[royal coat of arms]

A PROCLAMATION, Commanding the Return of all His Majesties Subjects, who have taken Arms under, and now are in the Service or Pay of the States-General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, by Sea or Land.

JAMES by the Grace of GOD, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith;
to Our Lyon, King at Arms, and his Brethren Heraulds, Macers of Our Privy Council, Pursevants or Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting:

Forasmuch as We having thought fit for the good of Our Service, to call home all Our Natural-born Subjects, now employed in the Service of the States-General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, being either Officers or Soldiers serving at Land, or Mariners and Sea-faring Men: We therefore with Advice of Our Privy Council, strictly charge, require and command all and sundry Comman­ders, Officers and Soldiers Serving at Land; as also, all Masters of Ships, Pilots, Mariners, Sea-men, Ship-wrights, and other Sea-faring Men whatsoever, and wheresoever, being Our Natural-born Subjects, now in the Pay or Service of the States-General of the said United Provinces, or in the Pay of any of their Subjects, to quit the said respective Services by Land or Sea, and to return Home to their Native Countries, within the space and time after-specified; that is to say, that all Officers and Commanders at Land Serving in any part of the Netherlands, shall return home within the space of Sixty days from the Date hereof, and all other Persons formerly mentioned, where-ever they are, or shall be, in a short time, and with as much speed as they shall be able, and that upon their known and bounden duty and allegiance; with certification to them, that in case of their Disobedience, they and every one of them, shall incur Our highest Displeasure, and shall be proceeded against, with all the Rigour that Our Laws can allow: Hereby Authorizing and Comman­ding all and sundry Our Officers, who are or shall be any way employed under Us, either at Sea or Land, and all Our other Loyal Subjects whom these Presents may concern, to Seize, take, and away bring all such Officers, Mariners, Soldiers, and others above-mentioned, that shall be found to be employed, or continue in the said Service, in contempt of, and contrary to this Our Royal Proclamation. And to the end Our Royal pleasure in the Premisses may be made known, Our Will is, and We charge you strictly and command, that incon­tinent these Our Letters seen, yee pass to the Market-Cross of Edinburgh, and remanent Market-Crosses of the Head Burghs of the Shires of this Kingdom, and Peer and Shore of Leith, and there in Our Royal Name and Authority by open Proclamation, make Publication of our Royal Pleasure aforesaid, that all Persons concerned may give strict and exact Obedience thereto, that none may pretend Ignorance.

Per actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii COL. M cKENZIE, Cls. Sti. Concilii.
GOD save the KING.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His Most Sacred Majesty. Anno Dom. 1688. This may be Re-printed by George Croom, at the Blue-Ball in Thames-street, near Baynard's- Castle.

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