be known?

Answ. I answer, Hypocrites and ungodly men in the Church are compared to Chaff;

1. Because Chaff before it is separated from the wheat, cleaveth close to it, and it is hard to sever it from the wheat, and it also seems like unto it: Even so some carnal and hypocritical Professors cleave to the Church, and seem to love and embrace the Godly in their Arms, and to lay them in their hearts; they walk in Company, nay in outward Fellowship and Church-communion with them; they Pray, and Break-bread with them, as if they were real­ly gracious, and are not known to their Brethren to be other­wise: And as it is hard to discern them from the Godly, so 'tis as hard to separate such from them. Chaff is so much like to the Wheat, that some have taken it at first view to be Wheat; so are these taken to be Saints, and there may be no severing them from the Congregation of the Lord, till Christ comes with his Fan to purge his floor.

2. They may be compared to Chaff, in regard of the great pains that is, and must be used to separate it from the Wheat: [Page 19] The wheat must be threshed and fanned, nay fanned again and again, before all the Chaff can be severed from it. So unsound Professors or some Hypocrites in the Church, seem to cleave so close to the Godly, and are in such seeming union and and oneness with them, that the Lord sees there is no other way to sever them from each other, but by threshing his wheat with the flail of Persecution, and then the chaff flies away by the wind of this fan. O what a multitude seemed to cleave to our blessed Saviour, and to be his Disciples, in a day of peace and prosperity, when he was riding in Triumph to Jerusalem, Crying out, Hosanna, blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord! but when our Saviour came to the Cross, how did they Mat. 21. 29. leave him, and disown him, nay, may be cryed out Crucifie, Crucifice him: So and in like manner in our former days of Joh. 12. 13. Liberty, what great numbers flocked to our Assemblies, and made a profession of Religion; but when that hot persecuti­on arose, how did they fall off, and disown that People which once they seemed to cleave unto: The fan of persecution fan­ned them away as chaff, and not only a multitude of Professors, but also how many great Preachers did basely betray the truth which they professed, and in their Pulpits seemed a little be­fore zealously to maintain, particularly that of Separation from the National Church. This way Christ took to discover the sil­thy and rotten hearts of some, and slavish fear and weakness of Faith in others, who were left to a sinful Complyance and Con­formity, building again that which they had destroyed, and de­stroying that which they had been a building; and thus it ap­pears Jer. 23. 28. as Chaff, cannot bear fanning, but is blown away; so chaffy Professors cannot bear spiritual fanning, i. e. they can­not stand in an hour of Temptation, but fall away. Alas! tho' we have now again multitudes that seem to cleave to our Church­es and to our Assemblies, yet should Christ come with his Fan upon us, you will soon see (it is to be feared) the former Effects again.

3. Chaff is of very little worth or value unto Wheat: What is the Chaff unto the Wheat, saith the Lord? One peck of good Jer. 23. 28. Wheat is worth many Bushels of Chaff. So ungodly men and and women are but of little worth in Gods sight; a wicked man to him is lothsom, as Solomon shews, and that which is loathsom and hateful in our sight we value not, but cast a­way: Pro. 13. 5. The Prayers of the wicked are abominable to the Lord, because their persons are not accepted in Christ: Whatsoever [Page 20] the ungodly do, or whatsoever show they make of Religion, let them Pray, Hear, Read, Preach, or give to the Poor, it is not regarded nor accepted of the Lord; one godly Person is more to him than a multitude of unsanctified and hypocri­tical persons. The tongue of the just is as choice as silver, the heart of the wicked is but of little worth. The best part of a Child of God is his Heart, tho' he thinks that is the worst of all; and the worst part of an unholy man is his Heart, tho' he thinks that is best of all. Saints are wheat, Hypocrites chaff, the one is Gold, the other Dross in Gods esteem. Hence the Lord saith, Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee, therefore will I give men for thee, and People for thy life: I will give Aegypt for thy Ransom, Aethiopia and Sheba Isa. 43. 3, 4. for thee. God so little values graceless persons, that he will sacrifice thousands of them in love and mercy to his faith­ful ones.

4. Chaff is light and airy, it is no ponderous thing, therefore the wind carries it this way and that way at every turn: Nay, every small breath of wind moves it to and fro, whereas wheat stirs not, moves not, but abides in its place, it being a weighty and ponderous thing. Even so all hypocritical and unsound Pro­fessors, whatsoever they seem to be at some times, (by making a show of Religion and pretending to Piety) yet they are in Gods sight as light as vanity; they are like chaff, not serious, weighty and ponderous, they are but a flash, a shaddow, and no substance, having meer dry, barren and empty Souls: And their lightness appears and shews it self in many respects.

1. It appears sometimes by their light, frothy and airy talk and discourse: They may sometimes seem serious, but if watch'd, they will be discover'd, their Tongues will betray them, by their fool­ish and vain words, and communication: They setting no watch be­fore the door of their lips, and bridle not their Tongues, therefore their Re­ligion is vain; as the Apostle James shews: They are full of vain James 1. 26. words and foolish talk; The words of the wise are gracious, but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself: They are offensive to others, and pernicious to themselves: A fool also is full of Words; either a Talkative, or else full of vain Boasts, magnifying and admiring Eccl. 10. 14. himself, and lessning the worth and worthiness of others: His vain and light Tongue discovers a vain, carnal, proud and empty heart, some unprofitable matter in discourse or another you shall observe these people will be full of: May be talk and prate of this Man, or that Woman, to pick up one thing [Page 21] or another to their reproach, (who are gracious persons) and instead of discoursing of a Sermon they have heard, or tell­ing their Experiences, may be they will tell you what Garbs, Cloaths and Dresses, such and such People had on, or else they talk of their earthly and worldly Affairs, or some Idle Jests, Stories, or foolish Talk; but little of God besure is in their mouths, when they are out of the sight and hearing of sober and pious Christians: Indeed as our Saviour intimates, how can they being evil, speak of good things? there is much vanity in their unsanctified Hearts, and their Tongues discover it; For out of Mat. 12. 34. the abundance of the Heart the mouth speaketh; a good man out of the good treasure of the heart, bringeth forth good things, and an v. 35. evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.

But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give an account thereof in the day of Judgment. v. 36.

For by thy word thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. v. 37.

God will not only condemn men for evil actions, but their evil words also shall rise up against them at the great day: And as the gracious words which proceed from a sanctified and re­newed Christian tends to his Justification, especially when the main design and purport of his Speech tends to exalt and magnifie God and his Free-Grace in Jesus Christ; so the evil words of the unsanctified Christian tends to his Condemna­tion, and declares him to be but meer chaff, or a hypocritical person; but if idle Jesting and foolish Talking is the Chara­cter of a vain man, what is a detracting and back-biting Tongue, a Tongue that is set on fire by hell, who vilisie and render odi­ous such who truly fear God, that are not guilty of those foul things laid to their charge; such persons are not like to ascend Psa. 15. 1. Gods holy hill, nor abide in his Tabernacle, viz. That taketh up false and wicked slanders and reports against his Neighbour, to lessen his reputation among Men: And 'tis with the greater aggravation, when it is done out of Envy, Prejudice or Ma­lice; and 'tis further aggravated when 'tis done to a Mini­ster of the Gospel, on purpose to obstruct or hinder unthink­ing Christians to adhere unto his Doctrine, or receive that truth which they see not; but set themselves to oppose and gainsay, who do not only in an undue manner spread such Reproaches, but also raise them: It is a great evil to divulge or propagate a fault committed by a Brother, by making it publick when it was private, (they breaking thereby the ex­press [Page 22] Precept of Jesus Christ, Mat. 18.) But it is far worse to publish false and groundless Slanders and Accusations of him or others: And tis an abominable evil in such who are rea­dy to entertain, and easily to believe, and greedily receive such Reports of him who deserveth it not. Such men are by the Lord called vile persons, Psa. 5. 4. and are contemned by such that sear the Lord, howsoever great and honourable they seem to be. Moreover, if it be so great an evil for men thus to use their Tongues or Pens, to speak evil of, and to blaspheme in­nocent men, what is the Nature of their Crimes who curse and swear, and blaspheme the sacred Name of God and the holy Jesus? like as the Pharisees did, who said, this fellow doth not cast out Mat. 12. 24. Devils but by Belzebub the Prince of Devils; ascribing that to the Devil that was proper to God alone, and wrought by his almighty Power.

Christians, if you would not be found chaff at the great day, take heed of a reviling Tongue, least you deceive your selves, and all your Religion and Profession be vain: ‘He either decieveth Jam. 1. 26. his own heart (saith our Annatotors) in thinking himself re­ligious, when indulging himself in things contrary to Religion, or else deceiveth his own heart, being blinded with self love, and lifted up with self-conceit, which is the cause of his Railing, Censuring, and speaking evil of others: Their Re­ligion is vain, empty, and to no purpose, having no reali­ty in it self, and bringeth no Benefit to them.’

O what a Reproach doth the talkative and prating person bring on the Name of God: This Man, this Woman, say they, is a Member of such or such a Church, and see what vain talk, frothy words, and frivolous Discourse proceeds from their Lips: But much more evil is in such who back-bite, revile, and de­fame others (as was hinted before.) This I say may discover such to be but chaff.

2. They appear to be Chaff, not only by their light, vain, idle and back-biting Tongues, but also by their light Behaviour; for the lightness of the heart is as much discovered by a loose and airy Deportment, as by loose and vain words; their wan­ton Looks, and rowling Eyes, or other unseemly and un­comely carriage, shews in part what they are; they being not of a grave, sober, and serious spirit, but behave themselves as if they had no sense of the Omnisciency of God upon their hearts, nor of his holiness, not setting the Lord always before them, gives cause to all to fear they are but chaff.

[Page 23] 3. Their light, empty and airy Attire, Dresses, and antick Antick Head-Dresses disco­vers the vanity of the Heart. Fashions, which they wear and take delight in, doubtless too much discovers the Lightness, Vanity and Emptiness of their Spirits: I am perswaded these high and shameless Head-dresses which some Women appear in, that come into Christian Assemblies, are but as Tell-tales of the Vanity, Pride, Emptiness, and Haughtiness of their hearts; who but they that sell Wine will put forth a Bush? I cannot see how a sober, serious Christian Wo­man should be satisfied to wear such Antick Dresses: Their Souls sure must needs blush at the Thoughts of them; when they consider whose Eyes behold them, First, Many gracious Men and Women, with no little trouble: And in the second place, their faithful Ministers, to the wounding and grieving their Souls. Thirdly, And a multitude of loose and ungodly People, who reproach and laugh at them, and cast contempt upon Religion on that account. Fourthly, And which is more, the holy Angels, they come into our Assemblies, and observe all, both Males and Females, how they do adorn their Pro­fession and behave themselves. Women should cover their heads, because of the Angels; they ought to be in subjection, and there­fore 1 Cor. 11. 10. before all things their head ought not to be exalted, but to lye low, and be modestly attired; no doubt tis a palpable Breach of the holy Precept, for 'tis not a modest dress, becoming Women professing Godliness; tho' I dare not say but some sincere Chri­stians may be overtaken with this Evil as well as others, yet I hope God will soon convince them of the odiousness of it: Yet no doubt it doth clearly discover that some of this sort are loose and vain persons, and but meer chaff in Gods sight, which the day that is coming will burn up: And such especi­ally have cause to suspect themselves, who pride it in their own hearts, and take delight in those hateful and abominable fashions, and cannot bear to be told of it, tho' in never so wise and discreet manner, nor will they be brought by any perswasions to reform, and leave them off, tho' it wounds the very Souls of many of them they have Communion with. Fifthly, O that they that fear God would consider that he beholds them, and looks upon them, whose eyes are like unto a flame of Fire. These Dresses, O ye Daughters of Zion, know assuredly none but foo­lish and vain persons do like and approve of, even none but the Devil and his Followers; is it not sad, in such a day of distress, sorrow and humiliation, when Gods Hand is lifted up upon the Nation, and thousands of poor Families want [Page 24] Bread, that Christians should thus walk, and consume their Substance on their Pride and costly Lust.

4. They appear to be but chaff, who seem to make it a small matter to grieve the Hearts of sincere Christians; what care they who they wound and afflict, they'll have their Fancies, their Humours, tho' the thing in it self may be doubtful, whether a breach of Gods Law or not; and so like eating of Meats, that was a thing indifferent in it self, and might or might not be done. Nay, that make light of grieving the Holy Spirit, in themselves, and in others also; let the Lord be grieved, his Spirit grieved, his poor Ministers grieved, and his faithful Children grieved, they regard it not, but set light by it. These may also be suspected that i. e. are indifferent in and about Closet and Family-Prayer, (and other weighty Du­ties of Religion) or are loose and formal in it: This shews they bear no weight, they are not ponderous, but light as Chaff. Moreover, such may be suspected, who set light by Hearing the Word of God; alas, to go to hear a Sermon is a light thing with some, if there be any worldly Loss attend­ing it, tho' it be not to the Value of a Groat, they can't go, or if the Weather be not very good, they plead Excuse; as not being able to go so far, tho' may be the next day in worse Weather they can go about their earthly Business twice as far.

Likewise such who for every small matter refrain from coming to the Lords Table; may be any trivial offence shall hinder them; they are offended with this Person, and that Per­son, and so cast a slight upon Christ, and on his Sacred Or­dinance, and thus persist from time to time: They can go to Church, or stay at home: Can pray, and hear, and can for­bear: Religion is a light and indifferent thing with them. This shews such are under fearful Temptations, or else loose and light Professors in the sight of God.

5. Such are Chaff that only have the husk or shell of Christi­anity: Chaff is the husks of Wheat; many Professors please them­selves with the external part of Religion, having a form of Godliness, but are Strangers to the Life and Power thereof: Like the foolish Virgins they have Lamps, but no Oyl a Name; but want the Nature of true Believers; can talk and discourse of Religion, of the Covenant of Grace, and excellency of Christ; they may have, I grant, clear Notions in their heads of the Mysteries of the Gospel, and defend it too against opposers, yet their Hearts are unsanctified, and never felt nor experi­enced [Page 25] the work of Faith with Power; they have the out-side of a true Christian, the Shell of the Wheat, but if tried and searched there's nothing but Chaff, no Kernil in them, they want the root of the Water: All true Believers have past through the Pangs of the New Birth; they found they were once Dead, but are now alive, once blind, but now they see, once lost in their own Eyes, but now found, once Carnal, but now Spiritual, once had their affection set on things below, but now on things above; Sin was once Sweet and Pleasant to them, but now 'tis bitter and Loathsom in their Eyes, because they see it is so in the sight of God: Their Judg­ments are informed, their Understandings savingly enlightned; Christ and heavenly things are valued and esteemed above all things here below, yea, above ten thousand Worlds, by them; and their understandings are not only brought to assent to the truth of Christ, to the Glory and Beauty of Christ; but their wills also are subjected to him, they are brought to consent, and yield themselves to the Lord; they believe, and love, believe and obey, believe and suffer reproach, taking up the Cross, putting on the yoke of Christ; their affections are so changed, and under divine Influences, that what they loved once, they hate, and what they once hated, or liked not, they dearly love and approve of now: But thus it is not with Chaf­fy Professors: They may be changed from open Prophanness to an outward Reformation of life, but their Hearts are not chang­ed, Sin is not Crucified in them, self is not subdued; that enmity that was naturally in their hearts, or dislike of the Life, and Power of strict Godliness is not removed; they act only from common Illuminations of the Spirit, and so they put a force upon themselves, when found in religious Duties; and find not a natural Inclination and sweet Propencity in their hearts to heavenly things, and this shews they are no more then Chaff.

