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For a Solemn and Publick Thanksgiving throughout the Kingdom, for His Majesties late Victories over the Rebels.


Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God in the beginning of Our Reign, to mani­fest his great goodness towards Us and Our Kingdoms, in giving Us so ab­solute and signal Victories over the late Rebels, who in contempt of the Laws of God, and of these Kingdoms, role up against Us in Open Rebellion, threatning the Subversion of the Peace and Tranquility of Our Kingdoms, Whereby it hath pleased him in his infinite mercy not onely to Restore to Us and Our King­doms a perfect Peace, by an utter Dissipation of all those Rebels, but like wise to deliver into Our hands the Chief heads of that horrid Traiterous Conspi­racy, in order to their Condign Punishment, that thereby nothing might remain to interrupt Our peaceable Government for the future. Upon the due Consideration whereof, We do with all humility Admire and Adore the late Mercy and Goodness of God, in giving Victory to Our Arms, and Delivering Us and Our Kingdoms from the Miseries and Calamities that might and constant­ly do ensue an Intestine and Unnatural Rebellion. And considering that such signal and publick Mercies are Invitations from heaven to Us and all Our Subjects, to render the most publick and cheerful Expressions of Thankfulness to the Divine Goodness: We are willing that the just tri­bute of Praise and Thanksgiving to Our Great Soveraign the King of heaven and Earth, be So­lemnly returned by Us and all Our People for this his late Mercy. And to the end some Solemn time may be appointed for the Publick performance of this Duty, that all Our Subjects in England and Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, who equally share in the Blessing and Ioys of this Deliverance, may be United in the Devotions which are offered for it. We do hereby Publish and Declare, That Sunday the Twenty sixth day of this instant Iuly be Observed as a Day of Publick Thanksgiving to Almighty God throughout Our Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, for this his great Mercy; And We do Direct and Appoint, That this Our Proclamation be Publickly Read in all Churches and Chappels on Sunday precedent there­to, to the end that Notice be taken thereof, and due Thanks and Praise may upon the said Twenty sixth day of July be offered up unto Almighty God by Us and all Our People with one heart, and that humble Supplications be made before him for his continual Assistance and Improvement of this and all his Mercies to the Honour of his great Name, and the Safety, Peace and Benefit of all Our Kingdoms and Dominions; We Willing and strictly Commanding all Persons within these Our Dominions with all Sobriety, Reverence and Thankfulness to perform this Duty on that day, and to observe the same and becomes so solemn an Occasion.


LONDON. Printed by the Assigns of John Bill Deceas'd: And by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1685.

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