THE State of the Case, &c.
THAT there hath been a Breach made, by some called Quakers in Pensilvania, &c. in America, is too well known, to the Grief of the Sincere, and Rejoicing of the Adversaries of Truth of all sorts, whom the publishing thereof seems designed to Gratifie. But what the Matter of the Difference was, or the Manner of its carrying on, is yet unknown to many, and therefore are uncapable to make a true Judgment thereof. For hitherto there hath been little published concerning it, but from G. K. and his Party: And if any through Inadvertency have so far Transgressed the Rule of Justice, as to have drawn a Judgment from that, I shall leave them to the Correction of their own Folly.
First then, as to the Matter, the Pretences are divers on G. K. &c. part: As, that he, &c. discovered divers Errors amongst us, and such, as wore too gross to be Tolerated, and that even among the Preachers, who notwithstanding were great Pretenders to Truth, and to the Immediate Teachings and Leadings of the Spirit of [Page 2]Truth; yet very Ignorant and Ʋnsound in some of the Chief Fundamental Principles of the Christian Faith and Doctrine.
Now, to pass by his slight of the Spirit's Teaching, and his Reflection on the Pretences of some Preachers to it, I must take leave to tell him, that this Charge lies couched in bare Generals, (a Way common to all Sophisters and false Accusers) as he saith, Plea, &c. p. 8. But may it not seem strange, that he, tha [...] had then been amongst us Twenty Eight Years; yea, most of that time a Preacher [...] mongst us, and Vindicator of us, as himself saith (and seems not a little to value himself upon it) should not discover this till the But this he useth to cover by saying, His Dissatisfaction was only with some Bastard Quaker in America; but he was in Dear Ʋnity with [...] faithful Friends in England, and elsewhere, [...] the World over. How Real he was in this [...] Deportment since his Arrival here, hath not little discovered; and Time that tr [...] Things and Persons, (yea I believe, a ve [...] little Time) will do it more fully.
But to come to Particulars, he assigne [...] this as the first Cause of the Separation betw [...] them and us, that at a Monthly Meeting held Philadelphia the 29th. of the 11th. Month [...] Tho. Fitzwater having in the Face of the Mer [...] ing, Accused G. K. for denying the sufficie [...] of the Light, and promising to bring his Evidences the next Monthly Meeting; or then [...] he would acknowledge he had done am [...] [Page 3]( Reasons, &c. p. 8.) It seems, by what follows, at the time appointed he did bring for Evidence to the Truth of his Charge W. Meaning, & W. Stockdell, whose Evidence might thave past for a greater Matter; and the Objections against it seem very weak. For,
First, It's said, he was prejudiced, who says it? G. K. &c. against whom his Evidence was. This is an easie way, but common with him to evade a Charge. But secondly, He says, Divers were present at the place and time, where and when he alledged, he heard G. K. deny the sufficiency of the Light, &c. That cleared him, that they heard him both then, and at all occasions, that he delivered his Mind on that Subject, always bear his Testimony to the sufficiency of the Light to Salvation. Now, how far all this will go to his clearing, is to be considered, his Evidence undertaking a difficulty, viz. to prove such a Negative, for how could they say they heard him at all times when he delivered his Mind on that Subject? were they always with him?
But however it prevailed not so far with the Meeting, as to give forth a Judgment against T. F. at that time; but we are told, The Meeting Adjourned to the School-house on the Morrow. And after it was purged of some, that were not in the Profession of Truth; the Friends of the Meeting (as he calls them) did give an Ʋnanimcw Judgment concerning T. F. Some then (it seems) there were, that were not in the Profession of Truth: (a thing not usual [Page 4]in solemn Monthly Meetings) and what most of them had more than a Prefession that gave the Judgmen, is fit to be considered; being most of them such, as afterwards went into the Separation with G. K. Upon the whole this is the substance; Though the Monthly Meeting orderly establisht, saw no Cause to give Judgment against T. F. yet this Adjourned Meeting, without any Hesitation, could do it Ʋnanimously. And at a Morthly Meeting afterwards, when this thing came further to be Examined, T. F. did prove his Charge against G. K. by Four Credible Witnessen viz. Thomas Pritchard, William Harwood, William Southbee, and Benjamin Chambers. So that I think, all reasonable People will accord in this, that there was no cause to Condemn him.
But see the mischievous use he maketh of this, and his strained Consequences from it, Th [...] that Party (as he calls them) that clearel T. F. told, that the Light is sufficient without any thing else, excluding the Man Christ Jesus. Now this is a manifest Injury done to the Meeting, who never told nor thought so: Nor was it the thing in Question, whether the Light were sufficient without something else; but whether G. K. had said so, or not, which was proved be had; as I have shewed before. And how Consistent. G. K. is with himself to say, as he doth, (p. 8. Reason, &c.) That he was cleared from the Charge of it by divers Witnesses, who heard him both then, and at sll occasions, that he [Page 5]delivered his mind on that Subject, always bear his Testimony to the sufficiency of the Light to Salvation; and yet to affirm, It is not sufficient without something else: And in his voluntary Declarution in the Yearly Meeting to say, I [...]now no man upon the Face of the Earth, that [...]rofesses a Belief of the sufficiency of the Light with [...] to Salvation, more than I profess or hold; and [...]ave always professed, since I came among Friends, [...]iz. That the Light within being God the Word, and the Spirit in every man, is sufficient to reveal in every man all that is needful to his Eternal Sal [...]ation. Now, if this be his sincere Profession without Reserve or Disguise) why then doth [...]e blame others for Professing the same thing? [...]n which if there be any Errour, he hath told [...]s, He knows no man upon the Face of the Earth, [...]at believeth and professeth it more than himself: [...]ere he seems to acknowledge the sufficiency [...]f the Light, as much as those he quarrels [...]ith. But he endeavours to suggest, and [...]ould sednce the unwary into a Belief, that [...]y our Acknowledgment thereof we deny and exclude the Man Christ Jesus, and all the Bene [...]s and Blessings that accrue to Mankind by him. [...] this be a Necessary Consequence, it will fall as [...]ell on him. But as I do not believe, he [...]er intended so (though I do not find in ei [...]er of the places before-cited by rue, he [...]ards at all against it) so if he could have [...]ercised the same Charity towards his Abused [...]ethren in America, he mihgt have spared [...]s Charge in that matter against them; having [Page 6]been so often and solemnly told by us, That we did believe all, that's Recorded in ‘Sacred Writ concerning our Blessed Saviour: And not only believe it Historically; but also that we through a living Faith in him, who is the Author of all true Faith, are reconciled to God through him, who is the only way to the Father: And that we do expect and believe, that as we are preferved in the Path of Righteousness, we shall also, through the Grace and Bounty of God have a part in that purchased Inheritance which our Blessed Lord Jesus hath purchased for his with his precious Blood.’ This and much more to the same Effect hath bee [...] often told him; and its well, if he have no [...] sinned against Knowledge in this Matter.
But to strengthen his Charge against us he saith ( Reason, &c. p. 9) That W. [...] A [...]tient Preacher (meaning William Stockdel did at the same Monthly Meeting ( viz. t [...] 29th. of the 11th. Month) at Philadelphia [...] new his former Accusation against him, cha [...] ing him openly in the Face of the Meeting That he Preached Two Christs, because he Prea [...] ed Faith in Christ within, —and in Christ w [...] out us, &c. I confess, though I was not [...] that Meeting, I have great reason to believe, that W. Stockdell did not so affirm them because I observe in the Judgment afterward given forth against him by Friends; they s [...] That W. S. denied the words so spoken: But the proceeded against him upon the Evidence [...] [Page 7] Two Persons, that he said, so, viz. W. B. and J. M. Now, had it been spoken in the Face of the Meeting, the Meeting must have heard it, and would not have needed the Evidences of the Two Persons aforesaid; but might have proceeded (and I believe, would) to have given Judgment against him on their own Knowledge. But if ever W. did say, That he apprehended, he preached Two Christs; I cannot easily believe, that he assigned that as the Ground of it, because he preached Faith in Christ within, and without, as G. K. labours to insinuate: which I have heard him often solemnly to deny. But this I have heard him to confess, That his speaking so much, and so frequently of Christ without, and Christ within, might give ground to some to suspect, he preached Two Christs, and that the preaching of a Christ without, and a Christ within, was to preach Two Christs. However the Two Witnesses say it, and the Meeting accordingly gives Judgment against it: And tho' the Credibility or Incredibility of the Witnesses goes a great way with the Judicous, to satisfie them of the Truth of their Evidence, or the contrary; yet Judgment commonly goes according to Evidence. Whence it is, that sometimes the Innocent are injured, yet the Judges clear of it. Now, as to these Two Witnesses, they were much at the Devotion of G. K. and his creatures; to use as he pleased; one of them being W. B. the Printer, whose Baseness and Treachery to his Benefactors in Pensylvania, [Page 8]who at no inconsiderable Cost encouraged [...] Press there; and how much it was after war [...] used to Abuse them, is too well known tob [...] covered. The other, viz. Joh. M' Comb, [...] Countreyman of G. K's, though under Obligations strong enough to W. S. to have bound any Man of Common Civility to him for his Kindness to, and Care of him in the Tim when he wanted i [...]; yet he must be the Inst [...] ment of this mischief and strife by a sly, unmanly, ungrateful way in a Visit to W. S. [...] pump him by Questions concerning G. K. An he being more free, than discreet in his Coverse with him, away he goes to G. K. (t [...] way of a Common Tale-bearer) and aggnvates, what he had (in a sort) extorted from W. S. which so incensed G. K. that he quick comes with these his Two Witnesses, and liberally bestwos his Anathema Maranatha upon W. S. without more ado; telling him, [...] was an Ignorant Heathen, not worthy of any pl [...] in the Assembly of Friends: Though I har [...] heard by divers, that knew his coming for [...] (which was early) and his Labour and Service in and for the Truth, and his Success there in for the gathering many to it, that there he was no whit behind (to say no more) the Person that so Treated him. Thus began the Difference betwixt these Two Persons, and thus was it heightened: And although Friend did never justifie the words, which the T [...] Witnesses affirmed were spoken by W. S. yet because Judgment against W. was not giver [Page 9]in his way and Time (although his own Turbulency was the great Obstruction) he therefore sticks not to Ʋnchristian many, whom he sometime owned for his Brethren, charging them with denying the Lord that bought them; affirming, that they owned no other Christ but the Light within, excluding the Man Christ Jesus from having any share in the Work of our Salvation. And this, he would have the World believe, is the Ground of the Difference betwixt him and us; and all our opposition to him, and Testimonies against him is, because God hath raised him up Zealously to Witness to those great Truths, and fundamental Doctrines of Christianity denied by some, rejected by others, and meanly esteemed by too many.