6. And lastly, Chaff I told you was Light, and every breath of wind will move it, this way, and that way, and if it rises high it will may be blow it quite away, there being no Ker­nel in it, whereas the Wheat abides.

So Chaffy and vain Professors are startled at every small blast of Persecution, and presently begin to move out of their place, and shun assembling themseves with Gods People: Nay, every wind of corrupt Doctrine is ready to blow some of this sort a way; they are unsettled Persons, they want weight, or [Page 26] are not rooted in the Truth, wanting a good Understanding, and a Principle of saving Grace in their Hearts; Be not car­ried away with divers and strange Doctrines, for it is good to have the heart established with Grace, and not with Meats. Heb. 13. 9.

This sort are soon corrupted from the Simplicity of the Gospel, by the Cunning Craftiness of Men, being ready to re­ceive any strange Notion, or close in with a New Scheem of Religion, some turning to Judaism, and add Moses to Christ, or joyn to the Gospel their own Works; they are commonly corrupt, either in Principles or Practices, or in both, making a stir about the Mint, Annis and Commin, i. e. about the smaller matters of Religion, as concerning Meats and Observation of Days, as if in such things lay the great stress of Christianity; how many are there who like those false Teach­ers, and deluded People in the Primitive Times, plead for Justification some other way than by Faith only, and bring in their own inherent Holiness and sincere Obedience, and add that to the Merits of Christ, in point of Justification before God; or exalt the Power and Will of the Creature, to the Eclipsing the Doctrine of Free-Grace. Sirs, tho' I will not deny but many sincere Christians may be shaken by the wind of false and corrupt Doctrine, or drawn away through the sub­tilty of men, yet no doubt chiefly they are the Light, For­mal and Chassy Professors which are carried away, and Tos­sed too and fro with every wind of Doctrine, and this be­cause of the want of Grace, a sound Judgment and a good Understanding in the Mysteries of the Gospel. A good under­standing (saith David) have all they that do his Commandments. Psa. 111. 10 Moreover, such who seem unsetled in their places in Gods House, or particular Churches where they are Members, being uneasie, and every little difference that may arise in a Con­gregation is ready to turn them away; or seem to be moved and disturbed at the Charges the Interest of Christ, or which the House of God calls for; these I say, give cause to fear they are but Chaff, or under great Temptation, if Sincere.

Secondly, By Chaff may also be meant, Sin, Filth and Cor­ruption, which cleaveth to the Hearts and Lives of true believers, Sin is likened 10 Chaff. which Christ by the Fan of his Word, Spirit, and Afflictions, as you have heard, purges out: He shall purify the Sons of Levi, and purge them as Gold and Silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. This is spoken of Jesus Christ, Mat. 3. 3. whose Fan is in his hand: It shews his Work and Office, [Page 27] namely, to refine and fan his People, not only Members, but Ministers also, signified by the Sons of Levi, that they all may offer acceptable Service unto God: Besides, our Lord Jesus sometimes makes use of wicked Men as a Fan in his hand to purge his People, and thus he did of old fan Israel by the Ba­bylonians, and by the Assyrians; I will send unto Babylon Fanners, as I have sometime fanned and scattered my people by them; so will Ger. 51, 2. Chap. 4. 11. 12. Jer. 35. So Jer. 15. 7. I fan them by the Medes and Persians, who shall empty the Land of them; After Christ hath fanned or purged away the Chaff and Filth of the Daughter of Zion, he will fan their Enemies, and they being all Chaff, the wind of his Indignation will drive them away. Let this be noted, that Christ hath many ways to fan and purge his People, yet still it is for their good, and they shall lose nothing but their chaff, their Sin and Corruptions thereby.

Quest. Fourthly, Why are the Saints compared to Wheat? Answ. I answer, for many Reasons.

1. Wheat is a choice Grain, the best Grain, so true Believers Why the Saints are compared to Wheat. are a choice People in Christ's sight: The righteous is more excel­lent than his Neighbour; they are called the excellent in all the Earth. God calls his People his Jewels, or choice Treasure; Prov. 12 26. Psa. 6. 3. Mat. 3. ult. they are men of a high and heavenly Birth, of a high sub­lime and excellent Spirit, they are espoused by an excellent person, act and are influenced by excellent principles, and have glorious Ends and Aims in all they do; and from hence may be compared to Wheat.

2. Wheat hath much pains used with it, the ground must be made good, it must be well plow'd and manured before the Wheat is sown; so the hearts of poor sinners must be first made good, and by spiritual Convictions be plowed up, before the seed of Grace is sown; for like as Believers are compared to Wheat, so is also the Grace of God.

Wheat must be weeded as well as gathered into the Barn, and also Threshed, fanned, and well Purged.

Believers may be compared to Wheat upon this respect, Christ takes much pains (to speak after the manner of men) with his own Elect, not only by Plowing, Manuring, but by sow­ing, watering, weeding, fanning and Purging them like Wheat.

3. Wheat will endure cold Frosts and Snow, and all manner of bitter and sharp Weather, better than any other Grain. Sow Barly before Winter, and you will find but little of it will live, but Wheat will live in the sharpest Winter that can come; [Page 28] what a good Harvest had we here in England after the last great Frost; alas, the Wheat was not destroyed thereby, but was made better, the Weeds and Worms being killed, which is found to hurt and annoy it oft-times.

Even so sincere Christians, who are Christs Spiritual Wheat, abide faithful under the greatest Trials, Persecutions and Af­flictions they can meet withal; they endure the Frosts and bit­ter North-Winds of Tribulation, and furious Storms of the Wrath of wicked men, which kills the false-hearted Professor, they die and wither away, they can't live, and maintain their seem­ing hope and Confidence, when true Believes can; a Hypocrite is but Summer Corn, or rather Weeds or Tares that spring up with the Wheat, tho' they look like it, yet are only the pro­duct of Natural Conscience, or the common Influences of the Sun, or Gospel of Jesus Christ.

4. An Ear of Wheat when it is near ripe doth hang down its head, the Corn being full and weighty, when light and empty Ears hold up theirs; commonly a light and chaffy Ear stands strait upright in a lofty manner.

So a true gracious Christian is of an humble Spirit, he hangs down his head (as it were) and is ashamed of his best Duties and Services, seeing so great weaknesses and Infirmities to attend him; he abhors himself, yea, loaths himself he knows he hath nothing to glory in, but in the Cross of Jesus Christ; he sees himself nothing; Unto me who am less than the least of all Saints, is Eph. 3. 8. this Grace given, (saith Paul:) what an humble Person was he, what a full and weighty Ear of choice Wheat was this Apo­stle: If you see a Man or Woman proud, or of an haughty and conceited Spirit, being lifted up, you may conclude they are but empty Ears, no true Grace being in their hearts.

5. Wheat hath its Chaff cleaving oft-times close to it, yea, it will stick and cleave so to it that it is not easily separated.

So it is with Christs Spiritual Wheat, the filth or Chaff of internal Corruption is very subject to cleave to them, and hard it is for them to get rid of it. When I would do good, Sin is present with me, for the good I would, I do not, but the evil which I would not do, that do I. Rom. 7. 21.

Oh! wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of Death I am (as if he should say) even wearied with v. 19. & 24. continual Combating, I cannot get rid of this dead Body, this inward Filth and Corruption, the remainders of Sin in my flesh; this Chaff cleaves to all Christs Wheat.

[Page 29] 6. Wheat is of prime and and chiefest use, of it excellent things are made, as Meat for Princes. So the Lords faithful People are of chief use in Gods hand of all others, the Lips of the Righteous feed many.

7. That Nation that abounds with the finest Wheat is esteem­ed a choice Land, a happy Nation; So likewise that Kingdom and Nation in which are abundance of godly Christians, it is a happy Kingdom, a blessed Nation, because such are the common Interest of the Land or Place where they dwell; they are called the Pillers of the Earth.

8. Wheat is Threshed with the flail, to sever it from the straw and chaff, by the Husbandman; so God to sever the Wheat, i. e. the godly from the chaffy Professor, and free them of the Filth and Corruption of their own hearts, brings his flail of Affliction and Persecution upon them.

9. Wheat is also fanned, to cleanse it; and it is to be no­ted, that the fan in the Hand of the Husbandman tosses up the Wheat and Chaff together, and then he shakes it to and fro, this way and that way, on his knees.

So the Lord Jesus with his spiritual Fan tosses the Godly and Hypocritical Professor, by the same Afflictions, Trials, Per­secutions and Tempations. And O what hurryings, tossings and Tumblings to and fro in their Spirits have some Christians met with in the late times, and still daily meet withal? they have their ups and downs, this Affliction, and the other Temp­tation, this Loss, and the other Cross: But yet, nevertheless, they are not tost out, or blown away by the fan, but evi­dent it is the Chaff is hereby purged out; while Christs Wheat is refined, they abide fanning, (as I hinted before) but so doth not the Carnal and light Professor: They are offended, through this means, as our Saviour shews, and are ready to say with that Mat. 13. wicked man of old, this Evil is of the Lord, why should I wait up­on 2 King 6. 33. him any longer? Believers know, God doth it not for his Plea­sure, but for their Profit, that they might be partakers of his Holi­ness. Heb. 12. 10. Hence it is said, that they endure Chastening, and faint not when they are rebuked of the Lord.

Quest. 5. What is intended by Christs Garner?

I answer, Christ hath a twofold garner.

First. His Church is his garner.

1. A Garner is prepared on purpose to retain, and safely The Church is Christs Spritual Garner. to secure the Wheat in a heap together, where it is carefully to be look'd after. So is the Church of God appointed and [Page 30] prepared to receive and secure his faithful People together; 'tis not built for Chaff nor Tares, and great care and pains is re­quired of Christs servants in looking to, and taking care of his Spiritual Wheat in his Church.

2. Yet through the Negligence or want of Wisdom in the Servants, oft-times some Chaff is brought into the Garner with the Wheat, which when the Husbandman see's it, by viewing his Grain, he is Troubled at his servant; see (saith he) what abundance of Chaff you have brought in with the Wheat, which spoils the beauty of it to such a degree, that it does not seem to be near so good as indeed it is.

So it is here for want of Care, or through weakness or want of Knowledge in Christs Ministers and Servants, in discerning who are sincere Christians and who are not: Many unsound and Chaffy Professors are let into the Church or Churches of Je­sus Christ, which is displeasing unto him, because they spoil the Beauty and Glory thereof, and cause many to reproach his faithful ones; as it also renders them in the sight of the Carnal World not to be the People which indeed they are.

3. The Husbandman therefore causes the Wheat in his Gar­ner to be fanned again, to clear it of the Chaff that is got in amongst it; so Christ with the Fan of Persecution often times fans his, People to purge out the loose and prophane from among them.

Secondly, By the Garner is meant Heaven it self, into which Heaven is Christs Garner. all the Elect shall be put at the last day, and into this Gar­ner shall none come but pure Wheat: And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh a­bomination, Rev. 21. 27. or that maketh a Lye, but they which are written in the Lambs book of Life.

6ly. And lastly, What is meant by burning up the Chaff with un­quenchable fire?

Answ. I answer, by burning up the Chaff with unquenchable fire, What meant by burning up the Chaff. is meant the direful Wrath of God, which sometimes seizeth on ungodly persons in this world, and shall eternally take hold of all the Chaff in the world to come. The Wrath of God is often compared to fire in the Scripture. There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and a fire out of his mouth devoured; Coals were Psa. 8. 8. kindled by it. So in another place it is said, A fire goeth before Psa. 97. 3. him, &c. Shall thy wrath burn like fire, Psa. 89. 46. His fury Nah. 1. 6. is poured out like fire, and the Rocks are thrown down by him.

[Page 31] 1. Fire is a terrible and most amazing Element, especially when it breaks forth like a masterless Enemy, and none can stop it: So is the Wrath of God very terrible, when he poureth it forth in his greatest fury. O what a frightful Cry doth a dread­ful Fire that breaks out in a Town or City cause! what wringing of hands! Men tremble, Women miscarry oft-times, Chil­dren screech out, it frightens the very Fowls of the Air, and Beasts of the Earth, and turns all Faces into Paleness! how amazing was the flames of Sodom, and how terrible is the burn­ing of Mount Aetna! the Wrath of God when it furiously break­eth forth upon a People and Nation, or particular Person, causeth dreadful horror, it maketh the stoutest heart to quake, and the strongest hands feeble: At his wrath the earth shall trem­ble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation: His fury Jer. 10. 10. is poured out like fire, and the Mountains are thrown down before him: Can thy heart endure, or thy hands be strong, in the day when I contend Nah. 1: 6. with thee? Who can stand before his indignation? O how will the wicked fly into holes, quiver like a leaf, and cry to the Rocks and Mountains to fall upon them, and hide them from the face Rev. 6. 16. of him that sitteth on the Throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.

2. Fire breaks out sometimes very suddenly, when none think of it, but all are as they judge, safe and secure, yet in a mo­ment how are they surprized, when nothing but the horror and cry of fire, fire, fire, is heard in their ears. So Gods Wrath, like a dreadful and an unexpected fire, breaks out sometimes sud­denly upon the ungodly. How surprizing were the flames of Sodom, and the amazing hand-writing on Belshazars wall, when he was drinking Wine in Bowls! immediately the Kings counte­nance was changed, and he was troubled in his thoughts, so that Dan. 5. 5. 6. the joynts of his Loins were loosed, and his Knees smote one against the other: When they cry peace and safety, then sudden destruction com­eth, 1 Thess. 3. 3. as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape.

