A NET FOR THE Fishers of MEN And the same which Christ gave to his Apo­stles.

Wherein the Points contra­verted betwixt Catho­liques and Sectaries, are briefly vindicated by way of Dilemma.

By two Gentlemen Late CONVERTS.

Mark. 1.17.

And Jesus said unto them, come ye after me, and I will make ye to become Fishers of Men.

Printed Anno, 1686.

To Her Most Excel­lent Majesty, Mary, Queen of Great Britan.

May it please your Sa­cred Majesty;

WHat in this little Book is contain­ed, being the Motives of of our Conversions to the amient Apostolical, Catholique, Roman, [Page]Church; we have made bold to Didicate it to Your Serene Majesty, and also our Harts Blood and Life, to the Service of your Royal Spouse Great James the Se­cond.

We humbly beg Par­don for presuming to put the Products of so weak Brains under so Prince­ly and Gracious a Pa­tronage; acknowledging a Matter of so great [Page]Moment, not only far above our unlearned Ca­pacities, but that rather it required the Learning of St. Hierome, the E­loquence of St. Chrisos­tome, the Quick Witt of St. Augustine, the Sobriety of St. Ambrose, and sweet Stile of St. Barnard.

But Madam, if fa­vourably received by your Great Majesty, our Adversaries who [Page]will undergo to answer it, shall find that Chil­dren set upon the shoul­ders of so High Giants, as the forementioned Pi­ous Fathers were; shall see farther into Heaven­ly Religion, than he that proudly will not follow Scripture Councils, nor Fathers, but his own human Inventions, and private Spirits, after the creuel Example of the Tyrant Proclus, [Page]who made Men of all Proportions, fit the length of his Bed, by cutting off him what was too long, or by draw­ing him longer who was too short.

Most Sacred Ma­dam, what is promised, if received into Your Majesties Protection, which we most humbly beg, may be the easier performed, because the chast Spouse of the most [Page]High; wanteth not a thousand Bucklers of Defence: Again humb­ly beging Pardon for this Ambition, of a­vowing our selves, Your Majesties.

Most Humble, Most O­bedient, and Most Loyal Subjects.
  • C. J.
  • J. M'C.


SAcred Writ in­forms us that in the primitive Times, our Blessed Saviour begining to lay the Foundation of his holy Church; called Fishermen to the A­postleship, [Page]and to those he gave a Net which was the Wis­dom and Knowledg of the Eternal Father, suitable for taking such Fish, as swim in the Ocean of Aposta­cy, Heresy and Sch­isme: The Apostles after Experiencing the great good that did [...]own'd to the World, by the speci­al benefit of this Net; [Page]and the many Souls that were caught therein, would not prejudice the Church, [...] robbing her of so [...]agnificent a Gift; [...]ut bury'd the same in the Bowels of holy Scripture; where we illuminated by the Father of Light, find­ing so precious a Trea­sure, though [...]it to present it unto you Curteous Reader, as [Page]a pledg of our affecti­onate Respects; it be­ing the only Motive of our Conversions, hoping if perused with no more Passion, pre­judice, or Interest, then we did, who had as great Aversion a­gainst the Catholique Church, as you, or any other can have, that it may produce the same effects in [Page]your heart, that it hath in ours.

If you acknowledg to be convinced in all Points, saving these which we omitted for brevitys sake, Viz. the unbloody Sacra­fice of the Mass, Com­munion under one kind, the Works of Supererogation &c. We hope to go Victo­rious out of the Field.

But if any will un­dertake [Page]to answer this little Treatise? he shall not be the In­strument only of our Recantation, but o [...] many more.

We with all Christian sincerity, desire that if you can resolve the following Queries for to annex your Answer thereunto; if not, we Pray the devine Majesty; of his infi­nite Mercy, to ilumi­nate [Page]you with the Beams of his holy and saving Grace, which shall ever be the Pray­ers of your well Wishers in Christ.

  • C. I.
  • J. M'C.

TO The Holy Wisdom of of the Glorious Tri­nity.

BLessed Everliving Wisdom: Ex­ellent and Supream In­telligence; behold us prostrate before the Ma­jesty of your Great and Divine Light, to offer [Page]up the Hommage of our Persons and Book; humbly acknowledging the Nothing, both of the one and the other; and with all the Powers of our Souls, protesting to have neither Spirit nor Pen, which is not of Yon, and from You, who are the Scource of all good Thoughts, and Ac­complishment of all Ho­nourable and Praise­worthy Discourses.


First. GOD hath a true Church, in the World, or not? if not, then Christ left Man without a Medium to Salvation? if he hath, yours is that true Church, or not? if not, than yours is not the true Christian Church; if it be? than your Church [Page 2]must have these follow­ing marks, viz. Visibi­lity, Unity, Universality, and Sanctity; which the Scriptures teacheth to be the Signes of Christ' s Im­maculate Spouse.

VISIBILITY Demonstrated to be a Mark of the true Church.

2. THe House of our Lord shall be prepared on the top of Mountains, or not? if it be, why then do you deny that the Church may be [Page 3]always visible, if not? why do you deny that of Isa. 2.2. The Mountain of the house of our Lord shall be prepared on the top of Mountains.

3. A City seated on a Hill can be hid, or not? if it can, why do you de­ny that of St. Mat. 5 14. A City seated upon a Hill cannot be hid, if not? than the Church cannot be invisible.

4. Christ founded a Church on Earth that all Nations may be edi­fied therein, or not? if [Page 4]not, why do you deny that of Isa. 2.2. All Na­tions shall flow unto her, [...] again, Psal. 85.9. All Nations whatsoever thou hast made, shall com [...] and adore before thee. if he did, why then do you say the Church may be in­visible? since all Nations cannot be edified in a Church unseen.

