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HAving already signified Our Pleasure to call a Parliament to meet at Our City of Westminster in November next, and Writs of Summons being issued out accordingly; lest those, whose Right it is to choose Members of Parliament, should lye under any Prejudices and Mistakes through the Artifices of disaffected Persons: We think fit to Declare, That as it is Our Royal Purpose to endeavour a Legal Establishment of an Universal Liberty of Conscience for all Our Subjects; It is also Our Resolu­tion Inviolably to preserve the Church of England, by such a Confirmation of the seve­ral Acts of Uniformity, that they shall never be altered any other ways, then by Repealing the several Clauses, which inflict Penalties upon Persons not promoted or to be promoted to any Ecclesiastical Benefices or Promotions within the meaning of the said Acts, for using and exercising their Religion contrary to the Tenor and Purpose of the said Acts of Uniformity. And for the further Securing not only the Church of England but the Protestant Religion in general; We are willing the Roman Catholicks shall remain incapable to be Members of the House of Commons, where­by those Fears and Apprehensions will be removed, which many Persons have had, That the Legislative Authority would be Engrossed by them, and turned against Protestants.

We do likewise assure all Our Loving Subjects, That We shall be ready to do every thing else, for their Safety and Advantage, that becomes a King, who will always take Care of His People. And if they desire the Happiness of their Country; We Exhort them to lay by all Animosities, and dispose them­selves to think of such Persons to Represent them in Parliament, whose Abilities and Temper render them fit for so Great and Good a Work.

And for the preventing of any Disorders, Irregularities or undue Proceedings whatsoever, that may happen either before or at the time of Election of Members for the ensuing Parliament, We do hereby strictly Require and Command all Mayors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, and other Officers whatsoever, to whom the Execution of any Writ, Summons, Warrant or Precept, for or concerning the Choice of Members for the ensuing Parliament shall belong, That they cause such Writ, Summons, Warrant or Precept, to be duly Published and Executed according to the Tenor thereof: And the Members, that shall be Cho­sen to be fairly Returned, according to the true Merits of the Choice.

God save the King.

London, Printed by Charles Bill, Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1688.

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