I Consess the pretence is plausible, and had it as much of Truth, as it hath of Falshood in it, he were to be commended and encouraged. But what manner of Person must he be, if he [...]ath falsely Accused the Innocent? Which, [...] affirm on the behalf of my self, and believe for all that are in Communion, with, and generally owned by the People called Quakers) he [...]ath done, and that knowingly too, concerning very many, that he hath heard often Declare their Faith in the aforesaid particulars, [...]nd what else is necessary to be believed and owned by true Christians; all which he is as much obliged to believe, as any body else is [...] believe him in the like kind.
And it's but a poor Shift for him to say (as he hath sometimes done, when in America we endeavoured his satisfaction, and to remove his Jealousies concerning us in matters of Faith) I will not believe you; you walk in the Clouds, and have mental Reservations: and no [...] withstanding your scriptural Confession, you ha [...] a Sense contrary to Scripture: At this Rat [...] who can be secure in their Religious Reputation?
But I know the way he useth to take to Condemn by wholesale. There are, (says he amongst you some, that I have detected of Err [...] which you by Cloaking and Covering have m [...] your selves equally guilty with. If this be true I say so too: But I challenge him to nam [...] the Person amongst us, that any orderly Complaint hath been made against, and the matte proved, that hath been Cloaked, yea, the hath not been testified against, if they refuse to Clear Truth in any thing, whereby a Scandal through their Means was brought upon [...] either by Principle or Practice. And at the last Yearly Meeting at Philadelphia a Minute w [...] made, That great Care should be taken, that [...] any amongst us had given any Just Cause [...] Offence, they should be orderly dealt withal, the Truth might be Cleared, and the offence remove So that I think, all his Pretences of Friend Cloaking, &c. in America, are taken awya, and will be no more a Cloak for him, to Cove his false Accusations against them.
But because I find him so bitterly to Envy against a Person, whom I am well assured he Abuses and Misrepresents, I shall do him that Justice to speak my Knowledge of him in a matter wherein he (G. K.) doth highly and frequently Charge him ( Plea, &c. p. 5.) Many are Witnesses (saith he) how at the School-house-Meeting, as well as at these other Meetings aforesaid, Tho. Lloyd Argued that Faith in Christ without us, as he died for our Sins, &c. and rose again, was not necessary to our Salvation. I Confess, I was not at that School-house-Meeting; but since he refers to other Meetings before, wherein he suggests him to have Argued in like manner, I do remember, that at other times, and once especially, I was present at a Discourse relating to that matter; but the Question was not, Whether Faith in Christ without us, as he died for our Sins, and Rose again, was not necessary to Our Salvation? But, Whether that Faith were Indispensibly necessary to all Mankind, and that none could be [...]aved without it, though they had not the Means, Opportunity or Capacity to know or receive it? Which will Include a great Part of Mankind, is namely all those, that have not the Use of [...]he Holy Scriptures, nor the Advantage of [...]earing it Preached to them; which will Affect many great Nations, as also all Infants, Deaf and Dumb Persons, &c. But G. K. ha [...]ing affirmed before, That this Faith is indipensibly necessary to all, occasioned the Discourse, and carries with it a very harsh and [Page 12] uncharitable Judgment upon all that part of Mankind before mentioned: Which I know not what can palliate, but the strange Notion of the Revolution of Humane Souls. Which makes it more than Probable, that they shall have Opportunity, one time or other, before the End of the World of Hearing this Faith and Doctrine Preached, and may receive it; though now they die without it. But this Point must be tenderly touched now, because few are ripe for it: Yet how far he hath Countenanced it, is known to many.
Further, he then said to Tho. Lloyd, That if he were not of the same Faith, he could not o [...] him as his Christian Brother, but yet he might be a Devout Heathen. Now see the Fallacy of this he would suggest, that T. Ll. made the Faith of Christ Crucified a very Indifferently thing Indefinitely; when as then, and many other times, I have heard him Affirm; That he di [...] believe it to be Our Duty, who had the Advantag of having the holy Scriptures, and hearing t [...] Faeith Preached, to receive and believe it. I sha [...] say no more on this matter, believing that none that know T. Ll. can Impartially Judge him Guilty of any thing so Antichristian.
I have thus far, according as I premised given an Account of the Matter of the Difference in America, as is pretended on his part; and I hope, I have also shown how little Real Ground there was for it: But my Reader must not Expect, that I should follow him in all his vain and frivolous Charges, for that [Page 13]were to swell a Volume, far beyond my Intention or Time. It remains now, that I give an Account, what was then the Real Cause of this Unhappy Breach and Difference? Which I will endeavour to do Candidly, Cautiously and Truly.
The General Cause I take to be an Ʋnbounded Ambition in G. K. which had blown him up into such Towering Thoughts of himself, as made him a very uneasie Member of any Society, either Civil, or Religious; of which he hath given too pregnant Proofs, as I shall shew hereafter.
He first began and sought a Qnarrel with the New-England-men, making it his practice in many places, where he came, to Challenge Disputes with the Professors and Priests; which [...]ow little it redunded to Truth's Advantage, [...] am a Witness, being then in N. England with him. And truly, the Spirit and Temper, [...]n which he managed it (being with great deat and Rage) was a certain Indication to me, [...]hat he designed Victory and Vain Glory rather [...]an Edification. In which I was the more [...]nfirmed by his Common Insults, where he [...]ought he had any Advantage: For its a Maxime with me, "That who ever the Lord [...] emploies in any Service of his, he furnishes [...] and abilitates with his own Spirit in the Dis [...] charge thereof. And how Contrary that is [...] a Spirit of Wrath and Bitterness, I leave to [...] determined by such, as know the Fruits of [...]ach. And this single Observation hath been [Page 14]enough to many, (and one would think, might be to all, were they but Indifferent) to satisfie them of the Nature of G. K's Work, even the Spirit, in which its Acted. Doth he exceed others in his Love and Zeal for God? how comes he then, to have so little of the Love of God shed abroad in his heart? which teaches to Love Enemies, but he hath not spared vilely to Abuse his Friends: Is he under more than a Common Constraint to preach and Exalt the sufferings and Death, &c. of our blessed Saviour? how comes he then to have so little of his Suffering Spirit and Image upon him? And will he say, he loveth God, while he hateth his Brother? Let him remember the Character due to such an one.
But I Confess, I have made a little Digression, by Expressing my own sentiments; bu [...] shall now Return again to matter of Fact G. K. not having sufficiently vented himself by the Controversie he had with the New-Englanders, he turns the point of his Weapon upon those he then owned and called his Friend And begins first about Church-Discipline; conplaining, That there was too great a Laxn [...] therein: For the Amendment of which b [...] presents a Paper to the Meeting of Ministring Friends in order to have it published, and put [...] to practice. But there being many things i [...] it, which seemed very uncouth and strange [...] Friends, it was Referred to the further Consideration of the Ministring Friends at the Yearly Meeting: and they not being satisfie [...] [Page 15]therewith, proposed to send it to the Yearly Meeting at London, to have their sense upon it. Which he Refused, saying; He would rather let it drop. But it not being complied with, as he Expected, we found him very Uneasie; and it was observed from that time forward, he was more Captious; and made it his Business to pick up what he could, to Reproach Friends withal. And having let in much Displeasure and Contempt, he often exprest it publickly, as well as privately, Impeaching their Testimony and way of Preaching. Which grieved many to find him so Regardless of the honour of Truth, as to utter things of that Nature in publick Auditories, so large and mixt, as ours were. This, together with his own, Tedious, Dry, and Insipid Discourses in our Meeting, did much lessen him in the Esteem of some, that before had given Evidence enough of more than Common Respect to him. Yet still things were quietly carried on Friends part to him, till at last he charges a Meeting of Ministring Friends with being come together to Cloak Heresies and Deceipt; and that there were more Damnable Heresies and Doctrines of Devils among the Quakers than among any Profession of the Protestants: This was taken from his own Mouth at that Meeting, and a Minute made of it; and was then read to him, and not denied by him: Though since he endeavours to Evade it. This Charge was too Notorious and gross to pass by without Notice: but because I find an Account given from our Meeting of Ministring [Page 16]Friends held at Burlington the 20th. of the 4th. Month 1692. and another held at Philadelphis the 24th. of the 4th. Month 1693. to the 2d. days Morning-Meeting in London, of the manner of their Procedure with him, &c. I have thought fit to Insert that here, being done with that Clearness and Truth, and being the Act of such a Meeting, as cannot in Charity be suspected to be Partial or unjust therein.
The Present Case truly Stated, in reference to the Testimony given forth against George Keith, by the Publick Friends, the 20th of the 4th. Month. 1692.
OUR Late Friend George Keith having before and at the Meeting of the Ministring Friends, held at Burlington in the last first Month, there openly in a wrathful and bitter Spirit reviled and abused the said Meeting, by saying, That they were met together to Cloak Heresie and Deceit; and that there were more damnable Heresies and Doctrine of Devils amongst the Quakers than among any Profession of Protestants. And though these Unbrother-like and Unchristian Expressions were uttered by him in their hearing, that they needed no further Evidence or proof of the same, and thereupon might have proceeded to have disowned him then as a Ministring Brother, he continuing his Accusation with as much vehmency as Rage; yet notwithstanding, the said Meeting having regard to him, knowing the brittleness of his Disposition, omitted any further Notice than an Entry of his reproachful Speeches, giving him to understand that we expected he should condemn the same, and accordingly [Page 18]appointed two of his Brethren and Members of the same Meeting to admonish him, and lay before him his rude Deportment, and his unsavoury Words, and to return his Answer to the next meeting of that kind, which followed in course three Monchs after at Philadelphia: The said appointed Friends (viz.) Samuel Jennings and Griffith Owen, accordingly visited him the said George Keith, and reminded him of the abuses given by him to the Meeting, and repeated his Words unto him; upon which he justified the same, and speaking the said words over he declared the same again, viz. That they were met together to Cloak Heresies and Deceit, and that there were more damnable Heresies and Doctrines of Devils amongst them than amongst any profession of Protestants, and that he trampled their Judgments under his feet as Dirt; and with other vile Expressions he treated the two Friends.