3. A fire sometimes breaks forth in the Night, when men are asleep: So God comes upon men many times in the night of ignorance and unbelief, while they lye on their Beds of Ease and carnal Security, by amazing Judgments, or by sudden Death. How secure was the old World, and the rich man in the Gospel, to whom God said, this night thy soul shall be required of thee.

4. A consuming Fire destroys, wasts and devours exceeding­ly, as Sodom found, and London also by woful experience. So God when he breaks forth in his Wrath and Fury, he makes [Page 32] most lamentable desolation, The Lord shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them. The Wrath of God is Psa. 21. 9. 10. compared to a consuming fire: For our God is a consuming Heb. 12. ult. Fire.

5. A Consuming and raging fire spares none, the Palace of the Prince no more than the Cottage of the Peasant, the migh­ty Oaks as well as the lowest Shrubs are devoured by it; so the wrath of God seizeth, and will seize on all wicked men, on the mighty and honourable of the Earth, as well as the poor and contemptible ones; the King on his Throne, as well as the Beggar on the Dunghill: His wrath shall be on every one that is lofty, and upon every one that is proud and lifted up, and Isa. 2. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Zeph. 1. 18. he shall be brought down; upon all the Cedars of Lebanon, and upon all the Oaks of Bashan.—He will come upon Princes as upon mor­ter, the whole earth shall be devoured by the fire of his Jealousy, nei­ther their Gold nor Silver shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lords wrath.

6. Wood, Hay and Stubble, are fit fuel for the fire to seize upon, and such things that are combustible make it to burn the more vehemently. And if high strong Towers cannot stand before a consuming fire, how is it possible for Briars and Thorns? Some Sinners are like stubble fully dry: They are fit Fuel for the Wrath of God like fire to take hold of. O what horrid Guilt lies upon some mens Consciences, just like a great heap or pile of wood, well dried, or Cart loads of straw, or dry stubble: What if God will to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much long suffering, the vessels of wrath Rom. 9. 22. fitted to destruction.

A long Course in sin, Custom in sin, resisting the Grace of God, slighting Convictions, hardening the Heart against Reproof, stifling the Accusations of Conscience, and abusing the Patience and long Suffering of God, sits men for the fire of his Wrath; Whilst they are folden together as Thorns, and whilst they are drunk­en Nah. 1. 10. as Drunkards, they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry. Such that are drunk with Pride, drunk with Pleasures, or whose Souls are surfited with the Riches and Cares of the World, the fire of Gods Wrath, as fit matter or combustable stuff, will seize upon.

7. A dreadful fire when it breaks out, turns all joy into sorrow, and makes a day of mirth a day of Mourning: So the consuming wrath of God, whether it seizes on the con­sciences of Men only whilst alive in the body, or on Body and [Page 33] Soul both here, or on the Soul at Death, it turns all joy in­to sorrow. O what extremity of misery do such feel! ask Ju­das or Spira, they could tell you.

8. Fire is a most cruel and dreadful tormentor; if a man be cast into a fire, what intollerable pain and anguish doth it put him to! but alas, alas, that's nothing to the Wrath of God, when God kindles it in the Consciences of men, nor to Hell fire. You will say, O 'tis a fearful thing to fall into a furious fire, into a burning Furnace, but O Sirs, how much more dreadful is it to fall under the Wrath of God! It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God: For our God is a consuming fire. Heb. 2. 12. If it be terrible to have a finger, a foot, or a hand to be burn­ed off, or to have the whole body cast into a Furnace of boyling Oil, (as some of the holy Martyrs were) how then can sinners, who are as chaff, bear the Thoughts of Gods wrath and vindictive Vengance, which is far more intollerable than any fire into which any Mortal was ever cast? For

1. Other fire burns only the external part, or temporal, or corporal matter, but the fire of Gods wrath burns and tor­ments the Spirit, the Soul, the invisible part.

2. Elementary fire is seen, but internal Wrath is only felt inwardly, it cannot be seen.

3. The fiercest fire that ever was kindled hath been over­come, and by Engines or Instruments put out, but the fire of Gods Wrath when kindled, and the Soul thrown into Hell, can­not be put out, nor be extinguished, 'tis unquenchable fire. Tho' the burning of Mount Aetna, and other burning Moun­tains, are impossible for man to extinguish, yet doubless they shall not burn always, they will be put out, but wrath shall burn for ever. So much as to the Explanation of our Text. From hence we may observe divers Propositions or Points of Doctrine.

1. Doct. The old floor is gone, 'tis removed, viz. The old Jew­ish Church, or national Church of Israel, the wheat that was in it being taken into Christs Gospel-Garner, and the chaff or all grace­less persons or unbelievers, are fann'd away. Now Christ hath removed the partition-wall that was between Jew and Gen­tile, and hath reconciled both unto God in one body. Now there is no knowing men after the flesh, fleshly Priviledges, i. e. be­ing Eph. 2. 16. 2 Cor. 5. 17. the Seed of Abraham, or being the Seed of Believers, as such, gives no right to Spiritual saving and eternal Blessings. Both those two People, Jews and Gentiles, that believe of twain are [Page 34] made one, i. e. one now man, or one Christian or Gospel-Church. And this is done by Jesus Christ, who by his Fan or Dispensa­tion of the New Testament hath abolished the old Covenant­right of Church-Membership; not the fleshly Seed, but the spiritual Seed of Abraham, are to be received into Christs Gospel Garner; Ye as lively stones are built up a spiritual House, 1 Pet. 2. 5. &c. But this I shall not prosecute.

2. Doct. Jesus Christ would have none but pure Wheat be gathered in­to his Garner; not the fleshly and spiritual Seed, not the Believer and the Unbeliever, not godly ones and ungodly ones, not the Chaff and the Wheat, as it was under the Law, in the National Church of the Jews. Not whole Parishes, or whole Nations, no, no, none but true Christians, or holy persons, sanctified and sincere, and truly gracious Souls.

3. Doct. Christs great Work and Office is to purge his People, to cleanse them, and make them holy, and to sever the Wheat from the Chaff, the pure from the impure; or to separate Hypocrites from his Church, and purge his Saints from all their inward Filth and Corruption: He would have no Chaff there, none that are false­hearted and unsound, such he will first or last purge out; and he will make them that are good to be much better, more clean, more holy, more pure, he will purge out the chaff of Hypocri­sie, Unbelief, Pride, Passion, Covetousness, Vain Glory, Car­nality, and all manner of Corruption whatsoever that is in them; he sets as a Refiner and Purifier of Silver, and he will throughly purge away their Dross, and take away all their Tin. The Isa. 1. 25. time draws near in which the sinners in Zion shall be afraid, fear­fulness shall surprise the Hypocrites: Who amongst us shall dwell with Isa. 33. 14. devouring fire? who amongst us shall dwell with everlasting Burnings?

4. Doct. All true Beleivers, or all Christs Wheat, shall be saved, shall be received into Heaven, or be gathered into his glorious Garner above, and into which place no wicked person, no false-heart­ed professor, no hypocrite, no carnal and self-deceived Gospeller, shall come. Though some of this sort get into the Church militant, they shall not get into the Church triumphant, tho' they may get a seeming place in his Garner below, yet they shall have no place in his glorious Barn or Garner above. Sirs, you that seem to take delight in the Company of the Saints, and seem to feed and lie down with Christs sheep, yet know [Page 35] you shall one day be separated as Goats from the Sheep, as foolish Virgins from the wise, as Chaff from the Wheat, and as Dross from the Gold; all you that are not sincere must go to your place; and those that shall be set at Christs right hand shall receive the Kingdom prepared for them, and all that shall be on his left hand must go into everlasting fire, prepared Math. 25. 41. for the Devil and his Angels.

Doct. 5. A discriminating day will come, a day of severing the good from the bad, &c.

Doct. 6. That the Wrath of God is like fire, 'tis intollerable; or the misery and torments of the damned, or of all hypocrites and The Wrath of God, whether internal or ex­ternal, is intol­lerable. unbelievers, will be dismal and amazing; or there's no expressing how fearful their condition is and will be, who fall under the vindictive Wrath and Vengance of an angry God. I purpose to speak unto one or two of these Propositions, but at present I shall close with a word or two by way of Use.

The Application.

1. Caution. Take heed you are not Chaff, or prove not chaff, when the Fanner comes to fan you. O see you are not loose, carnal and empty Professors; if you have only a form of God­liness, the Name of Christ only, or Lamps, and no more, sad will it be with you; if you are not solid, weighty and ponderous Christians, if you experience not the divine power of God­liness, the Sin-killing, the Soul-quickning, the Heart-trans­forming, and God-exalting power of Christs Spirit, you are un done.

Take a few Motives to stir you up to take heed.

1. The Fanner is coming with his fan in his hand: A Provi­dence may be near, yea, such a providence and dispensation which you little think or dream of. I might have shewed you that the whole Earth is but Christs common floor, and he is now about to fan this mighty floor; he hath many fans to do this. What are his fearful Judgments but as a fan in his hand, whe­ther it be War, Pestilence, or Famine, or other strange Judg­ment, 'tis and will be but as a fan to purge the Earth, and con­sume the ungodly, or blow them away as Chaff.

What amazing Earthquakes have there been lately in di­vers places, have not we in England, in London, felt some of it, (as well as most Nations in Europe) tho' not like to [Page 36] that in Jamaica, and some other places? are not these fear­ful Tokens and Signs of Gods Wrath and Indignation? are they not Harbingers and Presages of what is coming upon the World, and of the end thereof? Look to it, there is great Wrath at the door, I am afraid thousands will be suddenly surprized, and paleness of face take hold of them: God is cer­tainly about to shake and Toss the Earth too and fro; the se­ven Viols of his Wrath will quickly now begin to be poured out: Expect all of you to be toss'd and fan'd, as wheat and chaff is tossed and shook together: The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord hath spoken, who can but prophesie? there is a wor­ser Amos 3, 8. Earthquake near, as the wicked shall find it; yea, such an Earthquake that will make all their hearts to tremble, which will shake down the foundations of Mystery Babylon, and all false States; it will be such a one that never was since the World began; these which have been of late, may be but Signs and fore­runners of that. In the Earthquake which is near, the tenth part of the great City shall fall, and seven thousand of the names of men, or names given to religious men, that were ne­ver given to them by Jesus Christ, meer Antichristian names, shall be no more, strange will be the effects of it no doubt. O what will you do in the day of Gods Wrath if ye are Chaff, or but coun­terfeit Christians? if not sincere? if not in Christ? thou shalt be visited of the Lord with Earthquakes and a great noise, &c. Isa. 29. 6. Great Changes, Commotions, Mutations and Revolutions, will suddenly come from the Lord of Hosts: He will make the earth empty, and turn it upside down, and it shall be as with the people so with the priest: He will fan, shake and tumble the People to­gether; Isa. 24. 1. you will find Distress of Nations, and Perplexity with a witness in a short time; nay, no doubt but the day of Judg­ment and End of the World, or Coming of Christ is very near; for he hath foretold as Signs thereof, that there shall be great Mat 2. 4. Earthquakes in divers places.

2. If you be Chaff among the Wheat, you spoil the Beau­ty and glory of the Wheat; you bring a reproach upon the Saints and upon the Church; the ways of God are evil spoken of thro' your means; your Pride, your Covetousness, your Back-biting and detracting Tongue, and Unjust Dealing, hin­ders the propagation of the Gospel; your formality, deadness, slighting and neglecting of the Worship of God, and want of Zeal, and Love to Christ and to his people, hath bitter effects on the unbelieving World, as well as it will have on your own Souls.

[Page 37] 3. If you are Chaff, you shall e're long be separated or seve­red from the Wheat: There is a time near that that will dis­cover all, and make a full discrimination between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth the Lord, and him that serveth him not. There shall not (e're long) be a Cannanite Mal. 3. ult. in the House of God any more.

4. Nay, and (remember my Text) The Chaff shall be burned with unquenchable fire; into Hell at last all false-hearted, light and loose Professors, shall be thrown. O Take heed for your Souls sake, that you rest not upon a bare Profession, or on a name of Christians!

This may inform us also, that Christ hath a gracious end in bringing Persecutions and Trials on his People; it shews us why he uses the Fan of severe Providences, Judgments and Af­flictions: It is, you have heard, to purge, to purifie them, and to separate the Chaff from them. O do not then think it strange concerning fiery trials, as if some strange thing had befallen you.

Exhort. Let me exhort you to see to it in time, that you are not deceived, and so prove Chaff, and Vain Persons, empty and foolish Virgins at last.

Motives, 1. O how far may men go, and yet be but almost Christians! Remember this.

2. Many when Christ comes shall have great Confidence, and go forth to meet him, and yet be found foolish ones: Some deceive their own Hearts, and others have Hearts that deceive them, by trusting in them, and never examine how matters are between God and their own Souls.

3. Men may Preach and Prophesie, yea, speak as if they had the Tongue of Men and Angels, and Cast out Devils in Christs 1 Cor. 13. 1, 2. Name, and yet he nothing; they may Preach, no doubt, to the Conversion of others, and yet may not be Converted them­selves.

4. Wheat is commonly weighed, to know the goodness of it; so God weighs Men, he weighs the Actions of Men: Thou art weighed in the ballance, and art found wanting: Weighed in a Bal­lance alluding to the weighing of Gold or Goods exactly in Scales. God tries Men and Women, that all may know he will proceed Justly and Righteously with them; he weighs them in the ballance of the sanctuary, or trys them by the Touch-stone of his Word, and if found full weight, or pure Gold, then he declares that they are his, and he owns them [Page 38] as his People, as his Wheat; but if too light, or not hold weight, but are greatly wanting, there being no worth in them, but are Dross, Chaff, light and empty Persons, unsound and unsanctified ones, then he rejects them as none of his, but are as reprobate Silver, false Coin, People of no value with him.

