BY THE Lord Lieutenant General AND General Governour OF IRELAND.


WWEREAS Information hath been given that many persons of the Popish Religion inhabiting within this Kingdom, have great store of Arms now in their possession, and that of late they have generally taken the liberty to ride Armed beyond what hath formerly been accustomed by them, We for the better Ordering and Governing of His Majesties affairs here, and the preservation of the publique peace and security of His Majesties Subjects; Have thought fit hereby in His Ma­jesties Name, and in pursuance of His Majesties Orders to declare publish and Command, that no person or persons of the popish Religion in this Kingdom, do hereafter pre­sume to Ride with, carry, buy, use or keep in His or their House or Houses or elsewhere, any Muskets, Calivers, Pistols, or other Guns whatsoever, without Licence from Vs the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governours of this Kingdom,

And we do hereby also straightly charge and require all persons of the Po­pish Religion in this Kingdom, who now have or▪ at any time hereafter, shall happen to have any such Arms in their hands or possession, that within One Moneth after the date of this Proclamation, or within One Moneth after such Arms shall come to their hands, they shall upon pain of His Majesties High Displeasure, bring or cause to be brought all such Arms into one of His Majesties Stores of Ordnance and Munition in this Kingdom, or deliver the same to such persons in the several Counties of this Kingdom, as are by Vs Authorized to receive the same. And for the better conveniency of such of His Majesties Subjects who are hereby required to bring in their said Arms, the several persons under-named, or any or either of them, are ap­pointed by Vs in the several Counties of this Kingdom Respectively to receive such Arms as in pursuance of this Proclamation, shall be brought in▪ or delivered up to them, who as well as the Clerks of His Majesties several Stores of Ordnance and Munition, are to give acknowledgments under their hands of their receipt of such Arms as shall be brought in to them, or any of them, to the several persons who shall bring or send the same to them, and also to mark the names of such persons upon the said Arms, and from time to time to give Vs an exact account of what Arms they shall receive, and from what persons the same shall be so sent or delivered to them, viz.

[Page] For the County and City of Dublin, Sir Thomas Worsopp Knight and Richard Foster Esq

For the County of Kildare, William Hoy and Thomas Carr Esqs

For the County of Meath, Stafford Lightborn and Arthur Meredith Esq

For the County of Wicklow, William Mathews and Philip Pakenham Esq

For the County of Catherlogh, Henry Smithwick and Robert Brown Esq

For the Kings County Sir George Blundell Baronet, John Weaver and Rich­ard Warburton Esq

For the Queens County, Nathaniel Markes and Benjamin Baker Esq

For the County of Longford, Henry Sankey and Nicholas Dowdall Esq

For the County of Weastmeath, William Murrey and James Leigh Esq

For the County and City of Kilkenny, Joseph Cuffe and Bryan Manser Esq

For the County and Town of Wexford Thomas Hart, and John Tench Esqs

For the County of Lowth, and Town of Drogheda, Henry Bellingham, and Richard Bolton Esqs

For the County of Clare, Giles Vandelure, and Samuel Burton Esqs

For the County and City of Cork, Sir Richard Kerle, Redmond Barry and A­lexander Pigot Esq

For the County and City of Waterford, Nicholas Osborn and James Mutlowe Esq

For the County of Kerry, John Blennerhasset Iunior Anthony Raymond and Frederick Mullins Esq

For the County and City of Limerick, Sir George Ingoldesby, Richard South­well and Simon Eaton Esq

For the County of Tipperary, Symon Fynch and Peyton Lehunt Esq

For the County of Gallway, Sir. Oliver St. George & Sir. Henry Wadington.

For the County of Mayo, Sir George Bingham and Sir Arthur Gore.

For the County of Sleigo, Robert Morgan and Charles Collis Esq

For the County of Roscomon, James King and Edmond Donelan Esq

For the County of Leitrim, Sir William Gore and Henry Crofton of Mohill Esq

For the Town and liberties of Gallway, Sir Francis Gore and James Bulteel Esq

For the County of Down, Collonel Vere Essex Cromwell, James Lesley and Wil­liam Hill Esq

For the County of Antrim and Town of Carickfergus, Francis Stafford, Arthur Upton and William Lesley Esqs

For the County of Ardmagh, Major Sydney Fotherby, Arthur Brownlow and Thomas Ball Esqs

For the County of Tyrone, the Lord Glenaully, Major Sidney Fotherby and Arthur Newburgh Esq

For the City and County of Londonderry, Collonel William Cecill, Dudley Philips and Thomas Dawson Esqs

For the County of Donegall, Collonel William Cecill, William Waren and Wil­liam Dutton Esqs;

For the County of Monaghan, William Barton and Simon Richardson Esqs

For the County of Cavan, Sir Charles Hamilton, Humphrey Perrot and Thomas Gwillim Esq

For he County of Fermanagh, Sir Michael Cole and Cromwell Ward Esq

And in case any persons who by this Proclamation are required to bring in and deliver up their said Arms, shall neglect or refuse, to conform themselves and yield Obedience thereunto, We do hereby further declare, that We shall not only take a most strict and severe course for the seizing and securing their said Arms, but shall also look upon all those so detaining the same, both as contemners of His Majesties authority, and as persons designing the distur­bance of the publique Peace of this Kingdom.

GOD save the KING.

DƲBLIN▪ Printed by Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the KING's most Excellent Majesty; And are to be Sold by Joseph Wilde Book-seller in Castle-street 1673.

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