Being a True Relation of some Late, Various, and Wonderful Iudgments, or Handy-works of God, by Earthquake, Lightening, Whirlewind, great multitudes of Toads and Flyes; and also the striking of divers persons with Sudden Death, in several places; for what Causes let the man of wisdome judge, upon his serious perusal of the Book it self.

Also of the Strange Changes, and Late Alterations made in these Three Nations.

As also of the Odious Sin of DRINKING HEALTHS, With a Brief of Mr. PRYNS solid Arguments against it, and his Epistle to the Late King CHARLS, to redress it.

Published by H. I. a Servant of IESUS the Christ, and Lover of Peace and Holiness.

Micah 6. 9.
The LORDS voice crieth to the City, and the man of Wisdome shall see thy Name: Hear yee the Rod, and who hath appointed it.
Isa. 26. 11.
LORD, when thy hand is lifted up, they will not see; but they shall see and be ashamed for their envy at the people; yea the fire of thine enemies shall devour them.

LONDON, Printed for Is. Chapman in Popes-head Alley, and for Fr. Smith, at the Elephant and Castle neer Tomple-Bar[?]. 1660.

To all, or any of such as love Iesus Christ in Sincerity.

BEloved in our Lord Iesus, [...] through the Grace of our God and Father, for near [...] Forty [...] been [...], to [...] him, and to lay to heart his Marvelous [...]: And having [...] received a Letter from an Honoured precious friend, in these words;

Having heard lately of several Notable Witnesses of the LORD in a way of Rebuke to some of his, [...] his poor peoples Enemies, in several places of this Nation, I had it in my mind, to write this word to you, to de­sire you to publish what is come to your knowledge of that kinde, with a Word of Counsel to Christians in all parts, to bee upon their watch, The LORDS Works being Honourable and Glorious, sought out of all them that take pleasure therein, [...]. [...] 2, [...].

This Letter, and the Invitation of others to this [...], did the more incourage mee therein.

I [...] the longer, desiring to get the [...] that I could, of the things related [...], forbearing many things that are spoken of, for want of clearer Evidence. And this being so, it may occasion forbearance of [...] [...] of all, if my Relators have missed in some [...] of things. Homo sum, Humani nihil a me alienum puto.

The [...] Authors, Iosephus, [...], Socrates, Fox, &c. have missed in more than [...], [...] di­vers [Page] Learned men record, which yet is not [...] all [...] Relations. The Names of [...] per­sons alive, that have [...] hardly or [...], are here for­born (though named to mee) as not desiring their Shaming, [...] their [...], [...], and desiring to learn that Lesson, To speak evil of none, re­membring [...] our selves were sometimes foolish, serving divers lusts, Tit. 3. 3. And yet to love God a­bove all, and therefore to exalt him in all his [...] Works, that Sate at the Flood, and will sit King for ever, Psal. 29. 10. Who is Iudge, putting down one, and setting up another, Psal. 75. 7. oh that [...] fear and dread before him, and [...] humbled under his mighty hand, all that new suffer, and hee will exalt [...] time, 1 Pet. 5. 6. And that all the Lords people may be upon their Watch, lest the Lord at his coming, finde them, or any of [...] sleeping, or abusing their fellow­servants. And that ZIONS Watchmen may never hold their peace day nor night, and give the LORD no rest, until hee establish, and till hee make IERU­SALEM a praise, in the Earth, [...]. 62. 6. O pray migh­tily for [...] peace, they shall prosper that love thee, [...]. 122. 6. And let us [...] the [...] hopes, that [...] Christs [...] solemn Prayer on Earth, shall bee Answered, That they all may be one, that they may be one in us, that the World may [...], that [...] sent mee, Iohn 17. 21.

H. Iessey.

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