As he weighs Men, so he weighs their Works, their Graces, their Gifts, their Duties, to see whether they hold weight, whether true and righteous or not; whether the Grace be true Grace, special Grace, not common Grace, and their Gifts not Counterfeit Gifts, or meer Natural Gifts, or only humane and acquired Gifts: Some boast of false Gifts, which as Solomon tells us, is like Clouds and Wind without rain: What a stir doth a vain Person make of a strong Memory, crying it up as if it was a Spiritual Gift, and as if none were true Ministers but such who have a great Memory, and can deliver all they have got by their Study, by the strength of their Memory; alas, all men of any sense know, that is but a Natural Gift, which some wicked men have as well as some good men; but let him know, God knows what mens Hearts are, what their Ends 1 Sam. 2. 3. and Designs are, what their Gifts are, and what their Duties are, as well as what the matter of their Worship is, which they perform to God; that is, whether it hath his Image stampt upon it; or is of his Authority, his own Appointment, his own Institu­tion, or but Humane Inventions; he also weighs the manner how they perform all Divine Worship towards him, from what Principle, Life, Power, End and Design; whether 'tis from a changed Heart, from unfeigned Faith and Love to Christ, in sincerity, with Zeal, and to glorify God; if not, he will disco­ver them, weigh them, and they will be found wanting, and be found no better than Chaff at last: Though they may seek ways to hide and cover their Wickedness, and false Spirits, and base designs, yet let them know, he that weighs the hill in scales, and the mountains in balances, doth and will weigh them, and find out all their Cursed Deeds, their Pride, their Malice, and put a rebuke upon their back-slid­ing and detracting Tongues: Talk (saith Hannah) no more so exeed­ing proudly, let not arrogancy come out of thy mouth for God is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed: ‘Thou Peninnah (as our Aunotators note) speak no more so insolently and reproachfully of me as thou hast done; he knoweth thy Heart, and all that Pride, Envy and Contempt of me, which [Page 39] thy own Conscience knows, and thy perverse Carriage to­wards me: God pondereth, and tryeth all mens Thoughts and Actions, as a Just Judge, to give to every one according to their works.’

Oh what a Motive should this be to us all; God weighs our Persons, our Graces, our Gifts, our Dutys, and all our Ser­vices, in Scales: Take heed you are not found too light, found wanting, as be sure you will if you be found Chaff, when put into the Ballance of the Sanctuary.

Direction. 1. If you would not be found Chaff, try and weigh your Spirits, your Persons, your Faith, your Love; see if it holds weight by the Kings standard, see on what Foundation you are built; have you dugg deep, and laid your foundation on a Rock? what Love have you to Christ? is he precious to your Souls, the chiefest of ten thousand? what Love have you to the Children of God? how do you carry it at home and abroad? do you feed the Hungry, Visit the Sick, and Cloath the naked? is Christs Family, Christs Servants, Christs Poor, more in your esteem, love and affe­ctions, than Sons and Daughters, than Brethren and Sisters, that are not his Children? if you do not love Christ more than Father and Mother, more than Son or Daughter, you may justly fear whe­ther you are Wheat or no: And if it be so, that you do so Love him, and his Saints, Ministers and People, it will appear whilst you live; and when you come to die, you will not for­get Christ then, his People and Interest then: O think on this!

2. And to you Sinners, if you would be found Wheat in the day of Christ, then receive Christs true Doctrine, labour to distinguish between Truth and Error; beware of that strange and new Scheme that darkens the Free-Grace of God, and tends to de­stroy the Covenant of Grace: Remember to exalt Christ alone in your Salvation. How do some turn the Gospel of Gods Free-Grace into a Law, by the performance of which, as the Con­ditions of Life and Justification tell thee, thy Salvation doth depend. See what subtle Opposers (of the clearest Gospel) are risen up amongst us, and labour to avoid them, though their Tongues should seem to be tipp'd with Silver, yet their Doctrine is Copper.

3. Be sure Build on Christ alone, and see that that Faith thou hast in him, be the Faith of Gods Elect, which sanctifies both Heart and Life, and is attended with Good Fruits; you must work from Life, and not for Life.

[Page 40] Consolat. 1. Lastly, By way of Comfort and Consolation: Be not afraid, O Child of God, tho' thou art in Christ's Fan, and art tost up and down with Temptatious, Trials and Afflicti­ons: Know that his Design is wholly herein for thy good, it is but to purge out thy Chaff, that thou as pure white Wheat may'st shine the more bright and clear in Grace and Gospel-Holiness, for Sin and Corruption spoils thy Beauty to all that behold thee. No Doctrine tends to promote Gospel Holiness like the Doctrine of Gods Free-Grace: Shall we sin because grace hath abounded? God forbid.

2. O what a Mercy of Mercies it is that Gods Wrath is ap­peased towards you: Christs blood has quenched this dread­ful fire, as to you who believe, and indeed nothing else could do it; O bless God for Christ, and for that River of Water which proceeds from him, to the extinguishing this flaming Fire; he hath born it, and allay'd it, nay, quite put it out, so that you shall never feel the burning or tormenting Na­ture thereof.

3. Thou shalt at last, whosoever thou art, if sincere, if Wheat, be gathered into his Garner; viz. into Heaven it self, for Christ will not lose one grain of his spiritual Wheat, not one Sheep of his shall perish; He that has begun that good work in thee, will perform it to the day of Christ. Joh. 10. 28. Phil. 1. 6.

He will gather his wheat into his Garner, but the Chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire.

So much for this time.

MATTH. III. 12. ‘Whose Fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather the Wheat into his Garner, but the Chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire.’

BEloved, I have gone through the several Terms of the Text, by way of Explaination, and have taken No­tice Serm. II. Preached March 12. 1693. of several Propositions or Points of Doctrine that naturally arise therefrom. I purpose only to prosecute but one of them, namely, the 6th. and last, viz.

Doct. That the Wrath of God is like Fire, 'tis intollerable; or, the Misery and Torment of the Damned will be dismal and ama­zing; there's no expressing how fearful their condition is and will be, who fall under the vindictive Wrath and Vengance of an angry God.

I shall only do three things

  • 1. Further open the Nature of Gods Wrath.
  • 2. Prove and demonstrate the Truth of the Proposition.
  • 3. Improve it by way of Application.

And to proceed, it is necessary to note to you in the first place, (as I before hinted) that the Wrath of God may be conside­red under a twofold Consideration: As it is manifested,

1. Internally or Externally, taking hold of, and seizing upon some ungodly persons here, whilst in this World. Gods Wrath opened.

2. As it is Eternal, seizing on and taking hold of all un­done and lost Sinners hereafter.

Sin is the cause of Gods Wrath and Vengance, both of that which is felt here and shall eternally be felt and undergone hereafter; the word (as the learned note) which is transla­ted Wrath, comes from a Root [...] that signifies heat, or to be hot, and hence 'tis compared to fire; an angry Man we say is a fiery Man, a Man that hath much fire or fury in him; the Wrath of man is hot, but the Wrath of God is much hotter: Because there is Wrath, beware. Sirs, there is Wrath in the Heart of Job 36. 18. God against Sinners, there his anger is kindled; there is [Page 42] Wrath also in his Decree, and in his Threatnings, his Wrath continues on all Unbelievers: He that believeth not, the Wrath of God abideth upon him. Tho' many of them do not feel it, they Joh. 3. 36. have not the sense of it, but shall have one day; yet there are some that God lets out his Wrath upon to such a degree here, that they do feel it, and cry out under the sense and hor­ror thereof in a fearful manner.

Secondly, The Wrath of God, as it is compared unto fire, External wrath opened. is oft-times let out to consume men in divers respects.

1. Sometimes by Poverty, as by a flame he consumes in a se­cret way their outward substance; there is a Curse upon their estates, which dries up their Riches in which they Trusted, and set their Hearts upon, forgetting God their Maker, their Chief Good and Last End.

2. Sometimes he Consumes their Honour, Reputation and Cre­dit, they falling by their Iniquity into disgrace, after they have made a Profession of Religion, and have been in the Love and Esteem of good Men.

3. Sometimes also by Sickness as by a flame he consumes their Health; and thus he threatned the People of Israel, The Lord shall smite thee with a Consumption, and with a Feaver, and with an Inflamation, and with extream Burning. Deut. 28. 22.

4. Also his Wrath oftentimes breaks out like fire on some Men by suddain Death, in a strange and unusual manner, as in the case of Lots Wife, and of Nadab and Abihu; and there went out fire from the Lord, and devoured them, and they died before Levit. 10. 1, 2. the Lord. This was so amazing, that Moses said unto Aron and unto Eleazor, and unto Jthamar, Uncover not your heads, neither rend your cloaths, least ye die, and least Wrath come upon all the People; but let your brethren, the whole house of Israel bewail the burning vers. 6 which the Lord hath kindled: Open not your Mouths, (as if he should say) shew no such sorrow as at other times, for God is Just, (and he hath let out his deserved Wrath against these young Men) least you should seem to Justifie them, and shew a dislike of God's token of Divine dispeasure.

5. Moreover God many times lets out his Wrath by War; and the Sword consumes and devours much people: As also by Famine and by the Pestilence. The Wrath of God, as it is let out in this World is as a drying, scorching and devouring fire: The flame of Gods Displeasure puts all into a flame; as at this day, all the Earth seems to be on a fire, God is now a burning up, and consuming the Nations; Therefore he hath poured upon [Page 43] him (speaking of Jacob) the fury of his anger, and the strength Isa. 42. 25. of Battel, and it hath set him on fire round about, yet he knew it not, and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart: War consumes the Riches, the Wealth, the Strength, the Food and Bread of the Nation, as well as the People, but it is not laid to heart. He Job. 16. 9. teareth me (saith Job) in his Wrath: ‘The Hebrew Word [...] (as Mr. Caryl Notes) is near in sound to our English Tear, and it signifieth to Tear as a Lyon his prey. Wrath is of a Tearing and devouring Nature. God sometimes in his Wrath Tears in pieces the Bodies of Men, he tears their Power, their Riches, and consumes their Beauty, and turns all (as it were to Ashes) and thus he will pour out his Wrath on Babylon, and she shall be burned with fire.

6. The Wrath of God also Seiz [...]th on the Souls of some men, Internal Wrath explained. whilest they are in this World; as when they are left, or gi­ven up unto hardness of Heart, Unbelief, and blindness of Mind; indeed this is most dreadful of all: What can be a greater Token of Gods Divine Wrath? it is the begining of that Future Vengeance that shall be poured forth upon them to Eter­nity.

Thus the Almighty dealt by the Jews for their Sin in re­jecting of Jesus Christ, and putting him to death by wicked hands, for this he gave them up to an hard, unbelieving, and an impenitent heart, and then let in the Romans upon them, who utterly destroyed their City and Temple, and so scattered them on all the face of the Earth; and hence the A­postle saith, that Wrath was come upon them to the uttermost. 1 Thes. 1. 16.

7. The Wrath of God like Fire sometimes also seizeth on Internal wrath on the Consci­ences of Men opened. the Consciences of men, by which means they are fearfully tor­mented, for their horrid Blasphemy, Prophaness, Atheism, Apo­stacy, &c. We have had two Examples of this sort, viz. Mr. Francis Spira in the last Century, and Mr. John Child in this.

It is enough to make all who read those Naratives to Trem­ble, at the very thoughts of the incensed Wrath and Anger of an offended God. Who can stand before his indignation, when his wrath is poured out like fire, on the Souls and Consciences of Men? O how doth he seem to Tear them into peices, even to such a degree as they seem to be in the very torments of Hell, while in the Body: And not knowing but that a faithful reciting of some Passages concerning the inward Hor­ror of the said Spira and Child, may be of some use to Cauti­on all to take heed of such like sins which they fell under, I shall [Page 44] (tho' more briefly then I intended compare their States, Cir­cumstatces, inward Anguish and Horror of their Spirits, toge­ther.

SOME PASSAGES Of the Fearful Estate of Francis Spira,

SPira having received the Light of the Gospel, be­came a Teacher of the Blessed Truths thereof amongst his Friends and familiar Acquain­tance; and (says the Narrative) in comparison seemed to neg­lect all other Affairs, much press­ing this main point of Doctrine, viz. That we must wholly and only depend on the free and unchangable Love of God in the Death of Christ, as the only way to Salvation.

As to his natural and cor­rupt Inclination; ‘I was, saith he, excessively Covetous of Money; and accordinly ap­plyed my self to get it by In­justice, corrupting Justice by doing it, &c.

As touching Spira's Sin and his grand fall, it was thus, viz. The Popes Legate, Resident at Venice, was stirred by the malice of the Papists to accuse Spira to him, and by the Craft and Policy of the Legate, and through slavish Fear, Spira first fled, and af­terwards renounced his Testi­mony to the Truth; before which it appears he reasoned thus within himself, thro' the Suggestion of the Devil, viz. ‘Be well advised, fond Man, consider Reasons on both sides, and then judge, how canst thou thus overwean thine own sufficiency, as thou neither regardest the Exam­ples of thy Progenitors, nor the Judgment of the whole Church, dost thou not consi­der what misery this thy Rash­ness will bring thee into? thou shalt lose thy Substance gotten with so great Care and Travel; thou shalt under­go the most exquisite Tor­ments that Malice can devise; thou shalt be counted an He­retick of all; and to close up all, thou shalt die shameful­ly: [Page 45] What thinkest thou of the loth­som stinking Dungeon, the Bloudy Ax, the Burning Faggot? are they delightful? be wise at length, and keep thy Life and Honour.—Go to the Legate, Weak Man, and free­ly Confess thy Fault, &c. And upon these thoughts he goes to the Legate, and salutes him with this News, viz.

Having for these divers years enter­tained an Opinion concerning some Arti­cles of Faith, contrary to the Orthodox and received Judgment of the Church, and uttered many things against the Authority of the Church of Rome, and the universal Bishop, I humbly acknow­ledge my Fault and Error, and my Folly in my misleading others; I therefore yeild my self in all Obedience to the su­pream Bishop of Rome, into the Bosom of the Church of Rome, never to depart again from the Traditions and Decrees of the Holy See; I am heartily sorry for what is past, and I humbly beg Pardon for so great an Offence.

The Legate at this commanded him to return to his own Town, and there to confess and acknowledge the whole Doctrine of the Church of Rome to be holy and true, and to ab­jure the Opinions of Luther, &c.

After this he signed an Instrument of Abjuration, and then fell under hor­rid Despairation.

‘And he thought he heard a direful Voice, saying, Thou wicked Wretch, thou hast renounced the Covenant of thy Obedience, thou hast broke thy Vow; henc Apostate bear with thee the Sentene of thy Eternal Damnation. He trembling in Body and Mind fellinto a Swound.

Now began some of his Friends to repent too late of their Rash Coun­cil, not looking so high as to the Judgment of God, laid all the blame on his Melancholly Constitution, that over-shaddowing his Judgment, wrought in him a kind of Madness, and directed him to the use of Phy­sicians, &c.

To which Spira replyed, Alas poor men! how far wide are you? do you think that this Disease is to be Cured by Potions? believe me, there must be a­nother manner of Medicine; it is nei­ther Plaister nor Drugs that can help a fainting Soul, cast down with the sence of sin, and the Wrath of God; 'tis only Christ that must be the Pysici­an, and the Gospel the Souls Antidote. Amongst others that come to visit him was Pani [...] Vergerius, and Mat­theus Gribauldus, principal Labou­rers for his Comfort; they found him about 50 Years of Age.