All which being reported to the said Meeting ensuing, and he declining his usual appearance (tho at home) and having made an open breach by setting up Seperate Meetings in Philadelphia; and having Printed out of the Unity of Friends the Cause and Reasons of his Separation, wherein he had injuriously misrepresented the Meetings, and Calumnicated several Persons with whom he had not dealt in the least in any Church-way: And this he did nine or zen Weeks before this 4th. Month Meeting; however Friends being come together, and considering [Page 19]his violent Temper, and the mischievous Schism and Rent that he had made, and how he was like to Introduce further Exercises to Friends in these Parts, they were generally inclined to wave any further procedure against him at that time, and to adjourn their Meeting for a Forthnight longer, and in the mean time appointed some-Friends to visit him, and to admonish him a second time of his Evil Speeches, and to lay before him the evil of the Separation established by him to the great blemish of Truth: Which was done by our said Friends the same Evening, and Notice given to him of the time to which the Meeting was Adjourned: but he giving no satisfaction, but persisting in his railings, and vindicating the Seperation, regarded not the time, and the Friends meeting together; and weighing his further Answers, and observing his fierce and frequent Endeavours to disquiet and divide many of the Neighbouring Meetings; did in a Christian care and duty Consider of a Testimony to go forth against him herein; but delayed to give any out till two days after: being informed he then was likely to be at home. And the publick Friends coming then together, they sent two of their Members, to wit, William Biles and Walter Fawcet, to enquire at his house of his return, but he being absent they gave forth the Testimony with this Caution, That it should not be published till George Keith had an Opportunity of hearing it read unto him, and to such others as he approved of; And that after the reading [Page 20]of it to him, a Copy thereof should be prepared for him with what Expedition might be: All which was offered unto him, which he refused till the Monthly Meeting in Philadelphia, which fell out four or five days after, and there by his Consent it was read unto him, and a Copy given the day following. The intent of the Friends in delaying the publication of it, until he had Opportunity of hearing it read privately, was, that the spreading thereof might be prevented in Case he should then Condemn the said Speeches and decline the Separate Meeting; whereof timely Notice was sent to him: but he upon the reading of the Testimony in the Meeting, instead of Expressing the least trouble or relenting for the same, did within a few days after out of the method and way of Friends, put forth Clandestinely in print a furious Condemnation against the Friends concerned against him, which he styled by the Title of a Plea: Wherein he had like a most disingenious Adversary, upon groundless reports, laboured to reproach several of them, and dispersed the same towards London, and other parts, some Weeks e're the Persons against whom they were Printed had a sight of the same. And yet George Keith, would possess his hearers and others by his Pamphlets, that he had no Gospel Order from the Meeting, when the whole procedure is according to the order of Truth established among Friends: And he himself cannot but be Conscious to himself herein, [Page 21]that neither Gospel nor Order regulates him in Conference with us, nor in his giving forth his Papers against us.
AND After George Keith and his Adherents, by his said Plea appealed to God the righteous Judge of all Men, and next to all faithful Friends and Brethren here in America, and in Old England, Scotland, and Ireland, or elsewhere, to Judge between them and us: Yet in a short time afterwards they got another Paper Printed, which they stiled An Appeal from the 28 Judges, to the Spirit of True Judgment in all faithful Friends called Quakers, that meet at this Yearly Meeting at Burlington the 7th Month, 1692. But instead of giving us any friendly Notice of this Appeal, they spread and set the same upon Posts about this Town of Philadelphia and else where, Nine days at least before the said Yearly Meeting. And when the Meeting time came G. K. and his Company met apart in the Courthouse, [Page 22]from whence he sent to Friends a Paper in the nature of a Challenge, requiring a hearing of his said last mentioned Appeal, which Challenge was Introduced by one of his followers, who climbing up in our Meeting house Window (tho the door was open) stood in the said Window with his Hat on, and read part of it while our ancient Friend Tho, Jauney was at Prayer. And the publick Friends from the Mornings Meeting had sent to G. K. by Word and Writing; That in Case he had any thing to propose to that Yearly Meeting, either as a Friend or Opposer, he should have a suitable hearing, and Answer, provided he would stay till the day appointed for business, which was the last day of the Meeting (Friends not being willing to invert the good Orde [...] of Truth, in Imploying those days for business which were Established for Worship. [...] Nevertheless G. K. slighting Friends Proposals, calling them Evasions, and Jesuitical Tricks, did give publick Notice for the People to meet him at our Meeting-house after Meeting was over the next day, being the third day of the Week; At which time they accordingly met, whereupon some Friends were sent by the Ministring Friends to acquaint G. K. and the People then met with him, how that Friends were ready and willing to give him the Opportunity of a hearing next day following, which was the day appointed for business, according to Friends former proposals in that behalf: But instead [Page 23]of admitting those so sent to deliver their Message, he and divers of his Followers cried out against them, saying, They had nothing to do there, refusing to hear them; and insinuating to the Auditory, that the said Friends came to disturb their Meeting; and so they immediately withdrew to the Court-house: And there the said G. K. and the rest concerned in the said Appeal having set up those (who made little or no Profession of Truth, for their Judges) whom they called Impartial Men by reason of their not signing theretofore either with or against the said Appealors, (though joined with them in Worship at their said separate Meeting) and so drew up a sort of Judgment against Friends, and signed it that very Night, which is also put in Print, as from their Yearly Meeting signed by Robert Turner, Griffith Jones, and others: And though the same was compleated according to the Mind and Direction of our Opposer G. K. yet it was so far from allaying his rage and violence against Friends, that he still persisted in his abusive Carriage, calling Friends in our Religious Meetings, Hypocrites, Snakes, Vipers, Blood-thirsty Hounds, Impudent Rascals, and such like, bidding them cut him in Collops, fry him, and eat him; and saying, His Back bad long itched to be whipt. And at the same Juncture he said, That he was like our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, comparing himself to a Dove, a Lamb, [Page 24]while he thus appeared in a great Transport o [...] Heat and Passion.
It would be tedious to trace him in one half o [...] his Raileries, invective Preachings, and loathsome Printings against us, since this disorderly Yearly Meeting of his, and Separation from us; his Auditony being generally made up, as to the bulk thereof, out of the disaffected, the Apostates, and the more Prophane of all Perswasions among us, whom he gratified with telling them of a Preaching Quaker in Mary land, who got another Man's Wife with Child, which they (meaning Friends) could not discern by the Light within; and with another being carried drunk out of a Taphouse, with such unseemly passages for a Man of his Rank and Pretences: And tho' we published not a Line in Print to detect him justly of his notorious Falshoods against us, (hoping th [...] have somewhat thereby kept this unhappy difference from being made more publick by us, as much as in us lay, and as long a [...] we could) yet this uneasie and farious Man, upon our Return (as usually) to one Meeting on the First Days, during the severity of the Winter, at our Meeting-house on th [...] Front of Delaware: He sets on afresh, not only to disquiet Friends here, but very rudely and openly opposed our publick and serviceable. Travailing Friend, Tho. Everndon, and Richard Hoskins, who bearing their Testimonies in the dread of the Lord, and in Humility [Page 25]of Spirit among us, he called out upon them several times, Hypocrites, Hypocrites; and the former of them (tho' two days before he said he had good Unity with him) he call'd him then before many Hundreds, The greatest Hypocrite that ever stood upon two Legs. And while for some Weeks we Assembled together, in some of the last Meetings George Keith left Friends Gallery, and betook himself to the Stairs near one of the Doors on the opposite side; and being soon weary of that Seat, as appearing there too much like what he was, viz. a Common Opposer, his Followers on a sudden set up on a Seventh Day a new Gallery for him over against the Publick Friends; which two of the Trustees hearing of, went that Evening in a peaceable manner, calling to them Robert Turner, who was a Trustee also, to remove the same, being set up there as a Seat of Contention, and without the least Consent of the Meeting: And upon their going in, Robert Turner, with more heat than true Zeal, and, as he said afterwards, with a dissatisfaction to Galleries, striking only a transient stroke at the new one, he fell severely upon Friends Gallery, and with a suitable Assistance, cut and tore down in an impetuous manner the Stairs, Seat, Floor, Posts, and Rails thereof, levelling it with the Floor, G. K. being present, langht, and exprest his fatisfaction therewith; but he losing ground by his extream Passion, and ill Conduct in those Contests, after one Meeting more he [Page 26]and Followers leave Friends Meeting again, and retired to their separate Meeting place; where, as we are credibly informed, a great part of their Meeting-time [...] spent by him in his Personal Vindication, and in rendring Friends here as odious and contemptible as the Malice and Lies of the wo [...] of our Adversaries would have us to be But his Race being even run with us, and his further Excursions being almost stopt, and not so much Credit being given to his repeated Accusations, and his great Attempts of la [...] to the further exposing and dividing Friend here, proving very unsuccessful to his Expect [...] tion, as by the Account of the Late Conserence imposed by him upon us in a large promiscuous Auditory on the Seventh Instan [...] may further appear; and withal the seve [...] Establisht Meetings in these three, and Neighbouring Provinces having disowned him, he [...] now hurrying all on a start for Old England being very Jealous some of those whom he [...] bitterly Opposes should hasten there befor [...] him, though none of us are so much upon th [...] Spur, as being satisfied that wheresoever [...] goes, or wheresoever his Books reach among Faithful Friends, that he will be discovered to be a degenerated Man from the Spirit and Charity of a sincere Christian. We wish th [...] the Lord may be propitious to him in h [...] Voyage, and give him a sight of his great Apostacy, and let him understand that notwithstanding the vain pretence of his Errand, he is [Page 27]persecuting the true Christ of God in his Followers, he seems so Zealously to profess. The Lord God of Mercy forgive him all his severe Treatment of us, and his hard Speeches against us, granting him Repentance unto Life, if it be his Gracious Will. This is the desire of his Abused Friends.
NOW by the foregoing Account of the Meeting of Ministring Friends held in Burlington the 6th. of the 7th. Month 1692. it largely appears how Friends dealt & bore with G. K. before any publick Testimony was given forth against him: Which said Account was Read in the Yearly Meeting at London, for this present Year 1694. which might reasonably have been expected, would have stopt G. K. from persisting in that often repeated Falshood, Th [...] he was Condemned by the Twenty Eight Ministring Friends in Philadelphia without all Conviction [...] Trial: But because I mett with it again in [...] late Book of his, called, The Causless Ground [...] Surmises, &c. (p. 6.) I cannot but ma [...] some Remarks upon it.
