BY THE Lord Lieutenant AND COUNCIL.

WHEREAS Redmond O Hanlon of Tondergee in the County of Armagh yeoman, and severall other persons named in a Proclamation issued from this Board, dated the 14th of December 1674. were for the reasons in the said Proclamation expressed, proclaimed Rebels and Traytors; And it was also by the said Proclamation declared, that whatsoever person or persons should com­fort, relieve, or a bet the said Redmond O Hanlon, or the said other persons, should likewise be reputed, deemed and adjudged Traytors and Rebells, and be proceeded against according to Law. And whereas it appears by Certificate of several Iustices of the Peace of the County of Meath, that Patrick Fleming late of Siddan in the said County, hath been guilty of several felonies, and other misdemeanors, and that he keeps Company with the said Redmond O Hanlon and other loose persons, doing and watching opportunities to do mischief, not being to be apprehended by the ordinary Course of Iustice. We therefore by Proclamation dated the 23th of August 1676. thought fit thereby to Charge and Command the said Patrick Fleming upon his allegi­ance, and duty to His Majestie, that he should before the 26th day of Septem­ber last, render his person to the Lord Chief Iustice, or any other the Iu­stices of the Kings Bench in Ireland, and submit himself to His Ma­jesties Iustice, to be tryed for his Offences according to Law, and thereof [Page] he was not to faile at his peril. And whereas the said Patrick Fleming hath failed to appeare accordingly: and he and the said Redmond O Hanlon with other malefactors, are fled to the woods and mountains where they stand upon their keeping, so as they are not answerable or ameasonable to the Law, but willfull contemners of the same, and cannot as yet be ap­prehended, whereby they may be punished according to the Ordinary course of Law. We therefore do hereby Declare, that they the said Patrick Fle­ming and Redmond O Hanlon, shall henceforth be called, reputed and taken for notorious Rebells and Traytors against His Majestie, and accor­dingly to be prosecuted by all His Majesties loving and good Subjects in all hostile manner. And we further declare, that whatsoever person or persons shall comfort, relieve or abet them, or either of them, they are and shall be reputed, deemed and adjudged Traytors in like degree with the forenamed Traytors and Rebells themselves, and to be proceeded a­gainst according to Law. And we do in His Majesties name straightly Charge and Command all his Majesties loyal Subjects upon their duty of allegiance to His Majestie, not only to forbeare to receive or releive the persons aforesaid, or any of them, but also to make diligent search and en­quirie in what place or places the said persons shall from time to time lurke or be relieved, and by all meanes possible to prosecute, apprehend and take the bodies of them, and them to bring or cause to be brought under safe custodie unto the high Sheriff of the re [...]pective Counties, where any of them shall be apprehended, to be by such Sheriffes kept in strict and safe custodie, until we upon notice thereof shall give further direction concern­ing them; or resisting or refusing to be taken, to kill them or either of them; And we do hereby publicquely declare, that whosoever shall bring unto any Sheriff, the bodies of the said Redmond O Hanlon and Patrick Fleming, or either of them alive, or kill any of them and bring His Head to the Sheriff of the Countie where he shall be killed, to be by such Sheriff sett up in some publique place in that Countie, shall have for his reward for each of them so brought in or his Head, Twenty pounds for payment, whereof we will give sufficient warrant as occasion shall require, and will take care that the same shall be Immediatly paid accordingly, And to­wards the speedie effecting of this service, all Commanders of Horse and Foote, and all other His Majesties Officers and loving subjects are to be aiding and assisting, as they and every of them will answer the con­trary at their perill. Given at the Council Chamber in Dublin the 16th day of October 1676.

  • Arran: Blefinton.
  • Ca: Dillon.
  • Cher: Meridith.
  • Ro: Booth.
  • Jo: Bysse.
  • Ja: Cuffe.
  • Ric: Gethin.
  • Tho: Newcomen.

Dublin, Printed by Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majestie; and are to be sold by Joseph Wilde Booke seller in Castlestreet. 1676

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