Neither affected with Doteage, nor with the unconstant head-strong Passion of Youth, but in the strength of his Experience and Judgment; in a burning heat, calling for drink; yet his Understanding active, quick of Apprehension, Witty in Discourse, above his ordinary manner—they forcibly infused some liquid Sustenance into his Month, most of which he spit out again, and in a fretting mood said, As it is true, that all things work for the better to those that Love God, so to the wicked all to the contrary; for whereas a plentiful Off-spring is the Blessing of God and his Reward, being a stay to the weak Estate of their Aged Parents, to me they are [Page 46] a cause of bitterness and vexation; they do strive to make me tire out this misery, I would fain be at an end; I deserve not this dealing at their hands. Oh that I were gone from hence, that some body would let out this weary Soul! My sin, said Spira, is greater than the Mercy of God; nay, answered his Vi­sitors, the Mercy of God is above all sin, God would have all men to be saved; it is true, (said he) God would have all the Elect to be saved; he would not have damn'd Reprobates to be saved: I am one of that Number; I know it, for I willingly denyed Christ, and I feel that he hardens me, and will not suffer me to hope. Being asked whether he did believe that Doctrine to be true for which he was accused before the Le­gate, he aswered, I did believe it when I denyed it, but now I neither can believe that nor the Doctrine of the Roman Church; I believe nothing, I have no Faith, no Trust, no Hope, I am a Repro­bate, like Cain or Judas, who casting away all hope of mercy, fell under de­spair; and my Friends do me wrong, that they suffer me not to go to the place of Unbelievers, as I justly deserve.

The mercy of God (said he) is ex­ceeding large, and extends to all the Elect, but not to me, or any like me, who are sealed to Wrath: I tell you I deserve it, my own Conscience condemns me, what needeth any other Judge; if Peter griev­ed, and repented, it was because Christ beheld him with a merciful Eye, and in that he was pardoned; it was not be­cause he wept, but because God was gra­cious to him; but God respects not me, and therefore I am a Reprobate; I feel no Comfort can enter into my Heart, there's place only for Torments and Vexings of Spirit: I tell you, my Case is properly mine own, no Man was ever in the like plight, and therefore my Estate is fearful.

And then roaring out in bitterness of Spirit, he said, It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Some said with a whispering Voice that he was possessed; he over-hear­ing it, said, Do ye doubt it? I have a whole Legion of Devils that take up their dwelling in me, and possess me as their own; and justly too; for I have denyed Christ, Christ will not be denyed, no not in a word, and therefore it is e­nough; in Heart I never denied him.

He said, when asked, that he knew there were worse, far worse pains than those that he then suffered; for the wicked shall rise to their Judg­ment, but they shall not stand in Judg­ment; this I tremble to think of, yet I desire nothing more than that I might come to that place, where I may be sure to feel the worst, and to be freed from fear of worse to come.

Being bid to believe the Truths he had denied, he replied, I cannot, God will not suffer me to believe them, nor to trust in his mercy; what would you have me to do? I would, but I can­not, tho' I presently be burnt for it.

I find I can neither believe the Gos­pel, nor trust in Gods Mercy; I have sinned against the Holy Ghost, and God by his immutable Decree hath bound me over to perpetual Punishment: God will have mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardneth; God hath taken away from me all power of Repen­tance, and brings all my sins to remem­brance; and guilty of one, guilty of all, [Page 47] therefore it is no matter whether my sins be great or small, few or many; they are such, that Christs Blood, nor the Mer­cy of God belongs not to me; he hath hardened me, I find that he daily more and more doth harden me, and therefore I am without hope; I feel it, therefore cannot but despair: I tell you, there was never such a Monster as I am, never was any man alive a spectacle of such ex­ceeding Misery. I know that Justifica­tion is to be expected by Christ, and I have denyed and abjured it, to the end I might keep my frail Life from Adversity, and my Children from Poverty, and now be­hold how bitter my Life is to me, and God only knows what will become of this my Family; but sure no good is likely to betide it, but worse and worse, and such at length as one stone shall not be left upon another.

Said he, The Spirit of God often admo­nished me, when at Cittadella I did as it were set my Seal, the Spirit of God often suggested to me, Do not, write Spira, do not Seal, yet I resisted the Holy Ghost, and did both, and at that very time I did evident­ly feel a wound inflicted my very will, &c.

David was Elected and dearly Belo­ved, and tho' he fell, yet God took not utterly away his holy Spirit, and there­fore was heard when he prayed, ‘Lord take not thy holy Spirit from me.’ But I am in another Case, be­ing for ever accursed from the presence of God; neither can I pray as he did, because the Holy Spirit is quite gone, and cannot be recalled,— ‘O that I might feel but the least sense of the Love of God to me, tho' but for one small moment, as I now feel his heavy Wrath that burns like Torments of Hell with­in me, and afflicts my Conscience with pangs unutterable: Very De­speration is Hell it self; you per­swade me to believe, how fain would I do it, but I cannot:’ Then violently grasping his Hands toge­ther, and raising himself, ‘Behold, said he, I am strong, yet by little and little I decay and consume, and my Servants would fain preserve this weary Life, but at length the Will of God must be done, and I shall perish miserably.’

‘I see, said he, my Damnation, and I know my remedy is only in Christ, yet I cannot set my self to take hold of him! Such are the Punish­ments of the Damned, they repent of their loss of Heaven, they can­not amend their ways.’

‘Now also Belzebub comes to his Banquet; you shall see my End, and in me an Example to many, of the Justice and Judgment of God.’

‘What Hell can be worse than Desparation, or what greater Punish­ment than the gnawing worm, and unquenchable Fire? Horror, Confusi­on, and which is worse than all, De­sparation it self, continually tortures me; and now I count my present-Estate worse than if my Soul were separated from my Body, and were with Judas and the rest of the dam­ned; therefore I desire to be there, rather than alive in the Body.’

‘God hath taken Faith from me, and left me other common Gifts for my deeper Condemnation, by how much the more I remember what [Page 48] I had, and hear others discourse of what they have, by so much the more is my Torment, in that I know what I want, and there is no way to be relieved: Thus spake he, the Tears trickling down; pro­fessing that his Pangs were such, as that the Damned in Hell endure not the like Misery. That his Estate was worse than that of Cain or Ju­das, and therefore he desired to dye; yet, Behold, said he, the See the Rela­tion of him at large, Sold by A. and J. Chur­chil, at the black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row. Scriptures are accom­plished in me, They shall desire to dye, and Death shall fly from them.

SOME PASSAGES Of the Fearful Estate of John Child,

MR. John Child was a Preacher, and when he was young a very zealous Asserter of the Doctrine of Gods Free-Grace; Namely, of Personal Election, and of the Saints final Perseverance; and was a man of considerable Natural Parts and Ability, being much followed where­ever he preached, both in the City and Countrey, yet seemed to be of a haughty Spirit, loving Applause and Popularity, which it may be feared was the Cause of his Fall, and may be a Warning to all how they have mens Persons in Admiration. But he had not many years asserted the Doctrine before mentioned, before he changed his Judgment, and turned to be a grand Arminian; which Noti­ons he maintained with great Con­fidence, and was so conceited of his Abilities, that he seared not to Dispute with any Man, charging the Doctrine of Personal Election at a strong man­ner, as if the Asserters of it rendered God cruel, and worse than the worst of Mortals: In his Judgment he was a Baptist, being against Infants Bap­tism, and for the Baptism of Believers; for many years he lived in Bucking­ham-shine, near me, I being intimate­ly acquainted wth him for near 30 years; but a little before the last Per­secution of Dissenters he removed his Dwelling, and came to London, and lived near to my Habitation, in Pauls Shadwel; now the first time I came to fear him, was through some Words he uttered to me, which was to his effect; I have, said he, seriously considered whether there be any thing in Religion worth suffering for: [Page 49] Which Words I wondred at, from such a one as he; but soon after he Conformed, (Troubles rising high,) and then wrote a Cursed Book, ren­dering the Dissencers, especially the Baptists, very odious; casting Re­proach upon their faithful Ministers, because some of them were not learn­ed men, I mean with the Knowledge of the Tongues; and quickly after this he fell under fearful Despaira­tion: I was one of the first Men that he sent for, and I found him in a dis­mal State and Condition, being filled with Horror, saying, he was damned, and crying out against himself for Writing that Book; saying, he had touched the Apple of Gods Eye; I said all I was well capable to speak, to Comfort him, but all in vain; at ano­ther time he said, Mine iniquities are great and many, old sins as well as of a late date come to mind; Wrath is come upon me to the utmost, God hath forsaken me, good Men are my Enemies; I hate my self, I am afraid and ashamed to go abroad, and am confused and distracted at home; the Scriptures look dreadfully upon me, I have raised Reproach, in­vented Reproach, and by it wronged mul­titudes,—I am afraid to live, and a­fraid to dye; Judgment I fear will be terrible in this World, and more in the World to come; I cannot give an Ac­count of my Actions to Men, how much less to God! my Heart condemns me, and he is greater, and knows more: I think I have not only out done Cain, Ba­laam, and Judas, but some of the De­vils themselves.

O I cannot Repent, I cannot Repent! I shall go to Hell! I am broken in Judg­ment; When I think to Pray, either I have a flushing in my Face as if I were in a flame, or I am dumb, I cannot speak; all the signs of one whom God hath left, forsaken and hardened—If I was in Heaven, it could not relieve me, for I should behold the Face of God and holy Saints, as now I behold the Face of good Men upon Earth, with shame and con­fusion of Face—and then again said, Wrath is come upon me to the utermost—I am one of the greatest Hypocrites that ever lived upon the Earth, and shall be so accounted: God hath and will do his will upon me—Oh he thunders upon me! should God let out the sence of my sins on me, (as he will) I should howl like a Dog, roar like a Lyon, bel­low like an Ox; mine inward parts would melt within me, as brass melts in a flam­ing fire; I shall lye lower than Judas, I have sinned worse then Judas —he quoting those words in Heb. 10. 2, 6. If we sin willfully, after we have re­ceived the knowledge of the truths, re­mains no more sacrifice for sin, &c. he said, when I am faint and low, I take some refreshments, but in Hell, there is no refreshment, not a drop of Water to cool my Tongue.

To some that came to Visit him, and to Comfort him, he said, All is gone, I am undone—I have been so great a sinner against God, and the peo­ple of God, that God will have no Mer­cy on me, but will glorifie himself by me, and make me an Example for the streng­thening and establishing of his People, but it shall end in my destruction—God hath sworn in his Wrath that I shall never enter into his rest—I have been a loose and carnal Professor, [Page 50] and if I were in the place of God, I should meet the same measure that God doth to me: My Calamity is even at the door, and all men in a little time will justifie Gods dealing with me: The Wrath of God is kindled, and burns in me; it is impossible for you to imagin my torment, and this is but an Earnest pen­ny of my Eternal Damnation. Said a godly man, this is a humbling dis­pensation that you are exercised un­der —A humbling dispensation, said he, do you call it? I tell you, it is an hardening dispensation, and I feel it to be so: Said his Friend, I hope there is mercy yet reserved for you; to whom he replyed, I know I shall have such Mercy as the Damned have; I do highly justifie God in his dealings with me—at another time, I once thought, said he, that there was a power in man, but now I find it other­wise, for I cannot Pray—I have no desire after any thing that is good; I cannot Repent. His Visitors asked him if they should Pray for him? he said, No, No.

One said to him, the Learned Dr. Twist in his Vinditiae Gratiae confesseth there were Depths in the Controversie between the Calvinists and Arminians, yet he believed the Truth against the Arminians.

Mr. Child replyed, I thought I could have dived to the bottom of it by my parts, but I see I cannot; and then, and many other times said, I am bro­ken in Judgment—One of his Visi­tors said, you are obliged to stoop to the Soveraignty of God; he re­plyed, Oh I cannot! I would be above him! O that there should be an Eternal blessed Being, and I sure never to enjoy him; there shall be an Eternal Wrath and Punishment, and I sure to fall un­der it. I shall be an eternal Monument of the Wrath of God—Pride and Co­vetousness hath ruined me, it hath un­done me; I have been too much influen­ced thereby: I have been a Hypocrite, I am so now: I seem to repent, I do not, I cannot repent: And walking to the end of the room, turned back with a very stern Countenance, and stri­king his Hand on his Breast, said, No Sir, I cannot pamper this Body, for God will have it made a remarkable Ex­ample to this Generation. He cryed out against himself for charging those that hold the Doctrine of Personal-Election with Consequences beyond the Sense of their Minds or Principles; I have, said he, made this World my God, I have been guilty of Idolatry, I have been guilty of Pride, endeavouring to run eve­ry Man down in Dispute; I have endea­voured to shake the Cross off my Shoul­ders; how deplorable a thing is this, that I that have preached so much of the glo­ry of another World, should now be de­prived of it all: You will as surely see me damned, as you now see me stand here.

To others he said, I have trifled in Religion, trifled, trifled—I am lost, there is no Hope, no Hope: At another time he said, The black Tokens of Re­probation are upon me: He said to Mr. Plant, smiting on his Breast, Sir, I am Damn'd, I am Damn'd; it is so most certainly: My day is over; O that it was with me as in days past! but it is too late, the Decree is gone forth, it is Sealed in Heaven, and it is irreversible. Jesus Christ cannot save me, he will not, [Page 51] he cannot Mediate for me, I have so much offended him, in malici­ously abusing of his People: O what a Wretch was I! what a Spirit was I led by! I have guilt enough, said he, to sink seventeen King­doms, and I know the Earth would open its mouth and swallow me a­live, like Corah, Dathan and Abiram, were it not that God hath reserved me to be a more publick Spectacle of his Anger and Displeasure both to Angels and Men. I can neither Pray, nor de­sire others to pray for me; my Heart is perfectly hardened; how should I, when I cannot desire Jesus Christ to pray for me; flouds of Tears flowing from him, Dear bought Experience, saith he, hath taught me, that it is no small thing to trifle with him in the great things of Religion and Eternity, &c. In one of his Letters sent to Mr. James Jones are these Expres­sions, viz. Being possessed with Doubts, Fears and Tremblings, night and day, the sad savour of Gall and Wormwood, an hor­rible Relish of Gravel-stones, the sad Apprehensions of Curses, Blast­ings and Mildew—the dis­mal sound of the mad Prophets words, I shall see him, but not now, I shall behold him, but not nigh —had I been a Backslider of an ordinary size—I have a Voice behind me, or dire Texts—to love and make a Lye is a qua­lification for the Lake.

His poor Wife, as I remem­ber, intimated to me, that the very Ends of the Halr of his Head in the Night-season did stand in Drops thro' the An­guish of his Soul.