The said Judgment he so much complains [...] (and is so heavy upon him, though he some times seems to slight it) doth chiefly consist [...] Three Heads, judging, 1. His Separati [...] 2. Late Printing: And, 3. Reviling L [...] guage: Which Things were all too obvious [...] be denied. For his Sepaeration and Printing those were exposed to the view of the Worl [...] And for his Reviling Largu [...]ge, you hear wh [...] was spoken in the open Meeting, viz. Th [...] they were met together to cloak Heresie and De [...] ceit; and that there were more Damnable H [...] sies and Doctrines of Devils amongst the Quaker than amongst any Profession of Protestants. [...] that these things considered, they might ha [...] given Judgment against him then; but th [...] forbore it, and appointed two Friends from [Page 29]the said Meeting to visit him, and lay his Evil before him: And, if he would not be reclaimed, to let him know, that the said Meeting did expect Satis faction from him; and desired him to be present at the next Meeting of that kind, or send his Answer. What Answer he gave to the two Friends, I refer to the aforesaid Account: However to the Meeting he came not. They Adjourn for a Fortnight, Visit him afresh by two other Friends, appointed by the said Meeting; who also give him notice of the Time, to which the Meeting was Adjourned: which he regarded so little, as to take occasion to be out of Twon at the Time; which shewed he continued his Slight to the said Meeting, who before had said, He trampled their Judgment a [...] Dirt under his Feet.
Now Judge, Reader, what cause this Man had to complain; and what confidence or conscience he must have to proclaim to the World again and again, That he was Condemned without all Conviction or Trial? The Meeting did all that was proper for them to do; sought him, and acquainted him from time to time, what they expected from him, or what he might expect from them. He had liberty, if he pleased, to have made any Defence; but how unreasonable is it for him, Contemptuously to absent himself from those Meetings at such times, and so put it out of the power of the Meeting to speak with him; and then Complain, He was not heard or tried, before Condemned. And if [Page 30]he by Tryal aludes to Tryals, by course of Law he may find it very Practicable, to give Judgment by Default against Persons refusing or neglecting to be present. But if to give Judgment in the absence of a Person be so Criminal, how will he excuse his own Party, who at the School-house-meeting gave Judgment against W. Stockdell in his absence (he refusing, as they say, to come to the Meeting) Reason &c. p. 9. but more inexcusable if the act of That they falsly call the Yearly-meeting, at Burlington on that account.
As to the matter of the Separation, which he vainly endeavours to throw off himself, upon Friends in America, I shall not meddle with it; the Yearly Meeting at London having determined it, and it being so clearly demonstrated by another hand, ( viz. T. E.) to lye at the door of G. K. &c. And though he assigneth divers things as Reasons and Causes of it, more particularly his Offence against T. F. and W. S. and Friends for not dealing with them according to his mind; yet whoever shall weigh divers Expressions that he occasionally dropped to divers Persons, will find that he was much alienated in his mind to Friends, and had so little a share in that blessed Love and Life of Jesus, by which Friends are made and kept one, that he rather waited for, and sought occasions against us, than to heal or restore where any slipped. He told John Wilsford, before the Separation a considerable time, That Friends were not the People; but that there must [Page 31]come another People: And he told Caleb Pusie, and others, That there were not Six Friends in America, nor in England, No, nor in the whole World, that Preached Christ aright. He told another, That he had that to Preach, that was never yet Preached by any Quaker; That he had much less now against Water-baptism than formerly And that he saw now, that Hicks and Fald [...] had more reason to write as they did, concerning the Quakers, than he then thought they had: And that, if he should appear in Opposition to Friends, he could do more hurt, than all that yet had appeared against them. All these things will be proved against Him, if he deny them; and much more of a like Tendency, Which shews how little his heart was with us, whilst he Hypocritically seemed to be one of us. And its plain from hence, he had entertained Thoughts (if not fully designed) to break off from us, and do what mischief he could against us; which I think none can question, that reads his malicious Pamphlets against us, Printed since he made that Breach in America, or that hath observed his Carriage here, since his Arrival.
I am now come to my last Part, viz. A just Vindication of my self from the Reproaches and Abuses cast upon me by Geo. Keith, &c. in which if I have been too dilatory, is hath been because I preferred the Reputation and Peace of the Church of Christ above my own: for which I shall make no other Apology, than [Page 32]in the Apostle's Words, Forgive me that wrong. For upon our Arrival here (though G. K. in the very first Meeting he came to, gave Evidence enough of his Spirit and Temper) yet I found a desire and Travel in Friends, if possible, to reclaim and restore him: In which, if it could have been, I should have had my share of satisfaction with others: Which, rather than I would do any thing to obstruct, by kindling fresh Coals, I chose rather to suffer in silence. But since he hath now left so little room to hope for his Repentance and Return having dealt so treacherously with the Yearly Meeting by appearing in Print, as he ha [...] done, against them, instead of submitting [...] their Advice and Judgment. And expecti [...] my Time not to be long in this Nation, I se [...] no reason longer to forbear the doing th [...] Common Right due to my self. How much [...] have been Calumniated by Tongue and Pr [...] by Geo. Keith and his Party, is known to many in this and other Nations: But how the [...] shrunk from the Charge, when called upon i [...] the last Yearly Meeting in London, to make [...] good, is also very well known; and none [...] them had Courage enough to own or stand by that Malicious, Sca [...]dalous Libel, called, N [...] England Spirit of Persecution, &c. only G. K. did say, That part that concerned his on [...] Trial, was his: nor would any of the [...] acknowledge or declare, who was the Author, or Authors of the rest of it [...] giving this for one Reason of their Concealment. [Page 33] That if the Author, or Authors were known to me, I might take the Advantage of Law against them. I Confess, this was a safe Consideration; but how Manly or Honest not to say Christian, I leave to be judged by all. Will they, to Defame a Person, do that which shall subject them to the Correction of the Law, yet do it Clandestinely to avoid the Stroke of Justice, and plead Conscience and Christian Constraint for it too? Surely, This is to set Christianity beneath the Morality of Infidels, who many of them would loath and detest a thing so Execrable and Vile. But though I cannot commend the Justice of these Persons, yet I may their Policy; who knew (at least one of them) that I was provided of Evidence upon the place, to detect their Falshood, if they should insist upon the Matters suggested in that Libel: and not only so, but that G. K. himself knew, before it was Printed, that divers Matters of Charge against me therein were false; and so far, as he hath had a hand either as the Author or Publisher thereof, so far hath he sinned against Knowledge, and ma [...]iciously and premeditatedly abused me. If he will deny himself to be the Author, I shall [...]eave that to be believed by as many as can: but who knows how much that Party were influenced by him, may safely conclude they did nothing of that kind without him. However, That he hath Published and spread them False, as they are, is certain, and and goes a great way to Entitle him to them. But [Page 34]waving that at present, I shall take notice [...] such passages in their other Pamphlets as concern me, so far as there is occasion for it but to regard every silly Flirt thrown out against me, were to waste Time, and too much gratifie my Adversaries.
I find in his Book, called, Plea of the Inocent, &c. p. 9. to palliate the Ill Language he had given to Friends: He complains of Partiality in others, Condemning that in him, [...] which themselves are Guilty: Some of th [...] (says he) having not only called him Lyar, be Apostate, and worse than Profane, as particularly S. J. in the hearing of divers Credible W [...]nesses. That ever I called him Lyar, I deny not but that I know him to be guilty of it but I like not the Expression. And as to be Apostasie, to that degree as to render h [...] worse than Profane, is so evident, that to about to prove it, were a work of super arrogation.
Plea, &c. p. 13. He accuseth me of R [...] Popery, for requiring (as he saith) an Absolute Submission from him to the Judgment of the Meeting. By calling of this Rank Popery, [...] sheweth the Rancour of his Spirit. He wi [...] then allow, that a Conditional Submission in Matters of Diff [...]ence is due to the Society [...] Meeting we belong to; but what is that Condition in his Sense? I could never find it another than this, If the Party or Parties concerned like the Judgment, they will yield to it, but [...] otherwise. And this his Opinion he hath confirmed [Page 35]by Practice in his Spurning against the Judgment of the Yearly Meeting in London 1694. But this is so Trifling and Endless, that if his method of Gospel Order and Discipline (which he would fain have been Propagating in America) be no better than this, he may spare his Pains in further pressing it upon us.
Further he says, I declared openly in a Mens-Meeting: That to do God's business, we needed God's Power and Wisdom; but to do our own business, as Men, we needed it not: which he saith himself, Geo. Hutcheson, Robert Turner, and John Hart publickly testified against. How truly he hath related my words, I know not; but do remember I said something to that effect, and I wonder not at their Disatisfaction, who are all since gone into the Separation. But [...]e much perverts my intention therein, and would suggest as though I thought, we had Self-Sufficiency to do our own Business as Men. [...] know that all our Strength and Abilities are from God; my intent was only to shew that [...]n Church-Affairs, even the outward part of them, are to be undertaken and managed in the Power and Wisdom of the Word of Life: And if there be not a greater necessity to wait or it at such times, and in such Services, than [...]n our Common Affairs, I leave to all to judge. And I think those that took Offence at this, were too easily Offended.
But he saith, I refused to submit not only to the Judgment of the Mens-Meeting here at Philadelphia, in a small Worldly Matter betwixt Tho. Budd and me; but refused to submit to the Judgment of a Meeting of the most Eminent Friends, viz. G. F. G. W. and others, appointed at London, to hear the difference betwixt Edw [...] Byllynge, and him, &c.
