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Containing His Majesties gracious Indemnity.


JAMES the Seventh, by the Grace of God King of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.
To all and sundry Our good Subjects, whom these Presents do or may concern, Greeting:

We taking into Our Royal Consideration, that notwithstanding the Prudence, Justice, and unparallelled Clemency, which did ever accom­pany the Government of Our most Dear, and most entirely beloved Brother, King Charles the Second, of ever bless [...] [...] ­mory; Several Wicked and Seditious Subjects, did break out into open Rebellions, and Conspiracies against His [...] Person and Government. And albeit God did on all occasions manifest his wrath against them and their Enterprises [...] their Designs were Defeated, and several of their persons brought to condign and just punishement, yet some few of [...] were either so malicious, or foolish, as to be ensnared by others to presevere in their Hellish Principles and Practice [...] both in Defiance of all Law and Justice, and in open contempt of the Reiterated Pardons, published and offered by his said late Majesty. And now Our Royal Prudence, and the Care of Our People obliging Us to take full Information of the chief Movers, and most active Instruments in these pernicious Commotions, before We Determine Our Royal Pleasure concerning them, which We hope to again in a very short time; yet as a Demonstration of Our Indate Clemency (which also has shin'd in the whole Line of Our Royal Race) and of Our Resolution to imitate the glorious Example of our said Dearest Royal Brother, We have Resolved to Pardon; Likeas, We do hereby Pardon, Indemnifie, and Forgive all Our Subjects in Our Ancient Kingdom of Scotland, under, and below the degree of Heretors, Liferenters, Wodsetters, Burgesses of Burghs-Royal, and vagrant Preachers, of all Rebellious, Treason, Seditious, Insurrections, Reset, Intercommuning, Fire-raising, Robberies, Slaughters, Free quarters, Lea [...], Concealing of Treason, and of all Crimes in general Commited by them, or any one of them, by Word, Writ, or Deed, against Our Government and the Laws of Our Kingdom, in any time preceeding the Date of this Our Royal Proclamation. Declaring hereby all and every one of them Free and Secure from all Punishment, or Trouble for the same, either in their Persons, or Goods, in all time coming. Excepting only as to such Fines, for which already Sentences are pronounced; And likewise excepting from this Our gracious Pardon, all those who are guilty of the Assassination of James late Arch-Bishop of Saint Andrews, [...] Person, Minister at Crasfarn, Thomas Kennoway, and Duncan Stuart. And We do hereby Declare Our Royal Will and Pleasure, That this Act of Indemnity and Pardon, shall be extended to all who are at present declared Fugitives; Pro­viding these Fugitives make Addresse within twenty days after the Publication hereof, to Our Privy Council, Our Justice-Court, or any of Our Sheriffs in Our said Kingdom, Testifying their acceptance of this Our Pardon, by taking the Oath of Allegeiance, or otherwise finding Caution to Transport themselves out of Our three Dominions of Scotland, England, and Ireland, before the twentienth day of May, next ensuing the Date of these Presents, and to live Peaceably after the said Publication, until they shall Transport themselves, and never to return to any Part, or Place of Our said Dominions, without a Licence from Us, or Our Privy Council aforesaid, under pain of Death. And We do Command, That this Our Pardon and Indemnity be apply'd and understood in the most ample Sense and Meaning, whereof the Words are capable, and that no person included therein be Troubled or Molested, for any Cause aforesaid in Judgement, or out with the same in any time hereafter. And lastly, To the end all our good Subjects may have notice of this Our Royal Will and Pleasure; We do hereby Com­mand Our Lyon King at Arms, and his Brethren Heraulds, Macers, Pursevants, and Messengers at Arms, to make timeous Proclamation hereof, at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh.

By His Majesties Command, JO. DRƲMMOND.

THe Lords of His Majesties Privy Council Ordains his Majesties gracious Indemnity above-written to be Published at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, with the usual and accustomed Solemnities; and thereafter Ordains the same to be Printed and Published at the whole Mercat Crosses of the Head Burghs of the Shires of this Kingdom, and other places needful, by the several Sheriffs and others concerned: and Recomends to the Arch-bishops and Bishops, to cause their several Ministers Read from the Pulpit on a Lords Day, after Divine Service, His Majesties said gracious Indemnity, that all Persons concerned may have notice of the same.

Col. McKENZIE, Cles. Sti. Concilii.

GOD save the KING.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty:

And Reprinted at London, by George Croom, at the Sign of the Blue-Ball in Thames-street, over against Baynard's-Castle, 1685.

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