Thus he continued for seve­ral Months under most dread­ful horror and fearful despa­ration, until the 13th. of Octob. 1684. when to put an end to The Narrative concerning Mr. Child is Sold by Tho. Fabian at the Bible in Cheapside, and worthy it is, Reader, of thy perusal. his miserable Life, he hang­ed himself in his own hired house, in Brick­lane near Spitle­fields, London, leaving a sorrowful Wid­dow and several Children: But she poor Woman lived not long after. 'Tis to be noted, that there was a strange blast upon his Estate, for tho' I un­derstood by a Friend that was intimate with him, he was little before his fall worth near a thousand pounds, yet I can hear but of a little left to his Chidren, his Eldest Son being but in a low and mean Condition. I take not upon me to pass Judgment upon this miserable Man, not knowing how God might deal with him, whose Mercy is Infinite, for I do not believe Self-murther is an unpardonable sin; for if so, there is more Sins unto Death than one; certainly it is a Sin against the Father and the Son, and not against the Holy Ghost, and therefore may be forgiven un­to [Page 52] men, who may before their Life is quite gone have Re­pentance given to them. But I am of the Opinion, (with a worthy Minister that visited him) that if any Atheist in the World who had former­ly known this man, and had conversed with him in his bitter Agonies, he would have seen sufficient Demon­strations to have convinced him that there is a dreadful God, or a Power besides and above Nature, who can touch, shake, and disorder, and turn into Confusion the strongest constitution of body, by mi­nistring and fastning terrible things upon the Soul; and as he saith, let this Pillar of Salt tend to warn and season the People of this present and future Ages, of the danger of sinning against the light of their understanding.

Moreover, it doth I am sure serve with a witness to prove, and fully to demonstrate the truth of that Proposition I am upon, viz. That God doth some­times let out his Wrath on the Consciences of some men, for their horrid evil in this World, which seems intollerable and hard to be born or undergone by any Mortal. But,

Secondly, To proceed, by buring up the Chaff with unqueneba­ble fire, or by the Wrath of God in this place, our Blessed The fire of Gods eternal wrath opened. Saviour doth intend, casting the wicked into Hell it self: Remar­kable it is, that no less than four or five times the Lord Christ positively affirms in Mark 9. that the fire of Hell into which Body and Soul of wicked men shall be cast, cannot be quenched; where the worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched, &c. Why repeat­ed Mark 9. 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48. so often? is it not to assure all ungodly persons of the certain­ty of it? Men are not willing to believe this great truth, they are too ready to think that it is inconsistent with infinite good­ness to inflict such Punishment on his Creatures, but alas, they forget that there is an infinite perfection in every one of the Divine Attributes, and that as Gods mercy is infinite, un­searchable, and unconceivable, so is his wrath and fury; none are able to conceive, much less to declare, what pain and anguish the damned undergo. What torments like fire? and what fire is so hot and so tormenting as Hell-fire? sad it is to burn half an hour in an Elementary fire, yet the Martyrs have endured that for Christs sake; God made it easie to some of them: But alas, who can bear the burnings of Hell-fire, when wrath shall be let out upon the Soul to the utterermost?

O Sirs, what a fearful thing will it be to be found chaff, and false hypocritical Reasons! such cannot escape the damnation of Hell; [Page 53] No, nor can any sinner whatsoever, except they believe, repent, or are born again; there is no avoiding being cast into unquencha­ble fire.

Thirdly, I shall now endeavour to prove the point, viz. That the Wrath of God in Hell is intollerable, and far greater than any Wrath let out here, either on the Bodies or Souls of men; which will ap­pear, if we consider these particulars following:

First, The extremity of their Torment will appear, upon the Consideration that it is inconceivable, beyond all mens un­derstanding; Psa. 90. 11. who knoweth the power of thy Anger? who can ap­prehend Tormens of Hell inconcei­vable. it, or is rightly and duely affected therewith? we can conceive of all bodily pain, or external Torment, but cannot com­prehend the Nature of infinite Wrath, no more than we can conceive or apprehend the Nature of infinite Love and Goodness.

Secondly, It is and will be intollerable, because it is according to that fear, nay beyond the fear that an awakened Conscience hath Hells Torments according to the fear of them. of it; even according to thy fear so is thy Wrath. O what fright­ful thoughts and astonishing fears had Spira and Child of Gods Wrath: Now Sirs, it cannot be said of the Wrath of God as some other things, or of Death it self, i. e. that the fear is worse than the thing; No, no, according to the fear, so is the the Wrath and Vengeance of an angry God: The fears of a dread­ful Deity are not vain Bugbares, and the effects of ignorance, or of a crasie head, of Folly, Melancholly, or Superstition, as some Atheistical Wretches are ready to say; No, no, but it is grounded and built upon solid Foundations, as it is in part made manifest sometimes by the terrible effects upon mankind, (as I have hinted.) Wrath bears proportion unto the great­est fear of it, nay, doth far exceed the fear thereof, and what prepared Plagues, infinite pains, intollerable anguish, have some self-accused, and self-condemned mortals feared and looked for? what is the nature of that certain fearful looking for of Judg­ment Heb. 10. 26. and fiery indignation? why now according to the fear of it, so will the thing it self be. Some have felt much Sorrow, but have feared much more: Mans thoughts and fears exceed all that can be expressed, &c.

Thirdly, The Wrath of God will be intollerable in Hell, No pains like the pains of Hell. and the extremity of the damned amazing, if we compare that misery and anguish with all, or any, nay the worst of Plagues and Punishments that can be undergone in this World; I mean of all temporal Miseries, as Pestilence, Famine, War, or any tormenting Disease, as the Stone, Gout, &c.

[Page 54] 1. These may be but the Fatherly Rebukes and Chastenings of the Almighty; not from a Sin-revenging hand, but a Sin-correct­ing hand of God; not in Wrath, but in Love; but if his Anger be so terrible when he chastizes as a compassionate Father, what is his fury when he punishes as a severe Judge? if he deals thus sharp­ly with those he loves, what will their portion be whom he hates? if his Wisdom leadeth him forth thus to corect in mercy, what will be the strokes of his Justice and incensed Wrath and Fury?

2. The Miseries of this present Life are abated, or mitigated with the mixture of some Sweet: None are so universally af­flicted, so deplorable, but some thing remains to ease their suf­ferings and tormenting pains: Judgments are tempered with Mercys. No man (as one observes) is tortured with all Dis­eases, nor forsaken of all Friends; besides, if the Malady be in­curable and remediless, yet their grief is a little allayed by the Sympathy of Friends and Neighbours: But in Hell the damned are tortured and surrounded with pain and horror, and incom­pass'd with flames, without any mixture, nothing to refresh their distressed Souls and Bodies, no, not one drop of water to cool their Tongue. The rich Man desired but so much water that Lazarus could bring upon the tip of his finger, and it was denyed him.

Fourthly, The State of the Damned is void of the least de­gree Luk. 16. 24. of Comfort, Ease and Refreshment: The same shall drink of No Ease, no Comfort in Hell. the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture in­to the Cup of his indignation, and he shall be tormented with fire and His Wrath without mix­ture. brimstone in the presence of his holy Angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: They shall have Judgment without Mercy, Sorrow without Joy, Pain without Ease, Darkness without Light, Rev. 14. 10. all felicity is totally withdrawn. Pitty is the cheap and smallest relief any here can meet withal in misery, not denyed to the most guilty notorious Criminal, but yet this is not afford­ed to the damned; all their bitter Crys cannot move the Com­passion of God nor the Blessed Angels or Saints in Heaven to­ward them, for they are not Objects of Compassion, their Mi­series being the just punishments of an offended God, whom they wilfully and of their own choice contemned, thro' love to Sin and this present World; besides, in Hell all humane affections are extinguished for ever. Ah, this is the quintisence and per­fection of Misery, the excess of Anguish and Sorrow, to be deprived of all good things pleasing to our desires, and to suffer all evils from which we have the deepest aversation and [Page 55] abhorrence; for as in Heaven all Good, all Felicity, all Joy, is inconceivable, so in Hell all evil is felt and endured to the highest degree, and nothing but what is evil.

Some of the greatest miseries that Mortals have met with here in this World, have been inflicted upon them by the hand of Man, (whose power is but little, and oft-times restrained and mittigated by the Lord) as in the case of the poor Martyrs: But in Hell the pain and punishment the of damned will be from the immediate hand of Almighty God, whose power is Infinite; nay, and it shall be according to his glorious Power, or the great­ness of his Power; Who knows the power of thine anger? When 2 Thess. 1. 9. Psa. 80. 11. infinite power is exerted in punishing the offending Sin­ner, who can conceive of that? what are the Lashes of a small Whip, to that with Scorpions? or the stroaks of a Child, to the blows of a Giant? but alas, this will not reach it, be­cause the Stroaks of Gods Wrath are incomprehensible; in Hell he lets out the perfection of his Wrath, as in Heaven the per­fection of his Love, &c. The Sorrows and Miseries we en­dure here from the hand of God, may by Repentance, by Cryes and Tears, through Christs Blood be taken off; God hath pro­mised to ease such who fly unto him (and look up to his Son) of their burthen, as he did those that were stung with fiery Ser­pents in the Wilderness, who looked up to the brazen Serpent; but no Tears, no Cries, no Repentance, will do in Hell, there's no Gospel preached, no means of Grace afforded, no Christ held forth.

Fourthly, The Torments of the damned will be dismal, in­tolerable The damned cast into a laye of fire. and amazing, because they shall be cast into a lake of fire, or be tormented with fire. O how amazing is it, to be thrown into a fierce fire! look into a Glass-house, (behold their burning Furnaces) or into a hot Oven; can you bear the thoughts of being thrown into one of them? whether the fire of Hell be material or metaphorical Fire, however the reality and extensiveness of the Torment is signified by it, held forth by it, and as in other tropes in the Scripture, the things signified or held forth by those Meta­phors far exceed what they are borrowed from, so no doubt it is here, our ordinary fire is not an adequate Representation of the fire of Gods Wrath, tho' it may seem to set it forth to our Capacities in some measure; what is the fire that man kindles, to the fire that God kindles? nay, to that Divine Wrath doth kindle? The breath of the Lord, like a stream of brimstone doth kindle Isa. 30. 33. it. It is mingled with the most tormenting Ingredients, and not [Page 56] a little of it, but a River; this serves so Illustriously to set it forth, that as one hints, as some of the Ancient Fathers expressed it, if one of the damned might pass out of Hell flames into the fiercest fires here, it were to exchange a torment for a refreshment.

Fifthly, It will be intolerable, because the punishment of Hell Hell Torments can never sa­tisfie Divine Justice. is to satisfie Divine Justice, to pay the just Debt owing to God for the breach of his holy Law; true, because sin is an infinite wrong, and the Creature is but finite, they can never pay the Debt, nor make a satisfaction for the injury done to God, therefore they must suffer eternally; they are always a paying, but can ne­ver fully pay what they owe, Justice requiring the utmost far­thing: Mat. 5. 26. Nothing can surely set forth the dismalness of their tor­ment more than this. Oh take a view of Divine Wrath in the sufferings of our Blessed Saviour, when he stood in our stead, and was to satisfie for the Sins of all the Elect, how did it bring him down prostrate to the ground, and made him sweat great drops of blood, and to Cry out, My Soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto Death! Tho' he was God as well as Man, and had the Strength of the infinite Deity to support him: Ah Sirs, this wrath laid upon finite Creatures, will sink them down to the lowest Hell, and grind them to Powder.

Sixthly, It will be Wrath-amazing, and very terrible Wrath, The Torments of Hell seize on the Souls of the damned. because it will seize on the Soul of the Sinner, it will put the Soul into the fire: The Soul hath been the chief sinner here, and therefore shall be the chief sufferer in those Regions of Sorrow; and how unsupportable is that Wrath which is let out on the Soul or Spirit of man, you have had a taste in Spira and Child. If, Sirs, a spark of Divine Displeasure, when it falls upon the guilty Conscience, tears it to pieces, what will be those floods of Divine Wrath poured forth in Hell on the Souls of Men and Women? who can stand here whilst in this World before an Angry God, or encounter with Offended Omnipotency? such is the sharpness of his Sword, the heaviness of his Rod, when laid on by the hand of his Wrath, that every stroak is deadly, and no doubt Satan greatens the wounds on the Conscience, he charges the guilt up­on their Spirits with all the Soul-killing aggravations, and strives to hide Divine Mercy, and Rob the Soul of the precious Blood of Christ, the only lenitive and choice balm to heal a wounded Spirit. O what visions of horror, what sence of fear, and per­plexity, were presented to the distressed minds of these two mi­serable Creatures before mentioned! the guilty Conscience turns all Joy into Sorrow, all Light into Darkness, the sweet Promises [Page 57] of the Gospel, that assure of favour and pardon to believing Sin­ners, afford no relief, but are turned into arguments of Despair, by reflecting on their former Iniquities and abuse of Mercies, so that Christ himself they see is become their Accuser.

‘Whatever the wounded Sinner sees and hears (saith a wor­thy Minister) afflicts him, whatever he thinks of, torments him; all the diversions in the World, Business, Pleasures, Merry Con­versations, Comedies, are as ineffectual to give him freedom from those stings and furies in his breasts, as the sprinkling of holy Water is to expel the Devil from a possessed Person; those who in their Pride and Jollity have despised serious Religion, ei­ther as a fond Transport and Extasie, or a dull Melan­cholly and Dejection about the Soul, &c. yet when God has set their sins, with all their killing circumstances, before their Eyes, how changed, how confounded are they at that ap­parition! how restless in the dreadful expectation of the doom that attends them!’ But alas, alas, what is internal Wrath let out on the Soul in Hell, as he notes? for the Aprehensions of the Soul will be enlarged, and their spirits work with the quick­est activity: Here tho' they have no hope at present, yet they know not what God may do in a moment to turn their Sorrow into Joy, and their Night into Noon-day; here are many things to divert their thoughts, and they meet with some intermission of their horror and perplexity, as Mr. Child intimated, but in Hell there's none of this.

Seventhly, It will be intolerable misery, because it shall be Torments on the Body and Soul too, not on the Soul only, Body and Soul both shall be tormented in Hell. but on both. O it will be a dismal Meeting, when they two old Companions meet together at the last day, I mean the mise­rable Soul and Body of a wicked man, at the Resurrection, and hear the dolesom Sentence, Go ye cursed. Spira and Child had diteful Sorrow and Anguish in their Souls, but their Bodies were not much tormented, they both being in a state of Health as to the outward man; but the fire of Gods Wrath will ex­tend to and seize upon the Body as well as on the Soul in that day; every Faculty of the Soul and Member of the Body which have been Instruments of Sin, shall then be in Pain, and under fearful Torture and Misery: Now the Spirit of a man may support or sustain his bodily Infirmities and Afflictions, but in Hell the Spirit cannot afford any Relief to the Body, be­cause it cannot sustain its own misery, both must and shall suffer.

