WHEREAS We are Informed that considerable quantities of Wooll have been fraudulently Exported out of this Kingdom, from Obscure places, under false Package, without Lycence or payment of His Majesties Duties; and some parts thereof have been carried into Forreign parts, contrary to several Statutes in that case made, and Provided: And we being desirous that all Care imaginable might be taken for preventing mischiefs of the like nature for the time to come, And that due inquiries might be made in order to the punishing Offendors for the time past, and to come; have thought fit, and do hereby strictly Charge and Command all, and every Iustice, and Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, Sher [...]ffs, Bayliffs, Constables, Head Boroughs, Clerks of the Peace, & also His Majesties Commissioners of His Majesties Revenue, & all His Majesties Customers. Comptrollers, Surveyor [...], & Searchers of, & in the several Ports, and all other Officers whatsoever, within every Burough, Town-Corporate, Port, and Place: and all other His Majesties Subjects whatsoever in this Kingdom; That they and every of them do forthwith from time to time make diligent and strict inquiry, whether there hath been, or shall be any manner of Wooll, Sheep. Fells or Wooll-Fells transported out of this Kingdom without Lycence obtained therefore, or without paying the Duty thereof. By whom such Transportation hath been, from what place, and whether.
And we do also require all His Majesties said Officers and good Subjects, that they take all possible care to prevent the same for the future, and if any person or persons shall discover that any manner of Wooll, Sheep, Fells, or Wooll-Fells hath been, or shall be transported to Forreign parts, or into England, without Lycence first obtained, and His Majesties Duty paid for the same: We do will and require all▪ and every such person and persons to make the same known to the next Iustice of the Peace, or to His Majesties Attorney General for the time being, that such persons may be proceeded against according to Law; And every person & persons who shall make such discoveries, & good proof thereof, shall upon the conviction of such person or persons as shall be found guilty of the Misdemeanors & fraud aforesaid, receive for his and their encouragement and paines therein, one full moiety, or half of all such goods, or damages as shall accrue unto His Majestie upon the discoverie and Seizure, or adjudged to be had against the person or persons so offending.
[Page] And for the better preventing all frauds of the like nature for the time to come; We do hereby will and require all His Majesties C [...]stomers, and Custom-House Officers belonging to any Port of this Kingdom, that they do forthwith certifie unto Vs at the Councell Board what remained Vnentred, or unshipt off, upon any Lycences granted before the 25th. of August last, and what Warrants they have received for the Exportation of Wooll since the said 25th. day of August which was in the Year of our Lord God 1 [...]83. And what Wooll hath been shipt thereon, and when and whither, and what Bonds they have taken for the Landing thereof, and at what places every particular quantity of Wooll was to be Landed, and by whom such Bonds were entred into, & which of them are returned, into His Majesties Court of Exchequer, & when, & which of them they returned with Certificates annexed & what Bonds or Certificates do still remain in thei [...] hands not returned
And we do strictly Charge & Command all His Majesties said Customers, or Custom House Officers who of right have, or ought to have the custody of such Bonds in the several Ports of this Kingdom, that they do forthwith return into the Chief Remembrancers Office of His Majesties Court of Exchequer, all such bonds as they now have in their hands (if the time by the condition of the said Bond limited be exspired, and no Certificate thereon given in) And that for the future they do quarterly return into His Majesties said Court of Exchequer, all such Bonds as they shall have in their custody according to Law if the time for returning Certificates according to the condition of the said bonds be elapsed, that Process and Execution may be had thereupon, according to the Statutes in such Cases made & provided.
And for the better ordering & regulating the Exportation of such Wooll, Wooll Fells and Sheep Fells as shall be though fit to be Litensed, and at any time hereafter Exported out of this Realm into His Majesties Kingdom of England, or Dominion of Wales after Entry and Duty paid, we have thought fit (at the instance and desire of the present Commissioners of His Majesties Revenue) and do accordingly order and direct, and do also hereby strictly charge and require, that no Merchant or other persons whatsoever do presume to ship off any manner of Wooll, Sheep, Fells, Wooll Fells or any Sheep-Skins or Lamb Skins with such proportion of Wooll on them, as may be usefull for Woollen Manufacture into any part of England from any Port, Harbour, or Creek of this Kingdom, other then from such Ports & Places as are hereafter particularly mentioned (viz.) From Drogheda, Dublin, Ros [...], Water [...]ord. Youghhal, Cork Lymerick, Gallaway, Sligo, Lond [...]nd [...]rry & C [...]rrigfergus or some of them.
And we do also Charge and Command all His Majesties Customers, Collectors, and Officers in the aforesaid several and respective Ports, that they take special care to take good Bonds (according to the Statutes) with sufficient security, before they permit any Wooll to be Exported out of this Kingdom, into England or Wales, as they will answer the contrary at their perils, And that no Collector do take Entry of any Wooll, Sheep-Fells Wooll-Fells, or of any Sheep-skins ( or Lambskins with such proportions of Woo [...]l on them as may be usefull for Woollen Manufarture) in any of the aforesaid Ports, or receive His Majesties Duty for, or discharge the same, untill first he be certified from the Commissioners of His Majesties Customs or from His Majesties Customer & Comptroller of the said Ports or their sufficient Deputes, that there is a Lycence granted for the same, and good Bonds taken in manner as aforesaid, according to Law, & all persons whom these presents do or may concern, are hereby required to take notice hereof, and duly observe the same; upon pain of His Majesties high displeasure, & such pains & penalties as by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm may be inflicted upon them for their contempt, disobedience, or negligence in that behalf, as they will answer the contrary at their utmost perills.
- Mich: Armach. C.
- Drogheda.
- Blesinton.
- Char. Meredith
- John Keating.
- He: Hene.
- Jon: Davys.
- Rich: Reynell.
- Mau▪ Eustace,
- Tho. Newcomen.
- Adam Loftus.
God Save the King