Αγυρτο-Μαςτιξ. Or, some Brief ANIMADVERSIONS Upon two late TREATISES; One of Master George Thomsons, ENTITULED, GALENO-PALE; The other of Master Thomas O Dowdes, Called, The Poor Mans Physitian: With a short Appendix, relating to the Company of Apothecaries.
By William Johnson, Chymist to the Kings Colledge of Physitians, in LONDON.
London, Printed by T. Mabb, for Henry Brome, at the Gun in Ivy-Lane, 1665.
TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, HENRY Lord Marquess of DORCHESTER, Earle of Kingston, Viscount Newark, Lord Pierrepoint, and Manvers, &c.
IF, in the great crowd of dedications, that daily flow in upon your Lordship (the general Patron of Arts) there be [Page] yet a roome left, I would endeavour to break through the press, to throw my self, and this small Treatise at Your Honours feet.
It is in You, my Lord, that Galen and Helmont are reconcil'd, and made friends; and that [...] or wrestling my Authour dreams of, is nothing else, but coming to a close for their mutuall Support; that thus United, each may stand the faster, both pitching on Your Lordship, as upon a Common Pillar. And since this League and Amity of Galcnicall and Chymicall Physick is no where else to be found more Conspicuous, Justice it self must plead my Excuse, if there be any [Page] Presumption in my Humble Desire of Your Lordships Patronage.
I must confesse it was not matter of long dispute or study put me upon this choice; it was of the same date with my Resolution to say something to this Bold Pretender; For, besides, that in Your Lordship, having not onely a Powerfull Patron, but a most proper and competent Judge, I was bound in Gratitude to make use of this opportunity, to witnesse to the World my particular Obligation to Your Lordship for the long Encouragement I have received from Your Honour in [Page] my Profession of Chymistry.
Your Lordship cannot be ignorant, how numerous these Pseudochymists are now grown; who whilest they would be thought, not onely Sons of Art, but Doctors in Physick, Viper like, eat out her very bowels: And though never so Unskilfull, yet they presume to boast themselves and their Juggling Faction, as the only Friends and Zealots for Chymistry; whereas indeed, ignorance alone is the Mother of their Devotion: This Crew I would summon to receive their Sentence at the bar of your Lordships perfect Knowledge and Experience, where I doubt not but these Pretenders [Page] to Pyrotechny, not able to undergoe the Fiery Tryal, will, like their own false preparations, vanish in fumo; and they be discovered to be neither Physitians nor Artists, but meer Impostors. As an Appendix to this Sentence, I hope your Honour will absolve me from my feares of having displeased your Lordship in my present Address, and vouchsafe still to continue me according to my Great Ambition, in the favour of being,
A' [...] - M [...]. OR SOME Brief Animadversions Upon a Treatise of M r George Thomsons, ENTITULED, GALENO-PALE:
OUr Authour throughout his whole Treatise, quarrells so much with Method, that I shal not observe his, by dividing my Reply into Chapters; but by one intire [Page 2] thread of Discourse pass through his whole Labyrinth, that so I may securely strike dead, or which will be all one, discover to the World, the Monster therein lockt up, in his true Dimensions.
In the very Entrance, nothing will satisfie the Fury of our Minotaure, but Galen himself, thinking indeed in him at once to swallow all, that own his Authority; but alas he finds him so tuff a bit, that his venemous tooth cannot enter: His Reputation is so great and Universal, his Parts, Industry and Success in Physick so Eminent, that he is put to it, where to take any hold with his envious fangs, though sharpned with malice and detraction.
It is an Argument of a very ill nature, or of a bad design, to forge a Quarrel between two, the most Eminent persons of their Times; that so he might have some pretense and colour to raise a Faction by assigning to each their distinct followers; this is done all men know, upon a false [Page 3] supposition; for the Judicious and Learned do not build the Praises of Galen, on the Disgrace of Vanhelmont, but honour both according to their respective worth, and are ready to confess that the German on Galens shoulders might possibly see more then he; Nay, Vanhelmont himself will own, that he was Assisted by him in his further prospect: but it is very justly to be suspected, that these Jugglers neglecting of Galen, the Foundation, and per saltum mounted up to Vanhelmont, their heads are grown dizzy, and 'tis no wonder they endeavour to cast a mist before the eyes of others, when they can see nothing distinctly themselves.
The Ignorant Impudence of this man will further appear, when we consider him making it his business, and profest design to cry down Galen, yet at the same time is forc't to confess him a man of Excellent Parts; how this Character can consist with his Ignorance in Physick, I leave to any indifferent judge; since it was in this Science, that his Wit [Page 4] and Learning, not without great Paines and Study, have been transmitted to Posterity; witness those many great Volumes writ upon that subject, which in all Ages Sober and Discreet Physitians have received as the Oracles of Apollo, whom Antiquity makes the God of Physick.
I very much question, whether my Friend has ever read Galen, and more, whether he understands him: I rather believe he speaks against him at a venture, because he has met with a more easie, though a by way, to his ends, which is not with Galen to cure, but delude the Patient; to purge him not of his Disease, but of his Money.
I must confess, that I am not so much an Oratour, as to be able to write Galens Panegyrick proportionable to his merit, and real worth; neither indeed is it necessary, for what use is there of Rhetorick to perswade, what is already so generally believed, both as to his Abilities, and our Authours Ignorance: That [Page 5] which I intend by this Discourse, is to caution all sorts of People, who are unacquainted with any such thing, as a difference between Galen and Helmont, & are apt to be deceived by Master Thomson's scandalous Reproaches of the one, and his great Elogiums of the other; whereas he neither rayles or commends to any other end, then to bring an odium upon the Colledge, and all Physitians in generall, who onely by Sobriety, and long Study commend themselves unto the World: He is not concern'd either to oppose Galen, or cry up Vanhelmont, but in order, to gain a reputation with the people to himself, and the rest of those Fanaticks in Physick, Master Odoud, Master Lockyer, and I know not how many of the like Rabble, Foot-Men Gun-Smiths, Heel-Makers, and Botchers, that are all made Doctors in the Opinion of the Vulgar, who deluded with a few hard words, and the bare Names of Chymical Preparations (which is all the stock these men set up with) are apt to admire what [Page 6] is above their understanding; but I wish they would consider, that they deal with a sort of Jugglers, that do not understand themselves.
Thus, the more plausibly to deceive all that are not capable of enquiring into the Mystery of their Trade, but yet may be apt enough to avoid them as Up-starts; they range themselves under the banner of Vanhelmont, whose Name having made a considerable noyse in the World, they think sufficient to silence such as should question their Knavery; but their ignorance does not a little appear in the very choice of their Patron, for had I been of their Council, I would have suggested to them a more Ancient and Stouter Champion, whom Helmont himself ownes, Theophrastus Paraselsus, who was the first, not that dissented from Galen, but that made any considerable improvement in Chymistry; for it is not to be questioned, but that He and Vanhelmont through their ingenious labour in the fire, made discovery of many Rare and [Page 7] Excellent Medicines; but neither of them buried Galen in the ashes, wholly laying aside, as these men would have the World believe, his sober Rules and Prescriptions; and this ingenuity of theirs hath been abundantly requited by that Esteem, which hath been paid them by most learned Physitians since their time, but especially those now of theColledge, (who for many years last past in all the Universities of Europe have carried the vogue.)
My particular Relation bath given me opportunity of frequent converse with these Famous Men, and when any discourse of Vanhelmont, or any Chymical Authour has occasionally being raised, they were so far from being traduced (as this Impostor in divers places of his Book impudently affirms) that they were never mentioned without some remarques of Commendation; Indeed it is so much against the Nature of any Ingenious Man to Vilifie an Artist (such as doubtless vanhelmont was) that I believe [Page 8] by this it will appear, our Adversaries undervaluing of all, but themselves, must needs be out of malice and base design; for my own part, I may presume to say, (without being guilty of much boasting) it will be acknowledged, by a sufficient Testimony, that I understand my Profession, but I should think my self very ungratefull, if I did not acknowledge the helps and incouragements I have received from the Colledge; 'tis from their favourable influence my fires have received a new light and heat, and they have taken care to blow and cherish the flame.
Let any Judicious man but look back, and compare the practise of our Worthy Physitians for Twenty Years last past, with the preceding times, and he must confess Chymistry, and its Improvement has been their great care, and constant study; that pitch, to which this Noble Art is now advanc't, is ow'd to them, and if it ascend yet higher, the same hands must lend their assistance. Neither [Page 9] am I so put to it, that I should urge barely their favours to my self, though visible for this twenty years, as a sufficient conviction and evidence of their zeal to Pyrotechny; they have given other large Testimonies, nay, most of them have been so industrious, that they have actually put their hands to the plough: if this be to vilifie and reproach Vanhelmont, if this be to oppose Chymistry, they may be justly accused: But since it appears far otherwayes, these Impostors do but betray their envy and ignorance; yet thus much I will acknowledge they have in them of Chymistry, they know well how to blow the coal.
As to the abuses and disrepute the Galenists (as you are pleased to stile our Doctors) have brought upon Physick;
‘Mutato nomine de Te Fabula Narratur:’
Surely the man's asleep, or how could he be guilty of so gross a mistake, for doubtless this part of his Treatise is as it were designed to whip himself and his [Page 10] Juggling Brethren; for at the same time when he mentions the sad Exorbitances, Irregularities, and abuses in Physick, he in plain terms confesses them to be introduc'd by swarms of Quacks in every place numerous, as Locusts; he appearing in the head of this band himself, impudently bidding defiance to the Doctors, & telling them to their teeth, they would fain put them to the rout, if they had power equall to their will; But alas this Exprobation of all others is the most frivolous; for give these Impostors but rope enough, and they will hang themselves, withering like hasty weeds for want of sap and root.
Among his other insignificant reproaches, tis very pleasant to observe, how he quarrels with the Colledge for their plain dealing, and openness, as if they were to blame for imparting their fkill, and expounding the riddle of Physick so far as is susficient to discover the Juggle of these Quacks and Mountebanks.
[Page 11] This Fellow goes on to tax the Colledge with uncharitableness, which accusation is better Answered by the Hospitals then by me, though many thousand other poor people besides can testify their charity and readiness to do them good freely without taking any thing for their Advise; whereas His and his Brethrens, being nothing worth, their way is to exact money before hand of the poorest for Physick of their own jumbling up; so that they do not onely wrong them, but those also whom they would seem to pity, under a title of the Poor Apothecaries; and surely they are in a fair way to deserve this Epithite, if they, with the help of the Colledge do not get the practise of Physick purged from such pitiful Physitians.
These subtle insinuations they use to foment a groundless discord between Doctor and Apothecary; for doubtless the late Appeal to the Parliament, was intended to tye the hands of such Usurpers as your selves, who would ingross [Page 12] doth Professions, without being qualisied for either: and this, contrary to their ill grounded hopes, will in its due time take effect; and then if some Epidemical contagious Disease, worse then your selves (the omen of which God avert) should Reign amongst us, we doubt not Gods blessing upon the sober endeavours of Doctor and Apothecary, each being careful in his respective Sphear; and surely there is not much likelihood our Galenists that have stay'd the brunt of former infectious times, should now run from their colours, if the like danger should happen: Almost in every Church in London, or Vestry, there is to be found a Printed Memoriall of their pains and care in the Sickness-time; However I hope thus much in your behalf, that a Publick Edict will be instrumentall to free your Fraternity from the disgrace of a voluntary flight.
'Tis no wonder at all to hear you inveigh bitterly against Rule and Method in Physick, when out of your Anarchical [Page 13] Principle, you are as ready to renounce all Order and Government in the State; Your designe is to subvert, what the Lawes of England, and the Customes and Priviledges of both Universities have Established, (Viz.) That none under so many years standing in one of our two Universities, ought to be admitted to practise Physick; and the Degree of a Doctor requires more: Yet after all this, according to an Antient Grant from His Majesties Royal Ancestors given to the Colledge of London; None, of these persons though so qualified, can have liberty to practise Physick within divers miles of London without leave from the Colledge: Yet every Heele-Maker, Foot-man, or Botcher, that can but steal a Receit from some Doctors Man (by the consent of Master Thomson) shall presently mount the Common Stage, and under the notion of a Chymicall Doctor, defie the whole Body of Physitians; Besides you do not onely go about to infringe the Liberties of this Honourable Society, but you doubly [Page 14] incroach upon the Freedom of Apothecaries; who, as to the Pharmaceutical part of Physick, have a Pattent of the same Authority (as to their Corporation) with that of the Colledge relating to the practise of Physick, and unless a man be invested by one of these two Authorities, he can neither Justifie his preparing any Medicines, or practising when he has done, and in what degree then you rob the Apothecaries of their profession, I shall have an occasion to demonstrate in another part of my Discourse; Though I would have you take notice of what is now said, and consider how unjustly you assume the practise of Physick in any respect whatever; and yet not withstanding all this, through your fallacious ignorance, You wonder, and stand amazed (as you say) to see such Learned Physitians, men so highly reputed for their Parts, to carry on such a design, as the confirmation of their Pattent! You may as well wonder why a man should defend his house against Thieves, which is but a particular interest; [Page 15] but in this the common good is so much concern'd, viz. the keeping down such Drones and Quacks, as through their ignorance, and irregular practise would prove prejudicial to the Common-Wealth, creating more Diseases then they cure.
I cannot deny but tis possible they may stumble upon success, in some of their desperate attempts, but tis very rare, since Nature is doubly assaulted, by the Remedy as well as the Disease. In this case of good Fortune they fail not to open, and not unlike the Lottery-Mongers at Bartholomew Fair, who blow the Trumpet before every single Prize, though never so inconsiderable, whilest all the Blanks are husht up in filence. Thus they make a great cry, where there's no wooll, unless it be that which their own wits are still gathering.