[Page 58] Eighthly, All the Perplexing Passions and Faculties will then be let out upon the wicked, beyond whatever they have been here whilst in this World.

1. The Conscience in a fearful manner shall torment the damned: Conscience will torment the damned. May we not conclude Conscience will terrifie them after this man­ner? O thou Wretch, what a God hast thou lost, (who is a most infinite, suitable, seasonable, and a Soul-satisfying Good! what a Christ art thou deprived of, who died for poor Sinners! how often did he knock at thy Door, calling upon thee, in­treating thee to let him in, who stood with his Arms spread open to embrace all that came to him! and what a Heaven and endless Joy hast thou contemned, and this for one base Lust, for bruitish Pleasure for a moment, for a little Earthly Profit, and sinful Honour! How didst thou hearken to thy vile Companions, and close in with them, rather than adhere to me, who accused thee for thy cursed Evils! thou wouldst not mind those Checks and Lashes thou hadst from me in thy Bosom; did not I tell thee what thy Pride, thy Lying, thy Swear­ing, thy Whoreing, thy Theft, thy Cheating, thy Cove­tousness, and Cruelty to the Poor, or Unmercifulness, thy Neglect of the means of Grace, and of Gospel or Christian Duties, thy Hardness of Heart, thy Unbelief, thy Hypocrisie and Formality, would bring thee to in the End? This is the gnaw­ing Worm that dyeth not: O how fearfully will Conscience ter­rifie and torment the Soul of the Damned then! now it is Blinded, Misled, Deceived, may be seared with a hot Iron; but then it will be throughly awakened, and all Vails taken off; it will lay unmerciful Blows upon the Soul, and make it cry, yea, roar, and none to speak a word to allay or appease its Ac­clamations and its fearful Outcries: You may judge of the Na­ture of a Tormenting Conscience in Hell, by what those have found and experienced to be the Effects of it, who have been under Desparation in this World.

2. Shame also will torment them, some shall rise to Shame and Dan. 10. 2. Shame will tor­ment the dam­ned. everlasting Contempt. O what Shame and Confusion of Face shall the Damned be cloathed with! should a King lose his Crown and Kingdom to get a few Cockle-shells, would it not bring Shame upon him? O how will the Damned Soul cry, I have for meer Toys and Trifles lost that God that made me, that Christ that is worth ten thousand Worlds, even he that is the Pearl of great Price: I have been that Judas that did not value him above thirty pence, no, not above the sinful Profits of this [Page 59] World, not above the Pleasure of Sin, and the filthy Lusts of the Flesh; thus will the unclean Person be ashamed, Shame will torment him; I must, saith he, now lye in Hell for ever, and pay dear for my Folly.

2. The Drunkard will be also tormented with Shame: I was such a Fool, (he then may say) that for the sake of my Cups, and Love to my cursed Companions, and merry Bouts, have lost God, the Perfection of Happiness; I rather chose to go to the Ale-house, or Tavern, to Drink and carouse with these Dam­ned Wretches, than to go to hear Gods Word; I derided them that feared to sin against God, and accounted them Fools, but I must lye in Hell for ever, and pay dear for my wickedness.

3. Shame also will torment the Proud and Ambitious Person: Ah what a Fool was I, he will say, to love the Praise of Men more than the Praise of God! I sought vain Honour, and pleased my self with a Name, all my Design was to be great, and had in Esteem among Men; I was proud of my Estate, and despised he Poor; I was of a Haughty Spirit, and gloried in my Titles of Honour; I sought the Favour of my Prince, but regarded not the Favour of God; I was proud of my Parts, I gloryed in my Gifts, in my Beauty, in my Strength; I delighted my self in Antick Dresses, and in Decking of my Vile Body that now is here burning in Hell; I was so Graceless, that I would not leave off Idle and Foolish Fashions, though Godly Mini­sters were grieved at me, and told me my Doom, and tho' God bore Witness against my High Head and Haughty Heart, by strange Prodigies in Nature, seen in divers poor Animals, yet I still vaunted my self in Pride, and Wantonness, and laught at Christs Ministers when they reproved me. O what shame torments me now, here must I lye in Hell under Gods Wrath for ever, and pay dear for my Folly!

4. The prophane Swearer and Blasphemer will be also tormented with Shame: O, saith he, I looked upon my self to be no small Person, but one of the Hero's of my Day, and fit to keep Company with great Men, because I could swear and curse with any of them; how often did I call upon God to Damn me! I have but that which I desired, he hath now damn'd me indeed: I acted like a fearless Brute Beast: O what Shame do I find my Soul covered with, that I should cast away my self for that filthy Vice that was no Profit to me any manner of way!

5. Shame also will terrifie, and bring Confusion upon the carnal [Page 60] Worldling, or Covetuous Person, who made this World his God I had, he will say, store of Gold and Silver in my Bags and Chests, where it lay to rust, but I refused to feed the Poor, and to cloath the Naked, I regarded no distressed Members of Christ; I set my Heart upon my Earthly Treasure, valuing it above God and Jesus Christ: O what a Fool was I, in that I could not foresee how soon I must leave all that which I had gathered. I to get the World, slighted, nay, despised my own Soul; now if I had ten thousand Worlds, I would give them for the Favour of God, nay for one drop of Water to cool my Tongue.

6. The Lyar moreover will be tormented with Shame. Ah! saith he, how often did I read, that those that did love and make Lies should burn in this Lake, but I would not believe it; I damn'd my own Soul by telling Lies to please my graceless Compa­nions, even to cause them to laugh and be merry, or to excuse my self, and free me from shame when on Earth, or for a little worldly Profit, Gain, or for popular Applause, I made no Conscience of telling Lyes: O what Shame doth these things now bring upon my Spirit!

7. The Seducer and Heretical person likewise will be filled and tor­mented with shame, who preached false Doctrine, or sucked in detestable Errors, laying aside the chief Corner-stone, and mag­nifying Morality, or the Light of natural Conscience, above Christ: I seemed, saith he, to be a strict and zealous Person, and deceived multitudes of People, but for trusting in my own Righteousness, for hugging a few base filthy Raggs I am dam­ned: I was ignorant of Gods Righteousness, and of the Myste­ries of the Gospel, yet gave out that none were true Christi­ans but such as my self; I denyed that Christ that bought me, and did not believe the Resurrection of my Body, but now I find how the Devil blinded my Eyes, and now here tormented with Shame I must lie in these flames, Body and Soul for ever! O! and what a multitude of poor deluded Creatures have I been an Instrument to bring into this place! Wo is me that ever I was born!

8. The Hypocritical Professor will be tormented with Shame also: I rested (he will say) upon a bare Name of being Religious, pleased my self with the Shell, with an empty Cabinet, with­out the Jewel, a Lamp of Profession, with a Form of Godli­ness, my Business was to keep up my Credit amongst Gods People, that they might take me to be one of them; yet my own Conscience often told me I was not sincere, I loved not the Life [Page 61] and Power of Godliness, I did all to be seen of men, had base ends, I appeared abroad to be what I was not at home: O what Shame now torments my Soul! I had a darling Lust which I would not forego, my heart was never really changed—Thus I might go on to the rest, &c. O what Shame will seize upon the Sinner, when all his vain Excuses are laid open, and all his Extenuations of his Guilt are discovered, when his se­cret Deeds of Darkness are published (as it were) on the House-top, when his Breast shall be transparent to all Eyes, when his inward Thoughts, cursed Lusts, cruel Malice, Mur­thers and Deceits, are made manifest, and all his beastly Sen­sualities shall be laid open before God, Angels and Saints, when the Vails and Covers of Shame shall be taken off, how will he be confounded for ever!

9. The Devil also no doubt will reproach them for their Folly, The Devil will upbraid the damned. though he be in Misery with them: Ah thou Wretch, may not he say, wast thou not a Fool to believe me, (whom thou wast often told was a Liar from the Beginning) and wouldst not believe thy God? See how I have betrayed thee, and blind­ed thine Eyes, and made thee taken with silly Rattles, Toys and Triffles; I presented thee with false Money, with brass Coun­ters, and thou didst take them, and refuse precious Gold and Pearl; I knew I was damned, and should be tormented, and I out of Malice to thy Soul resolved to try to make thee as miserable as my self, and I have done it: Alas I had no power to force thee, but I saw thou hadst no Strength to resist my Enticements, nor didst thou see thy own Disability, I hid it from thee, that thou mightest not look up to Christ for Help: I made thee believe thou wast a Christian, it was I that told thee thy Heart and State was good, (when I knew thou wast an undone Man) and thou didst believe me; I had more Ho­nour shewed me by thee, than the Great God; thou didst be­lieve me, and wouldst not believe Him, his Word, his Mini­sters. Ah how just is it, thou Fool, that thou should'st lie here with me to Eternity in these Flames,

3. Moreover, Sorrow will violently penetrate and seize on the Soul of the Damned, partly upon the Account of what they The sorrow and despair of the damned will be great. have lost, together with the sense of the Evil they feel. O how great is the loss of an earthly Kingdom! doubtless no little Grief and Sorrow to a King who meets with that Affliction, but what is that to the loss of the presence of God, the Vision of God, and the glorious Enjoyment of Christ, and the Eternal [Page 62] Crown and Kingdom above. Oh! what Grief and Perplexi­ty will this be unto them, especially when they reflect on the small value of those Things for the sake of which they de­prived themselves of Eternal Felicity! How have some mourn­ed for the Loss of an Husband, a Wife, or Children! What will then the Sorrow be for the Loss of Jesus Christ? Christ is lost, Heaven is lost, and now here must I lye! O gulph of misery, dolesom darkness and endless Torment!

4. Despair will torment them also, this will make their pain and anguish more intolerable. O how dismal was the De­spair of Spira and Child, but in Hell it will exceed, it will be utter Despair, without all Hope and Intermission!

5. Fury and Rage will afflict them also: O how will they tear, roar and howl in a hideous manner, hating themselves and cursing those that inticed them to sin and folly, and to slight the eternal Joys of Heaven?

Tenthly, The Misery which the Damned undergo in Hell will be great, upon the Account of their hateful and amazing Compa­nions, The wicked in Hell shall have the frightful company of Devils. viz. the Devils, they must dwell with Devils for ever: how have some who have but thought they have seen the Devil, trembled, and been terrified! Alas, alas! in Hell sinners shall be continually with him, nay with millions of Devils; who can express the Horror that will seize on the damned in this respect? We do not love to see such who have ruined us of our Estates, robbed us out of Malice of our good Names; a King in Chains, in a Dungeon, cannot like to behold the vile Traitor that dethroned him, that wounded him, and stript him of all his Royal Robes; thus hath the Devil dealt with those mi­serable Creatures of lost Mankind that are damned; yet he shall be with them, and be their Companion, and may, as you heard, reproach them, which with the constant sight of his ugly face, will add to their Misery and Sorrow.

Eleventhly, The Place of Torment is called a Lake of Fire, yet Hell is a dark place. it is called utter Darkness, they shall never see the least Glimpse of Light any more for ever. O how grievous is it to dwell in darkness! the Darkness of Egypt no doubt was one of their worst Plagues, Darkness that might be felt, but alas what was that Exod. 10. 21. darkness to the darkness which the damned shall be in; and feel to Eternity? If therefore the fire of Hell be material fire, yet it will not be like our common fire, the Property of which is to give Light; but it will be dark fire: God can change that quality of Fire, if he please, tho' it may have all other Pro­perties, [Page 63] yet not that. The Holy Ghost saith, speaking of the ungodly, who are as Clouds without Water, Trees whose Fruit is wi­thered, twice dead, plucked up by the Root, that to them is re­served the Blackness of Darkness for ever. The blackness of Dark­ness shews the Horror of their Punishment, and it being reserv­ed Jude 13. for them, shews the certainty of it: As their Deeds have been deeds of Darkness, Works of Darkness, and some of them have wrought Wickedness in secret, or in darkness, so their Punishment shall be Darkness, never to have the least Glimpse of external, nor internal, nor eternal Light, any more for ever.

Eleventhly, The Torment of the Damned is and will be in­tolerable, because it will be for ever and ever, the Eternity Torments of the wicked Eternal. of their Misery is that which above all things renders it amazing, 'tis called in my Text unquenchable Fire: O how astonishing is this! all the Tears of those miserable Wretches can never quench one spark of the fire; no, no, if they could weep a Sea of Brinish Tears, or a Sea of Blood, it could not al­lay or extinguish the least spark of divine Wrath. God will never reverse the dismal sentence: How often doth our Saviour say, there the Worm dyeth not, and the Fire is not quenched: Sure he Mark 9. repeats it so oft, as I hinted before, because the Heart of Man is ready to question the Truth thereof. Wicked men are not willing to believe it, but they shall find it to be true, to their end­less Sorrow at last: Ah Sirs, the Thoughts of this drives them into the greatest Horror imaginable; if Pain and Anguish be never so extream, yet if there is Grounds to hope and believe it will be but short, that affords some Ease, some Relief; but when there is no hope, but they must bear it as long as they live, (tho' they may live ten, twenty or thirty years) the Thoughts of this is intolerable. What then shall we say of the Torments of the Damned, which as they are far beyond all pain and misery that ever mortal felt on Earth, so they will abide to the days of Eternity; should one of you be cast into a Fire, a fierce Fire, and it was possible that your Body might lye there­in, burning, and broiling, and you not be able to dye, for an hundred years, would not the Thoughts of such Punish­ment be exceeding frightful and tormenting; but alas, alas! what is an hundred years to Eternity, if after ten hundred thousand million of years are run out in Hell, the damned might hope their Torments would be over, it would relieve them, but when so long a time (comparatively) is gone, they shall not be one moment nearer the end of their Sorrow and [Page 64] Misery: If one sand of the Sea shore was removed, and but one in a year, yet should that be done or continued every year, un­til all the sands on the Sea-shoar were removed, (tho' it would be a long time first) yet they would be all removed at last: And had the Damned but so much hope, that after so long a time as that would amount to, their Torments would have an end, it would revive their Spirits. O this word Eternity, Eternity, is most amazing to wicked men! besides, as in Pleasures, Joy and Delights, time seems to slide away in a silent and insensible man­ner, so in horrid Pain and Misery the days seem long and te­dious, every minute is accounted; so that the Consideration of this must needs make their Eternity, if it were possible, a double Eternity, nay, many Eternities; for one hour under the greatest Extremities of Misery seems ten times, nay, an hun­dred times longer than an hours time in the Enjoyment of the sweetest Delight and Pleasure. An Eternity of Joy is long in respect of Duration, but seems short (saith a worthy Di­vine) in respect of Apprehension. So on the other hand, say I, an Eternity of Pain, Torment and Misery, is long in re­spect of Duration, but seems much longer in respect of Ap­prehension.