5. A Man for not hearing the Church is tearmed in Scripture a Heathen, and Publican, or not? if not, why the [...] do you deny the wor [...] of St. Mt. 18.18. He th [...] [Page 5]will not hear thee Church, let him be to the as an Hea­then and Publican. if he be, how than shall a Man be termed an Hea­then for not hearing a Church that was not vi­sible or yet extant in the World.

UNITY Demonstrated to be a mark of the True Church.

6. A Natural Unity and conection or the parts among them­s [...]lves and to the head, is [Page 6]necessary for the conser­vation of the natural bo­dy or not? if not, how can a natural body sub­sist, if the parts be devid­ed and torn from one a­nother from the head? If it be, why is that natu­ral conection proper to a natural body; and not a spiritual conection pro­per to a spritual body.

7. Christ promised that there should be uni­ty in his Church, or not? if not, why do you deny that of St. John 10.16. there shall be made one fol [...] and one Pas [...]o [...] if he did▪ [Page 7]why do you deny unity.

8. Unity is requisite in Gods Church or not? if not, why do you deny that of St. John 17.11. Christ prayed that his Dis­ciples should be one, and a­gaine 1. Cor. 1.10. I be­seech you that you all speak one and the same thing, and that there be no Schisms among you; but that you be perfect in one sence and in one Judgment, if she be why do you deny the necessity of unity.

9. Christ when he prayed, his prayer took [Page 8]efect or not? if not, then he in vain prayed that his Disciples should be one, if it did then Christ [...] people is one.

UNIVERSALITY Demonstrated to be a mark of the True Church.

10. TO be Univer­sal or Coex­istant with time and place, is a mark of the true Church or not? [...] if not, why doth the Scriptures say in St. Ma [...] 28.20. go ye teaching all [Page 9]Natons, &c. and behould I am with you even to the Consumation of the World, and again Eph. 4.12 13 He gave some Apostles, &c. to the Consumation of the Sts. if it be, why do you reject so evedent a mark of the true Church?

11. The Church of God is Universal or Co­existant with all time or not? if not, why do you deny that of St. John 14.15.16. the Paracleet shall abide with you for ever, and again that of St. Lu. 1.33. he (Christ) shall raign in the house of Jacob [Page 10] for ever, and of his King­dom there shall be no end; if it be, why do you de­ny Universality?

12. Christs Church is Universal or Coexistant with all place, or not? if not, how can that of the prophet be true, their sound went over all the Earth, o [...] how can all Nations be taught; if it be, why do you deny Universali­ty.

13. The Church of Christ is Universal and Catholick or not? if not, why do you deny the A­postles [Page 11]Creed, if it be, why do you renounce U­niversality?

SANCTITY Demonstrated to be a mark of the true Church.

14. THe Church of Christ is emi­nent for Sanctity of dis­cipline and doctrine, or not? if not, why do you deny the Apostles Creed, which says, I beleive in the Holy Catholick Church, and again that of the Ephe. 5.17. Christ [Page 12]gave himself for his Church, cleansing her by the laver of water in the Word, that he might present her to him­self a Glorious Church not having spot nor wrinkle; but that she might be Holy and unspoted; if she be, why do you deny Sanctity in the Church?

15. The Church of Christ is Sanctifyed or not? if not, why do you contradict St. Pauls words saying 1. Cor. 6.10. these things ye were, but ye are washed, but ye are Sanctifyed, but ye are Justifyed in the [Page 13]name of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God; if she be, why do you deny Sanctity in the Church?

16. The Church of Christ is manifested to be Holy by the Grace of Miracle or not? if not, why did Christ say in St. Jo. 14.10. he that Belei­veth in me, the works that I do he shall do, and great­er, if it be, why do you Sacriligiously rob the Church of Sanctity, see­ing Christ granted her the Grace of Miracle which we prove thus.

17. Christ granted true beleivers the grace of casting out Devils, and by the imposition of hands to cure the suck, or not? if not, why do you belye the Scrip­tures. Mark. 16.17. Those that beleive in me, these Signes shall follow them, in my Name they shall cast out Devils, they shall lay hands on the Sick and they shall be whole. If he did, you can­not deny the grace of Miracles in the Church.

18. Your Church hath the above mentioned Marks; or not? if not, than she is fals, if she [Page 15]hath, answer to the fol­lowing Queries.

19. Your Church hath been apparent and visi­ble since Christ, or not? if not, then she is false; if she has, prove your lawful and uninterrupt­ed Succession of Pastors, from the time of the A­postles, till Mart. Luther, and Jo. Calvin.

20. Your Church did appear before Luther and Calvin, or not? if not, then she is false; if she did, in what Kingdom or Nation was your Doc­trine [Page 16]preached, or by whom.

21. Martin Luther, and Jo. Calvin was the first founders of your Church, or not? if not, produce any that ever professed the same Articles with you before them; if they were, then your Church is false.

22. Luther and Calvin seperated themselves from the world, or not? if not, who joyned with them, or to whom did they adhere; if they did, then they departed from [Page 17]the visible Christian Re­ligion.

23. Your Church hath Unity, or not? if not, then she is not the Church of Christ? if she hath, why is there so ma­ny Schisms and Sects a­mong you.

24. All your Reform­ers did agree in matters of Faith, or not? if not, then your pretended Re­formation had no Uni­ty; if they did, why did they so much differ in most essential Points, as we prove thus?

25. Luther an [...] Cal­vin were true Ref [...]ers, or not? if not the [...] you follow false Ref [...]ers; if they were, why [...] they differ in the most [...]ntial Point of the hol [...] [...]cra­ment? and agai [...] [...] the Government [...] the Church.

26. All your Refor­mations doth agree, of not? if not, then they are false, and void of the essential Point of U­nity; if they do, pro­duce any two that agree in all points.