But these Impostors of late do flatter themselves with a new advantage, which they make so much of, that they are willing to let go all their former shifts and [Page 16] deceits to trust wholly to this; I mean a pretended quarrel between the Doctors and the Apothecaries; Upon the Improvement of which, the Common Enemy fancies to himself a perfect Victory; but alas the poor wretches are as much mistaken in their Policy, as their prescriptions: this does but alarm both to unite more strongly, and to joyn their Forces, for the more easie subversion of these Apotheco-Medicasters.
I must confess this to be the only Reed they can with any hope of safety take hold of now they are sinking, but it will doubtless prove in the end a broken one, and they, if not in danger of being drowned, sure to prick their fingers to the bone; Oh! how I long to see them shew their teeth, when they cannot bite, when they have nothing to fasten upon, and must be forc'd to turn their fury upon themselves, and fret in their own grease; then the sport will be to see these Factious Jugglers crumbled into diverse petty intrests, and devour one another, Whilest [Page 17] Doctors and Apothecaries in a perfect amicable, concurrence shall have nothing else to encounter, but the Distemper of the Patient, and not be troubled to keep off a second infection, and more dangerous, namely these intruding Empricks; of whom, though I should be silent, the usuall success of their care will evince to the World, that the abuse of Physick for some late years past did not come from any Labourer, Drudge or Excrement of the Doctors, as my Friend seems to aver, but from an ignorant, and no less impudent sort of people, the very refuse of the whole Town, those Swarmes of Quacks, he mentions in his third Chap. with an ingenious Acknowledgement, that tis themselves have made this Noble Science (The True Professors where of Divine Writ hath charged to be Honoured) a very Trade to get Money; to which end they have cover'd and adorn'd themselves with Jewels, stoln out of other mens Clossets, those Arcana's he so often speaks of; but alas in their ill wearing them, [Page 18] they are sullyed and lose their Native Lustre the greatest Arcana's in the world, when improperly apply'd, must needs fail in the performance of their usual Effects.
When this undertaking first enter'd into my thoughts, I resolv'd out of my affection to Chymistry, to take off this General Scandal, the ignorance of these pretenders to the Art have brought upon it; knowing nothing more destructive to Chymistry, then such Chymists, who presuming (as justly they may) that the generality of the people cannot disprove them, do confidently affirm themselves to be Artists; so that what Reputation they gain with the Vulgar, tis wholly due to their tricks and noise; Subtle and Lungs in this case making up but one Alchymist. Ben. Johnsons Alchy. These fellows do by Chymistry, just as our Fanaticks do in Religion, cry it up zealously, but with a manifest design to pull it down; both being equally Ignorant, and both Enemies to the truth.
It were to be wisht, that this railer were guilty of what he accuses the Galenist, [Page 19] (viz.) plausible Rhetorick; but he is now grown so abusive and scurrilous, that in his Fourth Chapter, he is not content to scandalize the Physitians, but also the Apothecaries, whom hitherto out of design he would seem to have Courted, and in many places of his Book, doth curry Favour with, yet not minding his self-contradiction, when any thing falls into his purpose against the Physitians, he does not stick falsely to asperse the whole Company of Apothecaries, and accuse them of a sordid and base eomplyance, (that he might wound the Reputation of Doctor and Apothecary together) impudently asserting an Obligation upon them, Not only to speak for the Doctors, but to lye for them, yea and to do some things for them to the hazard of their Souls, being forc't to maintain, and sometimes to own all their Miscariages, Misdemeanours, and gross Aberrations in Physick, or else He, His Wife and Children must bite on the bridle: But I am sure this Brute wants one in his mouth; whither will he run in this [Page 20] full Carriere, casting dirt in the faces of known honest men? but the best is, their Reputation is so unquestionably unblemisht in the World, that all the dirt, which is thrown at them, will the more forcibly return upon the Authors, and so stick the faster.
But do you hear, my good Friend, Oportet mendacem esse memorem; were not you he that all along have accused the Galenists of being too communicative, and now tell us tis their principal study to involve all in obscurity; And I pray tell me, has not the dint of your Accusation been all along, that they Cryed down Chymistry, and do you now indite them for becomeing Chymists? But you say tis of a sudden; and methinks that should please you, since tis your own case; 'Twas neither time nor pains perfected your Fraternity, you are a Generation of Artists bred like Myrmidons or Mushromes, coming to full growth in one night: and the truth is, among you, he is the best Chymist, that has most Impudence, and [Page 21] least Conscience: But that our worthy Doctors allow'd now to be Chymists, are not become such of a suddain, needs little proof; I my self have been their Servant near twenty years countenanced, and daily imploy'd by them in making Chymical Medicines, and long before that time, many of the Colledge, whom I had the Honour to know, kept private Elaboratories in their own Houses, and notwithstanding, this is so Eminently known among all that were ever concern'd in Physick; yet this Impostor presuming many others know it not, thinks by cajoling of the people, to reap not onely the Profit, but the Credit too of all their Industry and Labours.
To promote this, he tells you in the end of his Fourth Chapter, a story of a perspicacious Gentleman, who extorted, after much urging, from a Physitian, this Answer, Hang it, we are but a company of Cheats; and sayes our Authour further, This was reported to us, &c. It seems there [Page 22] was a Juncto of Quacks met, a Committee of Empricks, at whose sitting among others, as frivolous, this report was made forsooth, and sayes our Authour, By a Person of Quality; To this, I shall only offer the improbability of the thing it self, for a sufficient Answer, and Advise him for the future, to Lye more feisibly.
This Cunning Man being neither Chymist nor Astrologer, undertakes boldly to personate both, upon the same presumption, that each of them is above the Capacity of the Vulgar, whom it is his business to delude: Whereupon in his Fifth Chapter, he talks to us of Predictions; but the vanity of this Cheat is long agoe exploded by the Learned and Judicious; besides tis known to be a common refuge for such Ignoramuses, as can give no rational account of their Patients Distempers; so that in this case, he that will confess himself never to be mistaken, But as a Man, does ingeniously acknowledge he never is in the [Page 23] right, which is our Authours case, in his own words, Happy be lucky, hitting the mark with as much uncertainty as those People called Andabatae, that fought wink ing.
Notwithstanding he blames the Doctors for being sober and modest, not daring to promise what they never expect to perform; he quarrels with them for not being as Impudent as his Faction, who confidently assert themselves to be Infallible in the business of Physick, and in the most difficult cases, pretend to exclude all conjecture. My good Friend, tis shrewdly to be suspected, he is most Erroneous, that would have it thought he cannot erre at all.
It will not be much from my purpose (which is chiefly to present this Crew in their colours) to inform the World, that they not only pretend to bePhysitians, but would be thought Able to recover for us, all other losses besides that of Health, by their skil in Astrology; If one good Woman loseth her Petticote, another her wedding-ring, they are ready to cast a Figure [Page 24] for them; but believe me, 'tis such a one, as will in the conclusion stand for a Cypher; and if at any time they seem to make any discovery, tis sufficiently known they do it by confederacy.
Neither do they take a course much different to come into credit with their Quacking Trade, bringing and hiring all people whatsoever, to feign both Sicknesse and Cure, that other silly poor Wretches, who really want help, may be trapan'd into a false Opinion of their skill, and be gull'd at least out of their money, if not out of their lives.
I do not take up this barely upon the credit of a flying report, but I know it by personal Experience, for there is not a Juggling Figure-flinger, or Quack in the Town, but I have had some knowledge of him, and am very well acquainted with all their Fallacious Actings and Designs; so that I might justly be accus'd to be of their party, if I kept their Council, which I am little concerued to do, since they are so unworthy as [Page 25] to make their pretended zeal to Chymistry, a cloak for their knavish and pernicious practises.
Ther is hardly a page in his whole book but what is fill'd with some abusive Language or other, though withall so full of self-contradiction, 'tis below me to think him worth an Answer: besides he is an Enemy so inconsiderable, that I can hope for little credit by undertaking him: In his Sixth Chapter, his main business is to cry down Anatomy, as very insignificant, and little conducing to the recovery of the Patient: I wish some of our Galenists had this Fellow under their hands to cut him off the Simples; I am confident, were they to read a Lecture upon him, they would discover his want of brains; but this is sufficiently proved to all men by his own scribble; Did ever any Sober Man find fault with Industry imploy'd in Anatomical Dissections? Who ever imagin'd it possible for a man to be a Good Physitian, without great Skill and Judgement in the subject of [Page 26] this Art; and most Diseases proceeding from Internal Causes, what way to be taken for the discovery of them, but Anatomy? so that the great care of the Colledge in opening of Bodies cannot be; A meer Publick Theatrical business, more for Ostentation, and to get a fame abroad, then for any notable improvement in the cure of Miserable Man: Though these be my Friends own words, yet he is Master of so much reason, or Justice, as that presently after he condemnes himself, Ex ore suo, by an apparent recantation; Anatomy (sayes he) we stand up for as much as any, without which a Physitian we are certain, must needs be defective in Physick: These contradictions are so frequent throughout his whole Book, that 'tis not indeed worth the while to take notice of a single one; In truth I think it had been a very good way of confuting this fallacious Writer, onely to have transcrib'd him; but the same in effect, every Judicious Reader will do in the most cursory perusal.
[Page 27] 'Tis to me a wonder, the rest of his Fraternity do not fail upon him, for so ill defending their Cause; 'I would be much for their Interest to have his Book called in betimes; or I would Advise them to call a Conventicle of Jugglets, and make a resolve, that this Pamphlet be forthwith distill'd, and as one of their own Chymical Operations for the future kept, inter Arcana, and so privately, that the World may not be so fully informed of their Misterious Cheat: But to return to his censure of Anatomy, which all along he both magnifies, and cryes down in one breath, he undervalues it, because the Skill is not to be attained without great Pains, and a Study his Capacity comprehends not, yet he is forc't to admire it, as not being ignorant, that without the knowledge of Anatomy, All their knowledge is in vain; And this he himself confesses, in a comparison he makes of a Mechanick, who ought To have a competent insight of that Machine, as Watch or Clock, which he goeth about to mend: Thus [Page 28] this Impostor by y e power of truth, is constrain'd against his will & design to plead against himself, and condemn his own Up-starts ex tempore Practise; Let the reader but observe what Herculean labour, he sayes is necessary to attain the knowledge of Generous Medicines; what Sinewes, and Strength are to be put forth to find them out, how much precious time is to be spent in hammering them out; and together with this Discourse of pains and toyle, consider how of a suddain these Fellows start up Able Physitians, out of Shoo-Makers, Groomes, Botchers, and what not, that is furthest off from Physick, he must conclude, they do all in their vain shews, but verba dare, study to impose upon the too credulous populacy, over whom they have this advantage, that the People are very willing in their Preferring of these men to admire themselves, and do therefore swallow glibly, what they would never endure in a Doctor of Physick, especially of the Colledge, whom they look upon as above them by many Degrees.
[Page 29] The Invention of the Circulation of the Blood, by Industrious Doctor Harvey is highly to be commended, sayes our Authour, but he subjoyns that the Therapeutick part is little advanced thereby; Tis very strange to me, that this Fellow can be so ignorant of the real advantage this discovery hath brought to Man-kind, in order to the cure of Diseases, both Internal, and External, for the blood being the seat and subject both of Health and Sickness, the knowledge of its true motion must indisputably conduce to the preservation of the one, and the expulsion of the other, by the right and judicious application of apropriated Medicines, whether Officinall, or other wayes: And though I confess with our Authour, that our Officinall Medicines, in his own sense, are not more sufficient and powerfull now, then they were before the improvement of Anatomy; yet, the judgement of the Physitians in the use and more proper application of them being advanc't, the benefit which the Patient receives, must needs be the greater.
[Page 30] After all these impertinences, he once more presents himself to us as a Spagyrick, with his more prevailing helps; and this I observe to be the clinch of all his Discourse, (next railing) and the hinge, on which all his design turns; under this notion, he talks wildly of a Pyrotechnicall Anatomy, which (as he sayes) shews us where every Disease is seated; It seems by this, these Impostors, do not use to Anatomize Dead Carcasses, but Calcine them; so that the Effect of this Operation must needs prove to be nothing else but a Caput mortuum.
As in almost every Chapter of his Book, so in this Seventh, he has a new Hocus to carry on his old design; he has been nibling formerly at the Apothecaries, and now he would bring the Chirurgions to cut a way through for him, if he can but raise a jealousie between them and the Doctors; to effect this, and the better to bring his purpose about, he boldly undertakes to reprove the Doctors, For the Ignorance of most of them in Surgery; which is [Page 31] an Art so distinctly and properly, and as a due right belonging to another incorporated Society of Men; thatwithout offence both to Civility and Justice they cannot engage in it; so that they do not forbear Surgery for want of Skill, but out of a fair respect to the Worthy Company of Chirurgions: They never would in point of manual operation, infringe the least of their Liberties; and that's the reason our Adversary makes himself so really concern'd, not for the Doctors Ignorance (as he pretends) for no man can imagine a good Physitian to be a Novice in Surgery; but because he would raise a feude; and himself confesseth, that the business of the Knife properly belongs to the Chirurgion, yet censures the Galenists, as Not being able to undertake a Whitlow, a Scald, a Green Wound, or any Triviall Sore; indeed these may be counted high undertakings in himself, but they are things even below a profest Chirurgion to take notice of, as being the common cures almost of every old Woman.
