THE Jesuits New Discoveries.
NOw is it the time to come to the Apollogy for Jesuits, that is, it is the time to leave speaking of them, for he favours them most which says least of them.
Yet that it might not be forgotten, that this Order of men have been good for something, these following discoveries and inventions, will demonstrate as plainly as the nose upon a mans face; to convince Gregory the Great, and St. Bede, two old men as would believe nothing but what they saw, the Jesuits had a pair of Spectacles of their own making, Consecrated, and by the benefit of them, these two Old Saints did discern, (as they say) distinctly the Souls of their friends, when they were discharged of their bodies, and sometimes the Souls of such men as they knew by sight. Bellarmine in the Book of Purgatory affirms, that a friend of his, a Priest borrowed the Spectacles, which were so truly made▪ that he got a fight of hell, and saw Origen, (which deserved so well of the Christian World) burning in hell: an ordinary sighted man, might look into the bottom of this plot, if he could be befriended, which could b [...] hatch by none but the devils in hell, and acted by none but their representatives, the Jesuits upon Earth.
For those as will not believe their eyes, or for those things as cannot be seen, they have a Jesuitical Tool, which is to be fitted and applyed to the ear; it was by the help of some such instrument that Robert Aquinas, took Christs long Oration he made, as he hung upon the Cross and undoubtedly he also had the like assistance, which dedicated that Sermon which Christ made in praise of his Father Joseph: otherwise how could these hear, that which none but themselves ever heard. To say more to say less of these Intelligence instruments, they would be very servicable at this time, that we might know what private sence, the Jesuits put upon their last Speeches, which contain'd as palpable lyes; as Father Ireland who at his Execution denied he was at London in August, and brought Evidence to aver it, when then and since it has appeared notoriously false, but Tresham the Gun powder Traitor did the same, and more they may do by the Canons of their Church, if there be a necessity for it.
'Tis not unlikely these Jesuits should be Spectacle-makers or any thing, being Jack of all trades, or as the Jesuits Catechism in English has it, a Jesuit is every man, of which that Book will afford some instances. No [...] can any man though he had declamed against the Jesuits till all the sand [...] [Page] [...] were run [...] and practises, which the Pope and Papists defend, but take o [...] [...] with another they have done their party more hurt then good, for the [...] will prevail.
The Monks Contemporary with Ignatius the Jesuits Schoolmaster vindicate him for a fellow so subtill, although not very learned that he had attempted more, then the devil before his fall, that he could not only tempt, but possess the devil himself, they admired him as a Transubstantiated devil, and believed the devil entered bodily into the Jesuits, (in those days) and like them transformed themselves into all shapes, and haunted all places to fill it with their doctrine of divils.
The Jesuits wickedly, and like themselves, plead their priviledge, alledging they can make it appear by a true Copie of a Charter from heaven, that God had granted to their Order, that for the first 300 years, not one of their Order should be damn'd. The book wherein this Grant is recor [...]ed, is the Image of the first Jesuits; who obtained this Grant as they say, or rather forged the Original. Ravilliack, Chastell and Clement, that kil'd the Kings of France, were encouraged by some such Charter to become Religious Murtherers, they all protested their innocency and went chearful to their Execution like men of a seared Conscience.
Above all, to discover their Charity is wonderful, in maintaining and furnishing most Courts and considerable parts of Christendom; with Bigots, quezels, and She devotes; these she Jesuits and other persons popishly affected are planted to purchass Land, to betray Councils, carry on, suppress, affect, and disaffect Princes and people the popishly affected and interessed are the Vipers who desire to bring forth a forreign Monarchy, no matter what so it be papall, though they rend the bowels of Church and State, by the Golden art of supplanting, when the Jesuit himself cannot appear.
If any think this Apollogy too short, he may think all the Jesuites lately Executed is an Apollogie, by their own rule, that is their greatest Argument of innocency to be accused by us.
At this time whilest they are yet somewhat able to do mischief, let them make much of this Vindication, it may come to pass, that as they have been expelled Venice, banished France, (which Father Gavan forgot, when he said all the Papall world are the Jesuits Advocates,) they may be shaken off by other Princes, then their own weakness may be their Apollogie.
If any object, the Jesuits have taken away rather then given any occasion of writing for them, I confess it, and wish they may grow harmless out of necessity, and really verifie that which Vegetius said of old War-Chariots [...]ed with Sithes and Hooks, that at first they were terrible, but at last [...]ey became contemptible.