BY THE Lord Lieutenant AND COUNCIL.
WHereas We have received information, That Gerald Fitz-Gerald of [...] in the County of [...] and Richard Fitz-Gerald Brother of the said Gerald, have of late committed several Burglaries, Robberies and Stealths, (in several Counties of this Kingdom) to the terror and annoyance of his Majesties loyal & good Subjects, and to the disturbance of the Peace of the Kingdom; and having been lately apprehended and committed to the Goal of Cork, and convicted for their Offences, have broaken Goal, and made their escape, and fled to the Woods and Mountains, where they stand upon their keeping, so as they are not answerable or a measuable to the Law, but wilful contemners of the same.
And forasmuch as the said persons cannot as yet be apprehended, whereby they may be punished by the ordinary course of Law, whence We might justly be moved according to the former usage and custome in this Kingdom in cases of like nature, to cause them to be forthwith Proclaimed Rebels and Traytors, yet in mercy to them, We think fit hereby to charge and command them upon their Duty and Allegiance to his Majesty, that they and every of them do before the first day of March next, render their Pers [...]ns to any of his Majesties Iustices of the Peace, and submit themselves to his Majesties Iustice to be Tryed for their offences according to the Laws of the Land, wherein if they or either of them do fail, We do hereby Publish and Declare, that he or they so failing, are from and immediately after the said first day of March next, to be called, reputed and taken for notorious Rebels and Traytors against His Majestie, and accordingly to be prosecuted by all his Majesties Loving and good Subjects in all Hostile manner; And We declare further, that whatsoever Person or Persons shall comfort, releive, or [Page] abet them or either of them, they are and shall be reputed, deemed, and adjudged Traytors in like degree with the forenamed Traytors and Rebels themselves, and to be proceeded against according to Law. And We do in His Majesties Name straightly Charge and Command all His Majesties Loyal Subjects, upon their Duty of Allegiance to His Majestie, not only to forbear to Receive or Relieve the Persons aforesaid, or either of them, but also to make diligent search and enquiry in what place or places, the said persons shall from time to time Lurk, or be relieved, and by all means possible to prosecute, apprehend and take the bodies of them, and them to bring or cause to be brought under safe custody unto the High Sherriffs of the respective Counties where either of them shall be apprehended, to be by such Sheriffs kept in strict and safe Custody, till VVe upon notice thereof shall give further direction concerning them, or resisting or refusing to be taken, to kill them or either of them. And VVe do hereby declare, That whosoever shall after the said first day of March next, bring unto any Sheriff the Body of the said Gerald Fitz Gerald, and Richard Fitz Gerald Brother of the said Gerald, or either of them alive, or kill either of them, and bring his Head to the Sheriff of the County where he shall be killed, to be by such Sheriff set up in some publick Place in that County, shall have for his Reward for each Person so brought in, or his Head, Ten pounds, for Payment whereof VVe will give Warrant as occasion shall require; and whosoever of the said Proclaimed Persons, or any other, shall after the said first day of March next, apprehend and bring unto the High Sheriff of the County where such Person shall be apprehended, or resisting, shall kill either of the said Rebels and Traytors particularly named as aforesaid, he shall together with his said reward receive his Pardon, and towards the speedy effecting of this Service, all Commanders of Horse and Foot, and all other His Majesties Officers and loving Subjects are to be aiding and assisting, as they and every of them will answer the contrary at their perils.
- Mich: Armach: C.
- Jo: Dublin.
- Arran.
- Ranelagh.
- Blesinton.
- Lanesborough.
- Ca: Dillon.
- Char: Meredith.
- John Keatinge.
- Theo: Jones.
- VVm Flower
- Tho: Newcomen.
God save the King.