Now as to the First, which he calls a small matter, it was a matter of trust of 400 [...] Sterling, by us to be employed for the use the Children of Samuel Burden, given to thee by William Gravet of Exon: Which, how were used in that matter by Tho. Budd, I shall shew more fully if he desires it. But my judgment was and is, that it's improper for any Religious Society to interrupt or alter the W [...] of the Deceased; and so the said Meeting declared afterwards. So that in this there is nothing but Noise and Clamour. As to the other part of this Charge, it's false in Fact, [...] say, I refused to submit, &c. For it's we known, I did submit, so far as I had Power else how came a Judgment to be given in the matter, against which he hath never heard [...] open my Mouth: But he hath mis-stated it, [...] not mistaken it. For the Difference lay no [...] betwixt me and Edw. B. but betwixt E. [...] and the Province of West Jersey, whose Ag [...] I then was in that Affair, and acted by Commission from them. And for him to say, he doth, The said Meeting judged me guilty betraying my trust to E. B. is false; there is [Page 37]no such thing in their Judgment, which I have still by me. And were it not, that I hate to Rake in the Tombs of the Dead, I should say more to that matter, of which I find him so Ignorant, that his silence therein had better recomended his Wisdom. But he adds: That I came away from England in Disunity, with the most Faithful Friends in London on that very account. This I have often met with from divers Apostates, (for I bl [...]ss God, my Controversie is still with them) and this Story was raised and spread by hi [...] Countryman George Hutchinson, and is still avouched by him; whose behaviour in that Affair, and Trust of the Countries he knows, I could have discovered, and offered to do; but that the Meeting appointed for that end, desired to have all things of that nature buried. But since he and others have thought fit to revive them, as an Effect of their Spleen to me, I thought fit to say thus much in my Just Vindication. And shall add this, that had G. H. been as true to his Trust, as he should, he had met with as many Rubs as his Neighbours. But to say, That I went-from England in Disunity with the most Faithful Friends, is a notorious Falshood and Slander, and as such, I reject it.
But he goes on and Flirts upon me, for my too severe Government in West Jersey; of which, he saith, The People were generally weary. This I know to be false; and there is not a Syllable to prove it. But since it's a General [Page 38]Charge, as also what follows, of my Proud and Lofty Carriages, I shall only return it to him again, and account it (as he saith,) the way of all Sophisters and false Accusers: Plea &c. p. 8. I perceive he takes it mighty ill, to be told by me, That though he deny our Judgment, yet we shall Judge him. it may be, he might think himself too Great to come under any Censure, whatever his miscarriages were; but I desire not to be of that Society, where any Member is too Great to be dealt with according to their just Demerits.
But (says he) seeing they have given false Judgment against G. K. it is no cause of offence for him to say, He trampled their Judgment as Dirt under his Feet. But if he please to remember, those words were spoken before any Judgment at all was given forth against him; so that he could not trample upon it, as false, before he knew what it was. And now that he doth know it, his Contempt of it, and frequent calling of it False, will not make it so; but that it's True, I am very much satisfied. First, from Friends in all places being so Ʋnanimous in it; and Next, from his and their Ʋneasiness under it.
But G. K. frequently endeavours to incense his Reader, That some did endeavour to bear them down in Religious Matters, by their Power as Magistrates. This is very false, and unfair. He offers to give an instance of it, (in Plea, &c. p. 16, & 17.) about the Reading the Judgment, given forth against him by the 28. in the Monthly [Page 39]Meeting at Frankford, and he saith; It may be noted, That, T. Lloyd, S. Jennings, J. de la Vall and S. Richardson came to the said Meeting, to Countenance the Reading of their Paper of false Judgment against G. K. and his Friends, having put it into the hands of W. Prestone to read: Who offering to read it, the far greater part of the Meeting forbad the reading of it; declaring, that nothing ought to be read in their Meeting, without the general consent of the Meeting But this unruly and disorderly Man did presume to read the Paper against the mind of most of the Friends present, and T. K. S. J. S. C. J. D. and Anthony Morrice, were so far from giving any Check to this disorderly Proceeding, and Imposition upon the true Liberty and Right of the Meeting, that they encouraged it; and one of them, without the least occasion given him, did threaten to bind an honest Friend to the Peace, S. Jennings calling out for a Constable.
'Tis true, that the persons before named were there, and were Magistrates; but I know not of any, that concerned themselves about the Reading of the Paper, except S. Richardson, who was a Member of that Meeting. And why they should be said to Countenance the Reading of the Paper any more than G. K. and those with him, may be said to be there to Discountenance it, I know not: For divers of them were no more Members of that Meeting than the other. But where is the blame of putting the Paper into the hand of W. P.? He was the Clerk of the Meeting. But to [Page 40]say, The far greatest part of the Meeting forbad the reading of it, I cannot believe to be true, according to my Obervation. I know, that there was a Party in the Meeting, which were against it, which Joseph Fisher did head with more Rage, than true Zeal or Knowledge. This Party were Ripe for the Separation, and quickly fell in wit it; and no wonder they were so Tender of Judging it. But why was W. Preston so unruly and disorderly for reading the Paper, when sent to him from a Meeting in Unity? And I must say, and I believe, may easily be proved, the far greater part pressed and desired it. But methinks G. K. should blush, to stile any Man Ʋnruly and Disorderly, though it were true; since it's hard to find any thing of Mankind (especially pretending to Learning, and a Civil Education) that in that respect can equ [...] himself.
But she says, That one of them threatned [...] bind an honest Friend to the Peace. I know not who it was that threatned that, nor to whom but such as know G. K. and the Company that came with him, and others that follow his here, may pretty well guess, what he might be for an Honest Friend. But that I did inquire, If there were a Constable there? is true and I thought was very needful to keep the Peace. And there being one there, I did Charge him, as was my Duty to do that and no more: For they had raised such a Tumult and Disorder in the Meeting, that the Woman [Page 41]of the House came to me under much Concern, and told me, She feared there would be mischief. For tho' they did not Strike, yet in their Rage there were some, that did violently eatch at the Paper to have torn it away; who had so little of Religion in them, that we had no assurance, but they could Fight as well as Snatch and Rail. This was the Meeting, where G. K. himself called a Magistrate (viz. Direck op de Grave) Impudent Rascal: (which afterwards to justifie, he was put to the trouble of using Goodman's Dictionary.) I think this last passage shews, there was so much of Heat and Disorder, as might need a Constable to suppress.
G. K. in one of his Books (which I have not by me) charges me, with openly calling one of our Church-Members, in a Monthly-Meeting Nonsensicai Puppy. The first Intimation I had of this was in Print, which somewhat surprised me knowing my self to be Clear of it. But being said to be spoken in a Monthly-Meeting, I went to divers of the Members of that Meeting, to inquire if they heard any such thing, or could tell me who had raised it? All that spake with, said, They heard no such thing: Till at last it was said to be spoken by one Tho. Tress, a sort of an odd singular Man, that sometimes Meets with Friends, sometimes with the Separatists. However, he affirmed it to be true. I endeavoured to Convince him, that it must be (at best) a mistake, seeing there were so many, some of which were much [Page 42]nearer to me than him, who affirmed, they heard no such thing, nor did they believe any such thing: And I do solemnly affirm, There was no such thing. And so shall leave the Probability of the Truth of it to be judged by others.
But to Aggravate the Crime, it's said, to be spoken to a Church-Member too: What I did say, was spoken to Griffith Jones, who I never heard, himself affirmed any such thing of me; so in that respect was a better Church-Member than he, that had falsely Accused me But what Griffith is for a Church-Member, I suppose is well known here, as well as elsewhere.
In that Book under the Name of Roben Hanny, p. 13. I am charged with Attesting to Name of God to a Lye; as G. K. proved to the Yearly Meeting, by a Paper signed by Sam [...] Jennings his own hand. What I said in the Yearly Meeting was true, viz. That G. K. did say, That there were more damnable Heresies and Doctrines of Devils amongst the Quakers, that amongst any Profession of Protestants: And think, I had Reason to know it, for I wrote it from his Mouth, and read it to him, and he denied it not at that time. Besides, it is not I only, but the Meeting of Ministring Friend in Pensilvania, &c. that says it, for the Paper is from them. But his Cavil at the Paper is because it saith (in another part of it) That he repeating the said words over again, declared the same thing, viz. That there were more damnable [Page 43]Heresies and Doctrines of Devils amongst them, (instead of Quakers) than amongst any Profession of Protestants. Who that them was, he had declared before, viz. the Quakers; and who did he speak it to? Quakers: And is any thing more common, than to say to any Society, such or such things are amongst them. But I shall not insist further on it, believing, that no honest Friend believed, that I was Guilty of any such thing (for if they had, no doubt I should have been Censored,) much less that it was proved against me: And here, I think the Author of that Pamphlet hath ventured upon Two great Falshoods, to prove me guilty of One, viz. First, That what I said was a Lye: And Secondly, That it was proved so.
In that Book called the Causeless Ground of Surmise, &c. p. 12, & 13. G. K. seems equally uneasie that the Yearly Meeting have censured me and Friends in America no more, as that they have censured him and those in the Separation with him so much. I shall here pass by his complaint of what he calls the false Judgment of the 28, having spoken to it before; but I shall here take notice of the Instance he gives of my great Pride. When some of their Friends (as he saith,) were Expostulating the case with me, I stretched out my hand, saying, If I draw forth my hand, I will not pull it in again, until I have quelled you all. Something to this effect I did say, though not in the same words, which I acknowledge [Page 44]to be unadvisedly spoken, and I might have exprest my self in words less subject to exception. But it ought always to be allowed, where any thing Ambiguous is spoken, for the person to interpret his meaning, and I do solemnly say, I never intended them in that Sense, as they are by him and his party perversly construed, as in the Book of the Tryal, &c. They say, this presumptuous expression savoureth too much of Lucifers Pride, who said, I will be like the most high, &c. I think none that know me, can suspect me to be guilty of such Vanity and Impiety, but the Friend he speaks of, that expostulated with me, were of his own party, particularly John Macon (of whom I have spoken already,) and Ralph Ward, of whom there is no great reason to speak much as a Friend, these two with overs others of the Rabble, followed the Magistrates, as they were going from the Cou [...] to Dinner, and they two especially did ra [...] and shall intollerably at us, saying, Then thank d God we could not take their Live away, but we coveted their Goods; to who [...] I replied, let us alone, you see that we an unwilling to take any great notice of you abuses, and do the least we can do; but the following us in the Street, and persisting i [...] their raillery, occasioned me to say what I did the meaning of which in a candid and true Sense, was no more then this, That if I on [...] ingage, and make use of the power I have, is the station I stand, I will not desist, 'till [Page 45]have reduced you to a better behaviour: And precarious is the Power and Condition of that Magistrate that cannot do it.
I shall now take notice of the procedure of Law that hath been against G. K. and some of his Party, which they so loudly and falsly call Persecution. 'Tis true, there is such a thing as Persecution, and I take it to be thus distinguished from a just Prosecution. Persecution is a suffering inflicted upon the sufferers, for the discharge of their duty to God. Prosecution is a justice done on Transgressors of the Law, for their injuries done to Men, or blasphemies to God. Now that these Men were Prosecuted by Law for their abuses to the Government, and those that were concerned in the Administration of Justice, and how much some of them courted it, and endeavoured to provoke the Magistrates to it, I shall shew hereafter.