27. Your Church is universal, or not? if not, the [...]he is not the Ca­tho [...]e Church; if she be, [...]hew one of your Prea [...]ers in Japonia nay or i [...] [...]he Kingdom of Spa [...]

28. Your Church hath converted Nations, or not? if not, how can she be universal; if she hath, shew one Nation that she hath ever converted.

29. Your Church hath been universal with all time, or not? if not, [Page 20]then she cannot be the true Churh, if she hath, with what time hath she been coexistant before Luther and Calvin.

30. Your Church hath been Universal in place or not? if not, then she is not the true Church; if she hath, in what place or nation did she appear before Luther and Calvin.

31. Your Church hath Sanctity or not? if not, then she is not the holy Catholique Church; if she hath, shew one of [Page 21]your Sect that ever was Canoniz'd.

32. Luther Calvin and the rest of your Refor­mers confirmed their Doctrine with Miracle or not? if not, then they were not true Apostles? if they did shew one of their Meracles.

33. The signs which Christ said in Scripture, followed your pretended Reformers, or not? if not, then they were not true Beleivers; if they did, shew one Man they dispossesed, or one sick [Page 22]that they restored to health.

34. Your Reformers were famous for their virtuous Lives, or not? if not, then they had not Sanctity; if they were, why did they break their Vows made to God, and teach men so to do.

35. The Catholique Roman Church, and no other stands firm, and infalliable as a Rock a­gainst all the tempests of Apostacy, Heresy and Schism, which we prove thus.

36. The Romans had once the true Church, or not? if not, then you de­ny the words of Scrip­ture; Rom. 1.8. First I thank my Lord through Je­sus Christ, that your Faith is spoken of throughout the whole World: and again ver. 7. To all that be in Rome beloved of God cal­led to be Saints, grace to you and Peace. &c, if they had, they retain the same Faith still infalliably, or not? if they do, then we agree; if not, then they must have their fall, ei­ther by Apostacy, Here­sy, [Page 24]or Schism. to the contrary,

37. The Ancient A­postolick Catholique Ro­man Church fell by A­postacy, or not? if not, then she is free from A­postacy; if she did, what prudent Man will say that she ever renounced the sweet Name of Je­su, which she ever hath in so great Veneration.

38. The Antient Ca­tholique Roman Church fell by Heresy, or not? if not, then she is free from all Heresy; if she [Page 25]did, by what general Council was she ever condemned, which of the Fathers ever wrote a­gainst her, or by what Authority was she o­therwise reproved?

39. The Antient Ca­tholique Roman Church fell by Schism and by de­viding her self from some other Church, or not? if not then she is not guilty of Schism; if she did whose company did she leave, from what body did she go forth, where was the true Church she forsook.

40. The true holy A­postolique Catholique Church, is Falible and can er or not? if not, why do you falsly condemn her? if she be, how can that of Scripture be true 1. Tim. 3.15. the House of God, which is the Church of the living God, is the pillar and firmament of truth.

41. The Church of God is Infalible in all her proposals and defini­tions of Faith, or not? if not, why should a Man be esteemed a heathen and a publican for not [Page 27]hering afals and eronious Church Mat. 11.18. if she be, why do you de­ny Infalibiltiy.

42. Christ being the head of the Church, and the holy Gost the soul of the Church, guiding and directing the Church in all truth, she can er or not? if not, then she is not falible, if she can then Jesus Christ and the holy Ghost is her directors into errors Jo. 16.13.

43. Christ is a true Prophet, or not? if not, [Page 28]then you are Blasfemers, if he be, how then can the Gates of Hell prevail against the Church, see­ing that he prophecy'd in St. Mat. 16.18. the gates of Hell shall not pre­vaile against her.

44. The holy Ghost suggesteth all truth to the Church, or not? if not, why do you deny that of St. Jo. 14.16. he shall teach you all things, and suggest unto you all things, whatsoever I shall say unto you, if he doth then he'll suggest no er­rors, &c.

45. Christ is a wise Man, or a fooll? if a wise, why did he build his house upon the sand, and make it subject to the Infernal Tempests; if a fool then you are Blas­femers.

46. A Congregation of people in dispiseing Christ, is guilty of Apost­acy, or not? if not, then you deny the true defi­nition of Apostacy; if they be, how can you clear your selves of Apost­acy in dispiseing his Church, seeing it is said [Page 30]in Scripture Luke 10.16. he that heareth you heareth me, and he that dispiseth you dispiseth me, and he that dispiseth me dispiseth him that sent me.

47. Your Church is guilty of Heresy or not▪ if she be, &c. if not, how doth the definition of Heresy agree with you, in adhereing to so many private and singular O­pinions and errors of Faith, contrary to the general approved Doct­rine, of the Catholique Church.

48. Your Church is guilty of Schism, or not? if she be, &c. if not, how then doth the definition of Schism agree with you, in dividing your selves from the body of Faithful Christians and in breaking comunion with the Antient Apost­olique Catholique Ro­man Church,

49. That Church, to which the above menti­oned marks doth agree, (to wit) Apostacy, He­resy, and Schism, is a false Church, or not? if not, then you do not [Page 32]esteem Apostacy, Heresy, and Schism, to be marks of a false Church; if they be, then your Church is false erronious and no Church, seeing they so aptly agree with you.

50. All that which the, Antient, Holy, Catho­lique, Roman, Church, holds as articles of Faith, is Pious, Good and Law­ful, which we prove thus out of Holy Writ, and by common Sence and reason.

The Pope 's SUPREMACY Vindicated by the most solid Texts of Scripture.

51. The Foundation of the Church of God next after Christ, was builded on St. Peter, or not? if not, why doth the Scriptures say, St. Mat. 16.18. Thou art Pe­ter, and upon this Rock will I build my Church; if it was, why do you deny Peter's Supremacy?

