AN ANTIDOTE FOR Troubled Soules. Or, The Fruit of Repentance.

Taken out of the Word of God, and Delivered to Thomas Jones of the City of Hereford, who was many yeares afflicted both in body and in minde, for violating or prophaning the Lords Sab­bath day: And thinking this Antidote to be part of the Talent which the Lord gave him since he repented for the same, being commanded in his sleep to give an account thereof, he hath thought it requisite to publish it for the good of all penitent Sinners.

Published with License.

Rom. 8.18.

I account the afflictions of this present life not worthy of the glory which shall be shewed unto us.

2 Cor. 4.17.

Our light affliction which is but for a moment, worketh for as a far more exceeding and eter­nall weight of glory.

London, Printed for John Wright, at the signe of the Kings head in the Old Baily. 1646.

The Fruit of REPENTANCE.

Acts 2.38.

Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be bap­tized every one of you in the Name of Iesus Christ, for remission of sinnes, and ye shall receive the Holy Ghost.

WE heard in the former verse the que­stion of these pricked hearts, to Peter and the rest of the Apostles. Men and Brethren, What shall we do? Teaching us how much it imports every Soule to seek for the was and meanes to Salvation. We proceed now to the an­swer given from the mouth of Peter, prescribing the [Page] means of salvation in this verse now read unto you: which are two: first Repentance, then Baptisme, afterwards he perswades them to the practise there­of, in the next verse. At this time only of the first means of Salvation, that is, Repentance.

The Doctrine is,

That he that will be saved, must repent. Men and brethren (say they) what shall we do? meaning, to be saved, as the Gaoler expresseth himelf. Repent. saith Peter: as if he should say, If ye repent, ye shall be saved; but if ye will not repent, ye shall not be saved. Except ye repent, saith our Saviour, ye shall all likewise perish. Luke 13.3.

The reason is, First, because we are all by nature sinners, and consequently under the eternall wrath of God, children of wrath, and there is no means to avoid Gods eternall curse and wrath, without re­pentance. O generations of Vipers, saith John the Baptist to the Pharisees, Mat. 3.7. Who hath fore­warned you to flee from the wrath to come, bring forth therefore fruit meet for Repentance. As if he should say, You think your great holinesse that was shall save you, but who hath taught you to escape the wrath of God thereby? Let me teach you, if you will escape the wrath to come, trust not to your holy religion, but see you make good your repentance.

Secondly, on the condition of repentance God hath promised what Christ hath merited, that is, pardon of sin, Esa. 1.16. The Prophet exhorteth, Wash you, make you clean, put away the evil of your doings, cease to do evil, learn to do well, that is, Repent: And [Page] then in the eighteenth verse he promiseth, Though your sinnes be as scarlet, yet they shall be as white as snow; though they be as red as crimson, yet they shall be as wooll, Act. 5.13. The Apostle saith, They God of our Fathers hath exalted Christ to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance to Israel, and for­givenesse of sins. Pardon of sin, upon repentance. So then, without repentance, there is no means possible to escape the wrath of God. Vpon repentance, God hath promised pardon of all sins, even as Christ hath merited. If any might be saved without repentance, then Christs disciples might be saved: but our Sa­viour tels them. Except ye repent, ye shall all like­wise perish. And if any might not be saved with repentance, then those murtherers of Christ would not be saved. Yet Peter saith, Repent, and ye shall be saved. Vpon this string all the Prophets harped, Repent, Repent. This was John Baptists first Ser­mon; this was the thing that Christ did preach first, and this must be the burden of our song unto the end of the world, Luk. 24.37. It is necessary, saith our Saviour, that repentance and remission of sinnes be preached to all Nations. We preach nothing without repentance, yea, there is no salvation without re­pentance. Now it will be necessary to shew what repentance is: The nature of repentance is a large thing, much hath been written of it. I will give you therefore briefly the cheif part of repentance. In repentance there is the work of God, and the work of man: Gods work is Regeneration a new cre­ation, which makes a man a new creature, by taking [Page] [...]way the stony heart, and giving him a heart of flesh [...]n the place of it: and this is done by a two-fold grace.

First, Preventing grace, which pricks and breaks the heart. Herein he is a meer patient.

Secondly, Subsequent grace, enabling a man to the practice of repentance.