In the Infancy of the settlement of Pensilvania, the Legislators saw cause to make provision by a Law, to secure the reputation of the Magistrates from the contempt of others, foreseeing no doubt (and perhaps perceiving something of it then) that People by reason of their equality in other things, might be under greater temptations, to run into this evil there, than where the condition of the Magistrates had raised them above, and set them at a greater distance from the Common People. It was therefore enacted, That whosoever should speak contemptuously, or slightingly [Page 46]of a Magistrate, should be punished by a Fine according to the nature of the offence.
Now that these complainers of Persecution, had egregiously transgrest this Law, and that they did endeavour to raise Sedition and subvert the Government, and for that cause only, and not upon any Religious account they were Prosecuted, this following Instrument will make appear, together with the several Presentments brought in against them by the Grand Jury.
At a Private Sessions held for the County of Philadelphia, the 25th. of the 6th. Month, 1692.
- Arthur Cooke,
- Samuel Jennings,
- Sam. Richardson,
- Humphry Murry,
- Anthony Morris,
- Robert Ewer,
Justices of the County.
WHEREAS the Government of this Province being by the Late King of England's peculiar favour Vested, and sithence continued in Governour Penn, who thought fit to make his, and our worthy friend Thomas Lloyd his Deputy Governour; by, and under whom the Magistrates do act in the Government; [Page 48]and whereas it hath been proved before us, that George Keith being a Resident here, did comrary to his duty publickly Revile the said Deputy Governour, By calling him an Impudent Man, celling him, he was not fit to be a Governour, and that his name would stink, with many other slighting and abusive Expressions, both to him and the Magistrates; (and he that useth such Exorbitancy of Speech towards our said Governour, may be supposed will easily dare to call the Members of Council and Magistrates Impudent Rascals,) as he hath lately called one in an open Assembly that was Constituted by the Proprietary to be a Magistrate) and he also charge the Magistrates, who are Ministers here with Ingrossing the Magistratical Power into their hands, that they might usurp Authority over him; saying also he hoped in God, he should shortly see their Power taken from them, all which he acted in an undecent manner.
And further, the said George Keith, with several of his Adherents, having some few days since, with unusual Insolence, by a Printed Sheet, Called an Appeal, [Page 49] &c. Tradueed and vilely misrepresented the Industry, (are, Readiness and Vigilance, of some Magistrates and others here, in their late proceedings against the Privateers, (viz.) Babitt and his Crew, in order to bring them to Condign punishment, whereby to discourage such attempts for the future; and have also thereby defamed, and arraigned the determinations of the Provincial Judicature against Murtherers; and not only so, but also by wrong Insinuations have laboured to possess the Readers of their Pamphlet, that it is Inconsistent for those who are Ministers of the Gospel to act as Magistrates: Which if granted, will render our said Proprietary incapable of the Powers given him, by the said King's Letters, Patents, and so Prostitute the Validity of every act of Government, more especially in the Executive part thereof, to the Courtesie and Censure of all factious Spirits, and Malecontents under the same.
Now for as much as we, as well as others have born, and still do patiently endure the said George Keith and his adherents in their many Personal Reflections [Page 50]against us, and their gross Revilings of our Religious Society, yet we cannot (without the Violation of our Trust to the King and Governour, as also to the Inhabitants of this Government) pass by or Connive at such part of the said Pamphlet and Speeches, that have a tendency to Sedition, and Disturbance of the Peace, as also to the Subversion o [...] the Present Government, or to the [...] spersing of the Magistrates thereof.
Therefore, For the undeceiving of a [...] People, we have thought fit by th [...] Publick Writing, not only to signi [...] that our precedure against the Person now in the Sheriffs Custody, as well as what we intend against others Concerted, (in its proper place) Respects only that part of the said Printed Sheet which appears to have the Tendency aforesaid and not any part relating to difference in Religion, but also these are to Caution such who are well affected to the Security, Peace, and Legal Administration of Justice in this place, that they give no Countenance to any Reviler and Contemners of Authority, Magistrates, or Magistracy, as also to warn [Page 51]all other Persons, that they forbear the further publishing and spreading of the said Pamphlets, as they will answer to the contrary at their Peril.
Given under our Hands and Seal of the County, the Day, Year, and place aforesaid.
Philadelphia, the Fifth of the Eighth Month, 1692.
WE of the Grand Jury, for the Body of this County, do present Peter Boss, for that he hath accused S. J. being a Magisterial Officer, with being an unjust Judge and of his being Drunk, and of laying wager with John Slocum, and for many other Scandalous, Reproachful, and Malicious Expressions, to the defaming of him, and tending to the disturbance of the Peace, contrary to the Law in that Cause made and provided.
We of the Grand Jury, do present Georg Keith and Thomas Budd, as Authors of a Book Entituled, The Plea of the Innocent. Where in page the 13th. about the latter end of the same, they the said G. K. and T. B. desamingly accuse Samuel Jennings, he being a Judge and Magistrate of this Province, of being too High and Imperious in Worldly Courts, calling him, an Ignorant, Presumptuous and Insolent Man, greatly Exposing his Reputation, of an ill president, and contrary [Page 53]to the Law in that Case made and provided.
The presentment of William Bradford, I take as they give it in the Tryal, the substance of which as they say, was, That they, viz. The Grand Jury present the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th, Articles of the Paper called An Appeal, &c. As being of a tendency to weaken the hands of the Magistrates, and we present William Bradford for Printing of the said Seditious Paper, &c.
I shall not Comment on the Sessions Paper; nor Presentments, they speak plain enough for themselves, and do sufficiently demonstrate, that the persons exclaming so much of Persecution, were but under a just Prosecution of Law, for their contempt and abuses of the Magistrates and Government, &c. But G. K. &c. have a new devise to get off of that, after they have traduced and exposed them at their pleasure, to tell them if charged with it, that they speak not then to them, nor of them as Magistrates. How then do they speak to them? Why to some as Ministers, and to others by profession Quakers, and do declare they do it conscientiously too, Causeless grounds, &c. p. 12, and 13. But how can any believe that this is done conscientiously, or with an intent, or desire to reclaim the persons so exposed by them (supposing they were guilty) but rather to recriminate such as have been engaged in a testimony against them. Have they no better way to [Page 54]discharge their Consciences to such as they suppose to have erred, than to publish their defects (if they were so) to the World, before ever they have spoken to the parties th [...] abused by them? What Conscience is in this I shall leave to any but a seared Conscience to determine. But G. K. had like to have spoiled all, by an implicite acknowledgment, that some words spoken or written by him; and T. B. by way of charge against me, did respect my Magistiacy; See Causeless grounds, &c. p. 12th. Where repeating what they had before charged me with, viz. That I was too high and imperious, both in Friends Meetings, and Worldly Courts, and of being an Ignorant Presumptuous and Insolent Man, which la [...] words, saith he, did no ways respect his Magistracy. Then I hope he will grant that some part of those words did, which is too plain t [...] be denied, for they tax my carriage in Worldly Courts, in the exercise of my Office as a Magistrate, and this is that for which G. K. and T. B. were Presented and Prosecuted: which I think will take away all pretences, that [...] was on a Religious and Conscientious account and that instead of being persecuted by the Government, they were the persecutors of th [...] Government (if there be such a thing as Tongue and Heart persecution) as G. K. falsly insuates, he and his party were the object of Reasons and Causes, &c. p. 3.) But how much he and his party were guilty of what they charged on others in that respect, their own late Book [Page 55]will shew in a great part, but such as were Eye witnesses, and immediately concerned, did see and feel more; nor will G. K's. Certificate from the Deputy Governour and Council of Philadelphia (which he says clears him of all these charges, amply declaring his innocency and peaceable behaviour towards the Government, and them in Authority at that time) do him much service, nor weigh much with thinking People. For who is it that doth not know the propensity that commonly appears (on any turn or change) in those that succeed in place and power, to censure and expose such as were before under the same charge and trust they are called to, especially where there hath been any emulation, or former grudgings on that account? But I shall now touch upon some words and behaviour of G. K's. after which I shall submit it to the Judgment of the Impartial, how far that Certificate deserves to be credited, or G. K. excused. I have been told by several Friends that were in a Meeting in West-Jersey, where they heard G. K. say, That they should hear before it was long, that he were either whipt or imprisoned; and rather than he would appear a false Prophet, he did what he could to procure it; and hundreds can witness, that he did in an open Meeting at Philadelphia, say to the Deputy Governour Tho. Lloyd, Thou art a pitiful Governour, why dost thou not send me to Prison, or order me to be whipt, my back itcheth for a [Page 56]whiping, and hath long itched for it. And what language he gave to Tho. Lloyd, Telling him he was an impudent Man, &c. And how he called a Magistrate Impudent Rascal, you have an account before. Now what thinkest thou Reader, Is this the Innocent person, whose peaceable behaviour towards the Government deserved to be so amply declared and he cleared of all charges to the contrary, by a Certificate from a Deputy Govern our and Council? Should I enumerate all his abuses to Government, 'twould be tedious but as all indifferent People must needs judge him much to blame, from what is already said, so I think he is most of all to blame, after all this, to justifie such practices, abusively [...] proclaim to the World, that he is persecute [...] for Conscience sake; and when all is done What did he or Tho. Budd suffer? Were they, or either of them Whiped or Imprisoned? No such matter, they were only presented and had a tryal at Court, were adjudged Guilty, and had a Fine of Five Pound each set upon them, which was never levied; for which if they had gratitude enough, they ought to acknowledge the Clemency of the Government, and particularly such as might have exacted it. But suppose they had been as hardly and rigorously dealt with, as they would have the World to believe. What were all that to me, the abuse was not taken as done to a singular or private Person, but to the Government, and accordingly they [Page 57]were Presented by the Jury, and Impleaded by an Attorney, such as the Court was pleased to allow: But they say I was upon the Bench when they were Fined, which is also a mistake, for though I were there when the Judgment of Court was delivered, yet I neither delivered it, nor was I concerned in agreeing what it should be, but as is usual [...]n such Cases; the Justices consult and agree that in their Chamber, and order it to be delivered by the Clerk in Writing at the close of the Court.