[Page 32] But at this rate he proceeds through the whole Chapter, taking occasion at every inconsiderable conceit of his own Invention, either to cast some dirt upon the Colledge, or to promote some difference between them and the Chirurgions; nay, rather then not propagate his own cause, he raises a quarrell between them and his Medicines; Tell them (saith he) of the Alkahest, or Universal Menstruum, of Lapis Chrysopeius, or of a Panacea, they will but deride and flout at it; These are things indeed Vanhelmont mentions, but I dare be bold to say, our Authour never saw any of them; and further, as to the Lapis Chrysopeius, and Liquor Alkahest, I Affirme positively, there is no such Arcana's to be found in Rerum Naturâ: 'Tis probable Master Thomson has a strong faith, and It were to be wisht, that he had as much patience, or it is impossible he should continue till the dissolution or reduction of those Coagulations, or Tumors into their first matter (as he mentions) be performed by Art; nor is [Page 33] there any Arcanum to be found less then that Universall Menstruum, he from Vanhelmont speaks of, from which it can rationally be expected. But this I would advise him to take heed of, least, when he goes about to Untye and Colliquate the Stone, he dissolve the whole Body, and bring that into a fair way of reduction into its first matter.
As to his relation of three large stones expell'd by a Chymical Physitian from a Maid-Servant; I once saw as great a matter done, and from a Maid-Servant too; but rather by accident, then by the application of any Medicine at all; so that his Turkeys Egge is addle: the stone that came from this Maid, was bigger then any of these three he mentions, and very scraggy: 'Tis possible therefore for Nature to free her self from such Monstrous products, meerly by the force of her own expulsive faculty.
I know there are many Chymical preparations, much conducing to this effect; and as I have no reason, so I do not oppose [Page 34] this Accident, against that Chymicall Physitians Experiment, in any respect, to take off the Validity of Paracelsian Medicines; But to take away those pernicious and mistaken inferences that Master Thomson draws from thence, (only to lay hold of any means to scandalize the Physitians) as bleeding, Pernicious purgation, Blistrings, &c. A practise which ne Physitian uses barely in reference to the Stone, but as some other accidentall Distemper may require; Nor ever do they appoint the Knife, till sound Judgement, upon serious deliberation counts it necessary.
'Tis very pleasant, how in his Eighth Chapter, he represents the Doctors as concern'd to vindicate their credit from these Jugglers Imputations; whereas alas, they take no more notice of them, then a Lion does of a whiffling Curr, or the Philosopher of his Scolding Xantippe: Notwithstanding, he is pleased to begin this Chapter thus: Ye make your boast that ye possesse (as well as we) your laboratory [Page 35] and variety of Furnaces. In good time; (as well as we) Pray what signifies this Parenthesis? Did ever any sober man think that You, or your Brethren, ever rightly knew, what belong'd either to Laboratory or Furnace? Possibly you may like Doctor Subtle in the Play, keep about you some Coales and Glasses, these alone being sufficient to cheat those you dare admit to the inspection of your Operations: Your Medicines, and your Furnaces too, are to be counted inter Arcana; and the truth is, the good you either have, or are like to do with them, is yet, and alwayes will be a secret; those that are friends to truth, are like her, naked and unmaskt; they dare stand the test, nay, invite the severest, and most piercing eyes to be witnesses of their Faithfulness and industry. But stay, do you hear the News? our Author tells us, It is not the Laboratory, nor specious Furnaces, that simply makes the Spagyrical Physitian.
‘Risum teneatis Amici?’
[Page 36] Was ever any one so senseless as to imagine, or dream of a True Artist without, or that a man can be so accounted, without convenient Utensils? Yet as Books and Furnaces do not, meerly of themselves, make either Scholars, or Spagyricks, so it must be granted, neither Books nor Furnaces could be made without them both; but away with these notorious truths, by you repeated to the same purpose, with your as notorious lyes and bare pretenfes to Chymistry, out of which there arises only an ignis fatuus, making a false glare, like the Meteor so call'd, which leads the poor Traveller out of his way, and leaves him in a Ditch crying out for help; just thus do these Jugglers by their Patients, who after they have been seduced, and ill handled by these Empiricks, are forc't to return to the discreet, and wary Physitian for their Cure.
I should think it strange, out of any Mouth but our Authous, or his Complices, to hear a Physitian accused for not [Page 37] being desperate, and for using safe Medicines, rather then those that are hazardous; would any but such mad men AdministerChymical Preparations, without any further knowledge of the Medicine, then that it has a hard name: For this I will only instance Master Lockier, who must either confess himself ignorant, or a Notorious Lyer in Print, as by a Pyrotechnical Anatomizing of his Pill, in another place I shall plainly make appear; besides Elixirs are not prodigally to be thrown away, or used, when any honest, though meaner Medicine will recover the Patient: Chymistry is that which is to help at a dead lift; but as for Universal Medicines, they are but Chimera's things to be discoursed of, and wisht, but doubtless never to be attained, without a new revelation, which I wonder much, these Fanaticks in Physick do not boast of. I presume no Judicious Person can mistake me here, as if I seemed to speak against Chymistry absolutely, when I condemne onely the promiscuous [Page 38] use of it in all cases alike, which is the custome of our unworthy Empiricks and Abusers of Learned Vanhelmont; yet thus far I am willing to comply with my Friend; It had been happy for the credit of his Art, (viz.) of cozening by Chymistry, if no Chymical Medicines had ever been prescribed by the Colledge, for therein a palpable discovery of my Gentlemens Villany is made, and the difference of True Gold seen, from that which only glisters.
I must confess there are many Adulterate and Sophisticate Preparations vented in the Town, for Good; but this can in no sense be imputed to the Colledge, for they are sensible of this abuse, and are resolved to reform it in due time, as an Appendix to the imposture and Knavery of these Jugglers. As to what our Authour hints concerning the Doctors ingratitude, I am confident he laugh'd at himself in the mention, as very well knowing, his Faction was never in a capacity to oblige that Worthy Society, [Page 39] unless it were by being as a foyle, to set off their Great Abilities.
Next he goes on, pretending An Answer to some Objections laid to their charge by the Galenists; and truly in those charges which he mentions, there is couched and imply'd so ingenuous a confession and home Character of the Faction, that I think it a hard task to set them out more perfectly in their own Colours. They are Objections indeed, with a witness; so undeniable, as that himself is compelled to set his hand, and say; This we confess ingenuously is not be denyed in part, and we could wish it otherwise: If the Reader would but peruse his Ninth Chapter, he will believe him to have sufficient reason, and that it is as hard for him to Answer, or remove these Objections, as it was for Ulysses to remove the great Stone from the mouth of Polyphemus his Cave; where by the by, this crafty Grecian gave the Cyclops such an Arcanum, that what he could not âccomplish by strength, he brought about by wiles, and [Page 40] subtilty; first he put out the Cyclops eye, then rob'd his Flock: This course these Empiricks usually take, casting a mist before the understandings of the credulous people, and then picking their pockets.
But is any thing more childish and ridiculous, unless it be himself, then his following words, on which he seems to lay the whole weight and stress of all his Brethrens reputation. We know (sayes he) a Chymist, that desires no more practise in Physick to get a competent living by, then those Patients to whom ye cannot make the promise of a Cure after two or three moneths time, whom he would undertake to resolve in lesse then a moneth: And no question is to be made of this, but I presume, Sir, you mean a resolving them into their first Principles, and then surely a moneth is too long a time for you, that usually are more quick and nimble in your dispatches: Fye, Fye, will you become now so cruell, as to think of torturing your Patients, for a whole moneth, who [Page 41] all along have pretended to be such suddain Executioners; Kill or Cure is your known maxime, and at that rate, the most desperate of Diseases, nay, death it self may be styl'd a Physitian: How consonant to the doctrine of this bold maxime, does he go on to declare himself? For our parts, (saith he) we should think it very strange, and be infinitely ashamed, if any Patient should be Cured by the Galenists, whom we have given over: For the truth is, they handle the matter so for the most part, that they are sure to put it out of the power of all Physick, to do any good to those they have tampered with, by misapply'd, and abused Chymistry.
His next, and Tenth Chapter seems to be spit out of the mouth of a Zealous Brother at a meeting, where he holds forth the Doctrine of Vanhelmont, as down right Gospel, and advises the Colledge To Embrace it sincerely, and be wise to Salvation; He improves the Exhortation in the same strain of Devotion; Let him lay his hand upon his heart, and considering his [Page 42] own emptyness, reflect upon himself, how he hath deceived, and been deceived. Ah! doubtless this must needs be a Precious man; How has Chymistry contributed to make him Spiritual, and his trading in the fire inflam'd his Zeal? And now that has run his pretense to Physick, quite out of breath, 'tis time for me to make Observation that, Ubi desinit Medicus, incipit Theologus: But least he should not be a thorough-paced Fanatick, another part of this Chapter is spent in decrying of Humane Learning: great Scholarship is ever a crime to a Dunce, and it being for the carrying on his design, absolutely necessary, that our Authour should either be a Scholar, or a profest Enemy to the name; he takes the more easie and cheap way to his end, which is to bring himself and ignorance, as much as in him lyes, into some credit in the World. But all will not do; neither Fanatick in Religion, nor Physick, with all their specious Hypocrisie will ever be able to perswade the World, that the [Page 43] Letter is not a fit Hand-mand to the Spirit; that Learning is not subservient, and necessary to the cure both of soul and body.
I am not so well read in Vanhelmont, (neither do I think it my duty so to be) as to be able to contradict my Friend, when he talks of that Learned Mans fair proposals, Why (saith he) hath not your Sect yeelded formerly to Helmonts fair proposal while he was alive, that there might be a final conclusion of these Controversies by matter of fact? (indifferent Judges appointed on both sides to give their censure) tis very probable, this proposal was really made; but tis very insignificant in his mouth, unless his Faction were in such a degree Eminent, that they could make it out to all, that they are as able as Vanhelmont himself: How far they are from this pitch, I dare fubmit to the Judgement, not only of indifferent persons, but even of those that are some way byassed with Interest, and willing to be partial in the Empiricks Cause.
[Page 44] In his next hard Chapter, where he talks of the Principles of Phylosophy, which the Galenists own, he runs on upon a false supposition; for 'tis very well known, that the Aristotelian Tenents, which Galen owned, are in many things found little consonant to Nature and Truth; whereupon the Learned Physitians of our Age, not sworn to the Opinion of any of the Antients in particular, (as our Authour would have the World believe) do act according to the freedom of their own Judgements, and do by a kind of rational Chymistry, extract what is good either in Galen or Vanhelmont, refusing the dross of both; so that these several Calumnies he reproaches the Doctors with, are groundless and false.
Above all, these Quacks it seems are very desirous to be thought compassionate and full of pity; as appears by their general out-cry against sheding of blood: I confess such a cautious behaviour, as this, among the Welch men, might bring them into good practise; but here at home [Page 45] the long and successfull use of Phlebotomie, easily out-votes their groundless clamour against that processe: and though the Devil be undeniably a sworn Enemy to Man-kind, I dare presume to acquit him thus far, that he never suggested the wholesom Emission of Blood, being very unlikely by this way to make good his title of a Murtherer from the beginning. What my Friend sayes concerning our being Governed by Nature, which intends all things for its ownPreservation, &c. May very deservedly be retorted upon him; for we plainly may observe y t oftentimes Nature is her own Phlebotomist, in which she directs us to breath a vein rather then to expect her help, usually afforded by sending forth blood at the Nostrils, which is lookt upon to be the best and purest: But the impudence of these men knows no bounds, and thinks to out-face common Experience, which assures us, that in several Distempers, letting of blood is the only and certain Remedy; The like may be said of Purgation, by which Nature is [Page 46] eased of a pernicious burden and load, oppressing and obstructing her in her Vital Operations. And here by the way let us examine the inference he makes from an Aphorisme of Hippocrates, to which he is forc't to give the Epithite of Excellent; he quotes him in these words, [...], and interprets them thus. If that be carried out of the Body by Purgation, that ought to be, the Sick Man finds himself the better for it, and his Spirits more chearfull, and better able to bear his Disease: From hence he is pleased to inferre that Hippocrates fore saw the great mischief, that was likely to come upon indiscreet Evacuation: But surely, he, that has but half an eye, will conclude from hence more naturally, that he foresaw likewise, the great benefit, that was necessarily to ensue upon purging discreetly, by the prescription of a Judicious Physitian, and performed by proper Catharticks.
As to that common maxime of Contrariorum [Page 47] contraria sunt Remedia, how far it holds true, and how far made use of by Physitians, I do not think my self a competent Judge; but to my Apprehension, it seems to be very rational; For how can the Disease be conquered, without an Enemy to give it battel?
The next thing our Learned Authour flyes at, is the Pharmacopoea; this he pretends to accuse of several Infirmities, and would perswade us, that tis very improbable, this Book should contribute to the cure of the Sick, when it self is so Diseased, and needs a Physitian: But let us put the Saddle on the right Ass; the Sickness is in the mans brain, and it fares with him, as with one that has the Jaundies, to whom all Objects seem yellow, whereas the Distemper is onely in the Organ.
The Title of his Fifteenth Chapter, is, A Brief Examination of their Pharmacopoea. in this Judicial Procedure, he himself undertakes to sit as Judge, Party, and Witness; and-because he is pleased to [Page 48] Pronounce Sentence of Condemnation, all the World he thinks must necessarily subscribe to it, and from hence forward look upon the Pharmacopoea Londinensis, as Out-law'd: But stay a while, I shall make bold to bring a Writ of Errour, and briefly examine His Brief Examination. This Book has by the unanimous consent of the Learned in Physick, been owned and approved of, as the best of that kind ever was extant; and truly tis no small vindication of its worth, that tis Calumniated and Vilified by our Authour, and his Factious Ignorant Fraternity: Can there be a greater Elogium out of the mouth of such a Nonsensical, Ridiculous, Improper, and Languid Fellow as he is, then this, when he boldly sayes, the Pharmacopoea contains, Nonsensical, Ridiculous, Improper and Languid Medicaments? Poor mistaken fool, the only way for you to destroy the Dispensatory, is highly to commend it, for nothing but your Approbation can ever bring its Credit into the least question.
