WHEREAS we are informed that to the disadvantage of His Majesties Service, divers Officers of His Majesties Army in this Kingdom do absent themselves from their several Quarters without our Licence, and whereas upon the accompt of the last Harvest, which did require the personal oversight of several of the said Officers having Estates and Tillage remote from their Quarters, as also considering that divers of them may have necessary occasions to attend in Dublin this Term, we have been pleased to dispence with their attendance upon their duty in those times, whilest other competent Officers were with their Troops and Companies; Now we think fit and do hereby require and command, that all and every the said Officers which at the present are absent from their Quarters shall return thereunto respectively, before the Four and Twentieth day of February next, notwithstanding any Licences of absence formerly granted, and not depart from their several Quarters without Licence to be obtained from us, to such purpose; And we do declare that if any of the said Officers shall in any sort contemn or transgress what we have hereby commanded, such Officer or Officers shall be dismissed from Imployments in His Majesties Army, whereof we require all persons whom it may any way concern to take due notice.
Given at His Majesties Castle of Dublin the 29th day of January, 1668.