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James R.

WHereas Our Dearest Brother of Blessed Memory, by His Royal Proclama­tion bearing date the Fifteénth day of September, in the Twelfth year of His Reign, for preventing the Exportation of Wooll, Wool-Fells, &c. out of this Kingdom, did strictly Charge, Prohibit and Command, That no manner of Wooll, Wooll-Fells, &c. should be at any time by any Person or Persons, whether Denizens or Strangers, Exported, Transported, or sent out of this Realm of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Ber­wick upon Tweed, or any the Isles, Ports, Creéks or Places thereof, in­to the Kingdom of Scotland, or any other Foreign Parts beyond the Seas, upon pain of His highest Indignation, and the severest Penalties that by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm might be Inflicted, as well upon the Offenders themselves, as their Aiders, Procurers, Abettors, and Favourers. And to the end that the Custom-house Officers, and other Ministers in and about the Ports of England might more strictly look to the Observance of His Plea­sure therein, He did further Charge and Command, That if any Officers should consent, or con­nive at the unlawful Exportation of the said Commodities, he should not only forfeit his Place, but incur other Pains. And for the Encouragement of all such who should take care and pains to Dis­close, or make Discoveries of the Frauds or other Practices to evade or defeat the true intention of the said Proclamation, did Declare His Royal Will and Pleasure, That every such Person that should be the first Discoverer of such Offenders, should be rewarded with the moiety, or one half of such Sum of Money and other Forfeiture as should come unto him by any the offences aforesaid. Now We being Graciously inclined, as well out of Our own Princely Care of the Welfare of this[?] Our Kingdom, as induced by Our said Dear Brothers Royal Example, to prevent as much as in Vs lies, so great an Evilas the Transportation of the Commodities aforesaid, by continuing the said Bounty, Do hereby Declare Our Royal Will and Pleasure, for the encouragement of all such, whether Offi­cers of the Customs or others, Bodies Politick, or private Persons, who being legally Authorized there­unto, shall take care and pains to Seize any Wooll, Wooll-Fells, &c. or any Boats or Vessels Trans­porting the same contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, or shall Prosecute any Persons Offending against the said Laws, or Disclose or make Discovery of the Frauds, and other practices to evade and defeat the true intention thereof, and shall pursue the same to effect, and obtain a Certificate or Testimonial from the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and the Commissioners of the Customs for the time being, that he hath so done, that every such Officer, or other Body Politick, or private Person, shall be rewarded with the moiety, or one half of such Sums of Money, or other Forfeitures as shall come in to Vs by reason of any the Offences aforesaid. And Our Lord High Treasurer of England, or Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being, are hereby Empowered upon such Certi­ficate or Testimonial, by his or their Warrant, to cause such Officer or other Person to be Dischar­ged of one moiety of such Sum of Money, or other Forfeiture, as should have come in to Vs by rea­son of any the Offences aforesaid. And it is not hereby intended that any Seizer of such Goods shall be intituled to Our Royal Bounty as above, unless he shall effectually Prosecute in the Court of Exchequer in all cases where it shall appear such Prosecution is practicable. And further, no Compo­sition shall be privately made upon any Seizure, betweén the Seizer and Owner of the Goods, nor without the Direction and Allowance of the Court of Exchequer, or one of the Barons of the said Court; and that all Wooll, Wooll-Fells, &c. Boats and Vessels hereafter Seized by force of any of the said Laws, shall be brought to London, Hull, or Exeter, and there disposed, to prevent Selling them again to the Owners, as hath hitherto too frequently beén practiced. Giving also Charge and Command, that all Persons of what Degreé, Quality or Place soever, especially Our Officers Military and Civil do diligently observe, and readily assist the due performance of this Our Proclamation in all things, and requiring the Diligence and Faithfulness of all Our Custom-House Officers on the Pe­nalties aforesaid.

God save the King.

LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, 1687.

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