[Page 49] He is pleased to say, It would require a long time to set down the Errours of the Dispensatory; I easily believe him, because really there are not any to be discovered I am sure, not by his dim-sight, but however he will give us a glance of some of them:
The first glance is this: We observe (sayes he) a great defect in the Analysis or opening of the body of any concrete; I must confess this to be a glance indeed, but no more, for had he seen perfectly or understood any thing in the dispensation of a Medicine he might have known the pulverizing of most Concretes, to be a sufficient preparation for the opening of their Bodies, as proper Ingredients to any Electuary, Playster or Conserve, into which Dispensations, not onely the Virtue and Crasis, sed totum corpus, of every individual Concrete is to be put.
A second glance, is his Observation, What a Congeries, Cento, Linsey wolsey of Simples they jumble and clutter together to some Scores, without any reasonable contexture [Page 50] or congruity: What, does he see all these at a glance? Sure he must either have those Argus Eyes he talks of, or else he can squint, and look nine wayes at once; But I think, I shall do him more right, to tell you he is pur-blind, or else he might perceive with what admirable Judgement and Art, the opposition of the several Ingredients in a Medicine is managed to make one proper Compound, and how the properties and qualities of each Simple are either improved or abated by a due and just temperament, as the condition of the Patient may require; So that out of this Clashing, Conflicting, and Hostility, there arises an agreement, as it is remarkable, that Peace is the consequent and end of War; and the health of the whole Universe consists in the poize, and just ballancing of contraries.
Our Authour throws a sheeps eye once more, and in his third glance, tells us, He cannot but especially take notice, and condole the Ineffectual, Frivolous, and vain Corrections of those Virulent, and Poysonous Concretes, [Page 51] which they take into many of their Compositions. For instance of which he Cites you Scammonie and Colocynthis, two Concretes, that have been used in Physick, with exceeding great safety, and no less success for many score years without any other Correction, then what is appointed in the Dispensatory: And tis not his spitting his Venome, can make these Medicines thus corrected to be Poison: But against these two, he opposes Antimony, seeming to admire the Doctors should be so wilfully ignorant, as to make no scruple of prescribing ten or twelve grains of Scammony, and yet startle, and seem very nice, to give four or five grains of Antimonium Diaphoreticum: Where first I would have the Reader take notice of his mistake, or wilfull ignorance; for to my knowledge, and as will appear by the Bills or Prescriptions of diverse Eminent Physitians, for many years, they have not scrupled to give 20 graines of Antimonium Diaphoreticum, at one Dose, and that for several dayes together. Secondly, [Page 52] I would beg the Reader to consider, that he opposes a Diaphoretical Preparation of Antimony, against a purgative medicine of Scammony, by which advantage he would make Scammony appear to be the strongest Poyson: But if the Poyson of any Concretes ought to be proportionated by their force in heterogenious Operations on the Stomack, and that force determined by their different Doses, Antimony will appear much the stronger Poyson, because four or five grains of any Purgative Preparation of Antimony, being in substance exhibited into the Stomach, shall operate more violently then sixteen or twenty graines of Scammony. Further, to imform our Authors Judgement, let me tell him, the Purgative quality of Scammony may be taken away, as well as of Antimony, and that secundum Artem, it may be made as perfectly Diaphoretical; and then supposing them thus prepared, he must acknowledge Antimony and Scammony, to be equally alike poysonous.
[Page 53] But by the way, tis not my business to maintain the Quarrel of Scammony against Antimony; what hath been said in the case, hath only been to shew Master Thomson's unjust comparison; yet how much so ever we have differed in this particular, I will agree with him in his following Expression recited; That the best Remedies in the Dispensatory are Chymicall: but what, or who he means by U S, when he adds, For which they are beholding to U S, I do not at all understand; certainly he cannot be so impudent, as to joyn himself with any part of the Colledge, whom he may imagine more addicted to Chymistry then the rest: And again, me thinks he should not be so stupid, as to think, that himself joyn'd in Commission with Master Lockier, Master Odowde, or any of those Up-start pretenders to Chymistry, can any way oblige the Colledge; Besides, if I mistake not, there were Chymical Preparations in the Dispensatory of London, before any of them had a Name.
[Page 54] To this truth, (viz.) that Chymical Preparations are the best Medicines; he adds another, (which by the way is one more truth, then I have met withall in any one page of his Book before) That these Chymical Preparations are not free from being Sophisticated, which cannot be denyed, and will hardly be prevented, till by a Publick Authority, some course be taken with those Fooles, that will be medling, as well as the Knaves, that will be Cheating; and then, the True Artists wanting no incouragement, these Medicines will be Exalted in their hands.
In the next place, (sayes our Authour) The most usual, safe, and best Vomit (in their account) is borrowed from Antimony, called Infusio Croci Mettallorum; By their Account, I suppose he means the Colledge of Physitians, which may passe as none of the least of his presumptuous conclusions, though I believe he never saw a Catalogue of half the Vomits they make use on, and dare presume, when he has view'd the Catalogue of his own [Page 55] Arcana's, he will find no Vomit there like it, either for certainty or safety in its Operation, or for carrying off the morbifick matter; If he thinks to reckon Mercurius vitae within the number of his Arcana's, (which is also an Antimonial preparation,) as I presume he may, because presently after he seems to wonder, They ever would venture to admit it into a Catalogue of their Safe Medicines; the Catalogue he mentions, will prove him a deceiver; For, it will appear to be a Medicine appointed in the Dispensatory of London, before ever he could be capable of knowing any thing in Physick; and this he cannot be ignorant of though he will rather venture to be found guilty of some plausible falsities, then not to throw some scandall or other upon the Colledge; As for the Exalting or Graduating of these Medicines, I may safely say, there are many Apothecaries Boyes in the Town, able to undertake it, with the most Learned, well Experienced Chymist, our Author can find in [Page 56] all that Tribe, that so utterly renounces the Galenical Method.
This man is furnished with a strange measure of confidence, I might very justly say impudence; otherwise he could not possibly use this frequent Exprobration, of the Doctors being beholden to them, obliged to them for several Medicines: Surely he is of opinion, the Sun is beholden to the Stars, which receive from him all the light they impart to the Inferiour World: What these men have in them, their Conscience bears them witness, is only gleanings gathered from the Colledge; these they feed upon, chewing the cud, and yet are not to be numbered among the clean Beasts, for their ill digestion turns all to putrefaction, making good that common maxime, Corruptio optimi fit pessima. Into the Catalogue of the Doctors Debts, there is foysted Oyle of Vitriol, with its use and virtue; for which our Author would have them confess, They are much Obliged to them for the Discovery; But when [Page 57] the Colledge comes to reckon with all these wilfull, and as fradulent mistakes, they will be glad to sneak out of the way, as ashamed to own their account.
The next Quarell he picks, is with The preparation of Pearles, and Corral with Vinegar, concluding it to be no more then a bare pulverizing them into small parts or atomes; if there were no more in it then thus to Alcohalize, or reduce Pearls or Corral into such a fine Butraceous Magisterium, as is done by Vinegar, it were worth the charge and trouble; but this is not the first errour his ignorance hath made him Father, but tis a very gross one; we may certainly and easily infer from the insipidness of the Spirit of Vinegar (from which all the gross and corrosive Salts are separated by rectification) when the Pearle or Corral is precipitated after dissolution, that the Medicament must needs be exalted by the volatile Salt of Wine, the Vinegar leaves behind: Besides, as I said before, the bare pulverizing either of Pearle or Corral, will [Page 58] never reduce them into such a Butyrous substance instar Magisterii, as is performed by this way of dissolution.
Diverse other preparations of Vitriol and Mercury he to as little purpose makes mention of; for tis sufficiently known, they have been in long esteeme and use with the Colledge; so that he might have spared the pains he has taken to perswade the World, that the Doctors are alwaies inveighing against Chymical Medicines, unless he will be pleased to give us leave to understand them in their own, and truest sense; for when they undertake to speak against Chymicall Medicines, tis meant as they are Unchymically handled by Master Thomson, and his Illiterate Faction; they know full well nothing can eat out the heart of Chymistry, but the Hypocrisie of these combining Empiricks; They are very sensible, that in all these Fellows preparations whatsoever, Mercury never is wanting, since their Medicines smell more of the Knave then the Artist.
[Page 59] Notwithstanding all our Author can say, it remains evident, as well from the great pains and study, as the common practise of the Doctors, that their grand design hath been to promote and encourage Chymistry; on the contrary, the design their Adversaries drive at, is to promote themselves; This makes our Pseudochymists, that they cannot endure such Rivalls as are likely in courting the same Mistresse, to discover their imperfections, and treacherous Love, which is contented with the shew and picture of Chymistry, but neglects the truth and substance.
The Hogen-Mogens would seem wholly to ingross this Art, and pretend to a Monopoly, when alas their ignorance is so great, and their stock known to be so inconsiderable, I know not when they will have right and liberty to vent by Retaile; and when any of them does open Shop, I am sure they must shew their wares at a false light, or else their Commodity will stick upon their hands; and whereas they [Page 60] are pleas'd to pass in the world by y e name of Adepti, they more justly may stile themselves Servantes; for what Arcana's they have got, they will be forc't to keep.
Hitherto our Authour has been casting dirt upon all occasions in the Doctors faces, either as to the Materia Medica, or as to their general Method in Practise; but now he comes to throw waters, Mineral Waters, to which (sayes he) the Dogmatists fly, as to a Sanctuary, in difficult cases. It cannot be denyed, there is a Healing Virtue in these Natural Springs, but when they are to be used, must be known from the Experienced Physitian; for doubtless, in some cases, they are like the Waters of Meribah, bitter and deadly, in others, as healing as those of Bethesdah, after the Angel had descended into the Poole: I, for my part, am of Opinion, That he is the Best and Ablest Physitian, that wanders least from the prescripts of Nature; that knows best how to apply the helps she has provided for her own recovery; the finding out of which, [Page 61] together with the due administration, is both the Physitians Imployment and Excellence: This being a task too difficult for humane Endeavour, recourse has been had to the assistance of Art; yet so, as that they best manage it, that most imitate nature; I shall not therefore dispute with my friend, How many by Virtue of these Mineral Wells have been-restored, that have been brought to a very low Ebb by ill Physitians, such as himself; But tis very rare, these Impostors consult so much the Publick Good, as to advise so Publick a Remedy; No, they are for the Arcana and Minerals of their own Sophistication, rather then for being beholden to Kind Nature, who bath provided some better and more forceable helps for the Poor Diseased, ready at hand. In the mean time then, he is very impertinent, when, he as the representative of his Faction, saies, We are perswaded that they (meaning the Colledge) lookt upon the Waters with as envious an eye, as ever they did upon our Chymicall Preparations. For in the first place, [Page 62] the going to these waters is the Doctors frequent Advise to their Patients, in many Chronical Distempers; And secondly, their Chymical Preparations sure were never the subject of the Colledges Envy, but Contempt.
But let us attend; he opens as if he were about to say some thing in these words, Who, that had not been Lazy and Supine, but would have found out e're this a Succedaneum to Natural Martial Liquors, that so powerfully rectifie the Spleen, &c. Who, but an Ignoramus would aske such a question? This is done long agoe by the appointment of the Colledge, whose indefatigable pains and care in this very particular has been such, that there is not an Apothecaries Shop, almost throughout all England, but what for many years hath been furnisht with diverse Excellent Chymical Preparations, both from Iron and Steele, whose Virtual Qualities are equivalent to those of Natural Martial Liquors, if not exceeding them; However when there is no opportunity of repairing [Page 63] to the Wells, of Tanbridge, Epsum, Spaw, and the like, the Patient may be supply'd at home; and by this means too, The excessive sumption of crude Water to Prejudice may be prevented; though I must confess there are some circumstantial advantages by drinking the Waters in Specie at the Spring head, which Art cannot supply.
My Friend comes next to inquire into the Benefit of Convenient Menstruums, what may be done by insipid Liquors upon the Bodies of Minerals; Which I believe to be but little, unless they are reserated first by some Corrosive, which I take to be some thing of the Nature of our Master Vanhelmont's Liquor Alkahest, without which, or some Succedaneum he does not promise you any Primum ens Veneris, and consequently not the Primum ens, of any other Metal or Mineral: But by the way, though this Operation cannot be performed without a Corrosive, yet it must not be such a one, as operates in the Nature of other Corrosives, destroying [Page 64] the Bodies of those Concretes dissolved in them, but as the Acetum verum Esurinum, quod amicè soluit concreta integrè illi injecta; by which means, e're twice three months pass, I intend to offer unto the World, for its publick benefit and satisfaction, with all respect due to Vanhelmont, His Primum ens Veneris; not placing the Honour he merits, and the Credit of the Medicine to my own contrivance, by concealing of its Name, under the notion of an Arcanum of my peculiar Invention.
After this little digression, to bring my Discourse into its wonted Chanel, I am here to mind the Reader, how my Friend in all his Clamorous Scrible, as well in this Chapter, as else-where in his Book has been continually, both Accuser, Witness, Judge, and Executioner, whereby he takes occasion, not only to Vilifie the Doctors at his pleasure, but to foist in whatsoever he thinks may advance the Interest of his Quacking Brethren: Whereupon in this Sixteenth [Page 65] Chapter, having decry'd the use of the Waters, sayes he, For our parts, few of us depend upon these Mineral Fountains, having where with all to supply the wants of our Patients, and to procure sanity at home. I am sure all the mineral waters in the world, though of never so cleansing a Quality, will not be able to wash our Author from the stain of his foul and base designs; the stream of which runs all the same way, and drives directly at self-interest, without the least regard to the good of Mankind; yet the better to palliate his Juggling, he will undertake to give Faithful Advise in general, to such as drink these Waters: which Counsel, though curtail'd, and disguised, is yet so methodically drawn up, and so expresly contrary to his own Principles, that it appears verbatim to be borrowed from those, he calls Dogmatists.