The next thing I take notice of is that of Peter Boss; who in that Book of the Tryal, &c. p. 10. is represented to be in Church Fellowship with me, at the time when he wrote that Letter to me, shewing his dislike of the judgment of the Twenty Eight, and telling me (as he saith) of some Scandals I lay under, &c. I believe the occasion and reason of his sending that Paper to me at that time is truly given, viz. That he was offended with the Judgment of the Twenty Eight Friends, against G. K. &c. For this indeed I take to be the chief ground of all their quarrel with me, but that he was in Church Fellowship with me, I deny; for the judgment given forth against G. K. and his adherents included him, who hath given sufficient proof, how closely he adhered to him. By what follows, therefore, no reason to expect from me any dealing with, in a Church Method. But if he accounted himself a [Page 58]Church Member with me; Why did he not use me as such, and admonish me privately, before he went about openly to defame me? But to say that the Paper he sent to me was private is not true, for it came unsealed to me, which shews it neither was private, nor intended to be so. And how like a Christian admonition is it to me, let all judge, for he seems not to address himself to me in it, which makes perfect Nonsence, and I have been told by many, the matter contained in that Scurrilous Paper, was frequently reported in any place, or company, by him before I received it, a Copy of which here follows:
The Paper lately published at Philadelphia, by 28. against G. K. and those joined with him, &c.
HAS and is like to occasion much Trouble and Difference among us, not only because of the false things Compact in it, as is well known to many Witnesses, and now to Impose it on all the Meetings, is plain downright Popery; and gives just occasion to all, not only to judge it as it is for the Abuse, but also inspect further into things and them; these Ministring Imposers upon other Mens Consciences, like unto the Roman Clergy; and to show how ill the People do resent these things, one who was not a Quaker, so soon as the Paper was made publick, says, What [Page 60]Devillish work is here like to be, a pack of Fools have sent their Bull out? What a piece of work you'l see in short time, and how they'l expose themselves, and force others to send it home in Print; (says he) with worse words of some, unfit to mention here, &c. By exposing this your Edict, you have made all People your Judges, into whose hands it shall come; (the Papists themselves) for your Unrighteous Judgment, and drawing in those with you that have subscribed to they know not what, who were not present at either of the Meetings; so consequently did not hear the Words charged on G. K. to be spoken by him, &c. but have taken all supon trust, and signed as a Man that would be a false Witness to a Bill or Bond for Money, where none is due, 'tis hoped that some will see their over-haste, and repent it, as well as others have done. How can you expect this act of yours will be accounted Righteous Judgment, to Condemn a Man for Words, and cover one anothers Deeds as well as worse Words, in [Page 61]and among your selves; Has S. J. ever been dealt with for his many Enormous, Palpable, Gross miscarriages chargeable upon him, his Greatness and Pride, so Insolent and Lofty none dared to touch him, and for his Abuses to a Poor Worm, who writ to him for Justice and Satisfaction, could have no answer of the said Letter, and being discontented to hear him Preach to an Auditory, knowing his Life to be unsavoury, and an unjust Judge: I writ the Second Letter to him of dislike to his Preaching, which after he had read, flung it into the Fire; Why did he not answer it, and get satisfaction from the Author? But that he knew himself Tardy; resolved to exercise Bonners's Cruelty, on my poor Paper; and its matter of Sorrow, there's divers among you know enough of S. J. but you cover him and one another; and whom you please to abuse down with him amain; Do you think People are Blind, and without Sense? Be it known, they See, they Hear, &c.
1. Pray let it be queried into, whether it was not true that S. J. did wage his Horse with John Slocum, to Ride a Race with their Horses; and whether J. S. did not refuse to take the advantage of him because S. J. was Drunk, &c?
2. And pray let it be enquired into, whether S. J. at another time was not so Drunk could scarce get over the Ship side of Joseph Bryar, when at Burlington?
3. And pray let it be enquired, whether the said S. J. did not wickedly i [...] Surveying a Tract of Land, wh [...] John Antrum had actually began to do?
4. And pray let it be enquired into whether S. J. did not take away the Meadow of Richard Matthews, who being in England took the advantage What the effect will be time must manifest, how odious he will render other for S. J's. sake, he being a pretty Eminent Man in London?
5. And pray let it be enquired into the Actions and Abuses of S. J. to John Skeen Deceased, which should have [Page 63]been answered at Burlington Meeting?
6. And pray let it be enquired into, whether it were S. J. or J. Simcock, that was by two persons carried to Bed Drunk?
7. And pray let it be further enquired into, whether it were the said S. J. or J. Simcok, that was so Drunk lost a Coat that was borrowed of another Man, &c. Seeing so many of you have Condemned G. K. for Words, let these Actions be also Condemned, they being as great pretenders to be Ministers as him; and pray take special care this be not burnt as the former, having a Copy of the same.
THE first thing I take notice of in the foregoing Paper, is the strange confidence of the Man; in accusing me to be of a [...] unsavoury Life; which had it been as true (as I bless God it's false) through the sufficiency of whose Grace, I have been preserved from a Scandalous Life, since the time that I received and owned the Truth; ye for his own sake, had he been Wife, he should have forborn such an Expression, knowing that his own Conversation was so notoriously unsavoury and scandalous, as gave me occasion, long before any thing of this Bread appeared, to rebuke, and reprove his forward and undecent appearing in our Meettings of business in West Jersey; and though he did in some part own and condemn the fact, with which he was charged, and should never have been revived by me, had he kept as became him, under those Circumstances But since he hath so far forgotten himself, and would be thought so clean as to be qualified to judge others; I shall remind him of that suitable Admonition given by the best of Monitors to such an one, Matth. 7. & 5. Thou [Page 65]Hypocrite first cast out the beam of thine own eye, &c. His next complaint is, that after I had read his Letter, which he calls his Second, I burnt it. In this he is mistaken; for I burnt it before I read it, understanding from whom it came, and knowing of no business he could have with me, but to Rail and Quarrel as he did in his other, I thought therefore to discourage him, from persisting in that course, and bid the Friend, at whose House I was, tell him if he enquired for an answer, what use I made of it. But he goes on, saying, Why did I not answer it, and get satisfaction from the Author, but that I knew my self Tardy, &c? To which I Answer, I never knew what was in it, How then should I Answer it? But his giving that as the Reason, because (says he) he knew himself Tardy, put me upon a necessity of taking so much notice of his last Letter, as to get satisfaction of him, according to his Desire and Challenge; for to do other wise had been to submit to the guilt of his Charge; I therefore chose, since he had so publickly reproached me, to make my Defence as publickly; which was done in open Court, in Philadelphia, the 5th. of the 8th. Month, 1692. But the Libeller would insinuate, p. 10. & p. 19. That Peter Boss and his Wife much desired to come to Tryal the First Court; and urged the injuries of the delay thereof. This is such a piece of Fallacy, as may not pass without rebuke; for they were offered a Tryal the First Court, [Page 66]if they desired it, but withal were told that the Court could not force it on them, so that it was left purely in their own choice; and Peter Boss himself, together with his Took and Attorneys, Tho. Harris, and Charl [...] Pickering, did in open Court desire to have it deferred to the next Court, which wagranted them, and the Juries dismist, after which the Justices being together in their Chambers, Peter Boss makes a demand of Tryal, when he knew the Juries were dismist, so that this was a perfect design the they might have an appearance of a conplaint. The Libeller would also insinuate 17. & 19. as though Peter Boss could very hardly be permitted to have his Letter a Papers read in Court, but however at [...] through much importunity, they admitte some of the Papers to be read, which he [...] follow. It's true that the Court did object against Paper Evidence; But why then [...] they not do me that Justice, to let the Wo [...] know, that I made it my request to [...] Court, that they would suffer him to read that he had, and make the most of it; [...] proof of any or all his Charge? Which w [...] accordingly done; but to say through m [...] importunity, they admitted some of the Papers to be Read, which here follow, T [...] is as Falacious as the sayings of the Oracles Delphos, did they admit of but some of the to be Read; For what Reason, because th [...] were not all Offered to be Read, nor wer [...] [Page 67](I believe) all there to be Read; but have been picked up since that time, for I do affirm, he was not limited after my request as aforesaid, and to remove the Courts Objections against it, I used the Words of an old Maxim, That there can be no injury to a willing Man.
So he went on to prove the First Article of his Charge, viz. That I ran a Race with John Slocum, was Drunk and lost the Wager, for proof of which, he produced a Paper subscribed Mary Budd. This Paper says, That Mary Budd says, that Sarah Buddle says, that William Biddle says, that John Scolum says &c. Was ever such stuff produced in a Court for Evidence before, but to deceive the Reader they would have it believed that they produced three other Evidences in Court besides to this matter, as that of Bastill, Beck and Bainbridge, but nothing of it appeared then, but if it had, What do they say? Why all upon report, and that false too. But George Keith being in Court, and I having heard, that he had made it his great care to enquire into this matter of John Slocum himself, (for what end I leave) I did desire him that since I was openly Charged, that he would do me that Justice as to declare Slocum's answer to him, which he refusing, I told him, then I should do it as I heard it, which was as followeth, viz. That he told G. K. it was a bad Spirit in him, that went about to pick up matter against his Neighbours: But G. K. pressing [Page 68]further to know if the matter were true, told him, it was not true. Now G. K. knowing this, it had been but bare Justice, not to [...] generous, to have declared it. But for the farther clearing of this point, here follow a Certificate, under the hand of a Person that providence ordered to be now in England who was in my company all that Journey, wh [...] this was said to be done, that doth farther clear me of that scandal, as also of another raised upon me since the Printing of the Malicious Libel, of which I shall take note in its place.
WHEREAS it is Infinuated by 'Print and otherways, that Samuel Jennings did Run a Horse Race with John Scolum, and was Drunk, [...]nd lost the Wager, at the time when [...]e West Jersey Commissioners met with them of the East Jersey; and also [...]at he was Drunk at the same time, [...] the House of one Robert Cole at [...]mboy; I being in his company, and [...]e employed in that Service, viz. For greeing the Partition-line betwixt the [...]o Provinces, do know the said Re [...]rts to be false.
To the Second Article,
That I was Drunk on Board Joseph Bryar Ship, when at Burlington, that I could scare get over the side; This is an absolute fall hood, which Peter Boss knew to be so, the person whom he had reported to have said [...] dersied it, before he had thus accused me in that Paper. Judge then what manner [...] usage I have had from these my implacable Adversaries: But to clear the point further When this slander was abroad in Print, Joseph Bryar meeting with it, without my knowledge or desire, sent me a Certificate of my clearness in that matter; Which though I cannot insert, not having it here, yet if any will [...] ture farther to insist upon it, I shall produce as also divers testimonies from Friends anothers that were with me at that time: For I know not that I was ever more then one on Board the Ship of Joseph Bryar, seven Neighbours with their Wives being then invited, and there.