Mans work in repentance stands chiefly in two things, Mourning and Turning, as the Prophet Joel expresseth it, Joel 2.12. Turn to the Lord with fasting, weeping and mourning, rent your hearts, and turn to the Lord. There are the principall parts of repentance expressed.

First then, in repentance there must be a mourn­ing of the heart with godly sorrow for sin, chiefly because God is offended, and Christ pierced, other­wise it is not godly sorrow. This the Apostle, 2 Cor. 7.10. makes the first and chiefest whéel in the clock, or the first mover to repentance. Godly sorrow cau­seth repentance unto salvation, not to be repented of. If thy heart be first broken with godly sorrow, thy repentance is from the heart; else howsoever it doth appear, it is but hypocrisie, it tends to thy greater damnation.

Secondly, after mourning there must be a turning, Act. 3.19. Repent and be converted. This conver­sion must be from sin to God.

First, it must be from sinne. Repent, and turn your selves from all your transgressions, saith the Lord, Ezek. 18.3.

Secondly, this turning must be to God. Repent [Page] and turn to the Lord, saith the Apostle, Act. 26.20.

Now this turning or conversion must have thrée properties.

It must be

  • 1 Inward.
  • 2 Outward.
  • 3 Universall.

First, it must be an inward turning, a change of the heart, Joel 2.12. with all your heart, Ezek. 18. Make you a new heart and a new spirit. This inward change must be by mortifying our concupiscence, by purging out corruption, hiding the Word in our hearts, cherishing the motions of the Spirit. Truth in the inward part, hating sin, and delighting in holinesse.

Secondly, it must be outward. Cast away from you all your transgressions wherwith you have trans­gressed, Ezek. 18 31.

Thirdly, this turning must be universall, as with all the heart, so likewise from all sinne: As the Prophet requireth, Ezek. 18.30.31. Turn your selves from all your sinnes, and cast away all your trans­gressions Secondly, it must be a turning to all good works, Jam. 2.10. If a man keep the whole law, and offend in one point, he is guilty of all. Thus you sée the hate of it: the Definition is this: ‘Repentance is the work of the Spirit of God, whereby a sinner mourns for his sin, and turns to God in all holy and hearty obedience.’

[Page]The use is first for trial. Thou hopest to be saved, [...]nd who doth not? But if thou wilt be saved, thou must repent. Art thou regenerated? Hast thou re­leived the Spirit of grace? Art thou become a new [...]reature? Hast thou mourned in secret with godly [...]orrow for sin? Is there no sin that thou lovest or [...]lowest? Is there no sin but thou hatest, no duty but thou doest (or desirest to do)? Then thou hast [...]epented, else no repentance, no hope of salvation.

The second Vse is for repro [...]e and terror to all [...]mpenitent persons, who had never the grace to mourn for their sinnes, or turn from them to God. Do we not see that the most live in abominable sins, [...]wearing, drunkennesse, whoredome, fraud, lying, [...]osenage, contempt of Gods word, prophaning of the Sabbath, drinking iniquity, as the Axe drinks wa­ [...]er, thinking they shall never have enough? And [...]ow few of these repent? If without repentance, [...]o salvation: what will become of these wretches that live in open practise of abominable sins? Others [...]hink themselves in a good estate, because they are not so bad as others, they are honest civil men need­ [...]ng no repentance, they know no hurt they have done, what shall they repent of? they do no man wrong, [...]hey keep the Church, are good natured & bountifull. But what are all these but splendida peccata? And what is their reward but the wrath of God? Others are so pure in their own eyes, that they think them­ [...]elves past repentance, so clean, as they need no repentance. But Publicans and sinners shall enter into the Kingdome of heaven as soon as they, and [Page] sooner too. And by how much the more cleaner they are in their own eyes, by so much more hatefull are their hearts to God. Like Baalam they will cry, O let me die the death of the Righteous; but never, let [...]e live his life. They will fast and put on mourning countenances; in time of judgement they will seem to mourn, but the oppressed feele no ease from them: when the storm is past, they are euen as Ahab, more wicked then before. Some talk of repentance, but know no more then brute beasts what repentance means. Some, yea the most, in time of sicknesse [...]alk of it: O, if they should liue, then they would be­come new men; if they die, then surely because of [...]his they must go to heauen, charity thinks the best: But if they liue, with the dog they return to their [...]omit, and with the swine to her former wallowing [...]n the myre. Some indéed will mourne, and séem to [...]epent and make restitution: but remember Judas, [...]ll this he did, yet he hanged himself. It is either [...]hame, or to quiet a brawling conscience or the praise [...]f men that makes them do s [...]. They sorrow not for [...]in, because they haue grieued God: they return from [...]ne sin to another, from prodigality to couetousnesse. [...]f such repentance, which is but only a shew, were [...]rue repentance, then we should haue many Re­pentants; But who can find one true Repentant in his day-light of the Gospel? But behold thou [...]retched sinner, the gate of hell opens for thee, Gods [...]urse hangs ouer thy head, thy life i [...] short, and Gods [...]dgement sharp, thy conscience shall be ransacked, by thoughts and deeds laid open, thy self accursed to [Page] the pit of Hell, where thou shalt haue easelesse, end­lesse, and remedilesse pains. If one be rewarded with that curse, if one sin deserves the curse, what will all thy cursed sins deserue?

