The Humble Petition of WILLIAM JENKIN sometimes Minister at Christ-Church London, Prisoner in the year, 165 [...]. Presented to the Parliament.
THat your Petitioner, is unfainedly sorrowful for all his late miscarriages, whether testified against him, or acknowledged by him, and for the great and sinfull unsuitableness of them to his Calling and Condition. That upon earnest seeking of God, and diligent inquiring into his will, your Petitioner is convinced, that the alteration of Civil Governments, are ordered by, and founded upon the wise and righteous Providences of God, who removeth Kings, and setteth up Kings, ruleth in the Kingdomes of men, and giveth them to whomsoever he will.
That the providences of this God, have in the judgment of your Petitioner, as evidently appeared in the removing of others from, and investing your Honours with the Government of this Nation, as ever they appeared in the taking away, or bestowing of any Government in any History of any Age in the world.
That he apprehends that a refusal to be subject to this present Authority, under the pretence of upholding the Title of any one upon Earth, is a refusal to aquiesse in the wise and righteous pleasure of God, such an opposing of the Government set up by the Soveraign Lord of Heaven and earth, as none can have peace, either in acting in, or suffering for; and that your Petitioner looks upon it as his Duty, to yeeld to this Authority, all active and chearful Obedience in the Lord, even for Conscience sake, to promise (he being required) truth and fidelity to it, and to hold forth the Grounds of his so doing to any, as God sall call him thereunto.
That though an Imprisonment, accompanied with the loss of estate, and to be followed (without your gracious prevention) with a speedy Arraignment, before an High and Eminent Judicatory, are farre from being pleasing to Flesh and Blood; and though the enjoyment of your Grace and Favour be a blessing most deserving to be reckoned among the best of Temporals, yet that neither the feeling or fearing of the former, nor the expectation of the latter, could have induced your Petitioner against the light of his own judgment, and the prepondering part of his own Conscience to have made, or presented this acknowledgement; he sadly forecasting, that a whole skin is but a contemptible recompence for a wounded Conscience.
That nevertheless (he trusteth) he shall be excutable in tendring thus far, even his outward condition, as to represent to your Honours, that he is in most apparent danger of his irreparable loss of his health (the sweetest of outward blessings) unless by your gracious Grant, be may speedily enjoy a more free and open Ayre, then this his close confinement will allow him.
And this Christian Favour (which even for Christs sake your poor Petitioner most humbly begs) your Honours are as able to enlarge, even to a pardoning of his offences, and a perfect releasing of him, from his imprisonment, as he is submissively forward in desiring them, though confessedly far from deserving them.
He nevertheless promising, that your compassionate affording hereof, shall be a strong and standing engagement upon him, dayly beseeching the heart-making, and heart-changing God, that all those who either through former accustomedness, or present inadvertancy, do not clearly discern the minde of God concerning the Alteration of this Government, may by observing your prime and pious industry, to advance throughout this Common-wealth, the power of godliness, a Scripture Reformation, and the Truth as it is in Jesus, be won to a yielding to your Honours, conscionable obedience, and not only in word, but in heart and life, may be true and faithful to this present Government.
Resolved upon the Question by the Parliament.] That Mr. William Jenkin be pardoned, both for Life and Estate, for and in respect of the Treasons, and Crimes, whereof he is accused; and that Mr. Atturney General be authorized and required to prepare a pardon in common form for that purpose, to be passed under the great Seal of England, and that the Lords Commissioners for the great Seal be authorized and required to pass the same under the great Seal accordingly.
Resolved upon the Question by the Parliament.] That Mr. Wilham Jenkin be forthwith discharged of his Imprisonment, and Bayle, and that his Estate be discharged of, and from Sequestration; and the Commissioners for compounding, and other Officers are to take notice hereof, and observe the same accordingly.
Upon several humble Petitions of Mr. Thomas Cafe, Mr. Ralph Robinson, and Mr. Thomas Watson Ministers, the Parliament did grant unto each of them the like Pardon for life and Estate, and discharged them from Imprisonment, and the Sequestration of their Estates.
Upon the humble Petition of Mr. Arthur Jackson Minister, the Parliament granted him a Pardon for his Life and Estate. Upon Mr. Atturney Generals Report of the humble and penitent Demeanour of Dr. Roger Drake, at his tryal at the High Court of Justice, confessing the Treasons laid to his charge, and his bumble Petition, the Parliament did pardon him for Life and Estate, and ordered his release out of Prison, and his Estate discharged from Sequestration.
The Parliament upon Report by Mr. Atturney General, of the like deportment of Livetenant Colonel Iackson, Livetenans Colonel Ioseph Vaughan, and Captain Hugh Massey. The Parliament likewise Ordered for each of them a Pardon for Life and Estate, and discharged them from Imprisonment, and their Estates from Sequestration.