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JAMES the Seventh, by the Grace of GOD, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.
Whereas by Our Royal Proclamation of the Date the 12th Day of February 1686/7. We were Graciously pleased, for the Causes, and on the Terms therein mentioned, to grant Our Royal Toleration to the Professors of the Christian Religion therein named; With and under certain Restrictions and Limitations; All which are in the said Proclamation more at length expressed.
We now taking into Our Royal Consideration the sinistruous Interpretations which either have, or may be made, of some Restrictions therein mentioned, Have thought fit, by this Our Royal Proclamation, further to declare, That We will protect Our Archbishops and Bishops, and all Our Subjects of the Protestant Religion, in the free Exercise of their Protestant Religion, as it is by Law Established, and in the Quiet and Full Injoyment of all their Possessions, without any Molestation or Disturbance whatsoever.
And We do likewise, by Our Sovereign Authority, Prerogative Royal, Absolute Power, Suspend, Stop; and Disable all Penal and Sanguinary Laws made against any for Nonconformity to the Religion Established by Law in that Our Ancient Kingdom, or for Exercising their respective Worships, Religions, Rites and Ceremonies; All which Laws are hereby Stopt, Suspended, and Disabled, to all Intents and Purposes.
And to the End, that by the Liberty thereby granted, the Peace and Security of Our Government, in the Practice thereof, may not be Endangered, We have thought fit, and do hereby straitly Charge and Command all Our Loving Subjects, that as we do give them leave to meet and serve God after their own Way and Manner, be it in Private Houses, Chappels, or Places purposely Hired or Built for that Use, so that they take Care that nothing be Preached or Taught among them which may any ways tend to Alienat the Hearts of our People from Us, or our Government, and that their Meetings be peaceable, openly and publickly held, and all Persons freely admitted to them, and that they do signifie and make known to some one or more of the next Privy Counsellors, Sheriffs, Stewards, Baillies, Justices of the Peace, or Magistrats of Burgs-Royal, what Place or Places they set a part for these uses, with the Names of the Preachers.
And that all Our Subjects may enjoy such their Religious Assemblies with greater Assurance and Protection, We have thought fit, and do hereby Command, That no Disturbance, of any kind, be made, or given unto them, under Pain of Our Royal Displeasure, and to be further proceeded against with the outmost Severity; Provided always, that their Meetings be in Houses or Places provided for the purpose, and not in the Open Fields, for which now, after this Our Royal Grace and Favor shown, (which surpasses the Hopes, and equals the very Wishes of the most Zealously concerned) there is not the least shadow of Excuse left; Which Meetings in Fields We do hereby strictly prohibit and forbid, against all which We do leave Our Laws and Acts of Parliament in full Force and Vigor, notwithstanding the Premises; And do further Command all Our Judges, Magistrats, and Officers of Our Forces, to prosecute such as shall be Guilty of the saids Field Conventicles, or Assemblies with the outmost Rigour, as they would avoid Our Highest Displeasure; For We are confident none will, after these Liberties and Freedoms We have given to All, without Reserve, to serve God in their own Way, presume to meet in these Assemblies, except such as make a Pretence of Religion, to cover their Treasonable Designs against Our Royal Person, and the Peace of Our Government.
And Lastly, To the end all Our good Subjects may have notice of this Our Royal Will and Pleasure, We do hereby Command our Lyon King at Arms, and his Brethren Heraulds, Macers, Pursevants, and Messengers at Arms, to make timeous Proclamation thereof at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh: And besides the Printing and Publishing of this Our Royal Proclamation, It is Our express Will and Pleasure, that the same be past under Our Great Seal of that Our Kingdom per saltum, without passing any other Seal or Register. In order whereunto, these shall be to the Directors of Our Chancellary and their Deputs, for Writing the same, and to Our Chancellor, for causing Our Great Seal aforesaid to be Appended thereunto, a sufficient Warrand.
Present in Council
- James Earl of Perth Lord High Chancellor.
- John Lord Archbishop of Glascow.
- The Lord Marquis of Athol Privy Seal.
- Duke of Hamilton.
- Duke of Gordon,
- Earl of Arran.
- Earl of Linlithgow Lord
- Justice-General.
- Earl of Dumfermling.
- Earl of Strathmore.
- Earl of Landerdale.
- Earl of Southesk.
- Earl of Airly.
- Lo. Viscount Tarbat.
- Lo. Viscount Strathallan.
- Lo. Livingston.
- Lo. President of Session.
- Lo. Advocate.
- Lo. Justice-Clerk.
- Lo. Castlehill.
- General Leiutenent Dowglas.
- Niddrie.
THE above-written Proclamation from His most Sacred Majesty, being Read in His Privy Council of Scotland, was in pursuance of His Majesties Royal Commands ordered to be publised with all due Solemnities. Extracted forth of the Records of His Majesties Council by me Sir William Paterson Clerk to His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council.
EDINBƲRGH, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, and Reprinted by Thomas Newcomb, for S. Forrester, in Kings-street Westminster, 1687.