But God is mercifull, and Christ died for sinners, that is my comfort, say many.

Answ. Yea, but God is iust likewise, mercifull indeed to the Penitent, but iust to the impenitent: And Christ died only for the penitent. God hath been mercifull unto thee, he hath giuen thée means of repentance, and called thée to repentance; but if thou repent not, the mercy of God which thou hast abused, the blood of Christ which thou hast despised, and the Word which thou hast neglected, shall rise up in iudgement against thee, and a thousand milli­ons that haue not grace giuen to them, as it hath béen offered to thée, they shall rise up in iudgement against thee. Therefore it is better (if thou couldst) to say, Christ did not die for thée, and God is not mercifull. Know that thou treasurest up wrath a­gainst the day of wrath. And if thou dost giue us the lie, Moses proviseth, Deut. 29.19. When he shall heare the words of this curse, he shall blesse himself in his heart, saying, I shall have peace, though I walk according to the stubbornesse of mine own heart: Thus adding drunkennesse to thirst, the Lord will not be mercifull unto him, but the wrath of God and his iealousie shall smoke against that man, and euery curse that is written in this book shall light upon him, and the Lord shall put his name out from under heauen.

[Page]The third Vse is, to exhort us, as we hope to be saued, to apply our selues to the practise of repentance, to mourn with hearty sorrow for sinne, to returne from all sinne to God, to the conscionable practise of all good works. Doth not euery soul desire to e [...]cape the wrath of God? (without repentance, if it were possible.)

Quest. But what shall we do to repent?

Answ. It is God that works it in us. Therefore seek to him for it. Now the means that he useth in working is his Word, his Spirit, and correction. By his word he teacheth and worketh repentance in the heart. Thus Paul tels us, that his preaching was to turn the Gentiles from darknesse to light The Word is a hammer to break the stony heart, it is a fire to purge out drosse and corruption, of force to conuert the Soule, as David saith, Psal. 19. It rege­nerateth, sanctifieth, and quickneth the soul to new­nesse of life. Whosoeuer then will repent, must lend [...] diligent eare to the Word of God, and they that despise it, must neuer look to repent: Did men con­sider this, they would either giue off hope of their re­pentance, or be more constant in hearing the Word then they be.

Secondly, Gods spirit is the means whereby re­pentance is wrougyt in the heart Repentance is the work and gift of the Spirit. Therefore while we hear Gods word, we must pray, sigh, groan, and cry unto him for his Spirit, acknowledging we can do nothing of our selues, but his Spirit must work euery grace in us.

[Page]Thirdly, Gods corrections are an ordinary meane, not of themselues, but by the blessing of his Spirit, whereby he works repentance in the heart. Thus Manasses brought to chaines, was brought to repen­tance: Thus the Thief crucified with our Sauiour, learned to repent. Hos. 6.1. Come (say they) let us re­turn to the Lord, he hath smitten us, he hath torn us.

First therefore, if we will repent, we must be di­ligent in attending to the Word, and praying for his Spirit, so to make good use of corrections, to take notice of Gods end, and hand in them, and learn to see the cause of them, which is our sinne; That we sorrow for those sinnes which haue brought such cor­rection upon us.