52. Christ bid prefer Peter before the other A­postles, or not? if not, why did he say to Peter only, Joh. 21.16, 17, 18. Feed my Lambs, feed my Lambs, feed my Sheep? if he did, why do you deny Peter's Supremacy.

53. The Apostles were of like Authority, or not? if not; why do you deny Peter's Supre­macy? if they were, why have you Primates, Arch-Bishops, Bishops, and no equal Authority as they had?

54. To whom the cheif charge of feeding Christ 's Sheep was given; was cheif of the Apostles, or not? if not, why was the cheif charge giv­en to him? if he was, why do you deny Peter's Supremacy to whom the cheif charge was com­mitted.

Oral and Apostolical TRADITION Vindicated by the most so­lid Texts of Scripture.

55. ORal and Apo­stolical Tradi­tions without writen Books, was the means of planting and conserv­ing the Christian Religi­on, or not? if not; how did the Apostles propa­gate the Faith of Christ without written Books? if it was, why do you [Page 37]deny Oral and Apostoli­cal Tradition.

56. The number of the Canonical Books is mentioned in Scripture, or not? if not, how do you know the Canonical Books, but by Oral Tra­dition? if they be, in what Book, Chapter or Verse doth it appear.

57. The Christians of the Primitive Age, on pain of Damnation, held nothing for Faith, but what they received from Christ and his Apostles for such, or not? if not, [Page 38]why do you condemn that of Scripture, Gal. 1.8. Although we, or an An­gel from heauen, preach to you besides that which we have preached to you, be he Anathema: And again, 2. Thes. 15. Therefore Brethren stand ye fast, and hold ye the traditions which ye have learned, whether by word or byour Epistle; if they did, why do you deny Tradition?

58. Apostolical Tra­dition is the Rule by which we may infalliab­ly be assured, both what Doctrine Christ and his [Page 39]Apostles taught, and what Books they wrote, or not? if not, how o­therwise can we be assu­red; if it be, Why do you deny Apostolical Tradi­tion?

The Blessed EUCHARIST Vindicated to be the most Precious Body and Blood of our Saviour, by the most sollid Texts of Scripture.

59. THat natural Body and Blood which Christ offer­ed for the remission of Sins on the Cross, was the same that Christ gave to his Apostles at his last Supper, or not? if not, [Page 41]why do you deny that Scripture of St. Luke. 22.19. This is my Body which shall be given for you, and again, Mathew, the 26.28. This is my Blood of the new Testament. which shall be shed for many, for the Remission of Sins. If it be, why do you de­ny the real presence in the Eucharist?

60. Christ gave his Bo­dy and Blood to his A­postles at his last Supper, or not? if not, than you make Christ a lyer, and [Page 42]the Scriptures false; if he did, why do you deny the real Presence?

61. When Christ said, this is my Body, did he speak Metaphorically, or not? if not, why do you deny the real Presence? if he did, prove the Me­taphor out of Scrip­ture.

62. The blessed Body of Christ, not being con­tained in the Bread, can be eaten, or not? if not, why do you maintain that you eat the Body that is not contained in [Page 43]the Bread; if it can, doth i [...] not imply a great con­tradiction, seeing you hold the Body is eaten in the Eucharist, and not eaten in the Eucharist.

LITURGIE In an unknown Tongue, Vindicated by most sollid Texts in Scripture.

63. THat which the Apostles prac­tised, is lawful for us to p [...]actise, or not? if not, then you accuse the A­postles [Page 44]of doing that which was not lawful, if it be, why do you de­ny the lawfulness of the Liturgy in an unknown Tongue, seeing the A­postles had their publick Liturgies in Hebrew, Greek, Syriack, and Latin, as is manifest in Histo­ry.

64. Seeing God hath commanded nothing concerning the Language of the publick Liturgy, we ought to follow the Commands of the Church, or not? if not why do you deny that of [Page 45]St. Mat. 18.18. If he will not hear the Church, let him be to the as an Heathen and Publican; if it be, why then do you deny the Liturgy in an unknown Tongue, being the Church commands the same.

65. The Man that Prays and gives Thanks in an unknown Tongue, doth well, or not? if not, why do you condemn that of Scripture, 1 Cor. 14.17? Thou indeed giv­est thanks well, but the other is not edified: If he doth, why do you condemn the [Page 46]Liturgy in an unknowu Tongue.

66. That which is praised in Scripture and proved to be pleasing to God, is lawful and expe­dient for us to practise, or not? if not, then the Scriptures contain un­lawful and unnecessary things; if it be, why do you deny Liturgy in an unknown Tongue? see­ing the Apostle says, 1 Cor. 1.14.2. He that speaketh with Tongues spea­keth not to Men but to God; and again, ver. 14. If I pray with Tongues my Spi­rit [Page 47]prayeth, but my Ʋnder­standing is without fruit; and finally, ver. 30. To speak with Tongues forbid [...] not.

Sacramental CONFESSION AND ABSOLUTION, Vindicated to be Pious, Good, and Lawful, by the most sollid Texts of Scripture.

67. THe Apostles being made Spiritual Judges by Christ our Lord, had power from him, to [Page 49]bind and loose from sin, or not? if not, why do you deny that of St. Mat. 18.18? Whatsoever ye shall bind on Earth, shall be bound also in Heaven, and whatsoever ye shall loose on Earth, shall be loo­sed also in Heaven; if they had, why do you reject Absolution.

68. The Laity is obli­ged to disclose their faults to their Judges, or not? if not, how can they absolve them from what they know not? if they be, why then do you de­ny confession of Sins.

69. Christ in speaking these Words, ( Joh. 20. 24, Whose Sins ye shall for­give, they are forgiven▪ and whose Sins ye shall re­tain, they are retained) spoke true, or false? if false, then you condemn the Author of Truth in Lyes; if true, why do you deny the Power of Absolution?