The Title of Master Thomson's Seventeenth Chapter did at the first sight deceive me into a tolerable Good Opinion of him, and I was in some hopes, we [Page 66] should grow Friends; but in the perufal, I found the Text and the Comment, to be of so different a hue, that once more I was forc't to dip my pen in the same sharp ink, that hitherto hath dropt from it. The flattering inscription he hath prefixt is this; A Vindication of Chymical Medicines from that false Accusation of being dangerous: The beginning of his Chapter is as specious, as the Title, and carries in the front an undeniable truth, (viz.) That it is a hard thing to strive against the stream of a Vulgar Opinion at any time, but especially, when countenanc'd and back't by Men of Eminent Knowledge and Fame. That Chymical Medicines are dangerous, is rather to be reckoned amongst the Vulgar Errours, then Opinions; but yet this which seems an Errour, if rightly stated, I am afraid will appear too great a truth, and harder for my Friend to strive against, if rightly understood; for indeed, the meaning of it is in respect of the undue preparation by Unskilfull hands, and tis upon this account [Page 67] backt and Countenanced by those, whom he is forc't to confess to be Men of Eminent Knowledge and Fame.
'Tis Evident, and something I have said before to the same purpose, but here I must repeat it, that the beginning and rise of Fame to Paracelsian or Hermetical Physick proceeded from some particular Physitians of the Colledge; whil'st the Quacks and Mountebanks of these times, as they never are wanting in that case, impudently assume to themselves, the repute of those beginnings, and from time to time, have continued the same cheat; So that, when ever any Chymical Medicine by the practise of the Colledge began to get Credit, the Empiricks lying at the catch, have made it their business, either really to steal the Receipt, or, which is all one for their Design, to counterfeit the Medicine; and then in their Bills posted in every Corner of the Streets, they confidently impose upon the World a false Affirmation, which is, that by their great Travels, and [Page 68] long Study they have produced these Excellent Secrets for the benesit of their Country. Thus by such shifts, they have all along crept into the Opinion of the Common People, in whose Inclination ther's never wanting a readiness to joyn with irregularity, rather then to adhere to any thing, that carries the face of Order and Authority.
Notwithstanding these subtil insinuations, they could never have gotten such a Repute in the World, but that they Politickly made an advantage of the Factious Principles then abounding in the Common People of our late Unruly times, when the Common Interest was to be carried on by crying down Humane Learning; then these Illiterate Fellows spit in the face of all the Liberal Arts and Sciences: And, as at that time, in point of Divinity, the Fanaticks of that Faction bawling against Learning, as Idolatrous, and Superstitious, yet to delude the World, and better to carry on their Design, made use of necessitated [Page 69] persons, that were Scholars, and of Jesuites too, who (though for another End and Interest) were ready to be transformed into the shape and habit of Coblers, or any other mean Mechanicks, pretending hereby they Preached by the Spirit. The same Tricks and Devices have been continually used by our Fanaticks in Physick, who as well knew the current of those Times, did run in oposition to all Just Authority: But they will find their case to be different, and the modesty of those Discreet Men rewarded, who chose rather to let such snarling Whifflers go on, as things inconsiderable, then appear contentious with such, who by their own growing Enormities (now Justice is in the hand of the Proper Legislator) will prove their own Destruction.
Our Authour does not at all Decline from the common custome of other Empiricks, who alwayes wound the True Physitians with their own Weapons; wherefore he is not ashamed in this Seventeenth [Page 70] Chapter to tell us, that it was the Galenists course in the Infancy of this Noble Science, to cry down Chymistry, with all might and main, conjuring the world, that they should avoid all Chymical Medicines, as most dangerous, damning them all without distinction; How the Doctors are to be understood in this particular, and what Great Patrons they alwayes have been of true Chymistry, I have already made out sufficiently, and cannot say any thing to these last lines, without being guilty of Tautology, and vain Repetition; Besides, I find he himself gives the same Exposition, in this Hypothesis, If they be not well prepared; which is not so impertinent as he would have us think, since tis not impossible they should be well prepared, by such who are unprepared, as I may say, themselves, wanting the Sublimate of Art, and abounding with the Precipitate of gross ignorance: And hereupon I very readily fall in with my Friend, and say as he does, Who that argues for Spagyrical Medicines, doth not take [Page 71] it for granted, that they ought to be made by an Artist? But if I be not mistaken, this inquiry of Master Thomsons makes not at all for himself, nor his Ignorant Brethren, who are as far from Art, as from fair and honest dealing: As in our dayes, so formerly there never wanted bold Pretenders, who would venture at any thing, for their private advantage, let the publick dammage be never so great, or the lives of men never so much concern'd; Such as would be thought Artists, though they were not acquainted, so much as with Vessels requisite to Operation, nor knew the Nature, hardly the Names, of those Minerals, with which they were to deal; certainly the Colledge had reason to advise all people in general, against the use of any Medicament prepared by such hands, least it should come to pass that those Minerals dugg out of the Earth (ill prepared) should make room to bury those poor Mortals, whom such ignorant wretches were sure to murther.
[Page 72] But now our Authour is mounted into the Chair, and speaks with Authority; You would, sayes he, do very well to reslect upon your Dispensatory, wherein (except some few Chymical lent you) all your Preparations either omit to do what they should, or commit what they should not. He charges here the poor guilty Dispensatory with sins of Omission, and Commission, but at the same time betrays more of his own infirmity, or indeed presumption. Does he imagine that every man of understanding should be swaid, or governed by his private observation; sure 'tis impossible he should be believed, and I am willing to be so much his Friend, as to think he does but droll.
In Answer to his next preamble, I am sorc't to recite more of the Authours own Language then I am willing to give you the trouble of perusal, but because it carries with it more of his impertinent boldness, then most of the rest; I shall not think much of my own labour, to render it to you as followeth, thus: For [Page 73] Example, saith he, and Experience, which is the true Touchstone that must discover us; let any of you that is in perfect health pick out of your formal Apothecaries Book, stuffed full of supernumerary preparations, the most safe and active of them, that do you the greatest service, to the number of ten; weigh out the known Dose of any one singly, with the strictest curiosity you please; take each of you the same into your own Stomaks, and repeat the Dose as often as you dare; and so proceed likewise with another, and so to the residue of the ten: When ye have acted your parts, we likewife (every way sound) selecting ten of our Arcana's, will swallow down (without trusting to the Scales) a sufficient quantity of any one (that may be most suspected) which we commonly exhibit to the sick for their recovery; look how often ye have taken of each of your ten, so often will we iterate or duplicate the sumption of any one of ours. And then let any indifferent person judge who bears their Medicines best, having the fewest bad symptomes following, and so conclude accordingly whose are most dangerous.
[Page 74] That the madness of this Man may appear as well as his folly, I will meet him at the same Touchstone of Discovery he desires (as above mentioned) and will give him leave to pick out any ten of those supernumerary preparations he talks of in the Dispensatory, and when he has done, the known Doses shall be weighed out; Then shall he also have liberty to pick ten of his own Arcana's, and without any Juggling or Equivocation, according to his own Proposition here recited, I will my self, before any such as shall be chosen, and counted competent Judges, (allowing our selves to be equally sound) take Dose for Dose with Master Thomson; provided, his Arcana's be as candidly discovered to the World, as those Preparations in the Dispensatory, which is but reason: And if Master Thomson refuse this, I may rationally believe his bold Challenge, was no more then a plain Juggle; and his not trusting the Scales in the Dosing of his Medicines, gains so little trust to either, [Page 75] that I am apt to compare him to an Empirical Medicaster, whom I have known to perform his tricks upon the Stage, in a Market Town; whose way of deceiving the people, was by a pretended Antidote against Poyson, or any Infection; for which purpose he suborn'd a Fellow, that would take his pretended Poyson and Antidote, to counterfeit both Sickness, and Cure; but one day having neglected to make some Antidotes ready, when the Fellow before all the People had taken his Dose of Poyson, and there was no Antidote at hand, the deceitfull Empirick presently commands one of his Servants to fetch a piece of the Venison of a leg of Mutton, and cut it in the form of his Antidotes, which was all that he gave at that bout; and when they had done, with a good round Oath, he affirm'd it as good an Antidote as the best: The truth of this story being so Eminently known to some others as well as my self, compared with Master Thomsons careless dispensing of his Doses, [Page 76] makes me much mistrust his Medicines. Hence one may conclude certainly, either that his Medicines are invalide, or that expression of his, a sufficient quantity, to be like the rest of his Equivocations; but take him which way you will, he surely intends to play the Hocus-Pocus; his Medicine, and the Medicasters Mutton differing but little in effect, only the Mutton is more Nutritive, and his Medicines chips in the Porridge; And these are the Medicines, sayes he, we commonly exhibit to the sick for their recovery: How sad then must the condition of those Patients be, what little hope can they expect of recovery, from such Medicines as these? Medicines, that may be given by guess; let any man judge whether this be not hitting the mark with as much uncertainty, as those People called Andabatae, that fought with one another winking: And thus has he practised hab nab, by his own confession, out of zeal for the good of his Neighbours for some years; and he concludes this Chapter with an admonishment [Page 77] to all that are desirous of being improved in the Jatricall Art, To acquaint themselves with the practicall use of those Medicines they do profess; but the pains and study he injoynes them for this Achievement, me thinks is abundantly more then's needfull; for 'tis not a business of labour, but impudence, to be an Empirick; and their Medicines cannot be truly Jatrical, because they dare deliver them out to their Patients, without trusting to the Scales.
Master Thomson very well knowing what makes for his Honour, does frequently throughout his whole Book, and particularly in his Eighteenth Chapter speak of the Colledge of Physitians, as His Adversaries, whom he is pleased to introduce here, as if they did Much glory and vaunt in their method of curing, asserting, That if a Man have never so Excellent Medicines, if he be ignorant therein, he cannot discharge his Duty as he ought. As to the terms of Glory and Vaunt, they are but the continuation of his ill language; the [Page 78] subsequent words speak a truth, which is, and deserves to be own'd by all sober and judicious persons; for Method is the life of all Science, without which, a man that knows much, is but confounded with a farrago of notions; the want of this in His brain, has made him so frequently contradict himself, and in this very particular given me advantage to confute him out of his own Assertions; Tis not the Laboratory, sayes he, or specious Furnaces that make a Spagyrical Philosopher, no more then a vast Library of Books will of themselves make a Learned Scholar; And I may consequently add, no more then a multitude of Excellent Medicines will make a Good Physitian; for the cause is not at all different; Furnaces, Books and Medicines being no further useful, then as they are judiciously understood, and methodically apply'd to their respective ends: I would aske the question whether a Physitian, being to cure a Feaver would not be ridiculous, if he should apply to the Patient a Medicine proper for [Page 79] the Gout? Or if our Authour were to be cured of his Vertigo, 'twould be counted proper to cut his Cornes. But is this Method, We pray, sayes my Friend, any more then a short way of healing Maladies? I answer him, 'Tis the shortest Diseases can be capable of; some of which are so inveterate, they are not presently to be removed; others, whose roots are not so deeply fixt, are more sodainly pull'd up, and eradicated; In both which, the Physitian is directed best by a good Method, and orderly procedure: Should a man find a Box of Carpenters Tooles, and thereupon rapt up with his good fortune, presently fancy himself a Workman: Would not you laugh to see him instead of a Saw to take up a Chisel, or for a Hammer use his Axe, but yet his work all this while is, in a manner, at a stand; whereas, if he had gone orderly and methodically to work, he might have done more with his Saw in one hour, then he could perform with his Chisel in a whole day: Thus it is with [Page 80] those Quacks who stumbling upon variety of Good Medicines, and ignorant of their right application, are so far from making a progress in any cure, that they rather go backwards, strengthning the Disease, and not their deluded Patients: The rest of this Chapter is spent in railing and dirty Language, but his tongue being no slander, I think it not necessary to rake in the kennel; and this I forbear as a friend to my Authour, for the more that is stirr'd, the more he will stink; ill Language alwayes having this property, that it does, redire in Authorem.
The inscription of his next is, The Helmontian Method; and it fares with it, as in other places, that it is not at all answered by the contents of the Chapter; wherein he plainly declares in effect, that the method of the Helmontians is to use no method at all: And after a long & tedious canting to no purpose, he comes to his old way of Challenging; Moreover, sayes he, We declare that we shall take twenty sick persons, that have Acute Feavers of what [Page 81] kind soever, and of these twenty we will ingage to secure under God sixteen of them, upon the fifth or sixth day after our approach, or to give a Prognostick, upon the same dayes, how the Disease will terminate; in which, if we fail, we shall be willing to suffer accordingly, supposed that ye come to the like tryal.
I am afraid here Master Thomson reckons without his Host; for the difficulty in this case wil be to find twenty persons, though sick of Feavers, so mad, and hot headed, as to put themselves into his hands; this he so well knows to be his security, that he carries himself as cowards usually do in the like case, who ever seem most eager to fight, when they are sure the Company of Standers-by will not permit the tryal: But tis very observable, our Friend Engages to secure sixteen of the forementioned number, or to give a prognostick how the Disease will terminate: I easily believe he may do one of the two without dispute, but most probably the latter; for I suspect he may give them such a dead - doing Arcanum, [Page 82] as upon the sumption of it the Disease and Patient may Terminate together; and this way I my self will ingage he may Secure the whole twenty; and it shall be done in such a manner, that none of them shall ever be in a condition to open their mouths against his never failing practise: But they shall confesse by their silence, he has cured them of all Diseases: And 'tis well known, this is the way for the most part which they take, To relieve a languishing wretch, tortured and racked by some cruel malady, as our Authour phrases it, by putting him out of his pain, but in the worst sense; wherefore in this extraordinary brevity, and compendious dispatches we cannot expect Method, which is requisite only where multitude or confusion is to be reduc'd into order, and not to be seen in one single attempt of a Quack, that has but one Salve for all Sores.