Secondly, if we will repent, we must labour for a through knowledge of our own estate, What we are of our selues by reason of our sinnes, and likewise the curse of God that is due unto us. To that purpose we must examine our selues by reason of our sinnes, our hearts and liues, by the law of God, and then we shall sée our sinnes, the number of them, and the hainous nature of them. After I was instructed (saith Ephraim) that is, after I came to the know­ledge of my self, I repented, not till we be brought to the sight of our miserable estate, till we be brought to this perplexity, with these pricked hearts, that we know not what to do, can our hearts repent.

Thirdly, labour for faith to apprehend the promi­ses and mercies in Christ Iesus: for though Repen­tance & Faith grow together in time, yet in nature faith is the mouing cause of repentance; Faith and [Page] confidence in Gods mercy that he will receiue us, is a moving cause of Repentance.

Till a man belieue the promises of God, and ap­prehend the mercies of God in Christ by faith, though he be terrified by iudgement, yet he doth grow obsti­nate, and neuer humbleth himself by Repentance.

Motives to perswade us to Repentance.

What néeds more then this? He that will be saued must repent, without repentance nothing can be expected but damnation: more particularly con­sider,

1. Motive.

First, Gods mercy and loue: God is a mercifull God; and that should draw our hearts to repentance, Joel 2.12.

The Prophet useth this argument, Turn unto [...]he Lord with all your heart, rent your hearts, and not your garments, &c. for he is a mercifull and gra­ [...]ious God. There is mercy with thee that thou may­ [...]st be feared (saith David) as if he should say, if thou wert not a mercifull God, to what end were it to [...]epent? But seeing thou art a mercifull God, it is [...]o some purpose to repent: great is the mercy and [...]oue of God to penitent sinners: Let the gift of his [...]nly begotten Son to the cursed death of the Crosse witnesse: Is God so mercifull to us, and shall we [...]ffend him still by our sinne? shall we be so hard [...]nd unmerciful to our own souls, to whom God hath [...]éen so mercifull?

The second Motive is, The consideration of [Page] Christs death and passion should moue us to Repen­tance: Was he pierced for our sinnes, did he suffer the curse of God for our sins? How then should our sinnes that pierced him, pierce our hearts with grief? Z [...]ch. 12.10. As he did those.

Beloded, hath Christ suffered such things for us, and shall we crucifie him afresh with our sinnes? Shall we trample his blessed Body and Blood under feet, and contemn so great a salvation?

The third Motiue may be taken from the means and gracious times wee enioy. This argument Christ and Iohn Baptist in their preaching used to moue the people to Repentance. This is the time of grace and saluation, now is Gods grace plentifully powred out; if these times and meanes will not moue thée, it shall be easier for Tyre and Sydon at the day of iudgement, then for thee.

The fourth Motiue may be taken from the consi­deration of the Cvils of impenitencie, even in this life.

First, Temporall Iudgement that God hath in store for the impenitent and hard-hearted persons that go on in their wickednesse. Rev. 2.21, 22. I gave her space to repent, and she repented not▪ What then? Behold I will cast her in a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribu­lation, except they repent of their deeds. And look thou impenitent heart for the like. This I will do (saith the Lord) Amos 4. And because I do thus unto thee, prepare thy heart to meet thy Lord, O Israel.

The second evil of impenitencie in this life, is either [Page] hardnesse of heart, or horror of conscience: For an impenitent person, when hee hath much offended his conscience with long custome of sin, must needs be filled with great horror. As Cain and Iudas, which made them desperately cast away themselues. And if he bee not thus filled with horror, yet he is possessed with great hardnesse of heart, which is the greatest iudgement that he can have inflicted upon him in this life.

And it followes in the third place, why thou after the hardnesse of thy impitent heart treasurest up for thy selfe wrath against the day of wrath. The more sin thou committest, the longer thou livest in sin and impenitency, and the more wrath dost thou treasure up for thy selfe.

The fifth motive is taken from the benefit of Re­pentance in this life, first it obtaines an assured par­don of all sin, which is the cheifest happinesse in this life: thy sins shall be washed away by the blood of Christ. Thus saith Christ to the penitent woman that washed his féet with her teares, Thy sinnes are forgiven. Of the penitent Publican he saith, This man went home justified. So the penitent person ever obtains pardon and remission of all his sinne, and is iustified in the sight of God.

