BY THE Lords Justices AND COUNCIL:
- Mich: Dublin. C.
- Art: Forbese.
WHereas Information is given unto Vs the Lords Iustices and Council, That divers great summes of Money have been of late secretly conveyed, and transported out of this Kingdom, contrary to the Laws and Statutes now in force prohibiting the same, to the great impoverishing of the Realm, and final consumption of the Treasure therof, if not speedily prevented: Now We the Lords Iustices, and Council, taking the same into our consideration, have thought fit to will and require, and do hereby strictly charge and command, That all and every the Laws, Statutes, and Ordinances heretofore made for keeping the Coyns of this Realm within the same, be from henceforth duely and inviolably observed, according to the Tenor of them, And that no person or persons whatsoever, shall hereafter attempt to convey, carry, or send, or cause to be conveyed, carried, or sent out of this Realm any Moneys whatsoever currant within this Realm, nor any Plate, Bullion, Gold or Silver wrought or unwrought, without the Licence of Vs the Lords Iustices, and Council, excepting onely so much as shall be necessary for his, and their reasonable expences, which he, and they shall be bound to confess and discover, whensoever they shall be thereunto warned or charged by any of His Majesties Searchers, under pain of incurring the forfeitures in, and by the said Laws and Statutes, limited and appointed, the same being the forfeiture of the value of the Money so carried out of the Realm, whereof the Discoverer is by the said Statutes to have one Fourth part in such manner, as in the said Statutes is expressed, which we shall take care for their incouragement, shall be duely satisfied accordingly: And We do hereby further require, and strictly charge and command all Searchers of His Majesties Ports in this Realm, and all others His Majesties Officers and Ministers to whom it shall appertain, That they and every of them be careful and vigilant in, and about the full and due execution of all and singular the Laws, and Statutes, now in force in this Kingdom, against such as shall export any Gold or Silver out of this Realm, against the purport and Tenor of the said Statutes, and that they endeavour to bring them to condign punishment for the same, as they tender their duty to His Majesty, and will answer the contrary at their utmost peril.
- Donegall.
- Arran.
- Blesinton.
- Hen: Midensis.
- R: Fitz. Gerald
- R: Booth.
- J: Temple.
- W m Gore.
- Theo: Jones.
- W m Flower.