WHereas sundrie persons have Traiterously and Rebel [...]sly taken Armes in Vlster, and by their Petition to the Right Honou [...]le the Lord Iustices of this Kingdome, have prayed that their ( [...]vances might be removed by the Advice of the present Parliament is ordered by the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons i [...] [...]arliament assembled, that the persons under-named they first receiv [...] His Majesties Directions and Authoritie, or the Directions and Auth [...]y of the chief Governour or Governours, and Councell of this King [...]ne therein, shall have power to send forth, & to confer withall the p [...]s now in Armes in Vlster, and other parts of this Kingdome, and [...] or any of them, wherefore they have presumed to take up Arme [...] [...]nd touching such other matters, as they shall be authorized and directed, as aforesaid, during whic [...] [...]e, the said persons now in Armes, and all other His Majesties Subjects of this Kingdome are [...]eby commanded to forbeare all Acts of Hostilitie, or entring upon any other His Majesties Castle [...] Forts, or marching, or comming into any other the Parts of this Kingdome, and during the said [...]ference, the persons who shall be trusted therein of either side, and their necessarie Attendants, are [...] [...]ve safe conduct, until the said Conference be concluded, or broken off, and foure dayes after. Ar [...] further ordered, that the said persons under-named, or any three, or more of them of the Lords [...], with any five or more of them of the House of Commons, shall have full power from time to ti [...] [...] make knowne to His Majestie, or the chiefe Governour or Governours, and Counell, and the Par [...]nt of this Kingdome, all such matters as shall be propounded at the said Conference, and to proc [...] [...]herein according to His Majesties good pleasure, or the direction of the said chiefe Governour or Go [...]nours, and Councell of this Kingdome.
- Earle of Antrym.
- Earle of Fingall.
- Ʋiscount Gormanston.
- Ʋiscount Moore.
- Ʋiscount Baltinglas.
- Lo. Bishop of Kilmoore.
- Lo. of Slane.
- Lo. of Dunsany.
- Lo. Lambert.
- Sir Charles Coote Knight and Baron
- Sir Pierce Crosbie Knight and Baro [...]
- Sir Richard Barnewell Baronet.
- Nicholas Plunket Esquire.
- Sir James Dillon th'elder knight.
- Sir Christopher Bellew knight.
- John Bellew Esquire.
- Bryan ô Neale Esquire.
- Sir John Dougan knight and Baron
- Thomas Bourke Esquire.
- Tibbot Taaffe Esquire.
- Richard Belling Esquire.
- Sir Luke fitz Gerald knight.
- Patricke Barnewell of Kilbrue [...]ire.
- Hugh Rochford Esquire.
- Sir Robert Forth knight.
- Sir Lucas Dillon knight.
- Capt. John Piggot.