BY THE Lord Lieutenant AND COUNCIL.
WHEREAS We are informed, That the price of Corn, and all sorts of Grain and Meal is grown excessive great in severall parts of this Kingdom, and the same doth arise (as is conceived) not so much from the scarcity of the store, as from the great quantities of Corn that have been of late carried out of this Countrey into Forreign parts, and also from the ill disposed minds of the Countrey-Farmers and Corn-masters at home, some whereof keep back their Corn, and will not bring the same into the publick Markets to be sold; Others some there are, who go into the near adjacent Counties, where Corn is sold at more moderate prices, and buy up all they can, with intention to hoard the same, either to export or sell it at their own rates: And others some do hasten early to meet such as are coming to the publick Markets, and buy up all they can forestall, on purpose to inhance the price thereof, and sell the same again at their own wills and pleasures.
And whereas so great misdemeanors are not to be suffered in any well govern'd Commonwealth, and are against the Laws and Statutes of this Realm; and the several Magistrates and Officers in the respective Cities and Towns Corporate of this Kingdom, and the Iustices of the Peace in the counties at large ought to be very circumspect, and active, in their several and respective places, to discover and bring unto condign punishment all such persons as they shall find to be guilty of any the Offences aforesaid. To the intent and purpose therefore, that all His Majesties good Subjects may know that we are very sensible of the aforesaid several misdemeanors, and intend to proceed to a speedy and orderly reformation of the same for the relief of the poor, and the due punishment of such as shall be found guilty of offending in that kind, and for a timely and seasonable prevention of that great scarcity, which otherwise may by such evil practices be brought upon this whole Kingdom; We the Lord Lieutenant and Council do hereby in His Majesties Name, strictly charge and command all manner of persons whatsoever, That they do from henceforth, until Michaelmas next, forbear to ship, carry, or transport any Wheat, Barly, Rye, Beare, Oats, Pease, Pulse, Meslin, or any Meal out of this Realm, to any other place whatsoever beyond the Seas, as they will answer the contrary at their perils. And We require all His Majesties Officers in the several and respective Ports of this Kingdom, and the Farmers of the Great Branches of His Majesties Revenue, that they do seise all such Grain or Meal as they shall find to be shipt after the Date of this Our Proclamation, and before Michaelmas next, with intent to export the same contrary to the true meaning hereof.
[Page] And We do hereby farther require, and in His Majesties Name straightly charge and command all Countrey-Farmers, and Corn-Masters, and all such who Trade or Deal in the buying and selling of Corn, and have by them any Stores of Wheat, Barley, Rye, Beans-Oats, Pease, Pulse, or any other sort of Corn, Grain, or Meal, that they do bring, or cause to be brought such a competent part and portion thereof, into the publick open Markets every Market-day weekly, as may supply the Markets with Corn, and furnish the poor with Bread at such rates as the Markets shall afford.
And We do charge and command all Mayors, Sheriffs, Bayliffs, Portreeves, Magistrates, and other Officers whatsoever, in the several and respective Cities and Towns corporate of this Kingdom, That they do in their several places and Offices make diligent search and strict inquiry after such as are Ingrossers, Fore-stallers, and Regraters within any their Cities, Liberties, or Towns corporate of this Kingdom, and cause them to be punished and proceeded against according to Law; And that all His Majesties Iustices of the Peace in the several and respective Counties of this Kingdom, do in their several and respective Counties, Baronies, parishes, and places, inquire after and find such out as do ingross and hoard up Corn, Grain, or Meal to inhance the price thereof, and shall not bring the same, or send competent portions thereof, according to this Our▪ Proclamation, every Market-day weekly, into the publick open Markets, there to be sold at such rates as the Market shall afford; And that they do advertise us the Lord Lieutenant and Council thereof with all convenient speed, that thereupon such proceedings may be had against such ill-affected persons as shall be according to Iustice, and the Laws of this Kingdom, which We shall take special care shall be strictly put in Execution against so great and evil Doers.
- Ja. Armachanus.
- Mich: Dublin Canc.
- Thomond:
- J: Temple.
- Jo: Bysse.
- H: Ingoldesby
- Geo: Rawdon.