[royal coat of arms]



FOrasmuch as the Great Preparations made to Invade and Conquer this Our Kingdom, require Our utmost Care in providing for the necessary Safety and Defence thereof; Wherein We Resolve (through God's Assi­stance) not to be wanting: And to the intent that Our Enemies who will bring the heavy and sad Calamities of War, may not strengthen them­selves at their coming hither by seizing the Horses, Oxen and Cattel of any of Our Subjects, which may be useful and serviceable to them for Burthen and Draught: We have therefore thought fit, and We do by this Our Royal Proclamation (Published by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council) strictly Charge, Require and Command all and every the Lords Lieutenants, and De­puty Lieutenants, of Our respective Counties adjoyning to the Sea, and all Sheriffs, Iustices of Peace, Mayors, Bayliffs, and all and every other Officers and Ministers, Civil and Military, within their respective Counties, Cities, Towns and Divisions, that they cause the Coasts to be carefully watched, and upon the first Approach of the Enemy, to cause all Horses, Oxen and Cattel, which may be fit for Burthen or Draught, and not actually Imployed in the Service and Defence of Vs, and the Countrey, to be driven and removed by the space at least of twenty Miles from the Place where the Enemy shall Attempt to Land, and to secure the same in such Effectual manner, that they may not fall into the Hands or Power of any of Our Enemies: Wherein nevertheless it is Our Will and Pleasure, that the respective Own­ers may suffer as little Damage and Loss, as may be Consistent with the Great and Pub­lick Safety of the Kingdom.

God save the King.

LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1688.

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