70. That which the Scripture commands is necessary, or no? if not, then the Scriptures com­mand unnecessary things if it be, why do you de­ny [Page 51]that of St. Jam. 5.16? Confess your faults to one another.

PURGATORY Vindicated by the most sol­lid Texts of Scripture.

71. THere is a penal Prison or place of temporal Punishment and Payment after this Life, or not? if not, why then do you falsifie that of Scripture, Zach. 4.11. Thou also in the Blood of thy Testament, hast let forth thy Prisoners out of the [Page 52]Lake wherein there is no Water: And again, Ma [...]. 3. He shall sit as purging Fire, and shall purge the Sons of Levy: And again, 1 Cor. 3.14, 15. The work of every Man shall be mani­fest, for the day of our Lord will declare it, because [...] will be revealed in Fire, and the work of every one of what sort it is, the Fire shall try; if any mans work abide he shall receive a reward, if any ones works burn, he shall suffer loss, but himself shall be saved, yet so as by Fire: And finally Mat. 5.27. Be at agreement with thy Adversary betimes, [Page 53]whiles thou art on the way with him, least thy Adver­sary deliver thee to the Judge, and the Judge to the Gaoler, and thou be cast into Prison, Amen. I say to thee thou shalt not go out from thence till thou repay the last farthing; if there be, why do you deny Purgatory.

72. Those Souls which our Blessed Savi­our and his Apostles raised from death, they were in Heaven, or Hell, or not? if not, why then do you deny a third place? if they were, [Page 54]how could they return to mortality?

74. Christs descenti­on was into the Hell of the Damned or not? if not, then it was into the third place; if it was, then you Blaspheme.

74. When Christ preached to the Souls in prison, 1 Pet. 3.13. it was to the Damned o [...] not? if not, then it was to the Souls in Purgato­ry; If it was to the Damned, then you would have Christ to preach in vain, seeing [Page 55]out of Hell there is no redemtion.

Mortal and Venial SINS Vindicated by most solid Texts of Scripture.

75. ALL kind of sins robs the Soul of Justice, and makes her guilty of Damnation or not? if not, then some sins are only Venial; if they do, why then doth Christ make three different [Page 56]sorts of sins, of which the last only renders a man guilty of Demnati­on, Mat. 5.23. Whoever shall be angry with his bro­ther shall be in danger of judgment, whosoever shall say to his brother Racha shall be in danger of council, and whoever shall say thou fool shal be in danger of hell fire.

76. All Sins are mor­tal and sufficient to break Charity betwixt God and Man, or not? if not, then there must be some venial, and not sufficient to break Cha­rity [Page 57]betwixt, God and Man; if they be, then the Apostles themselves were not in the Charity of God, seeing it is said in St. Jam. 3.2. We all offend in many things.

77. All Idle Words are mortal Sins, or not? if not, then there must be some venial; if they be, how then can any hope for Salvation, see­ing no man (morally speaking) can avoid idle Words.

78. All Sins are unto Death, or not? if not, [Page 58]then there are some ve­nial; if there be, then you make Christ a Lyar: who said, There is a Sin unto Death, and a Sin not unto Death, Joh. 5.16.

The Invocation OF ANGELS AND SAINTS, Vindidated by solid Texts of Scripture.

79. THe enjoyment of God, An­gels, Saints, and the Glo­ry [Page 59]of Heaven, rob men of their Knowledg, or not? if it doth, you make our Celestial Life to be far inferiour to our Teresterial in matters of Knowledg; if not, why do you deny that Pro­phets now in Heaven can know things at a dist­ance, as well as they did on Earth? 1. Kings 4.6. Eliseus by the special Light of Grace only, saw what was done in the King of Syri­ah's Privy Chamber: And again, 2. Kings 5. And what passed betwixt his ser­vant Geezi and Naaman, when he was absent. St. [Page 60] Peter likewise knew the sacriligious Act of Ana­nias and Saphira, though acted privatly betwixt themselves.

80. The damned Spi­rits of Hell, know more then the blessed Soules in the glory of the Father or not? if not, why do you acknowledg the De­vils to understand our most secret Thoughts and Prayers, and not the Saints and Angels also? if they do, then you at­tribute more knowledg to them in Perdition, than to the Immaculate [Page 61]Saints in the Eternal Bliss?

81. The Angels of God have ever prayed for those on Earth, or not? if not, why do you deny that of Zach. 1.12. The Angel of our Lord, answered and said, O Lord of Hosts, how long will thou not have Mercy on Jerusa­salem, and the Cities of Juda? if they have, why do you not agree with us, that the Angels pray for us.

12. It is Lawful to pray to the Angels, or [Page 62]not? if it be, then the invocation of Angels, is not vain; if not, why do you accuse Jacob of an Error, in invocating the Angel to bless his Chil­dren? Gen. 48.16. and again, Job. 5.1. Call there­fore (saith Elisas to Job) and turn thee to some of the Saints, and again Hos. 12.4. Jacob prevailed a­gainst the Angel, and wept and prayed to him.

The worshiping of ANGELS and holy IMAGES, Vindicated by the most solid Text of Scripture.

83. WHen St. John in the Apoc. 22.8. fell down to adore before the feet of the Angel, he knew it to be lawful, or not? if not, then you condemn the most wise and excel­ent Prophet, Apostle, and Evangelist of gross [Page 64]Ignorance, and wilful Idolatry; if he did, why was it lawful to him, and not to us? and again, Gen. 19.1. when Lot adored the Angels, with his Face bowed towards the Earth; he commit­ted Idolatry, or not? if not, than the worship of Angels is lawful; if he did, than you accuse him of more than the Scrip­tures doth?