To the Third Article.
Whether I did not wickedly, in Surveying a Tract of Land, which John Antrum h [...] actually began to do? This is false, a [...] nothing offered to prove it, which I take to b [...] because he knew it was so.
To the Fourth Article.
Whether I did not take away the Meadow of Rich. Matthews, &c? for which he produced a long idle story from Daniel Leeds, who told me, he had Surveyed that formerly to Rich. Matthews, if that be true, 'twill terminate the matter, for it must resolve in this, [...] it were Surveyed to Rich. Matthews, it [...]uld not be legally Surveyed to me. If it [...]ere not Surveyed to him, then it was common Land, and might be Surveyed to me, or [...]y body else. But I have heard by one that [...]as present when Rich. Matthews's Land was Surveyed; that this Meadow was intended to [...] Surveyed to it, but was not then done, [...]r do I hear of any pretence to the doing of since. So that I am the more confirm'd it [...]s never done by that lame Record of Daniel [...]ds's producing, that gives no account of [...]urses, Distances, nor number of Acres of [...]adow, which is such a return, as one pre [...]ding to art would blush at. But however [...]e can be no wrong done by me to Richard [...]tthews; for either it was Surveyed to [...], or it was not; if it were, then he has it, [...]t were not, What pretence hath he to it [...]e than I, who am a Co-ordinate Proprietor [...]h him?
The Fifth and last Article.
Relating to me, is only a suggestion in general terms of abuses done to John Skeen Deceased, which if Peter Boss had nothing to say to make good his Charges, I shall need to say as little in my defence.
As to the Sixth and Seventh Article.
Where he squibbingly queries, Whether it were S. J. or J. Simcock, that was carried Drunk to Bed, betwixt to persons? And whether it were the said S. J. or J. Simcod that was Drunk, lost a Coat that was borrowed of another Man? These things I know nothing of, and believe that J. Simcock deserves not so base a Reflection, being a M [...] fearing God, and of good Repute in the Country, but his Crime is that he is one of the Twenty Eight, that flrst appeared in [...] testimony against G. K. &c.
Thus Reader if thou art impartial, thou wilt see and grant, how little matter is i [...] this great and loud Charge, and nothing proved; so that all indifferent People did nauseate, and abnor the baseness of the praction of this Man Peter Boss, whom the Jury found only Guilty, as they say, of transgressing the 29th. Chapter of the Laws of this Province, &c. For which he was Fined Six Pound.
The word only here, is given to put an [...]mphasis upon the Verdict, which shews, how [...]ight a matter the Libeller esteems it, to slight [...]nd Condemn Magistracy and Government, [...]e necessity and dignity of which is not to [...]e disputed in it self, how mean soever the instruments of it be, since we have always awned it to be an Ordinance of God. As [...]o divers other things suggested against me [...] that malicious Libel, relating to the usage of my Servants, &c. representing me either ruel or obscene: I deny any one thing as here suggested to be true; and were it [...]eedful, I could procure, as large a testimo [...]y of the good usage of my Servants perhaps [...] any Man in that Country, that hath been laster of so many, and that from the very [...]ands of those that I am represented to abuse: though I was never principled against giving [...]e Correction to Servants; and in that Coun [...]y where Servants are bound for time; it's [...]ery well known, how froward many have [...]roved, with design if possible, to torment [...]d tire those they have belonged to, to force [...]em to give them their freedom.
I shall give but one Instance more, of the reasure I have had from these People, I mean G. K. P. B. &c. and so come to a Conclusion, [...]aving been much larger then I intended, or [...]y circumstances for time would well allow, [...] the Book indeed deserved, being it's such [...] none here, nor any where else can yet be [...]und by me to own. The matter is this, as [Page 74]near as I can relate it, not having the Paper by me. Whilst Peter Boss was in the Pris [...] at Philadelphia, he says there came to visit hi [...] one Robert Cole, who asked, What are you [...] Prison for. Saying S. I. was Drunk? I'le pro [...] that, for he was Drunk at my House and Spew [...] in the Bed, and gave the Maid a piece of Eight to clean it. This Peter Boss &c. spread To [...] and Country, by small Manuscripts, thr [...] into the hands of such as never were of o [...] Communion, for it came too late to be Priced with the rest, or else no doubt we had [...] it. When I heard it, I desired two Friend who lived near Cole, to enquire if he had [...] reported; he told them if he had, he did [...] know it, for he confessed he was Drunk, wh [...] he was in Prison with Peter Boss, and th [...] knew no such thing by me, but said, on [...] Morrow after he had been with P. B. Geo [...] Keith desired to speak with him, and wh [...] together, G. K. asked him, concerning wh [...] he was said to have reported of me, he t [...] him, as he says, that he knew no such thing [...] me, G. K. told him, an honest Man would [...] as good as his word; and he having said [...] Why should he deny it? He said, he know not that ever he said it, but did Confess, [...] was Drunk, and knew not what he said: B [...] G. K. pressed it so far, till as Cole says, [...] Wife desired him to desist, saying, Husband the Man says he was Drunk, therefore let him alone. Yet notwithstanding the report was spread by Paper, &c. to the utmost of their [Page 75]power. I shall not need to aggravate this, by making any remarks upon it, being so loathsome in it self, as cannot be related without great reluctancy. How like this was to Sufferers for Religion, and under the weight of a heavy Persecution; I shall leave my Reader free to sudge, and pray God to forgive the Iniquity of my Enemies, that have bitterly belcht out, and thrown forth whole floods of reproach against me, which how ill soever it hath been on their part, I bless God, I have been carried through it and over it, and can hardly count it [...] suffering, esteeming i [...] as my Crown, to be reproached, by such as Apostatize from the Truth, with which I have been acquainted long [...]ough, to make it familiar and easie to me. And it is my great satisfaction that the unkindnesses I have met with in this Nation, at this or any other time, nath [...]een mostly from those, [...]at have been concerned in, or favourers of, [...]he Old or New Separation, which, rather than [...] would purchase their favour, at so dear a [...]ate, as to spare them, much less to fall in with [...]hem, (till they repent) I would rather chuse, [...] stand exposed to their [...]tmost rage and fury. And though I am not wholly unknown, nor a granger in this Nation, and have reason many [...]ays to be endeared to it, and more, that the [...]ay of God's Love reached me in it, than that drew my first Breath in it. Yet having had my esidence for more then 14 Years, in a remote and, it may with reason be supposed, that my condition and Carriage may be better known [Page 76]there than here: For which Reason, I have chosen to publish the Certificate, sent [...] me by Friends there, who remain in Un [...] and have not been defiled with G. K.'s. S [...] paration, which I intend for a Conclus [...] of this Work.
To our Dear Friends and Faithful Brethren in England, and elsewhere, where these may come; From our Quarterly Meeting in Philadelphia, in Pensilvania, the 4th. of the 10th. Month, 1693.
IN a tender sense of that Everlasting Love which God the Father through his Dear Son Christ Jesus hath Loved us, and United us together in the Unity of his Spirit, and Bond of Peace, where there is no Rent, or Division, Hatred, or Prejudice, do we sincerely salute you all; Earnestly desiring, that Grace, Mercy and Peace, Love, Unity and Concord, be more and more multiplied amongst you, and us, and all God's Heritage every where: And that it may please the Lord to subdue, and cause that to wither and decay that would break our Unity, trouble [Page 78]the Common-wealth of Israel; and lay Stumbling-blocks in their way. Although it's a day of great Tryal, Exercise and Affliction to the Seed of Jacob in this part of the World, yet we have cause to say, it's a day of God's Love, so that many were never nearer to the Lord, or enjoyed more of his presence, which sweetens the waters of afflictions, and makes the passage through the vale of tears and mourning easie unto us, the Lord having raised our desires after, and given us a measure of the sence of the durable reward, and Kingdom of Everlasting Joy, Rest and Peace.
Our dear and well esteemed Friend Same Jennings, having laid his intention before the Meeting of going for England, to visit Frieds there; We thought fit, and also our duty to certifie unto you, that we have good Unity with him in the Spirit and Life of Jesus whose Labour and Trayel in the Gospel [...] Peace and Salvation, the Lord hath bee [...] pleased to make successful, so that his Living and Savoury Testimony, has a seal in [...] Hearts of the true Israelites of God, in th [...] American Parts; who has stood firm in the Building of the Lord, against that Spirit i [...] George Keith and his Adherents, that would Divide, Rent and Scatter; and many have been the Malicious Arrows that have been Shot at him, endeavouring with all the Art and Parts, that Spirit could prompt them to, to Villfie, and Wickedly to Calumniate him [Page 79]both with Tongue and Press; therefore the Love of God, and the regard we have to his Truth, constrains us to certifie unto you, that as far as we can understand, he is clear from the false Aspersions and Defamations, that has been spread abroad in many Countries, by the said G. K. and his Adherents, having been cleared in the face of the Country of many of them, with shame to the false Accuser.
[ Note, The Friends saying, I have been cleared in the face of the Country, with shame to the false Accuser, of many of the Aspersions and Defamations cast upon me, respect all that was in P. B's. Letter to me, which was all that they then suggested.]
We remain your Dearly Beloved Friends, and Exercised Brethren,
- George Walker,
- Robert Ewer,
- John Goodson,
- George Gray,
- Evan Morris,
- James Fox,
- John Jennet,
- William Southbe,
- Ralph Jackson,
- Richard Worell,
- Benj. Chambers,
- John Fletcher,
- [Page 80] John Parsons,
- Alex. Beardsley,
- Thomas Bradford,
- Rich. Townsend,
- John Kinsy,
- Sam. Richardson,
- William Gabitas,
- John Lynam,
- Tho. Fitzwater,
- Thomas Lloyd,
- Arthur Cooke,
- Griffith Owen,
- Joseph Paul,
- Evan Oliver,
- Derick op de Greet,
- Reiner Tiesey,
- Pieter Soemaker,
- Caspar Hoodt,
- Giles Knight,
- Robert Burrow,
- John Buzby,
- David Brentnall,
- Joshua Hastings,
- Abrah. Hardiman,
- Thomas Canby,
- John Hastings,
- William Walker.