Upon such a like account it is, Master Thomson makes inquiry (addressing himself to the Doctors) What signifies it if ye abound [Page 83] with hundreds of Medicaments, composed by your own Apothecaries? Take notice that this question is not singly intended as a plea for his [...], or [...], but does implicitely aime at the ruine of the Apothecaries; he designs to perswade the World, that many Medicines, and the Profession of an Apothecary, are equally insignificant; and this further appears by what he sayes immediately after, concerning Preparations made with his own fingers; for it seems, Master Thomson, besides his Panacea, has some Auxilary Preparations; But I will be bold to say, If his Interest would give him leave to be honest, and deal plainly, that he will not be able to produce one Medicine among all his thirty Auxiliary Forces, but what he is beholden for to some Apothecaries Shop; but because our Empiricks craftily use known Medicines by obscure names, this cheat is not so easily demonstrated,
Thus hath my Gentleman shown our Doctors the way, not to redeem the credit of [Page 84] this noble Science, which he has indeavoured to stain; but yet to restore it to its pristine renown; yes, such as it was in the days of Yore, when Apollo and Aesculapius were Deified for two or three good Receipts; and Chiron the Centaure past for an Excellent Physitian; in succeeding Ages Physick acquired a greater growth; and then knowledge generally increasing in the World, Hippocrates and Galen, though far exceeding their Predecessors, were yet esteem'd but as Men; This Noble Science from its small beginnings growing by degrees, is arrived now at the highest top of perfection in the most Famous Colledge of London, in which there is not one Physitian, but far out-shines Apollo himself, with his brightest rayes; and if they had liv'd in that Age, had rivall'd him out of his Apotheosis: all this our Quacks are very sensible of, and envy; and no wonder they indeavour to reduce Physick to its pristine Renown, because according to that Calculation they might expect to be inserted into the Catalogue [Page 85] of Physitians, and claim a share in the Patent or Diploma, which the Colledge does injoy (to use our Authors phrase) ex condigno, these Quacks for the same reason excluded.
This Rabble seeing themselves thus shut out of doors, have of late been knocking their heads together for a New Patent, of which Master Thomson seems to give a lame account in the twentieth and last Chapter of his Book, Entituled, Some Animadversions upon the late attempt to procure a Patent from his Gracious Majesty, for the Erecting a Colledge of Chymical Physitians. And here I cannot but take notice of His Sacred Majesties great Prudence, together with His Exceeding care for the good of his Subjects, whose lives he is so tender of, that His Majesty would not intrust them in the desperate hands of unskilful Empiricks; we are all concerned to give our most Humble thanks to our most Gracious Soveraign, that this Design never went beyond an attempt; but that this Monster was stifled in the birth, [Page 86] and proved Abortive, which otherwise was like to prey upon, and devour us under the protection of Authority.
Notwithstanding, our Authour has the confidence to say, that Never was there a more Just, Honest, Desirable, and usefull Enterprize set upon in this Nation; This last Hypocritical strain of his seems to be taken out of the late Rebels Declarations, wherein, under the most specious pretenses of Justice and Loyalty, they hid the most Desperate Treason; which, when the mask was taken of, appeared in its own bloody Colours; And therefore I fear my Friend has lost his jest, since all men are sufficiently awake to discover his Hypocrisie, that desires to betray so many innocent lives, under the pretense of preserving them by Physick.
Thus are the best of Virtues counterfeited by the worst of Vices; and those that have the worst ends, are necessitated to guild them over with the fairest shews, or else they would never be [Page 87] swallowed. The like carriage in our new-found Chymists, did for a time deceive some honest men into a good opinion of the undertaking, who, when under the honey they perceived the sting, drew back from the Confederacy, and are become their greatest Opposers; just as it fared with some honest heatted men who had been drawn in, and out of good Principles had sided with the Factious in our late troubles; yet when the blackness of their designs appeared, they proved the most Zealous Loyallists.
I am inclin'd to make use of this comparison, as very pertinent to my present purpose; for just as the late Rebels Declared they would make His late Majejesty, of Blessed Memory a Glorious King; so these Jugglers pretending To Regulate and Reform the present Enormous Abuses in this Excellent Spagyrick Science, talk of Advancing it to be Queen Regent in Physick, whil'it their real intention is to dethrone Her, and set up themselves. I Wonder much at the impertinence of [Page 88] these Reformers! Do not we all know, that Chymistry is already fixt upon a good and sure fundation? If their design had been honest, as it is found rotten and fallacious, to what purpose, I pray, should it be put down in one place, to be set up in another? I would have these Jugglers know, (and indeed they know it full well) there is already Erected a Colledge of Chymicall Physitians; for I dare say, there are none amongst our Doctors, that will not own this Epithite, and I am sure, none more justly deserve it.
Besides, for a further Encouragement, and to shew a particular countenance to this Noble Art, His Majesty hath caused a peculiar Elaboratory of his own to be Erected, which is managed by Monsieur Febure, a Person of known Eminency and Parts, who hath approved himself to the World to be a most Able Artist: So that these Up-starts must intrude partly upon his right, as well as upon the Company of Apothecaries, and [Page 89] cannot justly be admitted Operators, their design being under that notion to become Physitians.
The business of this new Patent, was carried on by Subscriptions to a Petition, which being speciously penn'd, invited some few of Note to favour the Design; but as I intimated before, they did upon second and better thoughts, re-demand their hands. The number of Subscribers of all sorts, as Master Odowds List informs me, did never exceed five and thirty, and when the forementioned Persons had withdrawn, there were left behind, as Master Thomson confesses, Certain very illiterate persons, that were [...], Chymici umbratiles, mock Chymists, no whit exercised in Anatomy, and Botanicks, inexpert in the History of Diseases, &c. And these Petitioners pray for a Patent, that they may be admitted, in a Lawfull way, to make good that Excellent Character Master Thomson has given them.
[Page 90] I hope I need not make any Apology to those Ingenious and Worthy Men, who out of their forward and true zeal to Pyrotechny at first consented: I am confident they themselves will acquit me, that nothing in this Treatise is directed against them; it must needs appear, that where I mention any, as concern'd with Master Thomson, I mean only those, whom he himself hath confest to be very illiterate persons. They may likewise be assured, as to what relates to my self, I shall ever be ready to give a perfect Testimony of a true and real respect to them, as persons, whom I know without any sinister ends and interest, to be such truly zealous labourers in the fire, that they ought not to be blemisht by those, who under the borrowed Mantle of their protection, carry on unhandsome Designs.
As to what concerns Master Thomson, if he meets with any thing in my reply beyond his expectation, he must thank himself, and his own Stile, in whose [Page 91] Inke the Gall and Vitriol exceeds the proportion allowed by others in the common Menstruum. If I have toucht him home, and to the quick, let him reflect upon his own unhandsome language, and he will see, that he is paid but in his own coyne; Yet 'tis a hard matter to make the account even, in regard Master Thomson asperses two worthy establish't Societies, Famous in their respective Imployments, viz. the Doctors, and Apothecaries, and yet falsely too; on the other hand, what I say to him, is truth, and tends to the setting out, in their own shape, an inconsiderable new-born Faction.
But after all, I am yet to give a further Character of Master Thomson, and his Fraternity, those whom I presume he means every where by his u S and w E, when he talks so highly of their great exployts: I shall give you likewise a faithfull description of his Elaboratory so much boasted on throughout (almost) his whole Book, as if it were the Eighth [Page 92] Wonder of the World, as sure as he is the Eight Wise Man. Both his Faction and his Furnace, I am the better fitted to describe, having had an interview and personal Dialogue with him, which hapned at a meeting in his own House, to which I made a Journey upon the perusall of his Book, in order to this my then intended discourse: And to do Master Thomson all Just right, upon talking with the man, I found him as to Parts much beyond my first apprehension, or what it was possible for me to believe, making my conjecture only from his Book, wherein is so much self contradiction, and impertinent abusive railing, that one must conclude the Authour, (though guilty of some Learning) far from any Ingenuity, as all those must needs be, who carry on their design by calumniating the most Eminent Professors of that Science, they pretend to own, and within the compass of which they aime at a reputation in the World to themselves.
[Page 93] I may justly tell Master Thomson, that he abounds less with Learning, then Choler, yet according to his proportion of each, he makes use of them together in charging others as being culpable of what his own Omissions have necessitated him deservedly to suffer, so that in effect, he complains of Justice; doubtless had he gone on in a regular way, he might have expected favour from the Colledge: That which I would say, is this; had Master Thomson sedulously apply'd himself to the study of Physick, and taken his Degrees, as the custome of the Universities require, he might have obtained License to practise; the Colledge never denying such as are lawfully qualified: But since our Authour has minded only the end without the means he is to blame himself, if he be disappointed.
I cannot positively accuse Master Thomson in particular, that he like the Faction he owns, intended formerly some other profession, and that failing in the [Page 94] attainment, either through Idleness or want of Ability, he stumbled upon Physick; yet this I am sure he is guilty of, that he attempted to fly, before he was pen-feathered, venturing upon Practise, before he was well versed in the Theory; which is one reason he is no better acquainted with Method; But for the rest of his Crew, they are obliged by their Ignorance to be utter Enemies to Learning, and having nothing justly to plead for their irregular courses, must make up the defect with impudence.
If so be, Master Thomson have in him something more then the rest of his Illiterate Brethren, yet he is obnoxious to the same censure with them, in regard he is of the Club, and tis a common Rule,
‘Noscitur ex sociis, qui non cognoscitur ex se:’
With this rabble he frequently meets, and bears his part in the Consort, where the burden of their Song is, railing against the Universities, the Colledge, [Page 95] and all Learning in General, but the Doctors especially; who if they oppose them, do it not as they practise Chymically and not Galenically, but as they presume to practise contrary to the rules of Order and Authority; But I am apt to believe the private quarrels of this Faction, are like to save the Doctors a labour; for there is now a great falling out among themselves, as I perceive by Master Thomson's bitter inveighing against the Dropping Doctor, against M r Odowde, and some others; in the heat of his railing, he told me, they especially were the persons that obstructed their business, and disenabled them from achieving That which (in their account) would prove so usefull to the World; But I would have Master Thomson understand thus much, that 'tis not any particular persons of his Faction that are his binderance, but the general design of imposing upon the People.
Tandem aliquando, I am got into his Elaboratory which is so pitifull a sight, that it minds me of an Expression in his [Page 96] Eighth Chapter, 'tis not the Laboratory or Specious Furnaces that simply make a Spagyrick; For if his Skill in Pyrotechny were to be calculated by his Utensils, he would hardly be thought able to out - do Aniseed - Water - Robin: And whereas, in the beginning of the forenamed Chapter, he sayes to the Doctors, Ye make your boast, that ye possess (as well as we) your Laboratories and Variety of Furnaces; His Elaboratory affords but two, one of Earth, the other of Iron; the former (like the Master) for want of Lutum Sapientiae being crackt, was tyed together with a Rope, that of Iron in case of necessity, for some Kitchin might serve as a Chafing-Dish, for indeed it does not much exceed that Standard; when I compared his own large boastings of this Fabrick, with my ocular view, I began to think my Chymist had shew'd me the Extract, and Elixir of his magnified Pile, which I admired to behold, shrunk as it were into two Calcining Pots, and about that number of broken Retorts.
[Page 97] Thus furnisht, my Friend intends to venture at Helmonts Liquor Alkahest, and makes no doubt of getting the Philosophers Stone, but I fear the poor wretch will be gravell'd in his design in the conclusion.
But that Master Thomson and I, may part Friends, I shall do the ossice of one in advising him for the future, to raile less against those Worthy Men, whose Books he is not worthy to carry, and to be less injurious to the Company of Apothecaries, to whom he owes some Respect, though he disown it; however as to the Doctors, me thinks he and his Brethren should the rather forbear, in regard their Scandalous Tongues can do the Colledge no more hurt, then the Arrows of the Barbarians do the Sun, when they aime at this Fountain of Light, which laughs at their vain and ridiculous Choler; and notwithstanding all their bolts, continues the same course, and inunterrupted motion above the reach of their foolish attempts: All [Page 98] the injury, that they are able to offer these Eminent Men, resembles but the ill humour of Curs, that bark at the Moon and Stars, but cannot by the importunity of their howlings, diminish eitheir their Splendor or Influence.
SOME FEW REMARKES Upon a Treatise of M r Thomas O Dowdes, Called, The POOR - MANS - PHYSITIAN.
IT was wont to be said, Ubi desinit Medicus, incipit Theologus; but it seems Master O Dowde has a particular designe to make both Commence together, ushering in his Pamphlet with two or three abus'd, and misapply'd texts of Scripture; notwithstanding before he and I part, he [Page 100] will appear to be neither a Divine, nor a Physitian, the inverse of that Title, which he hath falsly put upon his Book, justly belonging to himself; The Mans a Poor Physitian: Whereas he fondly talks of his Speaking with a Holy Reverence, I cannot but stand amazed at his profane Impudence, in asserting this Hypotheticall Proposition, That if Jesus Christ Himself were now on Earth, Professing, and Curing Chymically, though to Mirable; rather then be admitted (so) to do that universall Good, he would be Vilified, Scorned, Condemned, and Crucified: Intending to disgorge at this presumptuous rate, He might well begin his Preface with a Declaration, that He was conscious to himself he should have many Enemies. How ill doth this sute with the Charity his Pamphlet seems to carry in the front; this is in effect to unchristian the Colledge, and tell them they are Iewes; which is so gross and foolish a Scandal; so improbable and groundless an imputation, that there needs nothing [Page 101] to be said to take it off, but the very bare repetition; However, it sufficiently sets the Authour out to the World for one, that has but a small stock of modesty and less religion.