84. All that which is recorded in holy Writ to have been done by the known Saints of God, without Reproof, is law­ful, [Page 65]or not? if not, why did the great Precursor of Christ St. John the Baptist, worship the ve­ry Latchets of our Savi­our's Shooes? and again, why did Jacob worship the top of Joseph's Rod? Heb 11.21. if it be why do you call the worship of Images Idolatry?

85. The Holy Vene­ration and worship of I­mages have profitted the Jews and Christians, or not? if not, how then was the Israelites healed of the biting of the Serpents in the Desart: And a­gain, [Page 66]how then did the Primitive Christians, re­ceive special Benefit by venerating the Shadow and Garments of St. Pe­ter and Paul, Acts 5.15. and 19.11. if it did then, why not now also?

86. Is it lawful to bow the Knee to Images, or not? if not, why doth the Apostle say, At the Name of Jesus every Knee shall bow, Phil. 2.8. which Name is nothing but an Image of the hearing; if it be, why do you reject the Veneration of Sacred Images.

The Veneration of RELIQUES, Vindicated by the most solid Texts of Scripture.

87. THat Honour & Veneration of the Reliques of Saints, which God himself hath approved by many fa­mous Miracles, is good, or not? if not, why doth God set his Seal of Mira­cles to confirm a Lye? if it be, why do yo con­demn the Veneration of Reliques?

88. That Woman which was miraculously cured of her bloody Flux by only touching the Hem of Christs Garment, was cured either for ve­nerating the Reliques, or not? if not, but by Faith only; why was not she cured at a distance, with­out touching the Gar­ment, Matth. 19.21, 22. If she was, why do you slight the veneration of sacred Reliques.

89. The Virtue of ca­sting out Devils, and cu­ring the Diseased, consist­ed [Page 69]in the Napkins and Handkerchiefs, that had but touched the Body of St. Paul, Acts 29.12. or not? if not, why did they not cure them without touching the Apostle? if it did, why do you deny the veneration of Re­liques?

90. The Bones of Dead Saints have restored Men to Life, or not? if not, why do you deny the Miracle of Eleseus's Bones, Kings 4.14, 21. if they did, then the Re­liques and Bones of Saints are worthy of veneration.

FREE-WILL, Vindicated by the most solid Texts of Scripture.

91. GOd left Man to his own free-will, or not? if not, why do you falsifie the Scri­pture, Eccles. 15. God from the beginning made Man, and left him in the hand of his own Council, if he did, why do you deny Free-will.

92. The choice of good and evil is left in Mans Free-wll, or not? if not, [Page 71]why do you deny that of Joshua 24. Choice is given you, choose this day that which pleaseth you; and a­gain, Acts 7.15. You all­ways resist the Holy Ghost: and again, John 1.12. But as many as received him, (Christ) he gave them power to be made the Sons of God. If it be, why do you deny Free-will?

93. Man hath power to keep his Virgin, or not? if not, why doth the Scriptures say, 1 Cor. 7.37. He that hath deter­mined in his heart, not ha­ving necessity, but having [Page 72]power of his own will to keep his Virgin, doth well. If he hath, why do you deny-Free-will?

94. All that God com­mands is in Mans Free-power, or not? if not, why do you condemn God with Tyranny, in commanding that which is not in Mans free-pow­er to do? as if I should threaten my Servant with a horrible Death, for not bringing me the Man of the Moon; if it be, why do you deny Free-will.

FAITH without WORKS, Vindicated to be of no ef­fect, by the most sold Texts of Holy Writ.

96. FAith Working by Charity ju­stifies, or not? if not, why do you condemn that of Gall. 5.6. For in Christ Jesus, neither Cir­cumcision availeth nought, nor prepuce, but Faith work­ing by Charity: If it doth, then your justifying Faith flies without Wings.

97. A Man saying Lord, Lord, may be sa­ved, or not? if not, then where is your Justifying Faith? if he may, once more you confound the Scriptures, Mat. 7.21. Not every one that says Lord, Lord, but he th [...] doth the will of my Father shall enter into the King­dom of Heaven.

98 You hope to be sa­ved by believing in God only without Works, or not? if not, then your justifying Faith is vain? if you do, why, but the [Page 75]damned Spirits may ex­pect Salvation, seeing they believe in God, and tremble also.

The MERIT Of WORKS, Vindicated by the most so-Texts of Scripture.

92. EVery Man will be rewarded at the last Day according to his Works, or not? if not, then you accuse God of Injustice, in not [Page 76]to each Man ac­cording to his Works? if he will, why but good Works will be Meritori­ous and receive a good Reward?

100. Christ encoura­ged his Apostles to suffer Afflictions patiently in expectation of a Reward, or not? if not, why did he say in St. Mat. 15.12. Blessed are ye when they shall revile and persecute you, for my sake, rejoyce and be glad, for very great is your Reward in Heaven. If he did, why was not there Persecutions Meri­torious, [Page 77]and consequent­ly our good Works?

101. That Crown of Justice which Paul said was laid up for himself, was the Reward of his good Fight, or no? if not, why do you deny that of 2. Tim. 4.7, 8. I have fought a good Fight, there is a Crown of justice laid up for me, which our Lord will render to me at that Day a just Judge, &c. if it was, how can you de­ny the Merit of good Works?

102. A Cup of cold water given in the Name [Page 78]of a Disciple, it's Merito­rious, or not? if not, why is it said in St. Mat. 10.48. Whosoever shall give to one of these little Ones a Cup of cold water only in the Name of a Dis­ciple, Amen: I say unto you he shall not loose his re­ward. If it be, why do you arrogantly deny the Merit of good Works?

Holy and Religious VOWS Vindicated by the most solid Texts of holy Writ.

