By the King, A PROCLAMATION For the putting in Execution the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, for the Preventing the Exportation of Sheep, Wooll, Wooll-fells, Woollen-yarn, Mortlings, Shorlings, Wooll-flocks, Fullers-Earth, and Fulling-Clay out of this Kingdom.
WHereas not withstanding the good Provision made by divers Laws and Statutes of this Realm, Prohibiting the Transportation of Sheép, Wooll, Wooll-fells, Woollen-yarn, Mortlings, Shorlings, Wooll-flocks, Fullers Earth, and Fulling-Clay, out of this Our Realm of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town and Port of Berwick upon Tweed, or any the Isles, Ports, Creéks or Places thereof, into the Kingdom of Scotland, or into Foreign parts beyond the Seas; By which Laws and Statutes, besides the pecuniary Penalties and Forfeitures thereby Imposed, such Transportation is declared Felony, not only in the Transporters thereof, but also in their Aiders and Abettors; and notwithstanding the several Proclamations of Our late Dearest Brother, and Our Self, in pursuance of the said Laws; divers persons evilly-disposed to the welfare of this Our Kingdom and Dominions aforesaid, presuming upon Our Lenity in not exacting the Penalties aforesaid, upon the Lives and Estates of such Offenders, as by Law We might, have assumed to themselves, and do daily licenciously assume to themselves in Defiance of Vs, Our Government and Laws aforesaid, not only clandestinely, but by open Force and Violence with Armed Companies of Men, the Liberty to Convey and Transport the Commodities aforesaid into parts beyond the Seas; and also to Rescue the same out of the Hands and Possession of Our Officers of the Customs, and others acting in their Aid, when by vertue of Our Authority the said Commodities have been Seized, and in Riotous and Tumultuous manner have beaten and wounded Our said Officers, and those acting in their Aid; We, taking the same into Our Princely Consideration, and duly weighing the evil consequence thereof to the Staple Manufacture of Clothing in this Our Kingdom, have thought fit, by the Advice of Our Privy Council, and We do, by this Our Royal Proclamation, as well in pursuance of the aforesaid Laws, as in vertue of Our Royal Prerogative, streightly Charge, Prohibit and Command that no manner of Sheép, Wooll, Wooll-fells, Woollen-yarn, Mortlings, Shorlings, Wooll-flocks, Fullers Earth, or Fulling-Clay, be at any time or times hereafter, by any person or persons whatsoever, whether Natural-born-Subjects, Denizens or Strangers, Exported, Transported, Sent or Conveyed out of Our Kingdom, or Dominions aforesaid, or any the Isles, Ports, Creéks, or places thereof, into the Kingdom of Scotland, or into any Foreign parts beyond the Seas, upon pain of Our highest Indignation, and the severest Penalties, which by the Laws and Statutes of this Our Realm may be inflicted upon the Offenders themselves, their Aiders, Procurers, Abettors and Favourers, their Liv [...] and Estates. And We do hereby Declare, That We will cause to be effectually put in Execution the Laws and Statutes aforesaid, and will exact the Penalties accruing, as by Law We may. And We do hereby streightly Charge and Command all Our Officers and Ministers, as well Civil as Military, to be Aiding and Assisting to Our Officers of Our Customs, and others duly Authorized to put in Execution the said Laws, and all others acting in their Aid.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall the Sixth Day of April 1688. In the Fourth Year of Our Reign;
London, Printed by Charles Bill, Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1688.