The second benefit is the removall of all afflicti­ons, Jer. 18.7, 8. I will speak suddenly against a Na­tion or against a Kingdom, to pluck it up and destroy it: but if this Nation shall turn from their wicked­nesse, I will repent of the Plague I thought to bring upon them. If thou repent, God will repent of the [Page] evil. Thus Ninive found by experience. When wicked Ahab did but hypocritically humble himself before the Lord, the Lord was pleased to deferre the Iudgement threatned. How much more when a man applies with a sincere heart to repent of his sins before God? Y [...]a, it will remove Iudgement al­ready fallen. This the Lord promiseth, Chron. 7.4. If God hath smitten thée in thine estate, or other­wise for thy sinne, yet humble thy self, and the Lord will pardon thée, and heale thoo, or at least, if he re­move not thine affliction suddenly, it shall be for thy good, for he will sanctifie them unto thée. Thus did God to David, when he had afflictions: which be­cause they were scandalous, could not be easily and suddenly removed: yet, saith he, it was good for me that I have been afflicted.

3. It is a means to obtain temporall blessings▪ Joel 2. The Prophet exhorteth them to repentance, & adds in the 14. verse, who knoweth if God will re­turn and leaue a blessing behind him? The Pro­phet seems to make it doubtfull, yet it is without all doubt, all question: and in the 18. verse he saith▪ If they repent, he will be iealous of their land, and pitty his people: yea, behold I will send you Corn, Wine and Oyle, and ye shall be satisfied therewith and I will make you no more a reproach among th [...] Heathen. So repentance is a means to obtain temporall blessings in this life for the maintenance o [...] our estates.

Lastly, it is a means to obtain increase of grace with peace of conscience, and increase of ioy and comfort. [Page] Thus Saint Peter exhorts, Repent (saith he) and then he promiseth the gift of the Holy Ghost should flow forth to them, and after grace followes peace and spirituall joy, Christ will make thee par: taker of true ioy, he will dwell with the humble, and revive their spirits. The sixt Motive to perswade [...]is to Repentance, may be taken from the conside­ration of our baptisme, we have set our hands to the [...]eal of baptisme to bind us to the duty of repentance, therefore we are bound to it by our own seale, our own p [...]omise and vow.

Again: Repentance makes our persons & workes [...]cceptable to God, the broken & the contrite heart is acceptable to God. A broken heart (G Lord) thou wilt not despise.

Another Motive may be taken from the considera­ [...]ion of the last judgement. Now God wisheth all men to repent, because hee hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the world with righteousnesse saith Saint Paul. Then shall their sinnes be laid open. O let us bethink ous selves in what estate we would be found before the great Iudge at the last day, whether with our sinnes remaining, or pardon­ed and forgiven.

Lastly, consider the wofull estate of sinners in hel, and the blessed estate of the paitent in heaven. Let the consideration of all those things move us to turne to God by repentance, and make conscience of a new life.

But some will say, repentance is a bitter thing.

But he that will taste of the sweetnesse of salva­tion, [Page] must partake of the bitternesse of repentance.

Is repentacce a bitter thing? know then that the fruit of impenitency is more bitter. Nay, though repentance be bitter to flesh and blood, yet God have­i [...]g [...]fused grace into the repentant soul, it doth be­comen weet unto him But some will say, it I should set my selfe to the practise of repentance, it will be my undoing. I should lose my gaine. But tel me, what will it availe thee to win the whole world, and to lose thine owne soul? Now if thou wilt beleeve Christ, thou shalt gaine an hundred fold, Mat. 19.29. The gaine that thou hast by impenitency▪ what is it but the cause of Gods iudgements against thee? Goe too now ye impenitent wretches, weepe and houle, your garments are moth-eaten. You treasure up riches here to increase Gods vengeance hereafter. But repentance gains Gods blessing in this life, and a Kingdome in the world to come.

Now s [...]me will say, I would faine repent for my sinnes, but I am s [...]umbred with the things of this life, that I cannot apply my selfe unto it.

But cast of the incumbrances of this world first, and know that repentance will not hinder thee in t [...]y honest calling.