103. THe Vows which are taught us in the Holy Scripture are lawful, or not? if not, why do you condemn Isa. 19.21. They shall Vow Vows unto our Lord and pay them. and Psal. 75.2. Vow ye and Render ye to the Lord your God; and again Psal. David Vowed a Vow to the God of Jacob: Hear Da­vid [Page 80]voued lawfully, or not? if not, then ye convince the Prophet of the most High in a wil­ful Error; if he did, why was a Vow lawful to him and not to us?

104. The greatest perfection of a Christian Life consists in Evange­lical Poverty, or not? if not, why did our Sa­viour in St. Mat. 19.21. Say unto the young Man, if thou will be perfect, go and sel all that thou hast and give to the Poor, and fol­low me, and thou shalt have treasure in Heeven. if it [Page 81]be, why do you reject the Vow of poverty as a human Invention?

105. It was a Virtue in Eunuchs, who gelded themselves for the King­dom of Heaven, or not? if not, you condemn that of St. Mat. 19.12. There be Eunuchs who have geld­ed themselves for the King­dom of Heaven, which pious Action our Savi­our himself did not re­prove: We yet insist, he who resolves in his heart to keep his Virgin doth well, or not? if not, you deny that in [Page 82]the 1. Cor. 7. He that hath resolved in his heart &c. to keep his Virgin doth well. And if he doth, why do you condemn the holy Vow of Chasti­ty?

106. We ought to obey our Prelates and Superiors or not? if not, then you deny that of. Heb. 13.17. Obey your Prelates and be subject to them: If we ought, why do you reject the Vow of Obedience as a Popish Fiction: And again in St. Luke 2.51. our Saviour in obedience [Page 83]to the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph, gave us an Example of Obedi­ence, or not? if not, why did he subject himself unto them by a meer volentary subjection? if he did, then the Vow of Obedience is evident to be a Pious Action, by the Example of Christ himself?

The possibility of keeping THE COMMANDEMENTS Vindicated by most solid Texts of Holy Scripture.

107. A Man being assiisted by the special Grace of God, can keep the Comman­dements of God, or not? if not, why do you make God a Tyrant, in com­manding us that which he himself cannot enable us to perform? if he can, why do you deny the po­ssibility of keeping the Commandements.

108. It is impossible with man to keep the Commandements, or not? if not, why did John say, he who saith he knoweth God and keepeth not his Com­mandements is a Lyar, and the Truth is not in him; if it be, why do you falsly accuse God of com­manding impossibilities; we insist further, hearers of the Law only are justi­fy'd, or not? if not, then the fulfiling of the Law is necessary to our Justification; if they be, then you falsifie that of Rom. 2 13. Not hearers [Page 86]of the Law are just with God, but doers of the Law are justisyed.

109. God according to his promise enabled Men by his Holy Spirit, to keep his Commande­ments, or not? if not, why do you deny that promise made in Ezek. 36.27. I will put my Spi­rit in the midle of you, and I will make that you walk in my precepts, and keep my judgments, and do them. Again Ezek. 37.24. They shall be my People, &c. They shall walk in my Judgments, and keeo my Commande­ments. [Page 87]If he did, why do you deny in Man the po­ssibility of keeping the Commandements?

110. It is evident in Holy Writ, that some keep the Commande­ments, de facto, or not? if not, why do you belye that of St. 1.6. Zacbaria and Elizabeth were both just before God, walking in all the Commandements, Justifications without blame: If it be, why do you deny possibility of keeping the commande­ments?

The IFSTITUTION of the seaven SACRAMENT in Christ's Church, Vindicated by the most solid Texts of holy Scripture.

111. CHrist for the Sanctification of Mankind, instituted seven Visible Signes of Invisible Graces, or not? if he did, then there is se­ven Sacraments; if not, then let our learned Ad­versaries satisfy us to the following Propositions. viz. Baptisme is a Sacra­ment, [Page 89]or not? if it be, then we agree; if not, why then hath it the Vi­sible Signes (to witt) the Words and Water of an Invisible Grace, ac­cording to St. John 3.5 Ʋnless a Man be born of the Water and Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God and again Gal. 3.27. As many of you as are baptized in Christ have-put on Christ.

112. Confirmation is a Sacrament, or not? if it be, then we agree, if not why hath it the Vi­sible Signe (to witt) the Oyl and Balm of an In­visible [Page 90]Grace? according to the Acts. 19.5.6. Hearing these things they, &c. and when Paul had imposed his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came upon them: Again Acts. St. Peter and St. John did impose their hands upon them, and they received the Holy Ghost.

113. The Eucharist is a Sacrament, or not? if it be, the Controversy is ended; if not why hath it the Visible Signes? (to witt) the accidents of Bread and Wine, of an In visible Grace, accord­ing [Page 91]to that of Mat. 26 27. This is my Blood of the New Testament, which hall be shed for many, to the Remission of Sins. And St. John 6.52. Ʋnless ye eat the Flesh of the Son of man, and drink his Bood, ye have no Life in you.

Pennance is a Sacra­ment, or not? if it be then we agree; if not, why hath it the Visibe Signe? (to wit) the Penitents Confession, and the Priests Absolution of an Invisible Grace, which is the Remission of Sins ac­cording to St. John 20.23. [Page 92] Whose Sins ye shall [...] ­tain, they are retained, a [...] whose Sins you shall forgi [...] they are fotven.

115. Extream Ʋunc [...] ­on is a Sacrament, or no [...] if it be, then there a [...] more then two Sacraments; if not, why then hath it the Visible Signe (to witt) the Priests Pra­yer, and the anointing with Oyl of an invisible Grace; whereof St. J [...] speaks in the 5.13, 14, 15. Is any Man sick among you [...] let him bring in the Priests of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointin [...] him with Oyl in the Name [Page 93]of [...]cur Lord, and the Pray­ [...] of Faith shall shall save [...] Sick Man, and our Lord [...]ll lift him up, and if he [...] in Sins, his Sins shall be [...]given him.

