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A PROCLAMATION For putting the Kingdom of Scotland in a Posture of Defence against the Enemies of the KING and Government.

JAMES, by the Grace of GOD, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith;
To our Lyon King at Arms, and his Brethren Heraulds, Macers of our Privy Council, Pursevants and Messengers at Arms, our Sheriffs in that part, Conjuctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting:

Forasmuch as these Traiterous Conspirators, who designed the Horrid and Sacrile­gious Murder of Our Dearest Brother, the late King of Renowned and Eternal Memory, and the Destruction of our Ancient Mon­archy, continuing still in the same Hellish Project and Fury against Us, and Our Royal Government; are now again setting their Designs on work, to raise Commotions in this Our Ancient Kingdom, as being the last Struglings of them and their Execrable Party, and the outmost Effects of their absolute Despair: For preventing whereof, and bringing these Desperate and Execrable Traitours to just and condign Punishment; We, with Advice of our Privy Council, do hereby strictly require and Command, all and every of the Subjects of this Our Realm, That they be in a readiness in their best Arms to concur and Assist Us against any the aforesaid Commotions, or In­surrections, as they shall be Advertised; And particularly, We hereby require and command all and every the Colonels of our Milita Regiments of Foot, and Captains of Horse, and the Inferiour Officers and Soldiers under their Command, in the Shires Respective un­der-written, viz. The Merse, Teviotdale, Peebles, Selkirk, East Mid, and West Lothians, Town of Edinburg, Stirling-shire, Fife and Kinross Shires; the four Companies of the Low countrey, of the Earl of Perth Our Chancellours Regiment; and the three Companies of the Low-countrey of the Marques of Athol, Lord Privy Seal his Regiment, the Sheriffs of Forfar and Kincardin; and all the Here­tors, Liferenters, Feuars and Wodsetters in the Shires of Air Renfrew, Clidsdale, Wigtoun, Dumfreis, and Stewarties and Bailliaries within the same, to be in readiness with fourteen Dayes Provision, to March when and whither our Privy Council shall give them Or­ders; and to that end, to have their Arms fixed, and their several Companies of our Milita, presently Mustered, and the Heretors and others aforesaid Listed Modelled in Companies, and Mustered for the putting them into a condition of great Readiness. And further We hereby require and Command all Persons, Fencible-men, betwixt sixty and sixteen, within the Shires of Aberdene, Bamff, Elgin, Na­irn, Invirness, Ross, Sutherland and Caithness, to be in readiness in manner foresaid. As likewise, We hereby Require and Command all Our Liedges on the Sea coasts of this Kingdom, or near to them, or to any of the Islands thereunto belonging, so soon as they hear or get notice of any Vessels arriving at any place from abroad or at home into any Coasts, Ports, Creiks or Harbours, with Men, Arms, or Ammunition, forthwith to Convocat, and rise in their best Arms, and to Beat them off, or Seize upon, and secure the Ships or Vessels, and the Men, Arms and Ammunition, and give immediate Advertisement to Our Privy Council, and for their Security in obey­ing these Our Royal Commands, We hereby fully pardon and indemnifie them for ever, of all Slaughter Blood, Mutilation, Fire-rais­ing, Burning of Ships, or such like Warlike Inconveniencies as may follow, in case they meet with Hostile Opposition: And we here­by Require and commad all Our Collectors, Customers or Waiters, to make strict and diligent Search and Inquiery in all Ships, arriving in any part of this Kingdom, for Traitors Fugitives, or disaffected persons, and for Arms and Ammunition, and to seiz upon the Ships Men, Arms and Ammunition, until they acquaint Our privy Council, and receive their Directions thereanent: And to the Effect they may the better be able to perform this service, We do require all Our subjects nearest to them, as they shall be by them Advertised, to Rise concur with, Fortifie and Assist them, who, and these so Assisting are hereby declared to be fully Indemnified in manner foresaid. And that all the persons aforesaid may know their hazard, if they fail in any of the premisses. We hereby Declare, that they shall not only incur Our high Displeasure, but also shall be punnished with the outmost of severity, conform to their Detriment, and the Laws and practice of this Kingdom, and that the Heretors which shall be deficient in sending out their Tennents, and other Fensible Men, or shall not give Advertisement as said is, and of any Rebels and Traitours appearing on their Lands, that they shall be punished according­ly. And to the end the saids desperat Traitours and Rebels may have no reset Harbour Comfort or Refuge for any of the Subjects of this Our Realm, We hereby strictly prohibite and Discharge all and every of Our subjects therein, to furnish House, Meat Drink or any other thing Comfortable to them, or to keep Intelligence or Correspondence with them by Word, Writ or Message, or to Transport them to or from Ferries, or any wayes to be aiding abating or Assisting to them, under the pain of being Repute and esteemed Art and part with them in all their wicked Deeds and practices, and proceeded against, Demeaned and punished accordingly. And that Our pleasure in the premisses may be fully known to all Our Leidges, Our Will is, and We charge you strictly and Commad, that inconti­nent these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat Cross of Edingburgh, and all the other Mercat Crosses of the Hed Burghs of the Shirs of this Kingdom (and all places else needful) and there by open Proclamation, in Our Name and Authority, make publication of Our Royal Will and pleasure in the premisses, that none pretend ignorance.

Per actum Dominorum Secreti Concilij. WILL. PATERSON, Cls. Sti. Concilij.

GOD save the KING.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the Kings most Sacred Majesty, Anno DOM. 1685.

And Reprinted at London, by George Croom, at the Sign of the Blue-Ball in Thames-street, over against Baynard's- Castle.

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