I cannot but take notice of the Mans Ingenuous Confession of the Imposture, commonly practised by those of his rank, but not so frankly acknowledged by any, as himself; For I can make no other Interpretation of this specious promise, If poor, sayes he, I will not only cure them, but likewise give them considerable Gratuities for their Publick appearance in the acknowledgement of their several Cures: This is to me an evidence, that he trades with those that are in want, and working upon their necessity does by an under-hand agreement, hire them to bear witness to the Cure, that never was perform'd; and this trick of his managed with subtlety, might very easily make his Catalogue so numerous. I really believe, that excepting some few Cured by accident, he is forc't to this Expence in all other Diseases, [Page 102] but the Pox; and in that particular these Empiricks have another fetch to help themselves; but when examined, it will prove of less credit, then the former, namely, their privy bargains.
The French Disease, having so much of shame intayled upon it, because Contracted usually from great Debaucheries, 'tis the great care of all Persons punisht with it, to conceal it as much as is possible; and therefore such are sure to loose their custome, who tells tales: Under this colour, such as our Authour is, take occasion to Exagerate the number they have cured, setting them out, and their Disease by severall circumstances and degrees, and being excused from naming the persons upon the account of Reputation, they leave us no possibility of convincing them of their Knavery, but we must believe all upon their single Word: This I take to be most of the Reason, why the Disease all these Mountebanks most pretend to the cure of, is the Lues Venerea; in this [Page 103] particular it is, Master O Dowde (as appears in his Preface) would have us all acknowledge, His just and Christian Practises.
Master Groomes great drift and design, I perceive is, to decoy the rich, and draw them into his Net; to this purpose he takes a very plausible course, pretending much to the doing of good for Gods sake, and relieving the Poor that want Medicine; That this is the end of all his Charity is very evident from his own Discovery, He will traverse, he sayes, all the Streets, Lanes, and Allies, of this Great and Glorious City, to find out the Poor and Necessitous wanting help and Medicine; The conclusion of this is, that the over-weening man fancies, he shall Force the Rich to seek him; but alas, this Plot will not take; while there are Good Physitians in the Kings High-way, we need not go look such Cattel as he in the By-Lanes; and I would Advise Master O Dowde to Endeavour all he can, to oblige the Yeomen of the Guard; for going [Page 104] of their Errands, is still like to be his best imployment.
'Tis high time to Assure the World that he scorns to Print a Paper to beg a Patient; Alas, that Cheat is worn thread-bare, and though at the first coming up, it served to delude for a time; yet now experience of the emptiness of such like Manifesto's hath made them as unprofitable, as they are common; This my Gentleman is very sensible of, and therefore pretends to be above what he cannot reach; and instead therefore of posting up his Bills, he hath lately clapt on a face of Godliness, which he hopes will be his great gain: This strain runs parallel with his Railing throughout his whole Preface; Hence springs such frequent mention of his Conscience; so much Charity to the Diseased Poor; such Blessing of God; such imploring of the Great Creatour: But alas, I am afraid for him, this knack will hardly work upon the Brethren, and the Holy Sisters in the City; His Manners and Conversation is [Page 105] so notoriously known, that he of all others is like to make little advantage of his Hypocrisie; therefore he had as good pull off the Vizard-masque, and appear in his own shape.
And me thinks he appears to some purpose about the two or three and twentieth page of his Book; where having told a long story of William Miller Servant to Master Langston, whom, he sayes, he Cured of a violent Surfet, Feaver and Lunacy, in the close of the Narration, Complains he received not a sufficient Reward; This I thought was contrary to his Principles, but it seems 'tis only against his Pretenses: That which is most strange, and much surpriz'd me in a Man of his Seraphick temper, that professeth so much Piety, is, that thus disobliged, as he calls it, upon occasion afterwards, being sent for to the Mistris, he should out of perfect spite and revenge, refuse to come; Nay, he so stood it out, That he would in no case be importuned to it; And this is the man, which has taken upon him the [Page 106] Profession of Physick, only to do good for Gods sake. I cannot say after this, that he forgets himself, though he so solemnly and boldly calls upon God To bear record with his Conscience, concerning his Integrity and Single-hearted simplicity: No, this is the remembrance of himself, and the forgetting of God, whose Name he so vainly takes into his mouth.
Such is the profane craft and subtlety of this man, that, from his Atheisticall Principles, he is careless of his Words and Protestations, as to the truth of them, so they do but carry on his design of deceiving, and get him a reputation with honest meaning men, who being by their own charity betray'd to him, may help to furnish him with money to spend upon his Vices: He, like the tempter, applyes himself in his Book suitably to the different inclination of those he addresses himself to, and accordingly he has another way to tickle the fancies of persons ill inclined, using divers vain and lascivious [Page 107] expressions; Nay, in a manner, down-right incouraging them to pursue their lusts, and venture for that loathed disease, because so obvious and easie to be cured by him; as appears by his Relation of a Person of great Worth and Fortune, who having got a Clap with a witness, came to him to be Cured within fifteen dayes, because his concerns required he should then take a Journey; He like an impudent Wretch answered him (they are his own words) If it might be a Service to him, he should be as well Cured as in all his life, and have time to get another if he pleased, and be Cured of that too in that time; And me thinks here it had been proper for him to add to all, that he would do This for Gods sake.
The greatest part of his Preface (which indeed is the whole Book, the rest being as it were but an Index) is taken up in railing at the Doctors; this is the Common Place or Topick of all these Mountebancks Rhetorick: Their sole study (but all in vain) is to draw a Cloud over the lustre of these men that out-shine them; [Page 108] and they think (but they are mistaken) to make their own couterfeit glistering by this means pass for Gold: I confess, some of these sort of Men do shew some Wit and Parts in their Calumnies, and make the best of their bad Cause 'tis capable of; but this Master O Dowde is so bold, and dull an Ignoramus, that, as we say of a Notorious Villain, He is one that shames the Gallows; So this Groom is such a Wretch, that he is a disgrace, even to his most disgracefull Party; and that in such a measure, that they themselves cry him down, and blush to own him.
One of the most considerable Champions, and Ring-leaders of this Faction, I take Master Thomson to be, and therefore I look on him to speak the mind of the whole Junto; besides, he hath been an Intimate Friend and Associate of O Dowdes, and consequently one that best knows him: From his own mouth, I had it to this essect, That he is an Illiterate Person, and so grosly Ignorant, that he [Page 109] alone was able to bring into question, the Knowledge of all the rest, they for his single sake lying under the censure of being men, as ignorant as himself; and no doubt most of them did not much come behind him for this gift and endowment of Ignorance. Master Thomson told me, That the Ignorance of this Dunce alone occasioned the Obstruction of the Patent, which was lately in Agitation, for the Erecting of a New Colledge: In this I do not altogether give Credit to Master Thomson, but however it serves for my present purpose, to convince the World of Master O Dowdes insufficiency, when his own Party, whose business it is to cry up one anothers Merit, shall blazon him for an unletter'd Groom.
'Tis his gross Ignorance makes him so rude and saucy with the Doctors, as he is; if he had had any Learning, I am sure he would have had more civility, and better manners: What he undertakes to say of them, is as false, as his Declaration, (viz.) That he scorned to Print a Paper to [Page 110] beg a Patient; whereas he has spoyl'd many sheets onely to that purpose, witness his First, Second, and now a Third Edition of his Book publisht for the same design, and imbroidered with a long Catalogue of counterfeit Cures, as if he intended now his own Fraternity has cast him off, to put in for the Monopoly, and prove Medicaster Universalis.
My Gentleman (though such an Atheist, that I think he seldome sayes his Prayers) has notwitstanding at last found out Amen Corner (and I wish it prove not a Formidable place to him) where he talks of a body, and where I have seen many dissected, that had more brains, I believe, then himself, and yet had not Wit enough to avoid that Destiny: By the whole Body of Amen Corner he talks on, he must be supposed to mean the their Situated Colledge of Physitians; Persons, who for their Eminency and known Abilities in Physick and Anatomy, the King Himself was Graciously Pleased lately to Honour with his Presence, and [Page 111] as a signal Testimony of His Affection to the Professors, as well as to the Profession, Conferred the Honour of Knight-hood upon the Worthy Reader pro tempore, (now Sir George Ent) together with divers signal Expressions of Favour and Respect to the whole Body of this Society: And yet such is the impudence of this ignorant Scandalous Fellow, that with strange impertinent, insignificant, and false aspersions he ventures to throw dirt upon those His Majesty thought fit so highly to Honour.
But Perfasque, Nefasque, the old Design must go on; Self-interest and Juggling must to be advanc't, and no way else is possible to effect it, unless it be by decrying those that are most likely to discover the Cheat. Thus our Autorculus, and the rest of the Crew are of opinion, That if they do Calumniari fortiter, aliquid haerebit; and indeed the mischief is, that, to the ruine of many simple persons, they do it with some kind of success; but I hope for the future, all sorts [Page 112] of men will be more carefull of their lives, and not cast such pearles, before them that are ready to devour; And I wish this little Book might serve as a guide for some of the misled, to direct them, least they split upon this Rock.
The Title of Master O Dowdes Book, (viz.) The Poor Mans Physitian, Or, the True Art of Medicine, as it is Chymically prepared, &c. Did not a little raise my expectation; I hop't to have made a discovery there of something extraordinary, as to the Preparations of Medicines, by the Art of Pyrotechny; which indeed was the chief Reason why I Esteemed it worth my while to look into it; for (Chymistry being both my Profession and Delight) the improving my knowledge in this Art, is my sole Study, and that, for which I have not spar'd either Cost or Pains: But upon the purusal, I found my self utterly disappointed; For instead of performing what his specious Title promises, he obtrudes upon the World a farrago of Names and [Page 113] Cures, most of which are notoriously false, and fictitious; so that what in the Title Page is the true Art of Medicine, is in the Book meer forgery, and the true Art of cozening.
I would not be thought to speak at random, or shoot at rovers, as this fellow does his bolts, though it be in the case of so inconsiderable a person; and therefore that I might be furnisht to give a certain Testimony of his insidelity, and demonstrate the dangerous consequence that must necessarily ensue upon his bold undertakings, I have taken no small pains to examine the truth of those particulars, he so mightily boasts of, and magnifies himself for; and in truth I do not find one in ten to answer in the least to that he so impudently asserts in his Book: I do believe, if it were possible to trace him through his whole Catalogue, one in twenty would not appear to give him a good report; and this sure comes far short of those Miraculous cures he would possess the World with an opinion [Page 114] of being the performance of his daily practise.
If one may judge Ex pede Herculem, I shall be able by shewing the falsness of some Cures he boasts of, give the world an Essay of the whole Muster: That which he particularly insists on and by a formall Preface bespeaks the attention of the Reader even to the least circumstance, is the Cure of one Master Richard Rawlinson, mentioned in the fourth page of his Book, Living on the back-side of the Shambles, in New-Gate-Market; Out of my desire to know the truth, I went to him, being my Neighbour, and had with him some Discourse concerning this particular, he told me, he was brought very low by the Scurvey, and had been for a good space in a course of Physick for his recovery by the advice of a friend, and about that time, a Colonel of his acquaintance came to visit him, and finding him so ill out of pity sent presently for Master O Dowde, who very readily came, and after a cursory view of Master [Page 115] Rawlinson, appointed him some of his Medicine (without any inquiry what had formerly been given him) which operating with him, as well by vomit as by stool, gave him present ease, and freed him, but 'twas only from a Rheumatismus, caused by the effect of a Mercurial Preparation, which his friend, and my acquaintance had given him (without discovering to Master Rawlinson the intent of the Medicine) in order to his Recovery; with which method, who ever is acquainted, do very well know the Effect, and will not wonder, that Master O Dowde found my Neighbour in that Condition, he is pleased to call an unparallel'd Distemper; but will rather admire he should call this a Cure, that did but only check the former Medicine, and turn the Humour another way, which every Artist in Physick or Surgery knows was a hare-brain'd rash undertaking, and in all probability, did prevent the perfection of his Cure; Master Rawlinson, not withstanding the repetition of Master [Page 116] O Dowde's Medicine, (being put out of his former course of Physick) remains to this day uncured, being still deeply affected with the Scurvey, and shewing me spots upon his Arm, told me with his own mouth, that because he did not continue Gratuities according to his expectation, he heard no more of Master O Dowde. And thus I have given you an impartial account of the great Cure, which this false and impudent man would Have stand as a perpetual record to all Ages, against the sordid method of Galenical Prescriptions: But let this stand as a perpetual record to all Ages against Master O Dowdes false and scandalous aspersions, for to my knowledge, what had been done before in order to this mans Cure was performed by a Chymical Operator in Surgery, a Man so Eminently known to be able in his Profession, that had not this bold intruder prevented, Master Rawlinson might have at this time been perfectly well.
His great Idol being thus thrown down [Page 117] before the face of truth, all the other petty Imps and Cures of little moment must needs be sensible of the fall; and I shall put some of them to the tryal, if they are able to stand the test: as I take it, two or three of them well shaken and examined, being found too weak and tottering, will be sufficient to give us an estimate of the whole Tribe, and plainly evince, that they are all either absolutely forg'd, or only the effcts of chance.
I shall begin with Master Adams, a Brewer in Saint Thomas Southwark, whom Master O Dowde is pleased to say in the third p. of his Book, He Curedof a violent Gout in two dayes of Medicine, which I must confess to be a very expeditious Cure of such an inveterate Disease; But 'tis only said, not performed, for a Friend of mine, a person of known Credit, afflicted with the same pain, willing to be eafed, was inclined to believe what he so much desired should be verified in himself; but he was not altogether so credulous, as to venture upon Master O Dowde without [Page 118] a particular inquiry into the certainty; whereupon, going to Master Adams, he was satisfied by him to the contrary, and told, that O Dowde was a lying Fellow, and that he was no better then he was before the taking of Master O Dowdes Medicine; the like account has been given me by divers of those persons mentioned in his Catalogue, within these few dayes.