Some other would say, I am willing to repent, but I am [...]o intangled with carnall friends, that I shall displease them, and I shall have a weary life with them. But he that forsaketh not father and mother, and brother and sister, and all things else for my sake (saith our Saviour) is not worthy of me. Wilt thou despite God and Christ, and thine owne soule for thy carnall [Page] friends? Repent; then God and Christ, and all the Saints and Angells will be thy friends.

Now others will say, I purpose to repent, and can­not yet apply my selfe unto it. But when dost thou purpose to repent? Is the time in thy hand? Thou knowest not how suddenly thou shalt be cut off, there­fore deferre not the time o [...] thy repentance. Doe we not sée many in their youth, health, a [...]d weal [...]h quickly gone? And dost not thou byd l [...]y make the burthen heavier? encreasing thy s [...]e? Is not the worke harder when thou dost performe it then? In the mea [...]e while thou art the Devils slave. Yet sup­pose thou dost intend, according to thy promise to re­pent in thy sicknesse, or in old age, thou shalt find as the burthen is greater, so the taske to be more hard and difficult, when sicknesse comes, and old age is burthen enough of it selfe and needs not any greater.

Lastly, consider, the gift of Gods grace is not in thy power.

Now is the day of grace now is the appo [...]nted time, and if thou wilt not now accept his grace offe­red unto thee, when thou callest hereafter upon him, how knowest thou if hee will hear thee, seeing now thou refusest grace when it is offered thee? If ever thou meanest to repent, now is the tim [...], slight not the grace of God, now it is offered unto thee.

Some will say I h [...]ve repented already: but if thou hast, thy repentance must be perpetuall and [...]o [...]tinuall, it is not the worke of a day, but o [...] a [...]ise. As long as thou bre [...]the [...]t thou dost sinne; the [...]efore [...]epent as oft as thou sinnest. Betake the s [...]lfe to a [Page] more déep search renew thy repentance daily, looke back to thy former sinnes, and life, to thy birth and corruption, and know that the more thou repentest, the more swéet and easie will thy repentance be, and at last nothing will comfort thy soule so much as re­pentance.

The last use is for comfort to all those that have re­pented indéed, they shall be saved: thou shalt lose no­thing by thy repentance, thou shalt have great recom­pence, thy prayers shall be acceptable to God, thou shalt have peace in death, boldnesse in iudgement, and glory in Heaven.

GENERAL RVLES Of a Godly Life.

He's only wise, who God doth know,
And doth by life his knowledge show.

EVery day thou drawest neerer to thy Death, Iudgement and Eterni­ty. Therefore thinke every day how thou mayest be able to [...]and in that most strict and severe Iudgement, [...]nd so live for ever. Look diligently to thy [...]houghts, Words, and Deeds, Every evening [...]hink thou shalt dye that night, Every mor­ [...]ing thinke thou shalt die that day. Doe [Page] not deferre thy conversion and good works till to Morrow; because to morrow is un­certaine, but Death is certaine, and hangs over thy head every day. Nothing is more contrary to Godlinesse than delay: If thou contem [...]test the inward calling of the Holy Spirit, thou shalt never attaine to true con­version. Deferre not thy conversion and good works till thine old age, but offer un­to God the flower of thy youth It is uncer­taine whether the young man shall live till he be old: But it is certaine that destruction is prepared for the young man that is im­penitent. No age is fitter for Gods service than youth, which flourisheth in body and minde. For no mans sake undertake an e­vill cause, for it is not man, but God that shall hereafter judge thee; do not therefore preferre the favour of men before the grace of God. In the way of the Lord either we goe forwards, or else we goe backwards. Therefore examine the life every day, whe­ther thou goest forwards or backwards in the study of piety; to stand in the way of the Lord, is to goe back; Delight not then to stand still in the course of godlinesse, but [Page] study alwayes to walke in the way of the Lord, let thy conversation be evermore courteous unto all, grievous to none, famili­ar with few. To God live piously, to thy selfe chastly, to thy neighbour justly. Shew favour to thy friend, Shew patience to­wards thy enemie, Shew thy good will to­wards all, an [...] thy bounty to whoml thou art able. In thy life die daily unto thy selfe, and unto thy vices. So in death thou shalt [...]ive unto God.


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