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WHereas We are Informed, That to the Disadvantage of His Majesties Service, divers Officers of His Maje­sties Army in this Kingdom do absent themselves from their respective Quarters, without License of His Grace the Duke of Ormond Lord Lieutenant General, or of Us the Lord Deputy of this Kingdom: And whereas since His Graces late going into England, We have been pleased in His absence upon necessary occasions of seve­ral Officers of the said Army, and more especially to the end that such of them as were concerned in the Har­vest might have opportunity to look after the saving and bringing in their Corn and other Provisions, (in that Season to be cared for) to grant them License to be absent from their Quarters for some time; And now We thinking fit that all and every the Officers aforesaid return to their Quarters and there attend their several and respective Charges, We hereby require and command every of the said Offi­cers which are absent from their Charges without License from His Grace the said Lord Lieutenant, or from Us, forthwith to repair to their several Garrisons and Quarters; and every of the said Officers who are absent by license from Us or the said Lord Lieutenant, and are now in this Kingdom, to return to their several Garrisons and Quarters within Ten days next after publication hereof, notwithstanding such License. And We do also Order and Command, That not any of the Officers aforesaid shall depart from their respective Commands or Quarters, without License first to be obtained from the said Lord Lieutenant, or in his absence, from Us. And We do hereby Declare, That if any of the said Officers shall neglect to repair to their respective Commands and Duties, as aforesaid, or shall afterwards depart from the same but by such License, as aforesaid, such Officer shall be dismissed from his Im­ployment in His Majesties Army: Whereof We require all persons whom it may any way concern to take notice.


DƲBLIN, Printed by John Crooke, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and are to be sold by Samuel Dancer in Castle-Street. 1664.

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