A second I went to speak withal my self not long ago, by Name Mr. Rawley a Baker neer Barking Church in Tower-street; this man (says O Dowde) was under a five years Dropsie, Lask, and Bloody Flux, a Patient so remarkable, as to call men, and Angels to witness against the Barbarous inhumanity of those Persons, that stile themselves Doctors, &c. 'Twould be too troublesome to relate the whole Fable; to be brief therefore, after a lamentable, and as false a report, he tells you, This Man after wishing for death, at last with a terrible Dropsie became his Patient, his Leggs and Thighes swoln, not imaginably to be moved, and hard as boards, yet in Eleven dayes Medicine cured by him. The [Page 119] Man himself was at that time a sleep upon the Bed, and I received the following Narration from Mistris Rawley to this Effect, that as to Master O Dowdes description of her Husbands Disease, 'twas in part true, but he was so far from being well or cured in Eleven dayes, that he was half a year his daily Patient with little benefit; and that Master O Dowde having received divers gratuities, did at several times after, bring more of his Medicine almost for the space of a year, till at last, either for want of those former Gratuities, or for shame he had not yet Cured him, from that day to this he never appear'd: Her Husbands Leggs, and Thighes being swoln as much as ever, it seems Master O Dowde can cure the Dropsie without the removall of the Symptomes.
A third lye he tells, is of Mistris Elizabeth Friend, who unfortunately became his Patient, he says, for the Falling Sickness, and relates the Story in the twenty seventh page of his Catalogue, to which [Page 120] for brevity sake I refer the Reader: Some terrible fits of the Mother indeed she had, for the Cure of which, by the Perswasion of some Friend, that was deceived into an Opinion of Master O Dowde, she was Boarded at his House, where he Physick't her at his old rate; this poor Gentlewoman by the excessive, or (to use his own phrase) The wonderful Operation of his Three and Twenty times Medicine, had so lost her Spirits, that she became deeply affected with a Lethargy, which he minces into an Indisposition and Drowsiness: After this, she had the Small Pox, but recovered of that Disease, she went on in the former course of Medicine, till her Lethargy was attended by a kind of Distraction, and her former fits so much heighthned, that when they were upon her, she would stare, and start, like one perfectly out of her Senses, and in the times of her intermission, her face was puft up and bloated; which by one of Master O Dowdes Figures, he calls in his forty sixth page her growing fat, After twenty [Page 121] nine dayes of Medicine, to the Operation of at least Two Hundred Vomits, and One Hundred and odd Stooles, grew Strong, Chearfull and Fat; which Fatness was such Bloatiness, that they (indeed) who had not been acquainted with her, might look on it as the usual habit of her body: This poor young Gentlewoman, whose Cure this impudent man so much boasts of, dyed in one of these fits, to the great grief of her Friends, and in particular her Mother, who is at the very Name of O Dowde like a distracted person, to think she should be so indiscreet as to suffer her self to be deluded by such a vain bragging Impostor. This Relation was given me by the Gentlewomans near Friends, who likewise told me, they dare not mention O Dowdes Name to her Mother in any case, least by the disturbance of her Spirits, she should fall into the like passionate fits with her Daughter.
After these several Convictions, I take it for granted, that all sober Men will know Master O Dowde for a Lyar, and I [Page 122] doubt not but he will have his due, and proper punishment, which is never to be believed.
Certainly, had this Man been of sober Principles, he would never have vented so much Vanity and Frothiness in several places of his Scribble; tis so gross, that 'tis hardly fit for modest eares: Some of that which is most cleanly, I met with in a passage concerning a young Gentleman, whom he Cured of the Pox: After a long up-braiding of the Doctors under the notion of Dogmatists, with a tedious Method of Curing the Old Gentleman (as he calls it) to shew his Dexterity that way, he brings in for Witness; A Witty and Accomplished Young Gentleman, who some years since, from a simple Gonorrhea, was run into a most prodigious POX, and almost Two Years course of Physick; who afterwards becoming my Patient, was perfectly Cured long since; And many Moneths after getting an Inveterate Clap, was in lesse then Ten dayes cured by Me; and then pleasantly assured me, that he now was satisfied, [Page 123] that in a Clap, nothing more was needful, then to Pray the Physitian (not to the God our Authour so often invocated) and pay him well, and to it again, for it was Cured as soon as a scratcht finger. This is the Young Gentlemans Descant upon the Old One; Master O Dowde gives him the stile of Witty and Accomplished, flattering him into the humour of Paying Well, and as it may be guest by this Familiar Dialogue, finding him sit for his Company, they became Cronies; by which Debauchery you may likewise guess at our Authours vain Conversation.
As it was tedious for me to examine every particular in Master O Dowdes Index, of those he sayes he has Cured, so it would be to as little purpose to make a New Catalogue of All those I may say he has Killed; If I should undertake it, I am of Opinion, I could fill a Book as Large as his own; for when I made inquiry after those whom he Cured (in his Book but no where else) I met with several Tragick Stories of his bold undertakings: [Page 124] I shall recount one or two, that Master O Dowde may take notice of, and add them in the next Edition of his Book.
The first was one Thomkins, at the spread Eagle near Fleet-Bridge, who was another of his Patients for the Old Gentleman, but his Medicine wrought so violently with him, that he dyed of a Scowring; but while under those Gripes and Tortures, occasioned by his Potion, would often say if he recovered, he would be revenged of him, and if he dyed, which he did suddainly after, he was confident O Dowde was the cause of his death.
Another was a Maid-Servant, that unfortunately became his Patient, in Long-Lane; she upon taking of his Medicine, which wrought so violently with her, presently died, having strange kinde of Cramps and Fits; divers others I am furnisht to recite, but I forbear to trouble my Reader, whom I am confident I have already satisfied, and more will nauseate.
[Page 125] This Master O Dowde, though never so desperate in the exhibition of his Medicine, as he all along phrases it, yet in his manner of Dispensing, he uses a more then ordinary caution: I made a discovery of this, as well by his carriage, set out in his own Book, as from the relation of several of his Patients: His way is never to trust his Medicine in the hands of his Patients, but they must either in the presence of Himself, or his Boy, take down whatever he gives or appoints; and in my Opinion, this can bear no other interpretation, then that he is afraid his Knavery should be discovered in using some common rejected preparation, under the shew of his own invented Chymicall Arcanum.
Just such another Fellow is Master Lockier, (and I think these Geese are sitly coupled together) who by difguising of Vitrum Antimonii, commonly called Stibium, hath exposed to the world his Pilula, Radiis solis extracta, and for some considerable time, hath sold it for [Page 126] Sixteen Shillings per Ounce; whereas, to my own knowledge, the same quantity, of the same Commodity, might be had without any trouble in any Apothecaries Shop for Three Pence: Such kind of Cheats as these are frequently put upon the easily deluded and credulous people, by such Politick Empiricks and Falsifiers in Physick as these.
I leave it therefore to Master Lockiers choyce, whether he had rather be couuted a Knave, or a Fool, one of the two he cannot avoid; for having Publisht in Print, that there is no Antimony in his Pill; either he is so ignorant, he knows not what Antimony is, or else he resolved to deceive the World: Though for my own part, I was well satisfied, and found divers of the same Opinion, concluding it to be a Mineral, & that nothing else could Operate in so small a proportion; yet notwithstanding, for the further satisfaction or the World, I made an Experiment, in the Publick Elaboratory of the Colledge, before divers of [Page 127] the Fellows, in order to a Pyrotechnicall Resolution of this Pill, as followeth.
A Resolution of M r Lockiers PILL.
AFter the dissolution of half an ounce of Master Lockiers Pills, in a sufficient quantity of Spirit of Wine, which served onely to take away the mucilaginous substance, with which they were formed into those small proportions; I found a remaining powder, which after it was dry, answered (as I thought) in colour and weight to Vitrum Antimonii; for further discovery, I pulverized half an Ounce of Vitrum Antimonii, and in the opinion of all that were present, there was no ocular demonstration to the contrary, but that they were all one: However, that it might be put beyond all dispute, I melted down Master Lockiers Pills, and out of that half Ounce, I reduced Two Drams and Eleven Grains of pure Regulus of Antimony; after this, I [Page 128] melted down the same quantity of Vitrum Antimonii, out of which I also did reduce the same quantity of Regulus, wanting but five Grains, which is not onely an undeniable demonstration, that Master Lockiers Pills are altogether Antimonial, but as evidently plain, that they are nothing else but Vitrum Antimonii, powdered and formed into those small Granula's, in which form he has so publickly sold them all England over.
And now what will be the dangerous consequence, and hazard to many mens lives, to whom these Impostors thus unadvisedly offer their Medicine, without any consideration or respect, either to the nature of the Disease, habit of Body, constitution of the Patient; but in all cases, to persons of all Ages and Constitutions, at a venture, give it in like quantity, I say, what evil event must ensue such absurd practises, I leave to the Judgement of All Rational Men.
The Appendix.
WHen I first undertook an Answer to these indirect Practitioners in Physick, I also intended to offer something oy way of Proposal, or rather a most Humble Address to You; The President, Fellows, and Commonalty of the Kings Colledge of Physitians in this Famous City; As also to the Master, Wardens, and Company of Apothecaries, in order to the rectifying of some Enormous abuses, that within the space of some fevv years past, have crept into the general Practise of Physick.
But having perused a little Book Entituled, [Page 130] A Letter concerning the present State of Physick; Written by a Person of Quality, and without dispute great Learning, who has so effectually and fully discust the whole matter, and proposed such excellent means and wayes, as well to prevent the like for the future, as for the advancing all the desiderata of this Profession; in all which his principal aim is, the restoring of this Practise of Physick to its antient Constitution, which, as this Worthy Gentleman sayes, Till good Learning came to be over-thrown and laid wast by the Furious irruption of the Goths (though it now stands devided, between the Chirurgeon and Apothecary, was then the sole care of the Physitian onely; and tis very true, they did then officiate in all the faculties of Physick: But it is observ'd likewise, that this Profession in general never flourish'd better then it has in these three Branches, (viz.) Physitians, Chirurgeons, and Apothecaries; nor has there been a greater improvement in Physick, in any Age of the [Page 131] World, then what has been made within this Thirty years last past; and I presume without disparagement to any, I may affirm, this to have been brought about, by the Industry and Pains, principally of the Honourable Society of Physitians in London, as well in the business of Anatomy, as Physick: Nor has the Chirurgeons, and Apothecaries been unuseful in this advancement; but each of them in their respective Sphears, have been Exemplary to our Neighbouring Nations.
Then, what remains to the perfect advancement of this God-like Profession, but a reuniting of the whole Body consisting of these Branches) into those true and amicable respects, in which current, to this day Physick has so well prospered; and the rather, because, as this noble Gentleman has well observ'd, it might otherwayes Be lookt upon in respect of these (though additional) two very Worthy Societies of Men (Chirurgeons and Apothecaries) as a thing extreamly unreasonable to [Page 132] undertake such an alteration, as the restoring of that antient way would necessarily introduce: Besides the great difficulty must needs be expected in bringing this expedient to its intended perfection, it may probably be conjectured, that then the continuance of more time, with some other inconveniences falling in, may again produce the same exigency.
Wherefore I humbly suppose, as being of the same sentiment (in that particular) with this Noble Gentleman, the best expedient, for the rectification of all past abuses, and to free this Honourable Profession of Physick from all those degenerating Vipers, (that do not only eat out her bowels, by their sinister practises, but by their illiterate, rude behaviour, stick on it, like dirt) will in my opinion be found to be, if the Colledge would please (continuing to own the improvement of Rational Chymistry) as an addition to all their former manifeftations; procure (as this Gentleman [Page 133] advises) by an address to His Majesty, a Publick Authority, and Command, that all Apothecaries may be oblig'd, to buy those Chymical Preparations made in their Publick Elaboratory for the use of His Majesties Subjects, or else give satisfaction to the Colledge, that they have the same of their own making, to the end, that no Chymical Preparations may be taken into their shops, from the hands of any unskilful or dishonest Operator, but from such only as shall be allow'd by the Colledge; the rather, because there are several in this City, who have serv'd an Apprentiship to this profession, and are esteem'd persons of such Integrity, that what Medicines soever they sell, the Colledge (to whom in obedience they will be ready to give satisfaction in this point) may acquiesce in their just prepatation; for further satisfaction to the Colledge, I humbly propose, that the Master and Wardens of the Company of Apothecaries, would please to Enact, under a severe [Page 134] penalty, that from henceforth none of their Members, shall use, or put to sale any dispenst Medicine, but what they either make themselves, or for convenience in their Trade be furnisht by some Member of their own Society; since that by this means the Mystery of Physick will not only be preserved with her due bounds, but the profession will be much advanc't, and that door, by which all the fore-mentioned abuses crept in, will be stopt up: Thus much I humbly offer as my own private thoughts and desires, begging pardon, if I have too much presumed.
I cannot after all, better conclude then with the words of that incomparable Epistle; Since then, Worthy Doctors, Your selves look upon Rational Chymistry, as an Excellent way of enquiry into the natures of things, and managed with sound Reason and Philosophy, an excellent way also of preparing Medicines; Since you are as much conversant in Chymical Authous, [Page 135] as any others, and have as many, and more assistances, of learning and experience to judge of them; to all which I may very well add, since you have also a Perfect and Candid Resolution to Countenance and Improve them; as I am Bound in Duty, so I humbly make Bold to Offer the Continuance of my Devoted Service, in what ever your Honours shall be pleased to imploy,
PAge 1. line 11. read tough, for tuff. p. 11. l, 20. r, by these subtle. pa. 12. l. 11. r. both for doth. p. 16. l. Past, r. interest for intrest. p. 52. l. 17. r. inform for imform. p. 57. l, 2. r. fraudulent for fradulent. p. 14. l. 5. r. to give.