Quest. But shall there not be an end of the Torments of the Dam­ned? will infinite Goodness be so severe with his offending Creatures? can this stand consistent with the Sweetness of his Nature and infinite mercy?

Answ. I Answer, there is a Perfection in every one of Gods divine Attributes; as his Love is infinite to such who are his Elect ones, who do believe in him, honour and obey him, so is his Hatred infinite to all those who despise, hate and dis­honour him.

2. God will be sure glorifie his Veracity, or the Truth of his Threatning: He that hath said, the righteous shall be saved with an everlasting Salvation, or shall have eternal Life, hath said, that the wicked shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Power: They are 2 Thess. 1. 8, 9. tormented day and night for ever and ever. Now since God hath Decreed and denounced eternal punpishment to obstinate sinners, it is sufficient to satisfie all Doubts about the Justice of it. Let God be true, and every man a Liar; for divine Justice and Wrath is the Correspondence of his Will, Actions, and Holiness of his Nature to the damned: As divine Love and [Page 65] Goodness is to such who are saved; we may therefore, saith one, as easily conceive there is no God, as that God is unjust, because absolute Rectitude is an inseparable per­fection of his Nature; is God unrighteous who taketh Vengance? Rom. 3. 5. 6. God forbid.

3. Sin deserveth no less than an infinite and an eternal pu­nishment, therefore unless the Damned could give an infinite Satisfaction by suffering, they must suffer eternally, for they must lye in Prison until they have paid the uttermost farthing: But alas, how should they make full payment to Gods Justice who run continually into Debt, more and more! for the Damned in Hell do not cease sinning, they will sin to Eternity, and therefore must suffer to Eternity.

4. Nay, they will sin with the greatest Fury and Madness against God, when they come to be under the greatest sence of Despair imaginable; they will sin then like as the Devils do now, and will for ever, when they see they are deprived of all good, and only possess what is evil: O how will they hate God, blaspheme his holy Name for evermore! the blessed God is the Object of their Curses and eternal Aversation; in Hell is weeping and gnashing of Teeth. ‘Extream Sorrow and extream Fury, Despair and Rage (saith one) are proper Passions of lost Souls; their Enmity against God is direct and explicit, the Feaver is heightned into a Frenzy. If their Rage could extend to him, and their Power equal to their desire, they would dethrone the most High; Hatred takes pleasure in Revenge.’ 'Tis said of the Worshippers of the Beast, that they gnawed their Tongues for pain, and Blasphemed the God of Hea­ven Rev. 16. 10. 11. because of their pain: These Torments and Blasphemies of the Damned are clearly represented by these cursed impeni­tent Idolaters.

‘If a Criminal were justly condemned to a severe Punishment, and should contumeliously, with the greatest Fury reproach the Prince by whose Authority he was condemned, could it be ex­pected there should be a mitigation of the severity of the Sen­tence?’ How then should the righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth reverse or mitigate the Sentence against the Damned, who blaspheme his holy Majesty, and if they were able to effect as they are malicious to desire, would destroy his very being, and execute that on him which he in Justice inflicts on them?

5. To hast to the Application: The infinite Guilt that cleaves to sin, and the Consideration that they continually add more [Page 66] Guilt upon their own Heads, requires a proportion in punishment, as the Evil of sin exceeds our Thoughts: The Majesty of God being infinite, consequently the punishment of it will be infinite, and beyond our Conceptions; it will be a let­ting out of his infinite Wrath and utter extent of his power, there­fore unto the Wicked is reserved the blackness of Darkness for ever.


From hence we may inferr, how great Evil there is in sin; O sin is the Plague of all Plagues! who can conceive how de­testable Sin the great­est evil. a thing is sin in the sight of God, since He who is so gracious, merciful and compassionate a God, should throw mil­lions of Men and Women in his Wrath into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.

2. This also shews the woful Depravation of Mankind, what Darkness, Ignorance and Folly is in their Minds and Hearts, that choose Sin, when told not only how hateful it is to God, but what intolerable and durable Torments it doth expose them unto: One would think that a person that hears these things should never indulge his vicious Appetite any more, nor lay his Reins loose on the neck of his Lust, but it is more mar­velous to see or hear that he who believes the Scripture, and doubteth not of the Truth of Hell Torments, should yet not­withstanding lead an ungodly Life; what believe there is such Torments prepared for all impenitent Persons, and yet not turn to God by Jesus Christ!

3. From hence also we may inferr, how necessary it is that Ministers open the Torments of Hell, seeing Jesus Christ so of­ten in the Gospel threatens all Hypocrites and Unbelievers there­with: They that say it is legal Preaching, to preach such a Doctrine as this, know not what they say; will they magni­fie their Wisdom above the Wisdom of Jesus Christ, and the first and great Preachers of the Gospel of Peace, who said, we knowing therefore the Terror of God, perswade Men; that is, to be­leive in Christ, and to live godly Lives, that so they may ne­ver 2 Cor. 5, 11. feel Gods eternal Wrath; the Hearts of Men can more easily conceive of the Torments of Hell than of the Joys of Heaven.

And as it may be of use by way of Information, so also by way of Terror, and that to many sorts of Persons.

1. Tremble ye wordly Professors, who have earthly Spirits, [Page 67] that set your Hearts on things below, and neither cloath the Na­ked, nor feed the Hungry, Weep and howl for the misery that shall come upon you,—ye have heaped Treasure together against the last day; Jam. 5. 1, 2, 3. how will your Folly gall your Consciences when you lye in Hell-Torments! whilst you heap up Gold and Silver in your Bags and Chests, you heap up Wrath against the last day: Remember what Christ says unto you, And these shall go away into ever­lasting Mat. 25. 46. punishment. What will your Profession signifie, if you love the World above God, which be sure you do, if you see a Brother or Sister in want, and do not give them such things that they need: Remember Mr. Child, I have made this World (saith he) my God.

2. Tremble you proud and vain-glorious Persons: Pride, cryes poor Mr. Child, hath undone me; The Proud and all that do wickedly Mal. 4. 1, 2. shall be as stubble, and the day that comes shall burn them up. Will you glory in your Riches, Honours, Gifts, Knowledge, or any thing you have? will you not be reclaimed to throw off your God­provoking Fashions, whatsoever comes of it, but plead to uphold your Lusts and Vanity, tho' the Name of God be dishonoured, and Religion brought into Contempt, and the Godly grieved.

3. Tremble you vain young Men and Women, who forget your Creator in the days of your Youth, that secretly resolve your own Hearts shall choose your ways; who will seed your car­nal Appetites and wanton Desires, and will run on in wicked Courses, let Ministers say what they will, Godly Parents say what they will, yet you will swear, lye, be drunk, commit Uncleanness. O know, as you feed your Lusts here, and that burns in you, so shall Hell feed on you, and that fire like Chaff burn you up hereafter: Will a few merry Hours with your fil­thy Companions make a compensation for the loss of your precious and immortal Souls? Are you willing to suffer the Wrath of God for ever, rather than to forgo your vain and wicked Courses?

4. Tremble ye that harbour Atheistical Thoughts in your Hearts, and are ready to think or hope there is no God: O how soon may you feel him within you, by his terrible Wrath! as Mr. Child in bitterness of Soul cryed out.

5. Tremble ye Lyars, that love to make a lye, for you shall have your portion in the Lake that burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Rev. 21. 8.

6. Tremble ye who are light and frothy persons also, you that are Back-biters, Busie-bodys, that vilifie and reproach the Ser­vants [Page 68] of God out of Malice and Prejudice, you will be as Chaff that shall burn in Hell for ever.

7. Tremble all ye that slight Christ and his Gospel, and neg­lect those convictions you have either of Sin or Duty, and that slight all serious thoughts of Eternity, or how things will go with you in another World, and who stiffle your Consciences, or turn a deaf ear to it's rebukes, God may awaken you er'e long in his Wrath, and tear you to pieces when there is none to deliver you.

8. Tremble all ye Hypocrites, whose Hearts condemn you for harbouring some Sin or another in your bosoms, who are not what you seem to be, but strive to cover your vileness under a cloak of a visible Profession: Fearfulness will soon surprize you: Who amongst us shall dwell with devouring fire? Isa. 33. 14. who amongst us shall dwell with everlasting burning? Hell is that place that is prepared for Hypocrites and Unbelievers: It seems by the Mat. 24. 51. word of our Blessed Saviour, that they above all are in a dangerous Luk. 12. 45. Estate, and shall not escape eternal burning.

9. Tremble ye Apostates, ye who have backsliden from God. O fear, lest God let out his Wrath upon you here, and it burn within you, whilst you are alive in the body; and if it prove a final Apostacy, Wo be to you as ever you were born! then there remains no more sacrifice for sin, but a certain fearful looking for of Judgment, and fiery indignation that shall devour the adversaries. Heb. 10. 27.

Exhort. O Repent, Repent, haste to Christ, believe on him.

1. Motive. The God of mercy exercises much Patience to­wards poor Sinners, O how doth he wait, O how willing is he they should be saved, and not come into the place of Torment.

2. He tells you what your End will be, if you believe not, if you accept not his Son, fly not for Refuge to take hold of Je­sus Christ; if ye believe not in Christ, ye shall dye in your sins; that Joh. 8. 24. is, you shall be damned for ever: He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned. He sets out the Torments of the damued by the most amazing figures, Mark 16. 16. to move upon mens Spirits, and work upon their Minds, so that they being deterred from evil Practices may flee from the Wrath Heb. 6. 18. to come, by laying hold on the hope set before them; he gives warning before he strikes, tells you of your danger; Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish; he that believeth on the son hath ever­lasting life, and he that believeth not the Son, shall not see Life, but the Joh. 3. 36. Wrath of God abideth on him; the wicked shallbe turned into Hell, Psa. 9. 17. with all the Nations that forget God: You may know how it will [Page 69] go with you at the last day, if you hear but Gods warning-pieces in his Word: Know ye not the unrighteous shall not inherit the King­dom 1 Cor. 6. 9. 10. of God? Be not deceived, neither Fornicators, nor Idolaters, nor Adulterers, nor effeminate Persons, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor Thieves, nor Drunkards, nor Extortioners; &c. Com­pared with Rev. 21. 8.

3. God calls, nay cries to you sinners, O ye simple ones, why Prov. 1. 26, 27. will ye love simplicity, and fools hate knowledge! turn ye at my reproof, and behold I will pour out my spirit upon you, &c.

4. He gives sinners time and space to repent, or a day of Grace. O how unex cusable will he leave every ungodly man at the last day! their destruction shall appear to be of themselves; be sure God will be clear when he judges, none shall have any thing to charge him with, all mouths shall be stopped. The man That wanted the Wedding-Garment was speechless.

5. God hath sent his Son to die for Sinners: God so loved the Joh. 3. 16. world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

6. He sends his Ministers to call you, to invite you, who tell you all things are now ready: Sinners, will your sinful Ho­nours, Mat. 22. 7. Riches or Pleasures, make a reparation for the loss of a Christ, the loss of Heaven, and loss of your own souls? Take two or three Directions.

1. Seek the Kingdom of Heaven first, before all things.

2. Take notice, this is the day of your Visitation, know now the Directions. things that belong to your peace, before they are hid from your Eyes: Behold now is the accepted time, &c.

3. Close with Christ whilst the Spirit strives with thee, and be­fore Conscience is seared, or let out against thee, to tear thee in­to pieces.

4. Attend carefully upon the means of Grace, and know assu­redly that the Wages of Sin is eternal Death, even everlasting burnings, therefore renounce it with the greatest abhorrence; know all the Pleasures and Honours of this Life are but the Elements of carnal felicity, and according to the Judgment of Reason and sense would any one chuse the enjoyment of the greatest Pleasures for a day, and afterwards be satisfied to suf­fer the most exquisite Torments for a year? much more folly and madness it is for momentary brutish delights to incurr the fiery Indignation of God for ever.

1. One word to you that are Believers, and I have done. Comsort to Believers O bless God for Jesus Christ, who has born the wrath of God for [Page 70] you, and in your stead, that you might never feel the bitter [...]y, is of it, even Jesus who delivered us from wrath to come. 1 Thess. 1. 10.

2. Admire the distinguishing Grace and special Love of God: We love him, because he first loved us: It was his Love that over­came you. The meer fear of Hell is not sufficient to Convert the Souls of men, tho' it may stop them in their way, and prevent great Abominations in the gross acts thereof, yet does not, cannot renew their Nature, regenerate and make holy their hearts and lives; that Religion that is the meer effect of fear will be according to the nature of its principle, even legal, wa­vering and inconstant; yet the fear of Hell may awaken the sinner, and in some sence prepare for Grace: When the Soul is storm­ed by the terror of Wrath, and the fear of Hell has made a breach, Divine Grace enters, but it is the Love of God and hopes of Heaven that works spiritual affections, (as the Obedi­ence that flows therefrom is Evangelical, free and voluntary, from the entire consent of the Soul) and are abiding.

3. Be content with your Condition, tho' poor in this World, remember Lazarus, how much better was his state than the Rich Glutton's? O do not envy the wicked that are Rich, they will pay dear for their Wealth when they come to Hell, which they with greedy covetous minds heap up. I remember a Passage which is related in History: A General with an Army passing through another Princes Countrey, gave strict Order that no Person should offer to touch the least thing which belong'd to the Inhabitants; but nevertheless one Souldier as they were upon their March, stole a Bunch of Grapes, which the General being informed of, gave Order that he should immediately be put to Death; as he was go­ing to Execution, he tell a eating his Grapes, and some Per­sons looking greedily on him, he observing them, said, Do not envy me my Grapes, for they cost me dear, they cost me my Life.

4. Let it appear to all that you do love Jesus Christ, and pre­ferr the honour of God and his interest above all things in this World; let the main end and design of your Souls in desiring Grace, Gifts, Knowledge, &c. and in all you act and do in his Service, be, that you may advance his Glory.

Sirs, the time is hear when it will be known who are Christs Wheat, true Christians, and who are not; but let all that are but Chaff tremble, for Hell is prepared for them: He will gather the Wheat into his garner, but the Chaffs he will burn up with unquen­chable fire.


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