117. Holy Order is [...]crament, or not? if it be, then it is no vacuant [...]rimony; if not, why [...]en hath it the Visible [...]igne (to witt) the words of the Bishop, and [...]he things given to him [...]at it ordain'd; of an [...]visible Grace according 1 Tim. 4.14. Neglect [...]or the Grace which is in [...] very Prophecy with the [Page 94]imposition of the hands of the Priesthood.

117. Matrimony is a-Sacrament, or not? if it be, then it is not a naked Ceremony of the Popsh Church; if not, why then hath it a Visible Signe? (to witt) the mutual consent of both Parties of an Invisible Grace, and Supernatural Conjunction made by Almighty God; St. Mat. 19.6. That therefore which God hath joined, let not man seperate. And a­gain Ephes. 5.31.3 [...]. There shall be two in one Flesh, this is agreat Sa­crament, [Page 95]but I say in Christ and the Church.

118. A Visible Signe of an Invisible Grace, divinely instituted by Christ is the true Defi­nition of a Sacrament; or not? if not, then you deny the definition which your selves attri­butes to a Sacrament; if it be, how can you deny the above mentioned seven Visible Signes of Invisible Graces, divine­ly instituted by Christ to be Sacraments.

119. Baptisme and the Lord's Supper is more e­vidently said in Scripture [Page 96]then any of the other 5 to be Sacraments, or not? if not, why then do you hould those two only and none of the other five to be Sacrament? if they be, then shews us in what Book, Chapter, or Verse is Baptisme and the Lord's Supper said to be Sacra­ments, and none of the o­ther five which you so obstinately deny.


120. THat the Se­ctaries of our Times, have no lawful or continued Succession, which we prove thus.

Your Church hath it's Succession from [Page 98]the undernamed Sects, or not? if not, then you cannot have your Succession from any o­ther visible in the World, since Gregory the Great; about whoss Time you hold the Romish Church fell from her Purity; if she hath, why do you not profess the sam [...] Articles with the un­dernamed Sects, viz. with the Waldenses, [Page 99]that Lay-Men and Women may Conse­crate and Preach, that Clergy Men ought to have no Po­ssessions or Porperties; and that Oaths was unlawful in all cases, &c. which absurdities were condemned by the third Lateran Council, in the twelveth Century; with Abbot Joachim, who denyed the [Page 100]Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, to be one high­est Thing, Essence, or Nature, though three distinct Person [...] Can. 3, which Heresy was condemned by the fourth Lateran Council, in the thir­teenth Century; wi [...] Bergardes and Beg [...]i­nes, who held Car [...]a Lust to be done out of Temptation to be [...]o Sin, &c. wich adsurdi­ty [Page 101]was condemned by the Council of Vienna; [...]n the fourteenth Cen­ [...]ry with John Husse. [...] Wicklif, Hierome o [...] Prague; that all Priests and Majistrates [...]ll from their Dignity by any Mortal Sin, and ought no longer [...] be obeyed; that God must obey the Devil, and that tem­poral Lords might t [...]ke away Church [Page 102]Liveings at their plea­sure, &c. which ob­surdities, were totally condemned by the the Council of Constance, in the fifteenth Cen­tury; your Church had her Succession from the above men­tioned Sects, or not? if you have then you must maintain the same, most rediculous Tenets, with the a­bove mentioned Secta­ries; [Page 103]if not, then you must have no Successi­on unless it be from the Antient Roman Catho­lique Church? (to the contrary)

121. Luther and Calvin, had their Mission from the Ro­man Church, or not? if not, then they had no Mission, if they had, the Roman Church had the Spirit of God, when [Page 104]she gave them the [...] mission, or not? if no [...] how could she give them lawful Mission not haveing the Spir [...] of God? if she had how could she fall into Errors, and why did they depart from the Spirit of God? W [...] insist further, they ha [...] their Mission from God, or not? if no [...] then it was from the Devil; if they ha [...] [Page 105]why did they not confirm their Doc­trine with Miracles? [...]s God did the un­writen Law, Moses the writen Law, and Christ Jesus the new Law.

122. Luther and Calvin's Doctrine, was manifested to be true by Miracles, or not? if it was, by what Miracles did they ever confirm that [Page 106]which they preached? if not, then seeing you cannot alledg any Texts of sacred Writ to vindicate their Tenets, you must of necessity run to your private Spirit for a­refuge (to the Con­trary)

123. The Apostles had the private Spirit, or not? if not, then it is not Apostolical, but [Page 107]rather Diabolical; if they had, why then did they call a Coun­cil Acts the 15.

124. Your privat Spirit is of God, or not? if not then it is of the Devil; if it be of God, why then are there so many disa­greeing Sects amongst you.

125. A Man en­dowed with your private Spirt, can in­terpret [Page 108]Scriptures, or not? if not, why then doth rude and unlit­arated Mechanicks, the meanest of Pea­sants, and in fine, all the Plebeian Sort pre­sume to interpret the most difficult parts of Holy Scripture, and distinguish the Ca­nonical Books from Apocr. if they can, what need have you of Preachers, or Tea­chers, [Page 109]seeing no Man will believe any thing, but what his private Spirit suggests unto him.


forged by those w [...] never could learn [...] speak or write Truth; [...] if he doth, we Faithfu [...] ­ly promise by the Gra [...] of God, to paint, and al­so rip up all the Sores of Protestancy; not by I­maginary Fancies, or ra­ther wilful Falcities, as they obtrude against u [...] but even from Protes [...] ­ant approved History graphers, and the pre­sent [Page 112]times, which all the Impartial and clear sighted Eyes are wit­nesses of.

Wee of the Society of Jesus, in obedience to the command of our su­periors, have perused this Book, and finding nothing in it contradict­ing the Catholique Church, are in [Page 113]hopes, that it may be the Instrument of great good,


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